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  Audiobook: G. K. Chesterton's The Catholic Church and Conversion
Posted by: Stone - 03-15-2022, 05:31 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

The Catholic Church and Conversion
by G. K. Chesterton

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  Scientists in the US are flying planes into clouds to make it snow more
Posted by: Stone - 03-15-2022, 05:30 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Scientists in the US are flying planes into clouds to make it snow more

CNN | March 14, 2022

(CNN - adapted) With 61% of the contiguous US in drought, wouldn't it be nice if we could just "make it rain" or just "make more snow?"

Well, certain parts of the country are doing just that, sort of. It's called cloud seeding, and it's nothing new.

It's been around since the 1940s and countries all over the world have been doing it for various reasons (most notably China), but it's a growing practice in the US, especially in the drought-stricken West.

It's also surrounded with controversy.

We spoke with Julie Gondzar who is the program manager for Wyoming's Weather Modification Program, who admits she gets lots of calls about what they are doing.

Gondzar said some people say "you're playing God," others say "you are stealing moisture from the storm," making other areas drier than they normally would be, kind of like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

There are also environmental factors to consider, as well as the cost-effectiveness versus the reward, which in the West these days water is liquid gold.

"Think about it like water storage, but in the winter on mountaintops," is how Gondzar described what cloud seeding is trying to achieve in her state, "in a nutshell."

Wyoming started cloud seeding in 2003 as part of a study. Then eight seasons ago, they started doing it in an official capacity after their 10-year study proved it works.

This season, they have gone on 28 flight missions for cloud seeding in Wyoming.

[Image: 220314074540-weather-cloud-seeding-01-super-169.jpg]
King Air's twin engine plane that is used for cloud seeding.

She pointed out there are four weeks left in the season, so she is hoping for more opportunities before it winds down.

When you compare Wyoming to other states such as Utah and North Dakota, who have been cloud seeding since the '70s and '80s, the state is fairly new to the game.

Cloud seeding uses an already existing cloud, and injects silver iodide into the cloud, which adds tiny particles called ice nuclei (which water needs to freeze).

Clouds, in basic terms, are a collection of water droplets and/or ice crystals floating in the sky.

The nuclei help the cloud produce precipitation, and artificial ice nuclei help create more precipitation than the cloud would produce otherwise.
It's done in two ways: One way is from the ground and the other is from the air, using silver iodide as the seeding agent.

"The ground-based generators kind of look like small weather stations, are like 20 feet tall, and they aerosolize into the atmosphere," Gondzar explained. "But you have to wait for the right atmospheric conditions so that the plume goes over the mountain range." It makes seeding a little more tricky, because if the wind is blowing in the wrong direction, you'll completely miss your target.

The most popular way is by plane, using flares. "There are flares on the wing of the planes with silver iodide inside of cardboard casings and there are flares on the belly of the plane," Gondzar pointed out.

[Image: 220314074545-weather-cloud-seeding-02-super-169.jpg]
This photo shows flares fixed on the aircraft's wing that house the silver iodide used for cloud seeding.

Once the pilot flies into the storm, they ignite the cardboard casings full of silver iodide and "seed" the clouds. The result is more moisture in the cloud, resulting in more precipitation.

The silver iodide "is a natural salt compound," Gondzar emphasized. "The reason it's used is because the geometric shape down to a molecular level is very similar to that of an ice crystal. And if you don't have that, you're not going to create additional ice crystals, which will then accumulate into snowflakes."

But if you think you can bust the drought by using planes to modify the weather, Gondzar said think again.

Is it working?

"Cloud seeding does not fix the drought," Gondzar said. "You can't break a drought with cloud seeding. It's a tool in the toolbox."

Gondzar admitted while they know the method makes more snow than they would otherwise receive, it's difficult to know exactly how much more they are getting.

"There's evidence of it in radar and all kinds of papers written," Gondzar noted. "The question that they're trying to answer now is how well does it work? And that's a difficult question to answer. Because there's an abstract piece of this. There's really no way to know how much snow a particular system would have produced."

She knows cloud seeding doesn't generate a lot of additional snowfall, but every little bit helps these days.

According to Wyoming's Water Systems Data Map, some areas in the state are only at 60% of average for snowpack this season, and the window for additional snow is slowly closing as the season winds down.

Since most of the West gets the majority of its water from snowmelt, she hopes what they are doing helps a tiny bit in the long term.

"It's a small incremental change over a long period of time. That's why consistency is important," Gondzar urged.

She added at $28-$34 per acre foot, cloud seeding is relatively cheap.

"Those numbers tell us that this is an inexpensive way to help add water to the system. Essentially, we are creating a little bit of additional snowpack, that becomes additional streamflow in the spring and summer."

But you need a cloud, to cloud seed. You can't just go out to the Mojave Desert and make it rain.

"This is not something that we can do out of thin air," Gondzar cautioned. "The criteria is very specific for this to actually work."

It can only be done within already existing clouds that were going to produce snow anyway and there has to be a certain temperature range.
"The silver iodide in the cloud is initiating that snow," Gondzar said. "But you can't just make snow out of nothing. You have to have the supercooled liquid water in the cloud."

She explained part of what made this year difficult was the much drier weather during the last month. There were fewer opportunities to cloud seed.
"A lot of people think it's manipulating the weather pattern," Gondzar remarked. "We are essentially just playing with cloud dynamics and cloud physics, on a super, super-small scale."

She is a meteorologist as well and points out the moisture from the weather systems come from much bigger areas like the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific.

"There's always a huge stream of moisture that our systems are tapping into, and cloud seeding probably brings an additional one to 2% down to the surface."

Playing God

While Gondzar is confident cloud seeding doesn't steal snow from another area, some scientists disagree.

Daniel Swain is a climate scientist at UCLA and spoke with my colleague and climate writer Rachel Ramirez.

He told her "It is possible that you're actually stealing water from someone else when you do this, because it may be, at least on a regional basis, a zero-sum game where if water falls out of the cloud in one spot, it's even drier by the time it makes it downwind to the next watershed."

He went on to ask, "To what extent are you just shifting around the spatial distribution of precipitation during a scarcity period rather than actually causing it to rain or snow more overall?"

He believes water equity issues need to be researched more.

Another note of controversy has been the safety of the chemicals used in cloud seeding. Gondzar stressed it is not made of harmful chemicals like some people claim.

She pointed out they did lots of testing for before they started officially cloud seeding and could not find any traces of harmful amounts of silver.
"There's silver in natural background levels in the water in the soil everywhere, on the surface of the earth," Gondzar noted. "So you already have a natural background level of silver, it's been really difficult to find anything beyond background levels."

She said the amount of silver iodide used is only a few grams at a time. What she's hoping is a small price to pay for bigger rewards down the road.
There have been climate concerns surrounding cloud seeding. Here's more from Ramirez, who reached out to a few scientists, to get their take on cloud seeding's climate angle.

Climate scientists remain skeptical this is the silver bullet

Although cloud seeding has been around for decades and is currently being operated in roughly 50 countries, many climate scientists remain skeptical of the technology's efficacy as well as the time and effort put into trying to manipulate weather.

Swain pointed out it has been historically difficult to design scientific experiments to test the effectiveness of cloud seeding, leaving behind a trail of unclear, intangible evidence on what the benefits are.

"How do you know how much precipitation that might actually end up falling from that cloud occurred due to the seeding? Or how much would have fallen without the seeding?" Swain told CNN. "This isn't a setting where you can do a truly controlled experiment."

Cloud seeding experiments typically deal with a narrow set of parameters, according to Swain, taking into account weather conditions including cloud cover, time of the day, and location. Additionally, the rapidly changing climate adds another layer to the list of variables. As the planet warms, weather patterns and clouds will constantly evolve, often in unexpected ways.

That's what Sarah Tessendorf, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and other researchers from universities and an Idaho power company, set out to examine in 2017. Their results, published in 2020 in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, managed to quantify how effective cloud seeding is. Yet uncertainties still linger.

During the cold winter months in 2017, the researchers flew aircraft to inject silver iodine, the seeding chemical used, into clouds over the Payette Basin in Idaho, while simultaneously using radars and models to measure its impact on snowfall.

In three cloud-seeding events, the scientists identified "unambiguous seeding patterns," in cold cloud decks not producing ice at all; but once seeded, ice crystals formed inside mirroring the same pattern the aircraft had flown. They were then able to track the formed ice and snow to the ground and measure how much additional snow fell from the seeded clouds.

Despite the results, Tessendorf said more experiments need to be done to improve the technology for it to become a sweeping solution to the climate crisis. The amount of precipitation produced by cloud seeding — up to 10% — isn't enough at all to quench the drought-stricken West.

"It could help over the years augment the storage levels in reservoirs, so that when you get into that extract, you might just go into that drought with a little bit more than you would have otherwise," she said. "That to me is the way that cloud seeding should be viewed. It's not going to be the silver bullet, but it could be a helpful tool in a water manager's toolbox."

When it comes to tackling climate change as a whole, many also question the methods such as the deployment of fossil fuel-powered aircraft to inject silver iodide into clouds, arguing it is counterintuitive to the overall climate goals of slashing fossil fuel emissions. But Tessendorf argued it is a small price to pay in order to improve the technology.

"I will say that the number of aircraft and the duration of these flights to do cloud seeding and the programs that are currently having it done pales in comparison to the number of commercial flights and aircraft we have in the skies all over the world right now," she contended. "So it's to me a drop in the bucket of extra fossil fuels being burned."

"But that does not mean that there isn't room for improvement there in order to have more of a clean process," Tessendorf added.
With the climate crisis accelerating, climate scientists like Swain say resources are much better invested in climate solutions already guaranteed to make significant and equitable impacts.

"There needs to be controlled studies that actually shows it was the seeding that increased the precipitation in a meaningful way," Swain asserted. "The best case scenario is it's a small incremental adjunct to other water-saving or conservation measures during scarce periods, but even that's not clear if it would really work in that capacity in any systematic way."

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  WHO includes Down syndrome in list of ‘severe birth defects’ to be ‘prevented’
Posted by: Stone - 03-14-2022, 12:12 PM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

World Health Organization includes Down syndrome in list of ‘severe birth defects’ to be ‘prevented’
The World Health Organization included Down syndrome with 'congenital heart defects' and 'neural tube defects' as 'severe birth defects' in a recent social media post.

[Image: child_with_down_syndrome-810x500-810x500.jpg]

Mon Mar 14, 2022
(Live Action) – Individuals with Down syndrome and their families were shocked and disheartened by a recent social media post from The World Health Organization (WHO) last week that listed Down syndrome as a birth defect that can be prevented.

However, there is no way to prevent Down syndrome itself. “Eliminating” Down syndrome really means eliminating those who have the condition through abortion.

“Today is World Birth Defects Day,” the WHO originally wrote on March 3, according to the screenshot below. “Most birth defects can be prevented and treated with access to quality maternal and newborn care. Yet, every year, they cause the deaths of close to 250,000 babies within just 1 month of birth.”

Down syndrome was then listed as one of the “most common severe birth defects.” After receiving backlash, the WHO edited the Facebook post to remove Down syndrome from the list, and deleted the paragraph of information. However, it appears a separate post on Twitter also included Down syndrome as a birth defect.

[Image: Untitled-design-5-768x432.jpg]
WHO Screenshot

News host Rachel Campos-Duffy, a mother of nine children — including one with Down syndrome – replied to the WHO tweet with a tweet of her own saying, “Down syndrome is NOT a birth defect. It’s a chromosomal variation. My baby w/ Downs is as human & valuable as any of my other kids. These comments lead to discrimination & abortion. Celebrate, don’t eliminate differences.”

Likewise, Kurt Kondrich – author, advocate, and father of Chloe who has Down syndrome – tweeted, “The World Health Organization recently posted that Down syndrome is a ‘severe birth defect’! My amazing daughter Chloe who has changed the world has a response!”

The tweet included a photo of Chloe, who is the inspiration behind Pennsylvania’s “Chloe’s Law” ensuring that parents who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome receive resources and support. The photo states, “I am Chloe Emmanuelle Kondrich and I am NOT a ‘severe birth defect.’”

The Facebook page, Raising Josee Hope, also commented on the WHO’s classification of Down syndrome, stating in part:

Quote:“The only way Down syndrome is prevented is through abortion, is this what they’re advocating for?! An apology to the community rather than an edited post would be appreciated. And you wonder why we are left with NO CHOICE but to tirelessly advocate?!! Imagine if this was your child being spoken about. It wrecks our day.

It takes time away from our kids. It breaks our heart to advocate. We don’t want to be ‘strong warrior mums’ we just want to enjoy life with our kids knowing they’re safe. When the global peak body for health refers to your child as a birth defect that can be prevented what Hope do we have?”

People who have Down syndrome are human beings with intrinsic value, yet they are consistently targeted for abortion. The abortion rate for children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome in the United States is nearly 70%.

Parents are fighting back against pressure to abort their babies, but as was made evident by the WHO’s social media posts, there is much more work to be done.

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  Unchangeable Church Teaching: What Can and Cannot Be Reformed in the Church
Posted by: Stone - 03-14-2022, 08:03 AM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - No Replies

Unchangeable Church Teaching: What Can and Cannot Be Reformed in the Church
by Fr. Michael Mueller, 1875

[Image: Unchangeable%20Church%20Teaching_02.jpg]

Q. What follows from the fact that the holy Roman Catholic Church can never be destroyed by any created power?

A. That it would be the sin of heresy for any one to say that a reform of the doctrine or the constitution of the Roman Catholic Church could ever become necessary.

Q. Can anyone change the doctrine of Jesus Christ, or the articles of faith, the commandments, or the sacraments?

A. To think so and to attempt to do so would be as foolish as it would be for one to attempt to reform the visible world and the laws which God has established to preserve and maintain it.

Q. Could some new doctrine, new commandment, or new sacrament be added; or could some of the articles of faith, some of the commandments, or some of the sacraments be left out?

A. By no means.

Q. Why not?

A. Because not even the Apostles themselves had power from Christ to add to, or leave out, any portion of Christ's doctrine.

Q. How do we know this?

A. Because Jesus Christ said to the Apostles: "Go and teach all nations, teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." --Matt. xxviii. 19, 20.

Q. In what other words has our Blessed Saviour assured us that His holy doctrine will never suffer any change?

A. In these words: "Amen, I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled." Matt. v. 18. "Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass." Matt. xxiv. 35.

Q. What does St. Paul say to assure us that nothing whatsoever can be added to, or left out of the doctrine of Jesus Christ?

A. He says: But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we said before so now I say again: if any one preach to you a gospel besides that which you have received, let him be accursed." Gal. i. 8, 9.

Q. Is there nothing in the Catholic Church that may be reformed?

A. Nothing in the doctrine which was delivered to her from the beginning to teach, but the manners of such of her pastors and children as fail to live up to her teachings, may and ought to be reformed.

Q. May Priests and even Bishops, nay, even a Pope, fail to live up to Christ's holy doctrine?

A. They may, indeed; and certain periods of the lives of some of them have been very disedifying.

Q. How can we easily account for this?

A. Because one can know and teach the true doctrine of Christ without practising it.

Q. What, then, is the answer to those who object to our religion because the lives of certain pastors of the Church have been disedifying?

A. The lives of the scribes and the Pharisees were very disedifying. Nevertheless our blessed Saviour told the multitudes and His disciples that "they have sitten on the chair of Moses. All things, therefore, whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do: but according to their works do ye not: for they say and do not." Matt. xxiii. 2.

Q. Does the Lord make use of apostate Catholics, such as Martin Luther, Calvin, John Knox, Henry VIII., King of England, to reform the manners of the people?

A. The thought is absurd. The lives of those men were evil, and it is only the devil that makes use of them to pervert the people still more. The Lord makes use of His saints, such as a St. Francis of Assisium, a St. Dominick, a St. Ignatius, a St. Alphonsus, to convert the people and reform their evil manners by explaining to them the truths of faith, the commandments, and the necessity of receiving the sacraments with proper dispositions, and by setting them in their own lives the loftiest example of faith, purity, and all Christian virtues.

Q. Is it possible to reform men in any other way?

A. Since the coming of the Redeemer it has never been heard that men were reformed and made virtuous by any other means than those which Jesus Christ left to His Church.

The Faith of the Roman Catholic.

Q. What do the words "I believe" mean?

A. They mean that I hold to be true that which another tells me.

Q. What must we know of a person to believe firmly all his words?

A. That he is truthful and knows well the things which he tells us.

Q. Is God truthful?

A. "He is Truth itself." Rom. iii. 4.

Q. Does God know all things well?

A. "He knows all things as they are." 1 John iii. 20.

Q. Why, then, must we firmly believe all that God has made known?

A. Because He can neither deceive nor be deceived. "God is not as a man, that he should lie." Numb. xxiii. 19.

Q. What is to believe God?

A. It is to believe, without doubting, that whatever God has said is infallibly true.

Q. Can we of ourselves have this firm faith?

A. No; it is a particular gift and light of God. "By grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, for it is the gift of God." Eph. ii. 8.

Q. What does this gift bring about in the soul?

A. It enlightens the understanding, and moves the will of man to believe without doubting all that God has made known. "Faith is the evidence of things that appear not." Heb. xi. 1.

Q. To whom did God make known all that we must believe and do?

A. Only to the Roman Catholic Church.

Q. From whom, then, must all men learn that they must believe and do?

A. From the Roman Catholic Church, because she alone was appointed by God to teach the truths of salvation to all nations.

Q. Is to believe what the Roman Catholic Church teaches not the same as to believe God Himself?

A. It is, indeed.

Q. Why?

A. Because Jesus Christ has said to the pastors of the Church: "He who heareth you heareth me, and he who despiseth you despiseth me."

Q. What, then, is the faith of the Roman Catholic?

A. It is a grace and light of the Holy Ghost, which enables him to believe most firmly all that God teaches him by His Church.

Q. Is this faith of the Roman Catholic a divine or human faith?

A. It is divine faith.

Q. Why is it divine?

A. Because, by the light of grace, the Catholic knows for certain that the pastors of the Church are commissioned by God Himself to teach all men, in His name, authoritatively and infallibly, all the sacred and immutable truths of salvation, and, therefore, he feels himself bound in conscience to believe them without hesitation.

Q. Is this divine faith absolutely necessary for salvation?

A. Yes; because it is only by divine faith that we can please God.

Q. Who assures us of this?

A. Jesus Christ Himself.

Q. What are His words?

A. "Go and teach all nations.--He that believeth not shall be condemned." Mark xvi.

Q. What does St. Paul say of those who do not believe God, when He speaks to them through those whom He appointed to teach men?

A. That "it is impossible to please God without faith." Heb. xi.

Q. What, then, is the rule of faith which Jesus Christ gave to all men?

A. To listen to His living voice, speaking through the pastors of His Church, and to believe them.

Q. Can men possibly have divine faith out of the Catholic Church?

A. Out of the Catholic Church there can be none but human faith.

Q. What do you mean by human faith?

A. To believe a man on his own authority.

Q. Do those who are out of the Church, and teach and preach to the people, teach and preach on their own authority?

A. They do; because they are not sent by God, nor have they received any mission from His Church.

Q What follows from this?

A. That those who believe them do not believe God, but man, and, therefore, their faith is only human, which availeth them nothing unto salvation.

Qualities of Faith

Q. When is our faith quite pleasing to God?

A. When it is strong, lively, entire, and sound.

Q. When is our faith strong?

A. When we believe without the least doubt, and choose to lose all, even our life, rather than fall away from it.

Q. When is our faith lively?

A. When we practise what our faith teaches.

Q. When is our faith entire?

A. When we believe all the truths which the Catholic Church teaches, as contained in the Holy Scripture or tradition.

Q. When is our faith sound?

A. When we avoid not only open heresy, but also diligently shun, and in our hearts dissent from, those errors which approach it more or less closely, and religiously observe those constitutions and decrees whereby such evil opinions, either directly or indirectly, have been proscribed and prohibited by the Holy See.

Holy Scripture and Tradition

Q. What do you mean by Holy Scripture?

A. A collection of books which were written by holy men, inspired by the Holy Ghost, and acknowledged by the Catholic Church to be the written Word of God.

Q. How is Holy Scripture divided?

A. Into the books of the Old and the New Testament; or, of the Old and the New Law.

Q. What are we told in the books of the Old Testament?

A. In the books of the Old Testament we are told those truths which God made known before the coming of Christ.

Q. What are we told in the books of the New Testament?

A. Some of the truths which God made known through Jesus Christ and His Apostles.

Q. Is it easy for everyone to understand the Holy Scripture?

A. There is nothing more difficult than to understand the true meaning of every passage of the Scripture.

Q. How do we know this?

A. From Holy Scripture itself, which says that "there are certain things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest to their own destruction." 2 Peter iii. 16.

Q. May not everyone explain the Bible in his own private manner?

A. "No prophecy of the Scripture," says St. Peter, "is made by private interpretation." 2 Peter i. 20.

Q. To whom belongs the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures?

A. To the Catholic Church alone.

Q. Why?

A. "Because the Apostles carefully entrusted the Scriptures to their successors; and to whom the Scriptures were entrusted, to them also was committed the interpretation of Scripture."--St. Irenaeus.

Q. How does the Church make known the meaning of any passage of Scripture?

A. She makes it known either directly by a solemn definition, or by the universal consent of the Church dispersed throughout the world; and she makes it known indirectly when she tells us that we are to interpret Scripture in such a way that our interpretation shall be in harmony with her teaching upon all other points of Christian doctrine.

Q. Have any great evils followed from the unrestricted private interpretation of the Bible?

A. Yes; numberless heresies and impieties.

Q. What have the chief pastors of the Church done to guard the faithful against corrupted Bibles, and against erroneous interpretations of the Bible?

A. They have decreed--1. That, with regard to reading the Bible in the vernacular, we should have the learning and piety requisite for it. 2. That the translation should be approved by the Holy See, or accompanied with explanations by a Bishop.

Q. Why did you say that in the New Testament we are told some of the truths, and not all the truths which God made known through Jesus Christ and the Apostles?

A. Because all the truths preached by Jesus Christ and the Apostles are not recorded in the Bible.

Q. How do we know this?

A. From the Bible itself, which says: "Many other signs also did Jesus in the sight of His disciples, which are not written in this book." John xx. 30.

Q. Why did the Apostles not write down all that Jesus had taught?

A. Because Jesus Christ had not commanded them to write, but to preach His doctrine. "Go ye into the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature."--Mark xvi.15.

Q. What is the unwritten doctrine of Jesus Christ and the Apostles called?

A. Tradition.

Q. How did the unwritten doctrine of Jesus Christ come down to us?

A. The Apostles took great care to instruct their disciples thoroughly, and make them capable of so instructing others. Thus their pure doctrine was delivered to the first Bishops and priests of the Roman Catholic Church. By these, it was in like manner handed down to their successors; and so on, unimpaired, to those who, at the present time, teach in the Catholic Church.

Q. How do we know this?

A. We know it from what St. Paul writes in his Second Epistle to the Bishop Timothy (chap. 11.2), and from the early Fathers of the Church.

Q. What does St. Paul write?

A. "And the things which thou hast heard of me by many witnesses, the same commend to faithful men, who shall be fit to teach others also."

Q. Which of the early Fathers of the Church writes, when speaking of the ninety-first heresy: "All things are not found in the Holy Scripture, for the Apostles have taught us some by tradition, some by writing"?

A. St. Epiphanius.

Q. Who is it that writes: "Of the many truths of faith held by the Church, some have been received from the inspired writings, others from tradition; both sources are equally pure and certain"?

A. St. Basil, in his treatise on the Holy Ghost. Chap. xxvii.

Q. Is that which was taught by Jesus Christ and His Apostles, but which is not written, less true than that which is written?

A. The one is just as true as the other.

Q. Why?

A. Because the Apostles taught the true doctrine of Jesus Christ not less by their preaching, than by their writings, and the Holy Ghost expressed His will, as well by their tongues as by their pens.

Q. What follows from this?

A. That we must believe the unwritten Word of God as firmly as the written.

Q. Who assures us most emphatically of this?

A. St. Paul, in these words: "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our Epistle."--2 Thess. 11. 14.

Q. Was this also the belief of the Fathers of the Church?

A. It was; for St. John Chrysostom writes, in his 4th homily on the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians: "Therefore it is evident that the Apostles taught many things without writing, which we must believe as firmly as those which are written."

Q. Name some of those truths of which the Bible does not speak, but which we believe from tradition?

A. We know only from tradition--1. That little children are to be baptized. 2. That we must keep holy the Sunday instead of the Saturday. 3. We know only from tradition those books which are divine, and contain the written word of God.

Q. But was it not possible that those truths which were taught by the Apostles, but were not written, might easily be corrupted, or forgotten altogether, because not recorded in Holy Scripture?

A. No; because God himself took care that what He had taught should not be forgotten, but be handed down to us uncorrupted.

Q. Was there any written Word of God for two thousand years, from Adam down to Moses?

A. There was not.

Q. How then did all that God spoke to Adam, Noah, etc., come down uncorrupted to Moses, who was the first to write down the Word of God?

A. By tradition; that is, God took care that the Patriarchs, His faithful servants, should hand down by word of mouth His doctrine uncorrupted from generation to generation.

Q. Could not, and did not God do the same from the time of the Apostles down to us?

A. He could, and did, by means of the faithful pastors of His Church.

Q. How did the pastors of His Church hand down to us the unwritten doctrine of the Apostles?

A. Partly by word of mouth and partly by their writings, in which they explain the doctrine of the Apostles, written and unwritten.

Q. What do we understand from this?

A. That, for example, the faith of the Catholic Church in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament would have been at all times precisely what it is, had it pleased God that the passages in Holy Scripture, relating to it, had never been written; and so with all the rest of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Q. Are the doctrines of the Catholic Church then entirely independent of Scripture?

A. They are; because she taught her doctrines, and they were believed by the early Christians before the New Testament was written--centuries, indeed, before the Bible was collected into its present form; and she would have done so, in precisely the same manner, had they never been written.

Q. What, then, do we mean when we say: "I believe the Holy Catholic Church"?

A. We mean that we firmly believe in the fact that Jesus Christ has established a visible church, endless in her duration, and infallible in her doctrine, which we must believe and obey without reserve, if we would obtain eternal salvation; and that this Church is no other than the Roman Catholic Church.

Q. How do people come to lose this faith?

A. 1. By want of instruction.
2. By neglect of prayer and other religious duties.
3. By worldliness and a wicked life.
4. By reading bad books.
5. By intercourse with scoffers at religion.
6. By mixed marriages.
7. By becoming members of secret societies.
8. By pride and subtle reasoning on the mysteries of our religion.
9. By want of submission to the Church.
10. By godless education.

What is Dogma?
by William Edward Addis, 1893

Dogma, in its theological sense, is a truth contained in the Word of God, written or unwritten--i.e. in Scripture or Tradition--and proposed by the Church for the belief of the faithful. Thus dogma is a revealed truth, since Scripture is inspired by the Holy Ghost, while tradition signifies the truths which the Apostles received from Christ and the Holy Spirit, and handed down to the Church.

From this definition, it follows that the Church has no power to make new dogmas. It is her office to contend for the faith once delivered, and to hand down the sacred deposit which she has received without adding to it or taking from it. At the same time, the Church may enunciate fully and impose dogmas or articles of faith contained in the Word of God, or at least deduced from principles so contained, but as yet not fully declared and imposed. Hence with regard to a new definition--such, e.g., as that of Transubstantiation, Christians have a twofold duty. They are obliged to believe, first, that the doctrine so defined is true, and next that it is part of the Christian revelation received by the Apostles. Again, no Christian is at liberty to refuse assent to any dogma which the Church proposes. To do so involves nothing less than shipwreck of the faith, and no Catholic can accept the Protestant distinction between "fundamental and non-fundamental articles of faith." It is a matter of fundamental importance to accept the whole of the Church's teaching. True, a Catholic is not bound to know all the definitions of the Church--but, if he knowingly and wilfully contradicts or doubts the truth of any one among them, he ceases to be a Catholic.

This arbitrary distinction between essential and non-essential articles has led by natural consequence to the opinion that dogmatic belief, as such, matters little provided a man's life is virtuous and his feelings are devout. A religion of this kind is on the very face of it different from the religion of the Apostles and their successors. St. Paul anathematises false teachers, and bids his disciples shun heretics; St. John denounces the denial of the Incarnation as a mark of Antichrist. If God has made a revelation, then both duty and devotional feeling must depend on the dogmas of that revelation, and be regulated by them.

There Can be No New Dogmas or Progress in Church Teachings

"The Church of Christ, zealous and cautious guardian of the dogmas deposited with it, never changes any phase of them. It does not diminish them or add to them; it neither trims what seems necessary nor grafts things superfluous; it neither gives up its own or usurps what does not belong to it. But it devotes all its diligence to one aim: to treat tradition faithfully and wisely; to nurse and polish what from old times may have remain unshaped and unfinished; to consolidate and strengthen what already was clear and plain; and to guard what already was confirmed and defined."
(St. Vincent of Lerins, 5th century A.D.)

"'Guard.' he says, 'what has been committed.' What does it mean, 'what has been committed'? It is what has been faithfully entrusted to you, not what has been discovered by you; what you have received, not what you have thought up; a matter not of ingenuity, but of doctrine; not of private acquisition, but of public Tradition; a matter brought to you, not put forth by you, in which you must not be the author but the guardian, not the founder but the sharer, not the leader, but the follower. 'Guard,' he says, 'what has been committed.' Keep the talent [see Mt. 25:14-30] of the Catholic Faith inviolate and unimpaired. What has been faithfully entrusted, let it remain in your possession, let it be handed on by you. You have received gold, so give gold. For my part, I do not want you to substitute on thing for another; I do not want you imprudently to put lead in place of gold, or fraudulently, brass. I do not want the appearance of gold, but the real thing. O Timothy, O priest, O interpreter, O teacher, if a divine gift has made you suitable in genius, in experience, in doctrine to be the Bezalel [i.e. skilled craftsman] of the spiritual tabernacle, cut out the precious gems of divine dogma, shape them faithfully, ornament them wisely, add splendor, grace and beauty to them! By your expounding it, may that now be understood more clearly which formerly was believed even in its obscurity. May posterity, be means of you, rejoice in understanding what in times past was venerated without understanding. Nevertheless, teach the same that you have learned, so that if you say something anew, it is not something new that you say." (St. Vincent of Lerins, c. 434 A.D.)

"What then should a Catholic do if some part of the Church were to separate itself from communion with the universal Faith? What other choice can he make but to prefer to the gangrenous and corrupted member the whole of the body that is sound. And if some new contagion were to try to poison no longer a small part of the Church, but all of the Church at the same time, then he will take the greatest care to attach himself to antiquity which, obviously, can no longer be seduced by any lying novelty." (St. Vincent of Lerins, c. 434 A.D.)

"Hold firmly that your faith is identical with that of the ancients. Deny this, and you dissolve the unity of the Church." (St. Thomas Aquinas)

"There being an imminent danger for the Faith, prelates must bequestioned, even publicly, by their subjects. Thus, St. Paul, who was a subject of St. Peter, questioned him publicly on account of an imminent danger of scandal in a matter of Faith. And, as the Glossa of St. Augustine puts it (Ad Galatas 2.14), 'St. Peter himself gave the example to those who govern so that if sometime they stray from the right way, they will not reject a correction as unworthy even if it comes from their subjects . . . . (St. Thomas Aquinas)

The reprehension was just and useful, and the reason for it was not light: there was a danger for the preservation of Gospel truth . . . . The way it took place was appropriate, since it was public and manifest. For this reason, St. Paul writes: 'I spoke to Cephas,' that is, Peter, 'before everyone,' since the simulation practiced by St. Peter was fraught with danger to everyone. (St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae, Q. 33, A. 4)

"Some say that fraternal correction does not extend to the prelates either because man should not raise his voice against heaven, or because the prelates are easily scandalized if corrected by their subjects. However, this does not happen, since when they sin, the prelates do not represent heaven, and, therefore, must be corrected. And those who correct them charitably do not raise their voices against them, but in their favor, since the admonishment is for their own sake.... For this reason, according to other [authors], the precept of fraternal correction extends also to the prelates, so that they may be corrected by their subjects." (St. Thomas Aquinas: IV. Sententiarum, D. 19, Q. 2, A. 2))

With truly lamentable results, our age, casting aside all restraint in its search for the ultimate causes of things, frequently pursues novelties so ardently that it rejects the legacy of the human race. Thus it falls into very serious errors, which are even more serious when they concern sacred authority, the interpretation of Sacred Scripture, and the principal mysteries of Faith. The fact that many Catholic writers also go beyond the limits determined by the Fathers and the Church herself is extremely regrettable. In the name of higher knowledge and historical research (they say), they are looking for that progress of dogmas which is, in reality, nothing but the corruption of dogmas.
(St. Pope Pius X., "Lamentabili Sane", 1907 A.D.)

CONDEMNED: "Divine revelation is imperfect, and therefore subject to continuous and indefinite progress, which corresponds to the progress of human reason." (Pope Pius IX, This proposition was condemned in the Syllabus of Errors, Dec. 8, 1864 A.D.)

"If anyone rejects any written or unwritten tradition of the church, let him be anathema." (Second Council of Nicaea 787 A.D.)

"O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you, shunning profane novelties of words;" 1 Timothy 6:20 and again, "if any man preach unto you other than you have received, let him be accursed." Galatians 1:9

Therefore all those who dare to think or teach anything different, or who follow the accursed heretics in rejecting ecclesiastical traditions, or who devise innovations, or who spurn anything entrusted to the church (whether it be the gospel or the figure of the cross or any example of representational art or any martyr's holy relic), or who fabricate perverted and evil prejudices against cherishing any of the lawful traditions of the catholic church, or who secularize the sacred objects and saintly monasteries, we order that they be suspended if they are bishops or clerics, and excommunicated if they are monks or lay people.
(Second Council of Nicaea 787 A.D.) "Just as it is licit to resist a Pontiff who attacks the body, so it is licit to resist him who attacks souls, or who disturbs the civil order. or. above all, him who tries to destroy the Church. It is licit to resist him by not doing what he order and by impeding the execution of his will." (St. Robert Bellermine Doctor of the Church, De Romano Pontifice, Book II, Chapter II, Chapter 29)

"Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church's enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith." (St. Peter Canisius (1521-1597)

"Urge them never to allow themselves to be deceived and led into error by men who have become abominable in their pursuits. These men attempt to destroy faith on the pretext of human progress, subjecting it in an impious manner to reason and changing the meaning of the words of God. Such men do not shrink from the greatest insults to God Himself, who cares for the good and the salvation of men by means of His heavenly religion."
(Pope Pius IX, "Qui Pluribus", 1846 A.D.)

"Therefore, it is obviously absurd and injurious to propose a certain 'restoration and regeneration' for [the Church] as though necessary for her safety and growth, as if she could be considered subject to defect or obscuration or other misfortune. Indeed these authors of novelties consider that a 'foundation may be laid of a new human institution,' and what Cyprian detested may come to pass, that what was a divine thing 'may become a human church.'" (Pope Gregory XVI, "Mirari Vos", 1832 A.D.)

"To announce, therefore, to Catholic Christians something other than that which they have received is never permitted, is nowhere permitted, and never will be permitted. And to anathematize those who announce anything other than that which has been received once and for all has never been unnecessary, is nowhere unnecessary, and never will be unnecessary" (St. Vincent of Lerins, c. 434 A.D.)

"For the Church of Christ, watchful guardian that she is, and defender of the dogmas deposited with her, never changes anything, never diminishes anything, never adds anything to them; but with all diligence she treats the ancient documents faithfully and wisely; if they really are of ancient origin and if the faith of the Fathers has transmitted them, she strives to investigate and explain them in such a way that the ancient dogmas of heavenly doctrine will be made evident and clear, but will retain their full, integral, and proper nature, and will grow only within their own genus - that is, within the same dogma, in the same sense and the same meaning." (Pope Pius IX, "Ineffabilis Deus", 1854 A.D.)

"For the teaching authority of the Church, which in the divine wisdom was constituted on earth in order that revealed doctrines might remain intact forever, and that they might be brought with ease and security to the knowledge of men, and which is daily exercised through the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops who are in communion with him, has also the office of defining, when it sees fit, any truth with solemn rites and decrees, whenever this is necessary either to oppose the errors or the attacks of heretics, or more clearly and in greater detail to stamp the minds of the faithful with the articles of sacred doctrine which have been explained. But in the use of this extraordinary teaching authority no newly invented matter is brought in, nor is anything new added to the number of those truths which are at least implicitly contained in the deposit of Revelation, divinely handed down to the Church: only those which are made clear which perhaps may still seem obscure to some, or that which some have previously called into question is declared to be of faith." (Pope Pius XI, "Mortalium Animos", 1928)

"It is with no less deceit, venerable brothers, that other enemies of divine revelation, with reckless and sacrilegious effrontery, want to import the doctrine of human progress into the Catholic religion. They extol it with the highest praise, as if religion itself were not of God but the work of men, or a philosophical discovery which can be perfected by human means... Our holy religion was not invented by human reason, but was most mercifully revealed by God; therefore, one can quite easily understand that religion itself acquires all its power from the authority of God who made the revelation, and that it can never be arrived at or perfected by human reason."
(Pope Pius IX, "Qui Pluribus", 1846 A.D.)

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  What Every Christian Must Believe
Posted by: Stone - 03-14-2022, 07:56 AM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - No Replies

What Every Christian Must Believe
from A Manual of Catholic Prayers, 1888

[Image: What%20Every%20Christian%20Must%20Do_01.jpg]

1. Every Christian must believe that there is one God, and no more than one God: that God is a pure Spirit, the Lord and Maker of heaven and earth, who has neither beginning nor end, but is always the same; who is everywhere present; knows and sees all things; can do all things whatsoever He pleases; and is infinite in all perfections.

2. Every Christian is bound to believe that in one God there are three distinct Persons, perfectly equal, of the same substance, and having the same nature: the Father, who proceeds from no one; the Son, who is born of the Father before all ages; and the Holy Ghost, who proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son as from one principle; and that the three Persons are all equally eternal, equal in wisdom and power, and are all three one and the same Lord, one and the same God.

3. We must believe that God created the angels to be with Him for ever, and that one part of them fell from God by sin, and became devils; that God also created Adam and Eve, the first parents of all mankind, and placed them in the earthly Paradise, from whence they were justly banished for the sin they committed in eating of the fruit of the forbidden tree; and that by this trangression of Adam we are all conceived and born in sin, and must have been lost for ever, if God had not sent us a Saviour.

4. We are bound to believe in the Saviour of all mankind, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, true God and true man; perfect God from all eternity, equal to His Father in all things; and perfect man, from the time of His coming down from heaven for us, having a body and soul like ours.

5. We must believe that Jesus Christ, our Saviour, who had been long foretold by the prophets, was, at God's appointed time, by the power of the Holy Ghost, without having any man for His father, conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary; whom God had prepared for this wonderful Maternity in a wonderful manner: in that by a singular grace and privilege, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, she was in the first instant of her conception preserved free from every taint of original sin. Of her, who is blessed among women for evermore, was born our Lord--she still remaining a pure virgin. During the time of His mortal life Jesus Christ founded the Christian religion; and then offered Himself a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, by dying upon a cross, to obtain mercy, grace, and salvation for us; and that neither mercy, nor grace, nor salvation can, or ever could, since Adam's fall, be obtained except through the mediation of the Son of God.

6. We must believe that Jesus Christ, after He died and was buried, arose on the third day from death to life, never to die again; and that, for the space of forty days, He was pleased, at different times, to manifest Himself to His disciples, and then ascended into heaven in their sight; where, as God-man, He continually intercedes for us. Thence He sent down the Holy Ghost upon His disciples, to abide with them for ever, as He had promised, and to guide them and their successors into all truth.

7. We must believe the Catholic or Universal Church of Christ, of which He is the perpetual Head, and His Spirit the perpetual Guide; which is founded upon a rock, and is ever victorious over all the powers of earth and hell. The Church is always One, in all its members professing one faith, in one communion, under one chief pastor, called the Pope, succeeding St. Peter, to whom Christ committed His whole flock. The Church is always Holy, in teaching a holy doctrine, in inviting all to a holy life, and in the eminent holiness of many of its children. It is Catholic, or Universal, for it subsists in all ages, and teaches all nations, and maintains all truth. It is Apostolic, for it derives its doctrine, its communion, its orders, and its mission, by an uninterrupted succession, from the Apostles of Christ.

8. With the Catholic Church the Scriptures, both of the Old and New Testaments, were deposited by the Apostles. It is the guardian and interpreter of them, and the judge of all controversies relating to them. The Scriptures, thus interpreted, together with the traditions of the Apostles, are to be received and admitted by all Christians for the rule of their faith and practice of Christ, there ever resides in the Church the active power of forgiving sin, and of granting Indulgences for the remission of the temporal punishments of sin; which may be applied to the souls both of the living and of the dead who have died friends of God and in the peace of Christ.

14. We must believe also the necessity of Divine Grace, without which we cannot make so much as one step towards heaven; and that all our good and all our merits are the gift of God; that Christ died for all men, and that His grace does not take away nor oppress our free will.

15. We must believe that Jesus Christ will come from heaven at the last day to judge all men; that all the dead, both good and bad, shall arise from their graves, and shall be judged by Him according to their works; that the good shall go to heaven with Him, body and soul, to be happy for all eternity in the enjoyment of the Sovereign Good; and that the wicked shall be condemned, both body and soul, to the torments of hell.

The Athanasian Creed

Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary, that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which faith, except everyone do keep entire and inviolate, without doubt he will perish everlastingly.

Now the Catholic Faith is this; that we worship One God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity. Neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the substance.

For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all One; the Glory equal, the Majesty co-eternal.

Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Ghost. The Father uncreate, the Son uncreate, the Holy Ghost uncreate. The Father incomprehensible, the Son incomprehensible, and the Holy Ghost incomprehensible. The Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals, but one eternal. As also they are not three uncreates, nor three incomprehensibles; but one uncreate, and one incomprehensible. In like manner the Father is almighty, the Son almighty, and the Holy Ghost almighty. And yet not three almighties, but one almighty.

So the Father is God, the Son God, and the Holy Ghost God. And yet they are not three Gods, but one God. So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, and the Holy Ghost is Lord. And yet they are not three Lords, but one Lord. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every Person by Himself to be God and Lord; so we are forbidden by the Catholic religion, to say there are three Gods, or three Lords.

The Father is made of none, neither created, nor begotten. The Son is from the Father alone, not made, nor created, but begotten. The Holy Ghost is from the Father and the Son, not made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this Trinity, there is nothing before or after, nothing greater or less; but the whole three Persons are co-eternal together and co-equal.

So that in all things, as is aforesaid, the Unity is to be worshipped in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity. He, therefore, that will be saved, must thus think of the Trinity.

Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation, that he also believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now the right faith is, that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is both God and Man.

He is God of the substance of the Father, begotten before the world; and He is man of the substance of His mother, born in the world; Perfect God and perfect man; of reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father according to His Godhead; and less than the Father according to His Manhood.

Who, although He be both God and Man, yet He is not two, but one Christ; One, not by the conversion of the Godhead into flesh, but by the taking of the Manhood unto God; One altogether, not by confusion of substance, but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and the flesh is one man, so God and Man is one Christ.

Who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead. He ascended into heaven; He sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies, and shall give an account of their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire.

This is the Catholic faith, which except a man believe faithfully and steadfastly, he cannot be be saved.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Amen.

The Apostles' Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth, and in in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into Hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

Also from A Manual of Catholic Prayers, 1888[

1. Every Christian, in order to attain life ever-lasting, must worship God as His first beginning and last end. This worship is to be rendered, first, by FAITH; which makes both the understanding and the will humbly adore and embrace all those truths which God has taught, however obscure and incomprehensible they may be to our weakness. Secondly, by HOPE; which honors the infinite power, goodness, and mercy of God, and the truth of His promises; and upon these grounds raises the soul to an assured expectation of mercy, grace, and salvation, through the merits of Jesus Christ. Thirdly, by CHARITY; which makes us love God with our whole hearts, for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves, for God's sake. Fourthly, by the virtue of RELIGION; the chief acts of which are adoration, praise, thanksgiving, oblation of ourselves to God, sacrifice, and prayer; which ought to be the daily employments of a Christian soul. We must flee all idolatry and all false religions; also superstition, under which name are comprehended all manner of divinations, all fortune-telling, all witchcraft, charms, spells, observations of omens, dreams, etc. All these things are heathenish, and contrary to the worship of the true and living God, and to that entire dependence which a Christian soul ought to have on Him. But we must devoutly honor the Ever-Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the Holy Angels, and the Saints reigning in Glory; whose intercession we shall always most profitably invoke. We should likewise duly reverence all sacred emblems and pious memorials of our Lord and His Saints, and honor the relics of God's servants whom Holy Church has canonized.

2. We must reverence the name of God and His truth by a religious observance of all lawful oaths and vows, and by carefully avoiding all false, rash, or unjust oaths, and blasphemies.

3. We must dedicate some notable part of our time to His divine service; and, more especially, consecrate to Him those days which are ordered by His Church to be sanctified or kept holy.

4. Under God, we must love, reverence, and obey our parents, and other lawful superiors, spiritual and temporal; and observe the laws of the Church and State: as also we must have a due care of our children, and of others that are under our charge, both as to their souls and their bodies.

5. We must abstain from all injuries to our neighbor's person, by murder or any other violence; and from all hatred, envy, and desire of revenge; as also from spiritual murder, which is committed by drawing him into sin, by words, actions, or bad example.

6. We must abstain from all uncleanness in thoughts, words, or actions.

7. We must not steal, cheat, or any other way do wrong to our neighbor in his goods and possessions ; we must give every one his own, pay our debts, and make restitution for all damages which we have caused through our fault.

8. We must not wrong our neighbor in his character or good name, by calumny, detraction, or rash judgment; or in his honor by reproaches or affronts; or rob him of his peace of mind, by scoffs or contempt; or of his friends, by carrying stories backwards and forwards. In all such cases, whosoever wrongs his neighbor is obliged to make reparation or satisfaction.

9. 10. As we are commanded to abstain from all deeds of lust and injustice, so are we also strictly obliged to restrain all desires of these kinds, and to resist the irregular motions of concupiscence.

So far, we have covered the Ten Commandments of God; which are a short abridgment of the whole eternal and natural law, which admits of no dispensation. Every Christian is, moreover, bound to keep the commandments of God's Church.

1. We must sanctify Sundays and Holydays of Obligation by devout attendance at Holy Mass, and by resting from servile work.

2. We must strictly observe those days of fasting and abstinence appointed by ecclesiastical authority.

3 . We must humbly confess our sins at least once a year to a Priest having competent jurisdiction--i.e., approved by the Bishop of the Diocese.

4. We must be careful to make our Easter Duty, by receiving Holy Communion at some time during the interval between the first Sunday in Lent and Trinity Sunday.

5. According to our means we must contribute to the support of those who minister to us in spiritual things.

6. We must not marry non-Catholics, or any one related to us within the third degree of kindred ; we must not marry clandestinely, nor solemnize marriage within the prohibited times.

Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori to be said Every Day, to obtain the Graces Necessary for Salvation

Eternal Father, Thy Son has promised that Thou wilt grant us all the graces which we ask Thee for in His name. In the name, therefore, and by the merits of Jesus Christ, I ask the following graces for myself and for all mankind. And, first, I pray Thee to give me a lively faith in all that the holy Roman Church teaches me. Enlighten me also, that I may know the vanity of the goods of this world, and the immensity of the infinite good that Thou art; make me also see the deformity of the sins I have committed, that I may humble myself and detest them as I ought; and, on the other hand, show me how worthy Thou art by reason of Thy goodness, that I should love Thee with all my heart. Make me know also the love Thou hast borne me, that from this day forward I may try to be grateful for so much goodness.

Secondly, give me a firm confidence in Thy mercy of receiving the pardon of my sins, holy perseverance, and, finally, the glory of paradise, through the merits of Jesus Christ and the intercession of Mary.

Thirdly, give me a great love towards Thee, which shall detach me from the love of this world and of myself, so that I may love none other but Thee, and that I may neither do nor desire anything else but what is for Thy glory.

Fourthly, I beg of Thee a perfect resignation to Thy will, in accepting with tranquillity sorrows, infirmities, contempt, persecutions, aridity of spirit, loss of property, of esteem, of relatives, and every other cross which shall come to me from Thy hands. I offer myself entirely to Thee, that Thou mayest do with me and all that belongs to me what Thou pleasest. Do Thou only give me light and strength to do Thy will; and especially at the hour of death help me to sacrifice my life to Thee with all the affection I am capable of, in union with the sacrifice which Thy Son Jesus Christ made of His life on the Cross on Calvary.

Fifthly, I beg of Thee a great sorrow for my sins, which may make me grieve over them as long as I live, and weep for the insults I have offered Thee, the Sovereign Good, who art worthy of infinite love, and who hast loved me so much.

Sixthly, I pray Thee to give me the spirit of true humility and meekness, that I may accept with peace, and even with joy, all the contempt, ingratitude, and ill-treatment that I may receive. At the same time, I also pray Thee to give me perfect charity, which shall make me wish well to those who have done evil to me, and to do what good I can, at least by praying, for those who have in any way injured me.

Seventhly, I beg of Thee to give me a love for the virtue of holy mortification, by which I may chastise my rebellious senses and cross my self-love ; at the same time, I beg Thee to give me holy purity of body, and the grace to resist all bad temptations, by ever having recourse to Thee and Thy most holy Mother. Give me grace faithfully to obey my spiritual Father and all my Superiors in all things. Give me an upright intention, that in all I desire and do I may seek only Thy glory, and to please Thee alone. Give me a great confidence in the Passion of Jesus Christ, and in the intercession of Mary Immaculate. Give me a great love towards the most Adorable Sacrament of the Altar, and a tender devotion and love to Thy holy Mother. Give me, I pray Thee, above all, holy perseverance, and the grace always to pray for it, especially in time of temptation and at the hour of death.

Lastly, I recommend to Thee the holy souls of Purgatory, my relatives and benefactors; and in an especial manner I recommend to Thee all those who hate me or who have in any way offended me ; I beg of Thee to render them good for the evil they have done, or may wish to do me.

Finally, I recommend to Thee all infidels, heretics, and all poor sinners; give them light and strength to deliver themselves from sin. O most loving God, make Thyself known and loved by all, but especially by those who have been more ungrateful to Thee than others, so that by Thy goodness I may come one day to sing Thy mercies in paradise; for my hope is in the merits of Thy blood, and in the patronage of Mary.

O Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me! So I hope ; so may it be!

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  Saudi Arabia Just Beheaded 81 People In One Day
Posted by: Stone - 03-14-2022, 07:50 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

See also: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wir...y-83406005

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Posted by: Stone - 03-14-2022, 07:46 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

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  UN Warns Russia's Attack on Ukraine Could Spike Global Food Prices by 22%
Posted by: Stone - 03-13-2022, 09:05 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

UN Warns Russia's Attack on Ukraine Could Spike Global Food Prices by 22%
"The global number of undernourished people could increase by eight to 13 million people in 2022 and 2023," says a new report by FAO, the global food agency.

CommonDreams.org | March 11, 2022

With dozens of countries around the world relying heavily on both Ukraine and Russia for food supplies, the United Nations warned Friday, the ongoing war is likely to significantly drive up global food prices and worsen malnourishment in the Global South.

"The war in Ukraine not only has a dramatic impact on the lives of civilians but also has global repercussions."
With both Ukraine and Russia's ability to produce and export food uncertain, a global supply gap "could push up international food and feed prices by 8% to 22% above their already elevated levels," said the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Two weeks into Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has killed more than 560 civilians and forced more than 2.5 million people to flee the country, FAO said up to 30% of Ukrainian wheat fields will not be harvested in the 2022 to 2023 season due to the violence.

"Cereal crops will be ready for harvest in June," said FAO Director General Qu Dongyu. "Whether farmers in Ukraine would be able to harvest them and deliver to the market is unclear. Massive population displacement has reduced the number of agricultural laborers and workers."

Ukraine is the world's fifth largest exporter of wheat products, while Russia is the largest.

Combined, the two countries export more than a third of the world's grain products, including 19% of barley supplies, 14% of wheat, and 4% of maize.

Russia also is the top exporter of fertilizer products, with many countries in Europe and Central Asia relying on Russia for more than half of their fertilizer supplies.

"The likely disruptions to agricultural activities of these two major exporters of staple commodities could seriously escalate food insecurity globally, when international food and input prices are already high and volatile," said Qu. "The conflict could also constrain agricultural production and purchasing power in Ukraine, leading to increased food insecurity locally."

At least 50 countries rely on Ukraine or Russia for 30% or more of their wheat supplies, particularly in the Global South. In 2021, Eritrea's wheat imports came entirely from the two countries. According to the U.N. Development Program, before the war 66% of the Eritrean population was already unable to obtain adequate food.

Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, and Pakistan also source roughly half of their wheat supplies from either Ukraine or Russia.

Qu said it was uncertain whether wealthy countries in the Global North would fill the gap caused by the war, with wheat supplies "already running low in Canada" and the U.S., Argentina, and other countries likely to limit exports in order to shore up domestic supplies.

"The likely disruptions to agricultural activities of these two major exporters of staple commodities could seriously escalate food insecurity globally."
"The global number of undernourished people could increase by eight to 13 million people in 2022 and 2023, with the most pronounced increases taking place in Asia-Pacific, followed by sub-Saharan Africa, and the Near East and North Africa," reported FAO.

Food prices reached an all-time high in February "due to high demand, input and transportation costs, and port disruptions," said Qu.

Wheat and barley prices rose 31% in 2021 while rapeseed oil and sunflower oil became 60% more expensive over the course of the year.

FAO offered several policy recommendations in its report Friday, including a call for countries to avoid imposing export restrictions on their own food supplies, as several countries are reportedly considering.

Such restrictions will "exacerbate price volatility, limit the buffer capacity of the global market, and have negative impacts over the medium term."

Policymakers were also advised to:
  • Keep the global food and fertilizer trade open;
  • Find new and more diverse food suppliers to absorb the shock, rely on existing food stocks, and diversity their domestic production;
  • Support vulnerable groups, including internally displaced people; and
  • Strengthen market transparency and dialogue to help governments and investors make informed decisions while agricultural commodity markets are volatile.

"The war in Ukraine not only has a dramatic impact on the lives of civilians but also has global repercussions," said U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres this week. "Developing countries already in dire situations can simply not afford skyrocketing prices of food, fuel, and other essential goods."

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  Gregorian Chant Propers for the Second Sunday of Lent
Posted by: Stone - 03-12-2022, 08:31 AM - Forum: Lent - No Replies

Gregorian Chant Propers for the Second Sunday of Lent
Taken from here.

[Image: proxy-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fuploads1...2937c55435]

2nd Sunday of Lent
Introit • Score • Reminiscere miserationum tuarum
Gradual • Score • Tribulationes cordis mei
Tract • Score • Confitemini Domino
Offertory • Score • Meditabor in mandatis tuis
Communion • Score • Intellige clamorem meum

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  WHO advises Ukraine to destroy pathogens in 'health labs'
Posted by: Stone - 03-11-2022, 08:39 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

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  World Economic Forum global digital ID for travelers lists Canada, Netherlands as partners
Posted by: Stone - 03-11-2022, 08:38 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

World Economic Forum global digital ID for travelers lists Canada, Netherlands as partners
'[the digital ID system] enables consortium partners to access verifiable claims of a traveler’s identity data so they can assess their credibility, 
optimize passenger processing and reduce risk,' explains the World Economic Forum.

[Image: shutterstock_2055507539-810x500.png]

Thu Mar 10, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) – The Canadian and Dutch governments are listed as “pilot partners” for the World Economic Forum’s “Known Traveller Digital Identity” system.

As more Canadians become aware of the World Economic Forum’s influence in Canadian politics, yet another globalist project, the WEF’s “Known Traveller Digital Identity,” lists both the government of Canada and the government of the Netherlands, along with various airports, as the testing grounds for an international digital ID system with “advancements in biometrics.”

The project’s website, initially launched in 2018, explains that “The Known Traveller Digital Identity, or KTDI, is a World Economic Forum initiative that brings together a global consortium of individuals, governments, authorities and the travel industry to enhance security in world travel.”

“The first global collaboration of its kind, KTDI enables more secure and more seamless travel that benefits both travelers and the travel industry,” says the site, adding that “KlTDI enables consortium partners to access verifiable claims of a traveler’s identity data so they can assess their credibility, optimize passenger processing and reduce risk.”

The “pilot partners” of the program, in addition to the Dutch and Canadian governments, include the airlines Air Canada and Royal Dutch Airlines, as well as the Netherlands Schiphol airport and Canada’s Toronto Pearson Airport.

According to the program, “the KTDI is based on decentralized digital identity which uses cryptography, distributed ledger technology and emerging international standards to enable an individual to self-manage trusted and verified identity attributes,” explaining that the “attestations” of such attributes are “added to the traveler’s KTDI profile each time a trusted entity verifies a claim pertaining to the individual.”

The “goal of the KTDI pilot,” which launched in 2019 according to the site, “is to test a means for travelers to maintain and share trusted, verifiable, globally interoperable digital identity attributes issued by one or more public- or private-sector entities,” adding that for the program to “become scalable and widely adopted,” the KDTI “concept requires international standardization and accepted interoperability across geographies, policy environments, and industries.”

As extensively reported by LifeSiteNews, the WEF is the globalist organization behind the “Great Reset” agenda, a socialist plan designed by global elites that “seeks to ‘push the reset button’ on the global economy” and establish a New World Order that seems to closely emulate many aspects of the Chinese Social Credit System.

The group’s agenda has become known for their slogan, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”

The Canadian Bankers Association (CBA), which recently froze the bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protesters without court orders, also released information in 2018 citing that they too, under the influence of the WEF, are seeking to have Canada lead the world in adopting digital IDs.

After the invocation of the never-before-used Emergencies Act by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in response to the three-week anti-COVID mandate “Freedom Convoy” protest in Ottawa last month, which led Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland to announce that the government would be directing the CBA to freeze the bank accounts of  protesters, Freeland’s membership in the WEF became a hot-button issue in Canadian political discourse.

In an op-ed written in the National Post, economic and international affairs expert Rupa Subramanya posited that Freeland’s ties to the WEF are “endangering Canadian democracy” and her connections are a prime example of how “global elites” attempt to “subvert local democracy.”

While the Freedom Convoy protest against COVID restrictions has been followed by axing mandates in nearly every province, the plan to move forward with digital IDs has remained.

Notably, Canada’s most populous province of Ontario still features the coming Digital ID system on their website, while explaining that it is part of the larger goal of “Building a Digital Ontario.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic has made our province’s ability to harness technology more urgent than ever,” the government explains on the “Building a Digital Ontario” website.

“With the people of Ontario increasingly using online services, for example to renew driver’s licences and health cards, strong digital security and robust data management must be crucial priorities — for individuals, communities, businesses, and government.”

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  AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle [Excerpts and Commentary]
Posted by: Stone - 03-11-2022, 08:30 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle
The Masonic Plan to Destroy the Church

[Full text here. Excerpts and subsequent commentary taken from here.]

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fg.christianbook.com%2Fd...f=1&nofb=1]

Part I- Plan for the destruction of the general constitution of the Church.

PART II - Plan for the auto-destruction of the Catholic Church, specifically as they relate to the destruction of the Mass and Sacraments.

PART I: Plan for the destruction of the general constitution of the Church.

The destruction of the Church, that is, the destruction of the New Order Church, is proceeding according to a plan conceived decades ago. Of course, there are many factors that contribute to the destruction, but it is not possible to deny that a significant part of that destruction has been based on deliberate subversion, developed over the better part of the last century.

I had heard of the book entitled AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle, but I had not taken the time to read it until now. I have now had that opportunity and am now about halfway through the book, which has already provoked many reflections.

Background. In the 1960s, a French Catholic nurse, Marie Carré attended an auto-crash victim who was brought into her hospital. The man lingered there near death for a few hours and then died. He had no identification on him, but he had a briefcase in which there was a set of quasi-biographical notes. She kept these notes and read them, and because of their extraordinary content, decided to publish them.

The book was originally published in May 1972 in French under the title ES-1025, ES standing for Élève Seminariste, or Seminary Student. In 1973 it was published in English as AA-1025, AA standing for Anti-Apostle.

It is a succinct (125 pages or so) account of an atheistic Communist mole, who in 1940 was purposely sent by his superiors to infiltrate the Catholic priesthood, along with 1024 others at that time, charged with the mission to subvert and destroy the Church from within by helping effect its auto-destruction, a odd term specifically used by Paul VI years later in his December 7, 1968, Address to the Lombard Seminary at Rome. The Anti-Apostle and his 1024 colleagues were triumphantly successful, as far as the New Order Church goes.

Although the author never identifies the man, the narrative makes it clear that he attended a seminary in United States or Canada. It is certain that at least one of these 1025 men became a bishop. Curiously, although the author could not have known it at the time, the Anti-Apostle hailed from the same country as the man who was six years later to become pope: Poland.

The author prefaces her narrative by observing:
No, the very virtue of obedience is today the extremely powerful weapon that our enemies, who pretend to be our friends, make use of against what we were, to put up in its stead what they have decided to have us become.

The Anti-Apostle makes clear the basis of his plan to effect the auto-destruction of the Church. His seminary career started well before Vatican II, so the elements of his plan now bear chilling fulfillment in our time. Here are some extensive excerpts from the Communist/Liberalist/Modernist plan for the auto-destruction of the Catholic Church, specifically as they relate to the general constitution of the Church, together with our commentary on how they have come true in less than fifty years. A later Part II of this topic will treat of the destruction of the Mass and Sacraments.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "You must drive into the head of men, and particularly the head of Churchmen, to search for, at any price, a universal religion into which all churches would be melded together. So that this idea could take form and life, we must inculcate in pious people, especially Roman Catholics, a feeling of guilt concerning the unique truth in which they pretend to live.... [This Universal Church] could not be otherwise but simple. So that all men could enter it, it could retain a vague idea of a God, more or less Creator, according to the times.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. Catholics are now told they cannot say that their Church is the one true Church, but that the Church of Christ only "subsists in" the Catholic Church (Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, November 21, 1964, paragraph 8)


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "I know that this will not be easy, that we will have to work hard at it, during twenty or even fifty years, but we should succeed in the end."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. It has now been about forty years since Vatican II.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "We should succeed in the end ... by numerous and subtle means. I look at the Catholic Church as if it were a sphere. To destroy it, you must attack it in numerous small points until it loses all resemblance to what it was before. We will have to be very patient. I have many ideas that might seem at first sight to be petty and childish, but I maintain that the entirety of those petty childishnesses will become an invisible weapon of great efficacy."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. The vast number of individual changes making up the whole of the New Order Church is staggering: vulgar tongues instead of sacred Latin used at services, new "eucharistic prayers," a new form of non-apostolic "consecration," communion in the hand, altar servettes, elimination of crucifixes, elimination of tabernacles, elimination of statues, "general confession" replacing sacramental confession, elimination of kneelers, introduction of vulgar music at services, "white" funerals, elimination of any concept of sin/Hell/Purgatory, eulogies at Catholic funerals for thrice-divorced men and homosexual panderers, and on and on the list goes.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "To stress that Catholics are responsible for the division among Christians, because, by their refusal to compromise, they caused schisms and heresies. To come to a point that every Catholic will feel so guilty that he will wish to atone at any price. To suggest to him that he must himself endeavor to find all the means capable of bringing Catholics closer to Protestants (and also to others) without harming the Credo. To keep only the Credo. And again ... attention: The Credo must undergo a very slight modification. The Catholics say, 'I believe in the Catholic Church.' The Protestants say, 'I believe in the Universal Church.' It is the same thing. The word Catholic means 'universal.'"

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. The pope apologies to the heretic Martin Luther, he apologizes to the schismatic Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury. He bows to kiss the pagan Koran. Those in other sects are told not to bother to convert to Catholicism; it's not necessary. The Jews are told not to worry about becoming Christians, that Christ is not their Messias.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "Always drive minds toward a greater charity, a larger fraternity. Never talk about God, but about the greatness of man. Bit by bit transform the language and the attitude of mind. Man must occupy the first place. Cultivate confidence in man, who will prove his own greatness by founding the Universal Church in which all good wills shall melt together. To bring it out that the good will of man, his sincerity, his dignity, are worth more than an always invisible God."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. The Novus Ordo service becomes a communal meal, rather than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The crucifix, the tabernacle, and the statues of God's Saints are eliminated, while man effusively praises himself. Secular politics become the focus of bishops' attention, not the worship of God and the keeping of His Commandments. Churches are closed. Traditional worship is replaced by self-serving hootenannies, such as those at World Youth Conference, sponsored by the pope.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "To excite an iconoclastic zeal. Youngsters must destroy all these hodgepodge: statues, pictures, reliquaries, priestly ornaments, organs, candles, and votive lamps, stained glass, and cathedrals, etc., etc."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. Statues have been virtually eliminated, priests' vestments have been simplified to the point of the ridiculous, pipe organs are replaced by electronic pianos, traditional churches are submitted to the wrecking ball.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "In Rome, I had very interesting conversations with a professor who would be mine when I would have received the priesthood. He was a member of our network. He was very optimistic. He had specialized in Holy Scripture and was working at a new translation of the Bible in English. The most astounding thing was that he had chosen a Lutheran pastor as his only collaborator. The said pastor, besides, was no longer in agreement with his own church, which seemed old-fashioned to him. This collaboration, of course, remained secret. The aim of these two men was to rid humanity of all the systems which it had given itself through the Bible, and especially the New Testament. Thus, the virginity of Mary, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and His Resurrection, according to them, were to be set aside, in order to end up with a complete suppression."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. A profusion of "translations" of the Bible into vulgar tongues is published every year, and these purported "translations" become less and less literal, introducing the translators' own modernistic notions under the guise of "dynamic translation." One of the Novus Ordo's leading biblical scholars, Fr. Raymond Brown, teaches in a west-coast seminary that Mary's perpetual virginity, the Real Presence, and the Resurrection are all "myths."


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "There was enough reason to have them [the Saints] erased from the calendar, which was also one of our objectives. But both of us knew that it would take more time to kill all the Saints than it would to kill God."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. The New Order has done everything it can to suppress true Saints and replace them with politically-correct modern doppelgangers. St. Christopher, whom seventeen centuries of Catholics venerated was expunged from the New Order. St. Philomena, whom five popes and a Saint publicly venerated and encouraged others to venerate, was expunged. St. Barbara, one of Fourteen Auxiliary Saints from the apostolic Church was expunged.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "The order was also very simple: It was absolutely forbidden for Protestants to convert to Catholicism. And I had this point very much at heart, because conversions had attained an accelerated pace."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. Just before Vatican II, conversions to Catholicism from Protestantism and even Judaism were plentiful. Even noted figures publicly converted. After Vatican II, when heretical Indifferentism became the de-facto theology ("we all pray to the same God"; "all religions are equal"), conversions slowed to a trickle. When a schismatic Eastern Orthodox Patriarch approached the Vatican to convert, the Vatican told him to stay as he was. Jews are told that Christ is not their Messias."


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "I suggested that the zeal to give us, in all languages, new Biblical translations in modern style must not be slowed down."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. The Catholic Church had always been cautious about translations of the Bible into the vulgar tongues, fearing corruptions of Sacred Scripture and its interpretation. Wisely was the Church cautious. After Vatican II the proliferation of "translations" of the Bible was vast. The translations were no longer even a literal translation of the inerrant Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome, but "dynamic translations," which allowed any translating committee to change doctrine surreptitiously by merely "retranslating" it. Scripture was now "vernacularized," so that anyone could interpret it in any way he liked. Martin Luther won again: heretical private interpretation of Scripture had invaded the Novus Ordo Church.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "I also proposed inter-confessional Biblical meetings. This was my real aim, and moreover it could even go further, by adding a benevolent examination of the Koran and of some other oriental books."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. Catholics had always been prohibited from attending inter-denominational Bible meetings and studies because of the corruption of the true Faith that they involved. Now one sees, even on "Catholic" television (like Mother Angelica's EWTN), supposedly "former" Protestants taking the lead in teaching Catholics about the meaning of Scripture. The pope himself scandalized the whole Roman Catholic Church by bowing down to kiss the abominable Koran of the Mohammedans, which contains vicious slurs against Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "It is altogether reasonable to hope that the cure will be at hand for the year 2000 [remember, this was planned in 1940!]. A certain number of words must be banished completely from the human vocabulary, and the best method is to be sure that children never hear these words. That is why it is much better to compose a new catechism than to hope for a simple suppression of all religious teaching."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. The new Vatican II Catechism, which went through several editions before the changes in doctrine could be gotten just right, was written by a group of ecclesiastical hacks who were so incompetent that they could not read the original sources in Latin and Greek. Compare this committee with those who authored the Roman Catechism after the Council of Trent: St. Charles Borromeo, St. Robert Bellarmine, and the like. Much Catholic doctrine was "nuanced away," like the common teaching of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church about the justice of capital punishment, or simply omitted, like the common teaching of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church about limbo. Words like Hell, Purgatory, sin and the like were used as little as possible. I know a teacher who was called into question when he mentioned to his Novus Ordo middle-school class the Church's dogma about Hell.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "The word charity must absolutely be banished and be replaced by the world love, which allows you to keep your feet on the ground and even to play all kinds of ambiguous games without seeming to do so."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. The word love has proliferated like no other word in the post-conciliar Church, and its meaning in English and other modern tongues is certainly ambiguous. The Latin and Greek Bibles had separate words for various types of love: love of family, love of friends, love of God, sexual love. English and other modern languages entirely blur these important distinctions. How does Christ define love? "If you love Me, obey My commandments." That meaning isn't even included in New Order "love"! No, we must "love" homosexuality, we must "love" divorce, we must "love" apostasy from the Faith.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "We have found the astuteness -- which consists in hiding behind the "Spirit of the Council" -- to launch all kinds of thrilling innovations. This expression, "Spirit of the Council," has become for me a master-trump.... But it will be only at Vatican III that I will be able to present myself with hammer and nails, not to nail God on His Cross, but rather to nail Him in His coffin."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. How often have we heard the expression "Spirit of the Council" used to justify every blasphemous, and sacrilegious, and scandalous element of the New Order? Already one hears more and more talk about a Vatican III to seal the destruction of the Church, as the Anti-Apostle and his allies planned already, back in 1940.

If you are a member of the New Order, if you attend a Novus Ordo service, if you defend "obedience" to the Church of the New Order, know that you are simply carrying out the plan hatched as early as 1940 by Modernists and are playing right into their hands.

If you are a traditional Catholic, if you attend exclusively the Traditional Latin Mass, if you will not obey evil, no matter from what color of authority it comes, know that you are standing with Christ against the Modernist forces which would defeat Him, but which in the end will themselves be defeated.

PART II: Plan for the auto-destruction of the Catholic Church, specifically as they relate to the destruction of the Mass and Sacraments.

The Anti-Apostle makes clear the basis of his plan to effect the auto-destruction of the Church. His seminary career started before well before Vatican II, so the elements of his plan now bear chilling fulfillment in our time. Here are some extensive excerpts from the Communist/Liberalist/Modernist plan for the auto-destruction of the Catholic Church, specifically as they relate to the destruction of the Mass and Sacraments, together with our commentary on how they have come true in less than fifty years.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "The professor also taught me a reasonable way to say Mass, since in six years I would be obliged to say it. While waiting for a profound modification of the whole ceremony [how did he know about this in 1940?], he never pronounced the words of the Consecration. But so as not to be suspected, he pronounced words almost similar, at least according to the ending of the words. He advised me to do the same. All that made this ceremony look like a sacrifice should, little by little, he suppressed. The whole ceremony should represent only a common meal, as among Protestants."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. The "profound modification of the whole ceremony," as predicted, became the Novus Ordo service, which defines itself as a "common meal," not a Sacrifice."


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "He even assured me that it should never have been otherwise. He also worked at the elaboration of a new Ordinary of the Mass and advised me also to do the same, because it appeared to him to be altogether desirable to present to people a large number of diversified Masses. There must be some, very short, for families and small groups, some longer ones, for Feast Days, although, according to him, the real feast for the working classes is a walk in Nature. He thought that he could easily arrive at a point of considering Sunday as a day consecrated to Nature."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. There are many variations of the New Order service. One traditional apostolic Canon became three man-made "eucharistic prayers," which have now proliferated well beyond that number. There are so many options for the form of the New Order service that most Novus Ordo churches don't use an official missal, but a pastiche of xeroxed pages contained in a three-ring binder at the altar, so that the service can be changed on a moment's notice, or be improvised "as the spirit moves." Moreover, Nature has become the modern-day Earth Goddess, Gaia, the green pagan goddess of the environmental movement, in which it is more morally reprehensible to kill a dog than to murder a child.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "Afterwards come the Seven Sacraments, which are all to be revised."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. Not a single one of the seven Sacraments has been left untouched in the Novus Ordo.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "As for the Sacrament called Penance, it would be replaced by a community ceremony, which will only be an examination of conscience directed by a well-trained priest, all of which would be followed by a general absolution, as in some Protestant Churches. God will not be mentioned in this ceremony, which will not be called a Sacrament anymore (because this word must also disappear from the vocabulary)."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. Already this pseudo-sacrament has replaced the Sacrament of Penance in most churches.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "As for the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, we will have to find another word for it.... We will have to see to it that the notion of eternal life, judgment, Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell be replaced by the sole desire to be cured..... I would willingly choose the expression "Sacrament of the sick."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. Just as the Anti-Apostle planned in 1940, the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, so powerful to reconcile to eternity the soul in its last hour, has been obliterated and in its place a mere "blessing of the sick" substituted with the very name that the Anti-Apostle suggested, the "sacrament of the sick." I have been called in at the last minute to attend a soul when it realizes that Church of the New Order has not the power to absolve it or to prepare it for eternity. Believe me, the vapid Church of the New Order looks quite different to a soul when faced with the seriousness of eternity!


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "It is of prime necessity completely to reform the words of the Mass, and it will be well even to suppress the word itself and to replace it by "The Lord's Supper" or by "Eucharist" (for example). The Renovation of the Mass must minimize the importance of what they call "Consecration" and must give to the Communion a much more trivial appearance."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. You might call it a "mass," but that is not what they call it. Just as the Anti-Apostle planned in 1940, the terms Lord's Supper or Eucharist have become much more common. The "consecration" of the Novus Ordo service has in fact been minimized: not even the Catholic and Apostolic words, confirmed as dogma by the Council of Trent, have been left untampered.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "We will suggest the possibility of abandoning the high altar and of replacing it by a small table, completely bare, where the priest will stand facing the people."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. First the "turned-around" T.V. table was optional; then it was recommended. Now, according to the 2000 third edition of the Novus Ordo missal, it is required.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "Each text forming the Ordinary of the Mass will be carefully compared with the texts used by the Anglicans and Lutherans, in order to promote a single text of varying texts apt to be accepted by these three religions."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. It is well known that the Masonic Grand Architect of the Novus Ordo service used six Protestants to help him write the new service, with the full approval of Paul VI, who gladly posed for an historic photograph with the six, which was published by the Vatican Press Office. The six publicly attested to the fact that the Novus Ordo service had been so changed in comparison to the Traditional Latin Mass that they had no problem whatsoever using it as their own Protestant worship service from then on.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "To weaken further the notion of 'Real Presence' of Christ, all decorum will have to be set aside. No more costly embroidered vestments, no more sacred music, especially no more Gregorian chant, but a music in jazz style."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. In fact, the traditional vestments of the Church have been replaced by an all-purpose slip-over alb. What passes for "music" in the Novus Ordo service is a cacophony of electronic pianos, drums, and rock-based rhythms and tunes. The pipe organ, the Church's only authentic instruments, has been relegated to oblivion -- or sold to nearby Protestant churches. The Church whose music was once the envy of the world and all its cultures now panders the "junk culture" to the world, with the pope personally attending rock concerts and expressing his preference for them over anything religious.


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "Moreover, the faithful will have to break themselves of the habit of kneeling, and this will be absolutely forbidden when receiving Communion."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. This plank from the 1940 plan has been fulfilled before our very eyes! Just this month the U.S. bishops have banned kneeling for "communion" at Novus Ordo services. Many dioceses already prevent kneeling during the most sacred part of the service, the Canon. And because many Novus Ordinarians still insist on kneeling, many churches have removed the kneelers!


THE MODERNIST PLAN OF 1940. "In order to destroy all sacredness in the worship, the priest will be invited to say the whole Mass in the vernacular."

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED BY THE VATICAN II NEW ORDER. Although the use of vernacular in the Mass was condemned with the censure of excommunication by the dogmatic Council of Trent, and even though Vatican II confirmed this dogma, the reality of the Church of the Novus Ordo is quite different. A virtual babble (Babel) of vulgar tongues has intruded into what is supposed to be the Sacred Liturgy. It is interesting that the word vernacular comes from the Latin word for slave, vernaculus, and indeed the Church of the New Order has enslaved its congregations to a phony "mass" and a a phony "communion," which, far from being able to impart any graces, has admitted, in the words of Pope Paul VI, "Satan around the altar."


So, do we traditional Catholics sink into despair and hopelessness, even into distrust of God, knowing that the New Order has been executed exactly according to the plan of atheistic Modernists as early as 1940? No! I end this commentary by quoting from the truly Catholic woman whom the Anti-Apostle met -- sent by God to save him if that were possible, who knows? God gives even atheistic Modernists a chance at grace, if they will but accept it and convert.

Many souls, my Dear, will yield to the temptation of joining a completely human Church, which will mix up all beliefs so as to render them unrecognizable, but the [true] Catholic Church will continue to stand. If you persecute it, it will go into hiding, but its soul will always remain standing. For the mark of this Church is the submission to a Revelation which comes from Heaven....

You might win a certain number of souls to your perverse doctrines, maybe even a part of the Clergy (although I do not believe it), but you will never win all the souls; on the contrary, you will fortify the Saints. Yes, my poor dear friend, by attacking the Church of God you are but a toy in the hands of the All-Powerful. You believe yourself to be strong, but you are only strong insofar as God permits. Fear the day when the Lord will say: "It is enough, I have heard the prayers of those who suffer, and I have decided to comfort them by destroying My enemies."

And that, my fellow traditional Catholics, is the explanation of what is going on in the Church today. It is a great test of our souls and of our sanctity. The magnitude of the forces against true Catholicism, even if it be within the Church, even if it be to the papacy itself, is but nothing against the All-Powerful.

It is up to us merely to keep the traditional Faith, to keep praying for the restoration of the Church, and one day the enemies of the Church will be destroyed as Marie Carré says -- maybe sooner, maybe latter, but the Faith teaches us that the question is not if, but when.

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  The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste: Baptism of Blood and Principals of Faith by Fr. Hewko
Posted by: Stone - 03-11-2022, 08:11 AM - Forum: Rev. Father David Hewko - No Replies

The video linked below was created by a sedevacantist site that also promotes Fr. Hewko's apostolate, called Defeat Modernism.
The video is on the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, reading Fr. Hewko's Sermon on those Martyrs, whose feast day is March 10th:  

[Image: Capture.png]

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  Bayside 'Apparitions' Exposed
Posted by: Stone - 03-10-2022, 02:55 PM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Re-posted here from the old Catacombs...

Prophecy of Marie Julie Jahenny, Briton Stigmatist (1891):

Quote:"During the time of the approach of the punishments announced at La Salette, an unlimited amount of false revelations will arise from Hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and destroy the belief in the true revelations by false ones."

Marie-Julie Jahenny is an approved mystic of the Church.

Veronica Lueken is not.

Dear friends, I do not include the below article against the 'visions' of Bayside blithely or casually. In fact, I have family members that embraced it back in the 1980's and because they have accepted these 'visions' they have made life-long decisions to "stay in their (Conciliar) Churches" as the 'visions of Our Lady' said. They have never accepted Tradition because they first and exclusively accepted what they heard from Bayside. And those family members are good souls who simply believe what they were told and 'obediently' did it.

There was some good about the visits to Bayside though, it brought some in my family into contact with people who directed them to the SSPX (of the 1980's - the good days!) and thankfully, several souls in my family found Tradition at that time, of which I personally reaped the benefit of as well. We all know God can use anything to bring about some good. In my family's case, those that abandoned Bayside and found Tradition, much good came of it. For those that continued to embrace Bayside's 'messages' - they remained loyally in the Conciliar pews all their lives. By their fruits...

The purpose of including this article is the same as was previously done here about Medjugorje. It is to help see these 'apparitions' in the light of the Faith. I wish I could find a good article written by a good priest about Bayside but so far I have not. So I am using the article below, written by a layman, but one who has done much research in collecting and categorizing the most troublesome 'messages' from the Bayside 'seer' Veronica Lueken.

I am leaving out the beginning paragraph or so of the article below as the author expresses the great disgust he experienced in researching the 'messages' of Bayside. These are his private opinions and not necessary to point out the obvious errors found throughout the 'messages'. I personally don't like the sarcasm the author employs throughout the article nor am I advocating the author himself or his all of his commentary.

For your consideration...

Problems with the Bayside Apparitions

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tldm.org%2Fveronica...f=1&nofb=1]

A word about the messages: the messages of Bayside delivered by Veronica Lueken are divided up by month and year. Some months have one or two messages; others have over a dozen. Some messages were short, others very, very long and rambling. They begin in 1968 and go up to June, 1994, when Veronica died. The text of the messages are taken from a website called These Last Days Ministries, commonly known as TLDM.org, which is the largest internet repository of the messages of Veronica. Now, there is some sort of schism among Baysiders regarding this website; some purists claim that the webmaster of TLDM has incorrectly transcribed some of the messages - these folks suggest the only "authentic" version of them are found in some books. However, this opinion is not universal, and even if TLDM has not transcribed the messages with 100% accuracy, they are not that different from what is found in the books, which I also had access to and compared some of the more saucier passages to.

I have here simply categorized all the problems I see with the messages. Not everything is "heresy"; I am not making that accusation. Some of it is, but some of it is incorrect history, failed prophecies, weirdness or just plain stupidity. These all constitute "red flags" that should give pause to anyone evaluating the credibility of this apparition. According to my own personal standards of credibility, even one of these problems would be sufficient to cast doubt on the whole thing, but I understand others' standards may be different.

I have tried to create categories to make it easier to read. Within each category, the actual messages of Bayside (or descriptions of what the messages describe) appear in bold with the exact date appearing afterward for reference. My commentary follows each selection. I have researched many private apparitions over the years, true and false, notable and obscure - Medjugorje, Garabandal, Fatima, Pinckney, Emmitsburg, the "Army of Mary" - Bayside takes the cake as the absolute stupidest, most unbelievable and ridiculously ludicrous of them all.

I have created a table of contents for ease of browsing. For what its worth, enjoy.

1. Distracted, Absentminded Mary and Veronica
2. Bizarre Angelology
3. False/Failed Prophecies
4. Bad Grammar/Jesus and Our Lady Messing Up Their Words
5. Bayside Necessary for our Salvation?
6. Bad Theology
7. Frivolous Subject Matter
8. Simply Ridiculous
9. Television [omitted since the author quotes Vatican II in its defense]
10. Contradictions
11. Absurd Alleged Statistics about Satanism
12. Conclusion

Distracted, Absentminded Mary and Veronica

Mary frequently gets distracted during her apparitions. This is not unlike the absurd situation at Medjugorje where one of the visionaries, supposedly in an ecstasy, tried to explain her embarrassing flinching by saying that Mary looked as if she were going to drop the baby Jesus! Other times, the apparitions are described as being responsive to local temperature and conditions (Jesus wearing a cape because "it's very windy"). Here are some examples of Mary distracted at Bayside, or Veronica getting distracted during an alleged apparition:

Mary looks up and gets distracted by an airplane (June 18th, 1994)

You'd think Mary would not get distracted by shiny things in the sky.

"He [Jesus] has a beautiful golden - tinged robe about Him now. It’s pulled very tight, I don’t know if it’s because of the wind or what, but He’s pulling the gown about Him to prevent it from flying up, I guess. It looks very windy there." (June 18, 1994)

"And He has on a cape, an ecru, almost white-colored cape over His gown. It’s quite, it’s quite a bit chilly over here. That is why I would assume that Jesus is wearing His cape." (June 18, 1994)

Here, God the Son and His Mother depend upon Veronica to obtain a very trite piece of information for their records:

"Now you will continue, My child; look forward and find the other wheelchair, My child. It seems to be hidden. It is very necessary that you find that invalid, because we must have their name and address." (June 18, 1988)

Jesus and Mary need to get somebody's name and address!?

Mary tells Veronica to pray the Rosary. Veronica forgets Mary is coming back:

"I'm sorry, Our Lady. I had almost forgotten that You were coming back. I was so engrossed with the people in the infirm circle." (June 18, 1992)

You "forgot" that the Blessed Virgin Mother of God was returning to you?

Bizarre Angelology

Bayside has prompted devotions to questionable spiritual entities with no history in the Catholic Tradition. Ever heard of Tomdarius and Tusazeri? According to Veronica, St. Theresa encourages the faithful to interact with these strange beings, whatever they are:

Saint Theresa - "You know, my sister, many of the names. Will you give some this evening to others?"

Veronica - Yes. There's Tomdarius, Tusazeri…. He is my guardian angel, but he's quite a clown. He likes to circle around. And right now he’s turning and spinning again. He always does that when he sees me; he turns and spins. And now also, there's Razene and Nadina and many others.(Oct 1, 1988)

It has been a perennial discipline in the Catholic Church that spiritual beings are not to be summoned, communicated with, or invoked by name other than those whose names are specifically revealed in Scripture (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael). You simply don't know to whom you are speaking when you invoke Tusazeri. Tusazeri, explains Veronica, his not only her guardian angel, but one of the archangels:

"I ... have asked Our Lady if I could have permission to tell who Tusazeri is. Our Lady says I may. Tusazeri is one of the high archangels of Heaven who Jesus sent to be with me when Theresa started the Mission for Heaven in 1968. He was sent by Jesus to protect me in this work against satan. Many times I have forgotten to call upon him when there are difficulties" (Feb 1, 1973).

This would mean that Veronica, alone in all of Christian tradition, has an archangel - a "high archangel" - as her personal guardian angel, presumably of the same rank with Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, the only other "archangels" known to Tradition. What hubris.

In another place, Mary tells the faithful that they need no longer concern themselves with the work of evangelization in the world because this task has been entrusted exclusively to the angels!

“My child, you must not use the little strength you have to try to convert all upon earth. You will have to give this to the angels to do most of this work of conversion. (May 26, 1979).

The angels have many jobs in Scripture and Tradition, but evangelizing has always been the job of humans. As we shall see later, this withdrawal from active evangelization is part of the cultic exclusivity of Bayside, which encourages believers to simply withdraw among themselves and shun those who do not believe in the apparitions. And yet, on June 9, 1979, Jesus says through Veronica, "You cannot and must not break away and form your own groups."

After relating an angelic vision of St. Michael and the Archangels, Veronica is given this number to combat the forces of Satan:

Jesus: “All you will repeat, My child, are the numbers ‘77 3,’ ‘77 3,’ ‘77 3.’ Remember, My child, as Lucifer goes forward with his plan against the papacy watch for ‘77 3’!” (Sept. 28, 1979)

Repeat 77 3? Is this sound Catholic spirituality?

Veronica herself states that the initial apparitions were accompanied by bizarre supernatural phenomenon:

"On August 4, 1968, at about 5:30 a.m., Veronica was in the living room making preparations for the early morning Mass. Suddenly this same framed letter went floating across the living room, as though propelled by an unseen, unknown force, and crashed with a loud noise at Veronica's feet. This turned out to be a little much." ("Occulations from Heaven", pg. 5).

Is this how our Lord or the Holy Angels manifest themselves? Veronica's son Raymond, who was twelve years old in 1970, testified on tape on July 27, 1970 that the Lueken house was widely believed to be haunted by the neighbors due to some of these bizarre occurrences.

False/Failed Prophecies

There are many false prophecies as well. Now, Baysiders will inevitably say that the letter of these prophecies may not have been violated, but it is indisputable that these prophecies give the impression of certain things coming to pass that certainly did not pan out. For example:

"There will be one more most devastating plague upon you. That will come within the next six months, My children. You ask, My child, why is this allowed? My child, you have forgotten the real reason for all this: man will benefit from it in the end. (June 18, 1983).

Obviously there was no massive plague in late 1983, let alone a "devastating" plague that "that your scientists will not be able to explain nor stop", as Veronica says in the same message.

The Act of Contrition "will be cast from the books this coming year." (Oct. 6, 1988)

The Act of Contrition was never ejected from any official Catholic books, let alone in 1989.

"A Ball that is fast hurtling towards earth! It will be here within this century, if not sooner.’ For even the scientists have failed to recognize the speed of this Ball." (June 18, 1988)

Woops. That century ended on December 31st, 1999.

The next war will embroil many nations and be a war "to the finish" (June 18, 1994)

The "next war", at least from an American perspective, were the wars in Bosnia (1995) and Kosovo (1999), hardly a war "to the finish." Even if one ignored these conflicts and went on to the Afghan and Iraqi wars, these wars were nearly unilateral (not embroiling "many nations") and were certainly not "to the finish."

"Within two years or less, there will be a great crash of the market. The whole world's monetary systems will be paralyzed" (June 18, 1988).

Although there was an economic recession in the United States from 1990-1992, it was largely confined to the United States. The rest of the world was not effected, let alone paralyzed.

"Boris Yeltsin is the "man of sin"; no different from Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev." (June 18, 1992)

Boris Yeltsin is identified as the man of sin but no mention is made of Putin, who is extremely more dangerous and sinister. Veronica clearly did not see Putin coming.

"The Ball of Redemption hovers now in your atmosphere" (June 18, 1994)

Remember, the Ball of Redemption is supposed to be large enough to destroy 1/3 of the African continent. It is no small object. Apparently it has been hovering in our atmosphere since 1994. Undetected. These messages are very common. She was saying the same thing almost ten years earlier, though in a much more alarmist manner:

"The Eternal Father has the Ball poised in His hand; your end can come by day. It will come upon you quickly, and how many shall be prepared? Do you have your candles? Do you have your water, your canned food, and your blankets?" (Nov 5, 1985)

More false prophecy...

"Veronica, my child, announce to the world that the end approaches for your most illustrious President of the United States, and also, your Pope, John Paul II." (Nov. 1, 1985)

"The end approaches" for Reagan? Too bad he lived for twenty more years.

God is "getting ready" for the chastisement; John Paul II will be "exterminated" and replaced by the "despot", who is the Antichrist (Oct. 6, 1992)

Wait...the antichrist is the man of sin (2 Thess. 2:1-12), which Veronica above identified as Yeltsin. So JPII was supposed to be exterminated and replaced by...Yeltsin? Or is the man of sin now different from the antichrist? At any rate it doesn't matter, because John Paul II was certainly not "exterminated", nor replaced by a despot, unless the despot is the meek Joseph Ratzinger who was so despotic that he voluntarily resigned the papacy in 2013.

Veronica (er, I mean, the Virgin Mary) prophesied danger to John Paul II back in 1979, speaking of an attempt on his life and warning him not to travel abroad:

“You will send this message to John Paul II. He is in grave danger. I have asked him in the past to not make many trips away from his homeland—which is now the Seat of Peter in Rome (June 2, 1979).

John Paul was of course the victim of an assassination attempt in May, 1981. Too bad it happened right in St. Peter's Square, not "away from his homeland" as Bayside suggests. It is also amusing how Mary warns John Paul not to travel "away from his homeland", but immediately realizing that this would mean Poland, and that as Pope in Rome he is perpetually "away from his homeland", she has to qualify the statement by saying that John Paul II's "homeland" is actually the See of Rome.

Prophecies of the impending assassination of John Paul II were very common. Here is an example from 1983, Veronica narrating:

"I see a man. He's dressed as a cleric, the clergy. He has in his left hand a knife. It's a long knife - no, it's like a saber... I don't know ... he's pulling it out of his pants. It seems to be in his pant leg near his belt. And it's very long. And he's pulling it out with his left hand and starting to raise it, and with his right hand he has a revolver, a small gun - not a shotgun, a small gun. And he's screaming, and everything has become silent about him with the screams, "Death to the Pope! Death to the Pope!" (March 18, 1983)

Obviously this did not happen. Three years later, the warnings continue:

"You must pray for your Holy Father, the Pope. There will be another attempt upon his life. Yes, My child, though he means well, it would be best if he discards his habit of going to and fro. For it is upon one of these journeys that he will be destroyed." (May 17, 1986)

Whatever one thinks about John Paul II's international travels, he certainly was not "destroyed" on one. But as we shall see, predictions of John Paul's assassination were very common. Only five months later, Mary is predicting that he will be killed, not on one of his travels, but in Assisi during the interfaith prayer gatherings, and by communists:

"Tell the world, My child, in great haste that the Red Bear is planning to kill Our Holy Father, your Vicar on earth, John Paul II, when he meets with the nations in common prayer. You will not fully understand what I say to you, My child, but I repeat it again: Shout! Shout from the rooftops, until your words, the words from Heaven, reach the Holy Father in Rome. The Red Bear is planning to kill your Vicar, your Holy Father upon earth, John Paul II, when he meets with the nations in common prayer." (Sept 27, 1986)

These predictions of impending assassination were still being proclaimed in 1991, after communism had fallen.

"An attempt upon the life of your Vicar is planned: not in this year, but the next." (Nov, 26th, 1991)

Okay, they can always say that just because no assassination on John Paul II was attempted in 1992 does not mean one was not planned, but as we have seen, there is a constant reference to an impending destruction of John Paul II that leads one to believe in an imminent assassination. Of course, John Paul would reign in peace for another thirteen years. Another example of an implied assassination attempt that never materialized:

"there will be very soon another attempt upon his life. Only you can save him now, because, My children, in all factuality, We tell you: Without your prayers you will lose him within the next year" (Mar 18, 1989)

Back in 1984, we were apparently only days away from World War III:

"My child and My children, you do not understand how close you are on the brink to the Third World War, which could break out any day now." (June 18, 1984)

This seemed to be a common theme in 1984. For example:

"I warn you all now; You are approaching a terrible crisis, a crisis that will involve death. Blood shall flow from the streets of New York soon." (June 30, 1984)

"It has not started, My child, but there will be great confusion, and war shall break out in the western part of Germany." (June 30, 1984)

Apparently, the United States was secretly surrounded by a great army ready to invade:

"Your country, the United States of America, is in great danger for invasion. Already the plan is in motion. I warn you again: The United States of America is in great danger of invasion. You are surrounded now by the enemy." (June 30, 1984)

Notice that it says the U.S. was "surrounded." That's right - our country was surrounded. For this to be true, in June, 1984 we would have had to have hostile armies stationed along the Mexican border and stretched out all along the Canadian border, as well as at least some hostile naval forces on both our Pacific and Atlantic shorelines. Only then could we in any meaningful sense be "surrounded." Clearly this was not the case. But into 1986, Veronica is still suggesting that the United States is not only surrounded but also already invaded - covertly - by Russian spies!

"Russia, My children, is not entering where you can see them. They are infiltrating now into every side of your nation: north, south, east, and west - on the outer fringes and the inner fringes." (May 17, 1986)

Given the amount of people necessary to fully surrounded and infiltrate the United States, this must have been a massive number of people. Where were all these Russian spies?

In June 1986, we are only "hours" away from the next major war:

"The hourglass now is almost empty; days can be counted by hours." (June 18, 1986)

But by fall of that year, it was still "several months" off":

We can no longer protect them from what is to come about within the next several months. Yes, My child, there will be blood flowing in the streets of the United States. There will be carnage such as has never been seen before in the United States and Canada." (Sept 27, 1986)

But later in the same message, we are back to "days", similar to the language Veronica was using in 1984:

"You will watch as the days go by - I say not years, because this will all happen in days, My child and My children - you will watch as the days go by, the unfolding of the messages, dating from 1970." (Sept 27, 1986)

These messages of imminent war continued into the 1990s:

"Disseminate this message to the world as soon as possible! I your Mother, and Protectress of the world's children, do beg you now to repent of your sins against the teachings of the Eternal Father - sins of the flesh and the intellect. A great war will erupt suddenly, such as has not been seen from the beginning of creation. Countries shall disappear in moments from the face of the earth." (Oct 2nd, 1990)

Another imminent disastrous war prophesied on December 13, 1990.

Sometimes the imminent destruction is a natural disaster. In 1988 it was an earthquake in the U.S.:

"For the United States, a measure of punishment: there will be a great earthquake. This earthquake will be in a most unusual place, My child; but when it happens they will know that they are facing now an angry God... time is growing short." (Oct 1, 1988)

I suppose in all these cases the Baysiders can always say that these dire calamities would have happened had it not been for the prayers of the faithful Bayside devotees. It is very difficult to argue that something did not happen because of prayer; but it does demonstrate that the Bayside prophecies of future calamity did not come true despite being put forward as imminent; it also shows the non-verifiable nature of the Bayside messages.

Another false prophecy is that attack on the Empire State Building:

Jesus - "In those bags they are carrying all the implements of destruction."

Veronica - Oh! I can see now; they're pointing across the street, and I recognize the Empire State Building. Oh, no!

Jesus - My child, they will choose the Empire State Building to bring more notoriety to the world. (Oct 1, 1988)

Whoops. Too bad the actual terrorist attack came at the World Trade Center, not the Empire State Building. And the attack Veronica prophecies was by men setting bombs, not by airplanes. She says:

"Veronica - Well, I see two men. I don't know if they're Moslems. They have a different - colored skin, but they're not exactly black. Now they are walking through a building, and they're carrying with them, now, bags; but the bags are extra large, which makes it most suspicious. (Oct. 1, 1988).

There simply was never an attack on the Empire State Building such as she described.

How about missiles being smuggled into the United States from Nicaragua?

"My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States." (June 18, 1987)

No doubt this message, dated from 1987, was influenced by the unfolding Iran-Contra scandal. It is a prime example of how Bayside messages constantly play to the contemporary headlines but have little objective value. There was not, nor has there ever been, evidence of any missiles being moved into America from Nicaragua. Furthermore, the contention that Nicaragua is the "center point" for the capitulation is laughable.

In an example of a prophecy gone bad, Veronica prophesies in 1987 that communism is gradually swallowing all the nations of the earth:

"Pray that the world does not descend upon you in the form of the Bear. For he is roaming throughout the world, and gradually the nations are falling." (June 18, 1987)

Too bad the collapse of the Soviet bloc and the fall of communism began only twenty-two months after this message was delivered. If the nations were supposed to gradually fall to communism, why didn't our Lady mention that communism itself was about to fall in less than two years? It can always be posited that the prayers of the Baysiders staved off the communist take-over; but note, the prophecy does not say that prayers will stop the nations from falling to the communist bear; it says that the nations are falling, and we are to pray that we do not fall with them. The fall of the nations to communism is taken as a given.

Here the death of Sister Lucia of Fatima is pronounced as imminent:

"Lucy still remains upon earth. She will be here but for a short while longer." (Oct 2, 1987)

This message was given in 1987. Lucy in fact lived for eighteen more years. [Even supposing there was a fake Sr. Lucy, which I tend to think was the case, that could have/should have been clarified here if these messages are authentic. - The Catacombs]

In the following message, the Antichrist is said to be alive and operating in the United States in 1971:

“The man of perdition is in your country. He is now gathering many disciples within your country." (Aug. 5, 1971)

He is not just alive in 1971, but already powerful enough to be gathering disciples. This means the Antichrist must have at least been an adult in 1971. If we were to say thirty years old at least, that would make him 73 years old today. If the conquest of the world about to be undertaken by a 73 year old man?

Bad Grammar/Jesus and Our Lady Messing Up Their Words

Many times, the grammar of Jesus and Mary is just horrible. They say words that don't exist, use words in improper contexts, and sometimes, when Veronica messes up and says a wrong word, she goes back and tries to fabricate an explanation in order to preserve the farce.

"I could repeat over and over the Message from Heaven of the past years. But I say to you: murders abound, immorality abounds... all the immunisms of humanism, lesbianism...homosexuals roaming. " (Apr. 14, 1984).

All the immunisms? What?

"Do not feel, parents, that you are doing unjustment to your children (June 18, 1994)

What kind of word is "unjustment"?

"Do not misunderstand, and do not discalculate the power of satan." (Sept 27, 1986)

Discalculate!? That word doesn't even exist.

"Modernism! That's what stymies mankind, modernism!" (Nov 1, 1985)

While I appreciate her condemnation of Modernism, I question where our Lord would use the verb "stymies." Maybe. But, that is not as bizarre as:

Jesus again: "The Eternal Father knew that once satan came into the world and was released from hell with all his demons, he expected many to fall to his cajolery's" (Oct 5, 1985)

Cajoler's!? Cajolery's!? For real? I am sorry; I cannot believe that Jesus Christ would use the word "cajolery." I may be wrong here, but our Lord seems to be using a vocabulary that is extraordinarily colloquial - I mean, to an absurd degree.

We see Jesus also is bad at math, as well. In a warning delivered to Veronica, Jesus slips up and has to qualify His math:

"Therefore, I warn you now as your God: You will stop your intricacies within My Church. You will stop experimenting. I gave you the rules to follow many years ago, two thousand years approximately" (June 18th 1986).

Aside from the weird grammar of "stop your intricacies" (intricacies is a plural noun and usually when you say 'Stop your x" the word in question is a verb), we see Jesus having to qualify His math. "Two thousand years...approximately"!? What happened was when Veronica said 2,000 years in 1986, she quickly realized that this would bring us back to 14 BC, clearly too soon for Jesus to have given any rules at all, so she adds the word "approximately" to the end of her statement to correct the embarrassing error.

Another example of an "oops" moment is when St. Therese is speaking with Veronica and calls her "my child." Now, there is nothing wrong with a saint calling a person "my child", but Veronica seems to notice after speaking that Therese calling her "child" might be confusing because St. Therese is younger than Veronica, so she puts the following correction into the mouth of St. Therese in which Therese has to explain that she is actually older in "earth-years" than she appears:

“Veronica, my child—I call you ‘my child’ because Our Lady calls you ‘My child.’ I am many earth-years older than you now, but I always will be even a child to the Eternal Father. (Oct. 2, 1979)

This is another demonstration of how Veronica uses feels compelled to have Jesus, Mary and the saints "correct" themselves when she makes embarrassing errors or, as in this case, statements that are just confusing.

"My child and My children, I shall not give a long, dissentive discord with you this evening" (Nov 1, 1985)

And what is a "dissentive discord"? "Dissentive" means "disagreeing" or "inconsistent." "Discord" means disharmony or strife. Clearly, Veronica meant to say "discourse" instead of "discord", and I don't know what instead of "dissentive" - maybe "descriptive" or "deductive"? Who knows. It reminds me of the old Oswald Bates' skits from In Living Color with the guy using all sorts of big words incorrectly. Clearly not the voice of an inerrant God speaking here.

"And My good children, you do not pray for your priests. You do not pay - I say the word 'pay', for them - in other words, ransom them from purgatory. Ransom them even from hell." (June 18, 1982)

Clearly, Veronica meant to have Our Lady say "pray"; this is obvious from the context of the preceding statement. But she accidentally said "pay", which prompts a clumsy explanation about how we need to "pay." And how do you ransom a priest from hell? Maybe she means ransom them from being on the path to hell? This is just weird. Here is another example of a mess up:

"There are many armors worn by My children that will protect them from these satanists. I know that those who are satirists—I call them satirists, My child" (Nov 1, 1985)

Satirists? Clearly Veronica misspoke. But Jesus cannot misspeak. Therefore she needs to find a quick explanation for her mess up. One more example:

Jesus: "My child and My children, do not become as Lot's wife, who had to look back and be turned to a pillar of stone—salt it was, My child, not stone; it was salt." (Nov 1, 1985)

Pillar of stone? Woops. No way out of this one.

"And if a priest or a minister even has the dare to blaspheme himself and tell you that don't worry about sinning, because one day you will even be a god" (June 18, 1982).

"Even has the dare"? Does anybody use the word dare in that way?

"I have asked you for the salvation of all souls. For mankind there will be no peace without prayer and penance and atonement. A great catastrophe is approaching your country, North America" (Oct. 6, 1980).

"Your country, North America"? Jesus needs to go back to third grade to learn the difference between a continent and a country.

“My child and My children of the world—and I call you My children of the world because I have repeated numerous times in the past that the messages from Heaven are for all mankind. (Aug 4, 1979).

Upon realizing that "children of the world" is a biblical phrase not for believers but for unbelievers (Luke 16:8, 24:20) Mary has to quickly correct herself to explain why she addresses the faithful with a title the Bible uses for the unbeliever.

"[Y]ou have been allowed to proceed in error because of your vain satisfaction, seeking of body pleasures, and because you have replaced your God with idols—humanism, idolism, destruction! (Aug. 15, 1971).

Idolism? I presume she means "idolatry."

"I see a great explosive, forceful sight, and I hear a voice cry out: “CATACLISIUM! CATACLYSM! CATACLIST!” Then I see great bodies of land sinking; the water just seems to swallow them up." (July 1, 1971)

...no comment...

In the following excerpt, we see that Mary is speaking, but Veronica slips and has Mary refer to the Church as "My Church", which causes Veronica to interject and state that it was actually Jesus, not Mary, who was speaking the last sentence:

Mary: “There will be much suffering for those who stand to defend My Son’s House. This can never be destroyed, for the foundation is solid. The foundation is My Son, but many now dishonor Him in His House. Blind man of self-gratification, blind man who pursues after his own heart his lust—you call the hand of the Father heavily upon you! “This condition did not arrive overnight, or this year, or two years. This has been well planned.”

Jesus – “Confusion, delusion! O mournful heresy! Whatever will We do with you? Satan is now banding his disciples within My Church.”

Veronica – This is Jesus. (June 17, 1971)

If we look beyond the names of who is supposed to be talking and realize how this actually sounded when it was being delivered, it is easy to see that Veronica slipped up and forgot who was speaking. By having the speaker say "My Church", Veronica had to quickly clarify that it was now Jesus who was speaking. This is another example of how sometimes Veronica cannot keep track of who is supposed to be talking and has to offer retroactive clarifications when embarrassing or inaccurate statements are made. Mary called the Church "My Church", at which point she had to go back and clarify that it was actually Jesus speaking, which was then entered into the transcript of this locution.

Bayside Necessary for Salvation?

At Medjugorje, Mary once stated that adherence to the Medjugorje messages was necessary for one to the "approved" by God. Similarly, Veronica states through Mary that it is necessary for salvation to read all of the Bayside messages:

"That is why I say, and I say again: you must read all of the messages given from Heaven through the past years, or you will not be saved. Much is being overlooked due to the quantity of messages" (Oct 6, 1988)

Did you hear that? You will not be saved if you do not read all the Bayside messages. This is nonsense and heresy. But beside this, Veronica also insinuates to her followers that they must shun their closest friends, become recluses, and only open their house and home to fellow Baysiders and shrine workers:

"I ask you to be retired from the world, for they will come as angels of light and try to approach you, also. Bar your doors to all but your immediate family and your closest Shrine workers...You must bar your doors to all but your immediate family and closest associates, for the souls of whom come to knock upon your doors are most likely evil. (June 19, 1987)

"O My children, listen to Me now: your children, protect them. Bar your doors to all but your immediate family and your closest workers within the circle of light. I tell you again this for reason" (June 18, 1981).

"You will have now, My child and My children, additional torment and irritation from the followers of 666 and the church of satan. There are many who come as angels of light among you. I have asked all of the immediate workers within the confines of the circle of light to confine themselves to their homes, allowing only the entrance of their immediate families and the close workers within the circle for reason! For the souls of whom knock upon your door will be evil. Do not test My words, My children" (Oct. 6, 1980).

"I have asked you, also, to bar your doors to all but your immediate family and the close workers of the circle. Allow no one within your home for reason. You are now on a list for extinction. (Oct. 6, 1980).

This is cultic in its exclusivity, a far cry from the universality of the true Faith. Not only are we to not let anybody in our house, but we are not to go out onto the streets. Here, Mary forbids followers of Bayside from going out and promises the aid of the angel "Tusazeri" and St. Theresa:

"Be careful, My child, that you do not leave your home for any reason alone; that you do not allow entrance to your home on ground level. And I will send forth from Heaven an army of angels. Tusazeri shall guide you, and I shall have, with the permission of the Eternal Father, Theresa to assist you in the Mission" (Oct. 6, 1980).

Bad Theology

Many of Bayside's messages are rife with theological error, especially in the earlier messages. The whole apparitions exist within the context of an errant cosmology. In this lengthy quote from 1970, we see Veronic Lueken's faulty and naive cosmology contains several errors concerning the Trinity, the nature of Original Sin and the nature of the body-soul relationship:

"In the distant heavens, there lived a most loving Spirit. First there was God, a God of love. Knowing love must be shared to be the fullest joy, He sort of subdivided Himself into a Family. For once even a spirit must share life eternal to reach the fullest degree of peace and joy. For love is in giving. He gave Himself to beget a Son and Holy Spirit. Even friendship exists between spirits, for our Father placed the angels to be a heavenly world, the light of love reflected from the Father, giving them all light sublime. Being so sensitive, He wanted this love to be given freely, not under obligation, so His angels and heavenly spirits were given a free will. Our Father's love outshone the darkness of disobedience. But the darkness soon reached the light, for Luciel, the most beloved of the angels, chose to forget this love of his Father and seek to covet the crown of authority. Our Father cried, the Trinity cried, and Michael fought for those who loved and shooed the fallen angels out to wander, the most despised of beings, living in the fires enkindled with [their?] evil desires. Heart-saddened over His loss, our Father sought to ease the pain of this loss by creating more family and calling him man. Placed in another land called earth, the loving heart of our Father knew the loss of loneliness and gave His earthly child a companion, Eve. All was paradise, a joy to our heavenly Father. But unknown to Him and His trusting heart was a snake in the grass starting to wreck His Heaven on earth. A devious plan took form. It was the battle of majesty between good and evil. All-trusting Blessed Father has ... [words unclear] to trusting Lucifer, who was that snake in the grass, that His new children would forever be faithful and true, not prey to the blandishments to a fallen angel. Lucifer whispered to Eve to eat of the tree of life [knowledge?] placed in the garden by the Blessed Father. This tree was a monument to the very weaknesses that got Lucifer kicked out of Heaven, a warning for watchfulness: avoid the fruits of this tree that would be so appealing to the body, but would sicken and kill the soul. Lucifer was really puffed up with his own importance and figured that here were candidates for establishing his own kingdom. Not Heaven on earth, but hell on earth! So many things beautiful to the eye have been man's downfall, and forbidden fruit the most tempting. The serpent's ... [words unclear] whispered on Eve proved the adage "out of sight, out of mind." Finding the deed more joyful than the awaited punishment that might lie ahead, since the wrath of our Father had not as yet descended, Adam would just have to share this newfound delight. With Lucifer's glib tongue, the delight grew sweeter by the moment. Using the oldest of feminine wiles, plus a few new tricks thrown in by the most obliging Lucifer, Adam was a cooked, literally, pigeon. No longer could our Father spare the children the sorrows of the tree of life, for they were now with a free will that could only be strengthened by love and asking forgiveness of the Father. So life began in earnest. Man would have to earn his way back to Heaven, or join Lucifer in his kingdom--the choice is his to make. On the left would stand Lucifer, and on the right all Heaven. By now the devilish creature has many helpers, but Heaven has the best of fortifications, the power of God. Lucifer pampers the body, Heaven will nourish the soul. Leaving the shackle of this body behind, we will fly off to eternity with joy, or find an eternity of misery burning forever in the very desires that brought us to this miserable end with Lucifer. Jesus tells us to keep out of that darkness and always in Heaven's light" (Tape Transcript, August, 1970, p. 5-6).

A few things here: Veronica specifically says that in the beginning was only God the Father, which she calls the "Spirit." Then, at some later point, "He sort of subdivided Himself into a family." This is a very fundamental Trinitarian heresy, as God has always been Trinity from eternity past; there was never a time when He decided to "subdivide Himself." Furthermore, Veronica says that God "gave Himself to beget a Son and Holy Spirit; of course, only the Son is begotten by the Father, not the Holy Spirit. Original sin is repeatedly said to consist in eating from the Tree of Life - a major error, as it is actually the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that our first parents eat from. Finally, in a statement reminiscent of Neo-Platonist Manicheaism, she states that "eternity with joy" consists in "leaving the shackle of the body behind", as if we would not be reunited forever with our bodies in the Resurrection. Are these sorts of blatant errors compatible with an authentic revelation of God?

Here's another example from 1969, which states that death does not exist:

"The word "death" should be removed from the dictionary, for there is no such state as death, only the exit from our body shell, for the real "you" is housed in the temporary housing for the soul or spirit, the human body casing, which we shed, so to say, on our trip to the Kingdom, in the company of the Heavenly guardians, the angels or the saints or another inhabitant of Heaven whom our Father chooses to send us to escort us home. (1969)

"Remember, My children, in the days ahead, your great comfort is the knowledge that there is no death" (June 18, 1980).

This is Manichean dualism. The "real you" is the soul or spirit, the body is simply a "shell" or a "casing." This is also a great example of how far out some of Veronica's earliest messages were.

Here is a further example of Manichaean dualism, in which the world is said to be "satan" which is contrasted with God's world, which is Paradise:

"Remember, do not become a worshiper of the creature, but of the Creator; for the creature is the world, and the world is satan. The Creator is your God, and His world is the Kingdom of Paradise" (June 18, 1980).

On the contrary, "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" (Ps. 24:1). There is a sense in which the world is said to be under the power of Satan (cf. 1 John 5:19, Luke 4:6); Veronica even uses this language further on in the same message. But it is extremely theologically inaccurate to say "the world is satan", especially in contrast to a spiritual Paradise.

One of the most serious theological errors comes from a message of August 14, 1979 concerning the salvation of those in other religions:

“Do not judge your brothers and sisters who have not been converted. For My Father’s House, My Son has repeated over and over: remember always that My Father’s House—there are many rooms in the Mansion, signifying faiths and creeds. However, the Eternal Father, the beatific vision, is reserved for the Roman Catholic following. This it has been deemed by the Eternal Father since the beginning of time" (Aug 14. 1979).

This is very problematic. The "many mansions" verse that the Blessed Virgin cites here (John 14:2) has always been understood by Tradition to refer to heaven; heaven is, after all, "my Father's House" and where Jesus "goes" after His Ascension. And yet the rooms of heaven are said here by the Virgin to refer to "faiths and creeds"? Yet she goes on to say that the beatific vision is reserved for Catholics alone - "Roman Catholics" as she incorrectly states, referring to Catholics of the Roman Rite. Essentially, Bayside seems to be teaching that there is a distinction between heaven and the beatific vision, as if persons of many faiths and creeds can go to heaven, but within heaven, only Catholics experience the beatific vision. This is a grave theological error; the beatific vision is what heaven consists of. One cannot go to heaven but not experience the beatific vision.

In the next passage, we read that babies born of surrogate mothers do not have souls, a gross error, since every human being who comes into existence has a soul, regardless of the manner of his coming into the world. But let's see what Veronica says:

"We will not have test tube babies, for they are not born with a soul. They can only, then, be called a ’thing,’ a 'creature' unknown. Is this what you want, My children? Is this what you want of these children you bear for another? To give them as though you were machines, manufacturing them for another?" (June 6, 1987)

In a vision of Hell, Veronica records:

"Now I hear the voices pleading for mercy, but a loud voice booms back: "Too late, too late. You had your chance!" (June 18, 1993)

Those in Hell whose wills are fixed on evil are incapable of pleading for mercy, since to sincerely plead for mercy requires God's grace and a desire for the good. This is why the wicked in Revelation did not repent even when confronted with God's frightening judgments: "And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood...Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts" (cf. Rev. 9:20-21). Souls in Hell can neither repent nor ask for mercy.

"There will be tribulations set upon the world before My Son returns to gather His own. Yes, in time many will be removed from the earth. However, there will be a tribulation before that moment." (Oct. 6, 1992)

Apparently, Veronica is not aware that the Rapture is not a Catholic doctrine.

Here, we see Veronica, in a moment of sloppiness, assert that Purgatory is eternal:

"There is no way other than straight through to Heaven, hell, or purgatory. There isn't a soul upon earth that can say, `I will be here forever.' For the only place that exists, My children, forever, is Heaven, hell, or purgatory." (Oct. 2, 1989)

Even Veronica's followers caught the falsity in this message and confronted her about it. The Blessed Virgin Mary subsequently had to offer a "clarification" of this message a week later. On October 8, 1989, Mary asked Veronica to write a clarification, which stated:

"When Our Lady spoke about Heaven, hell, and purgatory in the message, She was especially addressing the clergy, as some have lost the reality of the existence of hell. But they have especially lost the reality of the existence of purgatory. Thus She chose to use the word "forever," as this is earth's time, meaning till the end of time, or till the day of the final judgment. The intention being to impress upon the clergy the fact that purgatory does exist, and there are souls who will be in purgatory till the end of time. Naturally, at the end of the world there will no longer be a need for purgatory, and it will cease to exist. "Heaven and hell are forever" in the sense of the eternal, so naturally, they shall exist without end."

Good clarification. Too bad purgatory was said to be "forever" in the same sense that heaven and hell are forever. The distinction "Mary" tries to make to cover this embarrassing error is completely arbitrary. We are used to clarifications from the Vatican Press Office, but from the Blessed Virgin?

"every single soul that is upon the earth today alive and those who have also been aborted, were brought into the world through the intercession of the Holy Spirit (Oct 1, 1988)

Intercession of the Holy Spirit? Nowhere in Catholic tradition is the creation of human life said to be a product of the "intercession" of any of the three Persons of the Trinity, let alone the Spirit. This is not heretical so much as weird. But, even more weird is the kingdom of the spirit people:

"The distant Kingdom is inhabited by people, live people, in spirit form. Awaken all people of the earth to the reality of Heaven, for to know them is to love them." (Dec. 11, 1969)

Not sure what to make of that one.

In this one we see Veronica makes the Virgin Mary and not Jesus to be the Judge of mankind. I think she forgot who was supposed to be speaking:

Mary: “Life is eternal. Your body will die, but your living entity will continue over beyond the veil. My children, I repeat: there is no death; you live on. Once you leave your body, with full knowledge you live on, and come to Us for judgment. (Oct. 6, 1979)

Here we see the Blessed Virgin Mary conferring a priestly blessing, despite the fact that she has authority to give such a blessing because she is not a priest:

"Now Our Lady is turning to Her left, our right, as She's moving slowly across the sky now. Now She's bending over and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Our Lady - "I bless you all, My children, as the Eternal Father blesses you in the Son and the Holy Ghost. Remember, My children, the Trinity. Always try to understand the power of God in the Trinity." (Nov. 1, 1985)

This occurs again in another apparition the following year:

"And Jesus has mentioned something to Her about blessing - that I heard ... it was blessing. And oh, Our Lady is now raising the crucifix on Her Rosary and making the sign of the cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (June 18, 1986)

This is also done in the apparition of June 18, 1984.

Furthermore, we see an exaltation of the role of sacramentals far beyond their real importance:

Sacramentals must never be removed; "at no cost you must remove from your bodies your crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, and your Scapulars" (Oct 6, 1992).

This passage has led Baysiders to deduce that they must wear a crucifix, a scapular and a St. Benedict medal simultaneously at all times or else risk immediate attack by the devil. They are attributed an almost magical efficacy. While we do not deny the importance of sacramentals as signs of faith and as true means of grace, this is extremely excessive. This is mandated as absolutely essential to every human being on earth:

"Make it known to the world, that they must all, every single individual on earth, must at this time, wear a sacramental: the St. Benedict medal, the brown Scapular; a crucifix, blessed by a holy priest."(June 6, 1987)

"Jesus: All who pray the Rosary and wear My Scapular shall be saved. All who place the crucifix upon their front doors shall be saved like the passing of the lamb." (June 18, 1984).

"all who wear their scapulars and the Rosary will be saved. But all those who cast them aside as superstition shall be lost." (June 30, 1984) [Dear friends, we know that even in false apparations truth must be mixed with error or no Catholic would be tempted to believe in them. Hence we see here and too in Medjugorje, for example, the promotion of the Rosary, fasting, Confession, receiving Holy Communion, and other  devotions. - The Catacombs]

Sacramentals such as scapulars and Benedict medals are signs of special devotion or consecration; they are not spiritual bullet-proof vests that are mandated to be worn by every Catholic even, let alone "every single individual on earth", let alone in such a way that they can be compared to the blood of the Passover Lamb (or, "the passing of the lamb", as Jesus incorrectly says here). In the next passage, the importance of the Scapular and the Rosary are emphasized, but Mary adds the Bayside "Our Lady of the Roses" emblem and suggests that it is indispensible:

"My children, you must always wear a medal, your armor about your neck. And the best armor of all is the Scapular, the Rosary, the St. Benedict medal; and, also your newest armor: Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers. My child and My children, I tell you this because you cannot do without any of them." (May 17, 1986)

The Bayside emblem is put on par with the Rosary and the Scapular! And the believer is told "you cannot do without any of them." Is this not extraordinarily presumptuous? Not even the Brown Scapular or the Miraculous Medal are said to be absolutely indispensable.

Now let's watch Jesus change His mind:

"He is going across the sky now. He changed his mind about something; He had stopped short and was looking down this way, and then He just turned over to the left, and said: "Follow Me!" (June 18, 1988).

Yes, she said our Lord "changed His mind" about something. This is pitifully bad theology. Here we see more bad theology as Veronica states that angels have genders, as well as ages, and that there is such a thing as "baby angels":

"the lights now are coming out - I know they're angels. They're all different ages and different sizes, but I do believe it registers their age. These are all, I know, guardian angels. They are dressed in the most beautiful pastel shades of blue and pink and white.And I feel that the blue stands for the masculine angel, if there is such a thing; and the pink also for the feminine angels; and the whites are for babies. They are - there are hundreds of them all about the trees. Oh, I'm sure you must see them. They are so clear, they're almost human - like in appearance, except for the translucency of their faces. They are so beautiful. " (Oct 1, 1988)

Let us remember Catholic Tradition that gender is related to one's physical body; it is a way of being human. Angels by definition cannot have a gender because they do not have physical bodies. This is why angels in art are often displayed as androgynous. And to speak of the "age" of angels or whether there can be "baby" angels is even more ludicrous.

"Now, My children, I want you all to make a firm Act of Contrition, for those who die now in the outer world about you. An Act of Contrition for all those who are unable to say it, for themselves" (June 18, 1987)

While we can certainly do penance on behalf of other people, we cannot be contrite on behalf of others; contrition is a personal act expression sorrow for particular sins. We can do penance for others, but not repent for them. This is bad theology.

The angels, too, are subject to this bad theology. St. Michael is described as having "anxiety" and expresses impatience with the Virgin:

"Michael is standing there. He looks like quite stern. I don't know just what is passing between them, but he is waiting for Our Lady's signal. Our Lady said to Michael - I heard Her say, "In one moment. Your anxiety, Michael, I can well understand." (May 17, 1986)

Here is an interesting statement by Mary. She promises that one day, she will appear at Bayside and compel the bishop to belief:

"One day, My child, the waters will come up at Bayside, and I will appear over the old church building. Your Bishop then cannot deny My Appearances" (May 17, 1986).

If this is true, it is an affirmation of the fact that the bishop does, in fact, deny the Bayside apparitions - otherwise, how could Mary say that one day he would "no longer" deny them? And if he does in fact deny them, then the faithful are to regard them as condemned, for the bishop has final say in matters of private revelation within his own diocese.

Here, in a shocking departure from tradition and Catholic theology, Jesus refers to the Bible as the cornerstone of the Church. This takes place in the context of an apparition of the Four Evangelists:

"[The Evangelists are] holding up what looks like pens. They're very strange - looking pens; they look like a feather with just a point on the end. And they're writing - each one of them has a book, and they're writing in the books. Now Jesus is nodding."You have taken that correctly, My child. That is the manner in which the Book of life and love was written for you. I say for you, because it was to be established as the cornerstone of My Church - let us say that, My child, the cornerstone of My Church is the Book of life and love, that you call the Bible." (May 17, 1986)

The cornerstone of the Church is the Bible? That sounds awfully Protestant. And unbiblical, since the Bible says of the Church that "the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself" (Eph. 2:22). Speaking of Protestantism, Veronica seems to buy into the Protestant narrative about the United States as the godly City on a Hill. Look at this comment of the Blessed Virgin:

“O My children, how happy were the days when I could look down from Heaven upon you and find that America was so beautiful—a Christian nation, devout, pious, and following the road as given by the Eternal Father, through My Son and the Holy Spirit of light. And now the light has been darkened. (Dec. 24, 1979)

Because America has never been a Catholic nation - certainly not at the time of its founding or in the "happy" old days. How could a country founded on Protestant Deism be referred to as "devout, pious, and following the road as given by the Eternal Father"? This could only be true if one presumes the truth of the Protestant narrative about the founding of this country, which Veronica apparently does.

Those in heaven are said to possess the theological virtue of faith, including Jesus Christ Himself:

Jesus: "But I assure you, My children, We, in Heaven, have great faith that you, Our children, who hear Our words, will act upon them and help to recover as many of your brothers and sisters as you can throughout the world." (June 18, 1986)

Now this is actual heresy. Faith is a theological virtue proper to viators, those of us here on earth on our pilgrimage of faith, those who "see through a glass darkly" (1 Cor. 13:12). Faith exists because our knowledge is partial due to our creatureliness. But when we attain heaven and the beatific vision, faith will pass away as it terminates in knowledge. Nobody in heaven has faith, especially God, who is pure act and possesses supreme knowledge. To assert that those in heaven have "faith", even Jesus Christ, is a shocking ignorance of Catholic theology, offensive to pious ears, and heretical.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is also apparently unaware of the definition of a martyr. In a message from 1983, Mary asserts that Pope John Paul I was poisoned and that his death constituted a "martyrdom":

"...remember well what had happened in Rome to John, Pope John, whose reign lasted 33 days. O My child, it is history now, but it is placed in the book that lists the disasters in mankind. He received the horror and martyrdom by drinking from a glass. It was a champagne glass given to him by a now deceased member of the clergy" (May 21, 1983).

I'm not sure that someone who is poisoned and doesn't even know they are being assassinated can be a martyr. Part of being a martyr is willingly laying down one's life for the faith. If you are just sipping a glass of champagne and don't realize it is poison, where is the will to die for Christ that is essential to martyrdom?

In the following message of June, 1983, Jesus has been talking for awhile about a coming chastisement. Veronica apparently forgets that Jesus is supposed to be the one talking and our Lord starts talking in the third person about Himself, which prompts Veronica to immediately put an awkward correction in the mouth of Christ to clarify His relation within the Trinity:

"My child and My children, I beg of you, through the Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and I am in God, I was in God, and I always will be in God" (June 18, 1983).

Look at this one:

"Communion in the hand has not been, and will not be, accepted by Heaven. This is a sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and must not be continued, for you only add to your punishment when you continue on in the ways that have been found to be unpleasing to the Eternal Father. (June 30, 1984)

I don't approve of communion in the hand, but to say it has "never" been accepted by heaven cannot be true, since it was practiced widely in the Early Church. Sure, one could say it was not practiced in the same way in the Early Church as it is today, but Bayside does not make that distinction.

"You must now assume a great responsibility for the salvation of your children’s souls. Do not expect this to come from Rome, for Rome now is under great attack. 666, satan—Lucifer and his hordes of demons now are in control of Rome" (May 23, 1979).

If Lucifer and his demons "are in control of Rome" and we must not expect any spiritual direction to come from Rome, has not the promise to Peter become null and void? We must be careful here; it is one thing to say that Satan has infiltrated the Church, that there are those in the hierarchy under his control, but to say that Satan is "in control" of Rome stretches what most orthodox Catholics are comfortable with regarding the Traditional understanding of the Roman Pontiff.

In a message from 1979, Veronica Lueken exhibits her shocking ignorance of the sacrament of Holy Orders with this diatribe against the permanent diaconate:

"Why are you now planning to take married men, making them what you call deacons, to give the sanctity and holiness, the grace in marriage to My sheep? What right have you to change the rules and the direction? Understand well: when I appointed the Apostles there were no names given as cardinals or bishops; but Peter was the first Pope, the leader, and would you say not that the Apostles were the first bishops? And after that they chose from out of multitudes, seven whom you call deacons and listed as deacons, but they were truly priests at that time. But you do not need the procedure now. If you are willing to ask the Eternal Father, and if you do not give yourselves over to doctrines of demons, you will have priests sufficient to carry out the ministry. But what do you do now? You will seek to make instant priests, against the will of the Eternal Father! You will delude others to think that your deacons can take the Sacraments and give them as in the priesthood! A priest, My children, is a chosen man of God. A true legally-ordained priest is far superior than any man, as he represents Me in the Godhead" (May 23, 1979).

Veronica appears ignorant that deacons were married in the Early Church. She also errantly presumes that deacons were "truly priests"; whether she means they were priests before they were deacons or that the deacons carried out the function of priests I do not know, but either way she is theologically and historically incorrect. It is true that deacons can administer certain sacraments, and this has always been the case. Her ignorance of history and sacramental theology is blatantly obvious here.

As further evidence of her confusion over sacramental theology, look at this statement from Jesus:

“All baptized Roman Catholics must die as baptized Roman Catholics, or they shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven!” (June 9, 1979)

Baptism confers an indelible mark that can never be effaced. It is impossible for a baptized Catholic to die as anything but a baptized Catholic. What is the purpose of this warning? It is impossible to become "unbaptized." It is also questionable the manner in which she uses the term "Roman Catholics" since it in its technical definition it applies to those Catholics of the Roman Rite only. Jesus is apparently thinking of "the Church" only in terms of the Roman Rite.

"Disobedience to your Vicar [the Pope] will not be tolerated by the Eternal Father in matters of faith and morals." (Sept. 28, 1979)

But disobedience in things other than faith and morals is not problematic? What about the pope's ordinary jurisdiction? Speaking of the pope:

“You will stand with the Holy Father and render him no more sorrow. You who have been his disobedient children, you will stop plunging the knife into his heart! He is Our Vicar. He is Our father and yours on earth, to guide you" (June 17, 1971)

Would Mary really refer to the pope as "Our Father"? This is weird, since all popes have referred to Mary as their Mother. And why would Mary call him "Our Vicar"? He is the Vicar of Christ, not the Vicar of Mary.

"Our lawfully ordained, blessed priests will always have the power to bring My Son in physical Body to you. The trappings, as such, My child, placed on the procedure by man are as nothing, for you will live in the spirit, not in the aspect of worldliness and decoration. All that has been destroyed and removed in My Son’s House are but symbols" (Oct 6, 1971).

In this passage, Mary attempts to console the faithful about the liturgical destruction of the early 1970's by stating that the trappings of the liturgy and the altar are "as nothing" and just "worldliness and decoration." It is as if she is saying, "Don't worry about the ceremonies of the liturgy; what matters is that the Mass is valid. Everything else is simple decoration." This is contrary to what the Church has taught at the Council of Trent in Session XXII:
"And whereas such is the nature of man, that, without external helps, he cannot easily be raised to the meditation of divine things; therefore has holy Mother Church instituted certain rites, to wit that certain things be pronounced in the mass in a low, and others in a louder, tone. She has likewise employed ceremonies, such as mystic benedictions, lights, incense, vestments, and many other things of this kind, derived from an apostolical discipline and tradition, whereby both the majesty of so great a sacrifice might be recommended, and the minds of the faithful be excited, by those visible signs of religion and piety, to the contemplation of those most sublime things which are hidden in this sacrifice."

Look also how St. Francis of Assisi refers to the mere "decorations" of the Mass:
"I beg you more than if it were a question of myself that, when it is becoming and you will deem it convenient, you humbly beseech the clerics to venerate above all the most holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Name and written words which sanctify the body. They ought to hold the chalices, corporals, ornaments of the altar, and all that pertain to the Sacrifice as precious. And if the most holy Body of the Lord is left very poorly in any place, let It be moved by them to a precious place, according to the command of the Church and let It be carried with great veneration" (St. Francis of Assisi, Epistola ad Custodes).

Is this heresy? Perhaps not. But it is a form of liturgical minimalism that has proven to be extremely destructive to Catholic faith and worship and can hardly have come from Heaven.

"Gather your brothers and sisters—do not lose one—and build a strong link to Us. Yes, ransom these souls whom Lucifer has bought." (Sept. 21, 1971).

In no way has Catholic theology - even among the various schools of thought on how Christ redeems man - ever suggested that Lucifer "bought" mankind. It is Christ who "bought" us at a great price (1 Cor. 6:20), who "purchased" us with His blood (Col. 1:14) and who pays; Christ is the one who buys mankind; Lucifer has never "bought" mankind.

"You will teach the children that We are truly living peoples, that We live in the heavens, just a short distance from the farthest star" (July 1, 1971).

Veronica Lueken's heaven is located entirely within this universe, just a short distance from the farthest star, and not far from Never-Neverland. Hopefully a discussion on the fact that heaven cannot be located within this physical universe is not necessary. Heaven cannot be a place with a physical location within Creation.

God the Father: "Many Rosaries must be said to lighten My heart." (Apr. 7, 1971)

In Catholic Tradition, we sometimes speak by way of analogy about "comforting" the Sacred Heart of Jesus by our company during our Holy Hours, drawing a parallel between the Apostles who left Him in the Garden of Gethsemane and our own time spent with Him in adoration. Of course, this is analogical language; Jesus is not "lonely" and He does not "need" our comfort. Speaking, however, about God the Father as needing our rosaries to "lighten" His heart is extremely bizarre. Even if it is only meant by an analogy, it is an analogy that find no place in the Church's traditional spirituality.

In this next passage, Veronica has our Lady specifically teach that the indelible mark of baptism can be lost:

“Each man on earth who has been baptized and set himself up as a follower of My Son in infancy has received the mark of the cross upon him. He can in his lifetime cast this away and be branded with the mark of the beast" (Dec. 31, 1972).

Of course, baptized people can lose their salvation. But she does not say this. She says that the "mark" impressed at baptism can be cast away. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

"Incorporated into Christ by Baptism, the person baptized is configured to Christ. Baptism seals the Christian with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation" (CCC 1272).

Frivolous Subject Matter

According to Catholic Tradition, eternal salvation is the primary purpose that God sends private revelations to individuals. The Catholic Encyclopedia notes that a revelation is suspect if the visionary seems to be answering idle speculations or settling disputed questions in matters of history, theology or astronomy. Yet we see just this in Bayside, where the content of the messages contains some extreme banalities.

Flying saucers are "transports from hell." There is no life on other planets. (June 18, 1992)

Is this really the sort of information we could expect God or His Mother to wish to communicate to us? The nature of flying saucers? I hope there is one coming up about what Sasquatch sightings really are.

"I want the people to know that when I was crucified the nails were placed through My palms, but I was also tied by skin - like rope about My wrists to the cross. And as I walked to My death, I carried not the full cross but only a cross - beam across My shoulders, and I found at the edge of town on a high hill the other part of what was to be My crucifixion plank." (June 17, 1989)

That was very nice of Jesus to come from Heaven to explain to us the vicinity from which He obtained the boards He was crucified on. I had always wondered about that.

"Now Jesus is looking down. He has on His burgundy - colored cape, with the tie, a golden tie, on it. But He has on the slippers. I'm trying to look at them. They're made of an animal - type of skin. Yes, that's what they are. Jesus nodded His head. They're made like leather, a leather." (June 18, 1988)

Why this obsession with the nature of Jesus' shoes? This is actually stressed again and again in many of the messages. For example:

"And it's a little windy up there this evening, because I can see Jesus's feet now. He does have on sandals. They're made of a brown leather-like quality. I can't explain it. It looks almost like a thong, just one piece of strapping down through His toes, and one across His instep. And His feet are bare. He has no socks on, or anything; His feet are really bare. But...He is smiling. He thinks this is funny." (June 18, 1987) "


"And I can see Jesus' feet now as He's coming down closer. He has on sandals. They're made of some kind of animal skin. They're a brown color, but they just have two straps; one across near the toes, and one across the ankle area - two straps. I don't know how they stay on." (June 18, 1986)


The manner of our Lord's shoes are not the only thing Veronica finds worthy of reporting. Here we see her describing the sort of weaving his clothes are made of:

"And there coming through the light is Jesus. Oh He's just beautiful! He has on the most magnificent robe. It's cut quite differently than He wore the last apparition time. But it is a beautiful robe, all of a classic type of weave. It's - it almost looks like it comes from the foreign country, the robe." (Oct 1, 1988)

Again, a bizarre obsession with the clothes of Jesus. It's nice to know that our Lord wears a "classic weave." In another message, Jesus is strangely insistent that Veronica correct certain false notions about the appearance of the crown of thorns and states that it was more of a basket:

"He's tapping His forehead. Oh, He wants me to tell you, as He told me this afternoon, that I must tell the world that when He was crucified ... they have a false notion about His crown of thorns. The crown of thorns were placed in a basket - weave cap and then placed on His head, and He was pummeled and hammered with sticks and a sledge hammer to get it down on His head; and that drove the terrible spikes of the thorns into His head. It seems that His murderers could not find gloves at the time to handle the thorns. So they thought to take their implements and place these terrible thorn weeds inside of the basket - weave hat. And that is what Jesus wore when He was crucified." (Sept 27, 1986)

Jesus wants us to know that the thorns were inside a basket and that it was actually a basket of thorns that was forced on his head? What possible purpose if there for including this detail which is of no practical significance? Is this not a prime example of the seer's preoccupation with externals or frivolities of the apparition. Why is it of such importance that our traditional "false notion about His crown of thorns" be corrected by a private apparition?

Here we see that Jesus thinks we need to know about UFOs and demons, which prompts the obvious question of why spiritual beings need to ride in machines to get from here to there:

"While We speak of agents of hell, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from other planets—extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents of hell in transport. Now you may ask, why must they be transported if they are spirits? Ah, My child, this you may not understand. These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from hell: satan's cohorts, and satan himself. He is also on one of the transports.There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it." (Nov 1, 1985)

Satan himself is on one of the transports!? Satan personally is riding around in a UFO? Is this really relevant to our salvation?

Simply Ridiculous

Occasionally we run into stories that are simply ridiculous. Consider this tale of Veronica learning some sort of "lesson" about not taking off holy medals by gagging on dog biscuits:

"I noticed that my dog had been eating a lot of bones and things and left little slivers on the floor. But they were only tiny little slivers. I say this for a reason. But my dog liked these milk bones. They were a sort of a pinkish brown color, if you know your dog . He's a poodle and he loved milk bones. So he gets those. However, I was sweeping up the floor, with some popcorn that Arthur had dropped, when all of a sudden I said, "Gee, what in the world am I eating? What am I eating?" But in the beginning, I had a feeling I was going to choke, so I opened my mouth. There - what was in my mouth, what was in my mouth but two large chunks of dog biscuit! Now, I'm not eating dog biscuits. So I said, "Ah-hah! He's still after me." And I said, "And I know what it is." Because you see, Our Lady let me go through this so I'd learn a stern lesson. And She wants everyone to know about this. And anyone that doubts this, I'll prove it to them. Because my husband came running in, and I said, " They're trying to choke me or something". "So what is it?" says Arthur. I said, "Dog biscuits in my mouth, big pieces!" "How did they get there?" "I don't know", I said, "but then I think I know. So I ran right in, got my St. Benedict medal out of my purse that I had forgotten to put on in all the excitement, and also the Scapular. And I assure you I don't care if they have to tack it to my nose the next time! I'm not taking off my Scapular and my St. Benedict medal for anyone, including your crucifix, also" (Oct, 6, 1992)

This foolish story goes back to the excessive importance attached to sacramentals. In the following passage, we see our Lady stating that she has been "through purgatory and through hell":

"I want you to stress, My child, the existence of hell and purgatory. It has been forgotten by many. Even the priests in My Son's churches have overlooked this essential knowledge. In fact, some now mock it as being untrue. My child and my children of the world, please believe Me. I have been through purgatory. I have been through hell. And I tell you all: please, do penance for your brothers and sisters who do not have the way." (June 18, 1990)

Perhaps this is a metaphorical way of saying "I have suffered", but since our Lady and our Lord have perfect knowledge, they would never use such sloppy language. Our Lady could have never had a purgative experience since she had no sin, let alone an experience of suffering punitive punishment in some kind of hell-like experience. This is why theologians teach that not even Christ, for all his suffering, experienced the pains of the damned - unless you are a Balthasarian heretic.

How about this passage where our Lord Jesus warns of a Communist coup in the United States and talks about "ruffians" and people who will be "mowed down" with "submachine guns":

Veronica - "I see a road. It looks like a normal country road, but it leads to a city, a great city. I would say from the buildings that the city looks like New York. But I see there are very sinister - looking characters walking down the road nonchalantly but carrying bags. Within those bags there are submachine guns."

- "Yes, My child! I see murder ahead now, My child, in your city of New York. Many shall be mowed down. It is an attack by a communist nation. No, My child, you do not need to know at this time the name of this nation, for it will soon be known when the captors are picked up. The Federal Bureau of Investigation will hear of this, My child, and they will try to stop them. These interlopers upon the serenity of the United States have dark skins. They are not from this nation, but they come from a presently warring nation. It is their object to destroy all and cause chaos in the city of New York. With their plans there will be bombs placed in strategic places and many shall die at the hands of these ruffians." (Oct 1, 1988)

Now, one might say that this has been fulfilled in the September 11th attacks or the 1993 World Trade Center attacks, which involved bombs and attackers with "dark skins." But our Lord specifically says that these attackers come from "a Communist nation" and that "submachine guns' are involved. This is just absurd. I don't know what else to say.

Here is an absurd message warning about AIDS in the blood supply:

"My children, that you guard yourselves well against this plague. If you must have a form of operation requiring transfusions, I would suggest that you have a member of your family donate this blood; for the other has been grossly - I say grossly - contaminated and will cause many deaths" (Oct 6, 1988).

Blood has been screened for HIV in the United States since 1985. Contamination from blood transfusions world wide account for only 5-10% of infections. This is simply a falsehood, and further more, not at all relevant to the message of eternal salvation, which all legitimate private revelations concern themselves with.

Another absurdity unique to Bayside is the belief that Pope Paul VI was kidnapped or murdered and replaced with a look-alike "impostor" pope. This is said to have happened sometime around 1973:

"Some ecclesiastics in the highest positions of the hierarchy, being infiltrators or having fallen from grace, drugged the good Pope, censored his mail, forged his documents, and finally staged an impostor to complete their sinister plan." (Oct 3rd, 1991)

About Jesus borrowing citations from American presidents:

"I do not understand their fear of Russia. There is nothing to fear but fear itself" (Oct 2, 1987)

I'm not positive, but I am pretty sure that when Jesus speaks through a seer, He does not quote Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1933 inaugural address.


Did you know that the Virgin Mary has a charming little nickname for St. Michael the Archangel? According to two separate locutions by Veronica, she calls him "golden boy" because of his blond hair:

"Michael is very difficult to describe. He is so huge! A real warrior of Heaven. But I cannot see his features; there's something about Michael that his features are unexplainable, like the spirit. But he does look gorgeous. His hair I do see. His hair is a golden color. That is why Our Lady names him, `Golden Boy'." (May 17, 1986) "

His hair is a golden color. I know for many years, Our Lady has referred to him as "Our Golden Boy." (Nov 1, 1985)

Did you also know that Jesus refers to time on earth as "earth-years"? Look at these three passages:

"My heart is so lightened with joy at the numbers of wonderful souls who have come here this evening to honor the Eternal Father when He sent Me sixteen earth - years ago, down upon earth, to try to stop the crisis in the Church, and the chaos that is going throughout all the countries of the world" (June 18, 1986)

...later, in the same apparition, Jesus says:

"To this day, to your earth - year of 1986, you have not been given, My children, the full secrets as given to the children at Fatima" (June 18, 1986)

Mary speaks this way as well: "You cannot count your earth-years as being long any longer." (Sept 27, 1986)

I know that with the Lord a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day, but seriously, is there any precedent anywhere in the entire Catholic Tradition of our Lord referring to our 365 day year as an "earth-year"? It makes Him sound like an extra-terrestrial. This is not proof that Bayside is wrong; it is evidence that it is just bizarre, and very common, especially in the first decade of messages.

In many of the messages, Mary directs Veronica to take a series of photographs. The photographs would then be examined for various signs or evidences of supernatural messages, including dates and clues to interpreting the messages. For example:

"Now, My child, for reasons that you are not to give out, I wish at this time that you take three photographs. They are very, very important, My child. They will contain a date for the next catastrophe." (June 18, 1986)

This practice in many of the messages is called "reading the photographs" (May 26, 1979). It is very common and appears at the end of more than half of the Bayside messages. If Mary and Jesus come from heaven to deliver messages to mankind, why this recourse to asking Veronica to take photographs and then interpret them for additional revelations? Seems kind of esoteric, and definitely unprecedented. A particular photograph from 1979 is given special prominence, as it allegedly predicts the exact hour of the Great Chastisement:

“I ask that the photograph given from Heaven, Jacinta 1972 be propagated, made known worldwide; for within this photograph lies the date, the month, the hour, the year of the coming Chastisement. Search it well, My children; for those who are given the grace will find the answer to the puzzle: ‘Jacinta of Fatima—Jacinta 1972.’ (Oct. 6, 1979)

I don't even know what to do with this one:

“You must understand that the forces of evil are cunning in their trickery. They will not expose themselves to you in their true light. They work behind a screen. My child and My children, I will explain this to you more simply. Do not be deceived by the mushrooming centers that house diabolical agents from hell that are now encased in a human body" (June 14, 1979).

Mushrooming centers that house diabolical agents from hell encased in human bodies!? What!?

Here we see a 1979 vision of a terrorist attack that is laughably stereotypical:

"And now coming out of the sky, I see a very comical-looking figure. I think he’s comical; then again he’s kind of frightening. His face is extremely fat, and his teeth are huge. But he looks like an Oriental of some kind. He’s smiling in a very strange way. I notice he has—he’s short and has like a stubby type of body. But he’s grinning in a very evil-looking way. As he stands with his hands behind him, he’s looking about now and it looks as though he’s waiting for something. Oh, my goodness! Now he’s bringing out from behind his back what appears to be a long tapered candle. And he’s reaching up now. The candle has a light on it; it looks like he’s about to touch the wick on the bomb. It looks like a bomb, but it looks like the world with a wick sticking out of it. Oh, my goodness! He’s a very—I don’t know who he is; I don’t recognize him. But he’s an Oriental and has very large teeth; and the grin, even, the way he’s grinning makes his teeth very—kind of prominent. But he has—I must say he gives you a feeling of fright because his smile is very evil. Now I can’t see him. It’s as though a veil is being placed over the scene" (July 25, 1979).

A fat oriental with a big grin and big teeth? You mean like, this stereotypical grinning, buck-toothed Asian? Complete with the Yosemite-Sam bomb and smoking wick. This is laughable.

Here we are warned against mind control technology being developed by the governments of the world which will take over the minds of children:

“Do not allow your children to be taken from you in spirit. The forces of evil, of darkness, are increasing in their intensity. You will find now that there has been developed in your scientific world a manner of mind control through scientific machinery and human mind-manipulation. In this manner will the governing bodies of many nations seek to control your children, and in that manner control the parent." (Dec. 24, 1979)

Here is a fairly unorthodox description of the Blessed Mother. Look at how she refers to herself and her activity in the world:

“I have roamed the nations, and I am still walking your earth, My children. I will never stop until My Son returns with Me." (Dec. 25, 1971)

“I have roamed, My child, the nations of the world. My tears have fallen in every land. I have come to rest here in hope." (Nov. 1, 1971)

Where is Mary, or any saint, described as "roaming the nations" or "walking the earth?" This is very unorthodox language; saints, especially the Blessed Virgin, are always referred to as residing in heaven and interceding from heaven. There is one who is described in Scripture as "roaming about" the world and "walking to and fro" upon it, but it is not Mary or any saint (cf. 1 Pet. 5:8, Job 1:7). See also the message of May 30, 1971 for our Lady "wandering" the world.

“I have arrived much earlier, My child, than expected, for I am busy in all parts of the world. There is much turmoil." (May 30, 1971).

Mary had to change her plans and arrive early because world events messed up her schedule!


Veronica was allegedly told by Mary that all other apparitions happening concurrently were false and should be avoided:

"My child and My children, I want to tell you also at this time: You are not to concern yourself with other words and writings of apparitions in various places. I can tell you, My children, unfortunately there are those are caught up in the excitement of the times and My appearance at your site. However, you cannot become involved, My child or My children, with any of these apparitions; it is best to ignore them." (Mar 18, 1989).

Yet, in 1986 Mary told Veronica:

"Yes, My child, I am going about the world appearing in various places, and I have reason for all" (May 17, 1986)

Regarding the setting of dates for eschatological events, Jesus tells Veronica:

"Do not speculate on the dates, but be prepared. My Mother has spent countless years among you, preparing you. If you are not ready now, then you will never be ready!" (June 18, 1980)

A few sentences later in the same message, Jesus says:

"My children, you will read and re read the messages from Heaven given through My Mother to you. Read them well, for much has been over looked in the past. You will receive great knowledge, and you will be able then to know the day, the hour of the tribulation."

It is difficult to understand in what sense we are to "not speculate on dates" when we are subsequently told that if we reread the messages we will find "great knowledge" to figure out the day and even the hour of tribulation. If we can know the day and the hour, how are we to not speculate on dates? This has led to the absurd practice of Baysiders examining the messages and photographs of Bayside for cryptic messages about the time of the Tribulation and Great Warning. For example, see here.

Absurd Statistics about Alleged Satanism

An interesting aspect of Bayside is the continual claims of a vast Satanic conspiracy throughout the United States. While we certainly do not deny a network of evil operating behind the scenes, the vast numbers and outrageous claims made by Veronica regarding organized Satanic cult activity is simply beyond belief. For example:

"There are over 10,000, now, cults in the United States and Canada alone. Many children have been slain by them in sacrifice to satan." (June 17, 1989).

"Already, there are five thousand or more now in the United States and Canada, and people ask: 'Where have my children disappeared to?'" (June 18, 1988)

"My child and My children, at this time in the United States of America and Canada, there can be counted, at least, nine thousand satanic cults." (June 18, 1987)

"Jesus: "My child and My children, need I repeat to you all of the abominations being committed upon the earth now? I can also repeat to you that in some of these horrible, excruciatingly painful cults that are growing up fast in your country and other countries about the world, they have even gone so far as to dab now in cannibalism, the eating of human flesh as a sacrifice to satan. That is why, My children, so many cannot be found who are missing—mostly, My children, young children. Mothers have cried, their hearts torn with anguish when their children disappear from the streets. Your police do not investigate fully. Sending out photographs of the missing children, this is of little help when they fall into the clutches of the satanists, for they do not remain about long. Their bodies are often cremated on pyres to satan." (Nov 1, 1985)

While it is undeniable that Satanism exists, is it realistic to posit that most children who are missing are taken by Satanists and sacrificed? Is 10,000 Satanic cults a realistic number? Veronica's teachings here reflect the Satanic panic of the 70s and 80s more than empirical evidence. A famous 1988 study by America sociologist David Finklehor found only 36 cases of Satanic ritual abuse in the whole country (these numbers were even questioned because his criterion were so broad). Two famous Satanic murder trials - the McMartin preschool trial and the Adolfo Constanzo murders - failed to produce any evidence of Satanic inspiration. A 1996 study of 12,000 reported cases of Satanic abuse revealed that not a single one was corroborated or even consider sufficiently factual. In fact, no evidence has ever been brought forward corroborating a single act of Satanic murder, despite extensive investigation. The simple fact is that the "10,000 cults" of Veronica with their extensive murders do not exist.

By late 1987, her statements about Satanism had grown more exotic, claiming that a Satanic cult was running "rampant" in America, greater than all the other cults in the whole world:

"There is another force rampant in your country, the United States of America: it is a satanic cult that has taken precedence over all cults in the world" (Oct 2, 1987)

Again, the Satanic ritual abuse scare was in its heyday around the late 1980s. Veronica is pulling fears and anxieties from the contemporary press in order to make her messages relevant. Without denying the existence of Satanism, it is a known fact that the fears of the late 80's and 90's about massive underground Satanic cults were fictitious and more based in fantasy. Here we see Veronica describing a Satanic ritual in lurid detail. The description is absurd and almost cartoonish; the high priest of Satan even has a three pronged pitch fork:

"I see a lot of people gathered there. Now I would say about fifteen, or maybe seventeen, I'm count... no, thirteen, there are thirteen people. Now they're all standing in a circle. And in the middle of that circle is a man. He's dressed with horns on his head, like satan, and he has a black cape which is red inside. And he's turning about and he's holding a spear in his hand. It has three prongs on it. And he's dipping these prongs now into a boiling big kettle. I believe it's water boiling... he's heating up. And now he's placing - after putting water, he dips his fork, this big fork, into the water, and then places it on top of the hot coals and they sizzle. (Veronica gasps.) And now he's going over... and there's a man tied, just like Jesus was, to a post (Veronica gasps again)... and he's taking this horrible, horrible thing in his hand and he's burning the skin of the man... I can hear his screams, the man is screaming... he's burning the prongs of the pitchfork on the man's back.

Now Our Lady knows that I am getting dreadfully ill. It's a horrible sight. Now - ohh! Now one of the - there's a woman there, she - her eyes are glassy, like she's drugged or something - now she's going over to the man and she's taking a - it's a long knife, like a hunting knife, and cutting him in his back. And then - oh my... oh no! Then there's another woman - they're all dressed in black canes with red on the interior - there's another woman, she's going over... and - oh no! They - she has - oh, she has a chalice in her hands and she's placing it underneath the drops of blood that are coming out of the gash she's made in the man's back. And they're all laughing, like they're hysterically insane. They're all laughing." (March 18, 1983).

All that's missing from this description is the red tights.


If you somehow read through this entire thing and still have absolutely no doubts about Bayside whatsoever, I don't know what to tell you. At that point I would probably suggest you take a step back and examine the very definition and concept of "credibility."

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  Latest picture of the Pope Emeritus
Posted by: Stone - 03-10-2022, 11:30 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Below is a picture from gloria.tv, reportedly recently released by the Ratzinger Foundation:

[Image: mqtrf3iifp3cfcjj0t7bcffc2pkotqq6o5rdqqa....ormat=webp]

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