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  UN Unveils a Statue at its NYC Headquarters that Resembles the Beast from the Apocalypse
Posted by: Stone - 12-10-2021, 09:21 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

PURE EVIL: The United Nations Unveils a Statue at its NYC Headquarters that Resembles the Beast from the Book of Revelation

[Image: UN-Beast-Sculpture.jpg]

GP| December 9, 2021

The United Nations just unveiled a statue of a beast outside its headquarters in New York City.  The statue is bizarre and resembles the beast from the book of Revelation.

The Most Important News reports:

Quote:One of the strangest statues that I have ever seen in my entire life has just been set up right outside UN Headquarters in New York City.  When I first heard about this, I could hardly believe that the global elite would be so brazen, and so I checked into this very carefully.  Unfortunately, this is not just a bad rumor.  This absolutely gigantic statue is called “The Guardian of International Peace and Security”, and it looks like something out of a science fiction movie.  It does not resemble any known creature on this planet.  Instead, it appears to very closely resemble a “beast” that is described in the Book of Revelation.  If you have not seen it yet, you can see video footage of this “beast” right here.  Did they really think that they could put this up without anyone noticing?

The Most Important News continues:

Quote:Of course when Christians see this monstrosity, they are immediately going to think of the “beast” that is described in Revelation chapter 13…

Edited to Douay Rheims: [2] And the beast, which I saw, was like to a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength, and great power.

Jaguars and leopards have builds that are at least somewhat similar, and so I guess one could make an argument that the body of the statue resembles either one.

As for the feet, they do seem to resemble those of a bear, and it is noteworthy that the feet are a totally different color from the rest of the body.

The UN tweeted a picture of the beast.

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  Calvary and the Mass [1936] by Bishop Fulton Sheen
Posted by: Stone - 12-09-2021, 12:16 PM - Forum: Articles by Catholic authors - Replies (7)

Calvary and the Mass: A Missal Companion
by Fulton J. Sheen
1936 by P.J. Kenedy & Sons, New York, US.

Quote:Excerpt from the Angelus Press:

Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.

In this 1936 work, then Msgr. Sheen takes Our Lord's seven last words from the Cross and correlates them to appropriate parts of the Mass - the sacramental representation of that same sacrifice. A fascinating book that will give you a new perspective on the Mass:

1)The Confiteor: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
2) The Offertory: Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise.
3) The Sanctus: Woman, behold thy Son...Behold thy mother.
4) The Consecration: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me!
5) The Communion: I thirst.
6) Ite, Missa Est: It is finished.
7) The Last Gospel: Father, into Thy hands I commend my Spirit.

Bishop Sheen says, "Hence the Mass is to us the crowning act of Christian worship. A pulpit in which the words of our Lord are repeated does not unite us to Him; a choir in which sweet sentiments are sung brings us no closer to His Cross than to His garments. A temple without an altar of sacrifice is non-existent among primitive peoples, and is meaningless among Christians. And so in the Catholic Church the altar, and not the pulpit or the choir or the organ, is the center of worship, for there is re - enacted the memorial of His Passion." (from the Prologue).


THERE are certain things in life which are too beautiful to be forgotten, such as the love of a mother. Hence we treasure her picture. The love of soldiers who sacrificed themselves for their country is likewise too beautiful to be forgotten, hence we revere their memory on Memorial Day. But the greatest blessing which ever came to this earth was the visitation of the Son of God in the form and habit of man. His life, above all lives, is too beautiful to be forgotten, hence we treasure the divinity of His Words in Sacred Scripture, and the charity of His Deeds in our daily actions. Unfortunately this is all some souls remember, namely His Words and His Deeds; important as these are, they are not the greatest characteristic of the Divine Saviour.

The most sublime act in the history of Christ was His Death. Death is always important for it seals a destiny. Any dying man is a scene. Any dying scene is a sacred place. That is why the great literature of the past which has touched on the emotions surrounding death has never passed out of date. But of all deaths in the record of man, none was more important than the Death of Christ. Everyone else who was ever born into the world, came into it to live; our Lord came into it to die. Death was a stumbling block to the life of Socrates, but it was the crown to the life of Christ. He Himself told us that He came “to give his life a redemption for many”; that no one could take away His Life; but He would lay it down of Himself.

If then Death was the supreme moment for which Christ lived, it was therefore the one thing He wished to have remembered. He did not ask that men should write down His Words into a Scripture; He did not ask that His kindness to the poor should be recorded in history; but He did ask that men remember His Death. And in order that its memory might not be any haphazard narrative on the part of men, He Himself instituted the precise way it should be recalled.

The memorial was instituted the night before He died, at what has since been called “The Last Supper.” Taking bread into His Hands, He said: “This is my body, which shall be delivered for you,” i.e., delivered unto death. Then over the chalice of wine, He said, “This is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins.” Thus in an unbloody symbol of the parting of the Blood from the Body, by the separate consecration of Bread and Wine, did Christ pledge Himself to death in the sight of God and men, and represent His death which was to come the next afternoon at three.1 He was offering Himself as a Victim to be immolated, and that men might never forget that “greater love than this no man hash, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” He gave the divine command to the Church: “Do this for a commemoration of me.”

The following day that which He had prefigured and foreshadowed, He realized in its completeness, as He was crucified between two thieves and His Blood drained from His Body for the redemption of the world.

The Church which Christ founded has not only preserved the Word He spoke, and the wonders He wrought; it has also taken Him seriously when He said: “Do this for a commemoration of me.” And that action whereby we re-enact His Death on the Cross is the Sacrifice of the Mass, in which we do as a memorial what He did at the Last Supper as the prefiguration of His Passion.2

Hence the Mass is to us the crowning act of Christian worship. A pulpit in which the words of our Lord are repeated does not unite us to Him; a choir in which sweet sentiments are sung brings us no closer to His Cross than to His garments. A temple without an altar of sacrifice is non-existent among primitive peoples, and is meaningless among Christians. And so in the Catholic Church the altar, and not the pulpit or the choir or the organ, is the center of worship, for there is re-enacted the memorial of His Passion. Its value does not depend on him who says it, or on him who hears it; it depends on Him who is the One High Priest and Victim, Jesus Christ our Lord. With Him we are united, in spite of our nothingness; in a certain sense, we lose our individuality for the time being; we unite our intellect and our will, our heart and our soul, our body and our blood, so intimately with Christ, that the Heavenly Father sees not so much us with our imperfection, but rather sees us in Him, the Beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. The Mass is for that reason the greatest event in the history of mankind; the only Holy Act which keeps the wrath of God from a sinful world, because it holds the Cross between heaven and earth, thus renewing that decisive moment when our sad and tragic humanity journeyed suddenly forth to the fullness of supernatural life.

What is important at this point is that we take the proper mental attitude toward the Mass, and remember this important fact, that the Sacrifice of the Cross is not something which happened nineteen hundred years ago. It is still happening. It is not something past like the signing of the Declaration of Independence; it is an abiding drama on which the curtain has not yet rung down. Let it not be believed that it happened a long time ago, and therefore no more concerns us than anything else in the past. Calvary belongs to all times and to all places. That is why, when our Blessed Lord ascended the heights of Calvary, He was fittingly stripped of His garments: He would save the world without the trappings of a passing world. His garments belonged to time, for they localized Him, and fixed Him as a dweller in Galilee. Now that He was shorn of them and utterly dispossessed of earthly things, He belonged not to Galilee, not to a Roman province, but to the world. He became the universal poor man of the world, belonging to no one people, but to all men.

To express further the universality of the Redemption, the cross was erected at the crossroads of civilization, at a central point between the three great cultures of Jerusalem, Rome, and Athens, in whose names He was crucified. The cross was thus placarded before the eyes of men, to arrest the careless, to appeal to the thoughtless, to arouse the worldly. It was the one inescapable fact that the cultures and civilizations of His day could not resist. It is also the one inescapable fact of our day which we cannot resist.

The figures at the Cross were symbols of all who crucify. We were there in our representatives. What we are doing now to the Mystical Christ, they were doing in our names to the historical Christ. If we are envious of the good, we were there in the Scribes and Pharisees. If we are fearful of losing some temporal advantage by embracing Divine Truth and Love, we were there in Pilate. If we trust in material forces and seek to conquer through the world instead of through the spirit, we were there in Herod. And so the story goes on for the typical sins of the world. They all blind us to the fact that He is God. There was therefore a kind of inevitability about the Crucifixion. Men who were free to sin were also free to crucify.

As long as there is sin in the world the Crucifixion is a reality. As the poet has put it:

“I saw the son of man go by, Crowned with a crown of thorns. ‘Was it not finished Lord,’ said I, ‘And all the anguish borne?’

“He turned on me His awful eyes; ‘Hast Thou not understood? So every soul is a Calvary And every sin a rood.’”

We were there then during that Crucifixion. The drama was already completed

as far as the vision of Christ was concerned, but it had not yet been unfolded to all men and all places and all times. If a motion picture reel, for example, were conscious of itself, it would know the drama from beginning to end, but the spectators in the theater would not know it until they had seen it unrolled upon the screen. In like manner, our Lord on the Cross saw His eternal mind, the whole drama of history, the story of each individual soul, and how later on it would react to His Crucifixion; but though He saw all, we could not know how we would react to the Cross until we were unrolled upon the screen of time. We were not conscious of being present there on Calvary that day, but He was conscious of our presence. Today we know the role we played in the theater of Calvary, by the way we live and act now in the theater of the twentieth century.

That is why Calvary is actual; why the Cross is the Crisis; why in a certain sense the scars are still open; why Pain still stands deified, and why blood like falling stars is still dropping upon our souls. There is no escaping the Cross not even by denying it as the Pharisees did; not even by selling Christ as Judas did; not even by crucifying Him as the executioners did. We all see it, either to embrace it in salvation, or to fly from it into misery.

But how is it made visible? Where shall we find Calvary perpetuated? We shall find Calvary renewed, re-enacted, re- presented, as we have seen, in the Mass. Calvary is one with the Mass, and the Mass is one with Calvary, for in both there is the same Priest and Victim. The Seven Last Words are like the seven parts of the Mass. And just as there are seven notes in music admitting an infinite variety of harmonies and combinations, so too on the Cross there are seven divine notes, which the dying Christ rang down the centuries, all of which combine to form the beautiful harmony of the world’s redemption.

Each word is a part of the Mass. The First Word, “Forgive,” is the Confiteor; the Second Word, “This Day in Paradise,” is the Offertory; the Third Word, “Behold Thy Mother,” is the Sanctus; the Fourth Word, “Why hast Thou abandoned Me,” is the Consecration; the Fifth Word, “I thirst,” is the Communion; the Sixth Word, “It is finished,” is the Ite, Missa Est; the Seventh Word, “Father, into Thy Hands,” is the Last Gospel.

Picture then the High Priest Christ leaving the sacristy of heaven for the altar of Calvary. He has already put on the vestment of our human nature, the maniple of our suffering, the stole of priesthood, the chasuble of the Cross. Calvary is his cathedral; the rock of Calvary is the altar stone; the sun turning to red is the sanctuary lamp; Mary and John are the living side altars; the Host is His Body; the wine is His Blood. He is upright as Priest, yet He is prostrate as Victim. His Mass is about to begin.

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  Four Discourses by St. John Chrysostom
Posted by: Stone - 12-09-2021, 11:51 AM - Forum: Doctors of the Church - Replies (4)



[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fprodimage.images-bn.com%...f=1&nofb=1]


OF the Christian Fathers, none have gained such fame, and few have left remains so voluminous as Chrysostom. In the melancholy narrative of Gibbon, two Christian champions are presented as men of real power and vigour of mind. The historian pauses to detail their acts and estimate their influence, but his admiration seems rather spontaneously and involuntarily shown, than formally expressed. These two men are Athanasius and John Chrysostom. The one is the man of unyielding polemical skill, of undaunted courage and astounding energy. The latter possesses in a remarkable degree, that which the former lacked or repressed, imaginative genius. As an orator, Chrysostom must have been as pre-eminent as Athanasius was as a polemical champion. “They [the critics of succeeding times] unanimously attribute to the Christian orator the free command of an elegant and copious language, the judgment to conceal the advantages which he derived from the knowledge of rhetoric and philosophy, an inexhaustible fund of metaphors and similitudes, of ideas and images to vary and illustrate the most familiar topics, the happy art of engaging the passions in the service of virtue, and of exposing the folly as well as the turpitude of vice, almost with the truth and spirit of a dramatic representation.” As a writer, too, the same historian, though speaking of the Letters only, which are of far less value than his Essays and Commentaries, (speaking of his last days in exile) says, “The respectful attention of the Christian world was fixed on a desert spot among the mountains of Taurus. From that solitude the Archbishop, whose active mind was invigorated by misfortunes, maintained a strict and frequent correspondence with the most distant provinces.” And, in a footnote, “Two hundred and forty two of the epistles of Chrysostom are still extant. They are addressed to a variety of persons, and show a firmness of mind much superior to that of Cicero in his exile.”

The orator must always fail to leave any worthy memorial of his genius. As might have been expected, the best remains of Chrysostom are those of his works which were not orally delivered, or which may be supposed to have been at least committed to writing by himself. The Sermons must of necessity be inadequately represented. And since the genius of Chrysostom worked chiefly by these oral discourses, it follows that his remains are weakest in that point in which the man himself was strongest. There are, however, traces even in the Sermons of the power that originated them.

The name of scarcely any other writer of antiquity has, after his death, been attached to so many spurious compositions as this great name. The Benedictine editor (Montfaucon) appends some of these. The reason for their rejection is usually founded, not on external evidence, but on the inferiority of the matter contained in them, (Multa peregrinitatem olent. Peregrinitatis notas deprehendimus, &c.) Writings by hands more able, but not more scrupulous, may have retained the borrowed name by means of their vigour.

There are, however, as has been remarked, many traces, even in the oral Discourses, of their original power. Those now submitted to the reader contain many things which the translator ventures to hope may be deemed worth attention or even remembering. The series in the Paris edition consists of seven Discourses. Of these, the first four only are here translated. The fifth is an integral part of the series, but contains different subjects, the parable having been completed in the fourth. The sixth and seventh, though partly on the parable, were delivered at another period, and repeat in some degree the earlier ones.

It would not be difficult to call up in imagination the crowded cathedral at Antioch, with the audience in rapt attention to the already most famous orator of the time, and the voice and manner of a man absolutely on fire with emotion. The “Send Lazarus,” (Πέμψον Λάζαρον,) repeated after measured intervals of thundering denunciation, would pierce the ear like a real cry of despair; or would seem like the monotonous recurring toll at the execution of some criminal.

No attempt can be made here to estimate worthily the character of Chrysostom, or to give an account of his life and times. It should, however, be suggested that he was an Oriental. Consideration should be taken of the state of society in his day, and of the open and vigorous and mutual hostility of Christians, Jews, and Pagans, in immediate juxtaposition in a magnificent city like Antioch or Constantinople. Allusions occur in these Discourses to customs belonging to the past. In Discourses ii. and iv. (pp. 45 and 93) it is implied that a criminal tried for capital offences was not permitted to see his judge. Poverty then was dependent absolutely on direct charity. This fact (and the well-known customs of the East about stranger guests) adds force to the remarks about hospitality in Discourse ii.

Applause in religious assemblies was then commonly and loudly uttered. In his Sermons on Genesis (see No. vii.) this custom is alluded to: “Yesterday ye shouted aloud and testified your pleasure,” (χθὲς μέγα ἀνακεκράγετε, δηλοῦντες τὴν ἡδονήν.) In the second of these Discourses, (3,) the silence of the assembly is remarked upon as unusual.

Chrysostom was himself strongly imbued with the ascetic notions of his age, and with the prevalent ideas about the superior sanctity of unmarried life.

He lived before the prominent development of the doctrine of Justification by Faith. Though speaking freely about the benefit of good works, he, nevertheless, manifests the Christian inner consciousness of the inefficacy of these or of mere penitence as a means of salvation. “If thou art grieved and humbly penitent, thy penitence is in a manner accompanied by salvation, (ἔχει τινὰ σωτηρίαν,)—not through the essential nature of penitence, but through the kindness of the Lord.” (Discourse vi. in the Paris edition.)

These considerations may be useful in estimating the extant works of Chrysostom. It is believed that the Discourses now translated have not hitherto been rendered into English. Our countryman Savile, in the beginning of the 17th century, published a splendid edition of the complete works of Chrysostom, in Greek. His notes (in Latin) are declared by Montfaucon to be of those then written the best. The able translation in the “Library of the Fathers” gives other works of Chrysostom. The fact, however, that those volumes form part of a large series renders the diffusion of even those of Chrysostom’s writings less extensive than might otherwise be.

It is hoped that this separate publication of another work of Chrysostom may increase the tendency now existing to read more generally the remains of Christian Antiquity, and the writings of the great instructors of the Church, of which Christ is the Head.

Μεθʼ οὖ τῷ Πατρὶ ἅμα τῷ ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι, δόξα, τιμὴ, κράτος, νῦν καὶ ἀὲι, καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

F. A.

DERBY, November 1868.

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  Prophecies of Bl. Elizabeth Canori Mora (1774-1825)
Posted by: Stone - 12-09-2021, 10:25 AM - Forum: Catholic Prophecy - Replies (1)

Bl. Elisabetta Canori Mora (1774-1825)
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmelanierigney.com%2Fblog...f=1&nofb=1]

BL. ELISABETTA CANORI MORA (1774-1825) was born in Rome on 21 November 1774 to the aristocrats Tommaso Canori and Teresa Primoli as one of twelve children; six of these children died as infants. One sister was Benedetta. She was baptized on 22 November in the names of Maria Elisabetta Cecilia Gertrude.

Her parents first entrusted her to the religious at the convent of Santa Euphemia for her initial studies and the Superioress Gertrude Riggoli discovered her keen gifts and wanted her there as a full-time student. Bl. Elisabetta Mora received her Confirmation in Saint Peter's Basilica on 5 July 1782 and Sister Riggoli was her godmother. Her father withdrew her from the Santa Euphemia convent due to their poverty and soon after sought help from his brother in Spoleto when their fortunes began to dwindle. Her uncle helped and assumed the care of her and her sister Benedetta and entrusted them to a convent for education. The Augustinian Sisters from Casica oversaw her education from 1785 until 1788. During her education she became noted for her intelligence and her interior spirit of penance.

Bl. Elisabetta married the solicitor Cristoforo Mora on 10 January 1796 in the church of Santa Maria in Campo Corleo and the couple went on to have a total of four children. The first two children died within the week of their births with two surviving daughters Marianne (b. 1799) and Luciana (b. 5 July 1801) left; Marianna later married and had a single child while Lucina became a nun in 1795. Her father-in-law was the doctor Francesco Mora. Her husband proved unfaithful and sometimes violent and reduced the Mora's to a state of want to his abrasive nature. Her husband was also jealous and controlling and he became suspicious of his wife's ties to her parents - this led to him becoming cold and indifferent to her. Cristoforo in the beginning liked to parade her around and guard her like a treasure and called her his "pearl of great price" though as the marriage deteriorated took up a mistress. Her confessor and spiritual director before 1807 was the Jesuit priest Giovanni Giacomo Pegna.

On 15 August 1801 she fell ill with severe colic despite the attempts of her father-in-law to treat her and she almost died from this but was cured; there was no medical explanation for her cure and she deemed it to be a miracle. Her illness caused her to sell her jewels and her wedding dress to make up for the medical bills. Bl. Elisabetta Mora became a member of the Secular Trinitarians in 1807 and her fame spread throughout Rome at a rapid pace. The Trinitarian priest Fernando de San Luis became her spiritual director in 1807 had introduced her to the order before she joined it. Bl. Elisabetta Mora predicted that her husband would soon repent to the faith and become devout.

Her husband had reduced them to poverty to the point that he had stolen a considerable sum from his father who found out and suffered an apoplectic stroke - he was cured due to Bl. Elisabetta Mora turning to God for His divine intercession. Her sisters-in-law grew concerned for her as did her mother-in-law, and Cristoforo's sisters went to the Roman authorities for the Papal States to have them reprimand him for his vile mannerisms. The Cardinal Vicar of Rome received him at the convent of Santi Giovanni e Paolo and this enraged Cristoforo when he learnt his sisters were behind it and his wife knew of it. Cristoforo became so enraged with his wife that he pulled out a knife and lunged at her but did not strike her so instead fell to his knees and begged for her pardon in a sudden and unexpected moment of fear.

Her Mystical Experiences

Mora recorded all her spiritual experiences at her confessor's request and this ended up spanning countless notebooks. She saw the Our Lady on 7 September 1803 with a dove and this caused her to faint though she later awoke and saw a flame where her heart was. On March 22, 1814 she turned her mind in reflection to Pope Pius VII and had a sudden vision in which she saw the pontiff in the midst of a pack of "wolves". On 16 January 1815 she had a vision in which she saw angels and on 29 June 1820 saw Saint Peter descend from heaven in papal vestments with a legion of angels behind him. On October 19, 1816 she went to receive Communion and a voice said that God would speak with her on October 23, at midnight - on that date the Madonna appeared with the Infant Jesus and beckoned her to come to them. Bl. Elisabetta Mora approached them and the Infant Jesus placed a ring on her finger. She had an intense devotion to the Eucharist and once saw Saint Felix of Valois and Saint John of Matha appear to her with the Host. It was also said that Bl. Elisabetta Mora cured the epileptic Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti - the future Pope Pius IX - before the latter became a priest. This is lesser known for the future pope credited this to Pius VII when the pair met. In 1820 she was vested in the Trinitarian habit and assumed the name of "Jane Felica della Santissima Trinità". When she learnt that Pius VII would return from his French exile she - in great happiness - asked God to grant the pope safe passage through to Rome. On 29 September 1809 she saw the St. Michael with a legion of angels.

Bl. Elisabetta Mora had an intense devotion for Saint Ignatius and called him both her "father" and her "protector". She was a friend of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, who was also gifted with visions and prophecy. On 17 June 1814 Bl. Elisabetta Mora returned from church and had a vision in which she saw the late Pope Pius VI who told her that he was in Purgatory for negligences committed in his pontificate. She hurried to tell his confessor who requested her to go five times to the tomb of Pope Pius V and to the tomb of Saint Pudentiana at the church of Santa Pudenziana. God later appeared to Mora and confirmed that Pius VI had been assumed into heaven.

In late December 1824 she became ill - the death of her mother-in-law on 12 December exacerbated this - and she summoned her daughters to her when she felt that her death was near. At 7:00 pm she called Lucina to her and requested that she take all of her writings and to give them to her confessor; she confided that she wanted to burn them but would have them given to her confessor out of obedience. Bl. Mora died during the evening on 5 February 1825 while her two daughters were caring for her. Her husband Cristoforo arrived too late at her deathbed and wept when he saw her dead in the bed; it was there that he repented and felt great shame for his conduct during their marriage. Her prediction came to fruition for her husband joined the Trinitarian Order and later became an ordained priest - in the name of "Antonio" - of the Conventual Franciscans in Sezze and died there on 9 September 1845 (he was ordained in 1834). Her remains were interred in the San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane church in Rome. Her nun daughter became the Superioress of the Oblate Nuns of Saint Philip Neri in Rome as "Maria Josephina" while her nephew Romualdo Canori was a professed brother and the then Vicar-General of the De La Salle Brothers.

The beatification process commenced in Rome in an informative process that opened on 6 September 1864 and later concluded not too long after in July 1867. The formal introduction to the cause came under Pope Pius IX on 26 February 1874 who titled her as a Servant of God while Pope Pius XI later confirmed her heroic virtue and named her as Venerable on 26 February 1928. Pope John Paul II later beatified her on 24 April 1994 at Saint Peter's Square.

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Her Visions of the Future Chastisement due to the Corruption of the Church – Compacts will be made against the Church - Hell will be Let Loose to Destroy the Evil Ones ( Satan's Century?) - There will be places of shelter for faithful Catholics, St. Peter will choose the new pope (Angelic Pontiff?) after the great devastation of the Church and the earth and the Church will be renewed – all shall convert to the Catholic Church – the Triumph of the Church (Age of Peace).

“On the Feast of St. Peter, 29th of June, 1820, whilst I was praying for the wants of the Church and the conversion of sinners, amongst whom I am the first, I was ravished in spirit, and drawn very near to God. Through an infinite light I was so intimately united to him that I lost all sentiments of myself The sweet impressions of the love of God replenished me with an inexpressible joy and satisfaction. My soul, however, remained calm in these tokens of Divine kindness. Then it seemed to me to behold the heavens opening, and St. Peter, prince of the Apostles, coming down, surrounded with great glory and by a numerous escort of heavenly spirits, singing canticles. St. Peter was dressed in his pontifical robes, and held in his right hand the pastoral staff, with which he used to draw upon the earth an immense cross: at the same time the angels sang these words of the Psalmist, “Constitues eos principes super omnem terram” — You will constitute them princes over the whole earth.

“After this the holy Apostle touched with his staff the four extremities of the cross, from which instantly sprung up four beautiful trees loaded with blossoms and fruits. These mysterious trees had the form of a cross, and were surrounded by a splendid light. Then I comprehended in the depth of my soul that St. Peter had produced these four symbolic trees to the end that they may serve as a place of refuge to the little flocks of the faithful friends of Jesus Christ, and in order to preserve them from the fearful punishment which shall convulse the whole earth. All good Christians shallthen be protected under these trees, together with all those religious persons who shall have faithfully preserved in their hearts the spirit of their order. I say the same thing in relation to the secular clergy and to all other persons of every class who shall have kept in their heart the Catholic faith, they shall all be protected.

But woe, to those religious who do not observe their rule! Thrice unhappy they! For they shall all be struck by that terrible punishment. I say the same to all secular clergy, and to all classes of people in the world who give themselves to a life of pleasure, and who follow the false maxims of modern ideas, which are opposed to the holy precepts of the gospel. These wretched people, who through their scandalous conduct deny the faith of Jesus Christ, shall perish under the weight of the indignant arm of God’s justice.  Not one of them shall be able to escape the punishment.

I beheld those good Christians, who had sought a refuge under those mysterious trees, in the form of beautiful lambs confided to the care and vigilance of St. Peter, their good shepherd, testifying to him the most humble and most respectful obedience. As soon as St Peter, the prince of the Apostles, had gathered the flock of Jesus in a place of safety, he reascended into heaven, accompanied by legions of angels. Scarcely had they disappeared, when the sky was covered with clouds so dense and dismal that it was impossible to look at them without dismay. On a sudden there burst out such a terrible and violent wind, that its noise seemed like the roars of furious lions. The sound of the dreadful hurricane was heard over the whole earth. Fear and terror struck not only men, but the very beasts. (NOTE: this freakish storm as the first major warning has been predicted by other mystics).

“All men shall rise one against the other, and they shall kill one another without pity. (i.e great wars / genocides, revolutions) During this sanguinary conflict the avenging arm of God will strike the wicked, and in his mighty power he will punish their pride and presumption. God will employ the powers of hell for the extermination of these impious and heretical persons who desire to overthrow the Church and destroy it to its very foundation. These presumptuous men in their mad impiety believe that they can overthrow God from his throne; but the Lord will despise their artifices, and through an effect of his almighty hand he will punish these impious blasphemers by giving permission to the infernal spirits to come out from hell. Innumerable legions of demons shall overrun the earth, and shall execute the orders of Divine justice by causing terrible calamities and disasters; they shall attack everything; they shall injure individual persons and entire families; they shall devastate property and alimentary productions, cities and villages. Nothing on earth shall be spared. God will allow the demons to strike with death those impious men, because they gave themselves up to the infernal powers, and had formed with them a compact against the Catholic Church.”

(NOTE the words -- 'infernal powers that formed with them a COMPACT against the Catholic Church', there will be a veritable effort to destroy the Church to where a pact, treaty or contract will be made.  Sounds very much like Marie-Julie Jahenny's prophecies of a conspiracy to start the revolts in France and the world to destroy the Church, and, evil people will make compacts with the devil.  Freemasons will be a huge part of it according to what is revealed in the Marie-Julie Jahenny's visions.) 

Back to Bl. Elisabetta Mora:  "Being desirous of more fully penetrating my spirit with a deeper sentiment of his divine justice, God showed to me the awful abyss; I saw in the bowels of the earth a dark and frightful cavern, whence an infinite number of demons were issuing forth, who under the form of men and beasts came to ravage the world, leaving everywhere ruins and blood. Happy will be all true and good Catholics ! They shall experience the powerful protection of the holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, who will watch over them lest they may be injured either in their persons or their property. Those evil spirits shall plunder every place where God has been outraged, despised, and blasphemed; the edifices they profaned will be pulled down and destroyed, and nothing but ruins shall remain of them.

“After this frightful punishment I saw the heavens opening, and St. Peter coming down again upon earth; he was vested in his pontifical robes, and surrounded by a great number of angels, who were chanting hymns in his honor, and they proclaimed him as sovereign of the earth. I saw also St. Paul descending upon the earth. By God’s command, he traversed the earth and unchained the demons, whom he brought before St. Peter, who commanded them to return into hell, whence they had come.

“Then a great light appeared upon the earth, which was the sign of the reconciliation of God with man. The angels conducted before the throne of the prince of the Apostles the small flock that had remained faithful to Jesus Christ. These good and zealous Christians testified to him the most profound respect, praising God and thanking the Apostles for having delivered them from the common destruction, and for having protected the Church of Jesus Christ by not permitting her to be infected with the false maxims of the world. St. Peter then chose the new pope. The Church was again organized; religious orders were reestablished; the private families of ordinary Christians, through their great fervor and zeal for the glory of God, became like the most exemplary religious communities. Such is the glorious triumph reserved for the Catholic Church; she shall be praised, honored, and esteemed by all men. All men shall become Catholics, and shall acknowledge the Pope as Vicar of Jesus. Christ. Amen.”

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  Prophetic Apparitions of Our Lady at Heede, Germany
Posted by: Stone - 12-09-2021, 09:44 AM - Forum: Catholic Prophecy - No Replies

APPARITIONS OF HEEDE, Germany (1937- 1945)
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-_tt...f=1&nofb=1]

APPROVED for 'FAITH EXPRESSION' by the local bishop – formal approval still pending but events are recognised as SUPERNATURAL. (Indicates Heede is still favourably viewed by the Church and we are permitted to spread the messages.)

Nov. 1, 1937

In Heede, which is the north west of Germany in Lower Saxony, four young girls went to church for the feast of All Saints in 1937 - Anna Schulte, Greta Gauseforth (11) (1926 - d.1996) and Margaret Gauseforth (13) and Susanna Bruns (d.1994).

The two sisters, Greta and Margaret, were surprised when they saw in the church-yard cemetery a "floating light" about 100 feet away from them and a meter from the ground, which then began to form into a woman's shape – it was a beautiful Lady holding the Christ Child and they both wore beautiful crowns.

Frightened, they entered the church and reported that The Blessed Virgin had appeared to them with the Divine child in her arms. Anna Schulte was curious and went to explore, but apparently didn't find anything and went back in to Mass, for it was after Mass when they all went back to look to find the Lady and Child. This time accompanying Greta, Maria and Anna, were Adele Bruns (15), and Anna's sister, Susanna Bruns.

Margaret suddenly exclaimed: “It's there – between the two cypresses!”

The apparition remained silent, also, Adele couldn't see it, so she impatiently wanted to go back home. However, Margaret and Grete told their mother who immediately alerted Fr. Staelberg, the parish priest.

The news was received in village with predictable scepticism and amusement. It wasn’t until the girls had shown a dramatic change in their way of life that villagers began to wonder. The girls switched from pleasures and amusements to long and fervent prayer, impatiently waiting for the hour when they would see the Heavenly Vision again.

Nov 2, 1937 – at the same time the Lady appeared again, this time without the Baby, and she remained silent, but had her hands clasped in prayer.

Nov. 5, 1936 – this time Our Lady brought the Baby, and, she asked the girls questions. The Virgin Mary stood on a white cloud with a luminous halo “about 30-40 cm surrounding her.” Her age seemed to be 18 or 19. She wore a golden crown, richly worked … a long white dress fitted at the waist by a cord … a non-transparent white veil falls on each side, doing some folds, and hides her hair … On her left hand, covered by the veil, sits the Christ Child. She raises her arm.”

Nov. 7, 1937 – By this time the villagers were no longer sceptical about the visions and close to 5,000 came to the next apparition. This time, several priests saw the apparitions.

Nov. 8, 1937 - More than 7,000 returned to the site the next day on November 8. But the civil authorities forbade Father Staelberg from accompanying the girls. Another priest was present that day from Herkenhoff and reported these details:

“Suddenly, the (four) girls fell to their knees, all together, without one or another making a signal to her companions … They posed several questions to the apparition. After a quarter of an hour – during which they continued to be constantly stiff, eyes fixed on a precise point – their questions seemed unanswered, even when they spoke. When Greta was alongside me later, she told me that she had wondered how the Mother of God feels. The response she received was a sad countenance. Greta said, ‘The Mother of God was very sad and very bright.’”

There were an estimated 100 visits by Our Lady to these four girls in Heede. Here are some highlights:

April 5, 1939: Margaret was alone for this apparition.

“I saw the Mother of God directly in front of me, standing two feet away, and asked her how she would like to be invoked.”

She replied, “as Queen of the Universe and Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory.”

When asked what prayer she would like to honour her, she indicated the “Litany of Laurentanas.” (i.e the Litany of Loreto).

May 12, 1939: Greta asked, “Will we have diseases?”

Our Lady: “Not yet.

Then Greta asked, “Can we come here every day?”

Our Lady: “Yes.”

But then the number of occurrences decreased.

Many were fearful of visiting Heede because Hitler ruled Germany with an iron fist and forbade participation in this “superstitious nonsense.” The Gestapo forcefully took the children to an insane asylum and strictly forbade the pilgrimages to Heede.

After one month, the children were released but disregarded the orders of the Gestapo and resumed their visits to the place of the apparitions. The Queen of Heaven continued her appearances in secret locations.

Greta Ganseforth received the stigmata in 1939.

On October 19, 1940, Our Lady gave the four girls a “secret” intended for the Pope.

Our Lady then warned them, “Do not say anything to anyone other than the Holy Pope of Rome.”

The message was placed in a sealed envelope that was carried by Bishop Berning to Pope Pius XII.

The Virgin also showed them visions of future catastrophes and warned them that a horrifying event described as a “Minor Judgment” was in store for the future. 

Our Lady: “The world will have to drink the dregs of the chalice of Divine wrath for their innumerable sins through which they have wounded the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Then she admonished them). Pray…pray much, especially for the conversion of sinners.”

She recommended they pray the Rosary in particular.

Despite Our Lady’s incredible beauty, she was usually solemn-faced, stern, or even shedding tears.

The apparitions of the Blessed Mother came to an end at 8:30 p.m. on November 3, 1940. Each girl received a “secret” from Mother Mary, who then spoke:

Be good and faithful to the will of God. Pray often – especially the Rosary. Now farewell, my children, until we meet in Heaven.

On July 23, 1942, Bishop Berning made the following remarks during his homily: “From Heede came a rich blessing. I could see that Marian devotion dramatically increased; that sacramental life, in particular, has flourished dramatically in this parish.”


Greta Ganseforth began receiving visits from Our Lord starting in 1945 and included the Angel of Justice.

Her spiritual director gave her orders to keep a diary of her mystical events. She did not see Our Lady again but did hear her voice, speaking to her from a brilliant light on numerous occasions.

A Warning about DANCES

There was an occasion when a school dance was being prepared for October 21, 1945, which apparently was going to exceed Catholic norms for decency. At the request of Our Lord, Greta sought to have the dance cancelled or at least modified so that it would not be a dangerous occasion of sin. Greta warned the parents as Our Lord declared: “If they proceed with that dance, all involved will have to answer to Me at their Judgement.

The dance was subsequently cancelled.

Along with this event and a number of miraculous healings, other parish priests and clergymen finally believed.

Our Lord gave an imperative warning to mankind ~ we are in the last hour:

Men did not listen to My Most Holy Mother when she appeared to them at Fatima and admonished them to do penance. Now I, Myself, am coming at the last hour to warn and admonish mankind!

The times are very serious! Men should at last do penance, turn away from their sins and pray, pray much in order that the wrath of God may be mitigated. Particularly the Holy Rosary should be prayed very often. The Rosary is very powerful with God. Worldly pleasures and amusements should be restricted.

Men do not listen to My voice. They harden their hearts; they resist My grace. They do not wish to have anything to do with My Mercy, My Love, My merits. Mankind is worse than before the deluge. Mankind is suffocating in sin. Hatred and greed rule their hearts. This is the work of the devil. They live in great darkness. Through the wounds that bled, Mercy will again gain victory over justice. My faithful souls should not be asleep now like the disciples on Mt. Olivet. They should pray without ceasing and gain all they can for themselves and for others.

This generation deserves to be annihilated but I desire to show myself as merciful. Tremendous things are in preparation; it will be terrible as never before since the foundation of the world. All those, who in these grave times have suffered so much, are martyrs and form the seed for the renovation of the Church. They were privileged to participate in My captivity, in My scourging, in My crown of thorns, and My Way of the Cross.

That which will shortly happen, will greatly surpass everything that has ever happened until now.

The Blessed Virgin Mary and all the choirs of angels will be active during these events. Hell believes that it is sure of the harvest, but I will snatch it away from them. I will come with My peace. Many curse me now, but these sufferings will come over mankind that they may be saved through it … Many expiate all they can for those who curse Me now …

With a few faithful I will build up My kingdom. As a flash of lightning this Kingdom will come … much faster than mankind will realize. I will give them a special light. For some this light will be a blessing; for others, darkness. The light will come like the Star that showed the way to the wise men. Mankind will experience My love and My power. My beloved, the hour comes closer. Pray without ceasing!

Those who are not in the State of Grace (when the Minor Judgment happens) – it will be frightful for them.

On March 7, 1946, Bishop Berning authorised a statue of the “Mary, Queen of the Universe” to be made for placement in the church cemetery as directed by the visionaries. Finally, after years of investigation, the Bishop of Osnabruck declared on June 3, 1959, the following:

“The apparitions are undeniable proof of the seriousness and authenticity of these manifestations … In the apparitions and messages of Heede we find nothing contrary to the Faith. Indeed, their similarity to the approved apparitions of Fatima, Lourdes, and La Salette give good indications of their authenticity.”

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  Australia - Vaccine Patch Vaxxas
Posted by: Stone - 12-09-2021, 09:25 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

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  Study finds 5G technology a ‘significant factor’ in higher COVID case and death rates
Posted by: Stone - 12-09-2021, 06:43 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - Replies (1)

Study finds 5G technology a ‘significant factor’ in higher COVID case and death rates
Research indicates a correlation between wireless radiation and 5G intensity with COVID-19 symptoms, and that their effects on the body overlap.

Wed Dec 8, 2021
(LifeSiteNews) – A study recently published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) proposed that wireless communications radiation, including 5G, may contribute to COVID-19 symptoms.

The evidence for the connection between COVID and 5G, as well as other forms of wireless communications radiation (WCR), consisted of two main findings: the statistical correlation between COVID-19 symptoms/mortality and area-specific WCR intensity, including that of 5G; and the overlap between WCR effects on the body, and COVID-19 symptoms.

Authors Beverly Rubik and Robert R. Brown began by drawing attention to a May 2020 study showing a “statistically significant correlation between the intensity of radio-frequency radiation and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world,” as well as a U.S. study that found that areas with 5G technology had significantly higher COVID-19 case and death rates, independent of population density, air quality, and latitude.

The U.S. study focusing on the 5G connection to COVID-19 made three different kinds of analyses and found that 5G technology was a “statistically significant factor for the higher [COVID-19] case and rates in all three analyses, while population density, air quality and latitude were significant for only one or two of the analyses.”

Rubik and Brown then drew a comparison of bioeffects from WCR, including 5G, and COVID-19 symptoms, showing a list of overlapping physical effects.

Symptoms from both WCR and COVID-19 included blood changes such as short-term rouleaux (blood “clumping”), and long-term reduced hemoglobin (in severe COVID-19 cases); oxidative stress and injury in tissues and organs; immune system disruption, including suppression of T-lymphocytes and elevated inflammatory biomarkers; increased intracellular calcium, which facilitates virus entry and replication; and arrhythmias (heart beat irregularities).

Rubik and Brown highlighted the fact that glutathione (a “master antioxidant”) deficiency has been proposed as the most likely cause of serious manifestations in COVID-19, and  cited  two studies showing diminished glutathione levels from WCR exposure. They noted that “the finding of low glutathione levels” in COVID-19 patients “further supports oxidative stress as a component” of COVID-19.

The study noted that WCR has already been recognized as a “physiological stressor,” shown to cause detrimental health effects ranging from increased cancer risk to DNA damage to learning and memory defects.

While noting that correlation does not prove causation, the study’s authors “postulate that WCR possibly contributed to the early spread and severity of COVID-19.”

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Posted by: 70three - 12-08-2021, 10:54 PM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies


This is the Vatican's official statement on vaccines, Note that #5 and #6 that vaccination is not a moral obligation and must be voluntary and must be ethically acceptable.

5. At the same time, practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary. In any case, from the ethical point of view, the morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one's own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good. In the absence of other means to stop or even prevent the epidemic, the common good may recommend vaccination, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed. Those who, however, for reasons of conscience, refuse vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, must do their utmost to avoid, by other prophylactic means and appropriate behavior, becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent. In particular, they must avoid any risk to the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical or other reasons, and who are the most vulnerable.

6. Finally, there is also a moral imperative for the pharmaceutical industry, governments and international organizations to ensure that vaccines, which are effective and safe from a medical point of view, as well as ethically acceptable, are also accessible to the poorest countries in a manner that is not costly for them. The lack of access to vaccines, otherwise, would become another sign of discrimination and injustice that condemns poor countries to continue living in health, economic and social poverty.[5]

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  Please pray for Elizabeth
Posted by: Stone - 12-08-2021, 08:31 PM - Forum: Appeals for Prayer - Replies (1)

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nobility.org%2Fwp-co...f=1&nofb=1]

Please keep Elizabeth (age 91) in your prayers as she may be in her last days.

Litany of the Sick
(For Private Devotion)

Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on us. *

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, *
God the Holy Ghost, *
Holy Trinity, one God, *
Jesus, Who art near to all those who invoke Thee, *
Jesus, Who through mercy helpest all who confide in Thee, *
Jesus, Who didst go to seek and cure the sick, *
Jesus, Who didst stay up the weak and suffering, *
Jesus, Who dost refresh those who labor and are heavily burdened, *
Jesus, Who didst console the stricken hearts, *
Jesus, Who didst raise the dead unto life, *
Jesus, Who didst bear all our pains, *

Be merciful, spare us, O Jesus.
Be merciful, hear us, O Jesus.
From all evil,
Deliver us, O Jesus. **

From all sin, **
From all diseases and infirmities, **
From impatience and despondency, **
From the snares of the devil, **
From a sudden and unprovided death, **
From eternal damnation, **
Through Thy toils and hardships, **
Through Thy affliction and tears, **
Through Thine agony and bloody sweat, **
Through Thy holy wounds, **
Through Thy precious blood, **
Through Thy Passion and cross, **
Through Thy bitter death, **
Through Thy glorious resurrection, **
Through Thy marvellous ascension, **
In the Day of Judgment, **

We, poor sinners, beseech Thee, hear us.
That Thou wouldst spare us,
We beseech Thee, hear us. ***

That Thou wouldst pardon us, ***
That Thou wouldst bring us to true penance, ***
That Thou wouldst give us a contrite heart, ***
That Thou wouldst strengthen us in our weakness, ***
That Thou wouldst preserve us in patience, ***
That Thou wouldst relieve our pains, ***
That Thou wouldst restore us to health of body and soul, ***
That Thou wouldst grant us perseverance in good, ***
That Thou wouldst grant us a happy death, ***
That Thou wouldst receive our spirit into Thy hands, ***
That Thou wouldst preserve us from the fire of purgatory, ***
That Thou wouldst bring us to the joys of heaven, ***
Son of God, ***

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us,
Christ, graciously hear us.
Lord, have mercy on us,
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Our Father (secretly).

V. And lead us not into temptation,
R. But deliver us from evil. Amen.
V. Save, O Lord, Thy servants.
R. Who hope in Thy mercy.
V. Lord, hear our prayer.
R. And let our cry come unto Thee.

Let us Pray:

O Heavenly Father, have mercy on Thy servant, who is sick. Confirm him [her] in faith, strengthen his [her] hope, fill him [her] with the fire of Thy love. Give him [her] enduring patience, that he [she] may victoriously go through the fight and suffer everything for Thy greater glory and the salvation of his [her] soul. Lessen his [her] pains, forgive him [her] his [her] sins, and bring him [her] to life everlasting. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you.

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  Fatima and the Rosary: A Brief History of the Wonders of Fatima, Portugal - 1947 [PDF]
Posted by: Stone - 12-08-2021, 08:55 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

[Image: signal-2021-12-08-073908.jpg]

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  Novena of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Posted by: Stone - 12-08-2021, 08:50 AM - Forum: Marian Novenas - No Replies

Novena of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Intention: Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus, Our Lady of Fatima, inspire me to grieve sincerely for the sins that weigh heavily upon the souls of men. Sorrowfully I recall the bitter and harsh punishments heaped upon thy Divine Son, when He was cruelly scourged at the pillar, unmercifully crowned with thorns. I recall His sad journey to Calvary, His Crucifixion, and ignominious death on the cross. Yet, they were but the instruments of pain. It was my sins that really caused His Precious Blood to be shed. His excessive love willed that He should suffer for my salvation. Thus, I will give my little love to make amends and atone for a thoughtless and unappreciative world.

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, you who suffered, and shared with Him each pain caused and inflicted by our sins, intercede for us that we may be privileged to unite our hearts with yours in an effort to make reparation for our sins, and the sins of ungrateful mankind. Amen.

Our Lady of Fatima inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

Intention: Greater love and appreciation for the Rosary

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary Queen of the most holy Rosary, teach us to love those little beads. In every trial, tribulation and sorrow they have been a source of comfort to all who trust in you. We are happy in the possession of our Rosaries. May your Rosary, O Immaculate Heart of Mary, ever strengthen us in all our weaknesses, be our peace in time of affliction, comfort in all matters of doubt, courage in time of temptation, and a source of consolation throughout all our days on this earth. May it be a strong influence on us in success or in failure. In all things, may we live in peaceful union with thee through the medium of thy Rosary. Amen.

Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of the Rosary, inflame our hearts with the love of reparation.

Intention: The True Peace of Christ

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, we pray that the hope and promise made by you at Fatima will soon be realized. Our friends and family made the supreme sacrifice, and our loved ones languished in the horror and hardships that came upon a world at war. We know it is your ardent wish and desire that there be peace in the world, and it is only through Reparation to your Immaculate Heart that such can be accomplished. You have told us your wish in the Message of Fatima: Reparation through the Rosary and the practice of the First Saturdays. We beg of you. Oh Mary Immaculate, that, through your pleadings, our prayers and example may show the world the road to the true peace which the world itself cannot give. Bless, we beseech thee, our country, and inspire us and our leaders to receive, understand, and promote that glorious Message delivered by you at Fatima.

Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Peace, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

Intention: Relief for the Souls in Purgatory

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother most merciful, to thee do we plead the cause of the poor suffering souls in purgatory, especially those most abandoned. In obedience to thy request at Fatima, we beg for their relief. Oh Mother most merciful, we ask thee to lessen their toll of expiation. Deign to accept our humble prayers and sacrifice in reparation and payment for the punishment that is due from them. We pray that through the treasures of your Divine Son, your own special merits, and those of the saints, that God may be mindful of our prayers on behalf of the suffering souls in Purgatory, and bring them into His Kingdom to love and serve Him forever. Amen.

Our Lady of Fatima, Mother most merciful, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

Intention: Salvation of Souls

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin most powerful, we know that the vision of the terrible fires of hell which you showed to the three little shepherd children at Fatima, was really meant for us. We beseech thee, Oh Mother Mary, to spare us the fate of a judgment that ordains such a punishment. Grant unto us a faith so strong that we may ever realize that the evil of sin will be justly repaid with eternal punishment. I believe in the Infinite Justice of the one true God and the Infinite Love of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We pray and beseech thee that through your intercession we may be given the grace to live so worthy a life on earth, as to enjoy the reward of eternal happiness in the kingdom of thy Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our Lady of Fatima, Virgin most powerful, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

Intention: Purity of Body and Soul

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin most pure, have compassion on those who are prone to the allurements of impurity. Give us, we beseech thee, strength to overcome our weaknesses, and courage in the struggle against sin. We know it is your ardent wish that we renew our pledge of holy purity. Oh, Immaculate Heart of Mary, we consecrate to thee here and now, without reserve, our eyes, ears, tongues, hearts--our whole beings. We promise that, with thy help, we shall be steady in our purpose to serve thee with undefiled chastity. Give us the courage to resist all temptations, and to avoid all things that may be the occasion of sin.

Our Lady of Fatima, Virgin most pure, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

Intention: Forgiveness of Sin

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Refuge of Sinners, to whom else will we turn in our sorrow for sin, if not to thee. From whom shall we find comfort and consolation, in the shame of our sins, except from thee? Lead us back, dear Mother of Love, to the path of righteousness that leads to the Sacred Heart of thy Divine Son. We have sinned often, oh dear Mother, and the remembrances of the errors of our ways trouble us. It shall be no more. We know that thy protecting care will find peace and hope for us, and the remission of our sins. We know too that as with Mary Magdalene of old, thy Son shall welcome us with a loving smile, because you have always pleaded for us. Amen.

Our Lady of Fatima, Refuge of sinners, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

Intention: Conversion of Russia

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Refuge of the human race, you have given unto us the means of destroying the menace of atheism and godless communism. Your Promise of conversion for those unfortunate victims of those false beliefs, has instilled joy and hope into the nations of the earth. We grieve for those war-torn, homeless and persecuted people who are victims of such mundane ideology. Grant, we beseech thee. Oh Mother, that peace may come to those separated from thy Son by error and discord. We fail, if we heed not thy Message of Fatima. We know thy wishes, and therefore we promise to make Reparation to thy Immaculate Heart through the Rosary and the Five First Saturdays, that Russia again may hear the word of God, and keep it.

Our Lady of Fatima, Refuge of the human race, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

Intention: The Spiritual Welfare of our Children

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Infant Babe of Bethlehem, and Our Mother, enkindle in our hearts the spark of youthful innocence. We know of thy great love for little children. It was to innocent children that you deigned to appear, revealing the Message of Fatima, and charging them with its propagation. We know no better way to show our regard for them, dear Mother, than to offer our prayers for all children everywhere.

Therefore, O Mother dear, we ask thee to watch over all children in all parts of the world, to guard and protect their homes, to preserve the schools wherein they learn, and to keep them from being tainted with godless education. Direct them in their play and in all their works, that they may grow in age, wisdom, and the love of God. Grant too, Blessed Mother, that the prayers of our children may hasten the end of all wars of carnage and devastation and grant unto this world an era of just and lasting peace. We pray that the world may return to Jesus, thy Son, through Reparation to thy Immaculate Heart.

Our Lady of Fatima, we beseech thee to inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.

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  Miniature Life of Mary, Virgin and Mother, For Everyday of the Month, 1880 [PDF]
Posted by: Stone - 12-08-2021, 08:23 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

Miniature Life of Mary, Virgin and Mother, For Everyday of the Month
Compiled by Henry Sebastian Bowden, 1880

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thoughtco.com%2Fthm...f=1&nofb=1]

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In deference to wish repeatedly expressed by the readers of the Miniature Lives of the Saints, this little book has been drawn up on similar model. The Life of Mary is divided into thirty-one days or sections, and is intended to supply spiritual reading on the mysteries of our B. Lady, for use through out the year, as well as on her feasts, and during the month of Mary. It will also suggest thoughts for meditation on the Rosary and the Seven Dolours, and in many other devotions. The contents have been compiled and abbreviated from variety of sources, among which may be specially mentioned the Contemplations, by J. Cross, O.S.F. (A.D. 1685).

The difficulty is undoubted of treating worthily theme so exalted, and with so wide range, as the life of Mary. The task, however, has been undertaken with some confidence, from the conviction that any words in our Lady's praise will meet with response in Catholic hearts, and be welcomed for the sake of her, 'whom to think upon is perfect understanding.'--Preface


1. To make mental prayer on the mysteries of her life, and in her relationship to us.

2. To read books written in her praise, and to spread them among others, or to distribute her images or beads.

3. To recite her Little Office, Rosary, or any chaplets in her honour.

4. To invoke her daily at the Angelus, and by frequent ejaculations, but especially by the Hail Mary.

5. To wear one or more of her scapulars, or an image or medal of her.

6. To visit her altar, and to pay special reverence to her images.

7. To offer Mass or Communion in her honour, or to give alms for Mass to be said for the same purpose.

8. To keep with great devotion her principal feasts, their novenas and octaves.

9. To gain indulgences for the soul in Purga tory most devoted to her in life.

10. To practise some mortification in her honour, especially on Saturday.

11. Above all, to imitate her virtues, without which true devotion to her is impossible.

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  Memoirs of a Guardian Angel by M. L' Abbe G. Chardon, 1871 [PDF]
Posted by: Stone - 12-08-2021, 08:17 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

Memoirs of a Guardian Angel
by M. L' Abbe G. Chardon, 1871

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.learnreligions.com%...f=1&nofb=1]

Quote:The child was presented at the sacred font. I was full of joy. It seemed to me that I was myself about to receive some great favor.*

* St. J. Chrysostom, Sermon on the Ascension. St. Thomas Villavona, Sermon on the Angels.

"Flow, regenerating water! spread thyself upon its brow; and may I see as soon as possible its soul such as my love desires." But no. . . . Standing face to face with Satan, the minister of Jesus Christ will not send away the usurper without humbling him. Under the veil of the exorcisms, I saw the priest chain him, scourge him, pierce him with darts. What cries that angel of evil uttered! Each anointing lit up within him the fire of a new hell.*

* St. Cyprian, Letter to Magnus. St. Basil Caesar, Homily on Humility. Life of St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, Boll

The priest gave him only the withering names of unclean spirit, of spirit worthy of damnation, of damned spirit. He recalled to him the anathema he incurred, the second judgment he is to undergo, the increase of woe that awaited him, and forced him to give glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. +

+ Ceremonies of Baptism

The water flowed at last. What virtue in a drop of water! All the wonders of grace were contained in it. From the instant it touched the brow of the new-born infant there were no stains, no malediction and, no death. Satan had fled swift as lightning; the Spirit of Love had come down, and from heaven a voice made itself heard, "This is my child." *

* St. Matthew, iii. Tertullian, Tract on Baptism. Life of St. Mary d Oignies, Boll.

For this child of men become a child of God, everything had changed: it was called by a new name, a new family had adopted it, a new life circulated in its members. To sin had succeeded grace. From the hands of Satan, it had just passed into the hands of an angel. +

+ Origen, Hom, in Ezechiel. Life of St. Bassianus, Boll.

Nothing was indifferent to its happiness. The fingers of the elect had swept the harps of gold, and in hell the demons had roared. Two souls, that had just made for it a profession of faith, looked on it as their child, and from the borders of its country a saint had bent toward the exile and said, " I will be thy protector." ++

++ St. Gregory Naz., on Baptism. Life of St. Genevieve, Boll.

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Table of Contents

I. Expectation . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

II. The First Light . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

III. The Baptism . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

IV. The Crib . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

V. The Little Brother . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

VI. The Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

VII. My Co-laborers . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

VIII. Liberty . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

IX. The Sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

X. The First Fruits . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

XI. The Serpent . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

XII. Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

XIII. The Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

XIV. The Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

XV. A Shadow Dispelled . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

XVI. The Joyful Day . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

XVII. The Bearer of Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

XVIII. Presentation to Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

XIX. Native Air . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

XX. The Buckler . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

XXI. The Infernal Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

XXII. The Angel of Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . .73

XXIII. Victories . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

XXIV. Fidelity . . . . . . . . . . . . .80

XXV. Weakness . . . . . . . . . . . . .83

XXVI. The Threat . . . . . . . . . . . . .86

XXVII. The Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . .89

XXVIII. Tears . . . . . . . . . . . . .92

XXIX. The Chains of the Captive . . . . . . . . . . . . .95

XXX. Recourse to Heaven . . . . . . . . . . . . .98

XXXI. The Voice of Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . .101

XXXII. The Father s Call . . . . . . . . . . . . .104

XXXIII. The Resolve . . . . . . . . . . . . .107

XXXIV. The Return . . . . . . . . . . . . .110

XXXV. The Feast . . . . . . . . . . . . .112

XXXVI. The Power of Tears . . . . . . . . . . . . .115

XXXVII. The Triumphs of Love . . . . . . . . . . . . .118

XXXVIII. A Sound Escapes from Heaven . . . . . . . . . . . . .121

XXXIX. The Spiteful Rage of the Usurper . . . . . . . . . . . . .123

XL. The Happy Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . .126

XLI. The Counsellor . . . . . . . . . . . . .128

XLII. The Future . . . . . . . . . . . . .131

XLIII. The Vocation . . . . . . . . . . . . .134

XLIV. The Spouse . . . . . . . . . . . . .137

XLV. Fears . . . . . . . . . . . . .141

XLVI. Confidence . . . . . . . . . . . . .144

XLVII. The Wedding . . . . . . . . . . . . .146

XLVIII. The Fireside . . . . . . . . . . . . .149

XLIX. The Ladder . . . . . . . . . . . . .152

L. The Flower-Basket . . . . . . . . . . . . .154

LI. The Blessing . . . . . . . . . . . . .158

LII. The Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . .161

LIII. Repose . . . . . . . . . . . . .164

LIV. Raise your Heart to God . . . . . . . . . . . . .167

LV. The Holy Sacrifice . . . . . . . . . . . . .171

LVI. The Profaners of the Holy Day . . . . . . . . . . . . .175

LVII. God s Part . . . . . . . . . . . . .179

LVIII. The Value of Alms . . . . . . . . . . . . .183

LIX. The Trial . . . . . . . . . . . . .186

LX. The Angels of the Family . . . . . . . . . . . . .190

LXI. The Poems . . . . . . . . . . . . .193

LXII. The Angel of the Little Chosen One . . . . . . . . . . . . .197

LXIII. The Angel of the Virgin . . . . . . . . . . . . .202

LXIV. The Angel of the Soldier . . . . . . . . . . . . .214

LXV. The Angel of the Religious . . . . . . . . . . . . .220

LXVI. The Angel of the Priest . . . . . . . . . . . . .231

LXVII. The Angel of the Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . .250

LXVIII. The Angel of the Servant . . . . . . . . . . . . .253

LXIX. The Higher Angels . . . . . . . . . . . . .257

LXX. The Divine Countenance . . . . . . . . . . . . .260

LXXI. Old Age . . . . . . . . . . . . .264

LXXII. The Illness . . . . . . . . . . . . .266

LXXIII. The Tidings of Departure . . . . . . . . . . . . .270

LXXIV. The Supplication . . . . . . . . . . . . .273

LXXV. The Last Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . .276

LXXVI. Reassurance . . . . . . . . . . . . .279

LXXVIL Extreme Unction . . . . . . . . . . . . .282

LXXVIII. The Viaticum . . . . . . . . . . . . .285

LXXIX. The Departure . . . . . . . . . . . . .289

LXXX. The Arrival . . . . . . . . . . . . .291

LXXXI. Judgment . . . . . . . . . . . . .294

LXXXII. Purgatory . . . . . . . . . . . . .298

LXXXIII. Triumph . . . . . . . . . . . . .301

LXXXIV. The Fallen Angel . . . . . . . . . . . . .304

LXXXV. The First Look . . . . . . . . . . . . .307

LXXXVI. The Obsequies . . . . . . . . . . . . .310

XXXVII. The Body of the Chosen One . . . . . . . . . . . . .314

LXXXVIII. The Eternal Union . . . . . . . . . . . . .318

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  Prayers in Honor of the Immaculate Conception
Posted by: Stone - 12-08-2021, 07:53 AM - Forum: In Honor of Our Lady - Replies (1)

[Image: La_Inmaculada_Concepci%C3%B3n_vista_por_...edo%29.jpg]

Hymn: O Gloriosa Virginum

O glorious Virgin, ever blest,
Sublime above the starry sky,
Who nuture from thy spotless breast
To thy Creator didst supply.
What we had lost through hapless Eve
The Blossom sprung from thee restores,
And, granting bliss to souls that grieve,
Unbars the everlasting doors.
O Gate, through which hath passed the King,
O Hall, whence Light shone through the gloom;
The ransomed nations praise and sing
Life given from the Virgin womb.
All honor, laud, and glory be,
O Jesu, Virgin-born, to thee;
All glory, as is ever meet,
To Father and to Paraclete. Amen.

V. This day is the Immaculate Conception of the holy Virgin Mary.

R. Who with her virginal foot crushed the serpent's head.

Ant. The Lord God said to the serpent: I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head. Alleluia.

Prayer. O God, Who by the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin didst prepare a worthy dwelling place for thy Son: we beseech Thee, that, as by the death of the same Thy Son, foreseen by Thee, Thou didst keep her free from all stain, so by her intercession thou wouldst grant to us also to come with clean hearts to Thee. Amen.

✠ ✠ ✠


O Mary, who didst enter the world free from stain, do thou obtain for me, from God, that I may pass out of it free from sin. Amen

✠ ✠ ✠


O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Indulgence of 300 days; plenary indulgence once a month on the usual conditions, for devout daily recitation.

✠ ✠ ✠

To the Virgin Immaculate

O Virgin Immaculate, Mother of God and my Mother, from thy sublime height turn upon me thine eyes of pity. Filled with confidence in thy goodness and knowing full well thy power, I beseech thee to extend to me thine assistance in the journey of life, which is so full of dangers for my soul. And in order that I may never be the slave of the devil through sin, but may ever live with my heart humble and pure, I entrust myself wholly to thee. I consecrate my heart to thee for ever, my only desire being to love thy divine Son Jesus. Mary, none of thy devout servants has ever perished; may I too be saved. Amen.
- Indulgence of 500 days.

✠ ✠ ✠

Prayer of Praise by Saint Ephrem the Syrian

O pure and immaculate and likewise blessed Virgin, who art the sinless Mother of thy Son, the mighty Lord of the universe, thou who art inviolate and altogether holy, the hope of the hopeless and sinful, we sing thy praises. We bless thee, as full of every grace, thou who didst bear the God-Man: we all bow low before thee; we invoke thee and implore thine aid. Rescue us, O holy and inviolate Virgin, from every necessity that presses upon us and from all the temptations of the devil. Be our intercessor and advocate at the hour of death and judgment; deliver us from the fire that is not extinguished and from the outer darkness; make us worthy of the glory of thy Son, O dearest and most clement Virgin Mother. Thou indeed art our only hope, most sure and sacred in God's sight, to whom be honor and glory, majesty and dominion for ever and ever world without end. Amen.

✠ ✠ ✠

Ejaculations in honor of the Immaculate Conception

1. In your Conception, O Virgin Mary, you were immaculate! Pray for us to the Father, Whose Son Jesus, conceived in your womb by the Holy Ghost, you brought forth.
An indulgence of 300 days each time.

2. Blessed be the holy, immaculate, and most pure conception of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
An indulgence of 300 days each time.

3. O Mary, who came into this world free from sin, obtain from God for me to leave it without sin.
An indulgence of 300 days each time.

✠ ✠ ✠

Prayer in Honor of the Immaculate Conception

Dear, Blessed Lady! by many titles art thou known and loved; but as Virgin Mother of Jesus Christ Incarnate none is greater, holier, more beautifully commemorative of thy ineffable prerogatives than the one of thy Immaculate conception. It is the prayer of Thine own pure lips, and as such obtains for us special favors and graces. Thus prostrate before thee, O purest of Virgins, we offer thee our profoundest homage, and hail thee as our queen conceived without sin! Cast us not from thee, O tenderest Mother, but open to us the inexhaustible fountain of Divine graces, and be the holy refuge of our sin-burdened souls. Amen

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  Litany of the Immaculate Conception
Posted by: Stone - 12-08-2021, 07:41 AM - Forum: Marian Litanies - Replies (1)

Litany of the Immaculate Conception
Taken from here.

[Image: 253px-Piero_di_Cosimo_Incarnation_of_Jesus_01.jpg]

Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father, Source of all sanctity,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, uncreated Sanctity,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,
Spirit of Sanctity,
Have mercy on us.
Most sacred Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, immaculate,
Pray for us.*
Virgin of virgins, immaculate*
Holy Virgin, by predestination immaculate,*
Holy Virgin, in thy conception immaculate,*
Holy Virgin, after thy conception immaculate*
Daughter of the Father, immaculate,*
Mother of the Son, immaculate,*
Spouse of the Holy Ghost, immaculate,*
Seat of the most Holy Trinity, immaculate,*
Image of the Wisdom of God, immaculate,*
Dawn of the Son of Justice, immaculate,*
Living arc of the body of Christ, immaculate,*
Daughter of David, immaculate,*
Guide to Jesus, immaculate,*
Virgin, triumphing over original sin, immaculate,*
Virgin crushing the head of the serpent, immaculate,*
Queen of heaven and earth, immaculate,*
Gate of the heavenly Jerusalem, immaculate,*
Dispenser of graces, immaculate,*
Spouse of St. Joseph, immaculate,*
Star of the world, immaculate,*
Impregnable tower of the Church militant, immaculate,*
Rose amid thorns, immaculate,*
Olive of the fields, immaculate,*
Model of all perfection, immaculate,*
Cause of our hope, immaculate,*
Pillar of our faith, immaculate,*
Source of divine love, immaculate,*
Sure sign of our salvation, immaculate,*
Rule of perfect obedience, immaculate,*
Pattern of holy poverty, immaculate,*
School of devotion, immaculate,*
Abode of chaste modesty, immaculate,*
Anchor of our salvation, immaculate,*
Light of angels, immaculate,*
Crown of Patriarchs, immaculate,*
Glory of Prophets, immaculate,*
Lady and Mistress of Apostles, immaculate,*
Support of Martyrs, immaculate,*
Strength of Confessors, immaculate,*
Diadem of Virgins, immaculate,*
Splendor of all Saints, immaculate,*
Sanctity of all Christians, immaculate,*
Companion of devout souls, immaculate,*
Joy of those who hope in thee, immaculate,*
Health of the sick, immaculate,*
Advocate of sinners, immaculate,*
Terror of heretics, immaculate,*
Protectress of all mankind, immaculate,*
Patroness of those who honor thee, immaculate,*

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

V. In thy conception, O Virgin Mary, thou wast immaculate.
R. Pray for us to the Father, Whose Son Jesus conceived of the Holy Ghost, thou didst bring forth.

Let us Pray.

O Almighty and Eternal God, Who didst prepare for thy Son a worthy habitation, by the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary; we beseech Thee, that, as Thou didst preserve her from every stain of sin, through the merits of the preordained atonement of Jesus Christ, so Thou wouldst grant that we also may come without spot to Thee. Through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen

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