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  Pope calls for ‘dialogue’ to promote lay and female ministries
Posted by: Stone - 08-25-2022, 06:31 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis cites Vatican II as the impetus for nearly everything he does, every radical change, and always going further than his Conciliar predecessors.

Pope hails post-Vatican II liturgical moves, calls for ‘dialogue’ to promote lay and female ministries
Pope Francis called for discussions amongst the world’s bishops to further promote the changes to the Church promoted after Vatican II.
His letter was described as pushing ‘a revolutionary process.’

[Image: Francis-women-810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis receives the cruets from two women during Mass

Aug 24, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) — Pope Francis has issued a message praising the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s abolition of the Catholic Church’s traditional minor orders, calling for further examination of the “richness” of this decision, and hinting at future actions that would undermine the ordained priesthood.

In a nearly 10,000-word message published by the Holy See on August 24, but signed August 15, Pope Francis wrote to “bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated persons” and the entire Church, praising the revolutionary changes brought about by Pope Paul VI in his 1972 motu proprioMinisteria quaedam.” In that document, Paul VI curtailed the “minor orders” of tonsure, porter, lector, exorcist and acolyte, as well as the major order of subdeacon, highlighting instead “the universal priesthood of believers.” Paul VI also changed the minor orders from “ordinations” to “institutions.”

Francis referenced this 50-year-old document, saying that “in the fruitful but not tension-free context that followed the Second Vatican Council” it “offered the Church an important perspective that had the force to inspire further developments.”

According to Francis, Paul VI’s document is to be understood as the inspiration and guiding light of Francis’ own controversial liturgical writings of 2021. These are his motu proprioSpiritus Domini” – by which he changed Canon Law to open up the male roles of lector and acolyte to women – and his apostolic letter “Antiquum ministerium,” which further drew on texts from Vatican II to establish the lay ministry of catechist for both men and women.

“These two interventions should not be interpreted as an overcoming of previous doctrine, but as a further development made possible because it is based on the same principles – consistent with the reflection of the Second Vatican Council,” Pope Francis wrote.

Renewed focus on ‘baptismal ministries’ with new ‘dialogue’

Expanding on the Second Vatican Council’s highlighting of the “common priesthood” of the faithful, Francis repeatedly and vaguely referenced the “Spirit,” identifying the process of listening to the “Spirit” as the justification for further liturgical upheaval. 

Quote:In order to be able to listen to the voice of the Spirit and not halt the process – being careful not to want to force it by imposing choices that are the fruit of ideological visions – I think it is useful to share, all the more in the climate of the synodal journey, the experiences of these years.

The 85-year-old Pontiff suggested that the post-Conciliar decades could “offer valuable indications for arriving at a harmonious vision of the issue of baptismal ministries and thus continue on our journey.”

With this end in mind – apparently presuming the Church had not understood the “baptismal ministries” until Vatican II – Francis revealed his desire for bishops’ conferences around the world to examine the theme behind both his and Paul VI’s revolutionary documents.

Francis wrote:

Quote:For this reason I wish in the coming months, in the ways that will be defined, to initiate a dialogue on the topic with the Bishops’ Conferences in order to be able to share the richness of the ministerial experiences that in these fifty years the Church has lived both as instituted ministries (lectors, acolytes and, only recently, catechists) and as extraordinary and de facto ministries.

The “dialogue” will also work in tandem with the current Synod on Synodality, as the Pope suggested, which is looking for a “decisive” concept of self-understanding for the Church, based on the views of Catholics, including Catholics who no longer practice the faith, and non-Catholics alike.

Papal pushing for female, lay ministry instead of ordained men

The Pope’s letter is particularly significant given its timing. He will appoint 21 new cardinals on Saturday before meeting with all the cardinals for two days the following week. His call for a Church-wide “dialogue” to examine how the gradual abolition of male-only orders can “share the richness” of the past 50 years of the Church, could likely be thus renewed and addressed in next week’s meetings.

This comes on the back of a consistent campaign over the past 18 months by Pope Francis to expand the role of women in the Church. Following Spiritus Domini and Antiquum ministerium, in January 2022, Pope Francis appointed women to the liturgical ministries of catechist and lector for the first time. Only last month he announced women would soon join the male-only commission to appoint bishops.

But Dr. Peter Kwasniewski – Thomist and liturgical scholar – has long warned against Francis’ opening of the Church’s orders to women and laymen.

Writing in response to Francis’ latest letter, Kwasniewski described it as “a solid hymn of praise for the abolition of the traditional hierarchy of lower sacred offices and their substitution by spurious ‘lay ministries’ purportedly rooted in baptism and in a call for greater participation in liturgy. Boilerplate stuff there.”

Pope Francis “substitutes a revolutionary process for coherent doctrine and practice,” Kwasniewski wrote. “And of course, he cites ‘development of doctrine,’ his favorite way to pull rabbits out of hats (or doves out of miters).”

About Paul VI’s Ministeria Quaedam itself, Kwasniewski previously wrote it was a “grievous rupture with a hitherto unbroken Catholic tradition of minor orders and subdiaconate.”

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  The Happiness of Heaven Taken from the book "Preparation for Death" by St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-24-2022, 10:11 PM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - No Replies

The Happiness of Heaven
Taken from the book "Preparation for Death" by St. Alphonsus de Liguori,
Bishop and Doctor of the Church


In this life, the greatest pain which afflicts souls that are in desolation and love God, arises from the fear of not loving Him, and of not being loved by Him. "Man knoweth not whether he be worthy of love or hatred." (Eccles. 9: 1). But in Heaven the soul is certain that it loves God, and that He embraces it as a beloved child and that this love will not be dissolved for all eternity. These blessed flames will be augmented by the increased knowledge which the soul will then have of the greatness of the love of God, in becoming man and dying for us; of His love in instituting the Most Holy Sacrament, in which a God becomes the food of a worm. Then also will the soul clearly see all the graces which God has bestowed upon it in delivering it from so many temptations and so many dangers of perdition; it will then understand that the tribulations, infirmities, persecutions, and losses, which it called misfortunes and divine chastisements, were all love, all means intended by divine Providence to conduct it to Heaven. It will see particularly the patience of God in bearing with it after so many sins, and the mercies He had shown it in giving it so many lights and invitations to His love. From that blessed mountain it will behold so many souls in Hell, condemned for fewer sins than it had committed and will see that it is saved, that it is in the possession of God, and secure against all danger of ever losing that Sovereign Good for all eternity.

When the soul has once entered into the happy kingdom of God, “there will be nothing to molest it. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and death shall be no more, not mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more; for the former things are passed away. And He that sat on the throne said: Behold I make all things new” (Apoc. 21:4). In Heaven there is no infirmity, no poverty, no distress; there are no longer the vicissitudes of days and nights, nor of cold and heat; but a perpetual day always serene, an eternal spring always delightful. There are no persecutions; no envy. In that kingdom of love, all love one another tenderly; and each rejoices in the good of the other as if it were his own. There are no fears; because the soul, being confirmed in grace, can no longer sin nor lose her God. “Behold I make all things new.” Everything is new; everything gives consolation and content. The sight will be filled with delight in beholding this city of perfect beauty. How delightful the view of a city in which the streets are of crystal, the palaces of silver, the ceilings of gold, and all adorned with festoons of flowers! Oh! how much more beautiful the city of paradise! how splendid the appearance of these citizens, who are all clothed in royal robes; for, as St. Augustine says, they are all kings. How delightful must it be to behold Mary, who will appear more beautiful than all paradise! But what must it be to see the Lamb of God, the Heavenly Spouse, Jesus! St. Theresa had one transient glimpse of one of the hands of Jesus Christ, and was struck senseless by its beauty. The smell will be regaled with odors but with the odors of paradise. The ear will be delighted with celestial harmony. St. Francis once heard from an angel a single stroke on a violin, and almost died through joy. What then must it be to hear the whole choir of saints and angels chanting the glories of God! ”They shall praise Thee forever and ever” (Ps. 83:5). What must it be to hear Mary praising God! St. Francis de Sales says that, as the singing of the nightingale surpasses that of all of the other birds, so the voice of Mary is far superior to that of all the other saints. In a word, in Heaven are found all the delights which can be desired.

When, therefore, the crosses of this life afflict us, let us animate ourselves with the hope of Heaven to bear them patiently. St. Mary of Egypt, being asked at the end of her life by the Abbot Zozimus, how she had been able to live for so many years in such a desert, replied: “With the hope of Heaven.” When the dignity of Cardinal was offered to St. Philip Neri, he threw up the cap in the air, exclaiming, “Paradise! Paradise!” At the mention of paradise, Brother Giles, of the Order of St. Francis, was raised up from the ground through joy. Let us likewise, when we are afflicted by the miseries of this life, raise up our eyes to Heaven, and console ourselves, saying with a sigh, “Heaven! Heaven!” Let us reflect that if we be faithful to God, all these sorrows, miseries, and fears will one day have an end, and we shall be admitted into that blessed country, where we shall enjoy complete happiness as long as God will be God. Behold, the saints are expecting us, Mary is expecting us, and Jesus stands with a crown in His hand, to make us kings in that eternal kingdom.

Prayer to St. Joseph For a Good Life and a Happy Death

O Glorious St. Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble and charitable mind and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide, father, and model through life, that I may merit to die as thou didst die, in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Amen.


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  Prayers to St. Bartholomew
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-24-2022, 09:37 PM - Forum: Prayers and Devotionals - No Replies

Prayer to St. Bartholomew

O Glorious St. Bartholomew, Jesus called you a person without guile and you saw in this word a sign that he was the Son of God and King of Israel. Obtain for me the grace to be ever guileless and innocent as a dove. At the same time, help me to have your gift of faith to see the Divine hand in the events of my daily life. May I discern the signs of the times that lead to Jesus on earth and will eventually unite me to him forever in heaven.

A Prayer to St. Bartholomew the Apostle, for Courage

O Jesus, Saint Bartholomew's greatest desire was to know the truth. When first informed about You, his initial reaction was, "How can anything good come from Nazareth?" But as soon as he met You, he wanted to become one of Your disciples. You said of him, "Here is a man in whom there is no deception." I ask him to pray against the deceptions that are influencing me and the people I know. Help us to experience Your affirmation when we are honest, give us courage to resist lying as a means of self-protection, and inspire our minds to recognize the truth when we hear it. Saint Bartholomew, pray for us. Amen.

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Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-24-2022, 08:46 PM - Forum: In Honor of Our Lady - No Replies



When Bishop Don Vasco de Quiroga wanted a statue of the Blesses Virgin for the Christian community of Patzcuaro, he persuaded a member of the Tarascan tribe to sculpt it for him.  Accustomed to fashioning idols, the Indian’s statue was well received and is the one that is now venerated as the miraculous image of Our Lady Health of the Sick.

For three centuries the little statue of Our Lady has been dearly loved and venerated by the Indians and the people of Patzcuaro.  Known for restoring peace, giving needed rain during droughts, restoring wells and spring, it has even dismissed epidemics.  But most of all, the Blessed Virgin is known as Nuestra Senora de la Salud, Our lady Health of the Sick, the worked of miracles and a guiding star for her faithful children. 


Virgin, most holy, Mother of the Word Incarnate, Treasurer of graces, and Refuge of sinners, I fly top your motherly affection with lively faith, and I beg of you the grace ever to do the will of God.

Into your most holy hands I commit the keeping of my heart, asking you for health of soul and body, in the certain hope that you, my most loving Mother, will hear my prayer.

Into the bosom of your tender mercy, this day, every day of my life, and at the hour of my death, I commend my soul and body.

To you I entrust all my hopes and consolations, all my trials and miseries, my life and the end of my life, that all my actions may be ordered and disposed according to your will and that of your Divine Son. Amen.

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  Pope warns of "nuclear disaster" risk at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia plant
Posted by: Stone - 08-24-2022, 06:24 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope warns of "nuclear disaster" risk at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia plant


Pope Francis attends the weekly general audience at the Vatican, August 24, 2022. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane

VATICAN CITY, Aug 24 (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Wednesday called for "concrete steps" to end the war in Ukraine and avert the risk of a nuclear disaster at the Zaporizhzhia power plant.

IAEA, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, said on Tuesday it will visit the Russian-occupied plant in Ukraine within days if talks to gain access succeed.

Russia and Ukraine have repeatedly accused each other of firing at the facility, the largest of its kind in Europe and which pro-Moscow forces took over soon after the Feb. 24 invasion. The United Nations has called for the area to be demilitarised.

"I hope that concrete steps will be taken to bring an end to the war and to avert the risk of a nuclear disaster at Zaporizhzhia," Francis said at his weekly general audience.

Speaking on the day Ukraine marks its independence from Soviet rule in 1991 and six months after Russian forces invaded, Francis condemned wars as "madness" and referred to the death of Darya Dugina, daughter of a prominent Russian ultra-nationalist, in a car bombing near Moscow on Saturday.
"Innocents pay for war," he said.

Moscow blamed the killing on Ukrainian agents, a charge Kyiv denies.

Francis called arms merchants who profit from war "delinquents who kill humanity".

In an interview with Reuters last month, Francis said he wanted to visit Kyiv but also wanted to go to Moscow, preferably first, to promote peace.

Francis will attend a congress of religious leaders in the Kazakh capital Nur-Sultan on Sept. 13-15, where he has said he hoped to meet with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, who supports the war in Ukraine. read more

Ukraine has been lobbying Francis to go to Kyiv first, saying meeting Kirill before could send the wrong message to the Ukrainian people.

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  ‘Green Police’ Will be Needed to Tackle Climate Change, French Minister Argues
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2022, 04:40 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

‘Green Police’ Will be Needed to Tackle Climate Change, French Minister Argues
France's Interior minister aims to create 3,000 climate police posts

NF |  August 21, 2022

A senior minister in France has called for the hiring of 3,000 “green police” in order to combat climate change. European Union member states have been rolling out stringent climate restrictions on their citizens as the bloc aims for a massive reduction in carbon emissions.

Gérald Darmanin, who serves as France’s Minister of the Interior, has announced that he aims to create 3,000 positions for “green police” officials. Darmanin argues that such a move is necessary in order to combat climate change.

In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, Darmanin justified the creation of 3,000 new green police posts by citing the effects climate change was having on France, specifically pointing to forest fires. Nine of ten fires cited by the minister were caused by human activity, Breitbart News reported.

“Faced with this, we must improve the work of judicial investigation,” Darmanin told the publication. “We have therefore decided to massively reinforce the resources of the Central Office for the Fight against Damage to the Environment and to launch 3,000 ‘green police’ posts,” he continued. “The objective is that, in each gendarmerie brigade, there are gendarmes trained in attacks on ecology.”

“It will be a revolution,” Darmanin added.

The minister’s demands come as leading European Union officials have called for the establishment of a bloc-wide “Civil Protection Force” to fight climate change. The new agency would operate under the control of Brussels, further subverting the sovereignty of member states.

Crisis Management Chief Janez Lenarcic argued that such a force would “protect” member states from impending climate-related disasters. The suggestion has been met with pushback, however, with one MEP saying that “unelected bureaucrats” in the E.U. “are using any excuse to grab more power”.

“These European bureaucrats are not the solution, but the cause of many problems that the EU is facing, and the deeply damaging energy crisis is just a proof of that,” said Cristian Terhes, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for Romania.

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  The Climate Cult & Europe’s Energy Crisis
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2022, 04:17 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

The Climate Cult & Europe’s Energy Crisis

TIA [reprint from ZH] | August 22, 2022

The climate cult never sleeps, and when they see nations in crisis they are always quick to try to exploit the situation by misrepresenting the root problem.

A heat wave is currently hitting Europe along with wild fires and the mainstream media is beating the global warming drum hard. This is nothing new; every time the weather gets hot they cry “climate change!” Every time the weather is extra cold they once again cry “climate change!” The evidence? What about the “record heat” in parts of UK, Spain and Portugal? This is surely proof that the weather is being ruined by that terrible menace known as man-made carbon?

Of course, what they don't tell you is that the official record for weather and temperatures used by climate scientists only goes back about 140 years (it started in the 1880s). So, millions upon millions of years of Earth weather, and they only count 140 years of it to determine “record temps?” They tend to ignore ice core and tree ring data from centuries ago that indicate much hotter warming periods in our planet's history (none of which were caused by man-made carbon emissions). In comparison, today's temperatures are rather tame.

[Image: I099_151_Red.jpg]

Global warming activists of the group Extinction Rebellion protest in London, England, April 25, 2019

The Earth's overall temperatures have only risen by 1° Celsius in the past century; this was actually the peak and currently temps have evened out to an increase of 0.8°C. This is the great climate doomsday we are all supposed to be terrified of. This is the looming threat we are supposed to sacrifice all fossil fuel based energy production for – Less than a single degree of heat.

It's important to put the frantic climate change narrative into concrete perspective because the vast majority of climate science is paid for by governments and special interest organizations like the UN, the World Economic Forum and many other globalist groups with an agenda in mind. On average, these governments and institutions spend around $632 billion per year on climate research funding and climate policy initiatives (which they call “meager”). Their goal is to increase this cash flow to $4 trillion by the year 2030. The incentives to jump on the man-made climate change train are MASSIVE; there is almost no monetary incentive for scientists that want to study other potential causes for climate events.

The notion of the stalwart and incorruptible scientist that seeks objective truth rather than cash and notoriety is long dead. Honest scientists are few and far between these days (especially in the medical and climate science fields), and perhaps it has always been that way. The “experts” cannot be blindly trusted because they are just as susceptible to bias and corruption as anyone else.

Climate change hysteria is a nothing burger, but it is being actively promoted by the media to obscure very real threats that the public faces in the near term. One of those threats is energy shortages, and climate regulations have put a stranglehold on many nations and their ability to adapt. The EU is now implementing carbon policies that call for a 55% reduction of emissions by 2030. Meaning, no new fossil fuel sources are supposed to be utilized. Only reductions are allowed.

Climate scientists and global elitists claim that climate change is the paramount issue of the century and must be dealt with immediately and by any means necessary. They haven't presented a single shred of hard evidence to support this assertion, but they dictate the policies of most western governments so they don't really need to. They just initiate restrictions without public input.

[Image: I099_151_Gaz.jpg]

Russia cut most of its export of gas to Europe; a crisis builds in as the Winter approaches

In reality, perhaps the greatest threat since WWII is about to land like a hydrogen bomb in the laps of the European public. Panic is beginning to take shape as Russia cuts natural gas supplies to the EU down to 20% of their original capacity and alternative sources simply do not exist on a scale that can take up the slack. A large portion of oil exports have also been shut down, and European governments are NOT informing the citizenry of the true gravity of the situation.

At current energy import rates, at least 40% of Europe will not be able to heat their homes in the winter. EU plans to replace Russian energy sources in the near term have also been deemed “wildly optimistic.” In other words, the EU public is screwed, and many of them still don't realize it yet because the government won't admit it. A disaster of epic proportions is about to strike and this isn't even counting the enormous price hikes that are coming for the other 60% of people that will still have gas supplies available.

But the climate cult is not letting this visceral reality get in their way. To them, the crisis is an opportunity. A new narrative is rising among intergovernmental bodies, the media and among climate activists; they say this impending disaster is actually “good for Europe” in the long run, because it forces citizens to accept energy reduction policies and carbon controls which climate scientists and globalists have been demanding for years. Inflation in prices means shrinking demand and cuts in the supply chain mean resources are quashed even if demand remains high. Energy is being suffocated slowly leaving room for a "Green New Deal" of sorts.

So, it's good for the globalists and their agenda, but not really good for anyone else that has to live through harsh winter months with no heat and limited electricity.

If the current trend continues without a dramatic change in the way Europe throttles fossil fuel energy, then there is the very real potential for mass deaths this winter. This is not hyperbole, this is a mathematical certainty. The continued push for even more climate restrictions at this time is making the situation much worse.

There is no impending threat due to climate change, but there is an impending threat due to energy shortages. Europeans need to ask themselves – Why are their governments setting them up for calamity over a non-existent climate bogeyman? Without increased fossil fuel energy from numerous sources including coal and oil the EU is on the path to a historic tragedy this winter.

This article was first published on Zero Hedge on August 4, 2022 under the title "The Climate Cult Is Eager to Take Advantage of Europe's Energy Crisis" First seen in Technocracy on August 5, 2022

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  World Economic Forum suggests there are “rational” reasons to microchip your child
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2022, 04:04 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

World Economic Forum suggests there are “rational” reasons to microchip your child
WEF suggests there are ways to "ethically make these amazing technologies a part of our lives."

Reclaim the Net | August 20, 2022

The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has set out to normalize is the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans.

It wasn’t that long ago that those speculating on a future where this is happening would get dismissed as conspiracy theorists, but now the world elites’ most vocal outlet is predicting that chip implants will eventually become just a commodity.

And the WEF makes a case that implanting chips into children could be viewed by parents as a “solid, rational” move. All of this crops up in a blog post on the organization’s website dedicated to the future of augmented reality (AR), and what is referred to as “an augmented society.”

Like in many of WEF’s other takes on the future of various types of technology, the emphasis is put on inserting the “right,” i.e., its own “vision” in the direction these should be developing, with the inevitable mention of undefined society stakeholders who will hold the key to the ethics issue of it all.

The WEF is talking up the allegedly broad usefulness of AR going forward in fields such as healthcare, education, and professional settings, with the underpinning notion of providing guidelines as to how to “ethically” regulate this vast potential power – and therefore, when all’s said and done, control it.

The WEF calls AR and similar tech transformative – but in need of “the right support, vision, and audacity.”

Once again it isn’t at all clear why “audacity” is thrown in, unless it is a euphemism to sell some pretty outrageous “visions” that the WEF is expressing, such as replacing drugs with brain implants that will manipulate the body with electrical pulses, and pairing all sorts of chips put into humans through surgery, with sensors one might find in a chair.

And so, with the human and the chair “seamlessly integrated,” the quality of life across the board shoots up, the Davos-based group promises.

“As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma,” the blog post reads. “They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity.”

But critics of these trends say their opposition has nothing to do with “stigmas” – rather with serious concerns about civil rights, privacy, and the very concept of human autonomy.

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  The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Set Forth in Her Titles from the Litany of Loreto [PDF]
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2022, 03:47 AM - Forum: Our Lady - No Replies

The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Set Forth in Her Titles from the Litany of Loreto
by Very Rev. C.J. O' Connell, 1914

[Image: Life%20of%20the%20Blessed%20Virgin%20Mary%20Litany.jpg]

The humble Virgin of Nazareth, Mary, being the nearest and most intimately united to God, is, of all His creatures, the most holy. A closer union with God never existed, nor could there be a more perfect one than that which resulted from the divine maternity.

Notwithstanding Mary's intimate relationship with God, her divine motherhood, it would have availed her but little had she not carried Jesus Christ in her heart, even more than in her chaste womb.

She shunned the world, abhorred sin, and lived only for Jesus. All her days were passed in the practice of virtue. With greater reason than Saint Paul could she exclaim: "And I live, now, not I, but Christ liveth in me" (Gall. 11-20).

She was holy in her eyes, ears, tongue, hands and feet; she was godly in her thoughts, desires, words, heart, and in all the powers of her soul; she was saintly in all her movements, all her actions; in a word, she was holy in both body and soul. . . . . . . pages 9 - 10.


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  Letter to his Flock - Saint Athanasius
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-21-2022, 08:27 PM - Forum: Uncompromising Fighters for the Faith - No Replies

Letter to his Flock - Saint Athanasius
2 minutes

Letter of Saint Athanasius to his flock:

May God console you! ...What saddens you ...is the fact that others have occupied the churches by violence, while during this time you are on the outside. It is a fact that they have the premises-but you have the apostolic Faith. They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith. You remain outside the places of worship, but the Faith dwells within you. Let us consider: what is more important, the place or the Faith? The true Faith, obviously. Who has lost and who has won in this struggle-the one who keeps the premises or the one who keeps the Faith?

True, the premises are good when the apostolic Faith is preached there; they are holy if everything takes place there in a holy way ...You are the ones who are happy: you who remain within the church by your faith, who hold firmly to the foundations of the Faith which has come down to you from apostolic Tradition. And if an execrable jealousy has tried to shake it on a number of occasions, it has not succeeded. They are the ones who have broken away from it in the present crisis.

No one, ever, will prevail against your faith, beloved brothers. And we believe that God will give us our churches back some day.

Thus, the more violently they try to occupy the places of worship, the more they separate themselves from the Church. They claim that they represent the Church; but in reality, they are the ones who are expelling themselves from it and going astray.

Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ.

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  Gregorian Propers for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Posted by: Stone - 08-21-2022, 07:03 AM - Forum: Pentecost - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

[Image: ZyZwaWQ9QXBp]

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Introit • Score • Deus in loco sancto suo
Gradual • Score • In Deo speravit cor meum
Alleluia • Score • Exsultate Deo adjutori nostro
Offertory • Score • Exaltabo te Domine
Communion • Score • Honora Dominum

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  Gregorian Propers for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Posted by: Stone - 08-21-2022, 06:59 AM - Forum: Pentecost - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Introit • Score • Dum clamarem ad Dominum
Gradual • Score • Custodi me Domine
Alleluia • Score • Te decet hymnus Deus in Sion
Offertory • Score • Ad te levavi
Communion • Score • Acceptabis sacrificium

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  Our Lady of Knock - August 21st
Posted by: Stone - 08-21-2022, 06:33 AM - Forum: Our Lady - Replies (14)

Our Lady of Knock - August 21st
Taken from here
[Image: UiZwaWQ9QXBp]


On the evening of August 21, 1879 Mary McLoughlin, the housekeeper to the parish priest of Knock, County Mayo, Ireland, was astonished to see the outside south wall of the church bathed in a mysterious light; there were three figures standing in front of the wall, which she mistook for replacements of the stone figures destroyed in a storm. She rushed through the rain to her friend Margaret Byrne's house.

After a half hour Mary decided to leave and Margaret's sister Mary agreed to walk home with her. As they passed the church they saw and amazing vision very clearly: Standing out from the gable and to the west of it appeared the Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph and St. John. The figure of the Blessed Virgin was life-size, while the others seemed to be neither as large nor as tall. They stood a little away from the gable wall about two feet from the ground. The Virgin was erect with her eyes toward Heaven, and she was wearing a large white cloak hanging in full folds; on her head was a large crown.

Mary Byrne ran to tell her family while Mary McLoughlin gazed at the apparition.  Soon a crowd gathered and all saw the apparition. The parish priest, Archdeacon Cavanaugh, did not come out, however, and his absence was a disappointment to the devout villagers. Among the witnesses were Patrick Hill and John Curry. As Patrick later described the scene: 'The figures were fully rounded, as if they had a body and life. They did not speak but, as we drew near, they retreated a little towards the wall.' Patrick reported that he got close enough to make out the words in the book held by the figure of St. John.

An old woman named Bridget trench drew closer to embrace the feet of the Virgin, but the figure seemed always beyond reach. Others out in the fields and some distance away saw a strange light around the church. The vision lasted for about three hours and then faded.

The next day a group of villagers went to see the priest, who accepted the their report as genuine; he wrote to the diocesan Bishop of Tuam; then the Church set up a commission to interview a number of the people claiming to witness the apparition. The diocesan hierarchy was not convinced, and some members of the commission ridiculed the visionaries, alleging they were victims of a hoax perpetrated by the local Protestant constable! But the ordinary people were not so skeptical, and the first pilgrimages to knock began in 1880. Two years later Archbishop John Joseph Lynch of Toronto made a visit to the parish and claimed he had been healed by the Virgin of Knock.

In due course many of the witnesses died. But Mary Byrne married, raised six children, living her entire life in Knock. When interviewed again in 1936 at the age of eighty-six, her account did not vary from the first report she gave in 1879.

The village of Knock was transformed by the thousands who came to commemorate the vision and to ask for healing for others and themselves. The local church was too small to accommodate the crowds. In 1976 a new church, Our Lady Queen of Ireland, was erected. It holds more than two thousand and needs to, for each year more than a half million visitors arrive to pay their respects to the Blessed Virgin.

The Church approved the the apparition in 1971 as being quite probable, although it has never been formally stated. The Shrine at Knock is opened year round. In 1994 three life-sized statues were erected of Our Lady, St. Joseph and St. John.

It is this web master's opinion that the Apparition is more than probable, it is authentic; I believe that Our Lady was warning us about the changes in the Mass coming in the next century, in which much Catholic doctrine would be silenced, that is removed from the Mass itself. The marked decline in church attendance and knowledgeable Catholics provide ample evidence for such a thesis arising not only in this Catholic's mind but others', including some priests.


Sé do bheath' a Mhuire, atá lán de ghrásta, tá an Tiarna leat.
Is beannaithe thú idir mná agus is beannaithe toradh do bhruinne losa.
A Naomh Mhuire, a mháthair Dé, guí orainn na peacaithe, anois is ar uair ar mbás. Amen.


Great Mary,
Greatest of Marys,
Greatest of Women,
Mother of Eternal Glory,
Mother of the Golden Light,
Honor of the Sky,
Temple of the Divinity,
Fountain of the Gardens,
Serence as the Moon,
Bright as the Sun,
Garden Enclosed,
Temple of the Living God,
Light of Nazareth,
Beauty of the World,
Queen of Life,
Ladder of Heaven,
Mother of God.

Pray for us.

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  Audiobook: An Account Of The Life Of Luigi Comollo By Saint John Bosco
Posted by: Stone - 08-20-2022, 06:42 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

Audiobook: An Account Of The Life Of Luigi Comollo By Saint John Bosco

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  UN Recruited Over 100,000 ‘Digital First Responders’ to Push Establishment COVID Narrative
Posted by: Stone - 08-20-2022, 06:17 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

UN Recruited Over 100,000 ‘Digital First Responders’ to Push Establishment COVID Narrative
October 2020 admission gets fresh attention.

[Image: 180822un1.jpg]

Summit News | 18 August, 2022

At the height of the pandemic, the United Nations recruited over 100,000 “digital first responders’ to push the establishment narrative on COVID via social media.

The revelation actually slipped out in October 2020 during a World Economic Forum podcast called ‘Seeking a cure for the infodemic’, although it is only going viral on Twitter today.

In the podcast, Melissa Fleming, head of global communications for the United Nations, explains how the COVID pandemic and lockdowns created a “communications crisis” in addition to a public health emergency.

Fleming acknowledged that in order to fight so-called “misinformation” about the pandemic, the UN tapped up 110,000 people to amplify their messaging across social media.

“So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,” Fleming stated.

That was nearly 2 years ago. It is not known how many ‘digital first responders’ have been recruited up to this point.

Similar efforts to create astroturf campaigns to push a specific message are nothing new, but when entities such as oil companies engage in it, they are lambasted for rigging the discussion.

However, when globalist technocrats at the UN or the WEF do it, apparently it’s fine.

Last year, it was revealed that the British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street.

Scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted using what they later conceded to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behavior during the pandemic.

As we previously highlighted, the World Economic Forum is now advocating for the merger of human and artificial intelligence systems to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is even allowed to be posted.

In what some dubbed “preemptive censorship,” the WEF is creating a system that would block posts from appearing if they fail the censorship filter.

Of course, the WEF, which is infamous for blocking its critics on Twitter, would never abuse such a system to shield itself from scrutiny.

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