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  Fredric Ozanam [1800's]: The Christian Art of the Catacombs
Posted by: Stone - 01-05-2022, 12:21 PM - Forum: Articles by Catholic authors - Replies (1)

The Christian Art of the Catacombs
By Frederic Ozanam (French Catholic Cultural Historian, 1813-1853)

The Italian genius developed in the atmosphere of the catacombs. We must descend there to discover the source of all that was destined to become so great. There, in those primitive ages, lived a people in the modern sense of the word, comprising women and children, the weak and the small, such as ancient historians despise and hold of no account -- a new people, a medley of strangers, slaves, free-men, barbarians, all animated by a spirit alien to antiquity and suggestive of a new order of things. This society had an ideal which it was eager to express, but the ideal was too comprehensive, too impassioned, too new, to find adequate expression in words; it required the service of all the arts. In that early stage of its development, poetry was not yet clear, precise, or clothed in the garb which it needed. But it animated all the arts, architecture, painting, sculpture, engraving, for all these are symbolic and are characterized by figurative expression and the endeavor to make the image reflect the idea, to reveal the ideal in the real.

We must imagine the catacombs as a network of long, underground corridors, stretching in all directions beneath the suburbs and the outskirts of Rome. We must beware of confusing them with the spacious quarries dug out for the purpose of building the pagan city. The Christians themselves excavated the narrow corridors which were to hide the mysteries of their faith and to be the resting- placeof their tombs. These labyrinths are sometimes as much as three or four stories high and they penetrate a depth of eighty to a hundred feet below ground, but in many parts they are so narrow and low that it is difficult to make one's way through even with lowered head. To the right and left are several rows and broad, deep trenches scooped out of the wall, in which bodies of men, women, and children are placed side by side and covered with a little lime. As if to confuse the pagan searchers, the underground passage makes a thousand detours, and to this day these very detours speak of the horrors of those early days of persecution when the cruel hunter chased his prey through these winding labyrinths. For this very purpose of persecution the corridor was made to wind, to ascend and descend, and to bury itself in the lowest depths of the earth. But though a work born of cruelty and horror, it is at the same time an eloquent work. No building raised by human hands teaches nobler lessons. In those murky passages the visible world and all trace of light is denied to all who penetrate those depths. The cemetery encloses all the hidden treasures of darkness, even as eternity "concludes and shuts up" all time, and the oratories, built at various points for the celebration of the holy mysteries, are like so much daylight breaking in upon immortality to comfort the souls for the night here below.


These oratories are covered with pictures which are often crudely executed and which are clearly the work of unskilled hands. Those ignorant workmen could do no better, working in haste and by the light of a lamp, in fear, and threatened with death. Yet often when the light of a torch is thrown upon the sacred walls, images are revealed whose design, form, and movement recall the best traditions of ancient art. At the same time, behind these very traditions lurks the principle which was destined to reanimate and transform them. The true faith of the martyrs is depicted in the expression of these beings whom the artist represents with eyes raised to heaven and hands outstretched in prayer. But in all, the intrusion of Christian art is revealed in the ideal which chose the subjects if these pictures, which planned the order of them and designed the types. In these desolate places, where images expressive of a society banned, persecuted, and mercilessly tracked might well be expected, are discovered instead those revealing a very different spirit. At the entrance of the vault appears the Good Shepherd bearing on His shoulders a lamb and a goat, indicating that He saves both the innocent and the repentant. Next, in four panels decorated with garlands of flowers and fruits, are depicted stories drawn from the Old and New Testaments, generally arranged in couples, as if to suggest allegory and reality, prophecy and history. In these figure Noah in the Ark, Moses striking the rock, Job on the dunghill, the Miracle of Cana, the feeding of the five thousand, Lazarus leaving the tomb, and most prominent -- Daniel in the lions den, Jonah cast out by the whale , the three Children in the furnace. All these are types of martyrdom -- martyrdom by beasts, water, and fire, but all symbolical of triumphant martyrdom such as is necessary to depict in order to maintain courage and console grief. We see no trace of contemporary persecutions, no representation of the butchery of the Christians, nothing bloodthirsty, nothing which could rouse hatred or vengeance, nothing but pictures of pardon, hope, and love.


Though the Christians of the catacombs found time to paint their chapels, they were zealous never to abandon the tombs of their dead without endowing them with some token of remembrance, some trace of their grief and reverence. Christian sculpture had its beginning in such hieroglyphics, and figures roughly hewn, without proportion, without grace, with no other worth than the ideal they represent. A leaf expresses the instability of life; a sailing boat, the fleeting of our days; the dove bearing the branch proclaims the dawn of a better world; the fishrecalls baptism, and at the same time, the Greek word which translates it unites in a mysterious anagram the majestic titles of the Son of God, the Saviour. On a nameless tomb there is a fish and the five miraculous loaves of bread, suggesting that here rests a man who believed in Christ, who, was regenerated by baptism, and who partook of the Eucharistic feast. As paganism gradually declined, the chisel of the Christian became bold and more productive. Instead of those indefinite emblems which he outlined on brick, he boldly cut the marble and produced the bas-reliefs of his sarcophagi which decorate the museums of Rome and the churches of Ravenna. In them we meet again the biblical subjects already treated in the catacombs, but other scenes are added. The richer and more definite symbolism announces that the time of the persecutions was over, and that the holy mysteries needed no longer to be celebrated in secret.

The tombs of Ravenna do not speak of death, everything there suggests the immortality given by the Eucharist to Christians: for instance, birds pecking at vines, doves drinking from a chalice, tender lambs feeding on the fruits of a palm.

But the designer, despairing of expressing his thought adequately in sculpture, had called speech to his aid, though at first it took a secondary place. The first inscriptions are a brevity which has its own eloquence. "This is the place of Philemon." Some are amplified by means of tender and comforting expressions such as "Florentius felix agneglus (sic) Dei" -- "Florentius, happy little lamb of God." Or yet again, "You have fallen too soon, Constantia, miracle of beauty and wisdom". And yet Constance had died as a martyr and the phial stained with blood marked out her tomb for the veneration of the faithful. But the young saint was only eighteen, and the Church forgave the cry of the parents' hearts. Sometimes these few words suggest all the terror of divine judgement, as do those in the following prayer which the Christian Benirosus had traced on his father's tomb: "Lord, take thou not us unawares when our mind is shrouded in darkness" -- "Domine, ne quando adumbretur spiritus, veneris." At another time the thought of the Resurrection breaks forth in the midst of lamentation and weeping. The family of the Christian Severianus invokes on his behalf Him who causes the seeds buried in the furrow to germinate.

At this period was produced the only poetry truly worthy of the name -- poetry expressed in language and metre. The muse could no longer be silent, for the time was approaching when the poet Prudentius was to celebrate the catacombs and their martyrs in the metres of Virgil and Horace. But till now poetry had happily remained popular and crude. It is surely indisputable that ignorant people traced these Latin inscriptions written inGreek characters and bristling with faults of orthography, lan- guage, and prosody, and the picture of the plebeian mothers, the slave-fathers, engraving stealthily their griefs and hopes on the stone before which they knelt in reverence, may be readily imagined. When the persecutors, the true Romans, descended into these cemeteries they must have laughed contemptuously and shrugged their shoulders at the epitaphs of these poor wretches who knew not how to write and yet claimed to teach the world. And truly that is what they were destined to do. The ancient Roman civilization was declining to its fall, and at that very moment Rome was to see emerge rom these subterranean passages with which she was undermined, from that Christian society which she had regarded as her enemy, a whole civilization and subsequently, an entirely new poetry.

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  SSPX New Zealand: Letter from Fr. Palko on the Vaccine Mandates and Schools
Posted by: Stone - 01-05-2022, 10:51 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Spiritual] - Replies (4)

Letter of Fr. Palko
"Plans for Next Year"


28 December 2021

Dear Parents,

Early this year, we learned of the imminent transfer of our long-time principal and prior, Fr François Laisney, to an assignment in France as soon as his replacement, Fr Pierre Chrissement, would arrive. Due to borders, visas, and other exigencies, Fr Laisney remained and has managed the school and parish in very difficult circuмstances. A significant part of his priestly life has involved Whanganui, and we owe a deep debt of gratitude as he moves on to his new assignment in January.

To facilitate that, Fr Daniel Themann, our District Superior, has decided that the role of Pastor/Prior will be separated from that of Principal of the school. This is frequently done in our schools in the United States and elsewhere, such as Manila and Tynong, so it is not a unique system. As I am the only priest who is a registered teacher, I will be taking up this second role as Acting Principal, at first under Fr Laisney while we transition things, and then under Fr McNamara, who will take up the role of prior/pastor until Fr Chrissement arrives, possibly mid-year 2022. We are also hoping to have another Australian priest, Fr Todd Stephens, join us as soon as possible, and he would take up my present role as Dean of the Boys’ School, with an aim towards following the same teacher registration programme I did and being registered as a teacher in New Zealand.

Seeing how much effort and work Fr Laisney constantly offers, is humbling, so both Fr McNamara and I will depend on your assistance and support in trying to fill his shoes.

Given the uncertainty that this introduces, Fr Themann and I thought it appropriate that I write and detail for you what is planned for the next year, and explain a bit of why we plan this.

Planning for the 2022 Academic Year

This past year has ended with some tumult especially with vaccination mandates for educational staff. Divisions over choices made there have shown unfortunate fissures in the parish and school, including a great deal of assumptions. The priests have emphasised the fraternal Charity needed to stay unified in our supernatural goal. We recognise that faithful will take different prudential decisions on the vaccines or the education of their children, but I will echo that same point Fr Laisney has made many times: we must avoid making impassioned, rash statements and judgements about the prudential decisions others take. We must avoid saying or suggesting by words or actions that others are guilty of sin or “compromised” by the prudential decisions they make. Each must make the best moral decision possible given the situation in which he finds himself and his family, without judging others by his own opinion.

Concretely, though this affects the planning for the school year next year.

Government mandates require the Board of Trustees/Principal to maintain a register of all staff who interact personally with students and record their vaccination status vis-à-vis COVID-19. Those who the register shows as not vaccinated cannot work with students in person, or even in a place where they regularly come in contact with students during school hours.

I wish to make very clear that it is not our will to enforce unjust mandates. If we do this, it is only because we see no reasonable alternative. We would rather find some means to avoid this, and where exceptions or alternatives exist and can be legally and reasonably pursued, we will pursue them, as Catholics, even in the great persecutions, have always done. Nevertheless, when presented with outwardly enforcing unjust mandates, we must—as far as possible— [color=#7101d]avoid the greater evil of losing the apostolate that is our school[/color]. To abandon 27 years of work and sacrifice to build a traditional Catholic school over a matter that is not one of Faith, is not reasonable. To do this simply because of an unjust mandate means handing a great victory to the enemies of the Church in losing access to traditional Catholic education, perhaps somewhat permanently.

None of the staff, religious or priests in the school are advocates of the vaccine. Some staff have chosen, begrudgingly, to accept the vaccine to continue teaching and do so as a virtuous sacrifice. Some have decided this is a line they are unwilling to cross, and if they do so mindful of the Catholic doctrines and principles of morality, they also can draw this line virtuously. Others may find ways to obtain exemptions, thus appearing to comply, and could also act virtuously. Each of these groups, however, could act sinfully by lacking Charity towards others, making judgements, or speaking and acting in a condemnatory manner towards others. These are matters of conscience. Nevertheless, those choices do have external impacts, especially on those whom we are legally permitted to have on-premises at the school.

The Boys’ college and Primary school seem to have sufficient staff to continue operating as they have for the past number of years. A reduced staff, though, will impose significant burdens on us, and so we would ask your patience and generosity. In particular, while we already expect you will assist us, we would beg you to be especially diligent to ensure your children stay focused on their studies, respectful of their teachers and the priests, well-disciplined, that homework and proper study take priority over games, entertainment, sport, or other extracurricular activities. This would be a great assistance and relief if the children come well-prepared and well-disciplined to class.

Vaccine Mandates for Students

Many families have expressed fear that vaccination mandates will be expanded to include students. In some cases, this has prompted some families to consider withdrawing their children.

Such mandates for children in education are an outside possibility, but remain only a possibility. The probability of this continues to decrease. Vaccines are now approved for ages 5–12, but in late November, the Ministry of Education revoked the mandate to keep a vaccine register for children, and top officials spoke in strong terms contrary to such a mandate, saying all children have a right to education no matter vaccination status. On 21 Dec, 2021, the COVID-19 minister said mandates for children were not in the works. We are prudently hopeful no mandate is forthcoming, but if it does happen, we will cross that bridge at that time, without any will of enforcing an unjust mandate and spending every effort to still provide a proper education for your children.

The Girls’ College

As you will note, the Girls’ college is not listed above. This is a question nagging many since while it is an SSPX school, it is also entirely staffed by the Dominican Sisters. Their assistance in teaching is the only way we can afford to offer education at a reasonable tuition for all schools. They provide at least six full-time teachers without salary. The stipend which the sisters receive amounts to only about one-third of the cost of hiring lay staff for those positions. The Sisters have provided years of unwavering and invaluable support of our school.

The Sisters are a group of consecrated religious. Their vocation involves a contemplative life, but also the work of education. Few of the laity can understand the exigencies of religious life, and the importance of unity in such a community. Unity is extremely important, else the whole foundation is risked, so on divisive issues, time is needed to figure out what to do. This is why such institutions, like the Church herself, naturally move extremely slowly.

On the matter of vaccinations, if in our parish we have rifts forming over the issue of vaccination, the superiors in the convent have to take even more prudent care to ensure that there is not division among the Sisters, and with the uncertainty of further legal requirements, and fear of parents pulling children out of school over the possibilities of future mandates, the Sisters have not had sufficient time to consider what they can do without great disturbance to their religious life. Thus, the Sisters have made no decision on what to do as of yet. In speaking with parents, many have the impression 3 that the Sisters have made a decision contrary to the priests and lay staff. Rather, they are withholding a decision for now while considering what to do. De facto, the result is that they cannot be listed as vaccinated or exempt on our register, and so could not engage in face-to-face teaching.

There are several solutions to this problem. Some have suggested that lay staff be hired to replace the Sisters, but this would not be an appropriate reaction to 20 years of excellent support which makes the other schools financially viable. Such a solution would cause immense disruption and division, the large number of good Catholic teachers are not available, and further, it is simply not affordable without the Sisters.

Another solution is to shut the girls’ school entirely and have the girls rely on home schooling curricula, but again, this is extremely disruptive, and should the school reopen, returning to our curriculum would be disastrously difficult.

The solution Mother General proposes is instead a temporary solution while the convent considers what to do. Mother assures me that their intention is to make a decision soon, and they would expect to reassess during the first half of the year. If exemptions or other solutions were found, they are not unwilling to begin the year as normal, and certainly we are going to work towards this if we can.

This temporary solution would be to keep the girls enrolled in our school and run a correspondence programme to begin the year, as was done during the 2020 lockdown. Added to this would be extracurricular meetings and activities to supplement the learning off-campus at a parochial level, but not part of school. Study groups might be possible, and the Sisters’ would assist in organising these and finding venues. Packets would be provided weekly.

Neither I, nor Fr Themann, nor Mother General see this as an ideal solution. Nevertheless, among the options considered, it seems the best to maintain stability and continuity, and minimise disruptions.

The Sisters assure me that this would not be online teaching, so screen time would not be an issue, nor conflicting use of computers, or the need to purchase equipment. Instead of multiple curricula which do not match the programme in our school, the Sister’s temporary solution keeps the girls on our rolls studying materials that, once in-person teaching resumes, match what they would study in class, and be by the same teachers who would teach them then.

While I will admit that initially, I was not in favour of such a proposition, and still hope to find a solution to begin the year normally, the Sisters’ planning so far does provide a workable stop-gap and even a possibility for the international boarding girls to continue in some fashion.

We will announce soon an open house for parents to discuss these plans with the Sisters and get details, likely after the Sisters’ retreat and women’s retreat.

Parents withdrawing children

In the breach, however, fear of further mandates and concerns over other matters have prompted the withdrawal of several children from the school in order to, instead, seek an exemption for home schooling or some similar family cooperative. We have previously endorsed home schooling when there is a serious reason to do so, but naturally, the Church’s practice has been to encourage proper Catholic schools. Our venerable founder, Msgr Lefebvre, put this task of schooling in our statues just after seminaries, which were the most important work of the SSPX.

As such, those parents who fear what may come to pass, I would urge them to reflect on whether this fear justifies withdrawing students immediately, or if the possibility they fear is likely. I would also urge them to obtain all the facts, for it does seem some are acting on misinformation about home education, deadlines for exemptions for this, what is permitted, whether vaccine mandates apply, or such matters.

There might be long-term consequences for a child’s education to be shifted out of a structured programme to home school, only later to be put back in the school environment having missed out on the curriculum that is followed in that school. That can disrupt a child’s educational progress significantly.

There is also the issue of re-enrolment, should a child be officially withdrawn. We cannot guarantee that children who do not begin the year will be permitted to enrol midway through the year, and any withdrawn student would legally need to go through the whole process of re-enrolment, this might require tests to determine their progress and if they could be placed into their previous class. As such, I ask you to carefully consider if withdrawal is prudent, and if it will serve the formation of your children before you act.

Should you have legitimate and significant concerns, please come and speak to me about these before seeking exemption for home school or withdrawing your child.

Discussing COVID and controversy

A great deal of the division in the school and parish comes from discussing complex and controversial subjects around children. If these subjects are difficult for the developed and wellformed reason we adults should have, they are incredibly difficult for the children.

Sadly, during this last school year, children heard a great deal about the controversies surrounding COVID-19. Discussion around even Primary children was commonplace. The source may have been home, staff or other students. Imprudently, some teachers discussed vaccination with students. Also, some parents seem to have suggested to their children to distrust the priests and teachers over the issue of vaccination. Thus, we had, at one point, children telling peers they should refuse to go to school, or to not follow the teachers or priests, or various hyperbole. All of this discussion puts children, who do not possess the tools and developed reason, in the centre of a controversy they cannot solve and can cause great damage to their formation, especially their spiritual lives.

I would, therefore, urge you to not discuss the controversy over these matters around your children. Give them the confidence that you will take care of them and have their best interest at heart. If there is difficulty with other adults, discuss with those adults and leave the children to deal with problems which more directly affect their salvation, such as their duty of state, discipline, respect for authority, homework, staying peaceable at home, etc.


No matter what we do, this next year will be challenging for the school and parish. If we all try to act with charity, and foster patience, we can minimise the disruptions and maintain our school as the only traditional Catholic school in New Zealand. Seeing the sacrifices made and work done also may foster many vocations, a fruit we sorely need from our schools.

Msgr Lefebvre said in 1987, “[t]he future of the Catholic Church and her mission lies in teaching, especially in schools run by priests and religious who preach by word and example,” adding that “[f]or society to be converted, we need Catholic schools.” In 1982 he wrote, “We need Catholic schools where young people will learn to love the Liturgy, Latin and chant, and where they will be formed in a manly and Christian fashion by sacrificing themselves for the love of Jesus Christ under the care and guidance of their heavenly Mother.” We hope to provide you and your children the best Catholic schools we can, especially with the chance to have the perennial Liturgy of the Church given them and learn the sacrificial spirit of Our Lord, even in these challenging and trying circuмstances.

In the face of all of these challenges, we beg your assistance, trust, and your support, especially supernaturally. Be assured we will do whatever we can to support you and your children.

Sincerely in Our Lord,
Fr. Ian Andrew Palko, FSSPX
Acting Principal

St Dominic’s College
PO Box 7123
Whanganui 4500 New Zealand
+64 6-281 3976

What a change from the old SSPX! 

> Remember when Fr. Peter Scott, a physician before becoming a priest, gave this formal guidance to the SSPX priests and faithful regarding abortion-tainted vaccines, taken from The Angelus, June 2000:

"There is no doubt that it is illicit to prepare vaccinations by the use of cell cultures from aborted babies. It certainly is a very troublesome situation if the only way of obtaining such necessary vaccines is from cultures prepared from the by-products of abortions. The question here is whether or not it is permissible to use such vaccines if they are the only ones that are readily available.  Can the principles of double effect be applied, that is when only a good effect is directly willed, and a bad effect is simply permitted, but not directly willed in itself? The good effect in this case is the immunization against the infectious disease.  The bad effect is the abortion, the killing of the innocent. It is never permitted to do something evil in order that a good can come of it, that it, it is never permitted for the good effect to come from the bad effect. However it is possible to permit an evil, that is not directly willed in itself, and this is called the indirect voluntary. Here one could argue that the person who seeks the vaccination does not will the abortion, but simply uses the cells that are obtained as a consequence. However, the vaccine is not just an indirect effect of the abortion. There is in fact a direct line of causality, from the abortion, to the available fetal cells to the development of the vaccine, to the immunization. Therefore, the immunization is a direct consequence of the abortion, and not just an indirect effect.  Consequently, it would be immoral to use a vaccine that one knew was developed in fetal cells, not matter how great the advantage to be procured. Moreover, even if it were to be admitted that the vaccination is not a direct consequence of the abortion, for the abortion is not performed directly in order to obtain fetal cells, and those who use them might claim, as for themselves, that they do not directly will the abortion in itself, the Catholic sense tells the faithful that they can never use the by-products of abortions for any reason at all, for by so doing they promote the mass murder of the innocent which is destroying modern society and all sense of morality.  There must always be a proportionate reason to use the indirect voluntary, that is to permit something evil which is not directly willed. Here the reasonable gain obtained by the use of the double effect (if it truly were indirectly willed only, which it is not) would not in any way be proportionate to the horrible evil of abortion and the scandal would be immense. If  a parent is not aware of the fact that fetal cells are being used in the culture of the vaccines that he or she is giving to his/her children, then clearly there is no moral fault involved. However, if he/she is aware of this, then he/she is morally obliged to refuse such vaccinations on principle, until such time as they can be obtained from cultures which are morally licit. ..."

> Fr. Hewko, echoing the old traditional SSPX, makes it clear we cannot accept these vaccines: On the Morality of Abortion-linked Injections

>What a difference too between this letter of Fr. Palko and the more-traditional albeit conciliar clergy like Bp. Strickland of Texas who recently said again:  I’d rather die than benefit from anything produced by using an aborted child!'

>Bishop Schneider too, who is also a member of the conciliar clergy, makes the Catholic decision plain - a far cry from Fr. Palko and the SSPX's stance in following the dictates of modernist Rome:

"The theological principle of material cooperation is certainly valid and may be applied to a whole host of cases (e.g. in paying taxes, the use of products made from slave labor, and so on). However, this principle can hardly be applied to the case of vaccines made from fetal cell lines, because those who knowingly and voluntarily receive such vaccines enter into a kind of concatenation, albeit very remote, with the process of the abortion industry. The crime of abortion is so monstrous that any kind of concatenation with this crime, even a very remote one, is immoral and cannot be accepted under any circumstances by a Catholic once he has become fully aware of it. One who uses these vaccines must realize that his body is benefitting from the “fruits” (although steps removed through a series of chemical processes) of one of mankind’s greatest crimes.

"Any link to the abortion process, even the most remote and implicit, will cast a shadow over the Church’s duty to bear unwavering witness to the truth that abortion must be utterly rejected. The ends cannot justify the means. We are living through one of the worst genocides known to man. Millions upon millions of babies across the world have been slaughtered in their mother’s womb, and day after day this hidden genocide continues through the abortion industry, biomedical research and fetal technology, and a push by governments and international bodies to promote such vaccines as one of their goals. Now is not the time for Catholics to yield; to do so would be grossly irresponsible. The acceptance of these vaccines by Catholics, on the grounds that they involve only a “remote, passive and material cooperation” with evil, would play into the hands of the Church’s enemies and weaken her as the last stronghold against the evil of abortion.

"What else can a vaccine derived from fetal cell lines be other than a violation of the God-given Order of Creation? For it is based on a serious violation of this Order through the murder of an unborn child. Had this child not been denied the right to life, had his cells (which have been further cultivated several times in the lab) not been made available for the production of a vaccine, they could not be marketed. We therefore have here a double violation of God’s holy Order: on the one hand, through the abortion itself, and on the other hand, through the heinous business of trafficking and marketing the remains of aborted children. Yet, this double disregard for the divine Order of Creation can never be justified, not even on the grounds of preserving the health of a person or society through such vaccines. Our society has created a substitute religion: health has been made the highest good, a substitute god to whom sacrifices must be offered — in this case, through a vaccine based on the death of another human life."

>An even greater and more explicit difference is to be heard from Archbishop Viganò, who has said in the most striking and plain terms that:

"... to this is added, like an infernal ritual, the use of a gene serum made with aborted fetuses, as if to renew the human sacrifices of the pagans with a new twist of health, propitiating the coming New Order with the lives of innocents. And while Christian Baptism cleanses the soul of sin and makes us sons of God in its sacramental character, the satanic baptism marks those who receive it with the mark of the Beast. How Catholics are able to undergo the vaccine as a sort of satanic baptism without any scruple of conscience remains a question to which an answer must be given. Certainly, decades of systematic cancellation of Faith and Morals in the faithful, in the name of a dialogue with the world and with modernity, have allowed souls to lose all supernatural reference, allowing themselves to be dulled by a formless sentimentality (i.e. the SSPX's focus on prudence and charity! - The Catacombs) that has nothing Catholic about it. The castration of souls took place at the moment in which the Christian certamen [combat] against the world, the flesh and the devil was perverted into an indecorous retreat, indeed into a cowardly desertion (cf. The SSPX's Doctrinal Declaration of 2012). Once soldiers of Christ, many now found themselves to be effeminate courtiers of the adversary."

Unfortunately, this yet another sad example of the new Conciliar-SSPX having thoroughly lost its way, preferring to be 'prudent' by following the diktats of the world and Modernist Rome rather than firm in its adherence to the True Faith of all time.

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  UK Prays! - A Holy Rosary Crusade of Reparation
Posted by: Stone - 01-05-2022, 08:20 AM - Forum: Appeals for Prayer - Replies (3)

A group of traditional Catholics in the UK have begun publicly praying the Rosary to beg Our Lady's protection for their country in these unprecedented times.

Let us join our prayers to theirs and beg Our Lady's protection!

Holy Rosary Crusade of Reparation
Do What I tell you and you will have peace

Inspired by recent developments in Austria, where a group of faithful are organising weekly, public recitations of the Rosary, a devotion which is rapidly spreading throughout the country (https://oesterreich-betet.at), we wanted to do something similar in the UK.

The Austrian faithful have an encouraging example in their predecessors of the 1950s. Post war Austria was divided amongst the four allied nations and suffered especially in the Soviet controlled area with brutal repressions.

A Fransciscan priest, Father Petrus Pavlicek, was deeply troubled by the situation and sought his refuge in prayer at the National Marian Shrine in Mariazell in 1946, where, in an inspiration, he heard the words: “Do what I tell you and you will have peace.” He saw this in line with the message of Fatima from 1917 where Our Lady encouraged the 3 shepherd children to repent, do penance and pray, especially the daily rosary, as it was only Our Lady who was able to solve all the problems the world was facing.

From 1947-1955 Fr Petrus organised public rosary processions, encouraged his faithful to say thedaily rosary and attend yearly candle lit processions in Vienna. The Chancellors of Austria, Leopold Figl, and later on, Julius Raab, joined in those public processions and urged the faithful to storm heaven with their prayers to free Austria from the allied nations, especially the Soviets. In 1955 their mission was successful and Austria was able to sign the Austrian State Treaty. Austria was the only post World War II country where the Soviets retreated without bloodshed and at such an early stage. Nobody could quite understand how and why this happened.

Theresa Neuman, a German stigmatist, when asked why the Soviets left Austria, replied “Verily,verily, it was the rosaries of the Austrian people.”

Inspired by this event, we want to seek Our Lady’s help and protection also in our current crisis. Our heavenly mother won’t abandon us if we honour her publicly. Let us ask her for our protection with all the confidence we have.

[Image: signal-2022-01-05-035209_001.jpeg]

The following pictures were sent of the first public Rosary in London this past Sunday, January 2nd:

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  [Commentary] Pachamama is a Demon: Testimony from a Protestant 'Missionary'
Posted by: Stone - 01-05-2022, 07:57 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Pachamama is a Demon: Testimony from a [Protestant] 'Missionary'
Taken from here

As many of you know, I was raised a protestant. I love the many good men and women who helped me learn to love the Lord Jesus Christ, a love that has now found fulfillment in His Catholic Church.

But these are disturbing days. In particular, I refer to the blessing, and welcoming of a pagan idol—a demon—by Pope Francis into the Vatican, and St. Peter’s Basilica itself in October, 2019 as part of the Amazon Synod. Many better and holier men than me have written about this scandalous event. I refer chiefly to Archbishop Viganò, whose August 2018 Testimony exposed to an unprecedented degree the amount of corruption and perversion currently at work in the Church, and at the behest of many of Her most powerful prelates, including Pope Francis himself. “The abomination of idolatrous rites has entered the sanctuary of God,” he said in a November 2019 interview on the Pachamama scandal. In March of 2020, he called on Pope Francis to “convert” (repent) for this sacrilegious act. Likewise, Catholic theologian Douglas Farrow has written two compelling pieces on the Amazon Synod, The Amazon Synod Is a Sign of the Times, and Reading the Signs of the Times. Cardinal Raymond Burke has said that “diabolical forces” entered St. Peter’s Basilica through the idolatrous Pachamama event. Finally, 100+ Catholic theologians, priests, and laymen signed a Protest Against Pope Francis’s Sacrilegious Acts in response to the Pachamama fiasco.

In short, this very disturbing event has been commented on by far greater men than me, and it is to them I primarily refer you.

So why do I write this blog post today? Because of a recent, again disturbing encounter with a Catholic Bishop over Twitter. I won’t mention his name, but in our interaction, he claimed that Pachamama was just a “cultural symbol.” Addressing him with the respect due to him as “Your Excellency,” I protested that his statement simply wasn’t true. I suggested he check out standard encyclopedic reference sources to see that this was so. I included a link to the Encyclopedia Britannica entry on “Pachamama,” which simply says “Andean deity.” When I informed the Bishop about this, he merely said, “Happy Holy Week.” That’s it.

In the same encyclopedia’s entry on “Nature Worship,” Pachamama is described as the “Andean earth-mother figure…worshiped by the Peruvians.” In the entry on “Bolivia,” we find this line: “Some characteristics of pantheistic pre-Columbian religion have survived in the Indian communities of the Altiplano, especially the worship of Pachamama, the goddess of the Earth.” [Emphasis added] In an entry on “Inca religion,” we read that “Earth was called Pachamama (Paca Mama), or Earth Mother.” Encyclopedia.com contains these words in its entry on Pachamama: “Pachamama, the earth mother goddess of the Incas. Pachamama was an agricultural deity worshiped with regard to fertility and the protection of the crops…”

In short, it is quite clear that Pachamama is no mere “cultural symbol.” She is an earth goddess, a pagan idol, the “Mother Earth” worshiped by pre-Christian pagans. As the Psalmist reminds us (Ps. 96:5), “For all the gods of the peoples are idols.” Some translations put “demons” for “idols.” No one had stronger words about such demons than St. Paul (1 Cor. 10:20-22):  No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be partners with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?

[Image: image-asset.jpeg?format=750w]

The pagan altar at the foot of the cross. While you cannot see it clearly in this picture, my friend said that the altar had the name “Pachamama” clearly written on it (provided by my friend).

[Image: Pentagram%2C+Pachamama.jpg?format=500w]

Satanic pentagram near the Pachamama altar at the foot of a cross; the burn marks on the ground in the background are from other pagan altars and rituals (provided by my friend).

Throughout this debacle, I kept having a vague memory about having heard about this “Pachamama” before. Then I remembered that when I was in my early 20’s (still a protestant), I had a dear friend who had been on multiple missionary trips to South America. On most of those trips, he frequently encountered syncretistic Catholic-pagan sites and practices, some even having to do with Pachamama. The stories he relayed to me were disturbing.

I recently asked this protestant friend to write a “testimony” about some of his encounters with Pachamama on his missionary trips, given recent events, and particularly the claims by some Catholic Bishops that Pachamama is a mere “cultural symbol.” Not only does his account refute that notion, but it testifies to a very disturbing acquiescence in this pagan cult by at least some of the Catholic Church in South America.

Additionally, this friend spoke of multiple masonic symbols placed around these altar areas, as well as on top of Catholic Churches. Locals, he said, would tell them, and point out the many places where “There is a good deal of pagan religion down here that is mixed with Catholicism, and masonic symbolism.”

Suffice it to say, the idea that Pachamama is just a “cultural symbol” is asinine. It is false, and don’t let any Prince of the Church who should know better, as a shepherd of the flock, tell you otherwise. I pray for them every single day on my Rosary, because they will be held to account, and I want them in Heaven.

He shall remain anonymous, but my friend has agreed to share his “Testimony Against Pachamama” with the world.

Testimony Against Pachamama

In July 2007, I made my first trip to the high country in Huancayo, Peru. I was part of a small team of short-term missionaries sent to give encouragement to full time missionaries, local church leaders and the body of Christ. The trip was full of wonderful experiences and some that were a bit frightening.

We traveled to a hill outside Huancayo. On the hill sits Cruz de la Paz, which means the Cross of Peace. This is a large cross that overlooks the city of Huancayo. It is a place of pilgrimage for faithful, but also a gathering place for pagan worship. An altar of cement sits beneath the cross. Inscriptions and graffiti had been placed on the cross which identified it as an altar to Pachamama and other pagan deities. Locals know this is a Catholic place, but it is also a place where sacrifices are made to pagan deities, especially Pachamama and her child/husband, Inti. Surrounding the altar and cross were many stone altars erected by hand. Fires had burned around and near these smaller altars. You could see multiple Satanic and masonic symbols in the area. Directly behind the large cross to the right, situated below the hill, is a small town called Cullpa Alta. Fires were burning in the town, and smoke could be seen rising from the town.

We asked the locals among us what was happening. They said the city was celebrating El Dia de Santiago. They said it is a festival that appears to be Catholic but is anything but. They described a scene in which Catholic celebrations were mixed with pagan Incan rituals. They described a week of city-wide orgies and celebrations in and outside the church. The festival is an amalgamation of Catholic and pagan rituals. The rituals celebrate the fertility goddess Pachamama. One local literally said, “Nine months from now, another group of bastard children will be born because everyone is encouraged to have as much *** as possible with as many people as possible. Children will be born without fathers.” We pressed for more details and the locals said the Church (Catholic Church) does nothing. They say nothing. It is allowed, and it even happens within the walls of the church. We were shocked to hear this, but all indications and observations gave reason to believe this was true.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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  Emmanuel Macron denounced France's 5 million unvaccinated as "non-citizens"
Posted by: Stone - 01-05-2022, 07:37 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - Replies (2)

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  Fr. Ambrose Astor on Covid Vaccines: On the Considerations of Conscience, Prudence, and Charity
Posted by: Stone - 01-04-2022, 12:21 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Spiritual] - No Replies

Fr. Ambrose Astor on Covid Vaccines: On the Considerations of Conscience, Prudence, and Charity
Three Articles

Fr. Hewko recently (Second Sunday of Advent 2021) mentions the first two of these articles by Fr. Ambrose Astor with praise [aside from Fr. Astor's references to the New Conciliar Catechism and Saint JPII].

Fr. Ambrose Astor (pseudonym) has written a third article, especially for priests, concerning the "charity" of getting vaccinated. A member of gloria.tv has organized these three articles into PDF format. They have been gratefully 'borrowed' and can be found here: 

Conscience and Vaccines

Prudence and Vaccines

[Latest] Charity and Vaccines

There is also a LifeSiteNews article by the same priest: Is it true that COVID-19 vaccines are created using organs of aborted infants?

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  All New Cars Sold in EU to Be Fitted With Data Recording ‘Black Box’
Posted by: Stone - 01-03-2022, 11:11 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

All New Cars Sold in EU to Be Fitted With Data Recording ‘Black Box’
Will be accessible by law enforcement.

[Image: 030122cars1.jpg]

Summit News | 3 January, 2022

Starting this summer, all new cars sold in the EU will by law contain a ‘black box’ accessible by authorities that records driving data.

From July 6, 2022, all car manufacturers will be forced to fit new models with a system that keeps track of technical data.

The data recorded will include “the vehicle’s speed, braking, steering wheel angle, its incline on the road, and whether the vehicle’s various safety systems were in operation, starting with seatbelts.”

“The new system will coincide with the introduction of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) systems, which will warn drivers when they breach the speed limit,” reports Reclaim the Net. “However, the ISA systems should not prevent the driver from actually breaking the speed limit.”

The system, which will be accessible to law enforcement but not insurance companies, will also be able to catalogue the exact type of vehicle and send the information to manufacturers after an accident.

Authorities claim the data will be “anonymized,” meaning the information can’t be used to identify the owner of the vehicle, although only the incredibly naive would plausibly believe that.

For decades, government have been pushing for all cars to be fitted with black boxes that track location data.

The ultimate dystopian scenario involves giving police the power to utilize similar technology to completely disable the functioning of a vehicle if the driver is deemed to have committed an infraction.

This doesn’t need to be a criminal offense, if the pursuit of social credit score schemes continues to become more invasive, it would eventually be used as a form of punishment for everything from unpaid utility bills to offensive comments posted on social media.

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  FDA grants emergency authorization for 'boosters' for 12-15 year olds
Posted by: Stone - 01-03-2022, 10:59 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies


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  Remember, all of this is for your safety: Dutch use attack dogs against lockdown protestors
Posted by: Stone - 01-03-2022, 09:53 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Dutch Police Use Attack Dogs Against Anti-Lockdown Protesters

ZH | JAN 03, 2022

Amid the Omicron Covid variant spread, and despite an emerging consensus that this latest variant is not very severe in terms of individual impact and hospitalizations, lockdowns are returning to much of Europe, but so are fierce protests.

Remember, all of this is for your "safety"...

Chaotic and disturbing scenes are coming out of Sunday's large anti-restriction protests near the National Museum in Amsterdam. The protest had been declared illegal by authorities, but a huge crowd showed up anyway, and that's when police in riot gear attempted to disperse thousands.

Among many scenes of people being beaten with police batons, dogs were also unleashed on the demonstrators, including in the above video which shows a man being mauled by a police dog who wouldn't let go of his arm - even as he was prone on the ground at one point. It's unclear if the officers were wanting the dog to release after clearly injuring the man, or if they wanted the animal to continue biting him.

Just before the police unleashed violent tactics on the crowd, the anti-lockdown protesters surrounded the anti-riot force and their vans, presumably there to make mass arrests.

"The Netherlands went into a sudden lockdown on December 19, with the government ordering the closure of all but essential stores, as well as restaurants, hairdressers, gyms, museums and other public places until at least January 14," CNN writes of the new controversial lockdown. "Public gatherings of more than two people are prohibited under the current set of restrictions."

The protest looked to be at least in the tens of thousands, and possibly bigger:

Clearly citizens in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe are furious over this climate of the 'never-ending pandemic' and corresponding lockdowns which governments seem to now impose with ease.

Angry crowds go after riot control police in The Netherlands this weekend:

But many are saying "enough!" and it's becoming harder and harder to remove the liberties of the populace in the name of "protecting" people from the virus - a virus which we were told would dissipate once the vaccine is available.

But instead we still have these scenes of police cracking skulls as people simply stand up for their rights amid authorities' attempts to control all aspects of life in the name of "safety" amid the persisting pandemic.

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  Dr. Abramson Interview: Behind the scenes role of Big Pharma
Posted by: Stone - 01-02-2022, 09:26 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Dr. John Abramson, A Harvard Medical School Lecturer & National Drug Litigation Expert...

Shares What Goes On Behind The Scenes With Big Pharma...

[Warning: Rogan is known for occasionally using bad language.]

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  COVID, Ivermectin, And 'Mass Formation Psychosis': Dr. Robert Malone Gives Blistering Interview
Posted by: Stone - 01-02-2022, 09:22 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

COVID, Ivermectin, And 'Mass Formation Psychosis': Dr. Robert Malone Gives Blistering Interview To Joe Rogan
[Warning: Joe Rogan is known for occasionally using bad language.]

ZH | JAN 01, 2022

mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone gave a fascinating interview to Joe Rogan which aired on New Year's Eve.

If you've got three hours to spare, we recommend you watch the entire thing (cliffs notes here): [Video no longer available]

Malone, an expert in mRNA vaccine technologies who trained at UC Davis, UCSD and the Salk Institute, was suspended by Twitter with no explanation on Thursday. It appears he's preparing to sue, as Alex Berenson is currently doing.

The suspension came after Malone was vilified by a hit piece in The Atlantic which was funded by Facebook and Johnson & Johnson.

Quote:"Three days before this thing came out, the journalist - he previously publishes on 'woke' issues on the topic of higher education. He's clearly hired. And they explicitly say the article was funded by the Robert Boyd Johnson foundation and the Zuckerberg-Chan initiative.


He was totally obsessed. 'Robert, why are you saying these things? You must have some financial incentive. There must be some reason you're doing this' - and I told him repeatedly, 'because it's the right thing to do.'

I think I'm the only one who has been involved deeply in the development of this tech, that doesn't have a financial stake in it. For me, the reason is, because what's happening is not right. It's destroying my profession. It's destroying the practice of medicine worldwide ... I'm a vaccinologist. I spent 30 years developing vaccines. A stupid amount of education learning how to do it, and what the rules are. And for me, I'm personally offended watching my discipline get destroyed for no good reason at all except, apparently, financial incentives, and - I dunno - political ass-covering?"
-Robert Malone

Quote:"Our government is out of control on this," Malone continues. "And they are lawless. They completely disregard bioethics. They completely disregard the federal common-rule. They have broken all the rules that I know of, that I've been trained for years and years and years. These mandates of an experimental vaccines are explicitly illegal. They are explicitly inconsistent with the Nuremberg code. They are explicitly inconsistent with the Belmont report. They are flat out illegal, and they don't care."

Malone then explained to Rogan how the Uttar Pradesh province in India crushed Covid with early treatment that included ivermectin, however he claims that the Biden administration met with Modi and a 'decision was made not to disclose the contents of the treatment.'

They then went deeper into the topic of ivermectin and early interventions in general. According to Malone, "There are good modeling studies, that show a half a million excess deaths have happened in the US, through the intentional blockade of early COVID treatment by the US Government."

Malone and Rogan then got into some heavy science behind Covid - with Malone explaining how people with natural Covid immunity are at higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine.

"There is a number of things here that are not supported by the science."

They then discussed the case of a 14-year-old girl who was injured by the vaccine, yet the incident was reported as a stomach ache.

Quote:"This young woman who was listed as having a stomach ache, when in fact what she had was a seizure. And she's now wheelchair-bound with a nasal-gastric tube. One of 1,000 subjects."

Towards the end of the interview, Malone gets even deeper - suggesting that people are living through a mass formation psychosis - drawing parallels to 1920s and 1930s Germany, where "they had a highly intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad."

And Twitter doesn't think Malone's voice deserves to be heard.

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  Prayers in Honor of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Posted by: Stone - 01-02-2022, 09:07 AM - Forum: In Honor of Our Lord - Replies (1)

Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
The Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus is one of the three main litanies in honor of our Lord, the other two being, the Litany of the Sacred Heart and the Litany of the Precious Blood.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginal...f=1&nofb=1]

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, graciously hear us.

God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Splendor of the Father, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Brightness of eternal Light, have mercy on us.
Jesus, King of Glory, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Sun of Justice, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most amiable, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most admirable, have mercy on us.
Jesus, the mighty God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Father of the world to come, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Angel of great counsel, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most powerful, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most patient, have mercy on us.
Jesus, most obedient, have mercy on us.
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Lover of Chastity, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our Lover, have mercy on us.
Jesus, God of Peace, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Author of Life, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Model of Virtues, have mercy on us.
Jesus, zealous for souls, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our Refuge, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Father of the Poor, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Treasure of the Faithful, have mercy on us.
Jesus, good Shepherd, have mercy on us.
Jesus, true Light, have mercy on us.
Jesus, eternal Wisdom, have mercy on us.
Jesus, infinite Goodness, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our Way and our Life, have mercy on us.
Jesus, joy of the Angels, have mercy on us.
Jesus, King of the Patriarchs, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Master of the Apostles, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Teacher of the Evangelists, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Strength of Martyrs, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Light of Confessors, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Purity of Virgins, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Crown of all Saints, have mercy on us.

Be merciful, spare us, O Jesus!
Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Jesus!

From all evil, deliver us, O Jesus.
From all sin, etc.
From Thy wrath,
From the snares of the devil,
From the spirit of fornication,
From everlasting death,
From the neglect of Thine inspirations,

Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation, deliver us, O Jesus.
Through Thine Nativity, etc.
Through Thy Infancy,
Through Thy most Divine Life,
Through your Labors,
Through Thine Agony and Passion,
Through Thine Cross and Dereliction,
Through Thine Sufferings,
Through Thy Death and Burial,
Through Thine Resurrection,
Through Thine Ascension,
Through Thine Institution of the Most Holy Eucharist,
Through Thy Joys,
Through Thy Glory,

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Jesus!
Lamb of God, Who takeest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Jesus!
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Jesus!

Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, graciously hear us.

Let Us Pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou has said, "Ask and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" mercifully attend to our supplications, and grant us the grace of Thy divine charity, that we may ever love Thee with our whole heart, and with all our words and deeds, and may never cease from praising Thee.

Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy Holy Name, for Thou doth never fails to govern those whom Thou solidly establishest in Thy love. Thou, Who livest and reignest forever and ever. R. Amen.

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  Commentary: How to Prepare for Catastrophe
Posted by: Stone - 01-02-2022, 09:01 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

How to Prepare for Catastrophe
Written By Ryan Grant
January 8, 2012

Many people today are worried, justifiably, about major devastating events that could seriously alter our way of life. Yet, intertwined with those legitimate fears are vehicles that may or may not be legitimate, which do little more than stoke fear or evoke a collective sense of worry, unsubstantiated by the facts. It goes without saying that the current course of the economy, our involvement in foreign wars, and unemployment has many people worrying about where their next paycheck may come from or what will happen in the future. Coupled with these, however, are worries about 2012, the rapture, or Nibiru (or who knows what else), all of which are not based on any rational criterion. These vehicles for emotional knee-jerk reaction are symptomatic of the question, what happens if everything changes tomorrow? In this mindset, we can see the plight of those who are not prepared, which, needless to say are most of us. How can I prepare for sudden dramatic changes to our civilization which may leave me or my family without the means to support ourselves?

In the first place, we should turn to why 2012, or Nibiru, is not a rational criterion for preparing for the future. The fact is the hysteria generated over 2012 is little different from Y2K, or even fears at the turn of the millennium in the Middle Ages. Our Lord wisely said “You shall know neither the day nor the hour…,” and this is an important element in the unfolding of revelation until the death of the last Apostle. The Catholic Church ... would not be so rash as to come out and make predictions about the end of the world. Christ, who in fact knew the very day and the hour, but was not allowed to reveal it in his human nature on earth, would not say it. How can His followers claim to be higher than He and predict the date? We have seen in the last century churches try to forecast the end of the world, fail and disband or, as we saw last year, predict the date of the supposed “rapture.” [note]This is not the proper place to debate the false theology of the Rapture embraced by some Evangelical Christians, but to put it briefly it is a misreading of 2 Thessalonians where Paul speaks of us being taken up (raps in Latin meaning to take), combined with the ancient heresy of chiliasm resurrected in the 19th century. It believes Christ will bring everyone to Jerusalem to be Jews for a thousand years according to the Old Testament economy, which is totally at odds with what Jesus said in the Synoptics and the Pauline accounts of the Last Supper, where He now offers a "New and Everlasting Covenant."[/note]

Again, we see it in non-Christian thought popularized by the secular media and thus appropriated by many Christians, of the date of 2012. This date was the end of the Mayan calendar, reconciled with ours, but it doesn't particularly mean anything other than the mathematical base of the calendar, and anything added to that is mere speculation. It may be that the ancient Mayans had some insight, either by God or by demons, to see things getting really bad in 2012 (as geopolitically they may very well become), or it may be nothing at all, a mere calculation of math. Either way, speculation about it is mere hysteria. On the other hand, what the various popular worries of this or that date, this or that event, evince in the common culture is an unsettling worry. We are not prepared. This is a legitimate concern and the subject at hand. If bad things happen, am I prepared to survive for six weeks or six months without the grocery store, without the Internet, and without local water, sewage, and trash service? Without electricity? Without heat? These questions do not depend on the “rapture,” the 12th Imam, 2012 or United Nations blue hat soldiers rolling into your community. They are simply a question of natural prudence. The question we should be asking is: do I have enough food to last extended periods of time? Do I have the means of cooking without electricity? Do I have anything I can offer in trade to someone who might have these things?

This is not media hysteria or some supermarket tabloid talking about the planets aligning, but the very real possibility that something will happen in the world that will compromise our ability to obtain the goods necessary for our survival. Our economic situation should make this abundantly clear. For example, in spite of the abundant resources of the United States, at least 40% of our food production comes from outside of the United States. Why is that? Corn is subsidized by the government in order to keep the prices artificially low so that corn related products, which show up in virtually everything you see in the average mainline grocery store, from high fructose corn syrup to chemicals, lowers the cost of production of these same things. So the majority of our fields grow corn. The production of ethanol for fuel, which is highly inefficient since it takes more energy to produce ethanol than what we get out of it, reduces the volume of land used to grow wheat, fruit and vegetables. What this means functionally for you, is that you have less chance of obtaining food in your area. So where does your food come from?

A majority of Americans depend on an expensive system of 18-wheelers (or "big rigs" depending on what part of the country you are from) trucking food from one port to another, from one ConAgra facility to a production plant. Food is shipped to east Beijing and back via boat to a harbor where another 18-wheeler picks up the trailer and brings it to your local grocery store. In other instances, the distribution of oranges require trucks to transport Florida oranges to California, and from California to Florida, so those states can manage their trade balances better. If the Iranians close the Gulf of Hormuz and diesel fuel goes up $8 or $9 a gallon, or if for another reason trucks stop rolling, you will not find food at your local grocery store. If gas should rise to $8 or $9 a gallon, could you really manage? The “glory days” of the 1950s are long gone. Gas for 18 cents a gallon is history. The only reason we pay $3 a gallon instead of $7, like our neighbors to the north, or $12 in many parts of Europe, is that oil is priced in American dollars. Suppose the sufficient counter-balance to American hegemony is established in oil-producing regions such as Saudi Arabia and Eurasia, another very real possibility, which would allow world economies to function without the dollar as the reserve currency.

In the early 20th century there were approximately 30,000 facilities butchering meat, located near farmers, whereas today there are only 11 massive ones. If the trucks stop rolling, will you be able to buy meat at the store? Even rural areas where you can find independent farmers that raise livestock and have them butchered could scarcely keep up with the overwhelming demand. If you live in a highly urban area and have no means of heating your home naturally (as with a wood stove) or lighting your home without electricity, things can get pretty hairy pretty quick. If electricity is no longer being supplied, lighting (among other things) will become a serious issue. Most people, if they are honest, will say they are not prepared for these possibilities.

Some propose the answer is to own silver and gold. I'm not opposed to this. Both by their historic connection to the monetary system and their universal value, silver and gold can serve as assets. However, the bare bones facts are that, in the face of massive economic collapse, if you can’t eat, drink, or smoke it, it is useless. Someone who may have a surplus of this or that thing, will not accept gold and silver if what he really needs is food to feed his children. Americans trusted in the system during catastrophes like Hurricane Katrina and they were failed by it at both the state and federal levels. [note]We see this in the disaster of poor response by Louisiana and FEMA in the wake of Katrina.[/note] Citizens of Louisiana had no food that could help them weather the crisis nor the means of taking care of themselves for even a brief period of time. So what is to be done? Thus, prudence would dictate true preparedness, as in Aesop’s old fable of the Grasshopper and the Ants (Read this here). If the trucks stop rolling, and your store shelves are empty like in Soviet Russia, what are you going to do?

Basic preparedness would suggest at least six months of food and a seed vault. In the former, you need to have at things that could be cooked over an open fire if electricity failed; wheat, rice, quinoa, oatmeal, canned foods (preferably organic and non-BPA plastic lined), vegetables and fruits, and high protein legumes like beans and lentils. Dried meat would also be wise, and this can be prepared easily without the need to buy beef jerky, although jerky serves as a good protein source. Water is also something that is necessary to have on hand. Store water in old jugs, Carlo-Rossi wine jugs (which is preferable since glass does not leech chemicals into the water), or your old juice and water bottles. The seed vault is what you want to use to plant gardens in the event things do not get better. While using your stores you can set up gardens to yield vegetables and berries. What you don't use should be canned to preserve for the following winter.

Do you need that morning cup of coffee? Do you have a deal worked out with some overnight shipper to get coffee beans flown in from Colombia? Granted, this is more of a luxury item, but, if you really want it, it would be good to buy coffee beans in bulk to retain their properties better while stored and roast them yourself. This process is not difficult. Look into purchasing coffee makers that do not require electricity, such as a Bialetti. Get a hand crank coffee grinder. Then purchase nitrogen packed coffee as it will retain its freshness so long as the tin does not corrupt. Do you have a way to stay warm? Blankets, warm clothes, wood stoves, or at least the means to start a controlled campfire are essential. What about lighting? Do you have a propane lamp? What about extra propane canisters to light them? Candles are good, but generally these are novelty items in America. Unless you have beeswax candles and followers to preserve the wax and burn it for the longest possible time, you will not get much out of them. For that matter how will you start a fire, whether for cooking, heat or light? Large boxes of matches are still relatively inexpensive, and there are many emergency fire starters that would be handy to have around.

Have you thought about toilet paper? From an early age, like the insatiably curious Elephant of Kipling's Just So Stories, I was always curious about how people did things before we had electricity and appliances, especially natural things like going to the bathroom. Fortunately there are books, rather than crocodiles to teach the lesson. How did peoples who did not have sewage, plumbing and toilet paper get along? As it turns out Roman soldiers carried a sponge with their normal military kit, the sole purpose of which was to wash themselves when going to the latrine. Toilet paper is a late medieval invention, inspired by knowledge that rice paper was being used in China (NB this does not sound like a happy alternative to certain necessary things). At that it did not come into common use until the late 19th century. Do you have areas of your property which could be set up as latrines, away from your sources of water? Hygiene can be a serious issue.

What about your teeth? That toothpaste tube you depend on from your local grocery store's health and beauty section indeed comes in handy. Do you have enough to last your family for six months? Do you know that with Hydrogen Peroxide and baking soda you can create a useful cleaning agent for your teeth and maintain your dental hygiene for some time? Baking soda and peroxide is not too expensive to pick up every time you go to the store, and these are non-perishable. Otherwise start stocking up on that fluoride free toothpaste. For that matter do you have enough soap to last you through extended periods? Even the Celts and Germans of classical times, considered barbarians by the Greeks and Romans, used soap developed from animal fats. The accumulation of dirt, dead cells and sweat over a long period of time can become serious with respect to contracting various diseases. Do you have enough soap, or know how to make it yourself, to last you? Do you have sufficient first aid supplies? What about cleaning your laundry? You might consider converting that old kiddie-pool into a washing tub, pronto. In all of these things, these are not the marks of some millennial suicide cult, or the popular image fostered in us by the media of militias made of up odd people fearing black helicopters and UN soldiers in their neighborhoods (which, as far as I can tell is a gross caricature at best), but of the natural prudence human beings once had and, at least in American culture, have lost due to our over-reliance on technology. In the past people stored up for hard times because it was a reality. The experience of the depression shows us that rural America, scorned by the urban elite, managed, whereas stockbrokers faced with ruin jumped from windows.

The practical solution does not require that you go out and spend your life's savings on survival foods. If you are going to purchase "kits" and the like, be sure to do your research. Be aware of the foods your family eats and what you will need over a long period. More importantly, many people say, food is perishable. They can't sit on it forever. What if there isn’t a crisis and I have all this food stored up? You can use these types of goods in your normal cooking and replenish them as needed. It is like the philosophy of emptying your wallet of the last few dollars to keep your gas tank full rather than keeping it just above empty. If something happens to you at least you have a full tank, whereas in the latter case you have an empty tank. Should things get tight, you will have an asset for barter and trade worth infinitely more than random stocks from Wal-Mart or Microsoft, which will be worth nothing if the stock market goes belly up. You can eat food. I'm not so sure on the digestible nature of stocks. This goes far beyond issues of Distributism, Socialism and Capitalism. Rather, it points to the very nature of survival, of reaping and storing into barns to be prepared for later—which was (and in many parts of the world still is) a natural function of families—rather than blind trusting in Big Business or Big Government. We need only look at Soviet Russia.[note]See Dimitri Orlov's analysis on the fall of the Soviet Union and the US here, and here.[/note]

Most Russians, whether good, bad or otherwise, knew the government would not provide for them (if from nothing other than experience) and had the best reserves they could procure in spite of the system. When Communism collapsed, they had the means to continue and establish a parallel economy. You can invest in gold and silver all you want, but in the end, you can neither eat them nor drink them, and are dependent upon the hope that some economy will develop where trade in these assets will become a reality, which may or may not be the case. In any case you can depend upon “bare necessities.” You can most certainly eat, use and trade the things I mentioned above. We are probably not looking at the end of the world, and even if we were that would not address what I'm talking about here. We may, on the other hand, be looking at radical changes in our civilization, and even if that turns out not to be the case, at least we will have been prepared, and what we will be prepared with will be useful in securing our future.

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  Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2021 with 43 Million Killed
Posted by: Stone - 01-02-2022, 08:44 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2021 with 43 Million Killed

Breitbart | 31 Dec 20210

Abortion was the leading cause of death globally in 2021, with nearly 43 million unborn babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.

As of noon on December 31, 2021, there were 42.6 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS, 1.3 million from traffic fatalities, and 1 million from suicide.

Totaling all the deaths in the world from causes other than abortion reveals a figure of 58.7 million, meaning that abortions accounted for just over 42 percent of all human deaths in 2021.

By comparison, worldwide deaths from coronavirus in 2021 totaled around 3.5 million, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Worldometer — voted one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA) — keeps a running tally through the year of major world statistics, including population, births, deaths, automobiles produced, books published, and CO2 emissions.

It also registers the total number of abortions performed worldwide, based on the latest statistics on abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

[Image: Abortions-2021.jpg]

Globally, there were more deaths from abortion in 2021 than all deaths from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined, according to Worldometer statistics.

The startling number of deaths from abortion, in fact, has led certain observers to call abortion “the social justice cause of our time,” since the sheer magnitude of the problem completely overshadows other human rights issues.

On December 28, Christians around the world celebrated the Feast of the Holy Innocents, commemorating the slaughter of all male children in Israel under the age of two by order of King Herod in an effort to kill the newborn Christ child. Pope Francis has compared Herod’s massacre of the Innocents to the modern practice of killing babies through abortion.

The 49th annual March for Life in the United States will take place in Washington, D.C., on January 21, 2022, with the theme “Equality Begins in the Womb.”

“The pro-life movement recognizes the immense responsibility this nation bears to restore equal rights to its most defenseless citizens in the womb,” March for Life president Jeanne Mancini said at a press conference in October.

The stated purpose of the march is to end abortion by “uniting, educating, and mobilizing pro-life people in the public square.”

The annual march commemorates the infamous January 22, 1973, Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade which, together with the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey, nullifed 50 state laws and made abortion legal and available on demand throughout the United States.

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  Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine: Please pray for Karen VanderPutten
Posted by: Stone - 01-01-2022, 02:43 PM - Forum: Appeals for Prayer - No Replies

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginal...f=1&nofb=1]

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

In your charity, please pray for the soul of Karen (Bobka) VanderPutten who passed away on December 29th from cancer at age 60.

A few words from her obituary:

Quote:Karen (Bobka) VanderPutten, 60, passed to her reward, surrounded by her family on Thursday, December 29, 2021 shortly after praying the Rosary and Litany to St. Joseph.

Karen offered her long, intense suffering during her illness for you all and no one was left out, she included the whole world, from the poor lost sinners who had no one to pray for them, to the suffering Church throughout the world.  She hid her pain behind her smile so only the closest to her knew the magnitude of her suffering. Please pray for her.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.  Amen.

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The De Profundis  - Psalm 129

Out of the depths I have cried unto Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, shalt mark our iniquities: O Lord, who can abide it?
For with Thee there is mercy: and by reason of Thy law I have waited on Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath waited on His word: my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even unto night: let Israel hope in the Lord.
For with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him is plenteous redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon her.

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