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  Investigation Launched After 'Mystery' Surge In Deaths Of Newborn Babies
Posted by: Stone - 05-18-2022, 07:38 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Investigation Launched After 'Mystery' Surge In Deaths Of Newborn Babies

[Image: 160522newborn1.jpg?itok=Ev7txqwa]

ZH | May 18, 2022

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News

Health authorities in Scotland have launched an investigation after a mystery surge in deaths of newborn babies, the second time the phenomenon has been recorded in the space of six months.

A report by the Herald newspaper highlights the “very unusual” spike in deaths of babies, with the alarm being raised after 18 infants died within four weeks of birth in March.

That same control limit was also breached in September last year, when 21 neonatal deaths were reported, the first time this had occurred since records began.

“The neonatal mortality rate was 5.1 per 1,000 live births in September and 4.6 per 1,000 in March, against an average of 1.49 per 1000 in 2019,” reports the newspaper.

Public Health Scotland (PHS) said the deaths could not have been down to chance, while the cause behind the previous spike in September also “remained a mystery.”

The report notes that vaccination uptake has increased in expectant mothers and that COVID infections during pregnancy are associated with a higher chance of premature birth, but found no “direct link” between COVID surges and the deaths.

PHS Scotland says COVID infections “did not appear to have played a role” in the September spate of deaths.

Edinburgh University’s Dr. Sarah Stock said, “The numbers are really troubling,” but admitted she didn’t know the cause of the deaths.

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  Audiobook: Providence by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
Posted by: Stone - 05-18-2022, 07:33 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

Audiobook: Providence
by Rev. Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

Translator's Preface.
Part I : The Existence Of God And Of Providence.
Part II :The Perfections Of God Which His Providence Presupposes.
Part III : Providence According To Revelation.
Part IV : Self-Abandonment To Providence.
Part V : Providence, Justice And Mercy.


Having treated elsewhere of God [1] and of providence [2] from a purely speculative point of view, we here resume the consideration of these great questions in their relation to the spiritual life. The primary object of contemplation is, in fact, God Himself and His infinite perfections, especially His goodness, His wisdom, and His providence. Our activity and our progress toward eternity must be directed from the higher plane of this contemplation. From this point of view we shall treat here: (1) of the existence of God and of His providence; (2) of those perfections of God which His providence presupposes; (3) of providence itself according to the Old and New Testaments; (4) of a trusting self-abandonment to God's providence; (5) of providence in its relation to justice and mercy.

May these pages instill in the minds of those who read them a better understanding of God's infinite majesty and the absolute value of the one thing necessary, our last end and sanctification. Their chief aim will be to insist on the absolute and supremely life-giving character of the truth revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ and infallibly proposed to us by the Church. Souls are perishing in the ever-shifting sands of the relative; it is the absolute they need. Nowhere will they find it but in the Gospel entrusted by Jesus Christ to His Church, which has preserved, taught, and expounded it. It has been exemplified in the lives of the best of her children.

Translator's Preface:

In these days of positive unbelief, agnosticism, and general indifference concerning the supernatural, it is to be hoped that this English translation of the Reverend Father Garrigou-Lagrange's La Providence et la confiance en Dieu will serve a useful purpose. In this book the author has proved conclusively to anyone of upright mind that there is an all-wise and designing Providence, who has created all things with an end in view, and this especially as regards human beings. The whole of creation confirms this view. Long ago the psalmist declared that "the heavens show forth the glory of God: and the firmament declareth the work of His hands" (Ps. 18:2). If we believe in the existence of God—and no reasonable being can deny this—then we must say with the bard of Avon that "there's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will" (Hamlet, V, ii, 10).

The first part of this book is a brief summary of a previous work by the same author, entitled: God, His Existence and His Nature. The proofs for the existence of God and a discussion of the divine attributes constitute the basis of Providence. This French work was well received. Within a short time after publication six thousand copies were sold. It has also been translated into German, Italian, and Polish.

In conclusion I wish to express my indebtedness to the Reverend Dr. Newton Thompson for his painstaking care in preparing the manuscript for publication. This indebtedness also applies to the second volume of God, His Existence and His Nature, which due to an oversight was not mentioned at the time of its publication.

I also wish to thank the Reverend Dr. Bernard Wall, late of Wonersh seminary, England, for his courtesy in allowing me the use of his manuscript, which I consulted on various occasions. The verification of many quoted passages was thereby much simplified and this enabled me to proceed more rapidly.

Bede Rose, O.S.B.
St. Benedict's Abbey
Mount Angel, Oregon.

Réginald Marie Garrigou-Lagrange OP (French: [gaʁigu lagʁɑ̃ʒ]; 21 February 1877 – 15 February 1964) was a French Catholic theologian and Dominican friar. He has been noted as a leading neo-Thomist of the 20th century, along with Jacobus Ramírez, Édouard Hugon, and Martin Grabmann.[1] He taught at the Dominican Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelicum, in Rome from 1909 to 1960. There he wrote his magnum opus, The Three Ages of the Interior Life (Les Trois Ages de la Vie Interieure) in 1938.

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  Mary, The Cause of Our Joy! - May 2022
Posted by: Stone - 05-17-2022, 09:40 AM - Forum: Mary, the Cause of Our Joy! - Replies (2)

[Image: Capture.png]

To view in your browser, click HERE. To download, click HERE.

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  Italy's Salvini Warns Food Shortages Could Cause 20 Million African Migrants To Enter Europe
Posted by: Stone - 05-17-2022, 07:17 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Italy's Salvini Warns Food Shortages Could Cause 20 Million African Migrants To Enter Europe

[Image: 160522salvini1.jpg?itok=8VQSRoFH]

ZH | May 17, 2022

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News

Italian League party leader Matteo Salvini has warned that if the war in Ukraine does not end soon, chronic food shortages will cause an immigration wave that will lead to 20 million African migrants trying to enter Europe.

If Ukrainian grain supplies continue to be impacted, Salvini cautions, “Significant hunger is expected on the African continent, which will be a humanitarian, then a social, and finally an Italian problem.”

“Without peace there will be famine in the autumn and 20 million Africans will be ready to go,” he added.

Salvini predicts that a new migrant crisis will unfold if a ceasefire and subsequent peace isn’t achieved by the end of this month, noting that this was “essential for Ukraine, Russia and Italy as well.”

Italy’s former Minister of the Interior is urgently asking for a meeting with Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who recently returned from a meeting with Joe Biden, to push the issue of a ceasefire.

Salvini said that European countries pouring weapons into the region was making peace an increasingly distant possibility.

“If 80 billion euros are spent on weapons in Europe, it will be difficult to achieve peace, the more weapons there are, the more distant peace will get,” he warned.

“There are those in Europe who are in favor of war, but Italy, France and Germany must act for peace,” he added, speaking out against Italy sending a third arms shipment to Ukraine.

Ukraine was the world’s 6th largest exporter of wheat before the war began.

Last week, it was revealed that £6.8billion of wheat in Ukraine is being blocked from export due to the war blocking off access to the sea.

The world is currently beset with food price hikes and shortages of key products such as sunflower oil, which are now starting to be rationed.

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  Bishops silent as Catholic land worth $208 million earmarked for abortions in Ireland
Posted by: Stone - 05-16-2022, 09:52 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Bishops silent as Catholic land worth $208 million earmarked for abortions in Ireland
The new hospital will perform abortions, IVF, sterilizations, and 'gender-affirming therapies' on land and in wards where generations of religious upheld the highest standards at the time in healthcare.

[Image: St.-Vincents-Hospital-Dublin-810x500.jpg]
The current St. Vincent's Hospital, DublinScreenshot/Youtube

Sat May 14, 2022
DUBLIN (LifeSiteNews) — An awkward silence has descended among bishops and religious in Ireland as €200 million worth of land gifted by a religious congregation in Dublin to a pro-abortion hospital group is once again the subject of media ire. 

The Religious Sisters of Charity resigned their directorships and officially handed over their €200 million ($208 million U.S.) worth of shares in St. Vincent’s Healthcare Group for €1 on April 28th, with the new secular owners, St. Vincent’s Holdings CLG, intent on ridding the current hospital campus of any Catholic influence. 

The greatest controversy lies in the fact a new maternity hospital to be built on the formerly Catholic site will perform abortions, an event foreseen by the nuns, the bishops and the Vatican before the deal was finalized.

Under the auspices of the new ‘Catholic-free’ hospital board, abortions, IVF, sterilizations and “gender-affirming therapies” will take place in the city’s wealthiest neighborhood, on land and in wards where generations of religious upheld the highest standards at the time in healthcare. 

One would have thought secular Ireland would be thankful to the Sisters for the provision of such valuable assets, but instead we have had weeks of establishment conspiracy theorizing in Ireland, where paranoid politicians scrutinize the arrangement, searching for devious schemes by which the dreaded and long-demonized nuns might block their future plans to offer abortions on the site. 

Alas, no such urge to maintain a Catholic medical ethic exists in the religious authorities who allowed this ownership transfer to proceed. 

This is not simply a story of Irish nuns and bishops abandoning the unborn who will be killed or turning their back on the confused child who will be mutilated.

The Vatican is also implicated because the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life authorized the transfer of ownership – the congregation had to be petitioned because the assets are worth well over the €3.5 million threshold requiring Rome’s seal of approval.

The sorry affair could have been stopped, however, by any number of our long-educated, resident Catholic leaders, be they the Superior of the Sisters of Charity, Sr. Patricia Lenihan, the then-Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Diarmuid Martin (who gave the move his full backing), the current Archbishop of Dublin, Dermot Farrell (who remained silent), the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All-Ireland Eamon Martin (who wrote to the Holy See through the Papal Nuncio to express his support for the dastardly deal), or even the Papal Nuncio himself, Archbishop Jude Okolo, who should also know the basics of Catholic moral theology. 

Archbishop Eamon Martin’s specious argument, that formal cooperation in evil doesn’t exist because the nun’s intended to transfer the land before Ireland’s constitutional ban on abortion was repealed in 2018, falls at the first hurdle, ignoring the fact that abortion was legal in certain circumstances since 2013, well before any sister had the stupefying thought of handing the hospital reigns over to those who would draw innocent blood.

If surprise is your overriding emotion at the reckless exploits of these shepherds and nuns, then sit tight. There’s tragically more. 

The new Archbishop of Tuam in the west of Ireland more recently found the time for a hand-wringing exercise of marginally-less scandalous fare, attending a local memorial to lend credence to the nationally-held but libellous smear that some 800 babies were thrown in a septic tank by Bon Secours nuns in his diocese. 

Congratulating would-be historian Catherine Corless, whose bare-faced untruths have tarnished the reputation of Irish nuns the world over, Archbishop Francis Duffy failed to remind all gathered that the state’s commission of investigation found no babies whatsoever were thrown in a septic tank, contrary to the historian’s popular narrative.

The commission’s worst claim in its 2019 report was that the burial chambers “did not provide for the dignified interment of human remains”, which did not stop Corless boldly reasserting to radio listeners a few days later that the babies’ remains are still “in a sewage tank, and they’re floating around the place…”

This perverse narrative of 800 babies being thrown in a septic tank is now a dogma of the Irish establishment, uttered as fact on chat shows where Corless is fêted and disinformation abounds.

Dislodging this myth from deep in the Irish psyche has proven almost impossible, given the few commentators and clergy who are willing to take a stand for the long-deceased Tuam nuns.

Today’s nuns and bishops don’t seem to realize that they can’t win unless they start talking about the harder issues. They prefer to go softly into the night.

Archbishop Duffy’s appearance at the memorial event was unsurprisingly seized on by Corless as the Church finally endorsing her tale of events.

“It’s a remarkable turnaround for us, and it will shift attitudes in the town, to know the Archbishop supports everything that can be done for the babies,” Corless maintained.

The Irish Independent article noted that Duffy previously claimed there was “unfinished business” concerning the burials, whereas Irish Catholics wonder when he, any clergy, or the remaining Bon Secours nuns will announce that the emperor has no clothes.

The pervading cowardice in Ireland, where the vast majority of Catholic leaders fear negative publicity from the media’s attack dogs, has paralyzed much of the diocesan Church, compounding the truly awful sex-abuse scandals and cover-ups with a finishing coat of managed decline. 

Speaking with a top-ranking Irish bishop some weeks ago, I got the impression that his ill-informed idea that orthodox young seminarians and priests are only interested in daily Mass-goers said more about why his diocese is in free-fall than about the young priestly men whom I know.

His sentiment echoed that of Fr. Brendan Hoban, a founder of the modernist Association of Catholic Priests, who long ago told me orthodox young vocations are “not the sort of vocations we need,” and continued his ponderous crusade for women priests and Eucharistic services. 

Fr. Hoban’s theology, along with many dioceses and orders, is dying out, but few of his generation are willing to admit their heterodox ideas are to blame. 

The Dominicans, the FSSP, the Institute of Christ the King, other new orders and many faithful diocesan priests, and even the brave seminarians still persevering in the once-burgeoning Maynooth, are all proving that only the true Faith can bear the good fruit of souls converted and new vocations. 

Whilst the modernist edifice is crumbling around Ireland, souls are still being brought to life, because God is thankfully rebuilding His Church.

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  Archbishop Arthur Roche: "Soon a document on the liturgical formation of all the baptized"
Posted by: Stone - 05-16-2022, 09:40 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

NB: The following interview is 'littered' with Vatican II errors. Just littered. Once again we see that everything that the Conciliar popes and their administrators do or say comes directly from Vatican II. Vatican II is the source and justification of every word and action.

And these are not small errors that are being consistently promoted these last sixty years. :

Quote:The more one analyzes the documents of Vatican II, and the more one analyzes their interpretation by the authorities of the Church, the more one realizes that what is at stake is not merely superficial errors, a few mistakes, Ecumenism, Religious Liberty, Collegiality, a certain Liberalism, but rather a wholesale perversion of the mind, a whole new philosophy based on modern philosophy, on subjectivism… A wholly different version of Revelation, of Faith, of philosophy! Very grave! A total perversion! ...  So, they are no small errors. We are not dealing in trifles. We are into a line of philosophical thinking that goes back to Kant, Descartes, the whole line of modern philosophers who paved the way for the Revolution.” (Two Years After the Consecrations, September 6, 1990)


Archbishop Arthur Roche: "Soon a document on the liturgical formation of all the baptized"

[Image: roche.jpg]

Omnesmag.com | May 9, 2022

Arthur Roche's first year at the head of the Congregation for Divine Worship has been intense. The publication of “Traditionis custodes” and of a Letter from the Pope to the bishops on the Tridentine liturgy was followed by a clarification of the doubts raised signed by Bishop Roche. The Prefect misses a greater liturgical formation of all the baptized, and confirms the forthcoming publication of a document to promote it.
Alfonso Riobó May 9, 2022 Reading time: 9 minutes

Archbishop Arthur Roche has been Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments for a year, where he has worked since 2012. This year, much of the work of the Dicastery has revolved around the new norms that restrict the possibility of using the liturgical form prior to the reform of the sixties (the “Tridentine Mass”), and the creation of the new lay catechist ministry. Now, Bishop Roche has received Omnes at the headquarters of the Congregation, and takes stock of these and other issues.

Almost a year ago, "Traditionis Custodes" limited the possibilities of using the liturgy prior to the reform of the Council. The document explained that its objective was "to seek ecclesial communion." Has progress been made towards that goal?

– We must begin by saying that the reason behind this decision is the unity of the Church, and that is what has moved the Pope. The previous Popes, John Paul II or Benedict XVI, had never thought that the existing possibilities had the objective of promoting the Tridentine rite, but only serving people who have difficulty with the new form of prayer of the Church.

But, in the end, we are formed by the liturgy, because the liturgy carries within it the faith and doctrine of the Church. Lex orandi, lex credendi. I think that, in reality, this is not only a difficulty for the liturgy, but a difficulty for ecclesiology, for doctrine. For the first time in history, since the Second Vatican Council, we have in the magisterium an insertion of the nature of the Church, since it is the first time after two thousand years that we have a dogmatic constitution such as the "Lumen Gentium". "Lumen Gentium" implies that it is not only the priest who celebrates the mass, but all the baptized. Obviously, it is not possible for everyone to do what is related to the consecration of the Eucharistic species without the priest; but all the baptized, like the priest, have a position to celebrate. Everyone participates in the priesthood of Jesus Christ and for this reason, as "Sacrosanctum concilium" reminds us, they have the right and the duty to participate in the liturgy. This is in contrast to the rite that he collects in the 1962 missal, where the priest was seen as the representative of all the others who are present at the celebration of the mass. This is the great difference between the two forms: the Church as it is understood in today's ecclesiology, and the nature of the Church as it was conceived by earlier ecclesiology.

At the same time, Traditionis Custodes highlights the continuity between the current rite and the old one: it states that the new Roman Missal “contains all the elements of the Roman rite, especially the Roman canon, which is one of the most characteristic elements”.

– Of course, we must also underline the continuity. The liturgy is a living gift that the Church has received. But we must not canonize the old for old, otherwise we would find people who want to go back to things simply because they are older, and that could mean going back to liturgical expressions even before the Tridentine ones, for example. Actually, the point at which we are now, with the new missal of Paul VI, means that we have had the opportunity to study all the most fundamental elements, to take advantage of the sources of the liturgy, which were not known during the Tridentine Council in the years 1545-1563.

Pope Francis has said that he is "hurt by the abuses" of some current celebrations. What do you think?

– I think that at this moment there is a lack of liturgical formation. It is very interesting to remember that in the years prior to the Council there was a liturgical movement, with a patristic, biblical and ecumenical foundation; and the Council offered the possibility of a renewal of the Church, also in relation to the liturgy.

I think that at this moment the aim is only to comply with the rubrics of the Liturgy, and that seems a bit poor to me. Theologically, the reason was the celebration of the Mystery.

For this reason, two years ago the Holy Father asked this Congregation to hold a plenary meeting of all its members to discuss liturgical formation throughout the Church: from bishops to priests and laity. And indeed, a document on this matter is currently being prepared. Possibly it will materialize in a letter to the Church on the importance of formation. What do we do when we meet every Sunday for this celebration? What is the point of that assembly? Not just an obligation to do something every week, but what do we do? What do we celebrate at that time?

Will it be easy to get the content of that letter to the laity, to the people in a broad sense?

– As you know, on the occasion of the publication of the motu proprio “Traditionis Custodes” Pope Francis wrote a letter only to the bishops explaining what they should do. I think that, at this time, we in the Congregation have a responsibility to think about how to reach a larger audience.

The “mystagogical” catechesis, which introduces the celebrated mysteries, is one of the instruments of liturgical formation. A special occasion are sacraments such as baptism, communion or marriage. Do they fulfill that role?

– Mystagogical catechesis is very important. There is a paragraph in "Sacrosanctum Concilium", number 16, which says that liturgical formation is among the most important subjects in the formation of seminarians, and that teachers of other subjects must take it into account when teaching biblical subjects, patristic, dogmatic, etc.

There is an abbey in America, Mount Angel, next to Portland, where all the subjects of theological formation in the seminary period always have the focus on the liturgy of the day. Everything is oriented according to the great tenses of the liturgy, of the liturgical calendar. We must also consider this in relation to formation: that it is about celebration. It is not just about doing things or participating in some parts of the celebration, but about celebrating worthily with a deep, active participation as the Council recalled. Through words and gestures we reach the mystery. More than carrying out activities, such as reading the readings or other things, we must seek a deep, quasi-mystical participation in the contemplation of the liturgy.

The sacrament of Penance is a benchmark of this pontificate. Francis has spoken of mercy and forgiveness from the beginning; he has invited confession celebrations, and has shown similar gestures. How to revalue this sacrament?

– I think that obviously the sacrament of Penance is, in a certain sense, in a period of crisis at the moment, because there is a loss of the sense of sin. Sins are not less today than they were before, but the knowledge of individual sin is lacking; I think it's a challenge for so many people. The Pope as a great pastor, before his election as Pope, has evidenced this in his diocese, in the parishes and in his pastoral care.

I will tell you about an interesting experience: a few years ago I received an invitation from the Sacred Penitentiary to give a conference for deacons preparing to receive priestly ordination. When I arrived and saw that there were 500 people, I asked Cardinal Piacenza: are there that many to be ordained this year? It was not like that, but almost two thirds of the attendees were already ordained priests and had come to that course, in some cases after many years of ordination, to learn again how to celebrate the sacrament of penance. This speaks to us of a lack of training for priests. In particular, for the sacrament of confession, the availability of the priest is important, but not only in terms of dedication of time, but also as the availability of a person who welcomes penitents, who speaks of mercy, who speaks like a father to a person who needs reconciliation with God. All these elements are very important, but they are also integral elements of training.

How does the catechist ministry that was established on May 10 of last year evolve, in its first steps?

– At this time, the most important thing is for the Episcopal Conference to define who the catechists are. It is a ministry, and not just a participation in the ministry like we have in all the parishes in the world, where some people prepare the boys for first communion, confession, etc. This is a more important ministry, but one that needs to be defined. The person who receives this ministry is a point of reference in the diocese, for the organization of programs, levels, etc., but it depends on how the bishop makes the definition: this is now the responsibility of the episcopal conferences.

There are, for example, some religious who carry out their apostolate as catechists... but this ministry is not planned for them. Even more important: it is also not intended for seminarians, who are preparing for the priesthood. They receive the acolyte, the readership, and then the diaconate, but this ministry of catechist is not intended for them: it is only for the baptized in general. For the Church it is a sign of the importance of the laity announcing the Gospel and forming young people.

Let's talk about other aspects of the work of the Congregation for the Liturgy. The Constitution "Praedicate Evangelium" emphasizes that it promotes the liturgy "according to the renewal undertaken by the Second Vatican Council."

– Certainly, one of your tasks is to promote the liturgy. At the same time, it must also become a point of reference for all the bishops of the world in their relationship with the Petrine ministry. The Congregation (in the future, the Dicastery) is to serve not only the Supreme Pontiff, but also all the bishops of the world, in the liturgical field. And this is a dimension that we must carefully consider. This is an opening of the Roman Curia, which should not be understood as a bureaucratic structure, but as a service to the universal Church.

How do you collaborate with other Dicasteries?

– Regarding its competences, it collaborates with all the organisms of the Curia, from the Doctrine of the Faith, to the Clergy or almost all the others. Also the new evangelization, the missions, the practice of charity, and all other actions have a liturgical aspect. Because the liturgy is the life of the whole Church; it is the soul of the Church.

Soon it will be 60 years of “Sacrosanctum Concilium”. This Council document on the liturgy wanted the Paschal mystery to become the center of Christian life. How is this approach considered today?

– Sixty years is a short time in the history of the Church. After Trent, there was a great period in which there were circumstances of difficulty for the whole Church to receive the reform -a reform is something serious-; but also now we have many difficulties.

An important difficulty in the Church is the growth of individualism. People raise their desires as individual beings, but not as a community. Now, the Church is precisely a community, and celebrates all the sacraments in a communal sense; among them, also the mass, because it is not planned to be celebrated without the presence of another person, and normally the faithful congregate in large numbers.

At this time liberalism, individualism that exist in this society are a challenge for the Church. It is easy to think of my personal preference, of a specific type of liturgy, of a particular expression of the celebration, of this priest rather than this other priest; but this individualism is not of the character of the Church. And we must consider the effects of these influences on the spiritual life of the Church, as is clearly underlined in "Sacrosanctum Concilium", but also in "Lumen Gentium".

Has the pandemic reinforced the trend towards individualism?

– I think that this trend will not last forever, because we know that the need to relate to God and others is within us, and it is not something that we have the possibility of moving away indefinitely, through television or the internet. We need to be present at the celebration, since the sacraments refer to the personal relationship with Christ, and are not a program or a movie. Online or on TV we follow something for a moment, but we are not there; we can see everything, but we are not present, and this is the most important thing: the presence of the people.

Let me mention two particular aspects of "Sacrosancutm Concilium". The first is liturgical inculturation.

– It is that there are some cultures, in certain societies outside Europe, especially in mission countries, in which the Roman rite can be enriched by the genius of each place, which is not always easy.

On this subject, I have said many times to the bishops that we have spent the last fifty years preparing the translation of the liturgical texts; and now we have to move on to the second phase, which is already foreseen by "Sacrosanctum Concilium", and is the inculturation or adaptation of the liturgy to other different cultures, maintaining unity. I think that this work should be started at this time. But I want to specify that today there is only one liturgical “use”, not a “rite”, and it is in Zaire, in Africa.

It is important to understand what it means that Jesus shared our nature, and in a historical moment. We have to consider the importance of the Incarnation and, if we may say so, of the action of grace that is embodied in other cultures, with various expressions that are completely different from what we have seen and appreciated in Europe for so many years.

The second aspect is beauty, particularly in sacred architecture. The Pope says “the Church evangelizes and evangelizes herself with the beauty of the liturgy” (“Evangelii Gaudium”, 24).

– Beauty is a part of God's nature, and a part of human existence. It is very important for man, because it attracts him: we are attracted by beauty. And it speaks to us not only in a unique way, but also individually.

This aspect of the liturgy, also in relation to the temples, was foreseen by the documents issued as soon as the "Sacrosanctum Concilium" was approved and also supported by the bishops participating in the Council. These texts pointed out what must be taken into account in the configuration of the temple in a way that helps the celebration, and the meaning and importance of the various elements. I am thinking, for example, of the altar, which means the Body of Christ; for the Orthodox it is the tomb, from where the resurrection belongs to the celebration of the Eucharist. Or in the importance of the ambo, by itself and in relation to the altar. In our celebrations we have two “tables”: the Holy Scripture and the Holy Eucharist; but without Sacred Scripture we do not do the Eucharist. The two are in balance and both are the same thing. The Word leads to the Eucharist and this is deepened and understood with the Word.

Do you want to add something else?

– Yes. I think it is very important that at this moment we think once again about the voice of the Council to the whole world, a prophetic voice for the future of the Church. That we delve into what "Sacrosanctum Concilium" contains, and also the other documents, but above all "Lumen Gentium", about the holiness of the Church and our vocation, because without holiness we will lack an authentic voice to preach the Gospel.

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  Gregorian Propers for the Fourth Sunday after Easter
Posted by: Stone - 05-15-2022, 08:11 AM - Forum: Easter - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Fourth Sunday after Easter
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

Fourth Sunday after Easter
Introit • Score • Cantate Domino
1st Alleluia  • Score • Dextera Dei
2nd Alleluia • Score • Christus resurgens
Offertory • Score • Jubilate Deo universa terra
Communion • Score • Dum venerit Paraclitus

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  Gregorian Propers for the Third Sunday after Easter
Posted by: Stone - 05-15-2022, 08:02 AM - Forum: Easter - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Third Sunday after Easter
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

Third Sunday after Easter
Introit • Score • Jubilate Deo
1st Alleluia • Score • Redemptionem misit
2nd Alleluia • Score • Oportebat pati Christum
Offertory • Score • Lauda anima mea
Communion • Score • Modicum et non videbitis me

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  A Reminder: Bishop Fellay in 2017 - Major Collaborations with Rome
Posted by: Stone - 05-14-2022, 07:20 AM - Forum: The New-Conciliar SSPX - No Replies

From gloria.tv [adapted - emphasis mine]:



1) MARRIAGES: After 10 years of discussions with Rome concerning the Sacrament of Matrimony and the Catholic Church's jurisdiction over same, Bishop Fellay and Pope Francis concluded that the best arrangement for SSPX Marriages was for the Local Ordinaries to delegate the Faculties for Marriage directly to SSPX Priests and that SSPX Priests may offer the Nuptial Masses. A Diocesan Priest is present as a witness of the Vows for the local jurisdiction in which the marriage takes place; while the Marriages are recorded with SSPX.

2) LOCAL ORDINARIES: Bishop Fellay asked Pope Francis what should be done if a Local Ordinary refuses to collaborate with SSPX in this manner concerning Marriages. Pope Francis replied: "Then I will do it!" [provide the delegation]

3) SSPX ORDINATIONS: Bishop Fellay also explained that in 2016, he received a letter from Rome stating: "You can freely ordain your Priests without permission of the Local Ordinary."

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  Abp. Viganò: Pope Francis has displayed ‘unequalled duplicity’ in his treatment of Cardinal Zen
Posted by: Stone - 05-14-2022, 06:42 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò: Pope Francis has displayed ‘unequalled duplicity’ in his treatment of Cardinal Zen
'The poisoned fruits of the Sino-Vatican Agreement are now apparent.'

[Image: Cardinal_Joseph_Zen__GettyImages-810x500.jpg]
Cdl. Joseph Zen in Hong Kong, China, Aug. 18, 2018.

Fri May 13, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) –  On Wednesday it was announced that Cardinal Joseph Zen had been arrested by the authorities in Hong Kong. The investigation and arrest was made by the special police section set up by the government of Beijing to watch over Chinese national security, that is, to suppress any form of dissent or protest over the violations of human rights committed by the Chinese dictatorship.

The elderly Cardinal – who in the past has expressed strong criticism of the secret agreement signed between the Chinese regime and the Holy See – was interrogated and then released on bail. His passport was also confiscated. What has happened is a very grave violation of the freedoms and rights enjoyed by every human person, all the more deplorable in the case of a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church. The Vatican Press Office, with obvious embarrassment, limited itself to expressing “concern” without making any formal protest to the Beijing government. Only a few days earlier, ten other priests of the Baoding community, who belong to the clandestine Church, were abducted and sent to forced “re-education” by the Chinese Communist Party because they were unwilling to join the patriotic sect, adding to the list of abuses and oppression against Catholics who are faithful to the underground Church.

The poisoned fruits of the Sino-Vatican Agreement are now apparent. The Bergoglian church prefers to remain silent about the persecution of Catholics who belong to the clandestine Church after having handed them over to retaliations at the hands of the patriotic sect and the Chinese Communist Party. In exchange, Beijing rewards the Holy See for its services with substantial annual funding: the mercenaries allow themselves to be bought with thirty pieces of silver that are dripping with the blood of the martyrs of the Church of silence.

In September 2020, on the eve of the renewal of that infamous agreement, Cardinal Zen came to Rome to meet Bergoglio, who humiliated him with an indignant refusal to meet with him because of the Chinese Cardinal’s well-known position on the Sino-Vatican Agreement and its repeated violations. This affront against a Prince of the Church gave a clear signal to the Chinese dictatorship, which then felt free to act without fearing consequences or that the Vatican would take a position. The tenant of the Vatican, however, finds time to receive high-ranking representatives of the New World Order, representatives of globalism and usurious finance, dictators and war criminals, and even the wives of the soldiers fighting in the neo-Nazi Azov battalion, which in the past few days used civilians as human shields during the Russian siege of the Azovstal steel plant. Someone pointed out that the Russian-Canadian activist Pyotr Verzilov accompanied two Ukrainian wives to the papal audience: he is the founder and spokesman of the feminist group Pussy Riot, known for carrying out profanations and sacrileges against Orthodox churches in Russia, following the model of Femen in the West. It leaves us disconcerted that the representative of an anti-Christian movement that has made blasphemy the heart of its subversive action has been admitted to an audience at the Vatican.

This attitude of unequalled duplicity, that is anything but ambiguous, shows how Bergoglio’s deep church is totally aligned not only with the psycho-pandemic narrative but also with the insane management of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis by the deep state. Cardinal Zen is added to the dubia Cardinals in the list of those to whom Bergoglio has never responded to or received in audience, even as he has personally handwritten a letter of support to James Martin, S.J. With that umpteenth endorsement, Bergoglio confirms that he intends to normalize the pan-sexualism of the infamous LGBTQ ideology within the Catholic Church, and along with it the consequent eternal perdition of many souls.

The wisdom and prudence of Vatican diplomacy, a precious legacy of centuries of experience that was once admired by all the chanceries of the world, is today under the guidance of Pietro Parolin but a distant memory: courtly interests, economic profits, and criminal connivances all shamelessly prevail right before the eyes of both God and men. The faithful look on scandalized at the transformation of the Holy See into a den of thieves (Lk 19:46).

I exhort my brother bishops and priests as well as faithful laity to support His Eminence with prayer, expressing your closeness and solidarity with him at this difficult time. May the trials to which Cardinal Zen is being subjected merit from Heaven that reward which the Lord has promised to those who serve the Holy Church with fidelity and who remain steadfast in the Faith, without allowing themselves to be contaminated by the spirit of the world.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

13 May 2022

Anniversary of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima

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  Abp. Viganò: Roe v. Wade leak was Deep State ‘propaganda operation’ to ‘radicalize’ abortion debate
Posted by: Stone - 05-13-2022, 09:38 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò: Roe v. Wade leak was Deep State ‘propaganda operation’ to ‘radicalize’ abortion debate, influence justices
‘The embarrassing silence of the Hierarchy’ on ‘Catholic’ politicians like Joe Biden who support abortion, said Archbishop Viganò, ‘reveals itself as a confirmation of the sense of inferiority of those who ought to be wisely leading the people entrusted to their care, but who instead are following them off the edge of a cliff along with the politicians whom the bishops supported in the last electoral campaign.’

Thu May 12, 2022

(LifeSiteNews) – In recent days, the media has leaked the news that, according to a draft obtained from the Supreme Court of the United States, the justices of the Court are about to declare that the Roe v. Wade decision of January 22, 1973, is unconstitutional and must be overruled.

First of all, a widespread misunderstanding needs to be clarified: this potential decision of the Supreme Court does not address the moral legitimacy of abortion, but rather whether the 1973 decision conforms to the Constitution of the United States with respect to the sovereignty of the individual states. It is not therefore addressing an ethical or moral question with regard to the legitimacy of abortion, but rather a question of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under the Constitution.

The vulnus [wound] that the Roe v. Wade decision inflicted on the sovereignty of the states of the Union is a constitutional matter, and the justices will have to make a ruling on it as such.

It is significant that this aspect of the decision has been deliberately not spoken about by the media, emphasizing instead the specific content of the decision and making it an ideological banner. It is also clear that this propaganda operation, maliciously conducted by the Deep State, has the purpose of radicalizing the debate that the news will stir up in public opinion, with the intention of influencing the motivations of the decision, which has yet to be finalized by the justices. It does not escape anyone’s notice that the premature leak of the draft of the decision has provoked violent protest demonstrations organized by pro-abortion groups and Antifa, while at the same time scandalous provocations and sacrilegious attacks on Catholic churches during services are multiplying. The courageous witness of the Catholic laity ought to be encouraged and supported by the Shepherds of the Church, precisely in the name of that freedom of worship and preaching that is an inalienable right of the Church of Christ, as well as an inalienable constitutional right of all Americans under the First Amendment.

Thus, while Americans have yet to fully comprehend the scandals that are emerging about the criminal management of the pseudo-pandemic and the imposition of an experimental treatment that irreversibly modifies the human genome with still unknown long-term damage and serious side effects that have been culpably concealed by pharmaceutical multinationals and control agencies; while Special Counsel John Durham is preparing to conclude the investigation into Russiagate which will soon see Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Biden – whose accomplices include members of the highest levels of the Italian government at the time – investigated for their role in the suppression of Trump’s presidential campaign (and hopefully condemned for high treason and attacking the institutions of government); while Joe Biden desperately seeks to cover up the cases of corruption involving his son Hunter in Ukraine, which disturbingly include his involvement in the biolaboratories located there in which research on the “gain of function” was carried out on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, altering its pathogenesis and its transmissibility; while the White House desperately seeks to blame the problems in the U.S. economy of inflation and the rising price of raw materials on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis; while NATO acts as an arms salesman in the service of the American lobby and tries to impede the peace negotiations between Putin and Zelensky at all costs – behold, the operation is ready with which to distract public opinion and radicalize the clash between pro-life and “pro-choice,” after having successfully experimented with the same method of mass manipulation during the pandemic farce and even earlier with the George Floyd case and the exasperation provoked by the “Black Lives Matter” movement. 

If the Supreme Court is to be reproached for anything, it is for having wanted to impose legalized abortion on the states of the Union in 1973, even where it was rightly prohibited: this abuse of power was tolerated because it was cloaked in the ideological prejudice of the Democratic Party that gave rise to a massacre of the innocents that cries out to Heaven for justice. The Roe v. Wade decision was an operation of deliberate partiality that violated not only the natural law and the law of God but also the very principles enshrined in the United States Constitution. If the justices are to heal this vulnus, they will limit themselves to applying the law that they have sworn to defend, something which their predecessors fifty years ago either did not know how to do or did not wish to.

And if it is true that on May 11 the United States Senate demonstrated that it is not aligned with the proponents of abortion (by its vote to block the “Women’s Health Protection Act”), one cannot fail to notice the scandal given by self-styled “Catholic” politicians, first of all Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, who trample down without scruples the morality that instead they ought to commit themselves to defending in the social and legislative sphere. 

The Holy See and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops ought to reaffirm, along with a firm condemnation of abortion, that American Catholics cannot and must not vote for elected representatives whose positions are not consistent with the Magisterium of the Church, and who as such are excommunicated. The embarrassing silence of the Hierarchy reveals itself as a confirmation of the sense of inferiority of those who ought to be wisely leading the people entrusted to their care, who instead are following them off the edge of a cliff along with the politicians whom the bishops supported in the last electoral campaign. Hearing Joe Biden advocate for abortion as a “fundamental right” – disguised under the hypocritical euphemism of “women’s health protection” – proves the loss of any sense of the meaning of Catholic social commitment, for which not only the Hierarchy is responsible but also the entire system of Catholic education that looks to it for guidance. What sort of teaching is being given in Catholic high schools and universities if their graduates can declare that they support abortion without understanding its moral gravity? How can it be said that the killing of an innocent creature can be decided by the very mother who instead ought to protect the life of her child more than her own? Is this the “civilization” that Americans want to support and propagate? Are these the values that they want to pass on to future generations?

I am certain that Americans will not allow themselves either to be sidetracked by these operations of mass distraction or to be provoked by the pro-abortion protests that have been deliberately incited in order to foment clashes and violent reactions. Let us not forget that those who propagandize the killing of children are equally supportive of euthanasia, LGBTQ ideology, gender theory, the Great Reset, the pandemic farce, and the use of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis to weaken the nations of Europe and cover up the crimes of the Deep State. 

Let us pray therefore that She whom we venerate as Sede Sapientiæ, the Seat of Wisdom, may illumine the minds of the justices of the Supreme Court and inspire them with a sense of justice so that they may recognize the sacredness and inviolability of the life of the unborn child. And may the Woman foretold in Genesis crush the head of the Serpent who is the first inspirer of the horrendous crime of abortion.

May 12, 2022

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

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  Sorrowful Heart of Mary Newsletter - May 2022
Posted by: Stone - 05-12-2022, 12:33 PM - Forum: Sorrowful Heart of Mary - No Replies

[Image: b490fb5b-4e23-458c-8c98-1a2d8338c40f.jpg]

Sorrowful Heart of Mary SSPX-MC

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May 2022

Dear Faithful battling in the Trenches!

April was absorbed in the magnificence of Holy Week and Paschaltide, and may the graces of this Easter time fill your souls with joy and hope in Christ the King, Who conquered death, Satan and the chains of sin! “The Good Shepherd, Who laid down His life for His sheep, has Risen again, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!” (Matins antiphon, Easter).

But April also marked a significant event that happened ten years ago in 2012, which cannot be overlooked; the Vatican II Revolution within the Society of St. Pius X! This Revolution was embodied in the General Chapter Statement of July, 2012, the horrendous Doctrinal Declaration of April 5, 2012, the Six Conditions for an Agreement with unconverted Rome and the Letter of Bishop Fellay in response to the three bishops in April 2012.

Since the Faith always comes first and we are obliged to believe and profess the Holy Catholic Faith “without which it is impossible to please God,” we are, consequently, obliged to publicly profess and defend the Faith when it is publicly compromised or attacked. The Truth must always be defended! This is what Our Lord did before Caiphas, this is what St. Sebastian did before Emperor Diocletian, this is what St. John Fisher did before the King, and this is what Abp. Marcel Lefebvre did before the Pope himself, in the wake of the Revolution of Vatican Council II!

After analyzing the Doctrinal Declaration, which has never been officially rejected, condemned or made void by the Society superiors, it is dumbfounding to observe that they, through this document, have officially accepted what Abp. Lefebvre and faithful Catholics have always fought against: the Second Vatican Council, the New Mass, and the New Code of Canon Law.

Here is a summary of the compromises of the Doctrinal Declaration:

In paragraph I, Bp. Fellay and leaders promise fidelity to “the Conciliar Church” and to the Pope, head of both the Catholic Church and Conciliar Church, at the same time.

In paragraph II, they accept submission to the teachings of the Conciliar and post-Conciliar “Magisterium”, according to the doctrine of no. 25 of Lumen Gentium.

In paragraph III, they accept all of the major points of controversy:
  • the collegial authority of the Pope and the bishops (i.e. a “two-headed Church” by collegiality!);
  • the authority of the present “magisterium” and the “Conciliar Church” with all their errors;
  • the “progress” of Tradition according to the neo-modernists;
  • the criteria for interpreting between Tradition and the texts of Vatican II, in general, i.e. the “hermeneutics of continuity” of Pope Benedict XVI; the “hermeneutics of continuity” used as the criteria for interpreting between Tradition and Vatican II, on Ecumenism and Religious Liberty;
  • postponing the doctrinal discussions until later;
  • accepting the “validity” and “legitimacy” of the New Mass and sacraments; and
  • acceptance of the New Code of Canon Law (1983) with no distinctions.

By signing this Doctrinal Declaration, Bp. Fellay and the superiors approving it made serious doctrinal compromises, crumbling down the bastions of Tradition and caving in on every point that was opposed by Abp. Lefebvre! Bp. Fellay confirmed his “new attitude towards Rome” when he signed this as his “new position with respect to the official Church,” as he said in his own words in the Cor Unum, no. 101 of March 2012.

Let us zero in, this time, on the New Code of Canon Law. As Pope John Paul II admitted, when he signed the New Code in 1983, this New Code is the Second Vatican Council put into practice! It puts all the Conciliar errors into “legal” language. Would it not be a contradiction to claim that one rejects the Council and at the same time accepts the very “legislation” that put the Conciliar errors in place? In this sense, the New Code can be more dangerous than the Council itself!

Here is what Abp. Lefebvre said numerous times about the perversity of the New Code:
  • "So what are we supposed to think about this? Well, it’s that this [New] Canon Law is unacceptable.”  (Spiritual Conference given at Écône, 99B, March 14, 1983).
  • The New Code no longer asks a married Protestant / Catholic couple to sign a commitment to baptize the children Catholic. It is a serious violation of the Faith, a serious violation of the Faith!... In the New Code of Canon Law there are two supreme powers of the Church: there is the power of the Pope, who has the supreme power, and then the Pope with the bishops...that has never been seen in the Church...it is thus to limit the power of the Pope. So, the explanatory note [nota praevia] of the Council, practically, has no effect under the New Canon Law.” (Spiritual Conference given at Écône, 100A, May 20, 1983).
  • The Apostolic Constitution introducing the New Canon Law explicitly says on page 11 of the Vatican Edition: ‘The work, namely the Code, is in perfect accord with the nature of the Church, especially as been proposed by the Second Vatican Council. Moreover, this New Code can be conceived as an effort to expose this doctrine, i.e., Conciliar Ecclesiology, in canonical language.’ ...It is the authority of the Pope and the Bishops that is going to suffer; the distinction between the clergy and the laity will also diminish; the absolute and necessary character of the Catholic Faith will also be extenuated to the profit of heresy and schism; and the fundamental realities of sin and grace will be worn down.” (Letter to Friends & Benefactors, no. 24, March 1983).
  • However, when one reads this New Code of Canon Law one discovers an entirely new concept of the Church...This is the definition of the Church (New Code canon 204): ‘The faithful are those who, inasmuch as they are incorporated into Christ by baptism are constituted as the people of God, and who for this reason, having been made partakers in their manner in the priestly, prophetic and royal functions of Christ, are called to exercise the mission that God entrusted to the Church to accomplish in the world.’...There is no longer any clergy. What, then, happens to the clergy?...It is consequently easy to understand that this is the ruin of the priesthood and the laicization of the Church!...This is precisely what Luther and the Protestants did, laicizing the priesthood. It is consequently very grave...you know that the New Code of Canon Law [Canon 844] permits a priest to give Communion to a Protestant . It is what they call ‘Eucharistic hospitality.’ These are [given to] Protestants who remain Protestant and do not convert! This is directly opposed to the Faith!” (Conference at Turin, Italy March 24, 1984).
  • We find this doctrine already suggested in the Council document Lumen Gentium, according to which, the college of Bishops, together with the Pope, exercise supreme power in the Church in a habitual and constant manner. This is not a change for the better; this doctrine of double supremacy is contrary to the teaching and Magisterium of the Church. It is contrary to the definitions of Vatican Council I and to Pope Leo XIII’s Encyclical Satis Cognitum.” (Open Letter to Confused Catholics, Angelus Press, 1985, ch.13, p.95).
  • Our cry of alarm was rendered more urgent by the errors in the New Code of Canon Law, not to say its heresies...” (Open Letter to Confused Catholics, Angelus Press, 1985, ch. 21, p. 150).
Therefore, by accepting the New Code of Canon Law as it is, with no distinctions as presented in the Doctrinal Declaration, the leaders of the Conciliar-SSPX implicitly accept all its errors and deviations concerning:
  • a Protestant concept of the Church defined now as “the People of God”;
  • two supreme universal powers in the Church (Christ established a monarchical
  • structure for His Church, not democratic);
  • the error of Collegiality at all levels;
  • a laicization of the Church (i.e. more and more “active participation” of the laity);
  • Ecumenical practices, such as giving Holy Communion to heretics, called
  • “Eucharistic hospitality.”
  • new causes for nullity of marriages;
  • easy granting of annulments in Marriage Tribunals;
  • new regulations in contracting marriages;
  • suppression of the Major Order of Subdiaconate, minor orders (Porter, Lector,
  • Exorcist and Acolyte) and tonsure;
  • new “canonizations”;
  • relaxing of disciplinary laws;
  • etc., etc.

As it stands with the SSPX’s acceptance of the New Code of Canon Law as expressed in the Doctrinal Declaration of 2012, this is one of the greatest practical obstacles for the Society in defending Tradition and fighting Conciliar errors. How well Abp. Lefebvre understood the wily deceits of Modernist Rome! This last quote is the Archbishop speaking about the religious communities that had surrendered to Vatican II, sadly this would now include the Conciliar-SSPX:

When they say they didn’t compromise, it’s not true. They abandon the possibility of opposing Rome. They can’t say anything anymore. They must be silent, given the favors they have been granted. It is now impossible for them to denounce the errors of the Conciliar Church. They are slowly adhering to them, if only by the Profession of Faith requested by Cardinal Ratzinger. I think Dom Gerard is about to publish a ‘little’ book written by one of his monks, trying to justify Religious Liberty [of the Council] (N.B: In fact, the book written by Fr. Basile of La Barroux took 2,960 pages to try to reconcile the irreconcilable!)...From the point of view of ideas, they change very slowly, and end up accepting the Council’s false ideas, because Rome had granted some favors for Tradition. This is a very dangerous situation. They have practically abandoned the fight for the Faith. They cannot attack Rome anymore!” (Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, Fideliter, 79, p. 5-6).

There is much talk that Fr. Pagliarani, the reigning Superior General, is steering things back to the old SSPX. His skirting the vac*#***#ion question as being exclusively “a medical and political issue,” when they do, in fact, directly involve abortions which are violently performed while the children are still alive(!), is not a good sign. Let him condemn the Doctrinal Declaration of April 5, 2012 in no uncertain terms and then,maybe, we can hold hopes of the Conciliar-SSPX finally dropping the “Conciliar” in the Conciliar-SSPX!

Persevere in the Catholic Resistance! Great will be your crown in Heaven if we persevere, and greater still, the shining bruises and scars, earned in this Battle for the Holy Faith! ...Fight on, little flock!

In Christ the King,

Fr. David Hewko

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  Archbishop Viganò on Liturgical Revolution and the Holy Week Reforms of Pius XII
Posted by: Stone - 05-12-2022, 06:30 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

NB: The rationale given below by Archbishop Viganò for returning to the pre-1955 Holy Week and encouraging the SSPX to do the same are the exact same reasons Fr. Hewko has expressed for using the pre-1955 Holy Week and Liturgy the last two years.

[Archbishop] Viganò on Liturgical Revolution and the Holy Week Reforms of Pius XII
Written by  Carlo Maria Viganò

The Remnant Magazine [emphasis mine] | May 10, 2022

Dear Monsieur…,

Thank you for sending Abbé…'s question to me regarding the reform of Holy Week.

I agree with him that the reform can effectively be considered a sort of trial balloon with which the architects of the subsequent conciliar reform introduced an entire series of modifications – which in my opinion were entirely questionable and arbitrary – to the Ordo Majoris Hebdomadæ as it existed up until that time.

I would say in fact that this modification may have appeared almost harmless, albeit bizarre, because the mens that had given birth to them was not yet apparent either with the reform of John XXIII or with the much more devastating reform inaugurated by the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium and then further exasperated by the Consilium ad exsequendam; but that which for a parish priest in 1956 may have seemed like a simplification dictated by the exigencies of adapting the complexity of the rites of Holy Week to the rhythms of modernity – and that probably was presented as such to Pius XII himself, keeping its explosive significance hidden – acquires quite another sense from our perspective, since we see at work in it first of all the casual pruning mentality of the modernists and the students of the never-deprecated-enough rénouveau liturgique; and in the second place because we recognize in the decisions that were supposedly made to simplify the ceremonies the same ideological imposition of the most daring innovations of the Novus Ordo. Finally, the personalities who stand out in that reform include the protagonists of the conciliar reform, promoted to higher positions precisely because of their notorious aversion to the solemnity of worship: it is difficult to think that what they started between 1951 and 1955 was not conceived as a first step towards the upheavals brought to completion less than twenty years later.

Of course, the air one breathes in certain parts of the rite of Pius XII – I am thinking of the Pater Noster recited by the celebrant and the faithful, for example – is the same air that we find in the Novus Ordo: one perceives “something” foreign and unnatural, which is typical of works that are not inspired by the Lord and that are obviously human, imbued with a rationalism that has nothing truly liturgical about it but that reeks of gnostic presumption that Pius XII rightly condemned in the immortal encyclical Mediator Dei. It is astonishing that these same errors that were providentially condemned in 1947 succeeded in re-emerging in the very reform that Pius XII himself promulgated: let us not forget, however, that the Pontiff was at an advanced age and very physically and spiritually exhausted by the recent global conflict. Including Pius XII on the list of demolishers of the Tradition would be as unjust as it would be ungenerous.

Having said this, it remains to be assessed whether the same exceptions raised for the Novus Ordo Missae promulgated by Paul VI by the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum of 3 April 1969 apply to the rite promulgated by Pius XII by the Decreee Maxima Redemptionis Nostræ Mysteria of 16 November 1955. Or better: given that the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum recognizes the right of Catholics to avail themselves of the preceding rite because of its ritual, doctrinal and spiritual specificity, and given that the Motu Proprio does not enter into the merit of an evaluation of the orthodoxy of the Novus Ordo but limits itself to a question of liturgical taste, so to speak, may we extend this principle to the rites preceding John XXIII’s Motu Proprio Rubricarum Instructum and Pius XII’s Decree Maxima Redemptionis Nostræ Mysteria, expressing our “preference” for the so-called rite of Saint Pius X?

This is actually a provocation. First of all, because I do not agree with the co-existence of two forms of the same rite in the Church of the Roman Rite. Secondly, because I consider the reformed rite to be gravely lacking and certainly favens haeresim, joining myself to the denunciation of Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci as well as that of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and I am convinced that the Novus Ordo should simply be abolished and prohibited and the traditional rite should be declared the only Roman Rite in force. It is only from this point of view that I believe that it is possible to canonically “challenge” the Ordo Hebdomadæ Sanctæ Instauratus and, if we wish to be meticulous, the Motu Proprio Rubricarum Instructum as well, above all because of the consistency of their tone with the Novus Ordo and their obvious rupture with the tone of the preceding Missale Romanum.

Now, given the vacatio legis in which we find ourselves, I believe that if the Fraternity of Saint Pius X considers it legitimate to refer to the Missal of John XXIII because it recognizes the same malicious mind in all of the subsequent reforms that led to the Missal of Paul VI, then for the same reason – mainly of a prudential nature – it could apply the same principle to the reform of Holy Week, even if in itself – because in the Missal of John XXIII there is nothing heterodox or even remotely inclined towards heresy.

This, I believe, was the reason that Archbishop Lefebvre chose precisely the rite of 1962. On the other hand, since he had a juridical mind thanks to his solid formation, he understood well that it would not be possible to apply a sort of “free examination” to the Liturgy, because this would authorize anyone to adopt any rite. At the same time, however, the subversive nature of the conciliar reform did not escape him (just as it does not escape us today): intentionally open to execeptions ad experimentum, to an infinite number of ad libitum, under the pretext of recovering a supposed original purity after centuries of ritual sedimentation. Precisely for this reason, Archbishop Lefebvre decided to return to the less-compromised rite, the rite of 1962, perhaps without grasping some of the controversial aspects of the reforms made by Pacelli and Roncalli that only an expert liturgist would have grasped, especially during the troubled years of the 1970s. Let us not forget furthermore that the Rénouveau Liturgique began in France well before it developed in Italy, and that many innovations that later became the norm of the universal Church were experimented as early as the 1920s in French dioceses, beginning with the use of Gothic vestments and the altar versus populum, always in the name of that archaeologism that attempted to cancel an entire millennium of the life of the Church with the stroke of a pen. I imagine that in the eyes of an Italian prelate, celebrating coram populo with a medieval chasuble appeared to be an extravagance, while for a French archbishop it was by then an established and in some ways even an encouraged practice.

We must also understand – and in this regard I believe that I have expressed myself extensively – that the mens of the reform that began at the local level well before Pius XII and then progressively spread throughout the Catholic world was completely anti-juridical: its architects availed themselves of the authority of the Legislator in order to impose with the force of law a rite that was supposed to be everything other than a slavish application of the liturgical text; the Missal was no longer supposed to contain the texts that the celebrant was meant to faithfully recite, but was looked at rather as a sort of canvas that authorized the worst eccentricities and insinuated in the ecclesial body an inexorable loss of the sense of the sacred. This was not yet visible in the Ordo Hebdomadæ Sanctæ Instauratus, nor in the Missal of John XIII; but the principle of the perpetual changeability of the rite and its casual updating (along with the erroneous persuasion that it has become corrupted with the passage of centuries and that as such it needs to be “pruned” by superfetations, when instead it is actually the result of a harmonious development given by circumstances, time, and places) was already in place. And certainly, the modification of the Roman Canon by Roncalli with the insertion of the name of Saint Joseph went in the same direction, touching even the most ancient and sacred prayer of the Holy Sacrifice.

I conclude with an observation. Many communities that make use of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum celebrate the rites of Holy Week following the Missal prior to the reform of Pius XII: the Ecclesia Dei Commission itself authorized this dispensation, considering the reasons given by those who asked for it to be legitimate. Therefore, I do not see why the Fraternity [SSPX], which has been at the forefront of the guarding of the Traditional Mass in much more difficult times, cannot do the same. Certainly, when the Church re-finds herself, all of this will have to be brought back into the riverbed of the law; a law that, we may hope, will wisely take into account the criticisms that have been raised.

I hope that these considerations I have offered may be helpful in some measure to Reverend Abbé...

I am grateful for the occasion to impart my paternal blessing to you all, dear friends.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

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  Globalists have spelled out their plan to use the Ukraine conflict to impose one-world government
Posted by: Stone - 05-11-2022, 06:46 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

Globalists have spelled out their plan to use the Ukraine conflict to impose one-world government
On today's episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, I will be diving into conversations at the World Government Summit 2022 and the alarming projections this meeting will have on our lives.

Tue May 10, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) — You’d think people would be subtle about things like imposing a New World Order, but the globalists seem excited to share and inflict their opinions on the world. They are no longer hiding it; they are proud of it. They obviously believe the public is ready for a one-world government. And believe it or not, they are rather open about using the Russia-Ukraine conflict to bring it about. Today I will be diving into conversations at the World Government Summit 2022 and the alarming projections this meeting will have on our lives.

The World Government Summit 2022 was held in Dubai March 29-30, 2022, and featured a number of panels and speeches that discussed economics, aviation, and digital currency. All of these topics were related to the situation in Russia and Ukraine. As each talk unfolded, the concept of a New World Order emerged as the dominant theme. This conference is full of the people behind the curtain, the movers and shakers that guide world leaders.

One of the panelists was Dr. Frederic Kempe, who is the president and CEO of the Atlantic Council, a group which actively pushes a New World Order. The Council has prominent globalists on it like Henry Kissinger. The Atlantic Council Chairman is John FW Rogers, Executive Vice President, Chief of Staff, and Secretary to the Board of Goldman Sachs. Its founder is millionaire philanthropist Adrienne Arsht. So you get the picture.

So let’s start with a look at what Dr. Kempe says about “world orders” and the link to the conflict in Russia and Ukraine:

Quote:World orders are a group of countries across the world [that] agree to a set of rules and they agreed to play by them. The second is there’s a balance of power so that no power feels that it can subjugate a neighbor. That’s what we’ve lost in Russia. There wasn’t a balance of power … the age of military power is over [as Europe decided] … the third … is a consensus that everyone accepts this.

It seems that insofar as a country plays by these agreed-upon rules, there will be a kind of balance.

According to these globalists, China – the same nation that is engaged in genocide of the Uyghurs, that has enforced a one child policy with torture and forced abortion for mothers who dared to have a second child, that bulldozes Christian churches – these globalists see China as an ideal example of a peaceful country growing and cooperating with the world order and playing by its rules, while Russia which has at least promoted the growth of the Orthodox Church and some policies favoring life and family is the opposite. Check this out:

Quote:We thought that everyone could fit into this system that had been created, and it worked for a while, but not everybody came into it. But China certainly took full advantage of being part of the global system. Russia did not. Russia became more of an outlier.

Apparently, according to this logic, these outliers are the thing standing in the way of world peace. Russia’s aggression has become an excuse for globalists to push for a worldwide government.

Coincidence? Let’s take another look, then. Dr. Kempe says the following early on in the panel:

Quote:This gets to your question, Becky, of a New World Order is… It can go in two directions with the war in Ukraine now being a decisive element. Either the jungle is back, as the historian Bob Kagan talks [about], and that we can go into a darker era, or we could go into an era because of the advances of science, advances technology, that could be one of the most prosperous, promising, progressive, enlightened, moderate modern eras that we’ve ever faced.

Clearly, he sees this New World Order as an imminent event. Defining “world orders” and relating it to Ukraine specifically, he goes on, emphasizing Ukraine as a “fulcrum”:

Quote:I think we’re in a moment where that’s being decided, and I think the importance of the Ukraine issue is that it’s a fulcrum for this and how the world manages this and comes out of this is going to have far reaching consequences that go beyond Ukraine.

Moderator Becky Anderson of CNN made this statement following Dr. Kempe’s claims:

Quote:The US president has framed the tension of the moment in Ukraine. It’s described by the US president as a battle between democracy vs. autocracy.

Considering all of these statements, it is obvious that the globalists are capitalizing on a unique opportunity. 

Alongside these comments on Russia and Ukraine directly, the panels also address the new financial system that this New World Order will use.

Economist Dr. Pippa Malmgren served as Special Assistant to the President of the United States for Economic Policy on the National Economic Council during George W. Bush’s presidency. Now she publishes books on economic topics and also appears as a regular guest on BBC and Bloomberg. She claims this new financial system will replace the traditional one:

Quote:What we’re seeing in the world today, I think, is we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to and, I’ll say this boldly, we’re about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one.

She adds that it will be “sovereign”:

Quote:This new money will be sovereign in nature. Most people think that digital money is crypto and private, but what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency.

What is the significance here? Well, with a new financial system, globalists can introduce universal currency.

Dr. Malmgren asks this thought-provoking question:

Quote:Will that new system of digital money and digital accounting accommodate the competing needs of the citizens of all these locations so that every human being has a chance to have a better life because that’s the only measure of whether a world order really serves.

This is, of course, a great question to ask as globalists strive to unify the world and leave the low-level needs of citizens behind.

Turning the conversation back to Ukraine, Dr. Kempe even quotes Pope Saint John Paul II in his praise for President Joe Biden’s speech:

Quote:A speech that is one of the most brilliant speeches, maybe the most important speech of his lifetime, and it really put the Ukraine situation in a broader, in a world order sort of framework that what we’re talking about today, and he did it absolutely brilliantly, and he talked about how the darkest periods of history … can produce the most progress he quoted … the Polish pope John Paul II on ‘do not be afraid.’

In the areas of aviation and money, other panels reference this New World Order as well. In the panel on aviation, Sir Tim Clark, President and CEO of the Emirates Airline, which is the largest airline and one of two flag carriers of the United Arab Emirates and is owned by the government of Dubai’s Investment Corporation of Dubai, makes a statement about Russia, relating it to this idea:

Quote:Now we have the Ukrainian issue which, of course, is possibly more serious in terms of civil aviation and other areas of the global economy than the COVID pandemic … because of the economic iron curtain moving to the east and the exclusion of Russia in the future [will cause] a tectonic shift [in the way aviation operates].

It’s interesting how COVID-19 and its related issues have nearly disappeared in the wake of this new convenient catastrophe.

Adding to Dr. Malmgren’s claims about the new financial system was Bjorn Krog Andersen – the Head of Legal for Banking Circle, a fully licensed bank and financial infrastructure built for Payments businesses and Banks. He is also a board member of the Concordium Foundation, which is a Swiss-based non-profit focused on building the world’s leading open-source, permissionless, and decentralized blockchain. 

Here’s what Andersen says:

Quote:They’re trying to replace what we have today with the central bank of the banks with just e-money.

“They” in this case refers to regulators using CBDCs – Central Bank Digital Currencies. However, the implications of this are that one universal digital system of currency will be the financial system of the New World Order.

Another panelist, William Quigley, is the co-founder of Tether, a blockchain-enabled platform designed to allow fiat currencies to be used digitally. A Tether token is a cryptocurrency that is hosted on the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains, among others, issued by the Hong Kong company Tether Limited, which in turn is controlled by the owners of Bitfinex, a cryptocurrency exchange. Take a look at what he says:

Quote:Stable coins are this unbelievable gift from God. They allow anybody to hold native currency without ever having a bank and without ever having to convert that currency into another currency.

He proceeds to talk about how money is lost in the tax that governments levy on currency exchange.

Clearly the elites have brought the talk of a New World Order – meaning a one-world government – out of the closet. They showed the need with COVID; they now show it again with Ukraine; they show it with finance and passports. They have laid out the plans for a passport without which you cannot buy or sell. They have shown us all how it will work. Biblical prophecies are upon us. Are we ready?

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  Please pray for Michael
Posted by: Stone - 05-11-2022, 06:03 AM - Forum: Appeals for Prayer - No Replies

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-5Y...f=1&nofb=1]

In your charity, please pray for Michael, a man who was critically injured when struck by a falling tree.

Michael has been battling for his life these last several days.

Our Lady, Health of the Sick, pray for him!

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