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  Documentary about the Life of Maximillian Kolbe
Posted by: Stone - 08-14-2022, 07:02 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

Excerpt from the video description:

The Servant Brothers of the Home of the Mother have produced this documentary about the life of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, an outstanding Catholic figure of the 20th century.

Kolbe was a man with great apostolic zeal, a precursor in the use of the Mass Media for the transmission of the Gospel and consumed his life with the testimony of love as a martyr of charity in Auschwitz.

The source of his zeal was his passionate love for the Mother of God, the Immaculate.

In the midst of many exterior difficulties, physically limited by his tuberculosis, he worked passionately for the spread of the Gospel. He was a missionary in Japan, and his publications reached as far as India, China, and even Arabia. He founded a city in Poland called Niepokalanow dedicated to the Blessed Virgin.

Saint Maximilian Mary is an example of generosity in the surrendering of oneself to God and encourages us to foment a tender devotion to Mary. To belong to the Immacualte was his ideal.

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.

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  Artificial Intelligence - A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist
Posted by: Stone - 08-14-2022, 06:53 AM - Forum: Great Reset - Replies (1)

Artificial Intelligence - A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist

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ZH |  AUG 13, 2022
Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

Why do globalists have a deep rooted obsession with Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What is it about the fervent quest for an autonomous digitized brain that sends them into fits of ecstasy? Is it all about what AI can do for them and their agenda, or, is there also a darker “occult” element to the concept that is so appealing?

The World Economic Forum, an organization dedicated to the globalist “Great Reset” agenda, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the “Shared Economy,” dedicates a large portion of every annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland to discussion on AI and the expansion of its influence over daily life.

The United Nations holds extensive policy sessions on AI and has been spending a considerable amount of energy to establish “ethics rules” for the development and use of Artificial Intelligence. At the core of the UN’s efforts is the assertion that only the UN is qualified to dictate and control AI technologies; for the good of all mankind, of course. AI governance is slated to go into full effect by 2030 according to the UN’s own white papers (All globalist institutions have set 2030 as the target date for all of their projects).

Another lesser known but substantial organization is the World Government Summit held every year in Dubai. These summits are attended by many national leaders and representatives as well as corporate CEOs and celebrities. The primary subjects of focus at the WGS are usually climate change propaganda, centralization of the global economy, Transhumanism and AI.

Most of the public discussions on AI revolve around positive narratives; we are meant to be convinced on the many great advancements that AI technology will provide. Some of the “advantages” include transhumanist health modifications, computer implants in the body or brain, and even nanobots which may one day be advanced enough to change our very cells. In other words, in order to benefit from AI we must become less human and more machine.

Other supposed benefits require a vast array of new systems (some of them are being built now) that would allow algorithms to monitor every facet of our lives. Globalists often refer to these systems as the “internet of things” – Every appliance you own, the car you drive, every computer, every cell phone, every surveillance camera, every stop light, everything would be centralized into a single AI network within a city, and each city would be connected in a great spider’s web to a national AI database.

The Internet of Things is regularly mentioned in conjunction with climate change governance and carbon restrictions. The purpose is crystal clear – Governments and corporate elites want the ability to monitor every watt of energy you use everyday. This kind of full spectrum information makes it easier to dictate our decisions and our access to goods and services. They would have total control of anyone living within these “Smart Cities.” Your entire life, every second, would be watched and scrutinized.

But how could this be made possible? Millions upon millions of people living day-to-day; that’s a LOT of data to sift through to find anyone not following the rules. This is one of the reasons why the globalists are salivating over AI technologies – It’s the only tool available to collect and delineate mass data collection in real time.

Already, there are efforts to use AI systems to predict crime before it happens (pre-crime). These experiments are rather overhyped as they don’t actually predict specific crimes or identify specific criminals. Rather, they use statistical analysis to predict which areas of a city certain crimes are most likely to occur. You don’t need AI for this, any cop that’s worked in a city long enough can tell you when and where certain crimes are most likely to happen.

Hilariously, AI algorithms have recently been accused ofracial bias” when it comes to the areas they select for predictive crime, because often these areas tend to be in predominantly black neighborhoods and the most predicted criminals tend to be young black men. So, the computers have been accused of racial profiling just as many cops are accused of racial profiling.

Just another classic contradiction of the political left: They love the idea of climate change restrictions, transhumanism, and even AI surveillance when it suits them, but a computer does not care about your feelings and it doesn’t care about social taboos. It only cares about the numbers.

And this is where we get into the greater dangers inherent in AI. Imagine a world micro-managed by a cold dead algorithm that views you as only one of two things: A resource or a threat.

Prediction of pre-crime is nonsense; algorithms monitor habits and patterns and human beings tend to break patterns abruptly. People are affected by crisis events in different ways that are impossible to portend. There are far too many variables and there will never be a system that is able to predict the future, but that’s not going to stop the globalists from trying to force the issue.

AI governance is an inevitability according to globalist institutions – They claim that one day Artificial Intelligence will be used to govern whole societies and dole out punishment based on scientifically efficient models. They act as if this is just the natural path of mankind and one we cannot avoid, but in reality it is a self-fulfilling prophesy. It’s not necessarily meant to happen, it is being engineered to happen.

AI proponents argue that the algorithms cannot act with the same bias that humans do, therefore, they would be the best possible judges of human behavior. Every decision from production to distribution to healthcare to schooling to law and order would be managed by AI as a means to achieve ultimate “equity.”

As noted above, they’ve already run into the road block of statistical probability and the fact that even if AI is left to autonomously make decisions devoid of emotion, millions of people will still see those decisions as biased. And, in some ways they would be right.

The most logical decision is not always the most moral decision. Furthermore, an AI is programmed by its creator and can be engineered to make decisions with the creator’s biases in mind. Who gets to program the AI? Who gets to dictate its coding? Global elitists?

And here is where we get to the more “spiritual” element of the AI issue in relation to the globalists.

A couple years back I wrote an article titled ‘Luciferianism: A Secular Look At A Destructive Globalist Belief System.’ My goal in that piece was to outlined the large amount of evidence that globalists are in fact a kind of cult of organized psychopaths (people without empathy that take joy in destruction for the sake of personal gain). I concluded that globalists do indeed have a religion, and their root belief system according to the evidence is Luciferianism.

Yes, I’m sure there will be naysayers out there that will scoff at this notion, but the facts are undeniable. There is a distinct occult element to globalism, and Luciferianism pops up consistently as the root philosophy. I think I broke this down rather effectively in the article and I won’t rehash all the evidence here; people are welcome to read it if they wish.

I wrote from a secular standpoint because Luciferianism is an inherently destructive ideology even when viewed outside of the lens of Christian belief. Beyond that, there are psychological elements that need to be addressed that Christianity often ignores. Luciferian philosophy is tailor made for narcissistic and sociopathic people. The root of the cult is about “special” human beings that are not hindered by the boundaries of conscience, morals or ethics. Lack of empathy is seen as an advantage to progress and the ultimate goal of Luciferianism is godhood – A person becoming like a god, whether through being worshiped by others, the power of influence or by technological methods of extending life and abilities.

But what does this have to do with AI?

I believe that globalists view AI with such reverence because they think it is a new form of life, or an ultimate form of life – A life that they are creating (as gods create life). And, if you think about it symbolically, this new “life” is actually made in the image of its creators: It has no empathy, no remorse, no guilt, no love. For lack of a better word, it is soulless, much like globalist psychopaths are soulless.

If we are to look at AI in religious terms for a moment – AI is a kind of antithesis to the figure of Christ. Christ represents an all-knowing form of ultimate love and ultimate self sacrifice according to Christian doctrine. I don’t think there is a word for what AI ultimately represents. The only term that seems to fit is “Antichrist”: The all seeing eye. A rulership of a super-intelligence devoid of humanity.

To be clear, I DO NOT believe in end-of-the-world concepts portrayed by those that adhere to more popular interpretations of Revelations. I think the world changes. I think empires rise and fall and this can often be seen as the “end of the world” when it’s really just the end of an epoch. That said, I wholeheartedly believe in the existence of evil; evil being defined as willfully deceitful or destructive actions for purely personal or organizational benefit, such as murder or enslavement. Evil does indeed exist and is an observable element of human life.

There are also traits of humanity that lead to good, that prevent us from self destruction when we listen to them. Conscience, reason, wisdom and often faith can provide a shield against evil actions for the majority of us. If we didn’t have these pillars within our psyches we would have annihilated ourselves long ago. But, there are some who do not have conscience, that do not have empathy and they despise these traits as “limiting.”

AI is being designed by these kinds of people. And maybe they won’t cause the “end of the world” in terms we commonly understand (or in biblical terms), but over time they could take away everything that makes humanity worthy of the world. In a way, this would be an Apocalypse. It would be a living nightmare run by psychopathic people using sociopathic artificial intelligence, actively encouraging and enabling the masses to abandon their human bodies to become digital monstrosities and technological chimera.

If successful, it really would be the ultimate defilement of nature, or of God’s design if that is what you believe in. The pursuit of godhood is not worth it for most of us, but for the globalists it is the dream of an age, and they will do ANYTHING to achieve it.

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  Vatican renews Pope’s push for COVID vaccination as an ‘act of love’ in new video
Posted by: Stone - 08-14-2022, 06:40 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Spiritual] - No Replies

Vatican renews Pope’s push for COVID vaccination as an ‘act of love’ in new video
The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development reiterated the Pope's call to the faithful that taking an abortion-tainted COVID shot is 'an act of love' in new promotional material.

[Image: pope-francis--810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis advocating for wider distribution of the abortion-tainted COVID-19 shots in an August video.

Aug 13, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – As worldwide public health agencies announce a slowing down on national COVID-19 shot drives, even treating the virus like seasonal influenza, the Vatican has released a new video renewing calls for vaccine development and distribution for the novel coronavirus as an “act of love.”

“The Pandemic and the Magisterium of Pope Francis” is the third part in a series of materials created by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in collaboration with its COVID-19 Commission, Vatican News reported Friday.

The express aim of the project is to “explore the Pope’s teachings on the global health crisis, reaffirming that one does not come out of the crisis the same, but either better or worse.”

Stitching together archived footage of the Holy Father, the video highlights the Pope’s encouragement of the faithful to take the COVID jabs “as an act of love,” despite the available shots having been derived from aborted fetal cell lines.

“Being vaccinated with the vaccines authorized by the competent authorities is an act of love,” the Pope is shown saying as the video opens, “and contributing to ensure the majority of people are vaccinated is an act of love. Love for oneself, love for one’s family and friends, love for all people.”

The video also highlighted the Pope’s call for COVID-19 shots to first be distributed among the “poorest and most vulnerable,” decrying the possibility that “priority … be given to the richest.”

“It would be sad if this vaccine were to become the property of this nation or another, rather than universal and for all,” the Pope said of the abortion-tainted jabs.

The video also focused on apparent “misinformation” being published regarding the COVID shots, asking viewers to “help provide correct and truthful information about COVID-19 and vaccines, without digging trenches or creating ghettos.”

“The pandemic opens our eyes to what is essential, what is truly important, and the need for us to be saved together,” the video continues, adding the Pope’s exhortation to “be together for, and never against.”

“Let us remember too that access to vaccines … must be ensured to all, including the poor: we will get better if we get better together.”

In Denmark, the government has moved away from continuing to offer COVID shots in a broad and coercive manner to all citizens, opting to focus efforts on the over 50s while restricting children under 18-years-of-age from getting jabbed without the express approval of a doctor.

“Based on previous experience, we expect COVID-19 to be a seasonal disease. This means that the disease most likely flares up in fall and winter, just as we know it from, for example, influenza,” the government wrote.

In the U.S. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appears to have relaxed its view on the nature of the virus, acknowledging the effectiveness of natural immunity against illness and suggesting that travel restrictions for the unvaccinated might soon be dropped.

The CDC still recommends vaccination against COVID.

“The pandemic has highlighted the urgent need to promote public health and to make every person’s right to basic medical care a reality,” the Pope states in the Vatican’s new video. “For this reason, I renew my appeal to political leaders and the private sector to spare no effort to ensure access to COVID-19 vaccines.”

By contrast, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of St. Mary’s, Kazakhstan, has consistently held that while public health is an important issue, that the good of health can never supersede the value of the life of the unborn taken for the production of a vaccine or other medicine.

“We will never acquiesce to this injustice, even if it is already so widespread in medicine,” Schneider wrote for LifeSiteNews last April. “It is not allowed to treat unborn children, the lives of the weakest and most defenseless people in the whole world, in such a degrading way, so that the stronger, those already born, may receive a temporal health benefit from their use.”

“It is incomprehensible how churchmen, with the aid of abstract theories from moral theology, can tranquilize the conscience of the faithful, by allowing them to use such vaccines and medicines,” Schneider charged.

“The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from vaccines and medicines which utilize their remains in any manner whatsoever. We have to make reparation for the accumulated crimes involved in their production,” he added.

In addition to the moral concerns, considerable health issues have been linked to the injections. The CDC on Friday released its latest data showing that a total of 1,379,438 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Aug. 5, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data in the voluntary reporting scheme included a total of 30,162 reports of deaths. However, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

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  WEF Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"
Posted by: Stone - 08-13-2022, 06:05 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

World Economic Forum Calls For Merging Of Human And AI Intel To Censor "Hate Speech" & "Misinformation"

[Image: 12822schwab1.jpg?itok=mSF01nas]

ZH | AUG 12, 2022

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Despite the fact that no one asked, the World Economic Forum is now advocating for the merger of human and artificial intelligence systems to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is even allowed to be posted.

A report published to the official WEF website ominously warns about the peril of “the dark world of online harms.”

But the globalist body, run by comic book Bond villain Klaus Schwab, has a solution.

They want to merge the ‘best’ aspects of human censorship and AI machine learning algorithms to ensure that people’s feelings don’t get hurt and counter-regime opinions are blacklisted.

Quote:“By uniquely combining the power of innovative technology, off-platform intelligence collection and the prowess of subject-matter experts who understand how threat actors operate, scaled detection of online abuse can reach near-perfect precision,” states the article.

After engaging in a whole host of mumbo jumbo, the article concludes by proposing “a new framework: rather than relying on AI to detect at scale and humans to review edge cases, an intelligence-based approach is crucial.”

Quote:By bringing human-curated, multi-language, off-platform intelligence into learning sets, AI will then be able to detect nuanced, novel abuses at scale, before they reach mainstream platforms. Supplementing this smarter automated detection with human expertise to review edge cases and identify false positives and negatives and then feeding those findings back into training sets will allow us to create AI with human intelligence baked in,” the article rambles.

In other words, your free speech will probably get censored before you’re even able to post it on social media sites. Some are calling it “preemptive censorship.”

Or as the WEF puts it, “Trust and safety teams can stop threats rising online before they reach users.”

No doubt that a central part of such “misinformation” will be strident denunciation of the WEF itself, given that the organization is notorious for blocking its critics on Twitter.

Many would ask why the World Economic Forum, amidst a cost of living crisis, upcoming energy rationing and a global recession, is concerning itself with any of this.

Why don’t they just stick to the economy?

“It’s never a sure bet if this Davos-based elite’s mouthpiece comes up with its outlandish “solutions” and “proposals” as a way to reinforce existing, or introduce new narratives; or just to appear busy and earn its keep from those bankrolling it,” writes Didi Rankovic.

Quote:“No – it’s not the runaway inflation, energy costs, and even food security in many parts of the world. For how dedicated to globalization the organization is, it’s strangely tone-deaf to what is actually happening around the globe.”

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  New CDC COVID guidelines throw out quarantine, allow for benefits of natural immunity
Posted by: Stone - 08-12-2022, 02:08 PM - Forum: Health - No Replies

New CDC COVID guidelines throw out quarantine, allow for benefits of natural immunity
Two and half years later, the federal health agency also acknowledges that testing everyone is not a good strategy.

Aug 12, 2022
ATLANTA, Georgia (LifeSiteNews) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new guidance on COVID-19 Thursday, implicitly acknowledging the effectiveness of natural immunity, and hinting at future easing of COVID “travel” rules.

Individuals exposed to someone with COVID-19 do not need to isolate themselves if they do not have any symptoms, according to new guidelines released by the CDC on Thursday.

The CDC also acknowledged that some people are not at a significant risk of infection due to natural immunity and that COVID is likely here to stay like other diseases like the flu. The new rules now treat those “who are not up to date on COVID-19 vaccines” the same as those “who are up to date on COVID-19 vaccines.”

However, the health agency still recommends everyone to get vaccinated.

“This guidance acknowledges that the pandemic is not over, but also helps us move to a point where COVID-19 no longer severely disrupts our daily lives,” CDC official Greta Massetti stated in the Thursday announcement.

The CDC now recommends that “instead of quarantining if you were exposed to COVID-19, you wear a high-quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5.” Studies have called into question the effectiveness of mask wearing to prevent the transmission of the virus.

The CDC also no longer recommends “screening testing of asymptomatic people without known exposures… in most community settings.” Some universities, for example, had required students to get tested once or twice per week, if not more.

The six-feet social distancing rule has also been thrown out – the CDC now states that “physical distance is just one component of how to protect yourself and others.”

“It is important to consider the risk in a particular setting, including local COVID-19 Community Levels and the important role of ventilation, when assessing the need to maintain physical distance,” the CDC says.

“In the coming weeks CDC will work to align stand-alone guidance documents, such as those for healthcare settings, congregate settings at higher risk of transmission, and travel, with today’s update,” the CDC announced.

One medical expert who opposed the CDC’s COVID restrictions commented that his views were now being acknowledged.

“The CDC guidance to end mass asymptomatic testing is a big deal, though it comes a full 2 years too late,” Stanford University medical Professor Jay Bhattacharya wrote on Twitter. “If your child is going on a field trip and has no symptoms and is forced to test, make sure to let the authorities know that they are violating CDC guidelines.”

Quote:The CDC guidance to end mass asymptomatic testing is a big deal, though it comes a full 2 years too late. If your child is going on a field trip and has no symptoms and is forced to test, make sure to let the authorities know that they are violating CDC guidelines.

— Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) August 12, 2022

He linked to a September 2020 Wall Street Journal op-ed he wrote with Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff that argued against asymptomatic mass testing, particularly for children and young adults.

“There is little purpose in using tests to check asymptomatic children to see if it is safe for them to come to school. When children are infected, most are asymptomatic, and the mortality risk is lower than for the flu,” the pair wrote. “While adult-to-adult and adult-to-child transmission is common, child-to-adult transmission isn’t. Children thus pose minimal risk to their teachers. If a child has a cough, a runny nose or other respiratory symptoms, he should stay home. You don’t need a test for that.”

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  WEF Advisor Says Global Elite ‘Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ to Live
Posted by: Stone - 08-12-2022, 07:05 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

WEF Advisor Says Global Elite ‘Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ to Live
The World Economic Forum regularly calls for the mass extermination of human beings

[Image: 3C1D32B4-5243-4E79-AD26-623CE0332EBF.jpeg]

National File | August 11, 2022

A top-level World Economic Forum (WEF) advisor says that we simply “don’t need the vast majority of the population,” and called for human beings to be replaced by machines whenever possible, saying that beyond producing data, people are just no longer “useful” to the global elite and their agenda.

World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Harari, an Israeli national who is described as a “historian and futurist,” made the remarks during an interview with Chris Anderson that was published on Tuesday. Anderson, the head of TED, interviewed Harari as part of TED’s audio collective, which is meant to take a deeper dive into issues than is done in standard “TED Talks.”

After declaring that humankind has reached the end of history, Harari made the claim that “we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” due to technological advancements and the simple fact that humans are no longer useful to their governments and the globalist organizations they intertwine with.

While as recently as the 20th century, governments were able to look at their citizens through the lens of labor and production, now, they see a bunch of people who just don’t understand “big words” and are growing “resentful” over the fact that “the future doesn’t need [them],” because we “have all these smart people in California and in New York and in Beijing, and they are planning this amazing future with artificial intelligence and bio-engineering and in global connectivity and whatnot.”

In the 21st century, Harari says, “we just don’t need the vast majority of the population. Because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering. Most people don’t contribute anything to that, except perhaps for their data, and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.”

Curiously, Harari never described what would be done with the people once they are “replaced.”

Listen to World Economic Forum Advisor Yuval Harari’s Full TED Interview Below:

Harari’s anti-human sentiments expressed in his Ted interview are nothing new. Earlier this year, he warned of a growing class of “useless people” not needed by the global elite and suggested keeping them docile by way of drugs and video games.

“The biggest question maybe in economics and politics in the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people,” Harari said. “The problem is more boredom, what to do with them and how will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless…My best guess at present is a combination of drugs and computer games.”

Read More: WEF Advisor Yuval Harari Ponders How World Will Deal With ‘Useless People’

Harari’s views on mankind and the future of the world are commonly held among his World Economic Forum colleagues, as well as others within the globalist circles directing governments worldwide.

Led by Klaus Schwab, the son of a major industrialist in Nazi Germany, the World Economic Forum has taken on a highly visible role in recent years, promoting COVID lockdowns, open borders, and other forms of tyranny. It is often identified as the group which sits atop the so-called “New World Order,” and has even planned to block out the sun in a supposed effort to halt “climate change.”

At one of the World Economic Forum’s recent gatherings, Primatologist Jane Goodall, who gained fame by spending years living alone among monkeys and apes, suggested that 90% of the world’s population be eliminated, in order to solve global issues. If Goodall had her way, the global human population would be somewhere around 500 million souls, the population level recommended by the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, which were recently destroyed by a lightning strike.

VIDEO: Jane Goodall Says Global Issues ‘Wouldn’t Be A Problem’ If Human Population Was 94% Lower At World Economic Forum

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  Pope welcomes transgender group to Vatican for the fourth time this year
Posted by: Stone - 08-12-2022, 06:46 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope welcomes transgender group to Vatican for the fourth time this year
One individual who reportedly had sex-change surgery was part of a group, led by a priest and a nun, that attended Wednesday's papal audience.

[Image: Pope-Francis-2-810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis

Aug 11, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) — Pope Francis received in audience at the Vatican for a fourth time members of a group of transgender individuals.

L’Osservatore Romano reported today that at the Wednesday Papal audience this week, the Holy Father greeted and exchanged a few words with a group of persons who have either undergone a “sex-change” surgery or who simply identify as the opposite of their actual sex. The group was led by Sister Genevieve Jeanningros and Father Andrea Conocchia, who said the Pope’s welcome gave the group hope.

The Pope met with members of the group previously on April 27, June 22, and Aug. 3, according to L’Osservatore Romano. The meetings come as bishops and priests increasingly and openly have come out in support of homosexual and transgender lifestyles. The open dissent from the Church’s constant teaching ranges from hosting a Mass of Thanksgiving for a homosexual union in Bologna and a Mass featuring a drag queen in San Diego, to an “ecumenical LGBT prayer service” in Dublin and calls for accepting homosexual men within the priesthood in Germany. German prelates have gone so far as to call for a wholesale changing of the Church’s sexual moral teaching, in what other cardinals and bishops have denounced as open apostacy and schism.

In the name of inclusion, acceptance, accompaniment, and progress, the agenda of LGBTQ lobbyists is being pushed continually at the highest levels of the Church. “No one should encounter injustice or being thrown away, everyone has the dignity of being a child of God,” Jeanningros is quoted to have said, referring to the push to make room for sexually deviant lifestyles within the Church.

As LifeSiteNews reported earlier this summer, after the June 22 Papal meeting with members of the same “transgender” group, Alessia Nobile, a 43-year-old man who identifies as a woman, praised the welcome he received from Pope Francis. He had given the Pope a copy of his autobiography, called “La bambina invisible,” detailing the transgender thoughts and desires he had when young that led to his “transition.” The pontiff reportedly told him, “You did well to write your story. Bravo!” The man added that Francis also told him to “always be myself, but not to be wrapped up in prejudice against the Church.”

Despite the LGBTQ lobbying, the Church has not and cannot change its teaching of homosexuality or transgender issues, since it is based upon the order of nature established by God the Creator and stands immutably as part of the deposit of faith. [... See] the Apostolic teaching of St. Paul in the First Letter to the Corinthians. “Do you not know that the unjust will not possess the kingdom of heaven? Do not err; neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor the evil-tongued, nor the greedy will possess the kingdom of God.”

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  A Ritual to Baal? The Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games
Posted by: Stone - 08-11-2022, 08:00 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

A Ritual to Baal? The Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games

Vigilant Citizen | August 7, 2022

The opening ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games contained some bizarre scenes involving people revering a giant bull. Was this ritualistic ceremony actually Baal worship in plain sight? Here’s a look at this symbolic event.

One of the things this site has proven throughout the years is that the occult elite loves opening ceremonies. Indeed, these long-winded and highly symbolic affairs have become nothing less than mega-rituals that celebrate the devious plans and dark beliefs of the elite.

The plans are “devious” because they brazenly go against the well-being of the masses. They revolve around using fear, control, and relentless propaganda to coerce people into accepting a global culture that leads the way toward a global government.

The beliefs are “dark” because they involve the evilest and most depraved practices known to man. They’re about dark rituals, blood sacrifices, and, most disgustingly, preying on the innocence of children. In short, they’re all about Satanism – in the truest sense of the word.

Amazingly enough, all of this madness is incorporated into ceremonies that are watched by millions. And most viewers do not even realize it.

In 2012, I published an article about the opening and closing ceremonies of the London Olympics which contained a mind-boggling amount of symbolism. And things got very dark.

In 2016, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland (the world’s largest tunnel) was another mind-boggling affair that was needlessly dark and ritualistic.

Nearly exactly 10 years after the 2012 London Olympics, the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth games took place in Birmingham, England. And, again, it was a highly ritualistic affair that was contaminated with the obsessions of the occult elite. Here’s a look at what happened.

Uncommon wealth

The opening ceremony of the Commonwealth games began rather… normally. Some vintage cars owned by local residents were driven into the stadium to form the shape of the Union Jack – a tribute to Birmingham’s role in automotive history. This portion of the show culminated with Prince Charles driving his own Aston Martin into the stadium.

[Image: G_045_Cha.jpg]

Then, things got dark.

[Image: G_045_Hor.jpg]

Then, it arrived.

[Image: G_045_Wom.jpg]

What does this thing represent? First, Birmingham has a long history with bulls. The city is home to the Bull Ring market where, since the Middle Ages, bulls were once held before slaughter.

However, Birmingham 2022 provides more interpretation to this bull scene:

[Image: G_045_Bir.jpg]

Faced with this explanation, a few questions immediately come to mind. First: What do the working conditions of people in the 19th century have to do with a sporting event?

The second question would be: In this context, what does the bull actually represent? The industrial revolution? The oppression of men (even though their working conditions were not better)? That’s not quite clear.

However, as one watches the entire ceremony, it becomes clear that this bull scene represents much more than a worker strike.

[Image: G_045_Fea.jpg]

[Image: G_045_Tam.jpg]

Then, for several awkward minutes, people gather around the bull to literally worship it. There are no other words to describe what is happening.

[Image: G_045_Lig.jpg]

This is an appropriate time to note that Lucifer means “light bearer”. And these people are literally “bearing light” to honor the bull. This is all pure Luciferian symbolism.

[Image: G_045_Pro.jpg]

This is highly symbolic and proof that the bull represents more than a worker strike (or whatever). The definition of “to prostrate” is:

stretched out with face on the ground in adoration or submission.

Here’s another image of people prostrating themselves to a bull-like figure. His name: Baal.

[Image: G_045_Chi.jpg]

People have been fearing, revering, and carrying sacrifices to this bull for thousands of years. It is still happening today.

[Image: G_045_Baa.jpg]

Several ancient civilizations in the Middle East worshipped a deity named Baal (which means “master” or “lord”). Often represented as a bull, Baal was said to be the son of the chief god El. And, the least one can say is that the Baal worship was… involved.

Quote:Baal worship was rooted in sensuality and involved ritualistic prostitution in the temples. At times, appeasing Baal required human sacrifice, usually the firstborn of the one making the sacrifice. The priests of Baal appealed to their god in rites of wild abandon, which included loud ecstatic cries and self-inflicted injury. – Julian Kennedy, Baal Worship

When monotheistic religions spread across the Mediterranean, Baal became nothing less than the face of evil. For instance, Numbers 25:1-3 in the Old Testament states:

Quote:While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women, who invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. The people ate and bowed down before these gods. So Israel joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor. And the Lord’s anger burned against them.

In the New Testament, Jesus calls Satan Beelzebub (Baʿal Zebub), forever associating Baal with Satan and the “prince of demons”.

The story of Baal worship is long, complex, and related to other figures such as Moloch. With that being said, one thing about Baal is clear: He is identified as an enemy of God in the holy books of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

And it is exactly for this reason that the occult elite still reveres Baal to this day. He represents the ancient gods of the past who were appeased using child sacrifices and sacred prostitution. Things the elite still practice today.

In conclusion

The opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games was panned by some critics for being too “woke”. They stated that the presence of an LGBT flag was completely out of place in a sporting event while the ceremony’s obsessive promotion of multiculturalism reeked of globalist propaganda.

Indeed, the opening ceremony heavily promoted globalist dogma which revolves around negating local culture and history to promote a homogenous global culture.

But there’s a deeper, spiritual dimension to these political aims. A core belief of the occult elite is about them becoming gods. It is the ultimate goal of all occult secret societies.

Therefore, the Baal figure in this ceremony represents also the elite itself which (in its mind) ascended to godhood.

Women pulled the bull into the stadium using chains the same way people have been carrying the elite through submission and slavery. The bull trampled around the stadium causing fear and panic the same way the elite deliberately causes chaos and confusion to advance its plans. People prostrated themselves to the bull the same way the masses submit to the elite in fear of being trampled by it.

And now this bull, a representative of Baal and the elite that identifies with him, is permanently on display in Birmingham.

[Image: G_045_Sym.jpg]

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  Gunman targets Catholic church in Denver with two drive-by shootings
Posted by: Stone - 08-11-2022, 06:03 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Gunman targets Catholic church in Denver with two drive-by shootings
‘We are praying for the conversion of whoever did this,’ Deacon Derrick Johnson said of the armed attacker.

[Image: Assumption-of-the-Blessed-Virgin-Mary-Ca...10x500.jpg]

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church

Aug 10, 2022 -
DENVER, Colorado (LifeSiteNews (adapted) – A Denver-area Catholic church was shot at by a gunman in two separate early morning attacks over the weekend.

During the morning hours of Saturday and Monday, a gunman shot at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church near Denver, causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage, according to the Catholic News Agency (CNA).

“In the early morning of Aug. 6 and 8, there were two separate incidents of shootings that hit the front doors at Assumption Parish,” Deacon Derrick Johnson told CNA.

Johnson reported that security footage of the first attack showed “a single motorcyclist shooting what we believe to be a pistol as he drove by.”

According to photos of the church, the gunshots broke a window and damaged doors, and doorframes. A bullet hit and broke an outer window above a set of double doors, shattering the glass. Johnson estimated damage amounting to $75,000 as the bullets hit the church’s newly installed custom-fit doors.

“The first morning we discovered three shots, two into the door and one through the stained glass in the door,” Johnson said. “Two of the bullets were recovered and given to the Adams County sheriff.”

“On Monday morning, another bullet impact was discovered, this time above the doors, impacting the protective layer of the stained glass. The projectile was also given to the sheriff’s office,” he added.

“We are praying for the conversion of whoever did this,” Johnson recounted. “If there’s any opportunity to speak to that person, we’d be happy to speak with them and have a dialogue.”

Adjoining the parish is Assumption School, serving about 130 students in pre-K through eighth grade. While the students were not affected as school is out for the summer, Johnson declared that “the highest security precautions” will be taken for the school year.

Acts of vandalism and arson began escalating after news of the leaked draft report in May that could overturn Roe v. Wade. Pro-abortion radical group Jane’s Revenge has claimed responsibility for attacks against pro-life organizations and churches across America.

After the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, pro-life pregnancy centers and Catholic churches have continued to face violence, vandalism, and arson.

There have been over 60 documented attacks on pregnancy centers across the U.S. A Catholic advocacy group launched a map showing 200 attacks on Catholic churches since 2020, as anti-Catholic violence has increased.

Last month, pro-abortion activists defaced the doors of St. Bernard Catholic Church in Madison, Wisconsin as abortions ceased in the state after the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Recently, Democrats unanimously voted to block a resolution condemning the ongoing violence against churches and pregnancy centers across the country.

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  The Traditional Skills Summit
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-10-2022, 12:50 PM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

Traditional Skills Summit

If you’ve been wondering how to make the shift to a more self-sufficient way of life without making the move to the country and buying cows and chickens... or if you’re a seasoned homesteader ready to do more with your hands and heart…

Then you don’t want to miss this!
September 12 - 15

12 expert speakers. 4 info-packed days. 1 great outcome.

THE online summit of 2022 to help you cultivate traditional homesteading skills with confidence!

All for free.


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  Netherlands to Shut Down 11,200 farms to meet climate goals
Posted by: Stone - 08-10-2022, 07:42 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Netherlands to Shut Down 11,200 farms to meet climate goals

[Image: https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-43...04x568.png]

Peter Sweden [adapted]| August 9, 2022

If you have followed my reporting you probably know about the protests happening in the Netherlands. Tens of thousands of farmers have taken to the streets to protest against new climate goals which will force farmers to shut down their farms.

They have set hay bales on fire on motorways and dumped manure and even blocked supermarket distribution centers.

Around 1/5 of farms will be forced to shut down!

According to calculations done by the Finance ministry, a whopping 11 200 livestock farmers will be forced to shut down by the government to reduce nitrogen emissions in order to meet European environmental rules. Another 17 600 farmers would need to reduce the amount of animals they keep to meet these climate goals.

And this is bad. Because there are about 54 000 farms in the Netherlands, meaning that around 1/5 of all farms will be forced to shut down and almost 1/3 of farms forced to scale down and reduce livestock.

Meaning that thousands and thousands of farmers will be loosing their livelihoods in order to meet government climate goals.

They are literally going to make people loose their livelihoods in order to meet climate goals. That is crazy. Not only that, think about all the food that will be lost as a result of this. We are already facing a food crisis due to sky high fertilizer prices and grain shortages due to the war in Ukraine.

We need more food now, not less! The climate change fanatics are trying to bring us back to the middle ages.

The state is planning on forcing farmers to sell their farms to the state (buying them out). State sanctioned appropriation of farms and land. Now where have I heard about that kind of thing before…? Oh yes, under Communism. I told you that this is Climate Communism and that The Great Reset is just another word for Global Communism.

And it seems like people in the Netherlands are not happy with these government plans, as the political party of the Prime Minister in the Netherlands, VVD, has reached a new all-time low in the polls. If there was an election now, they would lose 13 of their 34 seats in parliament. A whopping 7 out of 10 voters say that they are dissatisfied with the Cabinet of the Prime Minister. Meanwhile the new party called Farmer-Citizen Movement is now polling in second place.

Farmers held a meeting with the government on Friday, however some farmers are not satisfied with the results and are talking about more protests, with a farmers group that claims to represent 95% of agriculture pledging the ”toughest demonstrations ever”.

So the state is planning on forcing farmers to shut down under the excuse of climate change. Forcing them to sell their farms. Essentially this is a form of seizing the means of production. It is basically Communism. Climate Communism.

And we all know how that has gone when the state has seized farms before. Look no further than what happened under Stalin in Ukraine or under Mao in China.

It is not all bad news however. I guess we will be getting brand new factories producing bug snacks. Or we might get more of ”sustainable” supermarkets like the one named Picnic in the Netherlands which got €600 million in investments, the majority coming from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation! This supermarket focusing on things like vegan food and delivering food in electric vehicles.

A millionaire investor at Picnic who has also been the director there, is family with a Dutch Minister who has been involved with these new nitrogen laws.

You will eat the bugs and you will be happy. You will own nothing and you will be happy.

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  Canadian gov’t data shows 260% increase in anti-Catholic hate crimes
Posted by: Stone - 08-09-2022, 11:48 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Canadian gov’t data shows 260% increase in anti-Catholic hate crimes
According to Canada Statistics, the total recorded hate crimes against Catholics rose from 43 in 2020, to 155 in 2021.

[Image: sacred_heart_church_burning-810x500.jpg]

Following unsubstantiated media reports about Catholic atrocities, Sacred Heart Church on Penticton Indian Band Land was set on fire.

Aug 9, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) – Statistics from Canada’s national statistical office, Statistics Canada, show a 260% increase in hate crimes targeting Catholics in Canada. 

On August 2, Statistics Canada published a report revealing that hate crimes across the country against Catholics in 2021 experienced the largest rise out of any group, a news story which was largely ignored by mainstream media

“Undoubtedly, this increase can be attributed to attacks on Catholic churches in Canada in 2021 including the deliberate burning down of churches,” related the Catholic Civil Rights League of Canada (CCRLC).

“Mainstream media has reported the overall 27 percent increase, but the most staggering of all increases, the 260% rise in anti-Catholic hate crimes, has been largely ignored,” it continued. 

The government issued report tracked all police-reported hate crimes from 2020 to 2021. According to the report, crimes targeting Muslims increased by 71%, while crimes targeting Jews increased by 47%. Attacks on “other religions” increased by 60%.

While mainstream media outlets, such as CTV News and the National Post, reported the overall 27% increase of attacks, the increase of attacks against Catholics was largely ignored, as the total recorded hate crimes against Catholics rose from 43 in 2020, to 155 in 2021.

“Our politicians must speak out against this alarming trend and law enforcement officials must vigorously investigate all incidents of hate crimes against Catholics and charge those responsible,” the CCRLC said.

“We will follow through to make sure that law enforcement responds with vigor to this alarming trend in anti-Catholic violence,” it continued.

The organization provides a database tracking attacks on Catholic churches across Canada, with attacks ranging from graffiti to arson. 

The increasing targeting of Catholics is at least partly attributed to the misrepresentation of the Catholic Church’s role in the residential schools for Indigenous children. 

Pro-abortion Prime Minister Justin Trudeau slammed the Catholic Church in light of the Kamloops “mass graves,” blaming the Church for abuses at residential schools, despite evidence that abuse was actually caused by the Canadian government. 

Furthermore, misleading reports of the alleged “mass graves” sparked a series of attacks against Catholic churches across Canada. More recent investigations from January 2022, found that despite the allegations of “physical genocide” on the part of the Church, no graves have actually been found.

However, despite this, Canada Day 2021 saw a wave of anti-Catholic violence as 11 Christian churches in Calgary, the majority of them Catholic, were defaced.

In June 2021, seven Catholic churches, five of them belonging specifically to First Nations communities, suffered arson, and five were burned to the ground. 

Last month, following his “apology tour” in Canada, Pope Francis apologized for an alleged ‘genocide’ of Indigenous peoples at residential schools, despite historical evidence proving this never occurred.

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  Short video showing how much was changed in the 'creation' of the New Mass
Posted by: Stone - 08-09-2022, 07:53 AM - Forum: New Rite Sacraments - No Replies

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  France to introduce biometric health cards
Posted by: Stone - 08-08-2022, 08:22 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

France to introduce biometric health cards
Conservative lawmakers pushed for them to be introduced.

[Image: CarteVitale9.jpeg]

Reclaim the Net | August 5, 2022

French lawmakers have approved a plan to launch a biometric health card. The project was pushed as part of the financial aid package to address the cost-of-living crisis.

France has a health card called Carte Vitale, which allows those registered in the country’s health system to get reimbursements for medical costs. The payments are made automatically because the card is linked to the user’s bank account.

The biometric Carte Vitale has strong support from conservative lawmakers and they made it a condition for them to pass the financial aid package. Supporters of the new Carte Vitale argue that it will help combat welfare fraud.

Explaining how it would work, center-right MP Thibault Bazin said the card will have a chip that would contain “physical characteristics of the insured, such as their fingerprints” to enable identity verification.

Biometrics ensure that only the cardholder can use the card and the chip would allow for instant deactivation once the card is reported stolen.

Those who oppose the biometric Carte Vitale that the process will be lengthy, costly, and another threat to privacy.

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  Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta to trial biometrics for entry
Posted by: Stone - 08-08-2022, 08:11 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta to trial biometrics for entry
More invasive technology.

[Image: mb-stadium.jpg]

Reclaim the Net | August 7, 2022

The National Football League’s Atlanta Falcons and Denver Broncos are trialling biometrics for concession payments and fan entry.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Mercedes-Benz Stadium, home to the Falcons and soccer team Atlanta United, plans to trial biometrics with 50 to 100 season ticket holders in the club-seat section.

The trial, which is voluntary, will use facial recognition to identify people and how many tickets they have. The technology could be extended to cover automated purchases at concession stands, restaurants, and bars.

The owner of the two clubs in Atlanta said that palm prints could be considered and added that fans in the trial will be asked about the effectiveness of the technologies.

Concessions operator Aramark has launched TenderBar at Empower Field at Mile High, home of the Denver Broncos, to verify identity and age using facial recognition technology provided by Trueface, according to a report by 9News. The technology also uses analytics to offer fans the same thing they previously bought.

The New York Mets and other teams have launched facial recognition technology for stadium access control, while the biometric bars are operating at the home games of the Jacksonville Jaguars.

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