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  Last Sunday after Pentecost
Posted by: Stone - 11-21-2021, 07:58 AM - Forum: Pentecost - Replies (4)

Taken from Fr. Leonard Goffine's Explanations of the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays, Holydays throughout the Ecclesiastical Year, 1880

[Image: Last-Day.jpg]

REMARK. The Mass of this Sunday is always the last, even if there are more than twenty-four Sundays after Pentecost; in that case the Sundays remaining after Epiphany, which are noticed in the calendar, are inserted between the twenty-third and the Mass of the twenty-fourth Sunday.

THE Introit of the Mass consoles and incites us to confidence in God who is so benevolent towards us, and will not let us pine away in tribulation. The Lord saith: I think thoughts of peace, and not of affliction: you shall call upon me, and I will hear you: and I will bring back your captivity from all places. (Jer. xxix. ii. 12. 14.) Lord, thou hast blessed thy land: thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob. (Ps. lxxxiv. Glory, &c.)

PRAYER OF THE CHURCH. Quicken, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the wills of Thy faithful: that they, more earnestly seeking after the fruit of divine grace, may more abundantly receive the healing gifts of Thy mercy. Thro'.

EPISTLE. (Col. i. 9 — 14.) Brethren. We cease not to pray for you, and to beg that you may be filled with the knowledge of the will of God, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding: that you may walk worthy of God, in all things pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God: strengthened with all might according to the power of his glory, in all patience and long-suffering with joy, giving thanks to God the Father, who hath made us worthy to be partakers of the lot of the saints in light; who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love, in whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins.

Quote:EXPLANATION. In this epistle St. Paul teaches us to pray for our neighbor, and to thank God especially for the light of the true, only saving faith. Let us endeavor to imitate St. Paul in his love and zeal for the salvation of souls, then we shall also one day partake of his glorious reward in heaven.

GOSPEL. (Matt. xxiv. 15 — 35.) At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: When you shall see the abomination of desolation , which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth, let him understand: then they that are in Judea, let them flee to the mountains: and he that is on the house-top, let him not come down to take anything out of his house: and he that is in the field, let him not go back to take his coat. And woe to them that are with child, and that give suck, in those days. But pray that your flight be not in the winter, or on the Sabbath. For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be: and unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect, those days shall be shortened. Then, if any man shall say to you: Lo, here is Christ, or there: do not believe him: for there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold, I have told it to you before hand: if therefore they shall say to you: Behold, he is in the desert, go ye not out; Behold, he is in the closets, believe it not. For as lightning cometh out of the east, and appeareth even into the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the eagles also be gathered together. And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be moved: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty: and he shall send his angels with a trumpet and a great voice, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the farthest parts of the heavens to the utmost bounds of them. And from the fig-tree learn a parable: when the branch thereof is now tender, and the leaves come forth, you know that summer is nigh. So you also, when you shall see all these things, know ye that it is nigh, even at the doors. Amen I say to you, that this generation shall not pass till all these things be done. Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass.

Quote:EXPLANATION. When you shall see the abomination of desolation. The abomination of desolation of which Daniel (ix. 27.) and Christ here speak, is the desecration of the temple and the city of Jerusalem by the rebellious Jews by perpetrating the most abominable vices, injustices; and robberies, &c, but principally by the pagan Romans by putting up their idols. This destruction which was accomplished in the most fearful manner about forty years after the death of Christ, was foretold by Him according to the testimony of St. Luke. (xxi. 20.) At the same time He speaks of the end of the world and of His coming to judgment, of which the desolation of Jerusalem was a figure.

Pray, that your flight be not in the winter or on the Sabbath. Because, as St. Jerome says, the severe cold which reigns in the deserts and mountains, would prevent the people from going thither to seek security, and because it was forbidden by the law for the Jews to travel on the Sabbath.

There shall rise false Christs and false prophets. According to the testimony of the Jewish historian Josephus, who was an eye-witness of the destruction of Jerusalem, Eleazar, John, Simon, &c, were such false prophets who under the pretence of helping the Jews, brought them into still greater misfortunes; before the end of the world, it will be Antichrist with his followers, whom St. Paul calls the man of sin and the son of perdition, (ii Thess. ii. 3.) on account of his diabolical malice and cruelty. He will rise up, sit in the temple, proclaim himself God, and kill all who will not recognize him as such. His splendor, his promises, and his false miracles will be such that even the holy and just will be in danger of being seduced, but for their sake God will shorten these days of persecution.

Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the eagles also be gathered together. That is, where the wicked are, who have aimed at spiritual corruption, there punishment will overtake and destroy them.

This generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. By these words Christ defines the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, and says that many of His hearers would live to see it, which also happened. But when the end of the world will come, He says, not even the angels in heaven know. (Matt. xxiv. 36.) Let us endeavor to be always ready by leading a holy life, for the coming of the divine Judge, and meditate often on the words of our divine Lord: Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass. [See the account of the Destruction of Jerusalem on the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost.]

PRAYER. Remove from us, O Lord, all that is calculated to rob us of Thy love. Break the bonds with which we are tied to the world, that we may not be lost with it. Give us the wings of eagles that we may soar above all worldly things by the contemplation of Thy sufferings, life and death, that we may hasten towards Thee now. and gather about Thee, that we may not become a prey to the rapacious enemy on the day of judgment. Amen.


Amen, I say to you. (Matt. xxiv. 34.)

THE Son of God here, and elsewhere in the gospel, confirms His word by an oath, as it were, for swearing is nothing else than to call upon God, His divine veracity, His justice, or upon His creatures in the name of God, as witness of the truth of our words. — Is swearing, then, lawful, and when? — It is lawful, when justice, or necessity or an important advantage requires it, and the cause is true and equitable. (Jer. iv. 2.) Those sin grievously, therefore, who swear to that which is false and unjust, because they call upon God as witness of falsehood and injustice, by which His eternal truthfulness and justice is desecrated; those sin who swear in a truthful cause without necessity and sufficient reason, because it is disrespectful to call upon God as witness for every trivial thing. In like manner, those sin grievously and constantly who are so accustomed to swearing as to break out into oaths, without knowing or considering whether the thing is true or false, whether they will keep their promise or not, or even if they will be able to keep it; such expose themselves to the danger of swearing falsely. "There is no one," says St. Chrysostom, "who swears often, who does not sometimes swear falsely, just as he who speaks much, sometimes says unbecoming and false things."

Therefore Christ tells those who seek perfection, not to swear at all, (Matt. v. 34.) that they might not fall into the habit of swearing and from that into perjury. He who has the habit of swearing should, therefore, take the greatest pains to eradicate it; to accomplish which it will be very useful to reflect that if we have to render an account for every idle word we speak, (Matt. xii. 36.) how much more strictly will we be judged for unnecessary false oaths! God's curse accompanies him who commits perjury, in all his ways, as proved by daily experience. He who commits perjury in court, robs himself of the merits of Christ's death and will be consumed in the fire of hell, which is represented by the crucifix and burning tapers, in presence of which the oath (in some places) is taken. If you have had the misfortune to be guilty of perjury, at once be truly sorry, weep for this terrible sin which you have committed, frankly confess it, repair the injury you may have caused by it, and chastise yourself for it by rigorous penance.

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  Prayers in Honor of Our Lady's Presentation
Posted by: Stone - 11-21-2021, 07:35 AM - Forum: In Honor of Our Lady - No Replies

Prayers in Honor of Our Lady's Presentation
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

De B. Virgine in Templum Recepta

The exceedingly pure temple of the Savior, the inestimable sheep, the holy Virgin, the sacred ark containing the treasure of the divine majesty, is led today into the house of the Lord; thither she brings the grace of the divine Spirit, while the Angels of God sing her praises, saying: Truly she is the heavenly tabernacle.

While I contemplate the grace of God's ineffable and sacred mysteries, revealed in its plenitude in this Virgin, I am full of joy, and I cannot comprehend the wonderful and inexpressible way in which this chosen and immaculate Virgin surpasses all creatures visible and invisible. Desiring then to applaud her with joyful voice, my thoughts and words fail me; yet I dare to proclaim her praises and exalt her, for she is the heavenly tabernacle.

The Creator, Author, and Lord of all things, out of His incomprehensible mercy and compassion, bent down towards us, and seeing the creature He had made with His own hands fallen away, He in His pity, deigned to restore it by a sublimer work than the creation; for He, so good and merciful, emptied Himself; and in the mystery whereby He freely took on Him our nature, He associated the immaculate Virgin Mary with Himself: and she is the heavenly tabernacle.

The Word of God, our Redeemer, willing to show Himself for our sake in the flesh, brought the Virgin into this world, and honored the coming of that spotless one with new and stupendous gifts; for He gave her as the fruit and reward of prayer, and promised and announced her to Joachim and Anne. Her parents believed the word, and with joyful love they vowed to offer her to the Lord: for she is the heavenly tabernacle.

The lovely Virgin being born according to the divine decree, her holy parents led her to the temple, to fulfill their promise, and give her to her Creator. Anne in her joy thus cried out to the priest: Receive this child, lead her into the most secluded parts of the temple surround her with all care; for she was given to me as the fruit of my prayers, and in the joy of my faith I promised to devote her to God her Creator: she is the heavenly tabernacle.


The "Wisdom of God with inscrutable providence, disposeth all things rightly: Joachim and Anne are united in wedlock, but their union is sterile.

With all the heart's affection they together bind themselves by inviolable vow to the Lord: that if He deign to give them offspring, they without delay will consecrate it to Him for ever in the temple.

A bright Angel appears, and tells them their prayers are heard, and by the grace of the most high King, a daughter shall be given them, full of grace.

Holy even in her conception, she is born in a wondrous manner, yet in a way more wondrous still will she give birth, remaining a virgin, to the Son of the most high Father, when He comes to, freely, cancel the guilt of the world.

She is born then, that blessed Virgin, and at the age of three years is presented in the temple; swift and erect, adorned with her beautiful robe, she ascends the fifteen steps, beneath her parents' gaze.

The temple shines with a new glory, when this august Virgin is presented; there she is taught by God, is visited by the Angels from heaven, and rejoices with them.

When the chief priest bids the maidens of adult age prepare for marriage, the Virgin at first refuses; for her parents have devoted her to God, and she herself has vowed to remain a virgin.

God, being consulted, answers that the virgin shall take him for her spouse whom a miraculous flower shall designate; Joseph thus chosen weds the maiden and leads her to his home.

Then Gabriel is sent to her, telling her how she is to become a mother; but the prudent Virgin stands silent, pondering over the strangeness of the message.

But when he explains how this shall be, she believes him; and thus by the Holy Spirit the Word is conceived, and He whom no space can contain is concealed in the Virgin's bosom.

O peerless maiden, how dost thou surpass all praise in thy dazzling glory! Protect us now, that in our fatherland we may enjoy thy fruit, whereby thou art so honored. Amen.


"Congratulate me, all ye that love the Lord, because when I was a little one I pleased the Most High (Second Responsory in the Common Office of Our Lady)." Such is the invitation thou addressest to us, O Mary, in the Office chanted in thy honor; and on what feast couldst thou do so more appropriately?

When, even more little in thy humility than by thy tender age, thou didst mount, in thy sweet purity, the steps of the temple, all heaven must have owned that it was henceforth just for the Most High to take His delight in our earth. Having hitherto lived in retirement with thy blessed parents, this was thy first public act; it showed thee for a moment to the eyes of men, only to withdraw thee immediately into deeper obscurity. But, as thou wast officially offered and presented to the Lord, He Himself doubtless, surrounded by the princes of His court, presented thee not less solemnly to those noble spirits, as their Queen. In the fulness of the new light that then burst upon them, they understood at once thy incomparable greatness, the majesty of the temple where Jehovah was receiving a homage superior to that of their nine choirs, and the august prerogative of the Old Testament to have thee for its daughter, and to perfect, by its teachings and guidance during those twelve years, the formation of the Mother of God.

Holy Church, however, declares that we can imitate thee, O Mary, in this mystery of thy Presentation, as in all others (2nd Lesson of 2nd Nocturn Ambr. de Virginibus ii). Deign to bless especially those privileged souls who, by the grace of their vocation, are even here below dwellers in the house of the Lord: may they be like that fruitful olive enriched by the Holy Spirit, to which St John Damascene compares thee (1st Lesson of 2nd Nocturn. Damasc. de Fide orthodoxa, iv.). But is not every Christian, by reason of his Baptism, an indweller and a member of the Church, God's true sanctuary, prefigured by that of Moriah? May we, through thy intercession, follow thee so closely in thy Presentation, even here in the land of shadows, that we may deserve to be presented after thee to the Most High in the temple of his glory (Collect of the feast).

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  Austria is first Western country to make COVID shot mandatory for all citizens
Posted by: Stone - 11-20-2021, 07:40 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - Replies (1)

Austria is first Western country to make COVID shot mandatory for all citizens
Meanwhile, daily new cases of COVID have risen to record levels Thursday, even though all unvaccinated citizens have been locked down since Monday.

[Image: schallenberg-810x500.jpg]
Alexander Schallenberg

Fri Nov 19, 2021
VIENNA (LifeSiteNews) — The Austrian government announced Friday it will require all citizens to be vaccinated against COVID-19, starting February 2022. In the meantime, the country will go into a full lockdown starting Monday, as daily new cases have risen to record levels Thursday, even though all unvaccinated citizens are already locked down.

Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg made the announcement at a press conference in a Tyrol hotel where Austrian government officials met last night to decide on the new measures.

“Starting Monday, for a maximum of 20 days, a nationwide lockdown will apply,” he announced. “[In addition], we will initiate countrywide compulsory vaccination [which] will enter into effect from February 1, 2022.”

Nationwide mandatory vaccination as of February

“Despite an intensive media campaign … we have not been able to convince enough people to get vaccinated,” explained Schallenberg. “For a long time, the political consensus was not to introduce mandatory vaccination … but we must look reality in the eyes.”

The Austrian chancellor argued that there are “too many political forces in this country who openly and vehemently oppose this.”

“This irresponsible, this is actually an attack on our health system,” he said. “Because of these radical anti-vaxxers and because of fake news, too many of us have not been vaccinated.”

“We don’t want a fifth wave,” said Schallenberg.

To date, roughly 2 million people out of Austria’s population of 9 million remain unvaccinated.

People who refuse to comply with next February’s mandate could face a fine of up to 3,600 Euros (roughly $4,000) or a 4 weeks prison sentence, if numbers found in a draft bill for health professionals are applied to the entire population. A fine of up to 1,450 euros (roughly $1,600 USD) or a prison sentence of 4 weeks could also be applied to those who fail to receive booster shots.

The city of Vienna, the country’s capital, has already booked vaccination appointments and sent appointment-letters to the 340,000 inhabitants of the city who are still unvaccinated.

Nationwide lockdown

The nationwide lockdown will begin Monday, but will be re-evaluated after 10 days, as Schallenberg explained.

After 20 days, the lockdown will once again apply to the unvaccinated only, as has been the case since November 15.

Until then, vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike will only be allowed to leave their homes for purposes deemed essential.

Schools are to remain open. Nevertheless, the Austrian chancellor advised parents to keep their children at home whenever possible.

While the decision was announced as a way to tackle all-time record numbers of COVID-19 cases in the country, ever since the lockdown for the unvaccinated went into effect last Monday, more cases than ever have been reported. The Austrian government on Thursday announced the unprecedented number of 15,545 new daily positive tests.

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  Official Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher In Vaxx'd Than Unvaxx'd
Posted by: Stone - 11-19-2021, 02:33 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Official Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher In Vaxx'd Than Unvaxx'd
ZH |  NOV 19, 2021
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

The Spectator has published an article citing official data from Public Health England, which states that for the over 30’s, “the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.”

Well, this is awkward.

The article, written by Lionel Shriver, is titled ‘The absurd theatre of vaccine passports’.

It points out that according to official data, vaccines only offer about 17 per cent protection for the over-fifties.

“As I observed then, this would mean the vaxxed and unvaxxed pose a comparable danger to each other,” writes Shriver.

“All Covid apartheid schemes are therefore insensible.”

She then clearly explains how the official data undermines the entire argument behind vaccine passports, which ban the unvaccinated from entering innumerable venues.

“Fresher information has fortified this conclusion of the summer. In every age group over 30 in the UK, the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. Indeed, in the cohorts aged between 40 and 79, infection rates among the vaccinated are more than twice as high as among the unvaccinated. PHE’s fruitlessly rechristened body, the UK Health Security Agency, frantically clarifies that the data ‘should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness’, a caveat which I include for the sake of accuracy. But the differences in the infection rates are drastic enough for you to draw your own conclusions.”

[Image: https-bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-...k=9dK0TRDH]

Shriver then summarizes how that data demolishes the reason for implementing vaccine passport schemes.

Quote:“Gatekeeping of pleasure palaces promotes the wrong impression — statistically, the lie — that the unvaccinated riff-raff exiled to the pavement pose a far graver threat of communicable disease than the diners in the nearby banquette who, like you, have righteously got the shot. In truth, the double-jabbed airline passenger in 24A can be just as risky a seat-mate as the great unwashed banished from the flight.”

Meanwhile, the Times reports the results of another study which “found the double-jabbed are just as likely to pass on Covid-19 as unvaccinated people.”

After Public Health England published the data, government bureaucrats begin to panic that people would use it to suggest vaccines were not that effective.

Office for Statistics Regulation director Ed Humpherson called an urgent meeting with U.K. Health Security Agency during which he worried about the data having “the potential to mislead.”

Quote:“We noted that these data have been used to argue that vaccines are ineffective,” Humpherson subsequently wrote.

Isn’t it strange how the government and associated regulatory bodies appear to be afraid of raw data?

If the vaccines are as effective as they tell us, why would they be worried?

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  Austria Re-Imposes Full Lockdown, Vow "Penalties" For Those Who Resist; Germany May Follow
Posted by: Stone - 11-19-2021, 09:59 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Austria Re-Imposes Full Lockdown, Vow "Penalties" For Those Who Resist; Germany May Follow

ZH | NOV 19, 2021

Austria will become the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full COVID-19 lockdown starting Monday, November 22, it said on Friday as neighboring Germany warned it may follow suit, sending shivers through financial markets worried about the economic fallout of yet another round of lockdowns, even if some were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is to greenlight even more stimmies.

Austria also said it would require the whole population to be vaccinated as of February 1. Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg made the announcements at a press conference on Friday,

Roughly two-thirds of Austria's population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and yet its infections are among the highest on the continent, with a seven-day incidence of 991 per 100,000 people.

[Image: bfmD8ED_1.jpg?itok=z6z1Qy3B]

Following the previously announced lockdown of the unvaccinated, which failed to put a halt to soaring case numbers, the entire country will now be placed under a full lockdown lasting at least 10 days. Also, starting From February 1st, everyone will also be legally required to have been vaccinated. Austrian authorities also said they would make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory, vowing “penalties” for those who continue to resist.

“We haven’t been able to convince enough people to vaccinate. For too long, I and others have assumed that you can convince people to get vaccinated,” said Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg. "It hurts that such measures still have to be taken."

He also vowed to impose “penalties” on those who still refuse to get vaccinated, although these weren’t specified.

What are the main rules of the lockdown?
  • From Monday, November 22nd, Austria will go into a three-week lockdown, which will end on December 12th.
  • Shops and restaurants will be forced to close.
  • Working from home will be mandatory in any job where it is possible to do so.
  • FFP2 masks are mandatory in all enclosed rooms.
  • Schools will not be officially closed but will remain open for “those who need them”, although face-to-face lessons will not take place.
  • This mirrors rules from lockdowns in 2020, where schools moved to distance learning but still provided care for students whose parents were unable to do so, for example young children of parents working essential jobs or those with extra learning needs.
  • The government called on parents to return to home-learning if at all possible.
  • The suite of measures will be evaluated after ten days.

It’s likely that Austria will follow the United States in attempting to make vaccination compulsory for having a job, even though much of the Austrian public is highly sceptical about vaccines. It is planning a protest against coronavirus restrictions on Saturday.

Meanwhile, a fourth wave of infections has plunged Germany, Europe's largest economy, into a national emergency, Health Minister Jens Spahn said. He urged people to reduce their social contacts, warning that vaccinations alone would not reduce case numbers.

Asked if Germany could rule out an Austrian-style full lockdown, Spahn said: "We are now in a situation - even if this produces a news alert - where we can't rule anything out. "We are in a national emergency," he told a news conference.

Numerous other countries, including Germany, Italy, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, are all about to implement new restrictions in an effort to combat a “fourth wave” of the virus.

Europe is currently experiencing its highest ever COVID surge, with 310,000 cases being registered across the continent over the last 24 hours. Ireland is also on a “war footing” and could be about to introduce a new lockdown despite having a 94% vaxxed population, mandatory mask mandates, and a vaccine passport scheme already in place.

One country which is coping noticeably better than the rest of Europe is Sweden, which never imposed any strict mask mandates or legal lockdown.

European stocks retreated from record highs, while government bond yields, oil prices and the euro tumbled as the spectre of a fresh COVID-linked lockdown in Germany and other parts of Europe cast a fresh shadow over the global economy. read more

As cases rises again across Europe, a number of governments have started to reimpose limits on activity, ranging from Austria's full lockdown, to a partial lockdown in the Netherlands, to restrictions on the unvaccinated in parts of Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Hungary reported 11,289 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, its highest daily tally, and will make booster shots mandatory for all healthcare workers and require mask wearing in most indoor places from Saturday.

While the new measures across Europe are not seen hitting the economy as much as the all-out lockdowns of last year, analysts say they could weigh on the recovery in the last quarter of the year, especially if they hit the retail and hospitality sectors.

A full lockdown in Germany would be more serious, however.

"A total lockdown for Germany would be extremely bad news for the economic recovery," said Ludovic Colin, a senior portfolio manager at Swiss asset manager Vontobel. "It's exactly what we saw in July, August of this year in parts of the world where the delta (variant) was big, it (COVID-19) came back and it slows down the recovery again," he added.

The pressure on intensive care units in Germany had not yet reached its peak, Spahn said, urging people to reduce contacts to help break the wave.

"How Christmas will turn out, I dare not say. I can only say it's up to us," he added.

Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday Germany will limit large parts of public life in areas where hospitals are becoming dangerously full of COVID-19 patients to those who have either been vaccinated or have recovered from the illness. Merkel said on Thursday the federal government would consider a request from regions for legislation allowing them to require that care and hospital workers be vaccinated.

Saxony, the region hardest hit by Germany's fourth wave, is considering shutting theatres, concert halls and soccer stadiums, Bild newspaper reported. The eastern state has Germany's lowest vaccination rate.

New daily infections have risen 14-fold in the past month in Saxony, a stronghold of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which harbours many vaccine sceptics and anti-lockdown protesters.

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  Italian Governors Call For Unvaccinated To Be Put Under Lockdown
Posted by: Stone - 11-19-2021, 09:55 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Italian Governors Call For Unvaccinated To Be Put Under Lockdown

[Image: 171121italy1.jpg?itok=ZORFirpp]

ZH |  NOV 18, 2021
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Five Italian Governors have called for lockdown measures to be imposed on the unvaccinated, following the example of Austria, while Czech Republic and Slovakia are also moving to enforce similar measures.

As we previously highlighted, after Austria placed the unjabbed under lockdown, preventing them from leaving their homes for anything other than “essential reasons,” police were seen patrolling supermarkets and highways checking resident’s vaccination status.

Several states in Germany also announced that they would ban the unvaccinated from numerous venues.

Now Italy’s unvaccinated population, which stands at around 7 million, could be about to face the same form of medical apartheid.

“Eventual new lockdowns should not have to be suffered by those who are vaccinated. Restrictions should only apply to those who are not immunized,” said Massimiliano Fedriga, the Governor of Friuli-Venezia Giulia in the northeast of the country.

The Telegraph reports that, “His stance is supported by the governors of Tuscany, Calabria, Liguria and Piedmont.”

Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi echoed the demand, tweeting, “You’re not vaccinated? Then stay at home.”

Outgoing Czech Republic Prime Minister Andrej Babis has also announced that the the unvaccinated will be banned from shops and restaurants, with the option to provide a negative test removed (despite the fact that the vaccinated can still transmit the virus).

“The death toll is rising; the situation is serious. Vaccination is the only solution, there is no other,” said Babis.

Meanwhile, Slovakia will vote tomorrow on banning the unvaccinated from non-essential shops, hotels, big public gatherings, gyms and swimming pools.

As we reported earlier, despite the entirety of its adult population being vaccinated, Gibraltar is also urging people not to attend gatherings and has cancelled its official Christmas events.

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  Fr. Hewko's Conferences: Family Gathering - November 16, 2021
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2021, 08:32 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

Conference At Family Gathering - November 16, 2021 - "On What Is The Unity of the Church Built?" (CA)

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  Fr. Hewko: Catechism with California Children - November 16, 2021
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2021, 08:29 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Catechism with the Children [California] - November 16, 2021

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  FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Da
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2021, 08:20 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

Aaron Siri [Substack] | November 17, 2021

The fed gov’t shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. 
But won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Who does the gov't work for?

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.   That is not a typo.   It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public. 

As explained in a prior article, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. 

With that promise in mind, in August and immediately following approval of the vaccine, more than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from this country’s most prestigious universities requested the data and information submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine. 

The FDA’s response?  It produced nothing.  So, in September, my firm filed a lawsuit against the FDA on behalf of this group to demand this information.  To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still has not released a single page.  Not one.

Instead, two days ago, the FDA asked a federal judge to give it until 2076 to fully produce this information.  The FDA asked the judge to let it produce the 329,000+ pages of documents Pfizer provided to the FDA to license its vaccine at the rate of 500 pages per month, which means its production would not be completed earlier than 2076.  The FDA’s promise of transparency is, to put it mildly, a pile of illusions. 
It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021).   Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure. While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public. 

So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer from liability.  Gives it billions of dollars.  Makes Americans take its product.  But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy.  Who does the government work for? 

The lesson yet again is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure.  Everyone who wants to get vaccinated and boosted should be free to do so.  But nobody should be coerced by the government to partake in any medical procedure.  Certainly not one where the government wants to hide the full information relied upon for its licensure until the year 2076!

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  Molecular Biologist on Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage?
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2021, 07:09 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage?

One of the studies cited: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/13/10/2056

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  24 infants illegally killed in Belgium by lethal injection over a period of 15 months
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2021, 07:06 AM - Forum: Against the Children - No Replies

24 infants illegally killed in Belgium by lethal injection over a period of 15 months
Those given lethal injection ‘die by drowning when their lungs fill with fluid ... it takes 100 hours for death to arrive.’
It looks peaceful ‘because they can’t move their muscles and they’re paralyzed.’

Wed Nov 17, 2021 - 6:39 pm EST
FLANDERS, Belgium (LifeSiteNews) — A 2021 study of “end-of-life” decisions for “critically ill” Belgian newborns found that 24 infants were given lethal injections over the course of 15 months.

According to the study’s survey of all newborns who died in Flanders, Belgium between September 2016 and December 2017, 61 percent of the deceased infants had an “end-of-life (EOD) decision” preceding their death.

Of those 61 percent of infants, 10 percent were given medication with “explicit life shortening intention.” This contrasts with the 14 percent of infants who were given medication with “possible” life-shortening effect.

For another 12 percent of those infants subjected to EODs, the decision was made to withhold treatment from them. Twenty-five percent of those infants were subjected to the withdrawal of treatment. It’s unclear whether the decision to euthanize the infants was made by physicians, parents, or both.

While euthanasia is legal in Belgium, even for minors in some cases, euthanizing infants is illegal because legal euthanasia requires the minor to be “capable of discernment and conscious at the time of the request for euthanasia,” as the European Institute for Bioethics (EIB) noted.

Bioethics news source BioEdge reported, “Doctors who euthanized newborns with lethal injection indicated in 91% of the cases that the main reason for their action was that there was no hope of a ‘bearable future’ for the child.”

“In other words, these children had a real chance of survival, but the medical team — no doubt in agreement with their parents — considered that their lives were not worth living to the end,” BioEdge’s Michael Cook contiinued.

“Why do practitioners deviate from the legal framework when it comes to children who are unable to express themselves?” he continued.

The study, published in the Fetal and Neonatal edition of the Archives of Disease in Childhood (ADC) journal, used a survey that included anonymous questionnaires of doctors about which EODs were made for all death cases “identified through death certificates.”

BioEdge noted that “the proportion of newborns who died after a deliberate injection of a lethal drug seems to have increased from 7% to 10% since a survey conducted in 1999-2000 (before any euthanasia was legal).”

Palliative care doctor Ilora Finlay has explained that the reality of death by lethal injection defies the common notion that such deaths are “gentle” or “peaceful.”

According to Finlay, those given lethal injection “die by drowning when their lungs fill with fluid. Sometimes it takes five minutes for the person to die, but other times they can wake up again — and sometimes it takes 100 hours for death to arrive.”

“This isn’t a gentle, peaceful death. It just looks peaceful,” she said, “because they can’t move their muscles and they’re paralyzed.”

According to the study, “recent empirical information about” the practice of “life-shortening” EODs “is scarce.”

In 2014, Belgium became the first country to legalize assisted suicide for minors. The law allows minors with terminal illnesses who face “unbearable suffering” to receive euthanasia if their parents consent.

Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, has previously spoken to LifeSiteNews about the “slippery slope” of legalized euthanasia.

“Once you say it’s OK for the doctor to lethally inject you, the sky is the limit,” Schadenberg said. Once killing people is legally permitted, “then the only question is who? That’s all that’s left.”

Recent Trends in Euthanasia and Other End-of-Life Practices in Belgium” reported in 2015 that 6.3% of Flanders’ deaths involved “physician-assisted death.” This term was defined as lethal injection at the request of the patient (“euthanasia”), assisted suicide, and “death without explicit request.” A full 12% were found to have died from “full continuous deep sedation until death,” which Wesley Smith has described as “a form of beneath-the-surface euthanasia.”

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  Australian archbishop orders priests to take abortion-tainted COVID shots or get suspended
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2021, 06:56 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Spiritual] - No Replies

Australian archbishop orders priests to take abortion-tainted COVID shots or get suspended
Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane made the announcement in a November 15 letter to clergy obtained by LifeSiteNews.
‘I will not consider conscientious objection,’ he wrote to priests.

[Image: coleridge-gets-injected-810x500.jpg]
Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane receives a coronavirus injection in a video posted on his Twitter account

Wed Nov 17, 2021 - 1:48 pm EST
BRISBANE, Australia (LifeSiteNews [adapted - not all hyperlinks included here) – Australia’s senior Catholic cleric Archbishop Mark Coleridge has warned that any clergy in the Archdiocese of Brisbane who do not take the abortion-tainted COVID-19 injections, will be removed from “pastoral duties,” and suffer “suspension of faculties” until vaccination is complete.

The dictates came in a November 15 letter from the archbishop’s desk, obtained by LifeSiteNews.

Referencing severe new COVID mandates which take effect from mid-December, cutting off the unvaccinated from many aspects of daily life, Coleridge said the archdiocese “needs to comply with the government health directions which have been issued in some sectors in which the Archdiocese operates.”

Writing of the commitment “to the health and safety” of the archdiocese’s “employees, contractors, students, volunteers and lay religious,” Coleridge – president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) – stated that his own injection mandates were “designed to protect agency clients, parishioners and all the faithful.”

Recognizing that “having a vaccination, including the COVID-19 vaccination, is a matter of personal choice,” Coleridge then defended the mandate by appealing to his status as “the sole member and officer of the Archdiocesan Corporation which in civil law is the employer of Archdiocesan staff, including those working in parishes.”

Unvaccinated clergy ‘failing in their duty to care for the faithful’

“In the circumstances of the pandemic, clergy engaged in pastoral ministry who are not doubly vaccinated put the faithful of the parish at risk,” he claimed. “They present a risk to the faithful to whom they minister, as well as to their families.”

“Clergy not doubly vaccinated are failing in their duty to care for the faithful,” he further claimed.

Coronavirus vaccine trials have also never produced evidence that the vaccines stop infection or transmission. They do not even claim to reduce hospitalization, but the measurement of success is in preventing severe symptoms of COVID-19 disease.

Coleridge drew on recent modifications made to the Code of Canon Law, affording the “head of a Church” the duty to “safeguard and promote the good of the community itself and of each of Christ’s faithful,” as well as from the Code of Conduct “Integrity in Ministry,” to further support his statements.

No jab, no faculties

With such texts used in defense of his argument, Coleridge stipulated that as of December 15, 2021 all clergy must have the abortion-tainted injections in order to be allowed to continue in their ordained ministry.

“[A]ll clergy incardinated in the Archdiocese and all religious clergy who are engaged in pastoral ministry in a parish are to: have received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccination (subject to the limited exceptions set out below); have recorded proof of these vaccinations with the Archdiocesan system mentioned below; and provide evidence of these vaccinations.”

Should any “priest or deacon” refuse to comply with the mandates by the date given, Coleridge warned he would ask that the cleric to “voluntarily stand aside from pastoral duties in his parish and from all pastoral ministry until he has been fully vaccinated.”

In case of a continued refusal at this stage also, he suggested the “temporary suspension of faculties until he fully complies.”

‘I will not consider conscientious objection’
The archbishop explicitly ruled out any conscience-based exemption from his mandate, saying “I will not consider conscientious objection to receiving the vaccination as a valid exception to the provisions set out here.”

While claiming that “I fully respect the rights of conscience, especially when properly formed in the Catholic understanding,” Coleridge added that “it is not just legal obligation but conscience which has led to my decision.”

The only leeway Coleridge permitted would be for certain, limited medical exemptions, which must be evidenced by a “satisfactory medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.” Even in these circumstances though, Coleridge stipulated that the certificate must note whether the medical exemption might expire and thus allow the cleric to “receive the vaccination” at some point in the future.

Furthermore, “A medical contra-indication against one COVID-19 vaccination does not necessarily translate to a contra-indication against all vaccines,” Coleridge claimed.

Evidence of the cleric’s injection must be uploaded to an online portal, which is “the best and simplest way of ensuring that I comply with my lawful obligations and my duty of care to the faithful of the Archdiocese,” said the archbishop.

Should a cleric not upload his information to the portal by December 15, whether he has taken the injection or not, Archbishop Coleridge will “deem him to be unvaccinated,” and thus enact his measures of suspension of faculties.

LifeSiteNews contacted the archbishop for further comment, but did not hear back.

The list of COVID vaccine adverse events recognized by government agencies around the world has grown from severe anaphylactic reactions to include fatal thrombotic events, the inflammatory heart condition myocarditis, and neurologically disabling disease like Guillain Barré Syndrome, as well as thousands of recorded deaths and permanent disabilities.

As recently affirmed by eminent doctor Peter McCullough, M.D., “[For] people under 50 who fundamentally have no health risks, there’s no scientific rationale for them to ever become vaccinated” against COVID-19.

As of October 29, 2021, there have been over 850,000 injuries from coronavirus shots reported to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

History of dissident episcopate

Archbishop Coleridge’s explicit ruling out of any conscience-based exemptions, and mandating of the injections for his clergy, would appear to be in violation of the Vatican’s December 2020 note on the COVID-19 injections. While accepting the limited use of abortion-tainted injections – a point hotly contested by prominent faithful cardinals and bishops – the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stipulated that vaccination “must be voluntary.”

However, Coleridge has a history of dissident, anti-Catholic actions and statements.

In response to the CDF’s March ban on same-sex blessings, Archbishop Coleridge pushed for more inclusion of active homosexuals within the Catholic Church due to the Vatican’s ban on blessings for homosexual couples. “A Church which says we can’t ordain women is equally obliged to ask how we might include women in leadership … a Church which says we can’t bless same-sex unions is equally obliged to ask how we might include same-sex couples,” he tweeted March 16.

In 2016, Coleridge permitted a semi-nude fashion and ballet show in Brisbane cathedral, later defending it in a statement after media backlash by calling the event “a significant community event that takes place within the parish boundary.”

Some months later, Coleridge then attacked the four “dubia” cardinals, accusing them of seeking “false clarity.”

Two years later, Coleridge made headlines once more, as he tweeted out a message saying he did not want Christ as king, and last summer caused further outrage by sending out an image of Mary and the Christ-child wearing COVID face-masks.

Just weeks ago, orthodox Catholic clergy were prevented from issuing a public statement protesting the state’s COVID restrictions, in a move which was blamed on the ACBC. The “Catholic Priests of Australia” intended to release a statement September 22 in response to “Certain Aspects of the Covid-19 Crisis,” but a priest involved told LifeSiteNews that they were prevented from doing so by pressure from a member of the Australian hierarchy.

Further reports stated that “‘[t]here can be little doubt the bishop concerned was acting for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference,” of which Coleridge is the president.

Contact information for respectful communication:

Archbishop Mark Coleridge
GPO Box 282, Brisbane, Queensland, 4001, Australia
Phone: 07 3324 3324

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  US bishops approve Eucharistic document that ignores Communion for pro-abortion politicians
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2021, 06:47 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

BREAKING: US bishops approve Eucharistic document that ignores Communion for pro-abortion politicians
The document was approved by a margin of 222 to 8.

[Image: USCCB-fall-2021-810x500.jpg]
The USCCB meets in fall 2021 (YouTube / screenshot)

Wed Nov 17, 2021 - 3:29 pm EST

BALTIMORE, Maryland (LifeSiteNews) – The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has voted to accept the much-discussed document on the meaning of the Eucharist in the life of the Church which completely avoids any mention of the reception of Holy Communion by pro-abortion politicians.

Assembled members of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) decided the fate of the document in a secret, electronic ballot, while meeting in Baltimore November 17, as part of their Fall Assembly.

The document, entitled “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the life of the Church,” was approved with 222 votes in favor, 8 against, and 3 abstentions. Such an approval margin is far greater than during the USCCB Spring Assembly, when the document’s drafting was approved by 168 to 55.

The clear and ready approval of the document in the Fall Assembly could be due to the notable absence of any discussion of the distribution of Holy Communion for pro-abortion politicians.

The public sessions of June’s online meeting were marked by visible dissent, as certain bishops and cardinals were concerned that the document might contain the Catholic Church’s teaching prohibiting those who “obstinately” persevere “in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”

Prominent amongst such dissenting voices were Cardinal Cupich of Chicago, Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Bishop Medley of Owensboro, and Bishop Joseph Bambera of Scranton. These prelates wished to avoid any mention of refusing Holy Communion for pro-abortion politicians, such as Joe Biden.

Days after the close of the Spring meeting, the USCCB released a short document, stating that the content of the proposed Eucharistic document would avoid forming any “national policy on withholding Communion from politicians.”

The now approved document thus contains no such guidance, and the final draft focuses instead on “Christ’s gift of himself in the Eucharist and our response to that gift.” A copy of the draft document which the bishops voted on today, (dated September 24), focuses on the real presence of God in the Eucharist, and a personal “conversion” in light of this.

Teaching on receiving Holy Communion

The document devotes just two paragraphs to being properly disposed to receive the Holy Eucharist, placing the emphasis on the individual who comes forward to receive Communion.

The document does however quote from Pope John Paul II’s Ecclesia de Eucharistia, when he noted that “in cases of outward conduct which is seriously, clearly and steadfastly contrary to the moral norm, the Church, in her pastoral concern for the good order of the community and out of respect for the sacrament, cannot fail to feel directly involved.”

In his text, Pope John Paul II quoted from Canon Law (can. 915), which states: “Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.”

Lone voice crying for the unborn

While the document avoids the issue of pro-abortion politicians presenting themselves for Holy Communion – an issue made all the more political by Joe Biden’s claim that the Pope told him to continue to receive Communion – one bishop repeatedly stood before the microphone to highlight the issue.

[Image: Strickland1.jpg]
Bishop Joseph Strickland speaks during the 2021 USCCB Fall Assembly

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, called for bishops to “evangelize all the politicians.”

Quote:“When it comes to Eucharist and the sanctity of life, I must speak,” he noted. “The most important thing I must speak about is the presence of the Lord and fighting the atrocity of abortion.”

“I can’t remain silent as too many in our nation and in our world vigorously promote abortion: I must speak for the babies. The murder of unborn children is the pre-eminent issue and it leads to many other evils.

The murder of unborn children is an industry that destroys countless lives and produces wealth, that is used to promote much of the evil that is destroying our world. The murder of unborn children destroys women, men, marriages and families. It destroys the very foundation of our civilization – I must speak.

If as a shepherd I do not speak with all my power against this evil, I am a noisy gong and a crashing cymbal, because I have no love.

The tentacles of abortion are woven into all the evils we face, because when the value of the live of the poorest, weakest and most vulnerable among us is not guarded, then no life is valued.

Abortion opens the door to evil and allows Satan to run rampant through every aspect of human life. We must call the world back to God and guard the joyous and precious gift of life God gives at conception until natural death.

Life is a gift out of God’s loving heart.”

Bishop Strickland’s attempts to secure explicit mention of denial of Holy Communion for those who support for abortion went unsupported by his brother bishops in the USCCB assembly hall.

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  Germany Preparing To Impose Austria-Style Lockdown On The Unvaxx'd
Posted by: Stone - 11-18-2021, 06:28 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Germany Preparing To Impose Austria-Style Lockdown On The Unvaxx'd

ZH | NOV 18, 2021
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Germany is preparing to follow the example of Austria by imposing new lockdown measures that will exclusively apply to the unvaccinated.

As we highlighted yesterday, Austrian authorities are enforcing the new measures by having police patrol supermarkets and highways, stopping people and checking their vaccination status.

Similar scenes could now be about to unfold in neighboring Germany.

The Guardian reports that the COVID situation in the country is worse now than it was before the vaccine was introduced.

Quote:“On Tuesday the country’s disease control agency, the Robert Koch Institute, recorded a seven-day incidence rate of 312 cases per 100,000 people, with several areas at more than 1,000.

A year ago, before the vaccine was introduced, the rate stood at 139,” reports the newspaper.

[Image: bfm1D27.jpg?itok=X3lmzI9F]

While “not as stringent” as the measures imposed on unjabbed Austrians, several states are now moving to exclude the unvaccinated from numerous venues.

Quote:The state of Saxony, where 85% of ICU beds are occupied by Covid patients, became the latest to introduce so-called 2G rules in all non-essential shops and facilities, meaning only people who can prove they have been vaccinated or have recovered from Covid will be allowed entry. Saxony’s social minister, Petra Köpping, said that in addition tests would be required if the incidence continued to rise to the extent that hospitals were unable to cope. 2G is a reference to the German words for vaccinated and recovered (geimpft and genesen).

North Rhine Westphalia is due to follow suit, with unvaccinated people to be excluded from entry to all non-essential facilities and events including football matches and Christmas markets. People wanting to attend carnival events as the season kicks off will be required to take a test in addition to being vaccinated or having recovered.

Berlin is also on track to introduced similar “2G-plus” rules, its mayor, Michael Müller, said on Tuesday. The city hopes to reopen vaccine centres, which were closed across the country at the end of the summer when they were deemed no longer necessary, but authorities have said this would happen in January or February at the earliest.

New measures that solely impact the unvaccinated will be imposed despite a choir concert earlier this month in Germany which only the fully vaccinated were allowed to attend ending in a substantial COVID outbreak that infected at least 24 people.

Meanwhile, an opinion poll in the UK found that a majority of Brits also want to impose a lockdown on the unvaccinated.

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  This Is How They Intend To Get Us To "You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy"
Posted by: Stone - 11-16-2021, 09:21 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

This Is How They Intend To Get Us To "You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy"

ZH [adapted, emphasis mine] | NOV 16, 2021
Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

The pieces of the puzzle may fit together in ways that you do not expect.  For years, the global elite have been openly telling us that one day we will all own nothing, we will have no privacy, and we will be extremely happy with our new socialist utopia.  But exactly how do they intend to transition to such a society?  Are they going to come and take all of your stuff?  Needless to say, there are millions upon millions of very angry people out there that aren’t just going to hand over their stuff to a bunch of socialists.  So how are they going to overcome that obstacle?

Well, the truth is that they don’t need to take your stuff to implement their goals.

All they need to do is to destroy the value of your money.

If your money becomes worthless, you will start descending into poverty and it won’t be too long before you become totally dependent on the government.

And as the stuff that you have right now wears out, you won’t be able to replace it with the worthless money that you are now holding.

Eventually, you will own virtually nothing, but you probably won’t be very happy about it.

So high inflation is actually a tool that the global elite can use to further their goals.

The good news is that I do not believe that the global elite will ever be able to achieve their utopia.

The bad news is that they won’t be able to achieve their utopia because western society is going to completely and utterly collapse during the times that are ahead.

But for now, inflation is going to be one of the hottest political issues as we head into 2022.  On Friday, Vice-President Kamala Harris acknowledged that higher prices are having a huge impact on American families…

“Prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of the bread costs more, the gas costs more, and have to understand what that means,” she said. “That’s about the cost of living going up. That’s about having to stress and stretch limited resources.”

Harris said that is a “source of stress for families” that is “not only economic, but is, on a daily level, something that is a heavy weight to carry.”

Of course her “solution” is to get Joe Biden’s agenda through Congress, and she knows that all of that spending will inevitably create even more inflation.

The socialists over at NBC News are trying to help the Biden administration by putting a positive spin on the inflation crisis.  In fact, NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle is trying really hard to convince everyone that inflation is not a problem because we all have more money to spend these days.

But as I demonstrated last week, the truth is that inflation is rising much faster than our paychecks are, and that means that our standard of living is going down.

And inflation is one of the big reasons why the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index just hit the lowest level since 2011…

At the same time, the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index tumbled to 66.8 for November, according to a preliminary reading Friday. That was the lowest since November 2011 and well below the Dow Jones estimate of 72.5. October’s reading was 71.7, meaning that the November level represented a 6.8% drop.

If you are among those that think that things are bad now, just wait, because they will soon get even worse.

At this point, even Neel Kashkari is publicly admitting that inflation is going to continue to rise in the months ahead…

Minneapolis Fed Chair Neel Kashkari on Sunday said inflation in the U.S. will likely see “higher readings” before numbers taper off, as Americans grapple with rising prices nationwide.

“The math suggests we’re probably going to see somewhat higher readings over the next few months before they likely start to taper off,” Kashkari said during an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

The Federal Reserve has lost control, and 2022 is going to be a very “interesting” year from an economic standpoint.

On Sunday, we learned that the average price of a gallon of gasoline in California has almost reached five dollars…

California gas prices hit an average of $4.676 Sunday, beating its previous record average price of $4.671 for regular gasoline set in October 2012, according to AAA.

Gasoline prices are going to continue to move higher, and that is really bad news.

Just about everything that we buy has to be transported, and so higher gasoline prices are going to fuel even more inflation.

Sadly, those that are on the bottom of the economic food chain are the ones that are being hurt the most.  At this point, many food banks are really struggling to purchase enough food because price hikes have become so severe…

America’s largest food bank struggles to feed people amid a perfect storm of surging food prices and supply chain woes.

Katie Fitzgerald, COO of Feeding America, a nonprofit organization that operates more than 200 food banks across the country, told AP News that her network of food banks is already stretched thin due to the unprecedented demand spurred by the virus pandemic downturn in the economy last year. She warned that it has become more difficult for her organization to absorb food inflation, resulting in fewer families being fed this holiday season.

Used farm equipment is another area where inflation is hitting really hard.

According to one index, the price of used farm equipment was up 22 percent during the first nine months of 2021…

The index is up 22% in the first nine months of the year and poised to make its biggest gains yet in the fourth quarter, a boom that’s turning a normally quiet corner of the farming market into Exhibit A of the inflation surge coursing through the U.S. economy. The market has all the ingredients fueling inflation in industries like cars and TVs — soaring demand from cash-flush buyers, the semiconductor shortage, congested ports and rails — with the added irritant of the labor stoppage at the world’s largest farm-machine maker.

The match “is now lit,” Peterson says, “and it’s lit while there’s a John Deere strike.”

So many problems have converged all at once.

Some have used the term “a perfect storm” to describe what we are facing, and I think that is definitely quite appropriate.

If you are waiting for life to “get back to normal”, you are going to be waiting for a very long time.  As MN Gordon has noted, pre-2020 prices are now gone forever…

Pre-2020 prices, much like pre-1965 prices, are gone forever. Deficits of $5.9 trillion over the 24 months ending September 30, 2021, and a Fed balance sheet expansion of nearly $5 trillion over the same period, have irrevocably damaged the entire pricing structure of the financial system and the economy.

Price inflation is on the move. Reality can no longer be covered up with Washington’s lies. We expect this episode of inflation will be one for the history books.

I wish that I had better news for you.

I really do.

But sooner or later, this is what socialist regimes always do.

They tell us to study hard, get a good job and work as hard as we can.

And then they give our money to people that haven’t done any of those things.

Eventually they run out of other people’s money, and so then they just start wildly creating more.

Unfortunately, every time that this has been tried throughout history it has always ended in disaster, and now it is our turn.

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