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  Pfizer’s emails are the tip of the iceberg: Aborted fetal cells have been used in vaccines for 50 yr
Posted by: Stone - 11-16-2021, 06:59 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

[Image: abortion_instruments-810x500-810x500.jpg]

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  It would take 5 years to thoroughly study Pfizer's vaccine myocarditis effects in children?
Posted by: Stone - 11-16-2021, 06:48 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

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  35-Year Old Polish Priest Beaten To Death
Posted by: Stone - 11-16-2021, 06:31 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

35-Year Old Polish Priest Beaten To Death

[Image: glwv9x70wt800jbz7q3j442a8erg9xn2wxg0owz....ormat=webp]

gloria.tv | November 16, 2021

Polish Father Maksymilian Adam Świerżewski, 35, a Franciscan, was fatally beaten during an evening walk in a park in Siedlce near Warsaw on November 11. He died hours later in hospital.

Świerżewski has been a Franciscan for 16 years, and a priest for nine. According to the autopsy he was punched, kicked or hit with an object and seriously injured. His murderer is still unknown.

“Father Maksymilian – we thank God for your work and service. Rest in peace” – wrote Siedlce Auxiliary Bishop Grzegorz Suchodolski on social media. For years, anti-Church oligarch media propaganda have been instigating in Poland hatred against the Church.

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  Please pray for Fr. De Four
Posted by: Stone - 11-16-2021, 06:16 AM - Forum: Appeals for Prayer - No Replies

It has come to my attention that Fr. De Four has passed away while in the hospital. Please keep him in your prayers!

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsaintland.com%2Fwp-conte...f=1&nofb=1]

Requiem aeternam dona ei Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.


✠ ✠ ✠

The De Profundis -  Psalm 129

Out of the depths I have cried unto Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, shalt mark our iniquities: O Lord, who can abide it?
For with Thee there is mercy: and by reason of Thy law I have waited on Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath waited on His word: my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even unto night: let Israel hope in the Lord.
For with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him is plenteous redemption.
And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon him.

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  Brits Will Need 3 Jabs To Be Considered "Fully Vaccinated": UK PM Johnson
Posted by: Stone - 11-16-2021, 06:10 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

Brits Will Need 3 Jabs To Be Considered "Fully Vaccinated": UK PM Johnson

[Image: Boris-Johnson-15Nov21-700x420.jpg?itok=NFLFzZHA]

ZH | NOV 16, 2021
Authored by Alexander Zhang via The Epoch Times,

People will need to have COVID-19 booster shots on top of the original two doses to be considered “fully vaccinated” in the UK, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday.

At a Downing Street press briefing, Johnson said the concept of what constitutes “full vaccination” will need to be adjusted.

Quote:“On boosters, it’s very clear that getting three jabs—getting your booster—will become an important fact and it will make life easier for you in all sorts of ways, and we will have to adjust our concept of what constitutes a full vaccination to take account of that,” he said.

“As we can see from what’s happening, the two jabs sadly do start to wane, so we’ve got to be responsible and we’ve got to reflect that fact in the way we measure what constitutes full vaccination.”

Johnson said the government will be making plans to add the booster to the digital COVID-19 passport issued by the National Health Service.

The prime minister urged people to get the booster jab as soon as they are eligible.

Quote:“It would be an utter tragedy if, after everything we have been through, people who had done the right thing by getting double vaccinated ended up becoming seriously ill or even losing their lives because they allowed their immunity to wane,” he said.

Earlier on Monday, the UK government accepted the advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) to extend the booster vaccine programme to include people aged 40 to 49.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said:

Quote:“We know immunity to COVID-19 begins to wane after six months and new data published today shows a third dose boosts protection against symptomatic infection to more than 90 percent—this highlights just how important it is that everyone eligible gets their top-up jabs as soon as possible.”

Johnson told the Downing Street press conference there were “storm clouds” gathering over parts of Europe with a “new wave” of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus sweeping through central Europe and now affecting Western Europe.

Quote:“We don’t yet know the extent to which this new wave will sweep up on our shores but history shows that we cannot afford to be complacent,” he said.

But Johnson said there was nothing in the data to suggest the country needed to move to the so-called Plan B, a backup strategy that involves measures such as vaccine passports and mandatory face coverings in public places.

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  Fr. Joseph (aka Fr. Regis de Cacqueray): On the question of the morality of vaccines
Posted by: Stone - 11-15-2021, 06:36 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Non Possumus [We Cannot!] - A Study by Fr. Joseph on the Question of the Morality of Vaccines against Covid in Bioethics, Health, and Science 
published by Alain Escada March 29, 2021
Translated from the French via Google [slightly adapted - emphasis mine]

NB: Some of you may recall that prior to joining the Capuchins of Morgon Fr. Joseph was formerly Fr. Regis de Cacqueray of the SSPX.

On the Use of the Criminal Line HEK 293: The Question of the Morality of Vaccines against Covid

In tribute to Doctor Alexandra Henrion-Caude and to Mrs. Pamela Acker for their courage.

“Every man of the children of Israel who delivers one of his children to Moloch, will be put to death… I will cut him off from among his people, because he will have delivered one of his children to Moloch, so as to to defile my sanctuary and to profane my holy name " 1

“(…) Those who lead a life in conformity with the precepts of the Lord, abstain from all the remedies which God has not intended for this end; even though they would be sure of being cured by this means, they would not stop loathing them as artifices and enchantments of the devil.”

These words are taken from the Catechism of the Council of Trent in its explanation of the seventh request of Sunday Prayer. They lead us to question ourselves, as well as the instinctive reaction of many Catholics, on this genetic information - improperly called vaccines -, the development of which calls upon human cells from an aborted fetus. The fact is not in dispute. Mrs. Pamela Acker, in her successive interviews on Life Site News and in her book “Vaccination: a Catholic Perspective ” provides us with a documentation of the greatest importance on the subject and which we will use for our study, which will be limited essentially to estimating the morality of the acceptance to be vaccinated when the vaccine calls with HEK-293 cells in its fabrication.2  We thank her for having also transmitted to us Alvin Wong's reflections in "The Ethics of HEK-293" and for thus giving us the opportunity to discover other American authors who have been communicating a theological argument on the subject for nearly twenty years. years.

It must be recognized that the Catholics of the United States, in conservative or traditional circles, have a strong lead over us on this issue and that we would be very wrong to neglect their thinking. In the present work, after having described the origin of the HEK-293(I) cell line, explained its relationships in the manufacture and production of vaccines against COVID (II), we will seek to identify and enumerate the sins that are committed during the preparation of vaccines (III) and we will then propose a reflection of a moral order on the conductivity of sin (IV). Finally, we will seek to estimate how far the consent to be vaccinated is from the sins committed(V).

1. On the Origin of HEK-293 Cells

"HEK" is the acronym for "human embryonic kidney". There is evidence here that the origin of the cell line that bears this name originates from the kidney of a human embryo.

The number 293 tells us about the number of previous experiments which were necessary to lead to the stable and quasi-immortal development of this cell line. “This does not mean that there were 293 abortions, but for 293 experiments, it takes more than one abortion. We are probably talking about hundreds of abortions."3 To give an order of magnitude, we know that for the cell line WI38 also after an aborted fetus, it took 32 abortions.4 This proportion is more or less the same in the case of several other lines. If one is based on this proportion, there would then have been more or less 246 abortions before that of the aborted fetus in 1972 in the Netherlands and from which the so-called cell line originated HEK-293.

In his book The Ethics of HEK-293, Alvin Wong mentions an interview with Dr. Alex van der Eb who was involved in the development of this lineage and who specifies, as far as he remembers, that the fetus at the origin of this line was perfectly normal. The reasons for this abortion were probably known to him but he does not remember them.5 This fetus was that of a little girl.

Wong gives the many compelling reasons why it is extremely likely that the initial abortion of the HEK-293 lineage was not a miscarriage but an abortion. It should be noted above all, as Pamela Acker explains, that researchers need to obtain human tissue within five minutes of the abortion so that it is certainly usable.6 Removing the kidney an hour after the fetus dies is no longer useful. However, it is obvious, if it was a miscarriage, that there is very little chance of being able to intervene in time. Only abortion makes it possible to extract the coveted kidney with great speed.

In this logic, we understand the desire of researchers that babies be brought into the world by cesarean section. It is indeed when they are recovered alive that the chances of extracting the kidney under the best conditions are optimal. The kidney is therefore extirpated from a fetal body whose heart often still beats. Eradication of the organ normally takes place without anesthesia so as not to create cellular disturbances. Pressure may also be exerted on mothers to delay the date of the abortion in order to collect a better developed kidney.

2. On the Use of HEK-293 cells in the Manufacture of the "Vaccine"7 against Covid.

To arrive at the vaccines put on the market by laboratories, it is necessary to distinguish three different uses from HEK-293 cells. The first takes place in the design and production phase of the vaccine. The second takes place in the phase of experimentation of its effectiveness, and the third to allow the tests of effectiveness of the batches of vaccines before using it. Let us briefly explain what they consist of in differentiating conventional vaccines from so-called messenger RNA vaccines for the design and production phases.

For vaccines based on a viral vector, the HEK-293 cells can be used at all stages of their preparation: for the design and the production of the vaccine by transfection of said cells.

In contrast, for so-called messenger RNA vaccines, even though the nucleic acid is made by biotechnology from the karyotype of the Coronavirus, scientists have been forced to genetically create a more resistant Spike protein than the one that exists naturally. However, the experiments with a view to obtaining the desired mutations in the protein were initially carried out in HEK-293 cells. Pamela Hacker concludes, “the spike protein encoded by vaccines was originally developed in aborted fetal cells."8

Subsequently, before attempting to inject the vaccine into a human being, we started by testing it in cell culture in the laboratory because it is much cheaper and dangerous than trying to test it on humans. It was then possible to verify that the artificially produced mRNA made it possible to obtain the ordered production of the protein. The same is true for conventional vaccines. However, these verifications were carried out on HEK-293 cells.

Finally, each time that new batches are produced - or more often - we first see their effectiveness [being tested] on HEK-293 cells .

Let's conclude by saying that, although the “vaccines” offered by the laboratories using HEK-293 cells theoretically do not contain any remains of these human cells, there is no certainty about this. In fact, the purification of vaccines is generally carried out by centrifuge because this process is inexpensive. If one wanted a perfect guarantee of purity, otherwise expensive means would have to be used.

3. Identification and enumeration of the sins committed to lead to the marketing of "vaccines".

We are now able to distinguish, list and identify successive past and present sins to bring vaccines to market, and predictable in the future to fuel the market.

Past sins

Originally, abortions:

We conjectured the plausible range of the number of abortions required to obtain the renal cells in good condition sought: between 240 and 250 and we indicated the reasons for ruling out the hypothesis of spontaneous abortions. While it is true that a single abortion is an abominable crime, the mass grave of babies that we discover at the origin of the HEK-293 cell line singularly adds to the horror and underlines the cynicism of the merchants of human flesh, of the accustomed to crime. Even if the abortions were not decided with a view to obtaining human cells, it can be seen that the method used was chosen with this intention.

Vivisection on human beings:

For lack of knowing a more appropriate word, we use the word here to designate the dissections which one makes on living animals. But they are therefore performed on babies who have been torn from the mother's womb. They have one kidney or the other removed, if possible while they are still alive, so that the tissue collected is of better quality. We even avoid carrying out a prior anesthesia so as not to risk a disruption of the cells. This deli on live babies is probably repeated about as many times as the abortions counted.

Deprivation of both lives:

All these babies die without being baptized and go to limbo. Homicides not only deprive them of their earthly existence but also of the hope of a happy life. At the same time, they deprive God of all those who could have been his children by grace and his worshipers in Heaven. Whoever looks at things according to Faith must recognize in this third sin the height of abomination.

Organ theft and theft:

Babies skinned have obviously not given their consent to have their kidneys pulled out for use in science, research or industry. And, admitting that a mother has accepted that her baby be delivered alive to the flayers, her consent, following that which she gave for the murder of her child, is unfair, devoid of any value. Would it be admissible that the practice of vivisection definitively excludes any legitimacy for the juicy recovery9 of these kidneys?

There is therefore, at the origin, criminal theft of human organs. It should be added here that there is not only theft but also theft because there is truly an appropriation by the holders of the rights to these organs.

The indisputable sign of this usurpation lies in the reading of the DNA of any cell of the HEK-293 line. It would show in an infallible way that the DNA is that of a unique person, that of this embryo killed in 1972 in the Netherlands.

If it is true that man has only the usufruct [the right to the use and profits of something belonging to another] of his body and that his usufruct ceases from his death until the Resurrection of bodies, the remains of this body belong only to God and must be placed in the ground. Throughout the centuries, scavengers and flayers have been punished with death.

Sins present

Receiving and illegitimate exploitation of human cells:

Concealment is the unjust possession of what does not belong to us. Laboratories in possession of HEK-293 cells are guilty of concealing human cells. Their activity from these cells remains illegitimate on the grounds of the initial criminal usurpation and no prescription can be admitted in such a matter. The triple use that is made of these cells for the design, production and verification of the efficacy of the vaccine and of the quality of its batches placed on the market is therefore illegitimate.

Cooperation in the industrialization of the human body:

Laboratories, heirs to criminal thefts, usurpers of human organs, receivers and exploiters of these tissues, are obviously actors in the gigantic enterprise of commodification of the human body. Although actors, they are at the same time accomplices, formally accomplices of this terrifying multifaceted activity of instrumentalization of the bodies of the weakest human persons and therefore in particular of those who are still intrauterine. While it is true that this complicity does not enter directly into the genealogy of the sins which separate the initial abortions from the vaccines offered, it is nevertheless required to be taken into account.

Injection of a vaccine containing human debris:

Laboratories cannot guarantee that vaccines do not contain any human cell debris. There is therefore a risk of an injection of DNA fragments, even if they are only present in infinitesimal quantities. It is therefore ultimately a question of directly exploiting here something of the aborted fetus in the vaccine. This time, it is no longer simply the instrumentalisation of the human body in the service of the manufacture of the vaccine but the injection of human fragments recovered following a murder. It is easy to understand that we are crossing a new course of gravity. Do not retort that human debris is found in infinitesimal quantities because the smallest strand of DNA is enough to characterize human nature.

Sins to come

Encouraging the vicious circle of creating new fetal cell lines:

Although they are referred to as immortals, cell lines are not actually. They don't last indefinitely, and of course, when they run out, labs will need to create more. Then the history of the same sins that were committed begins again and will always begin again until the protest is heard.

General thoughts on the conductivity of moral evil:

Our goal now is to investigate the morality of consent to receive a vaccine that has been made using HEK-293 cells . Imagine that there is no other difficulty in receiving this vaccine (which is not true) than that of the history of sins that we have just given, the question is whether it would be legitimate to get vaccinated. Can we not say that these are mainly sins that belong to the past, that we must certainly deplore but that the damage is done and that receiving the vaccine or not will no longer change anything?

On an easy-to-understand example, let's show that just because a sin has taken place in the past, without our taking any part in it, doesn't mean that we cannot be morally contaminated by it. Or a man who stole a million euros. He dies. His son - aware of his father's theft - inherits and does not return the stolen sum. He in turn dies and his son inherits, aware of his grandfather's theft… I am a friend of this grandson who offers me a car from this money while warning me of its stolen origin. Am I entitled to receive the car? No. If I accepted it, I would be stealing myself. We can therefore clearly see that there is a conductivity of past sins which can have a strong impact on the morality of present sins. By certain acts that we take,

It may just be enough to approve them for them to resonate with us. But their resonance becomes even more penetrating when we step into the enjoyment we get from the fruition of these past acts. If it is sins, their appropriation is likely to take place in a very profound way.

Nevertheless, it is wrong, it seems to us, that we speak of cooperation with evil when we want to speak of the connection that is established between an act of the present with an act of the past. Indeed, the concept of cooperation supposes the exercise of a causality, of a real influence on a sin. So it should only be used in the case of a present or future sin.

Despite this difference between past acts on the one hand and present and future acts on the other, it must however be recognized that the distinctions which identify the nature of the cooperation and its legality are also useful in analyzing the question of the right to enjoy the fruits of sin.

We therefore recall that cooperation in sin is never possible if it is formal, that is to say if the cooperator has made his own the evil intention of the actor of sin. It is also prohibited if it is immediate. By immediacy is meant cooperation in the very act of sin. This immediate cooperation is of course prohibited, if it is a formal cooperation but even if it is only material, that is to say without there being participation for the intention of the principal agent because the action to which the cooperator participates would be a sin. There remains the case of a mediate cooperation where one brings an indirect contribution to the sin and without entering into the intention of the one who commits it. Ordinarily unlawful, distant material and mediate cooperation can sometimes be lawful for proportionately serious reasons.

But how do you know that these proportionately serious grounds exist and are sufficient to admit distant mediated cooperation? The prudential judgment that must be made is delicate and complex. All the circumstances must be taken into account and the following criteria analyzed.

The reason must be all the more serious:
  • that the sin in which we cooperate is more serious,

  • that the act by which we cooperate will cause scandal of the weak,

  • that the act by which one co-operates comes nearer to sin,

  • that the sin in which we cooperate would be avoided without our cooperation,

  • that the obligation to prevent this sin is greater because of the nature of things, of the circumstances, of the personal situation of the cooperator.

It can be noted that two of these criteria (the avoidance of sin without our cooperation and the obligation to prevent it) are only relevant if it is a question of cooperation. In the case where it is a question of knowing whether one can enjoy the fruiting of sin, these criteria no longer come into play since the sins have already taken place.

Finally, we must draw attention to the notion of scandal. We must call scandalous "any fact, omission, word, whatever action having at least one less good aspect and capable of producing a moral fault in others." If this does not fall, the scandalous fact will at least be the occasion of a painful and reproving astonishment. Consequently, any scandal willed or permitted without a proportionate reason is, by its nature, a more or less serious fault against Christian charity."10

If one should not take into account the Pharisaic scandal which is caused in others because of his bad personal dispositions, one should be concerned not to scandalize the weak who, because of their ignorance, are scandalized on the occasion of yet legitimate actions. It is for this reason that St. Paul, while defending that the meats which have been consecrated to idols could be eaten without scruple, nevertheless concludes that if this manducation [act of chewing/eating] were to scandalize the weak, it would then be necessary to abstain from it.11

Another example, strong lighting, is in the life of St. Pascal Baylon, a Franciscan lay brother of the XVIth century. While he was doorman of his convent and had come to warn his superior that he was requested, the latter asked him to tell his petitioners that he was not there. We know that this response is a so-called conventional speech which must be understood in the sense that the one requested is not available. But the saint, after having tried to get to be able to give another answer, colliding with his superior, ended up saying to him: "Father, that would be a lie and therefore a sin, and sin is the offense against God. .  " 12 And [that was] the only time in his life, he didn't obey. We must add to this anecdote that, [even] if the humble Brother had not studied, God had given him such a great infused knowledge that the greatest theologians of the time came to consult him and were amazed at the extent and from the depth of his science! Which - it must be admitted - does not plead too much in favor of mental restrictions.

Estimation of the existence of a commensurate motive for receiving this HEK-293 vaccine

Of the sins we have listed, almost all of them are past sins. We have explained how these sins can contaminate us, however, even if we have not cooperated in their fulfillment. One of them, however, is an ever-present sin: it is the concealment of human cells originally stolen by crime. The same is true of the illegitimate exploitation of these cells and in particular, in the case of the Covid vaccine, of the use made of them during the design of the production and of the quality tests on occasion, the marketing of new batches of vaccines, as well as during vaccination. As we have written, two of the five criteria for judging whether there are reasons proportionate to mediate material cooperation no longer make sense if they are past sins. We will therefore only consider these two criteria for the sins still present. So let's review the five criteria.

1st Point: Severity of sins with which they come into connection, or those who have committed, or those who continue to be.

The first criterion to be considered is the seriousness of the sins in which one cooperates, if they are sins present or future, or from which one derives a profit, if they are past sins. And we understand that the greater gravity of sins makes it all the more difficult to cooperate or to derive fruits from them. Indeed, the connection which is established with them, installs a kind of guarantee of complicity which is all the more important [as] that sin is serious. Now it is obvious that the gravity of the sins with which the one who decides to receive this kind of vaccine enters into connection, is extreme. We think a little of a nuclear explosion whose irradiation is such that even those who are very far from the epicenter suffer the effects. To put the question differently: even if it is a question of preserving the greatest goods such as health or life, is it legitimate to accept even a slight complicity with such sins?

Although this criterion alone does not, it seems to us, still answer this question, it suffices on the other hand to show already how morally dangerous the acceptance of this vaccine is.

2nd Point: Evaluation of the scandal caused by vaccine acceptance

We put aside the Pharisaic scandal which seems to us absent from the reactions we are witnessing. Two very different reactions appear when one learns that ecclesiastical authorities consider the vaccine possible, for proportionate reasons. The first is a misunderstanding, a revolt, an indignation against the admission of a collusion which scandalizes them. The reasoning does not pass. That the Vatican has declared itself in favor of the possibility of using these vaccines is today considered, by a notable fringe of Catholics, as an additional sign that it should not be used, so much the discredit of conciliar Rome is immense and not only in traditionalist circles.

Mutatis mutandis, one thinks of the reaction of Saint Pascal Baylon… This reaction is also already accredited by positions in favor of the uncompromising line. Let us add that it is often also motivated by other aspects, medical and/or political that we do not address in this article.

Conversely, the second reaction is a sigh of relief. We can, in conscience, receive the vaccine. Which removes the specter of many anxieties and difficult tomorrows that we envisioned ... Has there been a scandalous effect among those who react in this way? We feel among them the fear that morality would one day impose on them something that would make their civic integration very difficult, if not impossible, but does not their desire to always find arrangements end up outweighing moral judgment? There is a submission to ever more restrictive diktats which leads men, and Catholics in particular, to have to accept ever greater complicity and to move away from the “non possumus -we cannot” line.

Even if we thought we had to conclude that this vaccine is possible, should we not add like Saint Paul about idolothytes [meats offered to false gods], that it is nevertheless better to abstain from it so as not to injure the conscience of those we felt to be weak? This would be a first motive. But is there not a greater one which pertains to the common good and which is that the worsening of cooperation weakens us more and more and makes us less and less able to oppose the Catholic principle against the barbarity?

We will not yet end the debate here, even if we believe that taking into account the scandalous effect is essential.

3rd Point: Evaluation of the proximity of consent to the vaccine to the sins listed.

As we said, three sins are present: the concealment of human cells without and against the consent of the usufructuary, the exploitation of these cells in particular in the design, the production and the realization of the quality tests on the vaccines against Covid, and the vaccination itself, given the presence of human debris in the vaccine.

Probably more tellingly, imagine a business known to operate on a serious initial theft of materials from which all the products it sells would be made. It seems to us that these products could only be purchased for very serious reasons and to the extent that there was no other possibility.

We find ourselves in a similar situation with these laboratories, except for one terribly aggravating circumstance for them. It is obviously that their theft, their initial usurpation, their present exploitation is not that of materials but of human cells coming from a living dissected child.

Vaccine consent would not only connect us to theft but to a crime. But at what distance? Considering the initial abortions and vivisection, let's count for nothing the distance in time, space, and incognito of the child. Whether it is a child who had an abortion in 1972 in Amsterdam or a little girl who had an abortion an hour ago in Paris and whose name is known does not change the question at all. The notion of moral distance does not have to deal with these factors. The moral estrangement that exists is that the one who is vaccinated is effectively far from the initial act from which he benefits in a mediate and distant way.

On the other hand, the distance from sin is much less if we consider criminal concealment and cell exploitation. It is from this concealer and criminal laboratory, illegitimate exploiter of human cells that the said vaccine came from. If they were only vulgar stolen materials, proportionately serious reasons could exist to buy them but we will not be able to find any which is not sufficient to legitimize the acquaintance which is no longer distant - and even less very distant. - with the crimes of concealment and exploitation.

But now we must ask ourselves if the acceptance to receive a vaccine which contains fragments of DNA is not constitutive of a material cooperation but immediate in this "unspeakable" sin which consists in accepting that the man is made " consumer ”of elements of the human body resulting from the crime.

4th and 5th Point: Hope of avoiding sin if one does not enter into a connection with it and having more or less strict duty to prevent it.

We group these last two criteria which make us feel more strictly than the others how much sin has invaded the world since we must confess and that the individual refusal to receive the vaccine will not prevent the laboratories from continuing to develop their immoral activity and that we feel very powerless to oppose it.

This observation should not, however, lead us to this perverse reasoning which would consist in estimating that it is therefore useless to oppose it and to undergo all the damage to the key which would result from it perhaps. Each of us must act according to his conscience formed according to divine law and not do what is wrong, even if he is the only one in the world to oppose it.

On the other hand, the heroic example he would set has in reality an incomparable exemplary scope as shown by the history of heroes and saints.
Finally, let us say that we will not tear down the walls of this Jericho of evil by the utopia of numbers but by the strength of God and our availability to be his docile instruments in this struggle.

[With] supernatural light, it becomes clear that a courageous refusal is already shaking the system and helping to weaken the Goliath of iniquity which challenges the Catholic world.

We have not addressed in this article neither the medical aspect nor the political aspect of the vaccination which also deserves the attention of morals. As for the medical aspect, it should be remembered that man being only the usufructuary of his body must not be resigned to being used as a guinea pig by science. However distinguished and courageous voices like that of Mrs. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, and many others still, warn us of the potentially serious consequences of these new gene therapies which are not controlled.

The names of the most illustrious virologists appear to warn us of the genetic changes that will result from mRNA vaccines. At the risk of surprising us, we do not hesitate to write that this manipulation of the genetic heritage constitutes a moral reason to oppose the vaccine, even more serious than that of the use of human cells from sacrificed children.

Finally, it is not difficult to demonstrate that the most determined supporters of this compulsory vaccination, among those who hold the financial and political power, are very often at the same time the militants of a reset humanity and of a forced depopulation.

Moral reflection on these medical and political aspects of vaccination could only strengthen our moral conclusion on HEK-293 . However, in this time of deviation from ecclesiastical authorities, we are well aware that we can only deliver one opinion. It is worth what the arguments we have given are worth. Other voices have concluded differently. May this article make its modest contribution to the substantive debate which the gravity of the question deserves.


1.Lev. 20; 2-3.

2. Among the laboratories which use these HEK 293 cells one or more times in the manufacture of vaccines and before their marketing, let us cite Astrazeneca, Sputnik V, Novavax, Moderna, Pfizer.

3. Pamela Acker in an interview with John-Henry Westen of Life Site News and translated by Jeanne Smit, on her blog January 23, 2021.

4. Ibid.

5. Alvin Wong in The Ethics of HEK-293 , The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 2006, p. 274.

6. Pamela Acker, ibid.

7. As several scientific authorities have pointed out, and in particular Dr Alexandra Henrion-Caude, the word " vaccine " is in fact inadequate. It will be better to speak of "genetic information". We use the word “ vaccine ” for convenience.

8. Pamela Acker, ibid.

9. Available over the counter on the ATCC website, you can add 10 µg of HEK-293 to your basket for € 439.

10. JMVittrant, Theologie Morale, Beauchesne 1954, n ° 150, p.97.

11. I. Cor. VIII.

12. Father Louis Antoine de Porrentavy, Saint Pascal Baylon , Plon 1899, p.142.

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  Then-Fr. Ratzinger and US Intelligence attempting to change the course of Vatican II for the worst?
Posted by: Stone - 11-15-2021, 05:46 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Taken from gloria.tv (November 13, 2021): 

US Intelligence Influenced Vatican II

The direction of Vatican II was changed in the very first days, Robert Moynihan recalled in a November 12 online conference (video below) organised by Aurelio Porfiri.

Moynihan reports that one of the leading figures for the conformist-liberal alliance was 35-year-old Father Joseph Ratzinger.

The owner of the Libreria Leoniana, who is about 90 years old now, told Moynihan that he saw Ratzinger on the first day of Vatican II standing on the steps of St Peter's basilica handing out mimeographed sheets to the council fathers telling them that “we must not accept the committees and the [excellent] schemes that the Curia has prepared.

Ratzinger asked for an “open discussion” that eventually led to the rejection of all the 72 schemes.

The Catholic council fathers gathered around faithful and very learned Brazilians prelates. This alliance included Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and was called Coetus Internationalis Patrum. However, only about 250 prelates out of 2400 joined in [including Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer. The Coetus lost to the majority's conformist position which had more money and – most important - the support of the anti-Church media.

Moynihan adds that the US government through its intelligence agencies, especially the CIA, were interested in influencing Vatican II. They promoted Vatican II's controversial teachings about "religious freedom" and "religious liberties" which were put forward by Jesuit Father John Courtney Murray and by Time Magazine.

This pressure group gathered at lavish parties where they discussed how to turn Vatican II into a forum for conformist ideas.

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  Austria Announces Nationwide Police-Enforced Lockdown for Unvaccinated Citizens
Posted by: Stone - 11-15-2021, 05:28 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Austria Announces Nationwide Police-Enforced Lockdown for Unvaccinated Citizens

TH |  Nov 14, 2021 12:20 PM

The government of Austria announced a sweeping new lockdown that targets the country's unvaccinated would take effect at midnight on Monday, while those who are fully vaccinated against, or recently recovered from, the Wuhan coronavirus will be exempted.

Starting on Monday, those 12 and older who aren't vaccinated will only be allowed to leave their homes for activities deemed "essential" such as going to work or buying groceries. The lockdown, according to Austria's Interior Minister, will be enforced by police on an "unprecedented scale" with violators facing fines if they're caught in violation of the order.

For the country of around nine million residents, Politico Europe says the lockdown "is expected to impact some 2 million people."

The Associated Press quoted Austria's Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg as saying “It’s our job as the government of Austria to protect the people," something he interprets to mean "there will be a lockdown for the unvaccinated."

The nationwide lockdown "will initially last for 10 days and police will go on patrol to check people outside to make sure they are vaccinated, Schallenberg said, adding that additional forces will be assigned to the patrols" while citizens "can be fined up to 1,450 euros ($1,660) if they violate the lockdown."

Austria's government had threatened such a lockdown may be coming late last week, citing high infection rates while blaming unvaccinated citizens for placing a burden on his country's intensive care units.

Chancellor Schallenberg justified the disparate lockdown by saying "he did not want the two-thirds of vaccinated Austrians to be forced to face the same lockdown as the unvaccinated," Newsweek reported, despite the fact that fully vaccinated individuals can still get breakthrough cases of the Wuhan coronavirus, and — albeit at a diminished rate — still transmit the virus to others.

Even before the nationwide lockdown was made official, Austria's government had implemented [url=Even before the nationwide lockdown was made official, Austria's government had implemented policies so that "unvaccinated people who had not recovered from an infection were barred from restaurants, hotels, hairdressing salons and large public events." In addition to the new lockdown, Austria is reportedly considering a vaccine mandate for "some professional groups," according to Chancellor Schallenberg.]policies[/url] so that "unvaccinated people who had not recovered from an infection were barred from restaurants, hotels, hairdressing salons and large public events." In addition to the new lockdown, Austria is reportedly considering a vaccine mandate for "some professional groups," according to Chancellor Schallenberg.

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  Daily pilgrimage to purgatory
Posted by: SAguide - 11-14-2021, 07:28 PM - Forum: For the Souls in Purgatory - No Replies

This is a beautiful and easy devotion to assist the suffering poor souls.  

Use the arrows at the bottom right to turn the pages:
Daily pilgrimage to purgatory

This link is for the daily prayers only, which can be printed out, from the same booklet:

example of one day: 

Regret: Wasted time.

Pious Exercises
Resolution: To assist the souls of priest, religious, and all those in Purgatory who have been faithful to this devotion all their lives. I also recommend myself to those who are entering heaven at this moment.

Thought for the Day: The sufferings of the souls in Purgatory are so great that a single day appears to them like a thousand years.

Exercise: Ejaculations in honor of the divine Heart for the comfort and consolation of the poor souls.

Special Intention: Implore the divine Heart of Jesus to grant relief to the most forsaken soul in Purgatory.

Motive: The greater the abandonment of a soul, the greater will be its gratitude towards you, It will obtain for you the privilege never to be forsaken by God through the withdrawal of His grace, and never to abandon Him by committing sin.

O Lord God Almighty, I pray Thee, by the Precious Blood which Thy divine Son Jesus shed in the garden, deliver the souls in Purgatory and especially that soul which is most destitute of spiritual aid; and vouchsafe to bring it to Thy glory, there to praise and bless Thee forever. Amen.

Our Father . . . Hail Mary

Sweet Heart of Jesus, make me love Thee ever more and more.

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  Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost [Sixth Sunday after Epiphany]
Posted by: Stone - 11-14-2021, 07:55 AM - Forum: Pentecost - Replies (1)

Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Guéranger  (1841-1875)

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbenedicamusdominoblog.f...f=1&nofb=1]

The number of the Sundays after Pentecost may exceed twenty-four, and go up as far as twenty-eight, according as Easter is each Year, more or less near to the vernal equinox. But the Mass here given is always reserved for the last; and the intervening ones, be their number what it may, are taken from the Sundays after the Epiphany, which in that case were not used at the beginning of the year. This, however, does not apply to the Introit, Gradual, Offertory, and Communion, which, as we have already said, are repeated from the twenty-third Sunday.

We have seen how that Mass of the twenty-third Sunday was regarded by our forefathers as really the last of the Cycle. Abbot Rupert has given us the profound meaning of its several parts. According to the teaching we have already pondered over, the reconciliation of Juda was shown us as being, in time, the term intended by God: the last notes of the sacred Liturgy blended with the last scene of the world’s history, as seen and known by God. The end proposed by eternal Wisdom, in the world’s creation, and mercifully continued after the Fall by the mystery of Redemption, has now (we speak of the Church’s Year and God’s workings) been fully carried out—this end was no other than that of divine Union with Human Nature, making it one in the unity of one only body. (Ephesians 2:16) Now that the two antagonist-people, gentile and jew, are brought together in the one same New Man in Christ Jesus their Head, (Ephesians 2:15) the Two Testaments, which so strongly marked the distinction between the ages of time, the one called the Old, the other the New—yes, these Two Testaments fade away and give place to the glory of the Eternal Alliance.

It was here, therefore, that Mother Church formerly finished her Liturgical Year. She was delighted at what she had done during all the past months; that is, at having led her children not only to have a thorough appreciation of the divine plan, which she had developed before then in her celebrations, but moreover, and more especially, to unite them themselves by a veritable Union to their Jesus, by a real communion of views and interests and loves. On this account, she used not to revert again to the second Coming of the God-Man and the Last Judgment, two great subjects which she had proposed for her children’s reflections, at the commencement of the Purgative Life, that is, her season of Advent. It is only since a few centuries that, with a view of giving to her Year a conclusion more defined and intelligible to the Faithful of these comparatively recent times, she closes the Cycle with the prophetic description of the dread Coming of her Lord, which is to put an end to Time and open Eternity. From time immemorial, St. Luke had had the office of announcing, in Advent, the approach of the Last Judgment; (Gueranger, First Sunday of Advent) the Evangelist St. Matthew was selected for this its second, and more detailed, description, on the last Sunday after Pentecost.

Mass of the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
[w/ the Introit, Gradual, Offertory, and Communion repeated from the twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost]

The Introit, which we have just had explained to us by Rupert, it taken from the Prophet Jeremias, as was the ancient Epistle.

Dicit Dominus: Ego cogito cogitationes pacis, et non afflictionis: invocabitis me, et ego exaudiam vos: et reducam captivitatem vestram de cunctis locis.
The Lord saith: I think thoughts of peace, and not of affliction; ye shall call upon me, and I will hear you: and bring back your captive people from all places.

Ps. Benedixisti, Domine, terram tuam: avertisti captivitatem Jacob. Gloria Patri. Dicit Dominus.
Ps. Thou, O Lord, hast blessed thy land: thou hast brought back the captive children of Jacob. Glory, &c. The Lord.

Prayer for pardon is continually on the lips of the Christian people, because the weakness of human nature is, here below, ever making itself felt, even by the just man. God knows our frailty, and he is always ready to pardon us; but it is on the condition, that we humbly acknowledge our faults, and have confidence in his mercy. These are the sentiments which suggest to the Church the words of the Collect.

Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that ever fixing our thoughts on such things as are reasonable, we may both in our words and works do what is pleasing in Thy sight. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc.

Lesson of the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle, I. Thess. I. 2-10.

Brethren, we give thanks to God for you all, making a remembrance of you in our prayers without ceasing; being mindful of the work of your faith, and labor, and charity, and of the enduring of the hope of our Lord Jesus Christ before God and our Father: knowing, brethren, beloved of God, your election: for our gospel hath not been unto you in word only, but in power also, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much fullness, as you know what manner of men we have been among you for your sakes. And you became followers of us and of the Lord, receiving the word in much tribulation, with joy of the Holy Ghost: so that you were made a pattern to all that believe, in Macedonia and in Achaia. For from you was spread abroad the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but also in every place, your faith, which is towards God, is gone forth; so that we need not to speak anything. For they themselves relate of us what manner of entering in we had unto you; and how ye turned, to God from idols, to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven (whom he raised from the dead), Jesus, who both delivered us from the wrath to come.

Quote:The praise which the apostle here gives to the Thessalonians for their fervor in the faith they had embraced, conveys a reproach to the Christians of our own times. These neophytes of Thessalonica, who, a short time before, were worshippers of idols, had become so earnest in the practice of the Christian religion, that even the apostle is filled with admiration.

We are the descendants of countless Christian ancestors; we received our regeneration by Baptism at our first coming into the world; we were taught the doctrine of Jesus Christ from our earliest childhood: and yet, our faith is not so strong, or our lives so holy, as were those of the early Christians. Their main occupation was serving the living and true God, and waiting for the coming of their Savior. Our hope is precisely the same as that which made their hearts so fervent; how comes it that our faith is not like theirs in its generosity? We love this present life, as though we had not the firm conviction that it is to pass away.

As far as depends upon us, we are handing down to future generations a Christianity very different from that which our Savior established, which the apostles preached, and which the pagans of the first ages thought they were bound to purchase at any price or sacrifice.

Liberasti nos, Domine, ex affligentibus nos: et eos qui nos oderunt, confudisti.
Thou hast saved us, O Lord, from them that afflict us: and hast put them to shame that hate us.

℣. In Deo laudabimur tota die, et in nomine tuo confitebimur in sæcula.
℣. In God shall we glory all the day long; and, in thy name, we will give praise for ever.

Alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia.

℣. De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine: Domine exaudi orationem meam. Alleluia.
℣. Out of the depths I have cried unto thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my prayer. Alleluia.

Sequel of the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. XIII. 31-35

At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to the multitudes: The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard-seed, which a man took and sowed in his field: which is the least indeed of all seeds; but when it is grown up, it is greater than all herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come, and dwell in the branches thereof. Another parable he spoke to them: The kingdom of heaven is like to leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, until the whole was leavened. All these things Jesus spoke in parables to the multitude, and without parables he did not speak to them, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying: I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world.

De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine: Domine, exaudi orationem meam: de profundis clavi ad te, Domine.
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my prayer: out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord!

The service we pay to God is, of itself, far beneath what his sovereign Majesty deserves; but the Sacrifice, which, every day, constitutes part of our service, ennobles it even to an infinite worth, and supplies all our own deficiencies of merit. This is what we are told in this Sunday’s Secret.

Hæc nos oblátio, Deus, mundet, quǽsumus, et rénovet, gubérnetet prótegat. Per Dóminum nostrum …
May this offering, O God, we beseechThee, cleanse and renew us, guide and protect us. Through our Lord …

Having, by thse sacred Mysteries, entered into a participation of divine life, let us beseech our Lord, that we may no longer be subject to the dangers of this world. Let us say with the Church:

Amen dico vobis, quidquid orantes petitis, credite quia accipietis, et fiet vobis.
Amen I say unto you,—all things whatsoever ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye shall receive, and it shall be done unto you.

Cœléstibus, Dómine, pastidelíciis: quǽsumus: ut semper éadem, per quæ veráciter vívimus, appetámus. Per Dominum...
We have been fed, O Lord, with heavenly delights, and beseech Thee, that we may ever hunger after those things by which we truly live. Through our Lord …

The other Postcommunions, as in the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost.

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  MRNA Vaccine Inventor Suggests Collusion Between CNN, Pfizer
Posted by: Stone - 11-13-2021, 07:53 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

MRNA Vaccine Inventor Suggests Collusion Between CNN, Pfizer

[Image: DRR-656x437.jpg]

Dr. Robert Malone holds the reins of his stallion, Jade II Da Sernadinha, on his horse farm in Madison, Va., on Wednesday July 22, 2020. Malone, who serves as a consultant to a Pentagon-funded program that develops medications to protect American troops from biological threats, believed enough in famotidine’s efficacy and safety as a COVID-19 drug that, when he contracted the disease, he took it himself. He reported on his LinkedIn page that he’d figured out the proper dose and became “the first to take the drug to treat my own case." (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

OAN Newsroom | November 12, 2021

The inventor of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines has sounded the alarm over potential collusion between CNN and Pfizer. Dr. Robert Malone deconstructed a CNN segment featuring the network’s chief correspondent and Sesame Street’s Big Bird.

Dr. Malone said he believes Pfizer is using CNN as a surrogate to advertise directly to children, driving consumer demand to cause the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to purchase additional unlicensed vaccines. He said not only does this constitute illegal marketing of an unlicensed pharmaceutical product, but may also meet the criteria for corrupt racketeering.

He maintained Pfizer is pushing for vaccinations while the drug is still in its emergency authorization status because pharmaceutical companies will not be held liable for an experimental medication.

“Coverage that allows Pfizer to not be held liable for any adverse events only applies to the Pfizer product, which is still under emergency use authorization,” said Malone.

Additionally, Malone contended that Pfizer circumvented the normative Food and Drug Administration (FDA) process, evading the conventional peer-reviewed period in order to meet mandate standards and the true efficacy rates dip into the 40 percent range as studies out of Israel suggest.

“What I think they’ve done here is jam something through that will enable the government and commercial entities and states to mandate vaccines to the military and otherwise. But by their own statements they don’t have the data to support the safety and efficacy claims,” said Malone. “The claims they do have are completely outdated. It’s based on the alpha and beta variants.”

Dr. Malone has also questioned why corporate media outlets censure ivermectin despite its worldwide use and long-held benefits.

Meanwhile, CNN has continued to peddle its anti-ivermectin agenda, falsely labeling the medication as a horse de-wormer. In an effort to promote vaccines and suppress alternatives, the network has leveled attacks against high-profile figures with large platforms who even suggest ivermectin as a legitimate therapy.

The most recent subjects of these attacks have been podcaster Joe Rogan and quarterback Aaron Rodgers. CNN aired numerous segments ridiculing the athlete for speaking out on his personal health decisions, calling it a dangerous use of his platform.

Despite CNN’s best efforts to discredit ivermectin, the CDC itself lists the drug as an integral part of its program for U.S. bound refugees. It also recommends it as a presumptive therapy for all refugees originating from the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America.

In response to the backlash, CNN issued a statement that not only ignored Gutpa’s admission, but also doubled down. The mainstream media outlet alleged a powerful voice in media like Rogan was promoting the use of “an unproven treatment for COVID-19 and a drug developed to ward off parasites in farm animals.”

Dr. Malone’s suggestion of collusion between CNN and Pfizer may explain the corporate media’s determined push for vaccines and mandates while discrediting any alternatives.

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  Austria plans to approve lockdown for the unvaccinated on Sunday
Posted by: Stone - 11-13-2021, 07:35 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - Replies (2)

Austria plans to approve lockdown for the unvaccinated on Sunday

Reuters | November 12, 2021

VIENNA, Nov 12 (Reuters) - Austria's government is likely to decide on Sunday to impose a lockdown on people who are not fully vaccinated against the coronavirus as daily infections have surged to record levels, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said on Friday.

Schallenberg did not say when the lockdown would take effect, but the two provinces hardest-hit by this wave of infections, Upper Austria and Salzburg, will introduce the measure for themselves on Monday.

Roughly 65% of Austria's population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, one of the lowest rates in Western Europe. Many Austrians are sceptical about vaccines, a view encouraged by the far-right Freedom Party, the third-biggest in parliament.

"The aim is very clear: that we give the green light this Sunday for a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated," Schallenberg, a conservative, told a news conference, adding that intensive-care units are increasingly strained.

"The development is such that I do not think it is sensible to wait ... We will take this step now and my wish is that we take this step on Sunday and nationally for all nine provinces."

Schallenberg said on Thursday the unvaccinated would face the same restrictions on their daily movements that the whole country endured in three lockdowns last year.

Schallenberg wants to avoid placing further restrictions on those who are vaccinated to encourage holdouts to get a shot. Health Minister Wolfgang Mueckstein said health workers will be required to get vaccinated. read more

In possibly a bigger blow to Austria's economy than the planned lockdown its biggest source of tourists, Germany, will classify the country a high-risk region as of Sunday, imposing a quarantine on people arriving from there. Austria is a popular destination for winter sports.

Infections are surging across Europe as colder weather sets in and Netherlands is expected to announce a three-week partial lockdown that would apply to the whole population. read more

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  Biden's Communist Treasury Nominee Wants All Bank Accounts to be Controlled by the Fed
Posted by: Stone - 11-13-2021, 07:30 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Biden's Communist Treasury Nominee Wants All Bank Accounts to be Controlled by the Fed

[Image: 97fc571b-e108-455e-a30a-bb4f94781f7b.png]

TH | Nov 12, 2021 

In September President Joe Biden nominated Saule Omarova to become comptroller of the currency at the Department of Treasury. If confirmed, Omarova would be in charge of overseeing banking in the United States.

Omarova believes private bank accounts should be taken over and controlled by the Federal Reserve.

"Imagine what it would be like instead of just a public option for deposit banking, this would be actually the full transition. In other words, there would be no more private bank deposit accounts and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the fed," Omarova said during recent remarks. "How is it politically feasible for the central bank to take money away from people's accounts."

Omarova has also stated that in order for the country and the world to tackle climate change, governments must bankrupt the oil industry through regulation.

Omarova is a communist who grew up in the USSR. While in college at Moscow State University on a Lenin academic excellence scholarship, she titled her thesis, "Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in The Capital."

If confirmed, Omarova would be in charge of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The OCC "charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks, federal savings associations, and federal branches and agencies of foreign banks."

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  America’s NINE political tribes
Posted by: SAguide - 11-12-2021, 03:01 PM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Of course there's a reason, to stress and promote division.

America’s NINE political tribes:
Voters in the polarized US are made up of groups including the ‘Outsider Left,’ ‘Establishment Liberals,’ ‘Committed Conservatives’ and the ‘Ambivalent Right,’ new research reveals
  • A report released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center has segmented U.S. voters into nine political tribes
  • Four of the groups lean left, four lean right, and then there are the ‘stressed sideliners,’ who have a minimal interest in politics 
  • Pew surveyed 10,221 adults this July, but has been conducting interviews with respondents since January 2020 
  • While partisan polarization remained high, the research also showed that there are divisions within the Democrats and the Republicans
U.S. voters are segmented into nine political tribes - four that lean left, four that lean right, and the 'stressed sideliners' who have a minimal interest in politics - according to a report released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center.
Pew surveyed 10,221 adults this July, but has been conducting interviews with respondents since January 2020. 
While partisan polarization remained high, the research also showed that there are divisions within both the Democrats and the Republicans[url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/republicans/index.html][/url] - as members' views vary on issues including racial justice, abortion, taxes and the future role of former President Donald Trump.


Pew says this group is ‘intensely conservative in all realms.’ They make up 23 per cent of Republicans and independents who lean Republican, making them one of the two largest GOP-leaning groups. They are majority white and Christian. They’re more likely than other groups to argue that government policies should support religious values. They’re also less likely to believe in compromise in politics. Most say that Trump is probably the winner of the 2020 election, believing the so-called ‘big lie.’ Pew found that 79 per cent of this group believes too much attention has been paid to the January 6 Capitol attack.
Faith and flag conservatives as well as members of the populist right tend to be immigration hardliners, the Pew research showed

This group holds views that are similar to the ‘flag and faith conservatives’ but with, as Pew put it, a ‘softer edge.’ They account for 15 per cent of Republicans and independents who lean GOP. They are pro-business and pro-small government. They would be more likely to support an immigration compromise than flag and faith conservatives and members of the populist right. They also believe the U.S. should prioritize relationships with foreign allies. While members of this group voted for Trump, they’re not as enthusiastic about him – preferring former Republican presidents like Ronald Reagan.
‘Committed conservatives’ are more likely  than other GOP groups to believe that the U.S. should look out for its foreign allies

This group tends to be less educated than other groups with members often living in rural communities. It also accounts for 23 per cent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents. They are highly critical of U.S. immigration policy and also U.S. corporations. They are the only Republican group that argues the economic system in the U.S. unfairly supports powerful interests. They believe, which is something that Democratic President Joe Biden has proposed, that taxes should be raised on Americans making more than $400,000. Eighty-one per cent of this group told Pew pollsters they’d like to see Trump remain a prominent political figure.
The ‘populist right’ is more likely than other GOP groups to believe that the economic system in the U.S. is unfair

This group is the youngest set of conservative-leaning voters. They hold traditional conservative opinions on issues such as favoring small government, the economic system, as well as race and gender. However, they’re more likely to support the legalization of marijuana and support abortion rights and same-sex marriage. While a majority voted for Trump in the last election, 63 per cent say they don’t want to see him continue to be a major political figure in the Republican Party.  A quarter of this group identifies as Democrats or Democratic leaners, while it makes up 18 per cent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents.
Those who are part of the ‘ambivalent right’ are more likely than other GOP groups to support abortion access and marijuana legalization

The ‘progressive left’ is the only majority white group of Democrats. They make up 12 per cent of Democrats and independs who lean Democratic. They have very liberal views on nearly every issue. They differ from what Pew calls ‘establishment liberals’ because they support sweeping changes to address racial injustice. They want a big expansion of the social safety net. They’re the most politically engaged of the Democratic groups.

‘Establishment liberals,’ on the other hand, are very liberal – but they’re more resistant to sweeping change, instead supporting incrementalism and political compromise. A majority believe the party should be inclusive of those who believe GOP viewpoints on some issues. They account for 23 per cent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, Pew found.

This is the oldest, on average, group of Democrats, who are loyalists to the party, and are more moderate on some issues. They’re less likely than other Democratic groups to be college-educated. They account for 28 per cent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. They may personally identify as politically moderate. Most of their views are liberal, however. On immigration, they may view illegal immigration as a bigger problem than other Democratic-leaning groups. They are also more pro-military. Forty per cent of black Democrats are included in this group.
The views on the size and role of government tend to be divided along party lines
There’s a big split, as well, between the parties when it comes to discrimination against black people and white people

This is the youngest group of Democratic voters. They account for 16 per cent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. They supported President Joe Biden in the last election, but are deeply frustrated with the political system, including the Democratic Party. They are liberal, especially on the issues of race, climate change and immigration. They often consider themselves to be political indepedents. They don’t vote reliably, but will choose a Democrat over a Republican candidate.

This group makes up 15 per cent of the American populace, but just 10 per cent of voters. Those included hold a mix of liberal and conservative views. They tend to be more liberal economically and conservative socially. They also tend to be economically stressed. What they have in common is a general disinterest in politics. Only 45 per cent of this group voted in the 2020 election, with about half choosing Biden.

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  Archbishop Viganò: True freedom is the ability to act within the limits of the Good
Posted by: Stone - 11-12-2021, 09:38 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Viganò: True freedom is the ability to act within the limits of the Good
It is precisely those who speak to you about gender equality, the right to 'reproductive health,' to euthanasia, to surrogate motherhood and sexual liberty
who today hold you all in their grip, deciding what is right for you in the name of 'your good,' public health, or the protection of the planet.

(LifeSiteNews) — Editor’s note: The following is the English translation of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s remarks to be given at Friday’s demonstration against pandemic measures in Switzerland.

Dear friends, many of you would never have thought that Switzerland would eventually follow Italy and other nations in supinely adhering to the diktats of the elite even in the matter of the pandemic emergency. Your Confederation, in fact, is already well ahead of other countries on the path of globalization, and the imprint of the New World Order is very marked in the life of the great Swiss cities. And just as Sweden was spared the lockdowns and the masks, one would have believed that also in Switzerland the measures of supposed containment of the contagion would have adopted the failed model of which Italy is instead a tragic example. On the other hand, since the World Economic Forum has its headquarters in Davos, some of you could have hoped that Klaus Schwab would have prevented you from experiencing firsthand what awaits all of humanity, if we only allow his nonsensical Great Reset[1] to be brought to completion, shared by the U.N. with the name of Agenda 2030.[2] And yet, if you think about what was shown to you on June 1, 2016, with the inauguration of the Gotthard tunnel, you should have an idea about the inspiring principles of the New World Order.[3]

You are here today to protest against the tightening of health and control measures, adopted by the Swiss Federal Government with the pretext of the so-called pandemic. What lies ahead for Switzerland, as you know, has been adopted in whole or in part by other nations, including Italy. Discrimination against the non-vaccinated is already a reality in many nations, as is the tracking of citizens by means of the vaccine passport, salary suspension for those who do not subject themselves to control, and the possibility for public authorities to legislate in derogation from ordinary laws and from the Constitution.

But allow me to ask you all some questions.

Are you protesting because of a limitation of your constitutional liberties, or because you realize that these first control measures are only the first step of a progressive cancellation of your individual liberty, absorbed by a State/Doctor that decides for you how to treat you, of a State/Master that decides if and when you can leave the house, work, go to a restaurant, and travel?

Are you demonstrating against the green pass and yet accepting the narrative about the pandemic and the vaccines, or have you realized that this colossal farce is based on a virus produced in a laboratory that has been spread in order to create an emergency pandemic that would give a pretext for placing all of humanity under control?

Have you taken to the streets because it annoys you to have to scan your QR-code in order to enter your office or factory and yet you have been inoculated with the experimental genetic serum, or have you realized that the so-called vaccines are ineffective, the risk of even grave adverse long- and short-term side effects, and that the pharmaceutical houses who are using you as guinea pigs have no responsibility, and that if you get sick or die they will not have to pay any damages or respond criminally to any court?

And finally: Have you decided to protest because the freedom to not be subjected to health control is the same freedom in whose name you believe you have the right to kill children in the mother’s womb, the elderly, and those who are sick in their hospital beds? Is this the same freedom that would legitimize homosexual unions and gender theory? Is this the freedom to which you appeal? The freedom to offend the Law of God, to blaspheme His Name, to violate the natural law that he has written on the heart of every human being?

Because if what you want is only to be free to do what you want, your demonstration makes no sense. It is precisely those who speak to you about gender equality, the right to “reproductive health,” to euthanasia, to surrogate motherhood and sexual liberty who today hold you all in their grip, deciding what is right for you in the name of “your good,” public health, or the protection of the planet. It is they who before too long will unite the green pass with your digital ID, with your bank account, with your tax, salary, social security and health status, and in doing so — for “your good” — they will be able to decide if you can work, travel, go to a restaurant, and buy a steak or rather some insects.

That freedom made you believe you are “free,” while those who want you to be obedient slaves let you run around by lengthening the leash, giving you the illusion of being able to do what you want, of having the “right” to abort, to live against the precepts of Christian morality, to be able to behave as if God did not exist, as if you would never have to present yourselves before Him on the day of judgment.

But this is not freedom: it is license, it is libertinism. The freedom to damage your soul, certainly not the freedom to live honestly so as to merit paradise. True freedom is instead the ability to act within the limits of the Good, and this is the freedom to which you ought to aspire, this the freedom that you ought to claim with courage and pride, this the freedom that “will set you free” (Jn 8:32).

The freedom to choose not to be fooled by the promises of those who offer you a better eco-sustainable, inclusive, tolerant, resilient and gender-fluid future, while forcing you to buy only the products they have made available on the internet, to order lunch and dinner via delivery, to be treated with telemedicine, to follow lessons via distance learning, and to not go into the office via “smart working.”

I am talking about the freedom to say no to those who, by envisaging progress in the world of work and enthusiastically showing you the free time, you will be able to enjoy with reduced work hours, are reducing your salary, eliminating your union protections, depriving you of the means of subsistence for supporting a family, forcing you to live in ever-smaller and more anonymous apartments that are always further in the outskirts of town. To say no to those who first deprive you of the autonomy of a job by creating unemployment and eliminating professional specializations, and then offer you the citizenship income by which to make you slaves, blackmailed by a State that decides on what conditions you can work.

The freedom you must claim is that of not supinely accepting the media narrative, the colossal fraud of an entire category subservient to the elite, engaged in spreading lies and censoring the truth, paid to support power and suppress dissent; the freedom to demand that journalists rediscover the dignity of professional ethics and conduct, and not the infamy of courtly enslavement to masters who can never get enough power.

The freedom of speech that you all should invoke, and above all those among you who have roles of responsibility or carry out professions related to the present emergency – doctors, paramedics, law enforcement, judges, politicians – and the freedom to expose the corruption, conflicts of interest, silence, and complicity of a system based on deception, fraud, psychological terrorism and the manipulation of the truth. The freedom to refuse one’s consent to a crime against humanity being carried out with ruthless determination.

We can ask ourselves if, with the victory of this referendum on November 28, anything will change. The Swiss Constitution favors the active participation of its citizens and will give a strong signal to the Federal Council to desist from its intentions. But do not think that your battle for fundamental rights ends here: The attack is worldwide, and each of us must be aware of the threat that now hangs over every one of us.

This is not a clash in which we can overcome the common enemy with human efforts alone: It is an epochal battle, in which what is at stake are the destinies of humanity as a whole as well as each of us individually, both in time and in eternity. And above all: the proponents of the Great Reset are intrinsically anti-Christian and antichristic, because this “New Order” is nothing other than the infernal chaos.

You have been given the opportunity to decide. Not only if the green pass is illegitimate, but whether you want to definitively renounce what remains of your freedom, allowing the dystopian nightmare to be imposed on you of a tyranny that today is a health dictatorship and tomorrow will be ecological or transhuman. And may God assist and protect those who belong to Him.

1 Cf. The site of the World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/
2 Cf. The site of the United Nations: https://unric.org/it/agenda-2030/
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0B28vi3u8c

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