Hungarian Archbishop: “The German Church Is Anti-Christ”
Hungarian Archbishop: “The German Church Is Anti-Christ”

[Image: wcicknxlx4qs5u13ox3znf7b4726deu2cgr5pss....ormat=webp] | December 28, 2022

Retired Veszprém Archbishop Gyula Márfi, 79, Hungary, had to relocate from Veszprém to Szombathely in August because he had criticised plans for the "renovation" of his former cathedral that include the removal of a glass window of St Michael, put in by Bishop Bertalan Badalik OP (+1965) who was exiled by the communists. Márfi spoke to (December 25). Highlights

• “One of the most striking signs of the EU's anti-Christian ideology is the fact that its constitution speaks about Europe's Greco-Roman traditions and the [so called] Enlightenment but makes no mentioning of Christianity."

• Márfi believes that "Freemasons and Muslims" are joining forces to make Christianity disappear from Europe.

• He confirms that Christians also love homosexualists but "to make a cult of them is a mortal sin which is also against the laws of nature.“

• “The situation of the German Church is really disastrous."

• According to the German bishops it is not important whether Jesus was born or rose from the dead but whether he is born and rises "in you." Márfi calls this "absurd."

• "A significant number of German priests bless homosex pseudo-marriages, as well as cohabitation and life partnerships. This is no longer Christianity, it is anti-Christ."

• In a mixed society, individual loses their identity, culture, faith, language, they "become easily manipulated, which is ideal for the world's big business."
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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