German laywomen demand ‘female deacons’ at cathedral liturgy with clown dance
German laywomen demand ‘female deacons’ at cathedral liturgy with clown dance
Heretical German Catholic women called for ordination of ‘non-male people,’ including ‘intersex, trans, and non-binary people,’ at a women-led Liturgy of the Word in Speyer Cathedral where one woman danced as a clown.

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Women-led Liturgy of the Word with dancing clown at Speyer Cathedral
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Apr 30, 2024
SPEYER, Germany (LifeSiteNews) — Catholic laywomen demanded that the Church allow “female deacons” during a women-led church service in Speyer Cathedral that featured a dancing clown.

On February 29, representatives of Catholic women’s organizations and the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), a prominent lay group, hosted a Liturgy of the Word in the Cathedral of the Diocese of Speyer in the context of the nationwide “Day of the Deaconess.” According to the organizers, more than 350 people attended the service, most of them women.

The liturgy was led by women, according to a report from, including one dressed as a clown.

The laywomen called on the Church hierarchy to open the sacrament of Holy Orders to women, despite the Catholic Church’s dogmatic teaching that only men can be ordained.

According to, at one point during the service, the woman dressed as a clown danced in front of the altar, raising her hands in the air while singing, “Come to God. He will revive you.”

“The abundance of gifts and vocations of women given by God must finally be recognized in the Roman Catholic Church,” said Ulrike Göken-Huismann, one of the leaders of the Catholic Women’s Community of Germany (kfd), calling for ordination of “non-male people.”

It is “incomprehensible and no longer understandable that the decision-makers in our church have remained inactive for so long,” she claimed. “It is a form of abuse of power when non-male people remain excluded because of their gender.”

The women who organized the event did not only subscribe to feminism but also gnostic gender ideology. Ute Zeilmann, vice president of the Catholic German Women’s Association (KDFB), lamented that, in addition to women, so-called “intersex, trans, and non-binary people” are also barred from becoming deacons and priests.

READ: German prelate commissions 13 female ‘deacons in the spirit’ with support of bishops’ conference head

In March, the head of the German Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing, welcomed the idea of “female deacons,” saying that it would be “wonderful” if he could ordain women to the diaconate.

Bätzing, who has rejected Church teaching on numerous subjects without sanction from Pope Francis or the Vatican, wrongly claimed it would not distort the nature of the Church “if women were to exercise leadership, responsibility and decision-making in it on an equal footing with men.”

[Article continues here.]
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