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  SOS from Australia: Our Human Rights are Gone
Posted by: Stone - 11-06-2021, 12:11 PM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

From Monica Smits:

Quote:It's time for our international friends to recognise that Australia is at war with its' government and we need help.


Please, international friends...hear our cries for help and apply economic and political pressure on our leaders to change the destructive path we are on.

Provide a way for citizens who no longer feel safe here to come home. Offer a certain number of Australians asylum, many of us need it!

Further information - www.reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au/sos


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  Here's the real reason Comirnaty is not available [Opinion]
Posted by: Stone - 11-05-2021, 04:16 PM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

Here's the real reason Comirnaty is not available
It's all about liability. It will magically become available when the vaccine for children is fully approved, not before.

Steve Kirsch [Substack] | Nov 3, 2021

The reason Comirnaty isn’t available is because those shots would expose the company to liability since the fully-licensed product doesn’t have the liability waiver of the EUA product.

But once the Pfizer vaccine is fully approved in kids, then Pfizer gets liability waiver on all age groups due to a “feature” in federal law for child vaccines (NCVIA). At that time, they are done. They can market the COVID vaccine products under full approval for all age groups and face no liability when it kills or disables you.

This is why they are focused on the kids. This is why there is a reformulation at a 1/3 dose and they changed the buffer and the storage conditions (low temperatures not required). All of these will weaken the protection, but result in a safer vaccine (since it is ineffective).

But for the clinical trials on the 5-11 year olds, they did not use the formulation they approved in the meeting. This is known as bait and switch. So they used a more effective vaccine to show efficacy (in the trials they completed), then they get the FDA to approve the drug but with a change in formulation, then the product product with the new buffer will go out to the public with the lower efficacy, but better safety. This is because they don’t want to jeopardize any adverse events happening until they are fully approved. So they basically use formula 1 for safety, get approval for formula 2 (safer, less effective), then roll out formula 2 under EUA.

They also arrange with the FDA and CDC to make sure no early treatment drugs get approved or recommended. This is why there is no movement on fluvoxamine, ivermectin, etc. since that would blow the EUA. Fluvoxamine is the best drug ever for COVID with a mortality reduction of 12X when taken early. It’s the best drug to date for COVID, but the CDC and NIH are deliberately burying it until the vaccines are fully approved. Then they’ll say, “ok, we have all the data.”

So at the end, Pfizer gets a fully approved vaccine with full liability protection. At that time, then the NIH can recognize other treatments.

This is how it is wired to go. Let’s be honest about it.

This is why nobody wants to debate our team about what is going on.

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  And not unexpectedly... OSHA to consider expanding mandate to businesses w/ less than 100 employees
Posted by: Stone - 11-04-2021, 11:20 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

The net widens...

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  OSHA vaccine mandate to hit large employers Jan. 4, with hefty fines for noncompliance
Posted by: Stone - 11-04-2021, 11:06 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

OSHA vaccine mandate to hit large employers Jan. 4, with hefty fines for noncompliance
OSHA rule is expected to be immediately challenged in court by Republican states and some business groups

FOXBusiness [adapted] | November 4, 2021

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is giving employers with more than 100 employees a Jan. 4 deadline to comply with President Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandate and threatening thousands of dollars in fines for defiant businesses, according to a fact sheet released by the White House Thursday.

The OSHA rule is expected to be immediately challenged in court by Republican states and some business groups.

Separate from OSHA, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is issuing a rule to require health care workers in facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid be fully vaccinated. The CMS rule will also go into effect Jan. 4 and will cover more than 17 million workers at approximately 76,000 health care facilities nationwide.

Unlike the OSHA rule, the CMS rule affecting health care workers does not allow for a testing alternative to vaccination. The CMS rule does allow for medical and religious exemptions.


The White House also said Thursday that it would push back its federal contractor vaccine mandate deadline from Dec. 8 to Jan. 4. A coalition of Republican attorneys general have already filed suit against the federal contractor mandate.

Employers with more than 100 employees must ensure that all their workers are either fully vaccinated or subject to weekly testing and mask wearing. Fully vaccinated means that the employee has received two doses of Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech's shots, or one dose of Johnson & Johnson's shot.


Biden announced the policy in September, arguing it was a vital step to make sure more of the country received COVID-19 vaccines.

"We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us," Biden said at the time. "While America is in much better shape than it was seven months ago when I took office… We're in a tough stretch and it could last for a while."

According to senior administration officials, OSHA will assist employers to develop their vaccine and testing standards. Fines for willfully failing to comply with the mandate could reach as much as $14,000 per violation, with the potential for multiple citations per business.

The rule will also "preempt any inconsistent state or local laws, including laws that ban or limit an employer's authority to require vaccination, masks, or testing," the White House said.

The rule is set to impact roughly 84 million employees; 70% of all U.S. adults are fully vaccinated, according to the administration.

But the mandate has faced pushback from companies and some lawmakers who warn that the new rule could serve to further hinder the nation's struggling supply chain just as the busy holiday season goes into high gear.

"With the holiday season rapidly approaching, consumers are now facing the likelihood of empty shelves in stores and delayed shipping for online purchases," with Sen. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo. wrote in a letter to Biden. "Removing barriers that allow the private sector to operate efficiently is the best path forward to rebolster our supply chains."

President Biden talks about the newly approved COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 from the South Court Auditorium on the White House complex in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh / AP Newsroom)

The Republican senator said just a few unilateral actions from the president could have "an immediate and measurable impact" on the transportation sector, including allowing 18-year-olds to drive trucks in interstate commerce and ditching the vaccine mandate that could discourage workers from looking for jobs in the field.

A senior administration official defended the legality of the OSHA rule. "The new emergency temporary standard is well within OSHA's authority under the law and consistent with OSHA's requirements to protect workers from health and safety hazards, including infectious diseases," the official said.

Health care facilities participating in the Medicaid and Medicare programs that do not comply with the mandate could face monetary penalties, denied payments and possibly termination from the Medicaid and Medicare programs – which would be a "last resort," a senior administration official said.

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  Pope St. Pius X: Editae Saepe - On St. Charles Borromeo
Posted by: Stone - 11-04-2021, 11:00 AM - Forum: Encyclicals - No Replies


Encyclical of Pope Pius X promulgated on 26 May 1910

To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops and other Ordinaries in Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See.

Venerable Brethren, Health and the Apostolic Blessing.

1. Sacred Scripture records the divine word saying that men will remember the just man forever, for even though he is dead, he yet speaks.[1] Both in word and deed the Church has for a long time verified the truth of that saying. She is the mother and the nurse of holiness, ever renewed and enlivened by the breath of the Spirit Who dwells in us.[2] She alone conceives, nourishes, and educates the noble family of the just. Like a loving mother, she carefully preserves the memory of and affection for the saints. This remembrance is, as it were, a divine comfort which lifts her eyes above the miseries of this earthly pilgrimage so that she finds in the saints "her joy and her crown." Thus she sees in them the sublime image of her heavenly Spouse. Thus she shows her children in each age the timeliness of the old truth: "For those who love God all things work together unto good, for those who, according to his purpose, are saints through his call."[3]

The glorious deeds of the saints, however, do more than afford us comfort. In order that we may imitate and be encouraged by them, one and all the saints echo in their own lives the saying of Saint Paul, "I beg you, be imitators of me, as I am of Christ."[4]

2. For that reason, Venerable Brethren, immediately after Our elevation to the Supreme Pontificate We stated in Our first encyclical that We would labor without ceasing "to restore all things in Christ."[5] We begged everyone to turn their eyes with Us to Jesus, "the apostle and high priest of our confession...the author and finisher of faith."[6] Since the majesty of that Model may be too much for fallen human nature, God mercifully gave Us another model to propose for your imitation, the glorious Virgin Mother of God. While being as close to Christ as human nature permits, she is better suited to the needs of our weak nature.[7] Over and above that, We made use of several other occasions to recall the memory of the saints. We emulated these faithful servants and ministers of God's household (each in his own way enjoying the friendship of God), "who by faith conquered kingdoms, wrought justice, obtained promises."[8] Thus encouraged by their example, we would be "now no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine devised in the wickedness of men, in craftiness, according to the wiles of error. Rather are we to practice the truth in love, and so grow up in all things in him who is the head, Christ."[9]

3. We have already pointed to how Divine Providence was perfectly realized in the lives of those three great doctors and pastors of the Church, Gregory the Great, John Chrysostom and Anselm of Aosta. Although they were separated by centuries, the Church was beset by many serious dangers in each of their respective ages. In recent years We celebrated all of their solemn centenaries. In a very special way, however, we commemorated Saint Gregory the Great in the encyclical of March 12, 1904, and Saint Anselm in the encyclical of April 21, 1909. In these documents We treated those points of Christian doctrine and morals found in the example and teaching of these saints which We thought were best suited to our times.

4. As We have already mentioned,[10] We are of the opinion that the shining example of Christ's soldiers has far greater value in the winning and sanctifying of souls than the words of profound treatises. We therefore gladly take this present opportunity to teach some very useful lessons from the consideration of the life of another holy pastor whom God raised up in more recent times and in the midst of trials very similar to those We are experiencing today. We refer to Saint Charles Borromeo, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church and Archbishop of Milan, whom Paul V, of holy memory, raised to the altar of the saints less than thirty years after his death. The words of Our Predecessor are to the point: "The Lord alone performs great wonders and in recent times He has accomplished marvelous things among Us. In His wonderful dispensation He has set a great light on the Apostolic rock when He singled Charles out of the heart of the Roman Church as the faithful priest and good servant to be a model for the pastors and their flock. He enlightened the whole Church from the light diffused by his holy works. He shone forth before priests and people as innocent as Abel, pure as Enoch, tireless as Jacob, meek as Moses, and zealous as Elias. Surrounded by luxury, he exhibited the austerity of Jerome, the humility of Martin, the pastoral zeal of Gregory, the liberty of Ambrose, and the charity of Paulinus. In a word, he was a man we could see with our eyes and touch with our hands. He trampled earthly things underfoot and lived the life of the spirit. Although the world tried to entice him he lived crucified to the world. He constantly sought after heavenly things, not only because he held the office of an angel but all because even on earth he tried to think and act as an angel."[11]

5. Such are the words of praise Our Predecessor wrote after Charles' death. Now, three centuries after his canonization, "we can rightly rejoice on this day when We solemnly confer, in the name of the Lord, the sacred honors on Charles, Cardinal Priest, thereby crowning his own Spouse with a diadem of every precious stone." We agree with Our Predecessor that the contemplation of the glory (and even more, the example and teaching of the saints) will humiliate the enemy and throw into confusion all those who "glory in their specious errors."[12] Saint Charles is a model for both clergy and people in these days. He was the unwearied advocate and defender of the true Catholic reformation, opposing those innovators whose purpose was not the restoration, but the effacement and destruction of faith and morals. This celebration of the third centenary of his canonization should prove to be not only a consolation and lesson for every Catholic but also a noble incentive for everyone to cooperate wholeheartedly in that work so dear to Our heart of restoring all things in Christ.

6. You know very well, Venerable Brethren, that even when surrounded by tribulation the Church still enjoys some consolation from God. "Christ also loved the Church, and delivered himself up for her, that he might sanctify her...in order that he might present to himself the Church in all her glory, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she might be holy and without blemish."[13] When vice runs wild, when persecution hangs heavy, when error is so cunning that it threatens her destruction by snatching many children from her bosom (and plunges them into the whirlpool of sin and impiety)--then, more than ever, the Church is strengthened from above. Whether the wicked will it or not, God makes even error aid in the triumph of Truth whose guardian and defender is the Church. He puts corruption in the service of sanctity, whose mother and nurse is the Church. Out of persecution He brings a more wondrous "freedom from our enemies." For these reasons, when worldly men think they see the Church buffeted and almost capsized in the raging storm, then she really comes forth fairer, stronger, purer, and brighter with the luster of distinguished virtues.

7. In such a way God's goodness bears witness to the divinity of the Church. He makes her victorious in that painful battle against the errors and sins that creep into her ranks. Through this victory He verifies the words of Christ: "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it."[14] In her day-to-day living He fulfills the promise, "Behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world."[15] Finally, He is the witness of that mysterious power of the other Paraclete (Who Christ promised would come immediately after His ascension into heaven), who continually lavishes His gifts upon her and serves as her defender and consoler in all her sorrows. This is the Spirit Who will "dwell with you forever, the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him...he will dwell with you and be in you."[16] The life and strength of the Church flows forth from this font. As the ecumenical Vatican Council teaches, this divine power sets the Church above every other society by those obvious notes which mark her "as a banner raised up among the nations."[17]

8. In fact, only a miracle of that divine power could preserve the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, from blemish in the holiness of Her doctrine, law, and end in the midst of the flood of corruption and lapses of her members. Her doctrine, law and end have produced an abundant harvest. The faith and holiness of her children have brought forth the most salutary fruits. Here is another proof of her divine life: in spite of a great number of pernicious opinions and great variety of errors (as well as the vast army of rebels) the Church remains immutable and constant, "as the pillar and foundation of truth," in professing one identical doctrine, in receiving the same Sacraments, in her divine constitution, government, and morality. This is all the more marvelous when one considers that the Church not only resists evil but even "conquers evil by doing good." She is constantly blessing friends and enemies alike. She is continually striving and ardently desiring to bring about the social and individual Christian restoration which is her particular mission in the world. Moreover, even her enemies benefit from it.

9. This wonderful working of Divine Providence in the Church's program of restoration was seen with the greatest clarity and was given as a consolation for the good especially in the century of Saint Charles Borromeo. In those days passions ran riot and knowledge of the truth was almost completely twisted and confused. A continual battle was being waged against errors. Human society, going from bad to worse, was rushing headlong into the abyss. Then those proud and rebellious men came on the scene who are "enemies of the cross of Christ . . .Their god is the belly...they mind the things of earth."[18] These men were not concerned with correcting morals, but only with denying dogmas. Thus they increased the chaos. They dropped the reins of law, and unbridled licentiousness ran wild. They despised the authoritative guidance of the church and pandered to the whims of the dissolute princes and people. They tried to destroy the Church's doctrine, constitution and discipline. they were similar to those sinners who were warned long ago: "Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil."[19] They called this rebellious riot and perversion of faith and morals a reformation, and themselves reformers. In reality, they were corrupters. In undermining the strength of Europe through wars and dissensions, they paved the way for those modern rebellions and apostasy. This modern warfare has united and renewed in one attack the three kinds of attack which have up until now been separated; namely, the bloody conflicts of the first ages, the internal pests of heresies, and finally, in the name of evangelical liberty, the vicious corruption and perversion of discipline such as was unknown, perhaps, even in medieval times. Yet in each of these combats the Church has always emerged victorious.

10. God, however, brought forth real reformers and holy men to arrest the onrushing current, to extinguish the conflagration, and to repair the harm caused by this crowd of seducers. Their many-sided zealous work of reforming discipline was especially consoling to the Church since the tribulation afflicting her was so great. Their work also proves the truth that "God is faithful and . . . with the temptation will also give you a way out ...."[20] In these circumstances God provided a pleasing consolation for the Church in the outstanding zeal and sanctity of Charles Borromeo.

11. God ordained that his ministry would be the effective and special means of checking the rebels' boldness and teaching and inspiring the Church's children. He restrained the former's mad extravagances by the example of his life and labor, and met their empty charges with the most powerful eloquence. He fanned the latter's hopes and kindled their zeal. Even from his youth he cultivated in a remarkable manner all the virtues of the true reformer which others possessed only in varying degrees. These virtues are fortitude, counsel, doctrine, authority, ability, and alacrity. He put them all in the service of Catholic truth against the attacks of error (which is precisely the mission of the Church). He revived the faith that had either become dormant or almost extinct in many by strengthening it with many wise laws and practices. He restored that discipline which had been overthrown by bringing the morals of clergy and people alike back to the ideals of Christian living. In executing all the duties of a reformer he also fulfilled the functions of the "good and faithful servant." Later he performed the works of the high priest who "pleased God in his days and was found just." He is, therefore, a worthy example for both clergy and laity, rich and poor. He can be numbered among those whose excellence as a bishop and prelate is eulogized by the Apostle Peter when he says that he became "from the heart a pattern to the flock."[21] Even before the age of twenty-three and although elevated to the highest honors and entrusted with very important and difficult ecclesiastical matters, Charles made truly wonderful daily progress in the practice of virtue through the contemplation of divine things. This sacred retirement perfected him, prepared him for later days, and caused him to shine forth as "a spectacle to the world, and angels, and men."

12. Then (again borrowing the words of Our Predecessor, Paul V), the Lord began to work His wonders in Charles. He filled him with a wisdom, justice, and burning zeal for promoting His glory and the Catholic cause. Above all, the Lord filled him with a great concern for restoring the faith in the Church universal according to the decrees of the renowned Council of Trent. That Pontiff himself, as well as all future generations, attributed the success of the Council to Charles, since even before carrying its decrees into action he was its most ardent promoter. In fact, his many vigils, trials, and labors brought its work to its ultimate completion.

13. All these things, however, were only a preparation or sort of novitiate where he trained his heart in piety, his mind in study, and his body in work (always remaining a modest and humble youth) for that life in which he would be as clay in the hands of God and His Vicar on earth. The innovators of that time despised just that kind of life of preparation. The same folly leads the modern innovators also to spurn it. They fail to see that God's wondrous works are matured in the obscurity and silence of a soul dedicated to obedience and contemplation. They cannot see that just as the hope of the harvest lies in the sowing, so this preparation is the germ of future progress.

14. As We have already hinted, this sanctity and industry prepared under such conditions in due time came to produce a truly marvelous fruit. When Charles, "good laborer that he was left the convenience and splendor of the city for the field (Milan) he was to cultivate, he discharged his duties better and better from day to day. Although the wickedness of the time had caused that field to become overrun with weeds and rank growths, he restored it to its pristine beauty. In time the Milanese Church became an example of ecclesiastical discipline."[22] He effected all these outstanding results in his work of reformation by adopting the rules the Council of Trent had only recently promulgated.

15. The Church knows very well that "the imagination and thought of man's heart are prone to evil."[23] Therefore she wages continual battle against vice and error "in order that the body of sin may be destroyed, that we may no longer be slaves to sin."[24] Since she is her own mistress and is guided by the grace which "is poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Spirit," she is directed in this conflict in thought and action by the Doctor of the Gentiles, who says, "Be renewed in the spirit of your mind...And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed in the newness of your mind, that you may discern what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."[25] The true son of the Church and reformer never thinks he has attained his goal. Rather, with the Apostle, he acknowledges that he is only striving for it: "Forgetting what is behind, I strain forward to what is before, I press on towards the goal, to the prize of God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus."[26]

16. Through our union with Christ in the Church we grow up "in all things in him who is the head, Christ. For from him the whole body...derives its increase to the building up for itself in love...."[27] For that reason Mother Church daily fulfills the mystery of the Divine Will which is "to be dispensed in the fullness of the times: to re-establish all things in Christ."[28]

17. The reformers that Borromeo opposed did not even think of this. They tried to reform faith and discipline according to their own whims. Venerable Brethren, it is no better understood by those whom We must withstand today. These moderns, forever prattling about culture and civilization, are undermining the Church's doctrine, laws, and practices. They are not concerned very much about culture and civilization. By using such high-sounding words they think they can conceal the wickedness of their schemes.

18. All of you know their purpose, subterfuges, and methods. On Our part We have denounced and condemned their scheming. They are proposing a universal apostasy even worse than the one that threatened the age of Charles. It is worse, We say, because it stealthily creeps into the very veins of the Church, hides there, and cunningly pushes erroneous principles to their ultimate conclusions.

19. Both these heresies are fathered by the "enemy" who "sowed weeds among the wheat"[29] in order to bring about the downfall of mankind. Both revolts go about in the hidden ways of darkness, develop along the same line, and come to an end in the same fatal way. In the past the first apostasy turned where fortune seemed to smile. It set rulers against people or people against rulers only to lead both classes to destruction. Today this modern apostasy stirs up hatred between the poor and the rich until, dissatisfied with their station, they gradually fall into such wretched ways that they must pay the fine imposed on those who, absorbed in worldly, temporal things, forget "the kingdom of God and His justice." As a matter of fact, this present conflict is even more serious than the others. Although the wild innovators of former times generally preserved some fragments of the treasury of revealed doctrine, these moderns act as if they will not rest until they completely destroy it. When the foundations of religion are overthrown, the restraints of civil society are also necessarily shattered. Behold the sad spectacle of our times! Behold the impending danger of the future! However, it is no danger to the Church, for the divine promise leaves no room for doubt. Rather, this revolution threatens the family and nations, especially those who actively stir up or indifferently tolerate this unhealthy atmosphere of irreligion.

20. This impious and foolish war is waged and sometimes supported by those who should be the first to come to Our aid. The errors appear in many forms and the enticements of vice wear different dresses. Both cause many even among our own ranks to be ensnared, seducing them by the appearance of novelty and doctrine, or the illusion that the Church will accept the maxims of the age. Venerable Brethren, you are well aware that we must vigorously resist and repel the enemy's attacks with the very weapons Borromeo used in his day.

21. Since they attack the very root of faith either by openly denying, hypocritically undermining, or misrepresenting revealed doctrine, we should above all recall the truth Charles often taught. "The primary and most important duty of pastors is to guard everything pertaining to the integral and inviolate maintenance of the Catholic Faith, the faith which the Holy Roman Church professes and teaches, without which it is impossible to please God."[30] Again: "In this matter no diligence can be too great to fulfill the certain demands of our office."[31] We must therefore use sound doctrine to withstand "the leaven of heretical depravity," which if not repressed, will corrupt the whole. That is to say, we must oppose these erroneous opinions now deceitfully being scattered abroad, which, when taken all together, are called Modernism. With Charles we must be mindful "of the supreme zeal and excelling diligence which the bishop must exercise in combating the crime of heresy."[32]

22. We need not mention the Saint's other words (echoing the sanctions and penalties decreed by the Roman Pontiffs) against those prelates who are negligent or remiss in purging the evil heresy out of their dioceses. It is fitting, however, to meditate on the conclusions he draws from these papal decrees. "Above everything else," he says, "the Bishop must be eternally on guard and continually vigilant in preventing the contagious disease of heresy from entering among his flock and removing even the faintest suspicion of it from the fold. If it should happen to enter (the Lord forbid!), he must use every means at his command to expel it immediately. Moreover, he must see to it that those infected or suspected be treated according to the pontifical canons and sanctions."[33]

23. Liberation or immunity from this disease of heresy is possible only when the clergy are properly instructed, since "faith. . . depends on hearing, and hearing on the word of Christ."[34] Today we must heed the words of truth. We see this poison penetrating through all the veins of the State (from sources where it would be the least expected) to such an extent that the causes are the same as those Charles records in the following words: "If those who associate with heretics are not firmly rooted in the Faith there is reason to fear that they will easily be seduced by the heretics into the trap of impiety and false doctrine."[35] Nowadays facility in travel and communication has proven just as advantageous for error as for other things. We are living in a perverse society of unbridled license of passions in which "there is no truth...and there is no knowledge of God,"[36] in "all the land made desolate, because there is none that considereth in the heart."[37] For that reason, borrowing the words of Charles, "we have already emphasized the importance of having all the faithful of Christ well instructed in the rudiments of Christian doctrine"[38] and have written a special encyclical letter on that extremely important subject.[39] However, We do not wish to repeat the lamentation Borromeo was moved to utter because of his burning zeal, namely, that "up until now We have received very little success in a matter of such importance." Rather, moved like him "by the enormity and danger of the task," We would once again urge everyone to make Charles his model of zeal so that he will contribute in this work of Christian restoration according to his position and ability. Fathers and employers should recall how the holy Bishop frequently and fervently taught that they should not only afford the opportunity but even consider it their duty to see that their children, servants, and employees study Christian doctrine. Clerics should remember that they must assist the parish priests in the teaching of Christian doctrine. Parish priests should erect as many schools for this same purpose as the number and needs of the people demand. They should further take care that they have upright teachers, who will be assisted by men and women of good morals according to the manner the holy Archbishop Milan prescribed.[40]

24. Obviously the need of this Christian instruction is accentuated by the decline of our times and morals. It is even more demanded by the existence of those public schools, lacking all religion, where everything holy is ridiculed and scorned. There both teachers' lips and students' ears are inclined to godlessness. We are referring to those schools which are unjustly called neutral or lay. In reality, they are nothing more than the stronghold of the powers of darkness. You have already, Venerable Brethren, fearlessly condemned this new trick of mocking liberty especially in those countries where the rights of religion and the family have been disgracefully ignored and the voice of nature (which demands respect for the faith and innocence of youth) has been stifled. Firmly resolved to spare no effort in remedying this evil caused by those who expect others to obey them (although they refuse to obey the Supreme Master of all things themselves), We have recommended that schools of Christian doctrine be erected in those cities where it is possible. Thanks to your efforts, this work has already made good progress. It is, however, very much to be desired that this work spread even more widely, with many such religious schools established everywhere and teachers of sound doctrine and good morals provided.

25. The preacher (whose duty is closely allied to the teacher of the fundamentals of religion) should also have the same qualities of sound doctrine and good morals. For that reason, when drawing up the statutes of the provincial and diocesan synods, Charles was most careful to provide preachers full of zeal and holiness to exercise "the ministry of the word." We are convinced that this care is even more urgent in our times when so many men are wavering in the Faith and some vain-glorious men, filled with the spirit of the age, "adulterate the word of God" and deprive the faithful of the food of life.

26. We must spare no pains, Venerable Brethren, in seeing that the flock does not feed on this air of foolish empty-headed men. Rather, it should be nourished with the life-giving food of "the ministers of the word." These can truly say, "On behalf of Christ...we are acting as ambassadors, God, as it were, appealing through us...be reconciled to God...we avoid unscrupulous conduct, we do not corrupt the word of God; but making known the truth, we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God..." We are workmen "that cannot be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."[41] Those very holy and fruitful rules the Bishop of Milan frequently laid down for his people have a similar value for us. They can best be summarized in these words of Saint Paul: "When you heard and received from us the word of God, you welcomed it not as the word of man, but, as it truly is, the word of God, who works in you who have believed."[42]

27. "The word of God is living and efficient and keener than any two-edged sword."[43] It will not only preserve and defend the faith but also effectively motivate us to do good works since "faith...without works is dead."[44] "For it is not they who hear the Law that are just in the sight of God; but it is they who follow the Law that will be justified."[45]

28. Now in this also we see the immense difference between true and false reform. The advocates of false reform, imitating the fickleness of the foolish, generally rush into extremes. They either emphasize faith to such an extent that they neglect good works or they canonize nature with the excellence of virtue while overlooking the assistance of faith and divine grace. As a matter of fact, however, merely naturally good acts are only a counterfeit of virtue since they are neither permanent nor sufficient for salvation. The work of this kind of a reformer cannot restore discipline. On the contrary, it ruins faith and morals.

29. On the other hand, the sincere and zealous reformer will; like Charles, avoid extremes and never overstep the bounds of true reform. He will always be united in the closest bonds with the Church and Christ, her Head. There he will find not only strength for his interior life but also the directives he needs in order to carry out his work of healing human society. The function of this divine mission, which has from time immemorial been handed down to the ambassadors of Christ, is to "make disciples of all nations" both the things they are to believe as well as the things they are to do since Christ Himself said, "Observe all that I have commanded you."[46] He is "the way, and the truth, and the life,"[47] coming into the world that man "may have life, and have it more abundantly."[48] The fulfillment of these duties, however, far surpasses man's natural powers. The Church alone possesses together with her magisterium the power of governing and sanctifying human society. Through her ministers and servants (each in his own station and office), she confers on mankind suitable and necessary means of salvation.

True reformers understand this very clearly. They do not kill the blossom in saving the root. That is to say, they do not divorce faith from holiness. They rather cultivate both of them, enkindling them with the fire of charity, "which is the bond of perfection."[49] In obedience to the Apostle, they "keep the deposit."[50] They neither obscure nor dim its light before the nations, but spread far and wide the most saving waters of truth and life welling up from that spring. They combine theory and practice. By the former they are prepared to withstand the "masquerading of error" and by the latter they apply the commandments to moral activity. In such a way they employ all the suitable and necessary means for attaining the end, namely, the wiping out of sin and the perfecting "the saints for a work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ."[51] This is the purpose of every kind of instruction, government, and munificence. In a word, this is the ultimate purpose of every discipline and action of the Church. When the true son of the church sets out to reform himself and others, he fixes his eyes and heart on matters of faith and morals. On just such matters Borromeo based his reformation of ecclesiastical discipline. Thus he often referred to them in his writings, as, for example, when he says, "Following the ancient custom of the holy Fathers and sacred Councils, especially the ecumenical Synod of Trent, we have decreed many regulations on these very matters in our preceding provincial Councils."[52] In the same way, when providing for the suppression of public scandals, he declares that he is following "both the law and sacred sanctions of the sacred canons, and especially the decrees of the Council of Trent."[53]

30. However, he did not stop at that. In order to assure as much as possible that he would never depart from this rule, he customarily concluded the statutes of his provincial Synods with the following words: "We are always prepared to submit everything we have done and decreed in this provincial Synod to the authority and judgment of the Roman Church, the Mother and Mistress of all the churches."[54] The more quickly he advanced in the perfection of the active ministry the more firmly was he rooted in this resolve, not only when the Chair of Peter was occupied by his uncle, but also during the Pontificates of his successors, Pius V and Gregory XIII. He wielded his influence in having these latter elected; he was tireless in supporting their great endeavors; and he fulfilled in a perfect manner whatever they expected of him.

31. Moreover, he seconded every one of their acts with the practical means needed to realize the end in view, namely, the real reform of sacred discipline. In this respect also he proved that in no wise he resembled those false reformers who concealed their obstinate disobedience under the cloak of zeal. He began "the judgment...with the household of God."[55] He first of all restored discipline among the clergy by making them conform to certain definite laws. With this same end in view he built seminaries, founded a congregation of priests known as the Oblates, unified both the ancient and modern religious families, and convoked Councils. By these and other provisions he assured and developed the work of reform. Then he immediately set a vigorous hand to the work of reforming the morals of the people. He considered the words spoken to the Prophet as addressed to himself; "Lo, I have set thee this day...to root up and to pull down, and to waste and to destroy, and to build and to plant."[56] Good shepherd that he was, he personally set out on wearisome visitation of the churches of the province. Like the Divine Master "he went about doing good and healing." He spared no efforts in suppressing and uprooting the abuses he met everywhere either because of ignorance or neglect of the laws. He checked the rampant perversion of ideas and corruption of morals by founding schools for the children and colleges for youth. After seeing their early beginnings in Rome, he promoted the Marian societies. He founded orphanages for the fatherless, shelters for girls in danger, widows, mendicants, and men and women made destitute by sickness or old age. He opened institutions to protect the poor against tyrannical masters, usurers, and the enslavement of children. He accomplished all these things by completely ignoring the methods of those who think human society can be restored only by utter destruction, revolution, and noisy slogans. Such persons have forgotten the divine words: "The Lord is not in the earthquake."[57]

32. Here is another difference between true and false reformers which you, Venerable Brethren, have often encountered. The latter "seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ."[58] They listen to the deceitful invitation once addressed to the Divine Master, "Manifest thyself to the world."[59] They repeat the ambitious words, "Let us also get us a name" and in their rashness (which We unfortunately have to deplore in these days) "some priests fell in battle, while desiring to do manfully, they went out unadvisedly to fight."[60]

33. On the other hand, the true reformer "seeks not his own glory, but the glory of the one who sent him."[61] Like Christ, his Model, "he will not wrangle, nor cry aloud, neither will anyone hear his voice in the streets...He shall not be sad nor troublesome"[62] but he shall be "meek and humble of heart."[63] For that reason he will please the Lord and bring forth abundant fruit for salvation.

34. They are distinguished one from the other in yet another way. The false reformer "trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm."[64] The true reformer places his trust in God and seeks His supernatural aid for all his strength and virtue, making his own the Apostle's words: "I can do all things in him who strengthens me."[65]

35. Christ lavishly communicates these aids, among which are especially prayer, sacrifice and the Sacraments, which "become...a fountain of water, springing up into life everlasting."[66] Since the Church has been endowed with them for the salvation of all men, the faithful man will look for them in her. False reformers, however, despise these means. They make the road crooked and, so wrapped up in reforming that they forget God, they are always trying to make these crystal springs so cloudy or arid that the flock of Christ will be deprived of their waters. In this respect the false reformers of former days are even surpassed by their modern followers. These latter, wearing the mask of religiosity, discredit and despise these means of salvation, especially the two Sacraments which cleanse the penitent soul from sin and feed it with celestial food. Let every faithful pastor, therefore, employ the utmost zeal in seeing that the benefits of such great value be held in the highest esteem. Let them never permit these two works of divine love to grow cold in the hearts of men.

36. Borromeo conducted himself in precisely that way. Thus we read in his writings: "Since the fruit of the Sacraments is so abundantly effective, its value can be explained with no little difficulty. They should, therefore, be treated and received with the greatest preparation, deepest reverence, and external pomp and ceremony."[67] His exhortations (which We have also made in Our decree, Tridentina Synodus[68]) to pastors and preachers concerning the ancient practice of frequent Holy Communion is most worthy of notice. "Pastors and preachers," the holy Bishop writes, "should take every possible opportunity to urge the people to cultivate the practice of frequently receiving Holy Communion. In this they are following the example of the early Church, the recommendations of the most authoritative Fathers, the doctrine of the Roman Catechism (which treats this matter in detail), and, finally the teaching of the Council of Trent. The last mentioned would have the faithful receive Communion in every Mass, not only spiritually but sacramentally."[69] He describes the intention and affection one should have in approaching the Sacred Banquet in the following words: "The people should not only be urged to receive Holy Communion frequently, but also how dangerous and fatal it would be to approach the Sacred Table of Divine Food unworthily."[70] It would seem that our days of wavering faith and coldness need this same fervor in a special way so that frequent reception of Holy Communion will not be accompanied by a decrease in reverence toward this great mystery. On the contrary, by this frequency a man should "prove himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of the cup."[71]

37. An abundant stream of grace will flow from these fonts, strengthening and nourishing even natural and human means. By no means will a Christian neglect those useful and comforting things of this life, for these also come from the hands of God, the Author of grace and nature. In seeking and enjoying these material and physical things, however, he will be careful not to make them the end and quasi-beatitude of this life. He will use them rightly and temperately when he subordinates them to the salvation of souls, according to Christ's words: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things shall be given you besides."[72]

38. This wise evaluation and use of means is not in the least opposed to the happiness of that inferior ordering of means in civil society. On the contrary, the former promotes the latter's welfare--not, of course, by the foolish prattle of quarrelsome reformers, but by acts and heroic efforts, even to the extent of sacrificing property, power, and life itself. We have many examples of this fortitude during the Church's worst days in the lives of many bishops who, equaling Charles' zeal, put into practice the Divine Master's words: "The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep."[73] Neither vainglory, party spirit, nor private interest is their motive. They are moved to spend themselves for the common good by that charity "which never fails." This flame of love cannot be seen by the eyes of the world. It so enkindled Borromeo, however, that, after endangering his own life in caring for the victims of the plague, he did not rest with merely warding off present evils but began to provide for the dangers the future might have in store. "It is no more than right that a good and loving father will provide for his children's future as well as their present by setting aside the necessities of life for them. In virtue of our duty of paternal love, we are also prudently providing for the faithful of our province by setting aside those aids for the future which the experience of the plague has taught us are most effective."[74]

39. These same loving plans and considerations can be put into practice, Venerable Brethren, in that Catholic Action We have so often recommended. The leaders of the people are called to engage in this very noble apostolate which includes all the works of mercy[75] which will be prepared and ready to sacrifice all they have and are for the cause. They must bear envy, contradiction, and even the hatred of many who will repay their labors with ingratitude. They must conduct themselves as "good soldiers of Jesus Christ."[76] They must "run with patience to the fight set before us; looking towards the author and finisher of faith, Jesus Christ."[77] Without a doubt, this is a very difficult contest. Nevertheless, even though a total victory will be slow in coming, it is a contest that serves the welfare of civil society in a most worthy manner.

40. In this work we have the splendid example of Saint Charles. From his example each one of us can find much for imitation and consolation. Even though his outstanding virtue, his marvelous activity, his never failing charity commanded much respect, he was nonetheless subject to that law which reads, "All who want to live piously in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution."[78] His austere life, his defense of righteousness and honesty, his protection of law and justice only led to his being hated by rulers and tricked by diplomats and, later, distrusted by the nobility, clergy and people until he was eventually so hated by wicked men that they sought his very life. In spite of his mild and gentle disposition he withstood all these attacks with unflinching courage.

41. He yielded no ground on any matter that would endanger faith and morals. He admitted no claim (even if it was made by a powerful monarch who was always a Catholic) that was either contrary to discipline or burdensome to the faithful. He was always mindful of Christ's words: "Render...to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."[79] He never forgot the Apostles' declaration: "We must obey God rather than men."[80] Thus he was religion's and society's chief benefactor. In his time civil society was paying the price of almost certain destruction because of its worldly prudence. It was practically shipwrecked in the seditious storms it had stirred up.

42. The Catholics of our days, together with their leaders, the Bishops, will deserve the same praise and gratitude as Charles as long as they are faithful to their duties of good citizenship. They must be as faithful in their loyalty and respect to "wicked rulers" when their commands are just, as they are adamant in resisting their commands when unjust. They must remain as far from the impious rebellion of those who advocate sedition and revolt as they are from the subservience of those who accept as sacred the obviously wicked laws of perverse men. These last mentioned wicked men uproot everything in the name of a deceitful liberty, and then oppress their subjects with the most abject tyranny.

43. This is precisely what is happening today in the sight of the whole world and in the broad light of modern civilization. Especially is this the case in some countries where "the powers of darkness" seem to have made their headquarters. This domineering tyranny has suppressed all the rights of the Church's children. These rulers' hearts have been closed to all feelings of generosity, courtesy, and faith which their ancestors, who gloried in the name of Christians, manifested for so long a time. It is obvious that everything quickly lapses back into the ancient barbarism of license whenever God and the Church are hated. It would be more correct to say that everything falls under that most cruel yoke from which only the family of Christ and the education it introduced has freed us. Borromeo expressed the same thought in the following words: "It is a certain, well-established fact that no other crime so seriously offends God and provokes His greatest wrath as the vice of heresy. Nothing contributes more to the down fall of provinces and kingdoms than this frightful pest."[81] Although the enemies of the Church completely disagree among themselves in thought and action (which is a sure indication of error), they are nevertheless united in their obstinate attacks against truth and justice. Since the Church is the guardian and defender of both these virtues, they close their ranks in a unified attack against her. Of course, they loudly proclaim (as is the custom) their impartiality and firmly maintain they are only promoting the cause of peace. In reality, however, their soft words and avowed intentions are only the traps they are laying, thus adding insult to injury, treason to violence. From this it should be evident that a new kind of warfare is now being waged against Christianity. Without a doubt it is far more dangerous than those former conflicts which crowned Borromeo with such glory.

44. His example and teaching will do much to help us wage a valiant battle on behalf of the noble cause which will save the individual and society, faith, religion, and the inviolability of public order. Our combat, it is true, will be spurred on by bitter necessity. At the same time, however, we will be encouraged by the hope that the omnipotent God will hasten the victory for the sake of those who wage so glorious a contest. This hope increases through the fruitfulness of the work of Saint Charles even down to our own times. His work humbles the proud and strengthens us in the holy resolve to restore all things in Christ.

45. We can now conclude, Venerable Brethren, with the same words with which Our Predecessor, Paul V (whom We already mentioned several times), concluded the letter conferring the highest honors on Charles. "In the meantime," he wrote, "it is only right that we return honor, glory, and benediction to Him Who lives for all ages, for He blessed Our fellow servant with every spiritual gift in order to make him holy and spotless in His sight. The Lord gave him to us as a star shining in the darkness of these sins which are Our affliction. Let us beseech the Divine Goodness both in word and deed to let Charles now assist by his patronage the Church he loved so ardently and aided so greatly by his merits and example, thus making peace for us in the day of wrath, through Christ Our Lord."[82]

46. May the fulfillment of our mutual hope be granted through this prayer. As a token of that fulfillment, Venerable Brethren, from the depth of Our heart We impart to you and the clergy and people committed to your care, the Apostolic Blessing.

47. Given at Saint Peter's, Rome, on May 26, 1910, in the seventh year of Our Pontificate.

1. Cf. Ps. 111:7; Prov. 10:7, Heb. 11:4.
2. Rom. 8: 11.
3. Rom. 8:28.
4. I Cor. 4:16.
5. Cf. "E Supremi."
6. Heb. 3:1; 12:2.
7. Cf. "Ad diem illum."
8. Heb. 11:33.
9. Eph. 4:11ff
10. Cf. encyclical "E Supremi Apostolatus."
11. Paul V, Papal bull of November 15, 1610, "Unigenitus."
12. Ibid.
13. Eph. 5:25 ff.
14. Matt. 16:18.
15. Matt. 28:20.
16. John 14:16 ff., 26, 59; 16:7 ff.
17. Sessio III, c. 3.
18. Phil. 3:18-19.
19. Is. 5:20.
20. I Cor. 10:13.
21. I Pet. 5:3.
22. Paul V, Papal bull "Unigenitus."
23. Gen. 8:21.
24. Rom. 6:6.
25. Eph. 4:23; Rom. 12:2.
26. Phil. 3:13-14.
27. Eph. 4:15-16.
28. Eph. 1:10.
29. Matt. 13:25.
30. Conc. Prov. I, sub initium.
31. Conc. Prov. V, Pars I.
32. Ibid.
33. Conc. Prov. V, Pars I.
34. Rom. 10:17.
35. Conc. Prov. V, Pars I.
36. Osee 4:1.
37. Jer. 12:11.
38. Conc. Prov. V, Pars I.
39. Cf. "Acerbo nimis."
40. Conc. Prov. V, Pars I.
41. II Cor. 5:20; 4:2; II Tim. 2:15.
42. I Thess. 2:13.
43. Heb. 4:12.
44. James 2:26.
45. Rom. 2:13.
46. Matt. 28:18, 20.
47. John 14:6.
48. John 10:10.
49. Col. 3: 14.
50. I Tim. 4:20.
51. Eph. 4:12.
52. Conc. Prov. V, Pars I.
53. Ibid.
54. Conc. Prov. VI, sub finem.
55. I Pet. 4:17.
56. Jer. 1:10.
57. III Kings 19:11.
58. Phil. 2:21.
59. John 7:4.
60. I Mac. 5:57, 67.
61. Cf. John 7:18.
62. Matt. 12:19; Is. 42:2 ff.
63. Matt. 11:29.
64. Jer. 17:5.
65. Phil. 4:13.
66. John 4:14.
67. Conc. Prov. 1, Pars II.
68. December 20, 1905.
69. Conc. Prov. III, Pars I.
70. Conc. Prov. IV, Pars II.
71 . I Cor. 11:28.
72. Matt. 6:33; Luke 12:31.
73. John 10:11.
74. Conc. Prov. V, Pars II.
75. Cf. Matt. 25:34 ff.
76. II Tim. 2:3.
77. Heb. 12:1-2.
78. II Tim . 3:12.
79. Matt. 22:21.
80. Acts 5:29.
81. Conc. Prov. V, Pars I.
82. Paul V, Papal bull "Unigenitus."

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  Pfizer Vaccine Video Portrays Kids Who Get Vaccinated as Superheroes
Posted by: Stone - 11-04-2021, 08:55 AM - Forum: Against the Children - No Replies

Pfizer Vaccine Video Portrays Kids Who Get Vaccinated as Superheroes

Despite children facing a near zero chance of dying from COVID-19, the FDA jumped on board and quickly approved Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine for children ages 5-11. After spending billions in taxpayer funded advertisements to convince adults to take the jab, Pfizer launched a new ad this week, which seemingly targets their new customer base — children. The company held back nothing and referred to children who got the vaccine as part of the experiment as “superheroes” with “superpowers [adapted from here].

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  Pope encourages global leaders to fulfill goals of pro-abortion climate change pact
Posted by: Stone - 11-04-2021, 08:18 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope encourages global leaders to fulfill goals of pro-abortion climate change pact
In Francis' message at the COP26 conference, he did not refer to faith or the Catholic Church.

Wed Nov 3, 2021 - 7:56 pm EDT
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – In a speech penned for the “climate change” COP26 conference currently taking place in Glasgow, Pope Francis has signaled the Vatican’s alignment with the pro-abortion Paris Agreement. 

The Pope’s message to the assembled global leaders, politicians, and businessmen called for “greater human, financial and technological resources” to address the “negative effects of climate change and assisting the poorer and more vulnerable nations most affected by it.”

Delivered by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who is leading the Holy See’s delegation to the conference, the Pope’s text contained no references to God, the Catholic Church, the Catholic faith or even Christian doctrine regarding man’s stewardship of the earth. 

Instead, Francis drew on themes from his “blasphemous” 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti and called for “profound solidarity and fraternal cooperation between the world’s peoples” to fight climate change. 

The Pontiff urged the conference attendees to pursue the “ambitious goals” outlined in the Paris Agreement on climate change, saying they “can no longer be deferred.”

“There is no alternative. We can achieve the goals set by the Paris Agreement only if we act in a coordinated and responsible way,” he said. “Those goals are ambitious, and they can no longer be deferred. Today it is up to you to take the necessary decisions.”

The Paris Agreement is pro-abortion and connects to the stated UN goal of creating a universal right to abortion in line with Goal #5.6 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. That goal reads: “Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights,” which is phraseology commonly used to refer to abortion and contraception. 

Pope calls for green finance

Pope Francis also asked for “climate finance, decarbonization in the economic system and in people’s lives,” adding that “daily actions and economic and financial investments” must be oriented to “a ‘healthy’ planet.”

Mentioning “a growing ‘ecological debt,’” Francis demanded that there be “a more sustainable and just economic restructuring aimed at meeting the climate emergency.” 

As such, he demanded that “developed countries … help pay the ecological debt by significantly limiting their consumption of nonrenewable energy and by assisting poorer countries to support policies and programmes of sustainable development.”

Such language echoes that of Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) – a little-known international conglomerate of central banks committed to enforcing the Paris Agreement in line with the Great Reset. All of the NGFS’s green policies and plans align closely with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) anti-Christian Great Reset. 

The WEF, founded and led by Klaus Schwab, has used the COVID-19 virus as an opportunity to present its plan of a Great Reset of complete societal alteration and structural shifts. In June 2020, Schwab wrote that the coronavirus outbreak was exacerbating “the climate and social crises,” and that as a result the world would become “less sustainable, less equal, and more fragile.”

An essay on the WEF website called on “governments” and “regulators” to use “hard dollars and soft power” in order to “mandate and incentivize” the “sustainable investments” necessary for a “cleaner, greener future.” 

Similar themes were proposed by Schwab himself, who described how businesses that were deemed to not be “green” enough would be shut down by external protests and withdrawal of financial investors.

‘Climate change’ is like a ‘global conflict’

The Pope, while still avoiding any mention of a spiritual or moral crisis, compared the “wounds inflicted on our human family by the Covid-19 pandemic and the phenomenon of climate change” with those stemming from a “global conflict.”

“Today, as in the aftermath of the Second World War, the international community as a whole needs to set as a priority the implementation of collegial, solidary and farsighted actions,” he wrote.

‘This cannot continue!’

Pope Francis continued his warning tone, referring to the pro-abortion Paris Climate Agreement and declaring how “far we remain from achieving the goals set for tackling climate change.” 

“We need to be honest: this cannot continue! Even as we were preparing for COP26, it became increasingly clear that there is no time to waste,” he added.

Such terminology has often been used by Pope Francis, who in March called for a “new world order,” saying the “drama of wasting” the COVID-19 “crisis” would be worse than the disruption caused by COVID measures across the globe. 

Pope Francis had originally been due to attend the conference in person “for a very short” visit but subsequently decided to remain in Rome and send Cardinal Parolin in his stead.

His address drew swift support from the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development in England and Wales (CAFOD), with the organization’s pro-abortion director praising how Pope Francis was “highlighting how the current global economic models, policies and industrial systems are disastrous to the planet, and the cause of untold suffering and injustice to the world’s most vulnerable communities.”

“The Church is at the forefront of the climate issue because the Church is there in communities; those very communities that are facing the impact of climate change,” CAFOD’s Christine Allen said.

Pope supporting a conference shrouded in controversy

Pope Francis has been focused on the COP26 conference in recent days, delivering an entirely non-spiritual BBC Radio address on October 29, calling for “radical decisions” to respond to “the unprecedented threat of climate change.” Two days later, at his Sunday Angelus, the Pope asked for prayers for the global leaders to hear and respond to the “cry of the earth” and “of the poor.”

Furthermore, Vatican News has released the text of a book forward Pope Francis has written “in conjunction with COP26,” which reflects on the ecological encyclical Laudato si and features a special commentary from UN Secretary General António Guterres. The work deals with the “ecological crisis” and a “failure to care for our common home.”

However, the start of COP26 has been marked by controversy, with media outlets highlighting the hypocrisy of global leaders taking private jets to attend a climate conference. 

Scotland’s Daily Record noted that more than “400 private jets” were being used to transport the more than 1,000 global leaders, staff and businessmen. Such a number of planes, wrote the Daily Record, would “produce more global warming gas than 1,600 Scots burn through in a year.”

Meanwhile, the Daily Mail produced a graphic detailing the flight plans of 52 of the planes, containing politicians and businessmen, some of who “will be urging others to cut down on air travel and eat less meat.”

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  A reminder: Monoclonal Antibodies are also tested on aborted fetal tissue
Posted by: Stone - 11-04-2021, 07:58 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

How cells taken from decades-old fetal tissue are used in Covid-19 drug research
A very old line of cells is helping scientists determine just how well certain coronavirus treatments work.

NBC News [adapted] | Oct. 9, 2020

An experimental monoclonal antibody cocktail made by Regeneron ... was tested on cells derived, long ago, from fetal tissue ...

In a statement to NBC News, Regeneron spokesperson Alexandra Bowie said that the company used cells from a cell line called HEK293T. These cells date back to the 1970s and were originally taken from kidney cells in donated fetal tissue. Since then, the cells have become commonplace in research labs, thanks in part to the fact that they can replicate indefinitely, ensuring they never run out. Because of this, the cells are considered “immortalized.”

“HEK293T wasn’t used in any other way, and fetal tissue was not used in this research,” Bowie said. “We did not use human stem cells or human embryonic stem cells in the development of” the monoclonal antibody cocktail.

HEK293T cells have unique properties that make them very helpful in scientific research. Namely, the cells can be trained to produce proteins like little factories, Dr. Arnold Kriegstein, director of the stem cell program at University of California, San Francisco, said.

That’s beneficial to scientists studying Covid-19 treatments and vaccines, said Kriegstein, who is not involved with Regeneron’s research, because the cells can be taught to produce the virus’s so-called spike protein. That protein is unique to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, making it an excellent target for drugs and vaccines.

Indeed, Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody drug works by binding to the virus’s spike protein. Early in the drug development process, scientists used HEK293T trained to produce the protein to test whether the drug would, in fact, bind to it, Bowie said.

“The antibodies themselves weren't made of any of these fetal cells,” Kriegstein noted. “But it was really critical to use these cells to test how effective their approach really was.”

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  Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America
Posted by: Stone - 11-04-2021, 07:49 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America

ZH | NOV 04, 2021
Authored by Michael Snyder via TheMostImportantNews.com,

In a year that has been filled with so many mysteries already, I have another very odd one to share with you.  Emergency rooms are filled to overflowing all over America, and nobody can seem to explain why this is happening.  Right now, the number of new COVID cases in the United States each day is less than half of what it was just a couple of months ago.  That is really good news, and many believe that this is a sign that the pandemic is fading.  Let us hope that is true.  With less people catching the virus, you would think that would mean that our emergency rooms should be emptying out, but the opposite is actually happening.  All across the country, emergency rooms are absolutely packed, and in many cases we are seeing seriously ill patients being cared for in the hallways because all of the ER rooms are already full.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.  The following comes from an article entitled “ERs Are Swamped With Seriously Ill Patients, Although Many Don’t Have Covid”…

Quote:Inside the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan, staff members are struggling to care for patients showing up much sicker than they’ve ever seen.

Tiffani Dusang, the ER’s nursing director, practically vibrates with pent-up anxiety, looking at patients lying on a long line of stretchers pushed up against the beige walls of the hospital hallways. “It’s hard to watch,” she said in a warm Texas twang.

But there’s nothing she can do. The ER’s 72 rooms are already filled.

Can anyone explain why this is happening?

If the number of COVID cases was starting to spike again, it would make sense for emergency rooms to be overflowing.

But at this particular hospital in Michigan, we are being told that some of the main things that are being treated include “abdominal pain", “respiratory problems”, “blood clots” and “heart conditions”…

Quote:Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms. Doctors and nurses say the severity of illness ranges widely and includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions and suicide attempts, among other conditions.

That mention of “heart conditions” immediately got my attention, because I have been seeing this so much in the news recently.

For instance, a high school senior in Pennsylvania just dropped dead from “a sudden cardiac incident”…

Quote:The high school soccer manager ‘greatly enjoyed’ his team’s championship victory Saturday. Later that evening, he was dead.

Now, late student Blake Barklage’s high school is mourning his untimely death. As 6ABC in Philly reports, the tragedy occurred at La Salle College High School in Montgomery County, Pa.

In a letter to parents, the school announced that the senior died after ‘a sudden cardiac incident’ Saturday night.

Elsewhere in the same state, an otherwise healthy 12-year-old boy just suddenly died because of an issue with his coronary artery…

Quote:As family and friends grieve, the cause of death is in for a 12-year-old taken way too soon while warming up for school basketball practice.

As TribLive in Pittsburgh reports, Jayson Kidd, 12, of Bridgeville, Pa., died of natural causes involving his coronary artery, according to the Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Heart problems kill elderly people all the time, but it is odd that so many healthy young people have been having these problems.

Over the weekend, Barcelona striker Sergio Aguero suddenly collapsed on the pitch during a match.

He was later diagnosed with “a cardiac arrhythmia”…

Sergio “Kun” Aguero, a striker for the Barcelona soccer team, has been diagnosed with a cardiac arrhythmia after collapsing during Saturday’s match against Alaves.

The 33-year-old Argentinian was examined by medical staff at the stadium before being taken to a nearby hospital where he is still waiting to undergo further examination.

Just two days later, a match in Norway was brought to a screeching halt after a player experienced “cardiac arrest” right in the middle of a match…

Quote:A football match in Norway’s second division was halted on Monday after Icelandic midfielder Emil Pálsson suffered a cardiac arrest during play.

The 28-year-old Sogndal player suffered the attack as the game against Stjordals-Blink entered the 12th minute, his club said in a statement.

I have been seeing so many stories like this.

So why are so many young people suddenly having such serious problems with their hearts?

Can anyone out there explain this to me?

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  New law could see Australians jailed for 2 years for breaking COVID orders
Posted by: Stone - 11-04-2021, 07:36 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

New law could see Australians jailed for 2 years for breaking COVID orders
Since the start of the coronavirus crisis, the Australian state of Victoria has on various occasions imposed some of the
most radical restrictions of freedoms anywhere in the world, including daily curfews and mandatory mask wearing in public.

[Image: andrews_victoria_getty-810x500.jpg]
Daniel Andrews, premier of Victoria, Australia.

Wed Nov 3, 2021
MELBOURNE, Australia (LifeSiteNews) –  An Australian political leader has submitted to Parliament two bills which could see people in the state of Victoria jailed for two years for breaking public health orders. 

Since the start of the coronavirus crisis, the Australian state of Victoria has on various occasions imposed some of the most radical restrictions of freedoms anywhere in the world, including daily curfews and mandatory mask wearing in public.

Victoria’s Premier Dan Andrews recently presented Parliament with the Public Health And Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021  and Emergency Powers (Emergency Powers) Safeguards Legislation Amendment Bill 2021.

These two bills, which are currently under deliberation in Parliament, will grant Andrews’ government the authority to impose $90,000 fines on individuals who “intentionally and recklessly” violate public health orders, and $455,000 for businesses. Additionally, law enforcement will be given the authority to imprison Australians who fail to comply with public health orders for up to two years.

If passed, the proposed Public Health And Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021, will empower the Victorian state government to “restrict movement, to require the use of face coverings, or to require persons to be subject to detention or quarantine requirements.”

The Pandemic Management bill’s stated purpose is to suppress “the most egregious pandemic-related behaviors” and “body corporate entities [businesses] from non-compliance” with heavy penalties when actions are determined to be “likely to cause a serious risk to the health of another individual.”

It states, “The maximum penalty for an individual for this offence is 500 penalty units [exceeding $90,000] for a person or imprisonment up to 2 years. For a body corporate, the maximum penalty is the greater of either 2,500 penalty units [exceeding $454,000] or a fine of up to three times the assessed commercial benefit gained as a result of the non-compliance.”

The  “egregious” behaviors that could lead to fines and imprisonment include “a person deliberately breaching a quarantine or detention requirement or knowing they are COVID-19 positive, deliberately facilitating or engaging in events that have the potential to result in serious risks to health such as large gatherings [like protests]; or a business deliberately trading or offering services in breach of an order.”

The Pandemic Management bill also contains the explicit provision that Victorian State Premier Dan Andrews will be “responsible for making a pandemic declaration,” and provide “a broad power to make pandemic orders” to Ministers of Health, operating independent of the federal government.

In addition to the Pandemic Management bill, Andrews has also submitted the Emergency Powers Safeguards Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 to Parliament, which is intended to replace the existing state of emergency framework due to expire on December 15th.

If approved by Parliament, this bill would grant Dan Andrew’s state government the authority to limit the movement of the population, ban social or religious gatherings, shut down businesses, and enforce quarantines.

Chrisopher Blanden QC, President of the Victorian Bar, revealed that Andrews’ pandemic legislation was “appalling” and “lacks the appropriate checks and balances to ensure the proper exercise of these powers.” Blanden added that the proposed legislation “contains many other problematic provisions, including conferring very broad power on authorized officers without effective review or oversight, gathering police power to enter premises without a warrant, and abrogating privilege against self-incrimination.”

Australian Members of Parliament have also publicly denounced Andrews’ proposed legislation.

In an impassioned speech in Parliament, Ryan Smith MP denounced Andews’ legislation as a “draconian” power grab, vowing that he and other MPs would fight to defend freedom and democracy on behalf of the people of Victoria.

Smith began addressing the grievances of Victorians who had only just been released from almost 250 days of lockdowns that caused irreparable harm to families and businesses.

“They were told last week there would be no more lockdowns and, one week later, [here is] legislation that gives [the state government] draconian, unfettered, unshackled power to do it all over again.” Smith said. 

“Well, I say to Victorians… the Liberal Party and the National Party will not stand for this. We will oppose this every step of the way, in this place [the Parliament]… and out on the streets!”

In an allusion to  Victorians’ disdain for their Premier,  Smith said that Andrews should leave his guarded headquarters and head into the streets of Melbourne to receive a free “character assessment.” 

Smith’s sharp criticism was supported by fellow MPs  including Craig Kelly, Matthew Guy, and Bridget Vallence.

Victorian Premier Dan Andrew’s handling of COVID has gained international notoriety, particularly due to his willingness to use unprecedented, authoritarian tactics to force compliance with public health orders. This includes mandatory vaccinations as a condition of employment and other essential freedoms, such as visiting family members, exercising or attending places of worship.

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  Litany for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
Posted by: SAguide - 11-03-2021, 09:33 PM - Forum: Litanies - No Replies

Litany for the Poor Souls in Purgatory

O Jesus, Thou suffered and died that all mankind might be saved and brought to eternal happiness. Hear our pleas for further mercy on the souls of:

My dear parents and grandparents,

My brothers and sisters and other near relatives,

My godparents and sponsors of Confirmation,

My spiritual and temporal benefactors,

My friends and neighbors,

All for whom love or duty bids me pray,

Those who have suffered disadvantage or harm through me,

Those who have offended me,

Those whose release is near at hand,

Those who desire most to be united to Thee,

Those who endure the greatest sufferings,

Those whose release is most remote,

Those who are least remembered

Those who are most deserving on account of their services to the Church,

The rich, who are now the most destitute,

The mighty, who are now powerless,

The once spiritually blind, who now see their folly

The frivolous, who spent their time in idleness,

The poor who did not seek the treasures of heaven,

The tepid who devoted little time to prayer,

The indolent who neglected to perform good works,

Those of little faith, who neglected the frequent reception of the Sacraments,

The habitual sinners, who owe their salvation to a miracle of grace,

Parents who failed to watch over their children,

Superiors who were not solicitous for the salvation of those entrusted to them,

Those who strove for worldly riches and pleasures,

The worldly minded, who failed to use their wealth and talent for the service of God,

Those who witnessed the death of others, but would not think of their own,

Those who did not provide for the life hereafter,

Those whose sentence is severe because of the great things entrusted to them,

The popes, kings, and rulers,

The bishops and their counselors,

My teachers and spiritual advisors,

The priests and religious of the Catholic Church,

The defenders of the Holy Faith,

Those who died on the battlefield,

Those who fought for their country,

Those who were buried in the sea,

Those who died of apoplexy,

Those who died of heart attacks,

Those who suffered and died of cancer,

Those who died suddenly in accidents,

Those who died without the last rites of the Church,

Those who shall die within the next twenty-four hours,

My own poor soul when I shall have to appear before Thy judgment seat,

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them: For evermore with Thy Saints, because Thou art gracious.
May the prayer of Thy suppliant people, we beseech Thee, O Lord, benefit the souls of Thy departed servants and handmaids: that Thou mayest both deliver them from all their sins, and make them to be partakers of Thy redemption. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine on them.  Amen.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

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  Pfizer research contractor falsified data in COVID vax trials, whistleblower tells medical journal
Posted by: Stone - 11-03-2021, 01:57 PM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

Pfizer research contractor falsified data in COVID vax trials, whistleblower tells medical journal
‘I don’t think it was good, clean data.’ In fact, ‘it’s a crazy mess.’

Nov 2, 2021
(LifeSiteNews) — A former regional director for a private clinical research company provided evidence that her prior employer falsified data, unblinded trial participants, and neglected the timely follow-up of subjects experiencing adverse events as they conducted a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial in the fall of 2020.

According to a report from the BMJ, Brook Jackson, a “trained clinical trial auditor” with more than “15 years’ experience in clinical research coordination and management,” worked for Ventavia Research Group of Texas for two weeks in September 2020. After repeatedly alerting her employer of the overwhelming problems in quality control of the trial, she emailed a complaint to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and was fired by her employer later the same day.

Paul D. Thacker of the BMJ wrote that his medical journal is in possession of “dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails” provided by Jackson. One photo shows “vaccine packaging materials with trial participants’ identification numbers written on them left out in the open, potentially unblinding participants.”

“Blinding” is an important aspect for the integrity of randomized control trials. It safeguards against bias in those conducting the trial when collecting data on participants whose status of receiving the intervention or a placebo remains unknown. For example, research organizations may have financial incentives to produce an outcome favorable to their client; in this case, Pfizer, and their knowledge of trial participants’ status may bias them in how they collect data.

Further, according to the report, this unblinding may have occurred on a much wider scale as “drug assignment confirmation printouts were being left in participants’ charts, accessible to blinded personnel.”

Such widespread issues were apparently known by Ventavia management, according to an audio recording of a meeting with Jackson and two directors. One executive is heard lamenting that they were not able to quantify the numbers and types of errors they were uncovering in their quality control process. “In my mind, it’s something new every day,” the executive states. “We know that it’s significant.”

In addition, the neglect of trial subjects experiencing adverse reactions from the injections was an omission that earned Ventavia an emailed reprimand from ICON, a “contract research organization” partnering with Pfizer on the trial.

The September 2020 email reminded Ventavia, “The expectation for this study is that all queries are addressed within 24hrs.” The contractor went on to highlight more than 100 instances where queries were more than three days old. According to Thacker, “Examples included two individuals for which ‘Subject has reported with Severe symptoms/reactions … Per protocol, subjects experiencing Grade 3 local reactions should be contacted. Please confirm if an UNPLANNED CONTACT was made and update the corresponding form as appropriate.’”

In Jackson’s September 25 email to the FDA, she listed many concerns based on her experience with the Pfizer trial. According to the BMJ, these included:
  • Participants placed in a hallway after injection and not being monitored by clinical staff
  • Lack of timely follow-up of patients who experienced adverse events
  • Protocol deviations not being reported
  • Vaccines not being stored at proper temperatures
  • Mislabeled laboratory specimens, and
  • Targeting of Ventavia staff for reporting these types of problems.
Other documents provided by Jackson indicate that significant problems had been present for many weeks before her arrival. In a list of “action items” distributed among Ventavia leadership in early August 2020, one executive identifies three staff members with whom to “Go over e-diary issue/falsifying data, etc.” One of these was “verbally counseled for changing data and not noting late entry,” according to the note.

Former colleagues of Jackson have corroborated her story. One previous executive who was in the recorded meeting referenced above apologized to her in a June text message stating “everything that you complained about was spot on.”

Two others, who spoke to BMJ anonymously out of fear of compromising future job prospects, each “confirmed broad aspects of Jackson’s complaint.” Thacker wrote how one of these individuals said “she had worked on over four dozen clinical trials in her career, including many large trials, but had never experienced such a ‘helter-skelter’ work environment as with Ventavia on Pfizer’s trial.”

“I’ve never had to do what they were asking me to do, ever,” she told BMJ. “It just seemed like something a little different from normal — the things that were allowed and expected.”

She also reported that Ventavia was at times short staffed and unable to test all of the trial participants who reported symptoms for COVID-19, to confirm infection, even though this was “the trial’s primary endpoint.” While such neglect may likely skew infection rate data for vaccine recipients, Thacker does report that an August 2021 FDA memorandum “states that across the full trial (44,000 participants), swabs were not taken from 477 people with suspected cases of symptomatic covid-19.”

However, in regard to this Pfizer research trial conducted by Ventavia, this same employee quoted above concluded, “I don’t think it was good, clean data.” In fact, “it’s a crazy mess.”

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  The Gift of Traditionis Custodes [or, 'The Goal is to Eliminate Tradition']
Posted by: Stone - 11-03-2021, 10:32 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

All is done in the name of Vatican II, it must reign supreme. Their goal is to attempt to eliminate Tradition, so souls have no where else to turn other than the Conciliar Church of Vatican II! And Pope Francis is implementing the most radical interpretations of Vatican II, helping to usher in the NWO...

[Image: roman_mosaic_tiled_floor_vatican-musem.jpg?w=900]
Mosaic tiled floor in the Vatican Museum

The Gift of Traditionis Custodes
by Cardinal Blase Cupich -November 1, 2021

During a recent meeting with our priests in Chicago, I was asked about the motu proprio, Traditionis custodes (TC), recently issued by Pope Francis. They were curious about how the archdiocese would respond to it and what insights this document can offer all of us about the liturgy.

I think it is important to point out from the outset that a careful reading of  the motu proprio  reveals the Holy Father’s intention in issuing this document. Simply put, it is to re-establish throughout the Church of the Roman Rite a single and identical prayer that expresses its unity, according to the liturgical books promulgated by the saintly Popes Paul VI and John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of the Second Vatican Council. In other words, there are not two forms of the Roman Rite, because the word “reform” means something, namely that we leave behind  a former way of celebrating the sacraments and adopt a new form.

To put that word “reform” in perspective, just recall some of the other reforms following the Second Vatican Council, which we have witnessed in our days.  In 1983, Pope John Paul II reformed  the Code of Canon Law of 1917, in order to insure that Church Law conformed to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. Likewise, the saintly pope in 1993 reformed  the Catechism of the Catholic Church, again for the purpose of bringing it up-to-date in view of the theological insights of the Council. The way we worship was also reformed in view of the new self-understanding of the Church found in the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium and the theological and liturgical developments expressed in the Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium. With the reforms of the Code and the Catechism, the Church left behind their earlier forms. No one would think of arguing that the earlier forms of the Code or the Catechism could still be used, simply because the word reform means something. And, so it has to mean something with regard to the liturgical reform.

With that starting point, Pope Francis offers three important guiding principles for receiving and implementing TC. The first is the unity of the Church. Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made the observation in an interview with Cindy Wooden of Catholic News Service  that “when St. John Paul and Pope Benedict expanded the possibility of using the pre-Vatican II Mass, they were hoping to promote unity in the church and to counter abuses that were widespread in the celebration of the post-Vatican II Mass.” This aspiration in granting the concession to use the earlier form of the liturgy was to heal the rift with members of the Society of St. Pius X, established by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Sadly, however, that was not achieved. Instead the archbishop observed, “what we have got now is a movement within the church herself, seemingly endorsed by her leaders, that sows division by undermining the reforms of the Second Vatican Council through the rejection of the most important of them: the reform of the Roman Rite.”

A second guiding principle the pope addresses in TC is that there has to be a solid unequivocal recognition on the part of all Catholics  that the Second Vatican Council and its reforms are not only an authentic action of the Holy Spirit but also are in continuity with the Tradition of the Church. In particular, this recognition means the full acceptance that “the liturgical books promulgated by Saint Paul VI and Saint John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of Vatican Council II, are the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.” [1]

A third principle is the role of the bishop as the sole moderator, promoter and guardian of all liturgical life in his diocese. Pope Francis, by issuing TC,  has returned competency to the local bishop for the regulation of the use as an exceptional concession of the former liturgy. Consequently, each bishop is to decide if and when it may be opportune to grant by way of exception the use of rituals prior  to the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council liturgy (Missale Romanum of 1962 and Rituale Romanum  of 1952). In his letter to bishops around the world to accompany the text of TC  Pope Francis makes clear that the local bishop is duty bound to take his decision in a way that promotes in his diocese a return to a unitary celebratory form.

Pastorally fulfilling the aims of TC will require that we as pastors accompany people in coming to an understanding of the link between the way we worship and what we believe,[2] keeping in mind the Holy Father’s desire that pastors are to lead the faithful to the sole use of the reformed liturgical books. Accompaniment may take the form of visiting with the faithful who have regularly attended Mass and celebrated sacraments with the earlier rituals to help them understand the essential principles of renewal called for in the Second Vatican Council. It must also involve helping people appreciate how the reformed Mass introduces them to a greater use of scripture and prayers from the Roman tradition, as well as an updated liturgical calendar of feasts that includes recently canonized saints. Accompaniment may also mean creatively including in the Mass reformed by the Council elements which people have found nourishing in celebrating the earlier form of the Mass, which has already been an option, e.g., reverent movement and gestures,  use of Gregorian chant, Latin and incense and extended periods of silence within the liturgy.

I believe that we can use this opportunity to help all of our people come to a fuller understanding of the great gift that the Council has given us in reforming the way we worship. I take seriously my obligation to move forward in a way that promotes a return to a unitary celebratory form in accord with the directives of TC, but in the meantime,  we all need to pray, as Jesus did the night before he died, that all may be one.

Cardinal Blase Cupich is the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois.
[1] Traditionis Custodes, art. 1.
[2] See Prosper of Aquitaine, Patrologia Latina, 51, pp. 209–10: “Let us consider  sacraments of priestly prayers, which having been handed down by the apostles are celebrated uniformly throughout the whole world and in every Catholic Church so that the law of praying might establish the law of believing [ut legem credendi lex statuat supplicandi].”

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  Feminists Vandalised Cathedral in Bolivia
Posted by: Stone - 11-03-2021, 09:52 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Hate Feminists Vandalised Cathedral

[Image: sp2a11idyy6yez0smd2dnuijk2752ca1qg6gx8n....ormat=webp]

gloria.tv | November 2, 2021

Feminists vandalised Santa Cruz de la Sierra Cathedral, Bolivia, while ultra-conformist Archbishop Sergio Gualberti, an Italian and activist of the Amazon-Synod, presided the October 31 Sunday Eucharist.

The haters damaged the outside of the Cathedral, staining the brick wall with red paint. Faithful left the Eucharist helping the police to protect the building.

The hate of the haters was ignited by the fact that the Church helped a 11-year old pregnant mother and her baby from being aborted. The mother was raped by her step-grandfather, 61. Pro-death organisations pressured the innocent girl to murder her innocent baby but she and her mother objected. The local Church offered help and transferred her in a shelter run by the Archdiocese.

Already on October 27, Bolivia’s evil People’s Ombudsman, Nadia Cruz, together with staff from her office, led a hate march to the offices of the Bolivian bishops’ conference and vandalised it with anti-Catholic slogans.

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  The Homilies of St. Thomas Aquinas [PDF]
Posted by: Stone - 11-03-2021, 07:32 AM - Forum: Doctors of the Church - No Replies

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