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  Gregorian Propers for the Fifth Sunday after Easter
Posted by: Stone - 05-21-2022, 08:07 AM - Forum: Easter - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Fifth Sunday after Easter
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

Fifth Sunday after Easter
Introit • Score • Vocem jucunditatis
1st Alleluia  • Score • Surrexit Christus
2nd Alleluia • Score • Exivi a Patre
Offertory • Score • Benedicite gentes
Communion • Score • Cantate Domino

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  WHO plans emergency meeting over monkeypox outbreak
Posted by: Stone - 05-20-2022, 07:32 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (1)

UK monkeypox cases 'to double' as WHO plans emergency meeting over outbreak

walesonline.co.uk.com [adapted - emphasis mine] | 20 MAY 2022

The ongoing outbreak of monkeypox has prompted the World Health Organisation to arrange an emergency meeting, according to reports. It is understood the meeting has been convened as UK cases are expected to double with 11 more cases to be reported today.

There have been nine cases so far in the UK, but The Times has reported that this will increase today as the virus spreads across the country. It is also reported that the Government is ordering more stocks of the smallpox vaccine for those who may have been exposed to the virus.

It is understood the WHO meeting will look at how the virus is being spread, vaccine stocks, and why there is a high prevalence of cases in gay and bisexual men, The Telegraph reports. ...

Health officials in Spain have reported seven cases of monkeypox and Portugal updated its number of confirmed cases to 14 as an outbreak of a viral disease typically limited to Africa expanded in Europe.

That is why outbreaks reported in Britain, Portugal, Spain and the United States have cased alarm among public health experts. The disease, which was first discovered in monkeys, is usually mild but can cause severe illness in some cases.

Symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills and exhaustion. A rash can develop, often beginning on the face, which then spreads to other parts of the body including the genitals.

The rash can look like chickenpox or syphilis, and scabs can form which then fall off. The incubation period of monkeypox is usually from six to 13 days but can range from five to 21 days.

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  The Malice Matters: How “Conservative Catholics” Advance the Globalist Agenda
Posted by: Stone - 05-20-2022, 07:20 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - Replies (1)

The Malice Matters: How “Conservative Catholics” Advance the Globalist Agenda

[Image: 744e1e404010ae23dadca1f6bc78b1aa_L.jpg]

Robert Morrison [emphasis mine] | May 17, 2022

Quote:“Our final end is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution, the destruction forever of Catholicism and even of the Christian idea which, if left standing on the ruins of Rome, would be the resuscitation of Christianity later on. . . . The work which we have undertaken is not the work of a day, nor of a month, nor of a year. It may last many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks the soldier dies and the fight continues.” — Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita

Although Pope Pius IX attested to the veracity of the secret papers of the Alta Vendita in 1861, it was only with the Second Vatican Council, one hundred years later, that the Freemasonic plots began to yield tangible fruits in abundance. Even then, though, most of the world’s bishops had no idea that the Church’s enemies had breached its defenses.

In the decades following Vatican II, we have seen not only the increasingly disastrous fruits of the Council but also the damning admissions of its architects — those who had the greatest influence on Vatican II have told us unambiguously that they introduced novelties to change what the Church had always taught. The Freemasons had proclaimed their desire to fulfill the goal of the French Revolution in destroying the Catholic Church; after the Council, Cardinal Suenens triumphantly exclaimed that “Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church.”

With Fr. Charles Murr’s recent book, Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry, we now have even more evidence that the Freemasonic plots achieved their revolutionary objectives. As Fr. Murr describes, Archbishop Edouard Gagnon’s investigation of Freemasonry within the Church confirmed that the architect of the Novus Ordo Missae, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, was a Freemason. It also revealed that the man responsible for naming the world’s bishops from 1972 to 1984, Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio, was a Freemason. What a great success for the Freemasons and tremendous tragedy for the Catholic Church!

Even before Fr. Murr’s book, we knew enough to realize that malicious, anti-Catholic groups had infiltrated the Church to harm it and Catholics. As such, no evaluation of the current crisis in the Church can make sense if we do not account for the tragic reality that many of the Church’s apparent leaders actually desire to destroy the Church. Indeed, we can formulate an accurate and concise picture of the current crisis in the Church by describing the progress of the Church’s enemies: for centuries the popes warned of the anti-Catholic, liberal errors of the French Revolution; through cunning persistence, the Freemasons managed to weaken the Church’s defenses enough to have those anti-Catholic ideas adopted in certain Vatican II documents, albeit with subtle formulations; and since Vatican II the progressives have implemented their anti-Catholic innovations, leading to the great evils, and disastrous fruits, of which the pre-Vatican II popes had warned.

How do Catholics respond to this malicious infiltration of the Church? In almost any field of human endeavors, it would be clear to those who loved an institution that had been sabotaged that they must try to undo the damage caused by the saboteurs once discovered. The true defenders of such an institution would of course exercise great prudence and care in attempting to reverse the damage, but obviously they would not feel compelled to respect the wicked designs of those who sought to destroy the institution they loved.

With the Covid tyranny, we are all living through a secular event with tragic similarities to the undermining of the Church. From the beginning it was clear that something “did not add up” — the putative cures never quite matched the reported disease. Over time, though, it became obvious that the purveyors of global Covid policy were malicious, as evident from their numerous half-truths and outright lies that all had the effect of diminishing overall health and imposing tyrannical controls over anyone who dared question their preposterous narrative. At that point, wise and benevolent leaders stopped listening to the “experts” and started following the advice of those who were interested in discovering and spreading truth. Oftentimes this meant doing exactly the opposite of what the “experts” were demanding. Meanwhile, malicious and/or brainwashed leaders continue to impose the completely disproven Covid measures, causing great harm to the poor people under their control.

If it is normal to try to reverse damage once it is discovered, why have Catholics allowed the anti-Catholic infiltrators of the Church to continue their damage even though we are now several decades into the post-Vatican II crisis? While it is true that “obedience” to the false shepherds is an important factor, we must also consider that “obedience” does not prevent, for instance, the overwhelming majority of nominal Catholics from disobeying Paul VI’s encyclical on contraception, Humanae Vitae. So false obedience is an important component of the problem, but there must be something else at play.

One may reasonably argue that the biggest problem in the Church since Vatican II is not obedience to the overt heretics with high positions in the Church but the influence of the army of “conservative Catholics” who insist on doing all they can to preserve Vatican II, setting aside reality and reason to protect their mistaken vision of the Church. We can see this because in ordinary circumstances conscientious Catholics would recognize that the adverse changes in the Church occurred precisely because Vatican II introduced the anti-Catholic ideas that popes had warned of for over one hundred years — this recognition would lead them to embrace unadulterated Catholic tradition, which provides the only foundation for opposing the malicious infiltrators. And if these Catholics of good will would fully embrace Catholic tradition, we would see far less damage in the Church and world. Instead, far too many sincere but misguided Catholics listen to the false narratives of “conservative Catholics.”

NB: As an example of 'conservative Catholics' - see Fr. Hewko's recent Sorrowful Heart of Mary newsletter, outlining the doctrinal compromises of Bishop Fellay's 2012 Doctrinal Declaration which accepts the Vatican II, the New Mass, and the New Code of Canon Law!

At least some of the ostensibly conservative defenders of Vatican II fall within the category of controlled opposition, who resemble the infiltrators cultivated by the Freemasons, as described in the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita:

Quote:“In order to reap profit at the home of each family, in order to give yourself the right of asylum at the domestic hearth, you ought to present yourself with all the appearance of a man grave and moral. Once your reputation is established in the colleges . . . in the universities, and in the seminaries — once that you shall have captivated the confidence of professors and students, so act that those are principally engaged in the ecclesiastical state should love to seek your conversation.”

Of course the enemies of the Church would seek to employ this same tactic today because it has proven to be tremendously effective in undermining actual Catholic belief. Once they have gained the trust and support of faithful Catholics, these wolves in sheep’s clothing steer their followers away from the beliefs and practices that could potentially reverse the damage in the Church.

Other conservative Catholics act with good will but mistakenly believe that the Church’s teachings on infallibility and indefectibility prevented any actual defect in Vatican II’s documents. Although they reach this conclusion on the basis of overbroad interpretations of the Church’s teachings on infallibility and indefectibility, they nonetheless correctly identify a source of immense confusion within the Church since Vatican II: how can the Church teach something different than what it has always taught on key matters of faith and morals? Would this not suggest the Holy Ghost had abandoned the Church? As discussed below, we can clearly see that the Holy Ghost has not abandoned the Church, but the dilemma remains.

While traditional Catholics resolve the dilemma (in part) by observing that the Council overtly refused to define anything new in a binding manner, conservative Catholics attempt to resolve it by denying or distorting both reality and the immutable nature of certain Catholic truths. Like the Covid “experts” who label as “science deniers” those who do not comprehend why ineffective and dangerous vaccines should be mandatory, the conservative Catholics defending Vatican II label as “schismatic” those who do not comprehend how immutable truth can become the opposite of what it once was. In both cases, common sense must surrender to uncritical adherence to the self-contradictory dictates of “experts” who rely on sophistry and slogans to obscure reality.

The devil always shows his tail, though, and we can see that the experts running the Great Reset are closely aligned with the experts who have implemented the great reset within the Church since Vatican II. This makes sense when we consider that the Freemasons did not undertake their attack on the Church as a mere pastime but in order to get the Church out of their way. Until Covid, most of us could only speculate on where the Freemasons and the globalists wanted to take humanity, but we now know through painful experience that they want to reduce, and tyrannically control, the world’s population. To do this, they need to overcome anyone who would rather die than cooperate with their diabolical plans.

The Freemasons and globalists know that faithful Catholics would indeed rather die than lead a life of sin. Even worse for the globalists, they know that Catholics are willing to make great sacrifices to bring the Catholic truth to other souls. From the standpoint of the globalists, as well as their leader, Satan, we can state the “Catholic problem” as follows: Catholicism proclaims that it is a logically coherent body of immutable and objective truth from God, which subordinates the desires of men to the commandments of God, compelling our assent under the pain of eternal damnation. Accordingly, it is no accident that the principle practical evils of Vatican II seek to counteract each aspect of this “problem”:

Logically Coherent. A body of belief that imposes challenging beliefs and practices cannot appeal to a large group of rational believers unless it is logically coherent. Actual Catholicism presents a set of beliefs that is logically coherent even though they are not self-evident. Conversely, Vatican II and the reforms that followed contradict established Catholic truth in fundamental ways, resulting in logical incoherence. Thus, although the Catholic religion appeared to become much easier to follow after Vatican II, vast numbers of Catholics (including priests) abandoned the Faith because it was no longer credible.

Immutable and Objective Truth from God. Related to its logical coherence, the Catholic Faith is immutable and objective — it does not change in fundamental ways to fit evolving conditions of humanity. According to the Council’s Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio, though, the Faith should change to fit the times:

Quote:“Christ summons the Church to continual reformation as she sojourns here on earth. The Church is always in need of this, in so far as she is an institution of men here on earth. Thus if, in various times and circumstances, there have been deficiencies in moral conduct or in church discipline, or even in the way that church teaching has been formulated - to be carefully distinguished from the deposit of faith itself - these can and should be set right at the opportune moment.”

So much of Vatican II followed the “aggiornamento” (or “updating”) proclaimed by John XXIII at the beginning of the Council. But if the Faith changes to fit the times, why would Catholics today feel compelled to follow rules that may change tomorrow? When key aspects of the Faith are in a state of perpetual evolution, it is far less certain that a Catholic must risk his or her livelihood or comfort, let alone his or her life, to adhere to today’s “truths.” Moreover, by the very nature of the changes it introduced, Vatican II falsely taught many Catholics that truth was derived from the consensus of men rather than God. We see this even more clearly today in Francis’s Synod on Synodality, which is open to all “truths” other than God’s.

Subordinates the Desires of Men to the Commandments of God. Prior to Vatican II, Catholics understood that all men are called to follow God’s commandments, even when those commandments conflict with prevailing attitudes in society. Vatican II countered this not only with its emphasis of religious liberty and human dignity but by its entire orientation. Vatican II substituted a new focus on man for the Catholic focus on God, as Paul VI expressed in his closing address of the Council:

Quote:“The religion of the God who became man has met the religion (for such it is) of man who makes himself God. And what happened? Was there a clash, a battle, a condemnation? There could have been, but there was none. The old story of the Samaritan has been the model of the spirituality of the council. A feeling of boundless sympathy has permeated the whole of it. The attention of our council has been absorbed by the discovery of human needs (and these needs grow in proportion to the greatness which the son of the earth claims for himself). But we call upon those who term themselves modern humanists, and who have renounced the transcendent value of the highest realities, to give the council credit at least for one quality and to recognize our own new type of humanism: we, too, in fact, we more than any others, honor mankind.

Every single innovation introduced at the Council and perpetuated by its spirit in the subsequent decades has involved a turning away from God, toward man. Conservative defenders of Vatican II often get so lost in details (which they mistake) that they cannot see this strikingly obvious reorientation. Almost as if to avoid any confusion on the matter, the Freemason Bugnini designed the Novus Ordo so that the priest faces the congregation. The religion of Vatican II is the religion of man, not God.

The Freemasons and globalists understand that those who shift their focus from God to man will seldom be willing to sacrifice their bread and circuses, let alone their lives, to follow the commandments of God.

Compels Our Assent Under Pain of Eternal Damnation. If Catholicism consisted merely of some guidelines for good living, the globalists could easily coerce even faithful Catholics to abandon their beliefs in the face of tyranny. But actual Catholics know that their eternal salvation is at stake and so would rather die than live a life of sin. Vatican II overcame this both with intimations of universal salvation and with the more explicit embrace of non-Catholic religions. If all souls, or at least all Christians, are saved, obviously there is no need to adhere to rigid Catholic teaching.

Whether they intend to or not, the conservative Catholics who support Vatican II and its initiatives perpetuate these toxic deviations from actual Catholic belief and practice. As a result, many souls who would otherwise turn to authentic Catholic tradition are led to accept compromises that lead them into dangerous error and prevent them from effectively countering the anti-Catholic globalism attacking the Church and world today.

Conservative Catholics of good will (as opposed those who are controlled opposition) may think that the Holy Ghost would never permit a situation in which a “pastoral Council” would promulgate such anti-Catholic errors, but their pertinacious denial of reality is a far worse problem than the one they seek to avoid. As Fr. Alvaro Calderon wrote in his Prometheus; The Religion of Man, the “Holy Spirit does not always prevent the necessary consequences of our negligence.” How is it not blasphemous to argue that the Holy Ghost guided the Council as it undermined immutable Catholic truth?

Instead, it is far more reasonable to believe that the protection of the Holy Ghost regarding Vatican II consists in the exceptionally clear indications that the architects deliberately avoided invoking the protections of the Holy Ghost, worked with an overt malice that is completely inimical to the Faith, and produced hideous fruits that we must avoid. Thus the conservative Catholics thwart the protections of the Holy Ghost by trying to persuade others to ignore these obvious signs that Vatican II was orchestrated by the malicious enemies of the Church. God has not given individual bishops, priests, or laity the authority to remove the heretics from their high positions in the Church, but He has given faithful Catholics the rights and duties to fight the anti-Catholic errors of Vatican II that allow those heretics to hijack the Church to serve the globalist agenda.

Francis made it clear with his Traditiones Custodes that he sees those who oppose Vatican II as the greatest enemies of his plans for the Church, which correspond with the globalists’ malicious plans for the world. As such, the globalists can count today’s conservative Catholics among their most valuable tools in suppressing the truly Catholic response to the evils of the day [See the SSPX's pitiful response to the abortion-linked vaccines], which is the only response that can ever succeed. All Catholics of good will should recognize what these globalist demons want us to do, and then do the opposite. If we do that we will be the instruments of God’s ultimate victory over Satan and his Great Reset.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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  Audiobook: A Treatise on Christ the Savior by Rev. Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
Posted by: Stone - 05-20-2022, 06:09 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

Audiobook: A Treatise on Christ the Savior
by Rev. Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

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  Francis Goes After Next Flourishing Conservative Community
Posted by: Stone - 05-20-2022, 05:55 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Francis Goes After Next Flourishing Community

gloria.tv | May 20, 2022

Francis ordered an investigation into the French neo-conservative Priestly Community of Saint Martin, founded in 1976, which is composed of 168 priests and about 100 seminarians.

A biased article published on Liberation.fr, a Communist outlet, released this information on May 18. The visitation is slated to start “very soon” and will last at least six months.

Some French bishops are eager to receive Saint-Martin priests into the dioceses to staff their parishes, others hate the group because it presides the Novus Ordo according to the books, uses Latin, and their priests wear cassocks.

The visitation will look at governance, the training of the seminarians, finances, and patrimony to find anything that could be used against the group.

The Vatican is sending a very large investigative commission of four people, led by Mende Bishop Benoît Bertrand who is assisted by retired Perpignan Bishop André Marceau. Both are enemies of Saint Martin.

The superior of Saint Martin, Father Paul Préaux, called this a "periodic pastoral visit" – not a canonical visitation - taking place at his request. But this is likely a pipedream as the official announcement – which Liberation.fr saw – says that it was decided by the Vatican.

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  Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise - 2021
Posted by: Stone - 05-20-2022, 05:51 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (1)

Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats

NTI [emphasis mine] | November 23, 2021

In March 2021, NTI partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats. The exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures—exploring opportunities to improve prevention and response capabilities for high-consequence biological events. Participants included 19 senior leaders and experts from across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe with decades of combined experience in public health, biotechnology industry, international security, and philanthropy.

This report, Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats: Results from the 2021 Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conference, written by Jaime M. Yassif, Ph.D., Kevin P. O’Prey, Ph.D., and Christopher R. Isaac, M.Sc., summarizes key findings from the exercise and offers actionable recommendations for the international community.

Exercise Summary

Developed in consultation with technical and policy experts, the fictional exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that first emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight. By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.

Discussions throughout the tabletop exercise generated a range of valuable insights and key findings. Most significantly, exercise participants agreed that, notwithstanding improvements following the global response to COVID-19, the international system of pandemic prevention, detection, analysis, warning, and response is woefully inadequate to address current and anticipated future challenges. Gaps in the international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architecture are extensive and fundamental, undermining the ability of the international community to prevent and mount effective responses to future biological events—including those that could match the impacts of COVID-19 or cause damage that is significantly more severe.

Report Findings and Recommendations

Discussion among exercise participants led to the following key findings:
(The full findings are available on page 14 of the report.)
  • Weak global detection, assessment, and warning of pandemic risks. The international community needs a more robust, transparent detection, evaluation, and early warning system that can rapidly communicate actionable information about pandemic risks.
  • Gaps in national-level preparedness. National governments should improve preparedness by developing national-level pandemic response plans built upon a coherent system of “triggers” that prompt anticipatory action, despite uncertainty and near-term costs—in other words, on a “no-regrets” basis.
  • Gaps in biological research governance. The international system for governing dual-use biological research is neither prepared to meet today’s security requirements, nor is it ready for significantly expanded challenges in the future. There are risk reduction needs throughout the bioscience research and development life cycle.
  • Insufficient financing of international preparedness for pandemics. Many countries around the world lack financing to make the essential national investments in pandemic preparedness.
To address these findings, the report authors developed the following recommendations:
(The full recommendations are available on page 22 of the report.)
  1. Bolster international systems for pandemic risk assessment, warning, and investigating outbreak origins
    • The WHO should establish a graded, transparent, international public health alert system.
    • The United Nations (UN) system should establish a new mechanism for investigating high-consequence biological events of unknown origin, which we refer to as a “Joint Assessment Mechanism.”
  2. Develop and institute national-level triggers for early, proactive pandemic response
    • National governments must adopt a “no-regrets” approach to pandemic response, taking anticipatory action—as opposed to reacting to mounting case counts and fatalities, which are lagging indicators.
    • To facilitate anticipatory action on a no-regrets basis, national governments should develop national-level plans that define and incorporate “triggers” for responding to high-consequence biological events.
  3. Establish an international entity dedicated to reducing emerging biological risks associated with rapid technology advances
    • The international community should establish an entity dedicated to reducing the risk of catastrophic events due to accidental misuse or deliberate abuse of bioscience and biotechnology.
    • To meaningfully reduce risk, the entity should support interventions throughout the bioscience and biotechnology research and development life cycle—from funding, through execution, and on to publication or commercialization.
  4. Develop a catalytic global health security fund to accelerate pandemic preparedness capacity building in countries around the world
    • National leaders, development banks, philanthropic donors, and the private sector should establish and resource a new financing mechanism to bolster global health security and pandemic preparedness.
    • The design and operations of the fund should be catalytic—incentivizing national governments to invest in their own preparedness over the long term.
  5. Establish a robust international process to tackle the challenge of supply chain resilience
    • The UN Secretary General should convene a high-level panel to develop recommendations for critical measures to bolster global supply chain resilience for medical and public health supplies.

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  ' ...on the downside, eradicating smallpox led to the end of a global vaccination program.'
Posted by: Stone - 05-20-2022, 05:39 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (1)

Why Wiping Out Smallpox Has Stoked Risk of Monkeypox

Bloomberg [emphasis mine] | May 20, 2022

The global eradication of smallpox more than 40 years ago was one of the greatest achievements in public-health history, vanquishing a cause of death, blindness and disfigurement that had plagued humanity for at least 3,000 years. But, on the downside, it led to the end of a global vaccination program that provided protection against other pox viruses. That includes monkeypox, which has been spilling over from its animal hosts to infect humans in Africa with increasing frequency since the 1970s. More recently, monkeypox has sparked outbreaks in Europe and North America, demonstrating again how readily an infectious agent that emerges in one country can become an international concern.

1. What’s monkeypox?

“Monkeypox” is a misnomer resulting from the fact it was first discovered in 1958 when outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in monkeys kept for research. While monkeys are susceptible to it, just like humans are, they aren’t the source. The virus belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus, which includes the variola virus, the cause of smallpox; the vaccinia virus, which is used in the smallpox vaccine; and cowpox virus. Monkeypox is less contagious than smallpox and the symptoms are milder. About 30% of smallpox patients died, while the fatality rate for monkeypox in recent times is around 3% to 6%, according to the World Health Organization.

2. What does monkeypox do?

After an incubation period of usually one to two weeks, the disease starts with fever, muscle aches, fatigue and other flu-like symptoms. Unlike smallpox, monkeypox causes swelling of the lymph nodes. Within a few days of fever onset, patients develop a rash, often beginning on the face then spreading to other parts of the body. The lesions grow into fluid-containing pustules that form a scab. If a lesion forms on the eye it can cause blindness. The illness typically lasts two to four weeks, according to the WHO. The person is infectious from the onset of symptoms until the scabs fall off. Some patients have genital lesions and the rash may be hard to distinguish from syphilis, herpes simplex virus infection, shingles and other more common infections, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mortality is higher among children and young adults, and people whose immune system is compromised are especially at risk of severe disease.

3. Where does it come from?

The reservoir host or main carrier of monkeypox disease hasn’t yet been identified, although rodents are suspected to play a part in transmission. It was first diagnosed in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then most cases in humans have occurred in rain forest areas of Central and Western Africa. In 2003, the first outbreak outside of Africa was in the US and was linked to animals imported from Ghana to Texas, which then infected pet prairie dogs. Dozens of cases were recorded in that outbreak.

4. How is it transmitted?

Monkeypox doesn’t spread easily between people. Contact with the virus from an animal, human or contaminated objects is the main pathway. The virus enters the body through broken skin, the respiratory tract or the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose or mouth. Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur mainly through large respiratory droplets, but can also following contact with body fluids or lesion material, or indirectly through contact with contaminated clothing or linens. It may also be transmitted during sex. Common household disinfectants can kill the monkeypox virus.

5. How often does it occur?

Monkeypox is endemic in many parts of West and Central Africa. Outbreaks outside the continent occur infrequently -- at least eight known exported cases since 2017 -- usually involving international travelers. They don’t typically cause onward transmission. In May 2022, however, more than two dozen cases were confirmed in the UK, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Canada and the US. Australia confirmed two cases on May 20 in men who had recently flown back from Europe.

6. What’s unusual about this outbreak?

It’s led to multiple chains of transmission in clusters in multiple countries that don’t normally report monkeypox. The cases don’t involve recent travel. Instead, community spread is suspected among individuals who self-identify as men who have sex with men -- suggesting transmission through close sexual and personal contact. The cases are thought to have been caused by a West African “clade,” or strain, which has a case-fatality rate of 1% to 3.6%. (That compares with 10% for a second strain called Congo Basin, which appears on the US government’s bioterrorism agent list as having the potential to pose a severe threat.)

7. Is monkeypox a pandemic threat?

The emergence cases involving human-to-human transmission has raised concern that the virus may undergo genetic changes and become more adept at spreading from person to person. Still, even the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where thousands of infections occur annually, that has yet to occur.

8. How is it treated and prevented?

The illness is usually mild and most patients will recover within a few weeks; treatment is mainly aimed at relieving symptoms. For the purposes of controlling a monkeypox outbreak, the CDC says smallpox vaccine, antivirals, and vaccinia immune globulin can be used. Vaccination against smallpox can be used for both pre- and post-exposure and is as much as 85% effective in preventing monkeypox, according to the UK Health Security Agency. It lists cidofovir and tecovirimat as antiviral drugs that can be used to control monkeypox outbreaks. Tecovirimat was approved by the European Medical Association for monkeypox in 2022 based on data in animal and human studies, but isn’t yet widely available, according to the WHO. Newer vaccines have been developed, of which one has been approved for prevention of monkeypox. The main way to prevent infection is by isolating patients suspected of having monkeypox in a negative pressure room, and ensuring health staff wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

9. Is there a test for monkeypox?

Yes, monkeypox is diagnosed based on the detection using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests of viral DNA in specimens collected from the scabs or swabs of a patient’s lesions. In the US, these are available at state health departments and the CDC.

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  Iran Rolls Out Digital Food-Rationing
Posted by: Stone - 05-20-2022, 05:16 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Iran Rolls Out Digital Food-Rationing

ZH | May 20, 2022

Via Off-Guardian.org

Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food-rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs.

Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can’t afford rapidly inflating food prices.

This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.”

Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast...

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  Mother Miriam channels Archbishop Lefebvre with respect to false Conciliar Teaching
Posted by: Stone - 05-19-2022, 09:57 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Every Catholic can and must resist anyone in the Church who lays hands on his Faith, the Faith of the Eternal Church, upheld by his childhood catechism. The defense of his Faith is the first duty of every Christian, more especially of every priest and bishop. Wherever an order carries with it the danger of corrupting Faith and morals, “disobedience” becomes a grave duty.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Letter to Friends & Benefactors, no. 9, 1975).

"The principles governing obedience to the Pope's authority are the same as those governing relations between a delegated authority and its subjects. They do not apply to the Divine Authority which is always infallible and indefectible and hence incapable of failing. To the extent that God has communicated His infallibility to the Pope and to the extent that the Pope intends to use this infallibility, which involves four very precise conditions in its exercise, there can be no failure. Outside of these precisely fixed conditions, the authority of the Pope is fallible and so the criteria, which bind us to obedience, apply to his acts. Hence it is not inconceivable that there could be a duty of disobedience with regard to the Pope. The authority, which was granted him, was granted him for precise purposes and in the last resort for the glory of the Holy Trinity, for Our Lord Jesus Christ, and for the salvation of souls. Whatever would be carried out by the Pope in opposition to this purpose would have no legal value and no right to be obeyed, nay, rather, it would oblige us to disobey in order for us to remain obedient to God and faithful to the Church. (Statement, March 1988)

+ + +

Mother Miriam: Catholics cannot obey false, ‘sinful’ statements of the Pope
Pope Francis has made remarks on several topics, including on LGBT issues, that Catholics can’t accept, Mother Miriam said.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2022-05-18-at-6.44.52-PM-810x500.png]

Pope Francis in the 2020 documentary “Francesco,”
 in which he expressed support for same-sex civil unions in violation of Catholic teaching

Wed May 18, 2022 [Excerpt]
(LifeSiteNews) – Catholics must reject statements that contradict the faith even if the Pope utters them, Mother Miriam said in a recent episode of LifeSite’s “Mother Miriam Live!”

“When the Pope says what is sinful, what is inaccurate, what is against the faith,” said the Benedictine prioress, “not only do we have the right to not believe, but we should not believe. We must follow God and not men, even when that man is the Holy Father, if he does not speak what is true.”

“The first one we obey is God, always,” Mother Miriam stressed. “And if the Pope teaches something contrary to the Faith or what God has spoken through his Word or in the Natural Law, then we do not obey. We do not obey the Pope.”

The Catholic Church teaches that Christ endows the Roman Pontiff with the charism of infallibility in matters of faith and morals, but that he only exercises infallibility “when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful … he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals,” as declared by the First Vatican Council.

Pope Francis has never made an infallible pronouncement, Mother Miriam noted.

Her comments echo those of St. John Henry Newman, who wrote in his Letter to the Duke of Norfolk that if a Pope prescribed an immoral act, such as lying, “his command would simply go for nothing, as if he had not issued it, because he has no power over the Moral Law.”

Pope Francis wrong on COVID jabs, LGBT

Mother Miriam specifically pointed to Pope Francis’ opinion that COVID-19 vaccination is a “moral duty” and an “act of love.” In a 2020 doctrinal note, the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith stated that vaccination is not a “moral obligation,” however.

“So when the Pope says it’s OK to take the vaccine, he went beyond that and said it’s uncharitable not to take it,” Mother Miriam said. “He is wrong in that, he is wrong in other cases.”

“I’m not his judge, but we know the teaching of the Catholic Church.”

She also highlighted a recent message from Pope Francis to LGBT activist Fr. James Martin, SJ, in which the Pope suggested that Catholics who “reject” so-called “LGBT Catholics” belong to a “sect” rather than the Church.

Those remarks are “not true,” Mother Miriam said, pointing out, firstly, that “there’s no such thing as an ‘LGBTQ Catholic.’”

“If you call yourself a Catholic and you are practicing homosexuality or same-sex so-called ‘marriages’ or unions, or if you are active, then you have excommunicated yourself from the Church,” she insisted. “You may be baptized a Catholic, but you are not on your way to heaven and you’re not in good standing with God. You need to repent.”

Mother Miriam added that “those who repent, who live a celibate lifestyle and who honor God, yes, they will be Catholic, but they no longer call themselves ‘LGBTQ’ because they know that that is terribly dishonoring to God.”

“He died for every one of you, everyone. But he will not accept a sinful lifestyle,” she said, stating also that “we can have certain tendencies without labeling ourselves a way that it is not helpful to you, as if God cannot change you or change things around.”

Pope Francis has repeatedly appalled faithful Catholics with his public support of same-sex civil unions, in contradiction to Church teaching, and of the LGBT movement more broadly.

The Argentine Pontiff has sparked controversy with numerous other dubious statements, such as that “the diversity of religions” is “willed by God” and that “apostates” are included in the communion of the saints, as well as with his 2016 apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia and the “Pachamama” scandal, among other things.

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  US Confirms Monkeypox Virus In Massachusetts After UK, Spain, Portugal Cases In Men
Posted by: Stone - 05-19-2022, 08:35 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (3)

US Confirms Monkeypox Virus In Massachusetts After UK, Spain, Portugal Cases In Men

ZH | May 19, 2022

Authored by Caden Pearson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

A single case of the rare but serious monkeypox virus has been confirmed in Massachusetts in a man. Recent cases in the United Kingdom, Spain, and Portugal have been linked to men who have sex with other men.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the U.S. case on Wednesday, after initial testing completed late Tuesday at the State Public Health Laboratory in Jamaica Plain.

The man poses no risk to the public and is in hospital in good condition, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) said in its release.

Contact tracing efforts are underway between Massachusetts DPH, the CDC, relevant local health officials, and the man’s health care providers.

The United Kingdom has confirmed nine cases of monkeypox since early May. The first of these cases had recently traveled to Nigeria. None of the other cases reported recent travel.

Five cases were also confirmed in Portugal on Wednesday in young men, with 15 cases under investigation.

Health authorities in Spain said late on Wednesday that they were also assessing 23 possible cases of monkeypox, mostly in men who have sex with men.

The Epoch Times contacted Massachusetts DPH for further relevant information regarding the U.S. case.

Monkeypox symptoms typically begin with flu-like illness and swelling of the lymph nodes. It progresses to a rash on the face and body. Most infections last two to four weeks.

The virus does not easily spread between people, according to Massachusetts DPH.

Transmission can occur through contact with body fluids, monkeypox sores, items such as clothing or bedding contaminated with fluids or sores, or through respiratory droplets following prolonged face-to-face contact.

Massachusetts DPH is advising clinicians to consider a diagnosis of monkeypox in people who present with an otherwise unexplained rash, have had recent overseas travel in the last 30 days to places with confirmed or suspected cases, have had contact with confirmed or suspected cases, or is a man who reports sexual contact with other men.

The advice is based on the findings of the U.S. case and recent UK cases, and is in line with recommendations from UK health officials and U.S. federal health officials.

Health care providers are being told that monkeypox illness could be clinically confused with a sexually transmitted infection syphilis or herpes, or with varicella zoster virus.

Patients may present with early flu-like symptoms and progress to lesions that may begin on one site on the body and spread to other parts.

It is very rare for the disease to occur in the United States, with most cases linked to international travel or importing animals from places where the disease is common, such as central and west Africa, according to the CDC.

In central and west Africa, people can be exposed through bites or scratches from rodents and small mammals, preparing wild game, or having contact with an infected animal or possible animal products.

A Texas man who traveled to Nigeria was confirmed to have monkeypox in July 2021.

[ZH: For a deeper dive on monkeypox John Campbell gives an excellent rundown]

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  G7 ministers are already practicing for the next pandemic
Posted by: Stone - 05-19-2022, 08:04 AM - Forum: Global News - Replies (1)


G7 ministers are already practicing for the next pandemic
Pandemic scenario "Leopard pox": Health ministers are rehearsing for emergencies

[Image: 2,w=1489,q=low,c=0.bild.jpg]

BILD [machine translated] | May 19, 2022

At the beginning of 2020, the corona pandemic caught the whole world completely unprepared. There was a short-term lack of masks, gowns and disinfectants, but above all a plan was missing!

The health ministers of the G7 countries want to be better prepared in the future and are preparing for a possible new pandemic.

[The remainder of the article is behind a pay-wall. - The Catacombs]

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  Picture of a Clandestine Mass in Spain during the 1930's
Posted by: Stone - 05-19-2022, 07:38 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

[Image: xaocizdnob69a7gta79sd3s2srfl304856fqggc....ormat=webp]


Note - the priest doesn’t even have vestments and is dressed as a civilian

Over 38,000 Spanish Catholics were killed by their own government between 1936 and 1939 (some sources estimate that the number is closer to 112,000 lives lost), 6,800 of whom were priests and bishops. The mere numbers rival those seen during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror, which was notorious for almost running the Church out of France. The “Red Terror” in Spain was detrimental to the Church, but outside of Spain, the stories of those martyred are largely unknown.

It started in 1931. Communist, anti-clerical, and anti-monarchist republicans established a new constitution and republic in Spain. The church and the monarchy had a long history of closeness and were seen by the new government as one in the same. They wrote a new constitution that declared religious orders, Catholic schools, seminaries, and Catholic cemeteries unlawful. Churches were burned and priceless religious arts were destroyed.

By 1936, anti-Catholicism feelings were at an all-time high. Priests were taken from their parishes and publicly executed without trial, often in the middle of Mass, or in the middle of the night.

Anyone seen going in or out of the church, wearing a crucifix, or showing any outward sign of Catholicism were taken and killed, even if their faith was slightly suspected. Neighbors and friends ratted known Catholics out and priests and bishops were forced into hiding.

There weren’t many places outside of Spain they could escape to as the world plummeted into a Great Depression and the early hostilities of World War II were just beginning to brew.

It wasn’t until the military dictator Francisco Franco overturned the government in 1938 through militaristic rebellion that order began to resume. ...Order was slowly restored by his heavy militaristic hand. Spain stayed under his leadership for 40 years. Now, a socialist government is in place. They are known for being very pro what the Church is against, including same-sex marriage, abortion, and easy divorce. The Church in Spain was shaken, in some ways, it’s still recovering and trying to pick up the broken pieces.

The numbers alone are troubling. But we have a beautiful example found with the faithful in Spain, who held their faith close, prayed for their country, and hoped for heaven should they be martyred. We can draw from their example, no matter where we stand politically.

Let us pray for the souls of those who persecuted the church and continue to do so in our modern age, and let us ask for the intercession of the Spanish Martyrs in the mist of these troubled, uncertain times.

Blessed Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War, pray for us!

Source - adpated

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  U.S. Bioethics Chief Tells Corporations They Can Ethically Pressure and Embarass Vaccine Resistors
Posted by: Stone - 05-19-2022, 07:29 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

U.S. Bioethics Chief, Who Happens to be Fauci’s Wife, Published a New Paper Telling Corporates They Can Ethically ‘Pressure Employees’ And ‘Embarrass Vaccine Resistors.’
The paper comes hot on the heels of a number of White House losses regarding federal worker vaccination and mask mandates.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

National Pulse [adapted] | May 18, 2022

Anthony Fauci’s wife – who is also head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center – authored a paper defending the ethics of corporations “pressuring employees to get vaccinated” and “embarrass[ing] vaccine resistors.”

The study – “The Ethics of Encouraging Employees to Get the COVID‑19 Vaccination” – was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center and the National Human Genome Research Institute and counted Christine Grady, Fauci’s wife, amongst its authors.

Published in March 2022, the paper followed attempts by the White House as well as Democratic Party politicians across America to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for federal and state workers.

Grady’s paper focuses on the “ethics of encouragement strategies aimed at overcoming vaccine reluctance (which can be due to resistance, hesitance, misinformation, or inertia) to facilitate voluntary employee vaccination.”

Grady and her three co-authors outline how it is “ethically acceptable” to “subtly pressure employees to get vaccinated”:

Quote:While employment-based vaccine encouragement may raise privacy and autonomy concerns, and though some employers might hesitate to encourage employees to get vaccinated, our analysis suggests ethically acceptable ways to inform, encourage, strongly encourage, incentivize, and even subtly pressure employees to get vaccinated.

While discussing vaccine mandates, the paper posits they can “be ethically appropriate” if there is “clear articulation about the consequences of not complying with the policy.”

“In that circumstance, employees have a choice between getting vaccinated or accepting the consequences of a choice to remain unvaccinated,” it explains.

Grady outlines other tactics employers could use to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates within their company, such as sharing “targeted statistics (such as 75% of the company or unit have been vaccinated) to spur competition or even implicitly embarrass vaccine resistors.”

MUST READ:  Fauci-Funded Lab Director Alerted Wuhan Officials Ahead Of Potential COVID-19 Origins Investigation.

“There can be social consequences associated with peer communication about vaccination, such as stigma and ostracization of those not vaccinated,” the paper asserts.

“Individuals who choose to make the workplace less safe for others through their vaccine refusal should be able to foresee the possibility of this kind of social consequence,” it continues, appearing to endorse the aforementioned “stigma and ostracization” of individuals unvaccinated against COVID-19.

“When a policy is tied to group vaccination metrics, unvaccinated employees may feel implicit (or explicit) pressure from peers or supervisors to help the group meet its return-to-work goals,” Grady and her co-authors outlined before describing the approach as “ethically appropriate”:

Quote:“Despite worries about a perception of unfairness, we argue that the selective easing of public health restrictions is ethically appropriate when done transparently and tied to objective public health guidance.”

The unearthed paper comes amidst controversy over Fauci’s decision to fund research on “killer” bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Additionally, Grady’s prominent role in supervising the ethics of NIH research and policy appear to present a conflict of interest given her husband’s role in shaping America’s COVID-19 response and vaccination guidelines.

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  German court rules compulsory Covid vaccine for health care workers ‘justified’
Posted by: Stone - 05-19-2022, 07:16 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

German court rules compulsory Covid vaccine for health care workers ‘justified’

EuroNews | 19 May 2022

A GERMAN Supreme Court has ruled today that compulsory Covid vaccine in the health care sector is ‘constitutionally justified’.

According to the court on Thursday, May 19, the decision to make the Covid vaccine compulsory for “certain healthcare and nursing institutions and companies” is because the ‘right to physical integrity is less important than the protection of vulnerable persons’.

“With a decision published today, the First Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court rejected a constitutional complaint directed against Section 20a, Section 22a and Section 73 (1a) Nos. 7e to 7h of the Act on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans (Infection Protection Act – IfSG).”

“This regulates the obligation related to certain healthcare and nursing institutions and companies to provide evidence of a COVID-19 vaccination, recovery from COVID-19 disease or a medical contraindication for vaccination (so-called “facility and company-related obligation to provide evidence”),” it read.

It added: “The contested provisions do not infringe the complainants’ rights, in particular under Article 2.2 sentence 1 of the Basic Law and Article 12.1 of the Basic Law. Insofar as the regulations interfere with the fundamental rights mentioned, these interferences are constitutionally justified.

“Within the scope of the assessment to which it is entitled, the legislature has found an appropriate balance between the protection of vulnerable people from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is pursued with the obligation to provide proof, and the violations of fundamental rights.

“Despite the high intensity of the intervention, the constitutionally protected interests of the complainants working in the health and care sector must ultimately take a back seat.”

You can read the full verdict here.

On Thursday, April 7, German parliament rejected plans to make Covid vaccines mandatory for over-60s.

From 674 Bundestag MPs voting, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition received only 296 votes in favour of the proposal and 378 against.

A simple majority was needed for the bill, which was also supported by Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, to be passed.

Austria is the only place where Covid vaccination is a mandatory condition of living in the country, as reported by Bloomberg.

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  Catholics in Ireland hold over 500 Rosary rallies nationwide for 105th anniversary of Fatima
Posted by: Stone - 05-18-2022, 07:47 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Catholics in Ireland hold over 500 Rosary rallies nationwide for 105th anniversary of Fatima
‘More and more people are looking to the Fatima message because it offers a sure remedy to the moral crisis in society.’

[Image: rosary-rally-810x500.jpg]

Rosary rally in Dublin, May 14, 2022
Irish Society for Christian Civilisation

Tue May 17, 2022 
DUBLIN, Ireland (LifeSiteNews) – Thousands of Irish Catholics celebrated the 105th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima by holding 515 Public Rosary Rallies on May 14. The rallies represented one of the many, widespread public manifestations of the Catholic Faith in Ireland held in recent years.

The Irish Society for Christian Civilisation (ISFCC) and its Ireland Needs Fatima campaign organised the rosary rallies as a fitting way to commemorate Our Lady’s call to challenge the culture and resist the waves of sin and aberrations rocking the nation. The effort has captured the imagination of many and the number of rallies is growing quickly.

To put the event in context, 515 Rosary rallies mean nearly one million Hail Marys prayed in the public square! Just about every nook and cranny of Ireland was reached. These rallies are 515 more reasons for the devil to shake in his shackles in fear of Our Lady!

“One person described it as a tsunami of graces for Ireland, and it really was,” said Rosary Rally captain Gregory Murphy. “I’m sure that God will bless Ireland, despite the nation’s sins and shortcomings, after having so many Rosary Rallies in honour of His Mother.”

“You can see the joy and happiness in the faces of the attendees,” he added. “You also have to remember that this was the first time many of these people publicly expressed their Faith.”

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Rosary rally in Dublin.

“It’s a great honour for me to be a rosary rally captain for Our Lady of Fatima,” commented one rally caption. “It’s lovely to pray privately, but we need more public prayer to let them see [that] religion and God and faith won’t be stamped off the face of the earth. In Ireland, we will shout from the gallows, ‘Ireland belongs to God and Our Lady’.”

[Image: Cootehill.jpg]

“When you called on the phone, I asked Our Lady ‘Why did you pick me? I’m not worthy for this’,” one devout man reported. “Then I thought, Our Lady is calling us to do stuff like this. This is the first time I have ever done anything like this, but I really felt called to do [it].”

“More and more people are looking to the Fatima message because it offers a sure remedy to the moral crisis in society,” Gregory Murphy continued. “In other words, prayer, penance and conversion are the answer to a world that has abandoned God.”

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