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  Judge Blocks Biden's Nationwide Vax Mandate For Federal Contractors
Posted by: Stone - 12-07-2021, 03:50 PM - Forum: COVID Passports - No Replies

Judge Blocks Biden's Nationwide Vax Mandate For Federal Contractors

ZH |  DEC 07, 2021
The Biden administration suffered yet another blow on Tuesday after a federal judge in Georgia blocked a nationwide vaccine mandate requiring employees of federal contractors to be vaccinated.

The mandate, set to take effect Jan. 4, would apply to approximately 25% of the US workforce and would affect companies that do business with the federal government - including Google, General Motors, Microsoft and several airlines.

Tuesday's preliminary injunction follows a Kentucky federal judge's preliminary injunction granted last week in a lawsuit involving Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, according to Bloomberg Law.

Quote:The mandate for businesses providing services for the federal government is part of a suite of Biden administration actions designed to increase vaccination rates. That includes an emergency regulation from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration that covers private-sector companies with 100 employees or more, a shot requirement for health-care companies paid by Medicare and Medicare, and one for federal workers.

Numerous challenges to those mandates are pending in appellate courts, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has temporarily halted enforcement of the OSHA regulation. The Sixth Circuit is poised to consider the consolidated challenges to the OSHA rule.

Preliminary injunctions have also been issued against the Biden administration’s health care worker vaccine mandate and a similar mandate for private businesses.

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  New Zealand PM: "There’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program..."
Posted by: Stone - 12-07-2021, 03:47 PM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

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  Australian Woman: Police Came To My Door And Took Me To COVID Quarantine Camp
Posted by: Stone - 12-07-2021, 12:11 PM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Australian Woman: Police Came To My Door And Took Me To COVID Quarantine Camp, Told Me "You Have No Choice"

RCP | December 4, 2021

UNHERD: Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus.

She’s just returned from a 14-day detention at Howard Springs, the 2000-capacity Covid camp outside Darwin to which regional Covid cases are transported by the authorities. In an exclusive interview with Freddie Sayers, she recounted her experiences.

Hodgson tells the story of uniformed police officers coming to her residence and taking her away:

Quote:HAYLEY HODGSON: The police officers blocked my driveway, I walked out and I said, "What's going on, are you guys testing me for COVID? What's happening?"

They said, "No, you're getting taken away, and you have no choice. You're going to Howard Springs. You either come with us now, and we'll put you in the back of the divvy van. Or you can have the choice to get a 'COVID cab.'"

So of course I chose the COVID cab. Because they said, "Well, if we're to take you, we're going to hand you a $5,000 fine."

So of course, I didn't want that to happen. So I just said, "Look, I don't consent to this. I don't understand why I can't just self-isolate at home, like a lot of other people are doing."

And they just said, "We've just been told from higher up where to take you. And that is all there is."

Full interview: https://play.acast.com/s/5fad6d24bc03445...001258135c

Protests in Melbourne:

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  Pope Leo XIII: Annum Sacrum - On the Consecration to the Sacred Heart
Posted by: Stone - 12-07-2021, 09:57 AM - Forum: Encyclicals - No Replies

Annum Sacrum
On Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Pope Leo XIII - May 25, 1899

To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops of the Catholic World in Grace and Communion with the Apostolic See.

Venerable Brethren, Health and Apostolic Benediction

But a short time ago, as you well know, We, by letters apostolic, and following the custom and ordinances of Our predecessors, commanded the celebration in this city, at no distant date, of a Holy Year. And now to-day, in the hope and with the object that this religious celebration shall be more devoutly performed, We have traced and recommended a striking design from which, if all shall follow it out with hearty good will, We not unreasonably expect extraordinary and lasting benefits for Christendom in the first place and also for the whole human race.

Already more than once We have endeavored, after the example of Our predecessors Innocent XII, Benedict XIII, Clement XIII, Pius VI, and Pius IX., devoutly to foster and bring out into fuller light that most excellent form of devotion which has for its object the veneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; this We did especially by the Decree given on June 28, 1889, by which We raised the Feast under that name to the dignity of the first class. But now We have in mind a more signal form of devotion which shall be in a manner the crowning perfection of all the honors that people have been accustomed to pay to the Sacred Heart, and which We confidently trust will be most pleasing to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. This is not the first time, however, that the design of which We speak has been mooted. Twenty-five years ago, on the approach of the solemnities of the second centenary of the Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque's reception of the Divine command to propagate the worship of the Sacred Heart, many letters from all parts, not merely from private persons but from Bishops also were sent to Pius IX. begging that he would consent to consecrate the whole human race to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was thought best at the time to postpone the matter in order that a well-considered decision might be arrived at. Meanwhile permission was granted to individual cities which desired it thus to consecrate themselves, and a form of consecration was drawn up. Now, for certain new and additional reasons, We consider that the plan is ripe for fulfilment.

This world-wide and solemn testimony of allegiance and piety is especially appropriate to Jesus Christ, who is the Head and Supreme Lord of the race. His empire extends not only over Catholic nations and those who, having been duly washed in the waters of holy baptism, belong of right to the Church, although erroneous opinions keep them astray, or dissent from her teaching cuts them off from her care; it comprises also all those who are deprived of the Christian faith, so that the whole human race is most truly under the power of Jesus Christ. For He who is the Only-begotten Son of God the Father, having the same substance with Him and being the brightness of His glory and the figure of His substance (Hebrews i., 3) necessarily has everything in common with the Father, and therefore sovereign power over all things. This is why the Son of God thus speaks of Himself through the Prophet: "But I am appointed king by him over Sion, his holy mountain. . . The Lord said to me, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me and I will give thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession" (Psalm, ii.). By these words He declares that He has power from God over the whole Church, which is signified by Mount Sion, and also over the rest of the world to its uttermost ends. On what foundation this sovereign power rests is made sufficiently plain by the words, "Thou art My Son." For by the very fact that He is the Son of the King of all, He is also the heir of all His Father's power: hence the words-"I will give thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance," which are similar to those used by Paul the Apostle, "whom he bath appointed heir of all things" (Hebrews i., 2).

But we should now give most special consideration to the declarations made by Jesus Christ, not through the Apostles or the Prophets but by His own words. To the Roman Governor who asked Him, "Art thou a king then?" He answered unhesitatingly, "Thou sayest that I am a king" (John xviii. 37). And the greatness of this power and the boundlessness of His kingdom is still more clearly declared in these words to the Apostles: "All power is given to me in heaven and on earth" (Matthew xxviii., 18). If then all power has been given to Christ it follows of necessity that His empire must be supreme, absolute and independent of the will of any other, so that none is either equal or like unto it: and since it has been given in heaven and on earth it ought to have heaven and earth obedient to it. And verily he has acted on this extraordinary and peculiar right when He commanded His Apostles to preach His doctrine over the earth, to gather all men together into the one body of the Church by the baptism of salvation, and to bind them by laws, which no one could reject without risking his eternal salvation.

But this is not all. Christ reigns nor only by natural right as the Son of God, but also by a right that He has acquired. For He it was who snatched us "from the power of darkness" (Colossians i., 13), and "gave Himself for the redemption of all" (I Timothy ii., 6). Therefore not only Catholics, and those who have duly received Christian baptism, but also all men, individually and collectively, have become to Him "a purchased people" (I Peter ii., 9). St. Augustine's words are therefore to the point when he says: "You ask what price He paid? See what He gave and you will understand how much He paid. The price was the blood of Christ. What could cost so much but the whole world, and all its people? The great price He paid was paid for all" (T. 120 on St. John).

How it comes about that infidels themselves are subject to the power and dominion of Jesus Christ is clearly shown by St. Thomas, who gives us the reason and its explanation. For having put the question whether His judicial power extends to all men, and having stated that judicial authority flows naturally from royal authority, he concludes decisively as follows: "All things are subject to Christ as far as His power is concerned, although they are not all subject to Him in the exercise of that power" (3a., p., q. 59, a. 4). This sovereign power of Christ over men is exercised by truth, justice, and above all, by charity.

To this twofold ground of His power and domination He graciously allows us, if we think fit, to add voluntary consecration. Jesus Christ, our God and our Redeemer, is rich in the fullest and perfect possession of all things: we, on the other hand, are so poor and needy that we have nothing of our own to offer Him as a gift. But yet, in His infinite goodness and love, He in no way objects to our giving and consecrating to Him what is already His, as if it were really our own; nay, far from refusing such an offering, He positively desires it and asks for it: "My son, give me thy heart." We are, therefore, able to be pleasing to Him by the good will and the affection of our soul. For by consecrating ourselves to Him we not only declare our open and free acknowledgment and acceptance of His authority over us, but we also testify that if what we offer as a gift were really our own, we would still offer it with our whole heart. We also beg of Him that He would vouchsafe to receive it from us, though clearly His own. Such is the efficacy of the act of which We speak, such is the meaning underlying Our words.

And since there is in the Sacred Heart a symbol and a sensible image of the infinite love of Jesus Christ which moves us to love one another, therefore is it fit and proper that we should consecrate ourselves to His most Sacred Heart-an act which is nothing else than an offering and a binding of oneself to Jesus Christ, seeing that whatever honor, veneration and love is given to this divine Heart is really and truly given to Christ Himself.

For these reasons We urge and exhort all who know and love this divine Heart willingly to undertake this act of piety; and it is Our earnest desire that all should make it on the same day, that so the aspirations of so many thousands who are performing this act of consecration may be borne to the temple of heaven on the same day. But shall We allow to slip from Our remembrance those innumerable others upon whom the light of Christian truth has not yet shined? We hold the place of Him who came to save that which was lost, and who shed His blood for the salvation of the whole human race. And so We greatly desire to bring to the true life those who sit in the shadow of death. As we have already sent messengers of Christ over the earth to instruct them, so now, in pity for their lot with all Our soul we commend them, and as far as in us lies We consecrate them to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In this way this act of devotion, which We recommend, will be a blessing to all. For having performed it, those in whose hearts are the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ will feel that faith and love increased. Those who knowing Christ, yet neglect His law and its precepts, may still gain from His Sacred Heart the flame of charity. And lastly, for those still more unfortunate, who are struggling in the darkness of superstition, we shall all with one mind implore the assistance of heaven that Jesus Christ, to whose power they are subject, may also one day render them submissive to its exercise; and that not only in the life to come when He will fulfil His will upon all men, by saving some and punishing others, (St. Thomas, ibid), but also in this mortal life by giving them faith and holiness. May they by these virtues strive to honor God as they ought, and to win everlasting happiness in heaven.

Such an act of consecration, since it can establish or draw tighter the bonds which naturally connect public affairs with God, gives to States a hope of better things. In these latter times especially, a policy has been followed which has resulted in a sort of wall being raised between the Church and civil society. In the constitution and administration of States the authority of sacred and divine law is utterly disregarded, with a view to the exclusion of religion from having any constant part in public life. This policy almost tends to the removal of the Christian faith from our midst, and, if that were possible, of the banishment of God Himself from the earth. When men's minds are raised to such a height of insolent pride, what wonder is it that the greater part of the human race should have fallen into such disquiet of mind and be buffeted by waves so rough that no one is suffered to be free from anxiety and peril? When religion is once discarded it follows of necessity that the surest foundations of the public welfare must give way, whilst God, to inflict on His enemies the punishment they so richly deserve, has left them the prey of their own evil desires, so that they give themselves up to their passions and finally wear themselves out by excess of liberty.

Hence that abundance of evils which have now for a long time settled upon the world, and which pressingly call upon us to seek for help from Him by whose strength alone they can be driven away. Who can He be but Jesus Christ the Only-begotten Son of God? "For there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved" (Acts iv., 12). We must have recourse to Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We have gone astray and we must return to the right path: darkness has overshadowed our minds, and the gloom must be dispelled by the light of truth: death has seized upon us, and we must lay hold of life. It will at length be possible that our many wounds be healed and all justice spring forth again with the hope of restored authority; that the splendors of peace be renewed, and swords and arms drop from the hand when all men shall acknowledge the empire of Christ and willingly obey His word, and "Every tongue shall confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father" (Philippians ii, II).

When the Church, in the days immediately succeeding her institution, wasoppressed beneath the yoke of the Caesars, a young Emperor saw in the heavens across, which became at once the happy omen and cause of the glorious victorythat soon followed. And now, to-day, behold another blessed and heavenly tokenis offered to our sight-the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, with a cross rising fromit and shining forth with dazzling splendor amidst flames of love. In thatSacred Heart all our hopes should be placed, and from it the salvation of men isto be confidently besought.

Finally, there is one motive which We are unwilling to pass over in silence, personal to Ourselves it is true, but still good and weighty, which moves Us to undertake this celebration. God, the author of every good, not long ago preserved Our life by curing Us of a dangerous disease. We now wish, by this increase of the honor paid to the Sacred Heart, that the memory of this great mercy should be brought prominently forward, and Our gratitude be publicly acknowledged.

For these reasons, We ordain that on the ninth, tenth and eleventh of thecoming monthof June, in the principal church of every town and village, certain prayers besaid, and on each of these days there be added to the other prayers the Litanyof the Sacred Heart approved by Our authority. On the last day the form ofconsecration shall be recited which, Venerable Brethren, We sent to you withthese letters.

As a pledge of divine benefits, and in token of Our paternal benevolence, toyou, and to the clergy and people committed to your care We lovingly grant inthe Lord the Apostolic Benediction.

Form of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

[Image: christ-the-king.jpg]

Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thine Altar (outside a church or oratory say: in Thy presence). We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united to Thee, behold, each one of us this day freely dedicates himself to Thy Most Sacred Heart. Many, indeed, have never known Thee; many, too, despising Thy precepts have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal sons who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house, lest they perish of wretchedness and hunger. Be Thou King of those whom heresy holds in error or discord keeps aloof; call them back to the harbor of truth and the unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one fold and one Shepherd.

Be Thou King of all those who even now sit in the shadow of idolatry or Islam, and refuse not Thou to bring them into the light of Thy kingdom. Look, finally. with eyes of pity upon the children of that race, which was for so long a time Thy chosen people: and let Thy Blood, which was once invoked upon them in vengeance, now descend upon them also in a cleansing flood of redemption and eternal life. Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; unto all nations give an ordered tranquillity; bring it to pass that from pole to pole the earth may resound with one cry: Praise to the divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to It be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

(Indulgence: 5 years, each time by Pope Leo XIII)

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  Vigil of the Immaculate Conception - Day of Fast and Abstinence
Posted by: Stone - 12-07-2021, 09:48 AM - Forum: Advent - Replies (1)

A reminder that the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception is a day of Fast and Abstinence according to the pre-1955 Calendar.

Vigil of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception – 7 December

On this vigil day, Catholics stand in the remains of the night as the dawn makes its appearance. This resplendent dawn is that Singular Conception, the Immaculate Conception, who ushers in the Light of Christ.

A day of Fast and Abstinence following the Rubrics of Pope Pius X for the Universal Calendar of the Church.

“It is through the most Blessed Virgin Mary, that Jesus Christ came into the world and, it is also through her, that He will reign in the world.” – St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716)

[Image: it-is-through-the-most-blessed-virgin-ma...c-2020.jpg]

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  St. Bernard of Clairvaux: On Advent and Its Six Circumstances
Posted by: Stone - 12-07-2021, 08:48 AM - Forum: Advent - Replies (1)

On Advent and Its Six Circumstances
by St. Bernard of Clairvaux

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Today we celebrate the beginning of Advent. The name of this great annual commemoration is sufficiently familiar to us; its meaning may not be so well known.

When the unhappy children of Eve had abandoned the pursuit of things true and salutary, they gave themselves up to the search for those that are fleeting and perishable. To whom shall we liken the men of this generation, or to what shall we compare them, seeing they are unable to tear themselves from earthly and carnal consolations, or disentangle their minds from such trammels?

They resemble the shipwrecked who are in danger of being overwhelmed by the waters, and who may be seen catching eagerly at whatever they first grasp, how frail so ever it may be. And if anyone strive to rescue them, they are wont to seize and drag him down with them, so that not infrequently the rescuer is involved with them in one common destruction. Thus, the children of the world perish miserably while following after transitory things and neglecting those which are solid and enduring, cleaving to which, they might save their souls. Of truth, not of vanity, it is said: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Do you, therefore, to whom as to little ones God has revealed things hidden from the wise and prudent, turn your thoughts with earnestness to those that are truly desirable, and diligently meditate on this coming of our Lord. Consider Who He is that comes, whence He comes, to whom He comes, for what end He comes, when He comes, and in what manner He comes. This is undoubtedly a most useful and praiseworthy curiosity, for the Church would not so devoutly celebrate the season of Advent if there were not some great mystery hidden therein.

Wherefore, in the first place, let us with the Apostle consider in astonishment and admiration how great He is Who comes. According to the testimony of Gabriel, He is the Son of the Most High, and consequently a co-equal with Him. Nor is it lawful to think that the Son of God is other than co-equal with His Father. He is co-equal in majesty; He is co-equal in dignity. Who will deny that the sons of princes are princes, and the sons of kings are kings?

But how is it that of the Three Persons Whom we believe, and confess, and adore in the Most High Trinity, it was not the Father, nor the Holy Ghost, but the Son that became Man? I imagine this was not without cause. But “who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counsellor?”

Not without some most deep counsel of the Blessed Trinity was it decreed that the Son should become Incarnate. If we consider the cause of our exile, we may perchance be able to comprehend in some degree how fitting it was that our deliverance should be chiefly accomplished by the Son.

Lucifer, who rose brightly as the morning star, because he attempted to usurp a similitude with the Most High, and “ it was thought robbery in him to equal himself with God,” an equality which was the Son’s by right, was cast down from heaven and ruined; for the Father was zealous for the glory of the Son, and seemed by this act to say:

“Vengeance is mine, I will repay / And instantly
I saw Satan as lightning falling from heaven.”

Dust and ashes, why art thou proud? If God spared not pride in His angels, how much less will He tolerate it in thee, innate corruption? Satan had committed no overt act, he had but consented to a thought of pride, yet in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, he was irreparably rejected because, as the Evangelist says, “he stood not in the truth.”

Fly pride, my brethren, I most earnestly beseech you. “Pride is the beginning of all sin,” and how quickly did it darken and overshadow with eternal obscurity Lucifer, the most bright and beautiful of the heavenly spirits, and, from not only an angel, but the first of angels, transform him into a hideous devil! Wherefore, envying man’s happiness, he brought forth in him the evil which he had conceived in himself by persuading man that if he should eat of the forbidden tree he would become as God, having a knowledge of good and evil. Wretch! what dost thou promise, when thou knowest that the Son of God has the key of knowledge yea, and is Himself the “ key of David, that shutteth and no man openeth”; that “in him are hidden all the treasures of the wisdom and knowledge of God”? Wouldst thou, then, wickedly steal them away to give them to men?

You see, my brethren, how true is the sentence of our Lord, “The devil is a liar and the father of lies” He was a liar in saying, “I will be like unto the Most High,” and he was the father of lies when he breathed his spirit of falsity into man. “You will be as gods.” And wilt thou, man, “seeing the thief, run with him”? You have heard, my brethren, what has been read this night from Isaiah. The Prophet says to the Lord, “Thy princes are faithless, companions of thieves,” or, as another version has it, “disobedient companions of thieves.” In truth, Adam and Eve were disobedient companions of thieves, for, by the counsel of the serpent, or, rather, of the devil in the serpent, they tried to seize upon what belonged by birth right to the Son of God. Nor did the Father overlook the injury, for the Father loves the Son. He immediately took revenge on that same man, and let His hand fall heavily on us all, “for in Adam all have sinned,” and in his sentence of condemnation we have shared.

What, then, did the Son do, seeing His Father so zealous for His glory, and for His sake sparing none of His creatures? “Behold,” He says, “on My account My Father has ruined His creatures: the first of the angels aspired to My throne of sovereignty, and had followers who believed in him; and instantly My Father’s zeal was heavily revenged on him, striking him and all his adherents with an incurable plague, with a dire chastisement. Man, too, attempted to steal from Me the knowledge which belongs to Me alone, and neither doth My Father show him mercy, nor doth His eye spare him. He had made two noble orders sharing His reason, capable of participating in His beatitude, angels and men; but behold, on My account He hath ruined a multitude of His angels and the entire race of men. Therefore, that they may know that I love My Father, He shall receive back through Me what in a certain way He seems to have lost through Me. “It is on my account this storm has arisen; take me and cast me into the sea.” All are envious of Me; behold I come, and will exhibit Myself to them in such a guise as that whosoever shall wish may become like to Me; whatsoever I shall do they may imitate, so that their envy shall be made good and profitable to them.”

The angels, we know, sinned through malice, not through ignorance and frailty; wherefore, as they were unwilling to repent, they must of necessity perish, for the love of the Father and the honour of the King demand judgment. For this cause He created men from the beginning, that they might fill those lost places, and repair the ruins of the heavenly Jerusalem. For He knew “the pride of Moab, that he is exceedingly proud,” and that his pride would never seek the remedy of repentance, nor, consequently, of pardon. After man’s fall, however, He created no other creature in his place, thus intimating that man should yet be redeemed, and that he who had been supplanted by another’s malice might still by another’s charity be redeemed.

Be it so, dear Lord, I beseech Thee. Be pleased to deliver me, for I am weak. Like Joseph of old, I was stolen away from my country, and here without any fault was cast into a dungeon. Yet I am not wholly innocent, but innocent compared with him who seduced me. He deceived me with a lie: let the truth come, that falsehood may be discovered, and that I may know the truth, and that the truth may make me free. But to gain the freedom I must renounce the falsehood when discovered and adhere to the known truth; otherwise the temptation would not be human, nor the sin a human sin, but diabolical obstinacy. To persevere in evil is the act of the devil, and those who persevere in evil after his example deservedly perish with him.

Behold, you have heard Who He is that comes; consider now whence and to whom He comes. He comes from the heart of God the Father to the womb of a virgin mother; He comes from the highest heaven to this low earth, that we whose conversation is now on earth may have Him for our most desirable companion. For where can it be well with us without Him, and where ill if He be present? “What have I in heaven, and besides Thee what do I desire upon earth? Thou art the God of my heart and the God that is my portion for ever”, and “though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,” if only “thou art with me.”

But here I see that our Lord descends not only to earth, but even to hell; not as one bound, but as free among the dead; as light that shines in the darkness, “and the darkness did not comprehend it.” Wherefore His soul was not left in hell, nor did His holy body on earth see corruption. For Christ “that descended is the same also that ascended . . . that he might fill all things”; “who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil.” And elsewhere we read, He “hath exalted as a giant to run his way His going forth is from the highest heavens, and his circuit even to the end thereof.” Well might St. Paul cry out: “Seek the things that are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.” In vain would the Apostle labour to raise our hearts upwards if he did not teach us that the Author of our salvation is sitting in heaven.

But what follows? The matter here is indeed abundant in the extreme; but our limited time does not admit of a lengthened development. By considering Who He is that comes, we see His supreme and ineffable majesty, and by contemplating whence He comes, we behold the great highway clearly laid out to us. The Prophet Isaias says: “Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from afar.” By reflecting whither He comes, we see His inestimable and inconceivable condescension in His descending from highest heavens to abide with us in this miserable prison-house. Who can doubt that there was some grand cause powerful enough to move so sovereign a Majesty to come “from afar,” and condescend to enter a place so unworthy of Him as this world of ours? The cause was in truth great. It was His immense mercy, His multiplied compassion, His abundant charity.

For what end must we believe that He came? This question is the next in order to be examined; nor will the search demand much labour, for the end and purpose of His coming is proclaimed by His words and His works. To seek after the one sheep of the hundred that had strayed He hastened from the mountains. For our sake He came down from heaven, that His mercies and His wonders might be openly proclaimed to the children of men. O wonderful condescension of God in this search! O wonderful dignity of man who is thus sought! If he should wish to glory in this dignity, it would not be imputed to him as folly. Not that he need think anything of himself, but let him rejoice that He Who made him should set so high a value on him. For all the riches and glory of the world, all that is desirable therein, is far below this glory nay, can bear no comparison with it. “Lord, what is man that thou should magnify him? and why settest thou thy heart upon him?”

I still further desire to know why He should come to us, and not we rather go to Him, for the need was on our side, and it is not usual for the rich to go to the poor, though otherwise willing to assist them. It was indeed our place to go forward to Him, but there stood a twofold impediment in the way; for our eyes were heavy, and He “dwelt in light inaccessible.” We lay as paralytics on our beds and could not raise ourselves to the Divine elevation. Wherefore this most benign Saviour and Physician of souls descended to us from His lofty throne and tempered His brightness to the weakness of our sight. He clothed Himself with His most glorious and spotless body as with the shade of a lantern, thus attempering to us His splendour. This is that bright and shining cloud upon which the Lord was to descend upon Egypt, as the Prophet Isaiah foretold.

It is now fitting that we should consider the time of our Lord's coming.

He came, as you know, not in the beginning, nor in the midst of time, but in the end of it. This was no unsuitable choice, but a truly wise dispensation of His infinite wisdom, that He might afford help when He saw it was most needed. Truly, “it was evening, and the day was far spent”; the sun of justice had well-nigh set, and but a faint ray of his light and heat remained on earth. The light of Divine knowledge was very small, and as iniquity abounded, the fervour of charity had grown cold. No angel appeared; no prophet spoke. The angelic vision and the prophetic spirit alike had passed away, both hopelessly baffled by the exceeding obduracy and obstinacy of mankind. Then it was that the Son of God said: “Behold, I come.” And “while all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her course, the almighty word leaped down from heaven from thy royal throne.” Of this coming the Apostle speaks: “When the fullness of time was come, God sent his Son.” The plenitude and affluence of things temporal had brought on the oblivion and penury of things eternal. Fitly, therefore, did the Eternal God come when things of time were reigning supreme. To pass over other points, such was the temporal peace at the birth of Christ that by the edict of one man the whole world was enrolled.

You have now heard Who He is that comes, whence, whither, and to whom He comes; the cause, likewise, and the time of His coming are known to you. One point is yet to be considered namely, the way by which He came. This must be diligently examined, that we may, as is fitting, go forth to meet Him. As He once came visibly in the body to work our salvation in the midst of the earth, so does He come daily invisibly and in spirit to work the salvation of each individual soul; as it is written: “The Spirit before our face, Christ the Lord.” And that we might know this spiritual advent to be hidden, it is said: “Under his shadow we shall live among the Gentiles.” Wherefore, if the infirm cannot go far to meet this great Physician, it is at least becoming they should endeavour to raise their heads and lift themselves a little to greet their Saviour. For this, O man, you are not required to cross the sea, to penetrate the clouds, to scale the mountain tops. No lofty way is set before you. Turn within thyself to meet thy God, for the Word is nigh in thy mouth and in thy heart. Meet Him by compunction of heart and by confession of mouth, or, at least, go forth from the corruption of a sinful conscience, for it is not becoming that the Author of purity should enter there. It is delightful to contemplate the manner of His visible coming, for His “ways are beautiful, and all his paths are peace.” “Behold,” says the Spouse of the Canticles, “he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.” You see Him coming, O beautiful one, but His previous lying down you could not see, for you said: “Shew me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where thou liest.” He lay feeding His angels in His endless eternity with the vision of His glorious, unchanging beauty. But know, O beautiful one, that that vision is become wonderful to thee; it is high, and thou canst not reach it. Nevertheless, behold He hath gone forth from His holy place, and He that had lain feeding His angels hath undertaken to heal us. We shall see Him coming as our food, Whom we were not able to behold while He was feeding His angels in His repose. “Behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.” The mountains and hills we may consider to be the Patriarchs and the Prophets, and we may see His leaping and skipping in the book of His genealogy. “Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob,” etc. From the mountains came forth the root of Jesse, as you will find from the Prophet Isaias: “There shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his root, and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him.” The same prophet speaks yet more plainly: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel, which is interpreted, God with us.” He Who is first styled a flower is afterwards called Emmanuel, and in the rod is named the virgin. But we must reserve for another day further consideration of this sublime mystery, as there is ample material for another sermon, especially as today’s has been rather long.

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  [Canadian] Province allows grocers to ban unvaccinated food shoppers
Posted by: Stone - 12-07-2021, 08:16 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Province allows grocers to ban unvaccinated food shoppers

RT | 6 Dec, 2021

Grocery stores in Canada’s New Brunswick province are now allowed to lay down the law with shoppers who aren’t vaccinated against Covid-19: No jab, no food.

The provision – which was contained in a “winter action plan” announced by New Brunswick Health Minister Dorothy Shephard on Friday – gives grocery stores, malls and salons the option of either enforcing physical-distancing rules or requiring proof of vaccination to enter their establishments.

“With winter comes colder weather, shorter days, more time spent inside and increased opportunity for COVID-19 to spread,” Shephard said. “It is important we have a plan in place that ensures our healthcare system is not overwhelmed, but also considers the mental, physical and financial health of New Brunswickers.”

Without acknowledging issues around denying access to food, Shephard suggested that abiding by the new measures won’t be difficult. “They are small actions that each person can take, but when combined, can make a big difference,” she said.

Other new restrictions include limiting household gatherings to 20 people, capping outdoor gatherings at 50 people and requiring unvaccinated people to avoid indoor gatherings – in other words, a lonely and potentially hungry Christmas for the unjabbed. Masks are now also required in outdoor public places when physical distancing can’t be maintained.

Citizens must register to travel, and all unvaccinated people entering the province must be quarantined and take a test to prove they’re not infected after 10 days in isolation. Tougher restrictions, such as banning non-essential travel within the province, will kick in if new cases or hospitalizations rise to certain levels.

New Brunswick is apparently the first Canadian province to allow grocers to ban unvaccinated shoppers. For instance, under Ontario’s requirements for vaccine passports, no one can be prevented from accessing medical care or buying food.

The province has recorded 133 Covid-related deaths since the pandemic started, according to local government data. About 80% of New Brunswick’s residents have been fully vaccinated against the virus.

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  NYC to Require Full Vaccination to Access Restaurants, Gyms, Etc.; 5-Year-Olds Need Min. One Shot
Posted by: Stone - 12-06-2021, 07:07 PM - Forum: COVID Passports - No Replies

New York Will Require Full Vaccination To Access Restaurants, Gyms And Entertainment; 5-Year-Olds Need At Least One Shot

ZH | DEC 06, 2021

Hardly coming as a surprise in a world where the unvaccinated are now treated as subhuman scum, moments ago New York City announced it will require residents to be fully vaccinated to access indoor dining, entertainment and fitness - a stricter rule than the current requirement for people to have received at least one dose. And yes, the new rule also means that kids age 5-11 will also be required to have at least one shot to enter restaurants, de Blasio said.

[Image: NYCDAILY.jpg?itok=S4Ufic7_]

Source: The City

The new rule goes into effect on Dec. 27.

“Vaccine mandates are the one thing that really breaks through,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in an interview on MSNBC Monday. “Let’s lean into it even more.”

The mayor also called the mandates a "preemptive strike", once again urging all New Yorkers to get the jab, which is particularly unpopular among minority populations like black New Yorkers.

"We in New York City have decided to use a preemptive strike, to really do something bold to stop the further growth of COVID and the dangers it’s causing to all of us," de Blasio said. "So as of today, we’re going to announce a first-in-the-nation measure. Our health commissioner will announce a vaccine mandate for private sector employers across the board."

But before making this declarations, de Blasio should probably check out Belgium, which is over a month into its new mask mandate and with 87.4% of adults fully vaccinated, its cases just hit an all time high.

Naturally, New York has seen a post-Thanksgiving rise in Covid-19 infections in addition to its first few cases of the omicron variant. The cases so far appear to be unrelated, according to governor Kathy Hochul, but officials have warned people to assume there is already community spread.

“We have to assume community spread at this point,” de Blasio said. “Omicron is here.”

Although if this were true, the city would probably have confirmed more than a small handful of omicron cases.

The city last week strengthened its recommendation for residents to wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status and announced additional vaccine mandates on childcare workers and private school employees.

Meanwhile, over the weekend, the NYT sounded the alarm that hospitals in upstate New York are getting "crushed" thanks to a recent surge in COVID cases. However, hospitals in other parts of the northeast have seen a much more modest uptick in patients. But upstate, hospital capacity has decreased by 10%. It's one reason Gov. Kathy Hochul has temporarily suspended "elective" surgeries.

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  Catechism After Mass in Nashville, TN 12/5/21
Posted by: Deus Vult - 12-06-2021, 12:27 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Catechism After Mass in Nashville, TN 12/5/21
[Father Hewko has been censored off YouTube until December 13th - his sermons &
catechisms in the interim can be found below on Rumble and BitChute platforms.]

[Image: lefebvre_blessing.jpg?itok=ZVueTpth]

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  Is it true that COVID-19 vaccines are created using organs of aborted infants?
Posted by: SAguide - 12-06-2021, 12:11 PM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

Is it true that COVID-19 vaccines are created
using organs of aborted infants?

It is difficult to imagine the perversion of the human heart which justifies the use of vital organs of infants, even if the intention is to help others.

[Image: shutterstock_1726888900-810x500.jpg]
Thu Nov 11, 2021

(LifeSiteNews) — When we first heard about the experimentation on human embryos and foetuses many years ago, most of us were incredulous. Some still are. It is difficult to imagine the perversion of the human heart which justifies the use of vital organs of infants, even if the intention is to help others. To use another human being is nothing less than to instrumentalize that person, to turn them into an object to be used and discarded like a dirty rag. This is a grave thing to do to anyone, but the sin is compounded and increases in gravity when that person is innocent and defenseless. Even if we had used the body of only one infant that was spontaneously aborted, it would be a grave injustice.

The Eugenics movement which dawned in the 1920s oversaw the forced institutionalization and sterilization of the “feebleminded” and made medical experimentation on human beings “acceptable.”[1] Following this, and well into the 1970s, organ harvesting on live foetuses of gestational ages of 3–4 months was not uncommon.[2]

To grasp the gravity of the use of aborted foetal cells in the medical field, it is necessary to be aware of the steps required to arrive at a “successful” outcome. The sanitized idea that the development of the cells came from one female infant in 1973 in a wholly isolated incident is misleading, for the very nature of the scientific method involves performing experiments repeatedly until a successful outcome is achieved.

The currently available COVID-19 vaccines use foetal stem cells (a parent cell that can keep reproducing) in either their production (by using them as a container to culture the viruses) and/or in their testing (the vaccines are then tested on these cells to elicit a safety response on a cellular level). The majority of foetal stem cells are of the HEK-293 cell line (HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney, and 293 indicates the number of experiments required prior to the successful isolation of the cell line). The workbook of the scientist for HEK-293 is not public, so the true number of foetuses used has not been confirmed. It is thought to be likely to be over 100 when compared to similar cell lines. For example, there were numerous foetuses used in the extraction of the cell line denoted by the number -38 (WI-38)[3] and nine foetuses in the lead-up to the development of a cell line denoted by the number -2 (walvax-2).

Another misconception is that organs are salvaged after the abortion. Although this is in itself a heinous crime, the harvesting of organs for medical research is far more premeditated. The following is an excerpt from a 2015 publication in a medical journal regarding the development of a new foetal cell line (walvax-2): “The fetal material was provided by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Yunnan Hospital, with legal and ethical agreements from the donator. Before the study, we made strict and comprehensive inclusion criteria in order to guarantee a high-quality cell strain: 1) gestational age 2 to 4 months; 2) induction of labor with the water bag method; 3) the parent’s career should not involve contact with chemicals and radiation; 4) both parents are in good health without neoplastic and genetic diseases, and with no history of human tissue or organ transplantation in the families traced for 3 generations; and 5) no infectious diseases. The tissues from the freshly aborted fetuses were immediately sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the cells.”[4]
In simple language: Several infants of a gestational age of 2–4 months were screened, picked for their gender, race and pristine medical history. The date of the abortion is chosen, labor is induced, organs are extracted while the child is alive (denoted by the word “fresh”), then transported. The cause of death is the removal of the organs by vivisection. The method described above in 2015 is virtually unchanged from the method of organ harvesting in 1952.[5]

In a university application for $2.3 million funding for foetal harvesting in 2016, the method used to guarantee the “freshness” of foetal kidneys is described: “Labour induction will be used to obtain the tissue. We record the warm ischemic time on our samples and take steps to keep it at a minimum to ensure the highest quality biological specimens. We get feedback from our users and utilize this feedback to tailor our collection processes on a case-by-case basis to maximize the needs of investigators.”[6] The expression “warm ischaemia time” refers to the time that the organ remains at body temperature after its blood supply has been cut.[7] In simple language, this refers to the foetus being delivered alive, and the organs extracted with no anaesthesia while the heart is still beating and blood is circulating. This part is crucial to ensure viability of the organs.

In any court of law, a crime that used such methods would be called pre-meditated mass murder and torture. It cries to Heaven for vengeance. It is so grave that no reason whatsoever can ever justify it. Up to here, it is to be hoped that all those who bear the name of Christian will be in agreement. It is a clear violation of the Fifth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

What’s more, Church teaching has consistently and systematically condemned abortion, in all its forms — whether therapeutic or for science. Pope Pius XII, in his famous address to midwives, left no doubt about the matter: “The life of an innocent person is sacrosanct, and any direct attempt or aggression against it is a violation of one of the fundamental laws without which secure human society is impossible. … Never forget this: there rises above every human law and above every ‘indication’ the faultless law of God.”[8]

Pdf links to the articles Fr. Hewko is reading from in his sermon:



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  Viganò: “those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”
Posted by: Stone - 12-06-2021, 07:14 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Viganò: “those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”
by Cesare Sacchetti - 3 December 2021

There is a man that in this moment terrifies the hierarchy of the anti-Catholic church of Bergoglio. This man has been the object of tremendous and evil attacks by the mainstream media. They have been trying to smear him and depict him as a criminal or like someone who is putting in great danger to society. This man is Archbishop Viganò. His Excellency has become like a polar star of hope for those Catholics and even non-believers who have thirst for justice and common sense in this upside-down world. Viganò has been speaking calmly but his gentle voice has terrified the powerful people of the world. Viganò has exposed the Great Reset and the plan to destroy mankind. He clearly denounced the infiltration of Freemasonry into society and into the Church.

In other words, Vigano’s guilty is the one of having said the truth like a humble pastor of God. In this interview that His Excellency granted us, he once again tells us in what kind of historical period we are living. He also consoles us by reminding us that being persecuted for loving God and having Faith is the greatest honor that we may have. This is probably why so many people look at this man in this historical period. He’s one of the few pastors that can speak simply to the hearts of the common men. Here you can find his words addressed to any one of us.”

Your Excellency, in recent days you have been the victim of harsh attacks in the Italian media, and the attacks seem to be increasing in intensity. Massimo Giannini, editor of La Stampa of Turin, went so far as to call you a “scoundrel.” Another prominent Italian journalist, Bruno Vespa, said God should “forgive you” for your statements about the vaccines and the so-called pandemic. Could you explain why Italy’s mainstream media increasingly seems to consider you a sort of “public enemy”? Why are they seemingly so afraid of you?

As I have previously noted, it is typical of any totalitarian regime to seek to delegitimize any and every form of dissent, at first by ridiculing the adversary, making him the object of derision so as to discredit him before the eyes of the public opinion. Then, after delegitimizing the person as pathological, or in need of psychiatric care, suggesting that the adversary is mentally unstable who should be hospitalized in a mental institution. Finally, this process ends with the complete criminalization of all dissenters. In this way, the regime creates the necessary premises to separate all its adversaries from civil society.

Lies, insults and personal attacks — like the most recent that I have received from the Italian magazine “Venerdì” (published by the newspaper “La Repubblica”) — are part of this charade, a type of theatrical production in which the “high priests” of COVID tear their vestments, lamenting every objection to their lies. We should recall that “La Stampa” and “La Repubblica” belong to the Elkann family, a family related to the Rothschilds since the 1500s. As a matter of fact, John Elkann wrote the preface to Klaus Schwab’s book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which the WEF (World Economic Forum) chairman describes the “Great Reset” in minute detail. In their adherence to the official narrative, the spokesmen for the elite also end up employing this tactic of discrediting and smearing those who oppose them, a typical practice of conspiratorial groups.

Certainly, given the deafening silence of the bishops and the propaganda of Santa Marta (Editor’s Note: the residence of Jorge Bergoglio), it is clear that a discordant voice that denounces the ongoing coup d’état being carried out by the globalist élite irritates and seems intolerable for those who ask for an unreasoning approval to their contradictory declarations.

In this context, the Italian media has gone so far as to send spies to attend the Masses celebrated by those priests, like Fr. Giorgio Ghio, who are denouncing the harm caused by the vaccines and the general anti-Christian spirit that seems to becoming ever more to dominate Western society. It seems that the spirit of the real, traditional Church is not only not dead, but even being rekindled. Do you believe that the globalist power is particularly afraid of this renewal of the traditional Catholic faith?

I would like to point out first of all that intrusion by the civil authorities in Church affairs is in direct violation of the Concordat between the Holy See and the Italian Republic. Moreover, the Episcopal Conference of Italy (CEI) does not have any authority to negotiate with the government protocols and agreements, so such agreements, in so far as agreed to by those who have no right to negotiate or ratify such agreements, have no validity whatsoever. Having said that, I think that every priest has the right, or rather the duty, to warn his faithful about the real danger – not at all merely hypothetical – represented by the inoculation of this experimental medical product. This is especially the case when the entire psycho-pandemic farce clearly aims to lead toward the establishment of a dictatorship, whose purpose is to control the citizens through a violation of their constitutional and natural rights under the guise of a health emergency.

The submission of the Catholic Hierarchy, of the Episcopal Conferences, of the Bishops and the Priests to this official narrative, is so brazen and servile as to make evident that infiltration by the “deep church” that I have denounced many times. This infiltration began at least 70 years ago, and today has become quite obvious due to its arrogance and to its persecution of all dissenting voices concerning both the alleged pandemic emergency and the even graver doctrinal, moral, and disciplinary deviations (of the present Church leadership) and the disturbing complicities of this leadership with the “deep state.”

This blatant betrayal by the Church’s pastors has sparked, as also has occurred in the area of civil government, a spontaneous opposition from the “base,” from the people, both ordinary lay people, and ordinary priests, and this opposition has concerned, significantly, both the response to the pandemic and the crisis of the Church hierarchy. On one hand, we have the promoters of the “Great Reset” with their anti-Catholic and anti-Christic ideology, supported by the Bergoglian church. On the other hand, we have those who are standing against the New World Order and who see their moral values and vision fulfilled in the perennial Catholic magisterium and in the traditional Catholic liturgy. The two cities, the City of the Devil and the City of God: the division is always the same because the opposing forces are drawn up based on positions that are ontologically opposed and inimical to one another.

A Russian Colonel who once served in the Soviet secret services, Vladimir Kvachov, has called the pandemic as a sort of “terrorist operation” that has been expressly conceived to enforce a global population reduction and usher in a global dictatorship. In an article published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010 whose title is “Operation Lockstep”, the outbreak of a pandemic is expressly mentioned. This pandemic allows world governments to implement authoritarian and repressive measures against personal freedom that are essential to move toward a one-world government. These restrictive measures are basically the same that we have been seeing enforced during the last year and a half, such as face masks and social distancing, which have brought mass psychosis and social hate seemingly unprecedented in Western societies. Do you think that this entire situation is an engineered crisis conceived by the globalist powers to drag mankind towards a state of constant fear and pave the way for the global Leviathan?

I do think so, and I have been saying this since the beginning of the psycho-pandemic, when in May 2020 I exposed the dangers and the absurdities of this grotesque farce. I am quite familiar with the scenarios of the Rockefeller Foundation, as well as with the ones depicted by the “Great Reset” of the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose president met the former Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, in November of 2019 and the present Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, just a few days ago. Likewise, I am also aware of the UN plan called Agenda 2030.

This operation required meticulous preparation and needed the participation of large parts of the public institutions and the private sectors, including the complicity of the Judiciary, of law enforcement and the media. These combined efforts are a real coup d’état and the pandemic is just a pretext – the profasis – through which is introduced the seeming inevitability of the violation of fundamental rights and the consequent establishment of the totalitarian regime of the New Order. In this New Order the pandemic superstition reigns supreme, with its magicians, its vaccine temples, its irrational rituals and its excommunications of sinners vitandi (“to be avoided” or “to be shunned”) — those who do not agree to give up their reason even before apostatizing from their Faith in order to embrace this insane ideological madness.

In the “Great Reset” society that Your Excellency has denounced on numerous occasions, the “transhumanist” ideology plays a fundamental role. Modern technology is advancing at a very fast pace and we are now speaking openly about the possibility of controlling human behavior through brain microchip implants. One who favors this new model of “human/robot” is Klaus Schwab, a character whom we have met in the previous questions, the head of the World Economic Forum. Do you think that the final purpose of transhumanism is really this, to deprive man of his God-given free will?

Transhumanism is a hellish project, in which the Devil mocks the creation of God by perverting and corrupting it. Obedience to the “easy yoke” of the Law of God is replaced by the enslavement and submission to Satan’s tyranny, in which there is no tolerance for good and everyone is forced to commit evil, accept evil, and legitimize evil. And despite the fact that only God can read our consciences, Satan tries to violate the sanctuary of our inner spiritual part in order to control it and induce us to commit evil even against our own will. In his recent book, The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab wrote the following:

Quote:“We are also studying new ways to use and implant internal devices that monitor our levels of activity, the hematochemical values and the ways in which these can be associated to wellbeing, to mental health, and to productivity at home and at work. We are also learning better the functioning of the brain and witnessing exceptional developments in the neurotechnology area.”

It is a delirium that only Lucifer can conceive, and it is destined to complete failure because of it Antichristic matrix, its defying of the divine Kingship of Jesus Christ. It is a delirium where the creature, rebelling against the divine laws, pretends to reach the place of the Highest and repeats, with the same disgraceful determination, the “Non serviam” (“I will not serve”) of Lucifer.

Satan is simia Dei (“an ape of God”): in everything that he does to keep us away from God and drag us toward Hell, we can always see his mocking attempt to imitate the Savior, to usurp His sovereignty, to pervert His teachings and to steal souls from Him. The Devil wants to be worshipped in the place of God. He wants the Antichrist to rule over the world and subjugate mankind to his tyranny by replacing the Church of Christ with the anti-Church of Satan, which is the Religion of Mankind, an ecumenical and ecological one.

In your videos and articles, you have spoken about the threat represented by the New World Order (NWO). Several statesmen and prime ministers, such as George H. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Nicolas Sarkozy, and David Rockefeller – just to name a few– used this expression in their public statements. These politicians describe the NWO as a sort of “Eden” we all should aim for. During the COVID crisis, we have been often hearing these words. Can you explain the idea that drives the New World Order and why the vaccines play a very important role in the fulfillment of this goal?

The New World Order is neither New nor Order: it represents the foolish ambition of Satan to overthrow the providential plan of God, to cancel the true Religion that leads to eternal salvation and finally to replace the “ordo christianus” (“the Christian order”) with infernal chaos. In this disorder, the lie replaces the Truth, injustice and abuse of power replace justice, whim instead of obedience to the law of God, death instead of life, illness instead of health, the legitimization of Evil and the condemnation of Good, the persecution of good people and the praising of evil ones, ignorance in the place of culture and wisdom, ugliness and horror instead of beauty, division and hatred instead of harmony and love. Satan doesn’t want to be worshipped by adopting the qualities of God, but by demanding to be an object of adoration through everything that is evil, obscene, false, absurd, and monstrous. He seeks complete subversion, a subversion ontologically devilish and Antichristic: a “New Order” obtained by means of a global coup d’état imposed under the guise of an engineered planned emergency.

The vaccine campaign, lacking any scientific validity, serves first of all as the apparent legitimization for implementing global tracking and controls, today under the pretext of limiting COVID spread (a pretext which is false, because, among other reasons, the vaccinated can still become infected and be contagious). But tomorrow, this campaign aims to expand its reach, extending the “Green Pass” to include information used in a “social credit system” to confront a “green emergency,” which will be likewise false and specious. The “Green Pass” is being conceived as something like the Mark of the Beast mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John to allow or forbid people to buy, sell, travel, spend, eat and live.

Secondly, the inoculation of people with an experimental genic serum that provokes a weakening of our natural immune system represents a very grave crime, because it turns ordinary healthy people into chronically ill people, and consequently into customers of the health care companies and private care. This situation hugely inflates the profits of the globalist élite and brings a general impoverishment of the population. Even this aspect, apparently secondary, reveals the subversive character of the “Great Reset,” because the “Great Reset” does not represent only an attack against the health of an individual, but also an attack against the national security of the States, because their armed forces are harmed by the side effects of the vaccine, while the not-vaccinated soldiers are banned from active duty. I think that this is a point not enough considered by those who are analyzing the present crisis, and it shows the malice of those who. Once in power, cooperate for the destruction of nations in order to subjugate them to the New Order.

Speaking again about the New World Order, Your Excellency said in one of your videos that Vatican II played a fundamental role in the early 1960s in paving the way for this plan. In this regard, the Council may be considered as the event that built a “new liberal Church” separated from the Catholic tradition. This “liberal Church” has embraced the spirit of the modern world, rather than trying to contain it. Essentially, the institution that should have been the “katechon,” the force that impeded the manifestation of the Antichrist, instead became the spokesman and promoter of the Antichrist. Is it possible to say the masonic forces that infiltrated the Church planned this transition? Do you think that the present Church is living the apostasy predicted by Leo XIII in 1884, and predicted by other relevant prophecies such as the ones of Fatima in 1917 and Akita in 1973?

As one of the main characters of Vatican II (1962-1965), Cardinal Leo Joseph Suenens said, the conciliar revolution represented “the 1789 of the Catholic Church” [Editor’s note: The year 1798 was the beginning of the French Revolution which overthrew the entire pre-French Revolution society.] In this view, ever since Vatican II, the Church has embraced the revolutionaries’ principles, liberal ideology, Communism, collectivism, and more generally “the spirit of the world”; gender theory, and the dissolution of Christianity, not only in the doctrinal area but also in the moral and cultural area, that is, as the vital element of Christian Civilization. This betrayal was accomplished in ways not unlike the ones that were used by the masonic Lodges against the Catholic Monarchies, and it was realized through an infiltration plan that was unfolded on two fronts: one ideological, and one practical.

On the ideological side, we witnessed the corruption of orthodoxy through heresies and philosophical errors of which we are still suffering the nefarious consequences; on the practical side, we witnessed the corruption of people’s morality, subjecting individuals to passions to dominate them, enslaving them to their own vices in order to blackmail them, promoting the most corrupt to the highest posts of institutions which, through their outrageous conduct, were delegitimized and discredited. What kind of credibility may the Church claim in matters of moral sexuality when its highest prelates are corrupt perverts? What kind of credibility may the Church claim, when officials of the Holy See are implicated in financial scandals and obscure market speculations?

Therefore, a return to Tradition is necessary, and to those values that have today been removed and forgotten, such as honesty, the sense of duty, fidelity, love of Country, honor, discipline. It would be a return to the ordo christianus in the civil sphere, which would involve a radical reform of the States; the same should be done in the ecclesial sphere with the removal of the false pastors and the restoration of everything that was destroyed by the ideological fury of Vatican II. If we want to end the hard test that Providence is demanding of us, it is fundamental that we remove the cause of the chastisements that the Lord is inflicting upon us. And the inner cause is this entire Antichristic system that was conceived by masonic principles and by the Revolution.

We must restore authority as an expression of the power of Christ, and we must give a moral and spiritual education to those who govern us. It is certainly a hard task, but we should do it if we really want to transmit to our children the values that make them good Christians and good citizens, accountable before God and desirous of obeying Him, of proclaiming Him King, and of giving Him public honors. Once we have acknowledged Him again as King, Our Lord will not allow His children to perish in battle, and He will reward them with a great victory. However, until we understand the error that lies at the base of the present horrors, we cannot hope in the intervention of God.

Recently, Bergoglio has clearly said that it will be necessary to give birth to the “Great Reset,” and he has also pointed out that there will not be a return to normal. Bergoglio has turned himself into an apostle of the universal religion desired by the masonic lodges, whose ultimate goal is to completely remove Christianity. Does it have sense to state that Bergoglio is the natural conclusion of Vatican II? Do you think that the apostasy of the Church, which was foreseen in several prophecies and in the visions of the Venerable Holzhauser, has already reached its peak and is close to its conclusion?

Bergoglio is one of the most convinced adherents of the globalist religion: he embraces all of its goals, he pushes its plans, he promotes its doctrines, and he fights its enemies. If he were not to have the role that he has within the ecclesial hierarchy, he could be considered the prophet of the New World Order and the main enemy of the Church of Christ. The fact that he is universally considered as the head of the Church shows us an evident contradiction, an extremely grave conflict of interests, a blatant betrayal of the authority he possesses.

The same ways that allowed him to replace the outgoing Benedict XVI reveal the intervention of forces hostile to the Church. The manipulations of the so-called Saint Gallen mafia are a direct proof of this hostile intervention, planned beforehand also by the “deep state,” as emerges from the emails of John Podesta, who spoke about a “springtime of the Church” in which the Church would embrace the spirit of the world and abandon the proclamation of the Gospel.

This “pontificate” is the coherent application of the principles of Vatican II, as Bergoglio himself has proudly claimed. Everything that he has said and done since 2013 is aligned with the errors woven into various ambiguous passages of the Conciliar texts, from his intransigent silences to his misleading ambiguities. But like everything that comes from the Devil, this project has no hope to succeed and serves only to allow us to understand a very clear truth that we are still not able to recognize: the only hope of Salvation rests in the complete embracing of the Catholic Faith, as Our Lord taught it to the Apostles and as the Holy Church has proposed it for belief for 2000 years. All the errors, all the attempts to adapt the faith to the mentality of this age, all the compromises to carve out a place for the Church in the world, and all the betrayals in exchange for power come from Satan, and as such are destined to failure.

If Christ the King will return to reign in the Church, even before coming back to reign in civil society, He will grant the Church good and holy Pastors, a courageous Pontiff who will denounce apostasy, fight errors, gather around the Cross of Christ the good. Because the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, is also destined to suffer Her own Passion, but in the dignity and wholeness of Her being, precisely, the Bride of the Immaculate Lamb, and not the concubine of the eternal defeated.

This is why I hope and pray that Providence would grant the world a time of peace and conversion, in order to lead back the Pastors and the Flock to fidelity to the Gospel, so that they will be able to face with dignity the final persecution before the Universal Judgement. If this propitious time were to be ushered in by the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, I think that we could truly read the present facts in that eschatological vision that finds fulfillment in the victory of Christ over the Devil.

Your Excellency has launched a public appeal in recent days in which you call for the formation of an “anti-globalist Alliance.” Do you think that the headquarters of this alliance should be Italy, a country that is historically hated by Freemasonry and by the globalist powers?

Italy is a nation blessed by God and by the presence of the papacy. Its civilization — represented by the historical, cultural and artistic legacy of its cities, but also united in the bond of the Catholic Faith – has always been the object of the dissolving action of satan and his servants. Freemasonry hates Italy, hates its glorious history, which is intrinsically tied to the birth of Christianity, first, and then its later spread. Freemasonry also hates the traditions of this country, which are impregnated by Christianity, hates its art, deeply Christian, hates its culture and civilization, which is an eloquent voice of the power of the Faith in influencing every walk of life. It hates its Saints, who through their preaching and their example drew away from hell millions of souls; it hates its people, whose character seems still to hint to show that authenticity and passion that is profoundly Catholic, expressed by small gestures, by generosity, by a moral sense that is truly Christian.

This is why I believe Italy should have a key role in the opposition against the tyranny of the New Order, by proposing itself as a natural headquarters for this World Anti-Globalist Alliance. And considering the fact that the return of a Catholic Monarch seems quite hard to imagine in this moment, I think that the form of government of the pre-Union Communes and States [Editor’s note: the form of government of the Italian city states prior to the uniton of Italy in 1870] could greatly inspire those who would like a reform of Italian civil society aligned with Christian principles and, at the same time, compatible with the needs of modern society. In this regard, I think in particular at The Allegory of Good Government fresco in Siena’s town hall [Palazzo Comunale], in which the theological Virtues enlighten and guide the cardinal and civic Virtues.

Many people are suffering serious personal problems due to the discrimination caused by the “Green Pass” that was enforced by Draghi’s government. Many people are giving up their jobs and salaries to avoid taking this vaccination, and many others are protesting in the streets against this unprecedented authoritarian society. What would you like to say to those who are suffering the consequences of this dystopic society and to those who are giving in to loss of hope, indeed, to desperation?

I would like to answer with the words of Our Lord: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John, 16, 33).

To those who are suffering their own discrimination and the one of their beloved ones; to those who were forced to take a vaccination because the civil authority shamefully blackmailed them, with the outrageous complicity of the ecclesial authority; to those who with courage refuse to surrender to illegitimate and tyrannical laws; to those who are deprived of their means of support due to their coherence, I say this: you are the proof that the strength and the violence of Evil can possibly affect you in your belongings, in your body and in your family; but they cannot ever, ever, strip away from you the peace of having stayed loyal to the Lord.

Do you think that the martyrs were people gifted with special powers? The real martyrs were, are, and will be persons like you and I, persons with a thousand flaws maybe, but driven by the love for Christ, that is, driven by Charity, who are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to not renounce that supernatural and divine love. And if they were able, with the help of God, to face death accompanied by horrible pains, do you think that you today are not able, under the mantle of the most holy Virgin Mary, to stand up against these tyrants, as cruel as they are cowardly? Feel honored by the privilege that is granted to you of meriting Heaven: your fidelity, your strength against the impositions of a hostile power, will merit you the help and protection of Heaven even in the littlest things.

Remain in the Grace of God, which is the only good that no one can ever take away from you: all the rest will be in the hands of Her whom we invoke as the Help of Christians. And when the Virgin intervenes, Hell trembles.

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  Calendar of Various Novenas
Posted by: Stone - 12-05-2021, 02:28 PM - Forum: Novenas - No Replies

Calendar of Various Novena
Taken from here.

Novena to the Sacred Heart (Beginning on the Feast of Corpus Christi and ending on the Feast of the Sacred Heart)

Novena to the Holy Face (Feast Day Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras)

Novena to the Holy Name

Novena to the Magi in anticipation of the Epiphany (beginning on 28 December and ending on 5 January (the Vigil of the Epiphany)

Novena to the Infant of Prague (Starts 5 January – 13 January — Feast Day 14 January)

Novena to the Holy Family (Feast Day: Sunday between 7 January and 13 January)

Novena to St. Brigid (beginning on 23 January and ending on 1 February — Feast Day 2 February)

Novena to Our Lady of Good Success (starting on 24 January and ending on 1 February)

Novena to St. Blaise (beginning on 25 January and ending on 2 February — Feast Day 3 February)

Novena to St Agatha (Beginning 27 January and ending on 4 February — Feast Day 5 February)

Novena to St. Valentine (beginning on February 5 and ending on February 14)

Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes (Begins 2 February through 10 February — Feast Day 11 February)

Novena to St Thomas Aquinas (Feast Day 7 March)

Novena to St John of God (Feast Day 8 March)

Novena of Grace (in honor of St. Francis Xavier) (starting on 4 March and ending on 12 March)

Novena to St. Patrick (beginning on 8 March and ending on 16 March — Feast Day 17 March)

Novena to St. Joseph (beginning on 10 March and ending on 18 March — Feast Day 19 March)

Novena to St. Benedict (beginning on 12 March and ending on 20 March — Feast Day 21 March)

Novena in Honor of the Annunciation to Our Lady (Beginning March 16)

Novena to the Holy Ghost (starting on the day after Ascension Thursday, ending on the Pentecost)

Novena to St. George (beginning on 14 April and ending on 22 April — Feast Day 23 April)

Novena to St. Monica (beginning on 25 April and ending on 3 May — Feast Day 4 May)

Novena to St. Dymphna (beginning on 6 May and ending on 14 May — Feast Day 15 May)

Novena to St. Rita of Cascia (beginning on 13 May and ending on 21 May — Feast Day 22 May)

Novena to St. Anthony of Padua (beginning on 4 June and ending on 12 June — Feast Day 13 June)

Novena to St Aloysius (Beginning 12 June and ending 20 June — Feast Day 21 June)

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Begins 18 June – 26 June — Feast Day 27 June)

Novena to the Precious Blood (Begins 23 June and ending on 1 July — Feast Day 2 July)

Novena to St. Anne (beginning on 17 July and ending on 25 July — Feast Day 26 July)

Novena to St. Martha (Feast Day 29 July)

Novena to St Alphonsus (Beginning 24 July and ending 1 August — Feast Day 2 August)

Novena to St. Dominic (beginning on 30 July and ending on 7 August — Feast Day 8 August)

Novena to St. Philomena (beginning on 2 August and ending on 10 August — Feast Day 11 August)

Novena to St. Clare of Assisi (beginning on 3 August and ending on 11 August — Feast Day 12 August)

Novena to St. Maximilian Kolbe (beginning on 5 August and ending on 13 August — Feast Day 14 August)

Novena to St Raymond Nonnatus (beginning 22 August and ending 30 August — Feast Day 31 August)

Novena in Honor of Our Lady’s Nativity (Beginning August 30)

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows (beginning 6 September and ending on 14 September — Feast Day 15 September

Novena to St. Pio of Pietrelcina (beginning on 14 September and ending on 22 September — Feast Day 23 September)

Novena to St. Michael (beginning on 20 September and ending on 28 September — Feast Day 29 September)

Novena to St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower (beginning on 24 September and ending on 2 October — Feast Day 3 October)

Novena to St. Francis of Assisi (beginning on 25 September and ending on 3 October– Feast Day 4 October)

Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Rosary (Beginning 28 September)

Novena in Honor of Our Lady’s Divine Maternity (Beginning October 2)

Novena to St. Teresa of Avila (beginning on 6 October and ending on 14 October — Feast Day 15 October)

Novena to St. Gerard (7 October and ending on 15 October — Feast Day 16 October)

Novena in Honor of St. Raphael, Archangel (Beginning October 15)

Novena to St. Jude (beginning on 20 October and ending on 28 October — Feast Day 29 October)

Novena to Christ the King (beginning 10 days before the Feast of Christ the King (the last Sunday in October)

Novena for the Holy Souls in Purgatory (Beginning October 24)

Novena to St Martin de Porres (Beginning 25 October and ending on 2 November — Feast Day 3 November)

Novena to Frances Xavier Cabrini (Mother Cabrini) (beginning on November 4 and ending on November 12 — Feast Day 13 November)

Novena in Honor of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (21 November)

Novena to St. Catherine of Alexandria (beginning November 16 and ending on November 25)

Christmas Novena I (St. Andrew Novena) (from St. Andrew’s Day (30 November), ending on Christmas Eve)

Novena to St. Nicholas (beginning on 27 November and ending on 5 December — Feast Day 6 December)

Novena to the Immaculate Conception (starting on November 29 and ending on December 7 —- Feast Day 8 December)

Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe (Beginning 3 December and ending 11 December — Feast 12 December)

Novena to St Lucy (beginning 4 December and ending 12 December — Feast Day 13 December)

Christmas Novena II (beginning on 16 December and ending on 24 December)


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  Pope Francis echoes John Paul II in asking forgiveness of Orthodox
Posted by: Stone - 12-05-2021, 08:20 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Keep in mind that the Orthodox deny many elements of the true Catholic Faith. For example, from the 1912 Catholic Encyclopedia on the Eastern Schism:

They deny papal infallibility and the Immaculate Conception, they quarrel over purgatory, consecration by the words of institution, the procession of the Holy Ghost, in each case misrepresenting the dogma to which they object. It is not difficult to show that on all these points their own Fathers are with those of the Latin Church, which asks them only to return to the old teaching of their own Church. ...  They have a horror of being latinized, of betraying the old Faith. One must always insist that there is no idea of latinizing them, that the old Faith is not incompatible with, but rather demands union with the chief see which their Fathers obeyed. In canon law they have nothing to change except such abuses as the sale of bishoprics and the Erastianism that their own better theologians deplore.

Pope Francis echoes John Paul II in asking forgiveness of Orthodox

[Image: GREECE-VATICAN-RELIGION-POPE-AFP-000_9TY...=2048,1365]

Aleteia | December 4, 2021

But urges communion: How can we proclaim the love of Christ who gathers the nations, if we ourselves are not united?
In Greece, Pope Francis has followed in the footsteps of Pope John Paul II in asking forgiveness of the Orthodox for the mistakes made by Catholics — “actions and decisions that had little or nothing to do with Jesus and the Gospel, but were instead marked by a thirst for advantage and power” and that “gravely weakened our communion.”

In a moving reflection during a meeting with His Beatitude Hieronymos II, he nevertheless invited Christians of both confessions to lean on their common roots.

Just hours after landing from Cyprus, the Pope was received by the Primate of All Greece. This meeting was the second between the two men, after that of 2016 in Lesbos.

The Pope’s reflection centered on the symbolism of the olive tree.

Quote:A short time ago, I mentioned the age-old olive trees that our lands have in common. Reflecting on those trees that unite us, I think of the roots we share. Underground, hidden, frequently overlooked, those roots are nonetheless there and they sustain everything.

What are our common roots that have endured over the centuries? They are the apostolic roots. Saint Paul speaks of them when he stresses the importance of being “built upon the foundation of the apostles” (Eph 2:20). Those roots, growing from the seed of the Gospel, began to bear abundant fruit precisely in Hellenic culture: I think of the early Fathers of the Church and the first great ecumenical councils.

The fruitfulness, though, was “compromised by division,” the Pope said, and asked for forgiveness. “Tragically, in later times we grew apart. Worldly concerns poisoned us, weeds of suspicion increased our distance and we ceased to nurture communion.”

Quote:Yet we are comforted by the certainty that our roots are apostolic and that, notwithstanding the twists and turns of time, what God planted continues to grow and bear fruit in the same Spirit. It is a grace to recognize one another’s good fruits and to join in thanking the Lord for this.

A few minutes earlier, Hieronymus II had asked, without wanting to “embarrass” Pope Francis, that the latter have the courage and the honesty to consider the missing signs and omissions of his predecessors.

The Orthodox Patriarch alluded to the Greek War of Independence. According to a specialist in the Orthodox world contacted by I.MEDIA, in 1821, the Western powers and the Vatican had not supported the civil and civic resistance movement of the Greeks then under Ottoman influence.

[Image: GREECE-VATICAN-RELIGION-POPE-AFP-000_9TY...=2048,1365]
This handout photograph taken by the Vatican Media and released on December 4, 2021 shows Pope Francis (L) signs a document next to Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens and All Greece in the “Throne Room” of the Orthodox Archbishopric of Greece in Athens, on December 4, 2021. –
Photo by Handout / VATICAN MEDIA / AFP

The Spirit’s work

Carrying on with the symbol of the olive trees common to Rome and Greece, the Pope spoke of olive oil:

Quote:For us, dear Brother, oil calls to mind the Holy Spirit who gave birth to the Church. Only he, with his unfading splendour, can dispel the darkness and illumine the steps of our journey.

As well, the Pope reflected, Jesus asks us to pray.

Quote:In Gethsemane, in his hour of anguish, Christ asked his disciples for the comfort of their closeness and prayer. The image of oil thus leads us to the Garden of Olives. “Remain here and watch” (Mk 14:34), Jesus said. His request to the Apostles was in the plural. Nowadays, too, he wants us to watch and pray. We need prayer for one another in order to bring to the world God’s consolation and to heal our wounded relationships.

He was insistent that Christians must seek communion:

Quote:How can we testify before the world to the harmony of the Gospel, if we Christians remain separated? How can we proclaim the love of Christ who gathers the nations, if we ourselves are not united? Many steps have already been taken to bring us together. Let us implore the Spirit of communion to spur us to follow his lead and to help us base communion not on calculations, strategies and expedience, but on the one model to which we must look: the Most Holy Trinity.

Help from the Orthodox on the question of synodality

The Successor of Peter also paid homage to the solidity of the theological formation within the Orthodox Church. Here, I would like to express my appreciation for the importance that this Orthodox Church, heir to the first significant inculturation of the faith, with Hellenic culture, devotes to theological training and preparation.

With thanks for participation in the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue, he also called for collaboration to “heal the wounds of humanity” and to advocate for the poorest.

As he had done in Cyprus before the Holy Synod, the Pontiff asked the Greek Orthodox for their help for the synod on the theme of synodality, started by the Catholic Church for two years:

Quote:The Catholic Church has just set out on a path aimed at deepening synodality and we feel we have much to learn from you. This is what we sincerely desire, certain that when brothers and sisters in the faith draw closer, the consolation of the Spirit comes down to fill our hearts.

Migrant brothers and sisters

Pope Francis and Hieronymus II, 84 and 83 years old respectively, already met in 2016, during the visit of the Bishop of Rome to the island of Lesbos, which he will visit a second time on December 5. The migratory crisis, said the Pontiff in front of the archbishop, is one of the greatest tragedies of our time

Quote:The plight of so many of our migrant brothers and sisters, who cannot be regarded with indifference, seen only as a burdensome problem to be managed or, worse yet, passed on to someone else.

Before the Pope took the floor, Hieronymus II had also mentioned the theme of migrants, arguing that “fine words are no longer enough” and deploring the attitude of certain countries, such as Turkey, which exploit these suffering people.

Insisting on the complexity of the migratory phenomenon, the Orthodox leader wanted to be clear: “It is our duty to stop the flow of migrants […] now!"

A previous request for forgiveness in 2001

During his trip to Greece in 2001 , in a more hostile context, Pope John Paul II – the first pope to visit Greek soil since the Great Schism of 1054 – asked forgiveness from the country’s Orthodox for the crimes of Catholics, in particular the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204.

In Greece, the Argentine pontiff was received with dignity, but with a certain reserve.

Upon his arrival at the Orthodox Archbishopric, an elderly Orthodox priest accosted the head of the Catholic Church, shouting in Greek: “Pope you are a heretic.” He was subsequently subdued by the police.

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  Requiescat in Pace: Mr. Vincent Nussey
Posted by: Stone - 12-04-2021, 04:58 PM - Forum: Appeals for Prayer - No Replies

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginal...f=1&nofb=1]

Requiem aeternam dona ei Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

In your charity, please pray for the soul of Mr. Vincent Nussey who passed away recently. His Requiem Mass is December 16th.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.  Amen.

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The De Profundis  - Psalm 129

Out of the depths I have cried unto Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, shalt mark our iniquities: O Lord, who can abide it?
For with Thee there is mercy: and by reason of Thy law I have waited on Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath waited on His word: my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even unto night: let Israel hope in the Lord.
For with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him is plenteous redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon him.

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  Fr. John O'Connor [1979]: Biblical Signs of the End of the World
Posted by: Stone - 12-04-2021, 04:17 PM - Forum: Add'nl Clergy - No Replies

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