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  RESOURCE: Tracking Legal Action & Legislation Against Covid-19 Mandates
Posted by: Stone - 11-09-2021, 01:31 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

RESOURCE: Tracking Legal Action & Legislation Against Covid-19 Mandates

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  Benedict XVI pays tribute to Orthodox leader on the 10th anniversary of his death
Posted by: Stone - 11-09-2021, 11:39 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Benedict XVI marks 10th anniversary of Orthodox leader’s death

By CNA | Fribourg, Switzerland, Nov 8, 2021

Pope emeritus Benedict XVI has paid tribute to an Orthodox leader on the 10th anniversary of his death.

In a letter dated Oct. 11, the retired German pope said it seemed “inconceivable” that a decade had passed since the death of Metropolitan Damaskinos Papandreou, the first Greek Orthodox metropolitan of Switzerland, in 2011.

CNA Deutsch, CNA’s German-language news partner, reported that Benedict XVI made the comment in a message to a conference held in the metropolitan’s honor on Nov. 5 at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Metropolitan Damaskinos, a bishop of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, was born in Thermo, Greece, on Feb. 23, 1936. He was elected as the first metropolitan of Switzerland in 1982.

The author of numerous works on ecumenism, he served as the metropolitan bishop of Adrianople from 2003 until his death on Nov. 5, 2011, at the age of 75.

“That 10 years have already passed since the death of Metropolitan Damaskinos Papandreou of Switzerland is quite inconceivable to me,” the pope emeritus wrote in his message, addressed to Metropolitan Maximos of Switzerland and Professor Stefanos Athanasiou.

The letter was read out in a video message to the conference by Cardinal Kurt Koch, the Swiss president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Benedict, who served as pope from 2005 to 2013, said it was “a very special gift of Providence” that shortly after he was appointed a professor at the University of Bonn, Germany, in 1959, two Orthodox archimandrites began studying at the university’s Catholic and Protestant theological faculties.

“This was something new and unexpected, because until then Orthodox students never studied at Catholic faculties, but exclusively at the Protestant and the so-called Christian Catholic (= Old Catholic) faculty in Bern [Switzerland],” he explained.

“Both archimandrites became friends of mine. Unfortunately, my friend Stylianos Harkianakis, who later became Metropolitan of Australia, subsequently took a rigorous position that cooled our friendship,” the 94-year-old wrote.

“The friendship with Metropolitan Damaskinos Papandreou grew all the more for me, and thus the sadness over his all-too-early death.”

But the fruit of a lively inner relationship with Orthodoxy has remained and continues to grow in the friendship that unites me more and more with the Ecumenical Patriarch.”

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  Pope Francis Encourages Communist Groups as “Veritable Invisible Army”
Posted by: Stone - 11-09-2021, 11:16 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis Encourages Communist Groups as “Veritable Invisible Army”

Lepanto Institute [adapted, emphasis in the original]| November 1, 2021

The text that follows is the script for the video report, which you can watch here.

NOTE: The following video of MST’s anthem was discovered after the production of our video report.  Watch our video report (above) first, and then watch this video of MST’s anthem, paying careful attention to the lyrics : https://youtu.be/X5ruGLoAC7A


A few weeks ago, the Lepanto Institute produced a report showing the direct connections the Vatican has with an international Communist organization called the World Social Forum.  In that report, we provided indisputable evidence that Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s umbrella agency for about 160 Catholic aid and development organizations throughout the world, is a leading member of the International Council – the governing body – of the World Social Forum.  We also proved that the World Social Forum provides a venue for blatantly Communist activity, promotes abortion, and is a major advocate for LGBT activism.

The thing is, the World Social Forum is a blatantly and thoroughly Communist entity that was created by local and international Communist organizations in 2001.  One of the Communist organizations that helped launch the World Social Forum is called “Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra,” or MST – which means “Landless Rural Workers Movement.”  And it just so happens that MST was featured in the Vatican’s recent video for the fourth annual World Meeting of Popular Movements.

Published on the Vatican News YouTube Channel, the Vatican’s video spends 46 minutes featuring several organizations and their causes before providing Pope Francis’ nearly 40-minute speech applauding their efforts.  The problem is that several of these organizations are openly professed Marxist groups.

Beginning at 14:30, the Vatican’s video provides a speaking platform for a woman representing MST named Ceres Hadich.  We went to Ceres Hadich’s facebook page and quickly discovered her identity as a Communist.  On February 20 of this year, Hadich posted this:


The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848 and released on February 21 of that same year. Therefore, on this day, all Red Book Day is celebrated worldwide.

MST invites all militancy to read excerpts from the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels. Record and post on social media.

Clicking the video, you can see Hadich and her family – including a young son – read excerpts from the Communist Manifesto while the Communist Hymn called the Internationale plays in the background and the MST flag hangs on the wall.  Mind you, this is an official video initiative of MST itself!

So – this woman, given a big spotlight by the Vatican, in an official Vatican video where the participants are celebrated by Pope Francis – this same woman just a few months earlier, read excerpts from the Communist Manifesto with her husband and young children!

Most disturbingly, at around the 20-minute mark of the Vatican video, the Vatican shows people working at an MST building, and painted on the wall is a mural of Pope Francis wearing an MST t-shirt.

The thing is, MST should never have been allowed to be involved with ANYTHING at the Vatican!

On May 5 of this year, MST published an article on its own website, celebrating Karl Marx’s 203rd birthday, saying: “Today marks 203 years since the birth of the philosopher of the revolution, who left a legacy of ideas and writings about the communist revolution.”

The article provides seven quotes attributed to Marx, providing MST’s own thoughts on what the Father of Communism said.  With regard to Marx’s statement that “The people who subjugate another forge their own chains,” MST said:

Quote:According to Marx, socialism, governed by the working class, would give rise to communism, a stateless society, without the existence of social and egalitarian classes. That is why it is important that the class struggle be egalitarian and that it does not stand out from any other people.

In other words, their goal is the same as Marx’s.  They WANT a Communist state!

And regarding Marx’s quote, “Revolutions are the locomotive of history,” MST said this:

Quote:For Marx, human societies only progress through conflicts between the bourgeois class, which controls the means of production, and the proletariat, which supplies the labor force. In the author’s view, the history of humanity is permeated by class struggle. That is why the revolution is so urgent and must be carried out by the working classes.

The revolution?!?  Listen … this isn’t just a one-off thing for MST.  We found HUNDREDS of posts on MST’s Facebook page pushing Karl Marx and Communism:

Celebrating Marx’s Birthday in 2019: https://www.facebook.com/MovimentoSemTer...8774498819

And in 2016: https://www.facebook.com/MovimentoSemTer...8485348531

On March 14, 2018, MST celebrated the death of Karl Marx the way Catholics celebrate the feast days of saints: https://www.facebook.com/MovimentoSemTer...5456524492

On February 21, MST said “Long live the Communist Manifesto,” celebrating the 173rd anniversary of its publication.  They said: “We celebrate today the launch of the Communist Manifesto, the small pamphlet of no more than 30 pages that would enter into human history: the Communist Party Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels!” https://www.facebook.com/MovimentoSemTer...1820350157

In May of 2014, MST posted a picture of a statue of Karl Marx with a red MST hat placed on his head, saying:

“May the ruling classes tremble at the communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to gain. Proletarians of the whole world, unite!” https://www.facebook.com/MovimentoSemTer...495478901/

These are not your garden-variety, pot-smoking Marxists you can expect to find spewing communist jargons at university protests.  These are MILITANT Marxists working toward and preparing for actual, revolution in pursuit of Karl Marx’s communist ideologies.  And they were given a major platform on a Vatican-produced video!  But they weren’t the only ones.

Beginning at 18:00, the Vatican Video gives a spotlight to Luca Casarini, the head of an organization called Mediterranea Saving Humans.  Casarini is a long-time Marxist agitator who used to lead what was called the White Overalls movement.  In May of 2001, Casarini read a “Declaration of war” against the G8 summit in Genoa, saying:

From the outskirts of the empire, from the many worlds that resist and grow with the dream of a better existence for all, today we, little rebel subjects, formally declare war on you. It is a choice that you have provoked, because we prefer peace, it is a decision that for us means challenging your arrogance and your strength, but we are obliged to do so.

Casarini’s facebook page is littered with communist organizations, such as Antifa of Monselice, The Communist Party of Crispiano, The Communist Noci Refoundation, these Communist groups (Circoloprcavocata Karlmarx), the Party of the Communist Refoundation of Sesto San Giovanni, Che Guevara Rome, the Young Communists of Naples, and on, and on, and on …

And despite Casarini’s long affiliation with the Communist movement in Italy, not only was he featured in this Vatican video, but last April, Pope Francis sent him a hand-written note thanking him for his work with Medeteranea Saving Humans, giving his offer for help saying “Count on me.”

Quote:Luca, dear brother,

Thank you very much for your letter which Michel brought me. Thank you for the human pity you have in the face of so many pains. Thank you for your testimony, which does me so much good.

I am close to you and your companions. Thanks for all you do. I would like to tell you that I am always available to help out. Count on me.

I wish you a holy Easter. I pray for you, please, do it for me.

May the Lord bless you and Our Lady keep you. Fraternally,


Another Marxist organization promoted in the Vatican video is StreetNet International.  In June 2011, StreetNet International collaborated with the Confederation of Self-Employed Workers and the National Workers’ Front in the creation of a Manifesto for Self-Employed Workers.

Citing Karl Marx throughout, the Manifesto actually calls for Socialist Revolution.  On page 12, it says:

Quote:The proposal contained in this Manifesto maintains the socialist tradition of the twentieth century … Socialism today cannot limit itself to fighting exploitative labour relations, but rather must struggle against all types of inequality or discrimination, thus advancing not only toward a socialist economy, but also a socialist society.

A couple of pages later, it applauds the Soviet Revolution in Russia, saying:

Quote:In the early twentieth century, upon the triumph of the Russian revolution, Lenin introduced to Marxism the theory of capitalist exploitation among countries, and with it the idea of socialist revolution in countries considered not industrialised but subordinate to world capital.

And then, on page 21, the Manifesto makes the case for armed revolution, saying:

Quote:There have been political revolutions in many Third World countries, undertaken by socialist organizations. This is not up for discussion. What is being proposed here is the possibility that political revolutions (takeover of government, the political-military apparatus and control over government management) may eventually transit toward a social revolution (takeover of economic power, construction of an alternative system democratically controlled and planned by popular councils). Given the correlation of forces, it is necessary to advance in all directions at the same time, by means of discourse, by forging alliances, by combining the revolution from above with the revolution from below, and last but not least, by building said revolution from below.

Given this disposition, it should come as no surprise that StreetNet partnered up with the South Africa Communist Party to launch the Siskone Traders’ Alliance in 2008, and the World Class Cities for All campaign in 2009.

The next organization profiled in this Vatican Video is called Slum Dwellers International.  In a 2015 article on strategies for fighting evictions, SDI turned to Karl Marx, saying:

Quote:“Karl Marx pretty much summed up the state of affairs more than 150 years ago when he declared that the poor are weak because they are not united and they are not united because they are weak.”


“as Marx pointed out “the real fruit of their battle (lay), not in the immediate result”, but in their ever-expanding union.”

And one of the most prominent organizations profiled in the Vatican’s video is Faith in Action.  You may remember this organization from reports we produced last year proving that Faith in Action and its regional organization PICO California were actively involved in pushing for the election of Joe Biden and other Democrats, while applauding violent protests and promoting abortion and transgenderism.

Communism, and in particular the revolutionist and materialist ideologies of Communism, are thoroughly condemned by the Catholic Church, and in 1949 Pope Pius XII published a decree that those Catholics “who profess and particularly those who defend and spread the materialist and anti-Christian doctrine of the Communists, ipso facto, as apostates from the Catholic faith, incur automatic excommunication reserved especially to the Holy See.”

The promotion of self-professed Marxists in a video produced and published by the Vatican is a gravely serious matter, but most disturbing of all are the words of Pope Francis himself, in addressing these Marxist organizations.  Here are a few excerpts from Pope Francis’ speech to these communists:
  • “You are, as I said in the letter I sent you last year, a veritable invisible army; you are a fundamental part of that humanity that fights for life against a system of death.”
  • “Know that you are called to participate in great processes of change, as I said to you in Bolivia: “the future of humanity is in great measure in your own hands, through your ability to organize and carry out creative alternatives” in your hands.”
  • “I often hear, “Father, we agree, but in real terms, what must we do?” I do not have the answer, and so we must dream together and find it together. There are, however, some concrete measures that may allow for significant changes. These measures are present in your documents, in your speeches, and I have taken them very much into account; I have reflected on them and consulted specialists.”

For Pope Francis to say such things to avowed revolutionary Communists – professed enemies of the Catholic Church and Her faithful children – is shocking beyond words!  But this is why Our Lady told us to pray the Rosary every day, asking us to make the five first Saturdays of reparation to her Immaculate Heart.  We are living in dark times, indeed … but Our Lady, the lighthouse for the Church, is holding the light!

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  COVID is a bioweapon meant to spread Communism: Scientist who fled China
Posted by: Stone - 11-09-2021, 10:44 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

COVID is a bioweapon meant to destroy America’s economy and spread Communism: Scientist who fled China
Dr. Li-Meng Yan escaped from China to the United States to expose China’s cover-up of the military lab origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

[Image: Li-Meng_Yan-810x500.jpg]
Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng

Nov 8, 2021
  • Li-Meng Yan, M.D., Ph.D., escaped from China to the United States to expose China’s cover-up of the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • According to Yan, SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese military lab. The Third Military Medical University and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command discovered a bat coronavirus called ZC45. She’s convinced that ZC45 was used as a template and/or backbone to create SARS-CoV-2
  • While the Chinese military may be responsible for the physical creation of the virus, there’s ample evidence showing the U.S. funded at least some of the research that resulted in this pandemic
  • The COVID shots and the vaccine passports fit into the CCP agenda by making the whole world accept and adopt the CCP’s social control system
  • Yan urges Americans to realize the destructiveness of communism, and to resist it in any way possible. This includes refusing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports

(Mercola)[not all hyperlinks included here, see original article link for complete list references] – Today, we continue our discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic and its origin with a fascinating guest who has been a leader exposing the corruption and fraud with respect to the origin of the virus. Li-Meng Yan is both an M.D. and Ph.D., with specific training in coronaviruses. She escaped from China’s influence while in Hong Kong to the United States, to warn us of what she believes is a massive cover-up.

Yan went to medical school, followed by a Ph.D. program in ophthalmology. The school where she got her Ph.D. was originally a military medical university, which helps explain some of her personal network. She has contacts in both civilian and military research laboratories and hospitals in mainland China.

After finishing her studies, she decided to pursue research. For two years, she worked in an ophthalmology lab in the University of Hong Kong, where she researched stem cells, drugs and artificial tissue development. She was then invited to join the lab of Professor Malik Peiris.

Yan’s husband had worked with him and Peiris was impressed with Yan’s skillset. She jumped at the chance to learn more about emerging infectious diseases. She worked with Peiris for five years, until she escaped to the U.S. in April 2020.

“I worked on the influenza virus, universal influenza vaccine development, and then focused on the SARS-CoV-2 after the outbreak,” she says.

SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese military lab

At the end of December 2019, Yan’s supervisor, Dr. Leo Poon, who is also an emerging infectious disease expert with the World Health Organization, assigned her to conduct a confidential investigation into a mysterious new pneumonia-like infection.

Colleagues and friends at universities and hospitals around China gave her information, which she forwarded to Peiris and Poon. They did not follow up on it, however, which she says “shows that they want [to] help China to cover it up.”

In January 2020, Poon asked her to look into whether the raccoon dog, a civet cat-like animal, which was a host for the original SARS virus, might also be an intermediary host for SARS-CoV-2. Yan’s research, however, was indicating that the virus did not come from nature. Poon warned her to keep silent or “you will be disappeared.”

According to Yan, SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese military lab. The Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China, and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command in Nanjing, had discovered a bat coronavirus called ZC45. The discovery of ZC45 was published in early 2018.

“If you compare this virus genome and the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome, you will realize [this is the] smoking gun,” Yan says. She’s convinced that ZC45 was used as a template and/or backbone to create SARS-CoV-2.

In mid-May 2020, shortly after she’d left Hong Kong, the journal Nature published a paper Yan had co-written, detailing the pathogenesis and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in golden hamsters. This experiment showed SARS-CoV-2 primarily spreads via aerosol.

In mid-September 2020, Yan published an open access paper on Zenodo, in which she and her two co-authors laid out the evidence and their theory for SARS-CoV-2 being manmade.

Almost immediately, four “reviewers” of her work denounced it as being an “opinion” piece that was “flawed” and not scientifically in line with currently accepted knowledge of the origin of the virus. One reviewer said, “The manuscript attempts to refute our current understanding of the origins of SARS-CoV-2. Briefly, the consensus is that SARS-CoV-2 is a zoonosis and originated in bats with perhaps an intermediate host before spilling over into humans.”

A year later, in 2021, numerous indicators show that dismissing the lab leak hypothesis was premature and there is no “consensus” of a zoonosis origin.

Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by The Intercept also point directly to a lab origin, so much so that the WHO’s director general, Tedros Ghebreyesus, called for a new investigation into it, writing in the October 13, 2021, edition of the journal Science, “A lab accident cannot be ruled out until there is sufficient evidence to do so and those results are openly shared.”

The escape from China

Initially, Yan had released information via an American YouTube blogger that was very popular in China. By the end of April 2020, a colleague warned Yan she was at risk of being “disappeared.” That’s when she decided to flee to the U.S.

Luckily, she already had a valid visa. Her husband was deeply opposed to her leaving, as you might imagine. She explains:

Quote:“I didn’t know it would happen like [it did]. From January to April [2020], I didn’t tell him what I had done. I tried to protect him, because at that time, in Hong Kong, there were a lot of people fighting against government for democracy and freedom. They can get disappeared easily.

But if their family don’t know what they have done, it’s kind of safe for the family. That’s why I tried to protect him. But when I heard that I need leave, I tried to bring him with me. He’s not Chinese. He’s from Sri Lanka. When I told him, he was outraged, which was really not like him. He warned me, saying ‘We can go nowhere. They are everywhere. We can do nothing’.”

Her husband even threatened to have her killed if she left. The next two weeks were a dangerous time for Yan. Her husband kept her under surveillance, and she developed a sudden heart problem. The day before she left, she went for a checkup. She had a resting heart rate of 130, which is a sign of sinus tachycardia.

Yan suspects foul play, saying the Chinese government prefers to “disappear” people by making it look like a natural death. “Like this virus,” she says. According to Yan, infections and heart attacks are common strategies used to get rid of dissenters. Yan also suspects her husband may have been helping them.

Fortunately, since entering the U.S., the attacks have been relegated to discrediting her and ruining her reputation. “For example, they created thousands of fake accounts on social media, using at least seven languages, to spread [lies about me] and attacks to discredit me,” she says.

According to Yan, this has been verified by FireEye, a cybersecurity company that also does work for American intelligence agencies. Her family, who are in mainland China, friends and even alumni are also under strict surveillance by the Chinese government, she says.


While the whole world denied the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade for over a year, in recent months, the truth has finally entered the mainstream. A number of reporters have wrestled with excuses, trying to justify or explain away their long-held denials.

“Last year in July, when I was first on Fox News, I told them the WHO and the CCP are corrupted and are in the cover-up together,” Yan says.

Quote:“At that time, it was a bombshell. Now, most people realize [the virus] is not from nature. That is a very good turning, and I keep helping other people to realize the evidence.

I explain to them the CCP’s style and the evidence. Now, I see that even some mainstream media are starting to talk about the possibility of [it being a] bioweapon. I think it is very encouraging. Because people need to realize that China is using this virus together with their misinformation campaign and propaganda to attack all over the world.”

Who’s running the show?

While the Chinese military may be responsible for the physical creation of the virus, there’s ample evidence showing the U.S. funded at least some of the research that resulted in this pandemic.

The flow of money from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the EcoHealth Alliance run by Peter Daszak, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is well-documented. Ralph Baric, Ph.D., at the University of North Carolina has also conducted research that appears to have been applied to SARS-CoV-2.

The sequence of events is confusing, however, and it’s unclear just who is the real string-puller in all of this. When asked what her take is, and who she believes might be running the show, Yan replies that even without American funding, China certainly would still have managed to create this virus.

Quote:“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) … they are a giant octopus and they have tentacles. The brain is the CCP. Those scientists, especially the military scientists and coronavirus experts [such as] my previous supervisor, Dr. Malik Pieris, they are the ones that had the real evil ideas.

They enjoy it, and they want to command this knowledge … Even China cannot use their tentacles … if they cannot use infiltration to get your money, they will still manage to get your technology and do it in China. That’s the key point. The money from American taxpayers, it looks a lot. Yes, it’s millions [of dollars]. However, compared to the money donated by the Chinese government, it’s just a very small piece …

They developed this virus and other things in their unrestricted bioweapons program. They want to destroy Americans’ economic and social order, destroy your civilization. [While the virus has attacked worldwide], they always list America as a primary enemy and the biggest problem.

So, when they show you this kind of propaganda, through TikTok and other social media [where Chinese citizens] tell you, ‘Oh, in China we control the outcome and it’s good, and we love our government.’ American people will feel, ‘Yeah, maybe we should give up our democracy and turn to try communism.’ That’s all they want to do.”

Chinese data collection

Since the start of the pandemic, it’s been near-impossible to determine how many Chinese have actually been affected. According to Yan, the CCP will only release data that benefits itself.

“Chinese people all know not to trust any data that comes from our government,” she says. “They don’t do statistics. They just sit there. Whatever data they want, they write it down. That’s how they [produce] data.”

According to Yan, the CCP has been using the converse strategy used in the U.S. and elsewhere. Rather than inflate case numbers, they’ve been suppressing them. One way they’ve been doing this is by delaying diagnosis, so deaths are not listed as COVID-19 deaths.

“It’s totally opposite,” she says. “For example, in America, once a person has been diagnosed with COVID, even if they later died of some other problem, they still will be [counted] as a COVID case.

Quote:“But in China, they can use a ventilator to make the patient survive until the test comes out negative. They have thousands of ways to handle it. Importantly, they also gave early treatment, including hydroxychloroquine and other drugs.”

According to Yan, military scientists in China have also filed a patent to use hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. “That made them earn the top anti-COVID award by Chairman Xi last year,” she says. Hydroxychloroquine is also sold over the counter in China, so it’s easy to get a hold of. She believes part of the reason why the death toll in the U.S. has been so high is because hydroxychloroquine was suppressed and censored.

Is there a connection between the COVID shots and the CCP?

The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly been capitalized upon by greedy drug companies, and the suppression of early treatment drugs appears to have been an intentional strategy to make the COVID shot — which is turning out to be extraordinarily hazardous to your health — the only alternative. How does the COVID “vaccine” tie into the theory that SARS-CoV-2 is a CCP bioweapon? Yan says:

Quote:“Definitely there is a clear connection between the vaccine and the CCP’s strategies … Some people … try to explain that the vaccine will kill people, and therefore it is another bioweapon. But this is not an accurate reason. First China released the virus they developed in the military labs. This virus doesn’t have a high death rate … That’s why I called it an unrestricted bioweapon. It looks like it’s natural occurring.

Once you realize something is wrong, they use misinformation and denial to confuse you. So, when China released it — and China controls the scientific community to spread misinformation, and censored [information] to let people believe it’s come from nature — what will people do?

They will think about drugs, the drugs they already have. The other way is a vaccine, because people are educated to accept a vaccine can end a pandemic.

In this case, useful drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are so cheap. How could they use this to earn huge profits? The CCP also had a lot of stock shares from Pfizer, Moderna and other big pharmaceutical companies. Check the money they put in … And then big pharmaceutical companies, they all say, ‘OK, now we can use this chance to make money’.”

Clearly, many who support and push the COVID shot know full well that they’re bound to cause health problems. Yan herself was asked to work on a COVID vaccine but she declined after looking into the available science. No coronavirus vaccine has ever been released, despite scientists working on it for two decades.

The reason? The vaccines cause too many injuries. They’re lethal. Yan did not believe these problems could be overcome for SARS-CoV-2. Peiris himself discovered antibody-dependent enhancement during efforts to develop a vaccine against the original SARS virus. Still, when money is being thrown at scientists, they’re usually not going to turn it down.

Vaccine passports will usher in a Social Credit System

Of course, the COVID shots and the vaccine passports also fit into the CCP agenda by making the whole world accept and adopt the CCP’s social control system. The vaccine passports are clearly designed to usher in a social credit system like they have in China. And with that, you get 24/7 digital surveillance and an unbelievable amount of control over every single person.

As explained by Yan, in China, the digital surveillance system is so advanced, if your phone GPS shows you were near an infected person, you are automatically ordered into isolation.

What’s more, if parents or grandparents fail to get the COVID shot, the family’s children are barred from school, even if they got the shot. Every aspect of life is linked together through this system, so a poor social credit score will also have financial ramifications, and will dictate if, where and how you’re allowed to travel.

Yan points out that Americans, being unaware of the Chinese surveillance system, don’t understand that by agreeing with vaccine mandates and passports, they are saying yes to a total surveillance system that will dictate their entire lives. They’re also saying yes to being guinea pigs for an endless stream of questionable vaccines.

“Once you support mandate for two doses, then you have to support for the booster, and then support 60 boosters, 199 boosters. It [will be] endless,” she says. “And you’ll be tied into this [social] credit system you built.”

China wants world dominance by 2035

According to Yan, China’s goal is to achieve world dominance by 2035. With that aim in mind, they’ve spent decades developing unrestricted bioweapons. With COVID-19, they’re well on their way.

“They want to use all this to overcome the world, and America is their primary enemy,” Yan says. “So we have to stand up for the future, for our next generations. We cannot keep silent. This will be the last chance we have to fight against such communist evil plans, and to save all of us. And, most importantly, we have to all work together to stop the next pandemic or attack that comes out of China …”

Quote:“[Just look at] what’s happening in Hong Kong now. In two years, from 2019 until now, China destroyed the systems of law, democracy and freedom in Hong Kong. They also enacted national security laws. Basically, they own your privacy. They own your freedom, and you are forced to listen to them.

There is no reason they can’t do whatever [they want] to you. Basically, you are a slave living in a modern society. No doubt, once China overcomes America, it will be the same here, and maybe worse because they will have other technology at that time.”

When asked what actions Yan believes we need to take to resist and derail this plan, she says:

Quote:“I want Americans to know that, first, adults should realize the evilness of Communism, Maoism, Marxism, no matter what name it changes to … And once you realize that, speak out about it, because they are using propaganda to brainwash people, to brainwash the kids.

Also, you must let your policymakers, legislators, know this. I’m a foreigner, but you are an American citizen. You can vote, so you must let them understand the importance and push them to do something. Don’t believe the Chinese government and don’t give any mercy to the CCP.

Also, you have to update your own system. Study the weakness in your whole system, [the weakness that allows them] to divide America. Once you do all these things, hold them accountable and don’t let them do more. That’s the end of the pandemic.”

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  Austria launches vaccine passports
Posted by: Stone - 11-08-2021, 02:08 PM - Forum: COVID Passports - Replies (1)

Austria launches vaccine passports
Starting this week.

[Image: austria-232.jpg]

ReclaimtheNet | November 7, 2021

Austrians who can’t produce a vaccine passport will soon not be able to enter bars and multiple other public places. The vaccine mandate has been imposed because of the rising number of cases, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said while announcing the new restrictions.

The vaccine passport mandate will take effect starting Monday. Those who have not been vaccinated will not be able to enter most public and entertainment venues and events with more than 25 people. The move is expected to have a huge impact, considering 36% of the country’s population has not been vaccinated.

“The evolution is exceptional and the occupancies of intensive-care beds are increasing significantly faster than we had expected,” Schallenberg said.

Though new restrictions take effect on Monday, the government will allow a four-week transition period. During the transition period, those who have received only one dose of the vaccine and those with a recent negative PCR test will be exempted from the restrictions. However, after the four weeks, only those who have been fully vaccinated will be exempted from the restrictions.

Unlike most countries and jurisdictions, Austria will recognize a recent recovery from COVID as an equivalent of being fully vaccinated.

The vaccine mandates will not apply to employees, only customers.

The chancellor argued that: “One is a leisure activity undertaken voluntarily – no one forces me to go to the cinema or the restaurant – the other is my place of work.”

The conservative government also announced stricter measures on the unvaccinated if 600 COVID patients are admitted to intensive care units.

The move adds Austria to the growing number of European countries implementing vaccine passport mandates.

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  Archbishop Lefebvre - Videos
Posted by: Stone - 11-08-2021, 10:40 AM - Forum: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre - Replies (2)

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  Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA “Vaccines” Are Cell and Gene Therapy
Posted by: Stone - 11-08-2021, 07:31 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA “Vaccines” Are Cell and Gene Therapy
and The Public Would Not Have Agreed to Take Them If It Were Not for the “Pandemic”

Expose.uk |  NOVEMBER 6, 2021

At this year’s World Health Summit Stefan Oelrich, President of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, gave a truly eye-opening speech revealing how the so-called “experts” think and quite frankly, taking his speech in the round, it’s chilling.

Every October, the World Health Summit draws international “experts” from academia, politics, the private sector, and civil society to Berlin.  The 13th World Health Summit was held in Berlin over the 3 days 24 – 26 October 2021.  There were 67 sessions with 377 speakers involving 6,000 participants from 120 nations.  The Summit’s partners include: Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, Wellcome, Biogen, Novartis, Bayer and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Not many will be surprised that another speaker at the Summit was Rick Bright, Senior Vice President Pandemic Prevention and Response at The Rockefeller Foundation and, of course, Bill Gates was glaringly in attendance.

Ignoring the unprecedented injury, illness and death Covid injections are causing worldwide and gaslighting its victims, Oelrich begins:
Quote: “This past year the life sciences have really emerged as the light in the darkness of the Covid-19 pandemic. Its value to society recognised to a degree rarely seen before, certainly not during my lifetime or at least working in this industry. We have many reasons to be proud of it … I think unprecedented collaboration, transparency but also taking accountability for health across all different sectors and stakeholders.”

Oelrich continues: 
Quote:Our successes over these 18 months should embolden us to fully focus much more closely on access, innovation and collaboration to unleash health for all, especially as we enter, on top of everything else that is happening, a new era of science – a lot of people talk about the Bio Revolution in this context

What is this Bio Revolution “a lot of people talk about”?

The McKinsey Global Institute states: “a confluence of advances in biological science and accelerating development of computing, automation, and artificial intelligence is fuelling a new wave of innovation. This Bio Revolution could have significant impact on economies and our lives, from health and agriculture to consumer goods, and energy and materials.”

Oelrich then focuses on family planning: 
Quote:“We also need to focus on what is socially responsible outside of Europe and ensure sustainable action there.  We pledged, this past year, to give an additional hundred million women access to contraception in the world.  We’ve invested 400 million this year into new plants that are dedicated to produce long-acting contraceptives for women in low-and-middle income countries … Together with Bill and Melinda Gates we’re working very closely on family planning initiatives.

He reveals some truths:
Quote: “Innovation is also sustainability at a totally different level because those that take the leap to drive innovation in a really meaningful way and take the risk to invest in R&D will also attain sustainability by creating job security and prosperity for those that take the investment.”

It is important to understand what globalists mean when they use specific words.  One such word is “sustainability.”  When you understand that the meaning of “sustainability” within the UN’s Agenda 21/2030 framework includes reducing and maintaining the world’s population at a level the globalists deem “sustainable” and easily controllable by them; then you will better understand how “family planning” and “innovation” fits into their “sustainability” plan.

And, only when we understand the globalists’ concept of “sustainability” are we able to understand Oelrich’s remark: “attain sustainability by creating job security and prosperity,” not for everyone but, only “for those that take the investment.”

Rosa Kiore, who sadly passed away earlier this year, with others established The Post Sustainability Institute to study the impacts Agenda 21/2030 is having on liberty.  Kiore explains the full meaning of “sustainable development” in a 16-minute video and it’s highly recommended you watch it before listening to Oelrich’s speech, watch Kiore HERE.

Finally, for anyone who still believes the Covid injections are vaccines to artificially induce immunity to a virus Oelrich leaves us in no doubt as to what they are. 
Quote:“We are really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies … ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” Oelrich said.

You can hear Oelrich’s speech at the World Health Summit 2021 below.

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  Groundbreaking Israeli Study Shows How COVID Proteins Attack The Heart And Blood Vessels
Posted by: Stone - 11-08-2021, 06:42 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Groundbreaking Israeli Study Shows How COVID Proteins Attack The Heart And Blood Vessels

[Image: BLOOD.jpg?itok=hNpyw7l7]

ZH | November 4, 2021

Earlier Thursday morning, we shared a report about a strange phenomenon unfolding at hospitals and emergency rooms across the US. Even as COVID cases continue to fall, emergency rooms across the country have become absolutely packed with patients seeking treatment for abdominal pain, blood clots, heart conditions and respiratory problems. All of these symptoms line up with the wide range of official COVID symptoms reported by the CDC. But, as the news reports state, the cause of this sudden wave, which has led to some patients being treated again in hospital hallways, remains officially unclear.

More than 18 months after it first emerged from Wuhan, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, remains an enigma to scientists, who have been conducting a wide range of studies to try and learn more about how the virus does what it does. One of COVID's most notable features is its ability to cause damage not just to patient's respiratory system, but to the heart and vascular system as well. Oftentimes, this damage leaves patients with long-lasting symptoms that persist well beyond the initial infection.

Even before it became the first nation on the planet to vaccinate nearly its entire population (it has been doling out booster jabs since August), Israel has been a leading source of COVID-related research. And the latest pioneering study produced by researchers from a range of disciplines (from epidemiology to computer science) at Tel Aviv University certainly raises some interesting questions, according to a report in the Jerusalem Post.

The researchers have become the first on earth to identify which 5 of the 29 proteins that form the SARS-CoV-2 virus are responsible for damaging patients' blood vessels'

Quote:...[A] team of Tel Aviv University researchers have identified the five proteins of the 29 that form the virus which are responsible for damaging blood vessels.

"We see a very high incidence of vascular disease and blood clotting, for example, stroke and heart attack among COVID patients," says Dr. Ben Maoz, lead author of the study published in the journal eLife.

"We tend to think of COVID as primarily a respiratory disease but the truth is that coronavirus patients are up to three times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack,” he added. “All the evidence shows that the virus severely damages the blood vessels or the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels. However, to this day, the virus has been treated as one entity. We wanted to find out which proteins in the virus are responsible for this type of damage."

The study was carried out using novel methods: researchers came together to insert different sequences of viral RNA into human blood vessels in a lab, and observed the reaction. In this manner, they were able to deduce which proteins caused the most damage to tissue from the vascular system. In particular, they found which proteins are responsible for doing the most damage to the human vascular system.

Quote:"When the coronavirus enters the body, it begins to produce 29 proteins, a new virus is formed, then that virus produces 29 new proteins, and so on," Maoz said.

"In this process, our blood vessels turn from opaque tubes into kind of permeable nets or pieces of cloth, and in parallel there is an increase in blood clotting. We thoroughly examined the effect of each of the 29 proteins expressed by the virus, and were successful in identifying the five specific proteins that cause the greatest damage to endothelial cells and hence to vascular stability and function."

To help model and verify its findings, the team used computational models to discern exactly which proteins had the greatest impact on the human tissue.

As the scientists said the hope is that this insight will help humanity develop a better understanding of how the virus causes so much damage to the heart and blood vessels.

Quote:"Our research could help find targets for a drug that will be used to stop the virus’s activity, or at least minimize damage to blood vessels."

But, what if it instead raises questions about the vaccines scientists have developed, which rely on viral RNA to "reprogram" the human immune system?

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  2016: Klaus Schwab says by 2026 all of humanity will have implanted microchip devices
Posted by: Stone - 11-08-2021, 06:06 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

Taken from America's Frontline Doctors:

Flashback: In 2016 interview, Klaus Schwab says by 2026 all of humanity will have implanted microchip/tracking device

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  Liturgical Screwtape Letters Leaked about TC
Posted by: Stone - 11-08-2021, 05:57 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Liturgical Screwtape Letters Leaked to Gloria.tv
A July 28 letter of Westminster Cardinal Nichols to Archbishop Roche, the Prefect of the Liturgy Congregation, has been leaked to Gloria.tv (below).

[Image: pa01u64ch193bzhm17ctye5ygkguhlqbd6decd8....ormat=webp]

gloria.tv [emphasis mine]| November 5, 2021

It contains six questions regarding the application of Traditionis Custodes. Nichols asked:

- whether following-up documents on TC will be issued;
- whether TC abrogates the celebration of the other sacraments and the Roman Breviary;
- whether the Novus Ordo calendar must be imposed on the Roman Rite;
- what translations must be used for Roman Rite readings;
- who exactly constitutes a Roman Rite “group” (TC);
- whether TC allows for Roman Rite Requiems according to the 1971 Agatha-Christie indult.

Nichols mentions a canonical interpretation of TC presented by The Latin Mass Society whose raison d’être is the promotion of the Roman Rite (“obviously this is not in accord with the mind of the Holy Father”), and other similar groups (FSSP, Institute of Christ the King). Nichols asks how to deal with them.

Roche’s August 4 reply insists that the use of the Roman Rite is “by way of exceptional concession” and that TC wants a “return” to the [failed] Novus Ordo.

For him, TC allows “pastoral prudence” for “a very limited time only.” He alleges that Summorum Pontificum was “misinterpretated” which caused a “growth” that was “not sanctioned” by Benedict XVI.

Noteworthy is Roche’s anti-Vatican II statement that a greater autonomy of diocesan bishops in liturgical matters was “unhelpful,” thus, Francis disempowered them.

He writes that TC speaks only about the Roman Mass and asks Nichols to consider changes of the calendar “very carefully.” Translations used in the Roman Rite should be taken from the [often manipulated] translations used for the Novus Ordo, and “groups" are for Roche personal parishes and stable congregations.

He doesn’t know about an indult allowing for Requiem Masses and if it would exist, TC had abolished it. After so much legalism and rigidity, Roche states that “this is a moment which demands of pastors a delicacy of care and direction.”

He contradicts Benedict XVI by claiming that Paul VI “abrogated” the Roman Rite which is “at variance with Conciliar reform,” and encourages “an ecclesiology that is not part of the Church's Magisterium.” In other words: For Roche the Vatican II ideology as a new religion.

Roche indulges in clericalism by insisting that the canonical interpretation of TC presented by The Latin Mass Society – which is run by laypeople – “has no standing whatsoever and should not be published as an authorative commentary”- because “the bishops alone” [who were disempowered by Francis] oversee the liturgy.

A British insider commented to Gloria.tv that Cardinal Vincent has been feeding softball questions to Roche and is playing with him “the good cop bad cop routine seen on TV.”

[Original letters can be found at the link above]

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  Microsoft’s Bill Gates Asks WHO to Run ‘Germ Games’ to Avoid Another Pandemic
Posted by: Stone - 11-08-2021, 05:48 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Microsoft’s Bill Gates Asks WHO to Run ‘Germ Games’ to Avoid Another Pandemic

[Image: microsoft-s-bill-gates-asks-who-to-run-g...=594?w=650]
Microsoft’s Bill Gates asks WHO to run “germ games” after he shared huge global steps to avoid another pandemic, 
which could even be worse than what we experience now during the COVID-19.

Tech Times [adapted] | November 6, 2021

GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – NOVEMBER 02: Bill Gates attends day three of COP26 on November 02, 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. 2021 sees the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. The conference will run from 31 October for two weeks, finishing on 12 November. It was meant to take place in 2020 but was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Microsoft’s Bill Gates Asks WHO to Run ‘Germ Games’

The retired Microsoft exec said that the new task force of WHO, which got $1 billion funding, should start running its “germ games” to prepare for another pandemic whether it be naturally caused or developed by bioterrorists, according to the report by The National News.

What Bill Gates is dubbing as the “germ games” is an event wherein various countries across the globe perform drills in response to another pandemic crisis.

Gates went on to say that “there’s naturally caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today.”

Bill Gates and Avoiding the Next Pandemic

As per the news story by The Guardian, the founder of Microsoft, billionaire Gates, highlighted the effect of the novel coronavirus on the world, noting its massive damage to the economy, as well as the “completely horrific” death toll.

The Microsoft founder raised these pronouncements during his interview with the former health secretary of the United Kingdom, Jeremy Hunt, during the Policy Exchange think tank.

As such, the billionaire further said that these ill effects of the COVID-19 pandemic should force humankind to put in more funding to endeavors, such as vaccine development, virus treatments, and diagnostic tests.

Gates added that all of these projects would help the world prevent the next looming threat of another pandemic, noting that the funding could help contain it early on.

Bill Gates and Vaccines

The Microsoft founder also said in the exchange with Hunt that the COVID-19 vaccines that the world currently has, do not block transmission. Instead, Gates claimed that the jabs that we are getting only “help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce transmission.”

Thus, the billionaire suggests that the world needs to develop another kind of vaccine that answers the issue of virus transmission.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the available vaccines today still block transmissions–albeit partially. However, as Gates said, these jabs mainly prevent severe hospitalization from the coronavirus.

To be precise, AstraZeneca protects its users from getting the virus by 65%, whereas Pfizer boasts 75% of infection protection. On the other hand, both vaccine brands provide 95% of hospitalization protection of up to 95% after getting two shots.

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  New Zealand: Bishops Accept Euthanasia Suicide, Call It "Good Faith"
Posted by: Stone - 11-07-2021, 06:55 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

New Zealand: Bishops Accept Euthanasia Suicide, Call It "Good Faith"
New Zealand's bishops de facto accept a new “End-of-Life Choice Act” euthanasia law that comes into effect November 7.

gloria.tv | November 7, 2021

Five pages of verbose guidelines for priests call it a “sign of good intent” when persons planning to kill themselves request spiritual accompaniment. Speaking about "assisted dying," the bishops expect that the wanna-be suicides' request will be granted.

They call it "proper" to give the sacraments to suicides who requests them, and claim that priests ("ministers") are entitled to presume that a suicide who conscientiously transgresses the fifth commandment ("thou shalt not kill") and asks for the sacraments "does so in good faith."

The bishops call on priests "to affirm God’s mercy" by presiding at the funeral of cold-blooded suicides. For those priests who see through the episcopal bag of tricks, the guidelines propose the Anglican solution: a priest not willing to grin and bear it, may opt out but must find another priest who will commit the crime.

According to Catholic Faith, suicide is an evil punished by God with hell. That's why the merciful Catholic Church before Vatican II did everything to prevent it.

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  The Fiery Prayer for the Apostles of the Latter Times by St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort
Posted by: Stone - 11-07-2021, 06:48 AM - Forum: Prayers and Devotionals - No Replies

The Fiery Prayer for the Apostles of the Latter Times

St. Louis composed this prayer asking for apostles of the latter times. These fiery words are certainly applicable to our days, when the need for these apostles is so urgent in face of the universal and profound affliction of Holy Mother Church. The division into days and subtitles has been added to make it easier to pray.

First Day: To Raise Up Men of Thy Right Hand

Remember, O Lord, remember Thy congregation which Thou did possess from the beginning and think of from all eternity. It was held in Thy Almighty hand when, by a word, Thou didst create the world out of nothing. It was hidden in Thy heart when Thy Divine Son, dying on the Cross, consecrated it by His death and confided it, as a precious treasure, to the care of His most dear Mother: Remember Thy congregation, which Thou hast possessed from the beginning (Ps. 73:2).

Accomplish, O Lord, Thy merciful designs; raise up the men of Thy right hand, such men as Thou hast shown in prophetic vision to some of Thy greatest servants - to St. Francis of Paola, to St. Vincent Ferrer, to St. Catherine of Siena, and to many other noble souls during the last two centuries.

Remember, O Lord: O Almighty God, remember this Company, applying to it all the might of Thy arm, which has no limits, to create, to produce and to bring it to perfection.

Great God, Thou Who out of the very stones can raise up children to Abraham, in the might of Thy Godhead say but one word to provide good laborers for Thy harvest and missionaries for Thy Church.

Remember, O Lord: God of infinite goodness, remember Thy mercies of old and, through this mercy, remember this congregation. Remember Thy repeated promises that Thou has made to us by Thy Prophets and by Thine Own Son to grant us all our lawful requests. Remember the prayers that have been offered To Thee by Thy servants for this end for so many centuries. Let their wishes, their sighs, their tears, and the blood that they have shed for Thee come into Thy presence and earnestly implore Thy mercy. But, above all, remember Thy Dear Son: Look on the face of Thy Christ (Ps. 83:10). Contemplate His agony, His shame and confusion, His loving complaint in the Gar- den of Olives, when He said: What profit is there in My Blood? (Ps. 29:10).

His cruel death, His Blood that poured forth cries out for mercy so that, by means of this congregation, His Kingdom may be established upon the ruins of that of His enemies.

Remember, O Lord: Remember, O Lord, this community in the effects of Thy justice. It is time, O Lord, to do: they have dissipated Thy law (Ps. 118:126). It is time to do what Thou has promised: Thy Divine Law is transgressed. Thy Gospel is ignored, Thy religion abandoned. Torrents of iniquity overwhelm the world, carrying away even Thy servants; the whole earth has become desolate; impiety is enthroned; Thy sanctuary is profaned, and abomination has reached even into the holy place.

Will Thou suffer this any longer, just Lord, God of vengeance? Will the end of all be like that of Sodom and Gomorrah? Will Thou be forever silent? Must not Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven? Must not Thy Kingdom come? Hast Thou not given to some of Thy friends a prophetic glimpse of the future renovation of Thy Church? Are not the Jews to be converted to the Truth? Is not this what Thy Church is awaiting? Do not all the Saints in heaven cry out to Thee: Avenge Thyself? Do not all the just on earth say to Thee: Amen. Come, O Lord, for the time is at hand (Apoc. 22:20). Do not all creatures, even the most insensible, moan under the weight of the numberless sins of Babylon and call for Thy coming to reestablish all things? For we know that every creature groaneth (Rom. 8:22).

Second Day: Detachment from all Earthly Things

Lord Jesus, Remember Thy congregation. Remember to give to Thy Mother a new company who, through Her, will renew all things and thus, through Mary, complete the years of grace just as, through Her, Thou did begin them.

Give me children, otherwise I shall die (Gen. 30:1): Give to Thy Mother children, servants, or let me die. Give Thy Mother children. It is for Thy Mother’s sake that I pray to Thee. Remember that Thou did dwell within her womb, were nourished at Her breasts, and reject me not. Remember whose Son Thou art and hear me. Remember what She is to Thee and what Thou art to Her, and grant my request. What is it I am asking from Thee? Nothing for myself, all for Thy glory. What am I asking of Thee? What Thou can, and even, I dare say, what Thou should grant me, being as Thou art the true God to Whom all power has been given in heaven and on earth and the best of all children, for Thou loved Thy Mother with an infinite love.

What am I asking of Thee?

Children: Priests, free with Thy freedom, detached from all things, without father or mother, or brothers or sisters, without relations according to the world, without means, without worry, without cares, and even without any will of their own.

Children: Slaves of Thy love and of Thy will: men according to Thy heart, who, without self-will to stain and hold them back, accomplish all Thy designs and crush all Thy enemies; other Davids, with the staff of the Cross and the sling of the holy Rosary in their hands.

Children: souls raised above this earth like heavenly dew who, without impediment, fly hither and thither in accordance with the breath of the Holy Spirit. It was they, in part, Thy Prophets spoke of when they asked: Who are these that fly as clouds? (Is. 60:8). Wither the impulse of the Spirit was to go, there they went (Ez. 1:12).

Children: Men ever at Thy hand, ever ready to obey Thee, like Samuel, at the voice of their Superiors: Presto sum: I am ready, every ready to run and suffer everything with Thee and for Thee, like the Apostles: Let us also go ,that we may die with Him (John 11:16).

Children: True Children of Mary, Thy Holy Mother, who are begotten and concealed by Her charity, carried in Her bosom, fastened to Her breasts, nourished with Her milk, reared under Her care, upheld by Her arms, and enriched with Her graces.

Children: True servants of the Blessed Virgin, who, like other Saint Dominics, would go everywhere carrying the bright and burning torch of the Holy Gospel in their mouths and the holy Rosary in their hands; barking, like faithful watchdogs, at the wolves who would fain tear to pieces the flock of Jesus Christ; burning like fires and lighting up the darkness of the World like other suns. Men who would, by means of a true devotion to Mary, that is to say, interior, not hypocritical; exterior, not critical; prudent, not ignorant; tender, not indifferent; constant, not unsteady; and holy, without presumption, crush wherever they go the head of the old serpent, in order that the curse Thou placed on him might be entirely fulfilled: I will put enmities between thee and the Woman and thy seed and Her seed: She shall crush thy head (Gen. 3:15).

Third Day: In Combat with the Devil

It is true, great God, that as Thou has predicted, the world will lay mighty snares to entrap the heel of this mysterious woman, that is to say, the little company of her children who will emerge toward the end of the world, and that there will be a mighty enmity between this blessed posterity of Mary and the cursed race of Satan. But it is a divine enmity, and the only one of which Thou art the author: I will put enmities. But these combats and persecutions that the children of the race of Belial will inflict on Thy Blessed Mother’s race will only serve to show to greater advantage the power of Thy grace and the courage of their virtue and the authority of Thy Mother, since Thou hast given to Her, from the beginning of the world, the commission to curse this proud spirit by the humility of Her Heart: She shall crush thy head.

If not this, then I shall die: Is it not better that I should die rather than see my God cruelly offended every day and myself in constant danger of being carried away by the unopposed and ever-increasing torrents of iniquity? Ah, death would be to me a thousand times preferable. Either send me help from heaven or take away my soul. Yes, if I did not hope that sooner or later Thou would, in the interest of Thy glory, hear his poor sinner as Thou has already heard so many others: This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him (Ps. 33:7), then I would pray to Thee just as the Prophet did: Take away my soul! (Kings 19:4)

But the confidence that I have in Thy mercy makes me say with another Prophet: I shall not die, but live; and shall declare the works of the Lord (Ps. 117:17) until I can say with Simeon: Now Thou dost dismiss Thy servant, O Lord, in peace, because my eyes have seen Thy salvation (Luke 2:29).

Fourth Day: Formed by the Holy Spirit in Mary

Remember, O Lord, O Holy Spirit, remember to produce and to form children of God with Thy divine and faithful Spouse, Mary. Thou did form Jesus Christ, the Chief of the predestined, with Her and in Her. It is with Her and in Her that Thou should form all His members; Thou did beget no divine person in the Divinity; but it is Thou alone Who forms all holy persons out of the Divinity; and all the saints that have been or shall be until the end of the world are so many works of Thy love united with Mary. The special reign of God the Father lasted until the Deluge, and was concluded by a deluge of water. The reign of Jesus Christ was concluded by a deluge of Blood. But Thy reign, Spirit of the Father and of the Son, continues at the present time and will be concluded by deluge of fire, of love, of justice.

When shall it come, this deluge of fire and pure love, which Thou art to enkindle in all the earth with so much strength and sweetness that all nations, Turks, idolaters, even the Jews, will burn with it and be converted? And there is no one who can hide himself from his heat (Ps. 18:7).

May it be enkindled: May this divine fire, which Jesus Christ came to bring the world be enkindled before that of Thy anger, which will reduce everything to ashes. Send forth Thy spirit and they shall be created; and Thou shalt renew the face of the earth (Ps. 103:30). Send forth the spirit of fire upon the earth to create priests all aflame, by whose ministry the face of the earth may be renewed and the Church reformed.

Remember Thy congregation, O Lord: It is a congregation, an assembly, a choice selection of predestined souls, which Thou must make in the world and of the world: I have chosen you out of the world (John 15:19). It is a flock of peaceful sheep which Thou must collect from among the wolves; a company of chaste doves and royal eagles from among so many ravens; a swarm of honey bees from among so many wasps; a herd of fleet deer from among so many tortoises; a battalion of courageous lions from among so many timid hares. Ah! Lord: Gather us from among the nations (Ps. 105:47). Call us together, unite us, that we may render all glory to Thy holy and powerful name.

Fifth Day: Complete trust in Providence

Thou did predict this illustrious company to Thy Prophets who spoke of it in inspired, although in very obscure and very secret, terms:
Thou shall set aside for Thy inheritance a free rain, O God; and it was weakened, but Thou hast made it perfect. In it shall Thy animals dwell: in Thy sweetness, O God, Thou hast provided for the poor. The Lord shall give the word to them that preach good tidings with great power. The king of powers is of the beloved, of the beloved; and the beauty of the house shall divide spoils. If you sleep among the midst of lots, you shall be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and the hinder parts of her back with the paleness of gold. When He that is in heaven appointed kings over her, they shall be white with snow in Selmon. The mountain of God is a fat mountain. A curdled mountain, a fat mountain. Why suspect, ye curdled mountains? A mountain in which God is well pleased to swell: for there the Lord shall dwell unto the end (Ps. 67: 10-17).

What is this voluntary rain which Thou has separated and chosen for Thy weakened heritage if not these missionaries, these children of Mary, Thy Spouse, whom Thou art to assemble and to separate from the world for the good of Thy Church so afflicted and so weakened by the crimes of her children?

What are these animals and these poor who will dwell in Thy heritage, to be there nourished with the heavenly sweetness that Thou has prepared for them, if not these poor missionaries trusting in Providence, who will be satiated with Thy divine joys; if not those mysterious animals of Ezekiel, having the humanity of man by their disinterest and beneficent charity toward their neighbor; the courage of the lion by their holy anger and their ardent, prudent zeal against the demons and the children of Babylon; and the strength of the ox by their apostolic labors and their mortification of the flesh, and finally, the swiftness of the eagle by their contemplation in God?

These are the missionaries whom Thou wish to send to Thy Church. They shall have the eye of a man for their neighbor, the eye of a lion for Thy enemies, the eye of an ox for themselves, and the eye of an eagle for Thee. These imitators of the Apostles shall preach with a strength and a virtue so great and so striking that they will stir up all minds and all hearts, wheresover they will preach. It is to them that Thou wilt give Thy word: even Thy mouth and Thy wisdom: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to resist or gainsay (Luke 21: 15), which none of Thy enemies will be able to resist.

It is among these well-beloved that Thou, Holy Spirit, as King of the virtues of Jesus Christ, the Well-Beloved, will take Thy delight. For in all their missions, they shall have no other end in view than that of giving to Thee all the glory of the spoils taken from Thy enemies: The king of powers is of the beloved, of the beloved, and the beauty of the house shall divide the spoils.

By their trust in Providence and their devotion to Mary, they shall have the silvery wings of the dove: that is to say, a perfect charity toward their neighbors to bear with their defects, and a great love for Jesus Christ to carry His Cross.

Thou alone, as King of heaven and King of kings, shall set apart from the world these missionaries like so many kings, in order to make them whiter than the snow on the top of Mount Selmon, the mountain of God, the strong and fertile mountain in which God takes wonderful delight and in which He dwells and shall dwell until the end.

Lord God of Truth, Who is this mysterious mountain of which Thou speakest such wonderful things if not Mary, Thy dear Spouse, whose foundation Thou has placed upon the tops of the highest mountains? The foundations thereof are in the holy mountains ... the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be prepared in the top of mountains (Ps. 86:1; Mich. 4:1).

Happy, a thousand times happy, are the priests whom Thou has chosen and predestined to dwell with Thee upon this abundant and divine mountain, there to become the kings of eternity by their contempt of the world and their elevation in God; there to be made whiter than snow by their union with Mary, Thy spouse, all beautiful, all pure, all immaculate; there to be enriched with the dew of heaven and the riches of the land, with all the temporal and eternal blessings with which Mary is filled.

It is from the top of this mountain that, like other Moses’, they shall direct the arrows of their ardent prayers against their enemies to crush or to convert them. It is upon this mountain that they shall learn, even from the lips of Jesus Christ, Who always dwells there, the meaning of His Eight Beatitudes. It is upon this mountain of God that they shall be transfigured with Him as upon Tabor, die with Him as upon Calvary, and ascend to heaven with Him as upon Mount Olivet.

Sixth Day: That they may extinguish the fire in the House of God

Remember, O Lord, Thy congregation: It is Thy Grace alone that must form this company. If man touches it first, nothing will be done. If he interferes with Thy work, he will spoil all, overturn all. Thy congregation: It is Thy work, great God. Do Thy work: do Thy all-divine work; collect, call, gather together Thy elect from all places over which Thou has domination and make of them a strong army to defend Thy heritage against Thy enemies.

Soldiers pay homage to God

Seest Thou, Lord, God of battles, seest Thou the captains who are forming full battalions, the potentates who are assembling whole fleets, the merchants gathering in large numbers at the markets and the fairs? Crowds of robbers, drunkards, libertines, impious men are uniting against Thee every day - and so easily and promptly. The sound of a whistle, the beat of a drum, the sight of a blunt sword-tip, the promise of a withered laurel wreath, the offer of a bit of gold or silver; in a word, a breath of fame and earthly interest, a vile pleasure for which they long can, in a moment, unite robbers as one, call forward soldiers, assemble battalions, bring together merchants, fill houses and market places and cover the earth and the sea with an innumerable multitude of the reprobate, who, although divided among themselves by the places whence they come, by the differences in their dispositions or by their personal interests, are nevertheless united as one man, until death, to fight against Thee under the banner and the leadership of the demon.

And we, great God! Although there is so much glory and profit, so much sweetness and so many advantages to be gained by serving Thee, shall there be so few to take up Thy cause? Hardly any soldiers under Thy banner! Nary a St. Michael to proclaim among Thy brethren in zeal for Thy glory: Who is like unto God?

Ah, let me cry out everywhere: Fire! Fire! Fire! Help! Help! Help! Fire even within the sanctuary! Help for our brother who is being murdered! Help for our children whose throats are being cut! Help for our Father Who is being stabbed! If any man be on the Lord’s side, let him join with me (Ex. 32:26).

Let all good priests who are spread over the Christianworld, and those who are actually on the battlefield and those who have withdrawn from the combat to bury themselves in deserts and solitude, let them all come forward and unite with us — in unity there is strength — so that we may form, under the banner of the Cross, a well-regulated army in battle array, and together attack the enemies of God who have already sounded the alarm. They have shouted; they have raged; they have swelled their ranks. Let us break their bonds asunder; let us cast away their yoke from us. He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them (Ps. 2:3-4). Let the Lord arise, and let His enemies be dispersed.

Arise, O Lord, why sleepest Thou? Arise: Arise, O Lord, why feignest Thou to sleep? Arise in Thy might, Thy mercy, and Thy justice, to form Thyself a chosen bodyguard to keep Thy house, to defend Thy glory, and to save the souls bought at the price of Thy Precious Blood, so that there may be but one fold and one shepherd, and that all may glorify Thee in Thy holy temple: And in His temple all shall proclaim His glory. Amen.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bibleblender.com%2F...f=1&nofb=1]

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  Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost [Fifth Sunday after Epiphany]
Posted by: Stone - 11-07-2021, 06:05 AM - Forum: Pentecost - Replies (3)

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost [Fifth Sunday after Epiphany]

Taken from Fr. Goffine's The Church's Year

[Image: epiphany05.jpg]

[For the Introit of this day see the Introit in the Mass of the third Sunday after Epiphany]

On this Sunday mention is made of the practice of Christian virtues, and of God's sufferance of the wicked upon earth, that by them the just may be exercised in patience.

COLLECT Keep, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy household by Thy continual mercy; that as it leans only upon the hope of Thy heavenly grace, so it may ever be defended by Thy protection. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, etc.

EPISTLE (Col. III. 12-17.) Brethren, put ye on, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, the bowels of mercy, benignity, humility, modesty, patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if any have a complaint against another; even as the Lord hath forgiven you, so you also. But above all these things, have charity, which is the bond of perfection: and let the peace of Christ rejoice in your hearts, wherein also you are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another, in psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing in grace in your hearts to God. All whatsoever you do in word or in work, all things, do ye in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Quote:Why does St. Paul call charity the bond of perfection?

Because charity comprises in itself and links all the virtues in which perfection consists. For whoever truly loves God and his neighbor, is also good, merciful, humble, modest, patiently bears the weakness of his neighbor, willingly forgives offences, in a word, practices all virtues for the sake of charity.

When does the peace of God rejoice in our hearts?

When we have learned to conquer our evil inclinations, passions, and desires, and have placed order and quiet in our hearts instead. This peace then, like a queen, keeps all the wishes of the soul in harmony, and causes us to enjoy constant peace with our neighbor, and thus serve Christ in concord, as the members of one body serve the head. The best means of preserving this peace are earnest attention to the word of God, mutual imparting of pious exhortations and admonitions, and by singing hymns, psalms, and spiritual canticles.

Why should we do all in the name of Jesus?

Because only then can our works have real worth in the sight of God, and be pleasing to Him, when they are performed for love of Jesus, in His honor, in accordance with His spirit and will. Therefore the apostle admonishes us to do all things, eat, drink, sleep, work &c. in the name of Jesus, and so honor God, the Heavenly Father, and show our gratitude to Him. Oh, how grieved will they be on their death-bed who have neglected to offer God their daily work by a good intention, then they will see, when too late, how deficient they are in meritorious deeds. On the contrary they will rejoice whose consciences testify, that in all their actions they had in view only the will and the honor of God! Would that this might be taken to heart especially by those who have to earn their bread with difficulty and in distress, that they might always unite their hardships and trials with the sufferings and merits of Jesus, offering them to the Heavenly Father, and thus imitating Christ who had no other motive than the will and the glory of His Heavenly Father.

ASPIRATION O God of love, of patience, and of mercy, turn our hearts to the sincere love of our neighbor, and grant, that whatever we do in thoughts, words and actions, we may do in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through Him render thanks to Thee.

✠ ✠ ✠

"Admonish one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing in grade in your hearts to God." (Col. III. 16.)

The custom of singing in the Church-choir* has its foundation as far back as the Old Testament, when by the arrangement of David, Solomon, and Ezechias, the psalms and other sacred canticles were sung by the priests and Levites. This custom the Catholic Church has retained, according to the precepts of the apostles, (I. Cor. XIV. 26; Eph. V. 19.) and the example of Jesus who, after they had eaten the Pasch, intoned a hymn of praise with His apostles, Matt XXVI. 30) that Christians on earth, like the angels and saints in heaven, (Apoc. V. 8. 9., XIV. 3.) who unceasingly sing His praises, might at certain hours of the day, at least, give praise and thanks to God. In the earliest ages of the Church, the Christians sang hymns of praise and thanksgiving during the holy Sacrifice and other devotional services, often continuing them throughout the whole night; in which case the choir-singers probably were bound to keep the singing in proper order and agreement. In the course of time this custom of all the faithful present singing together ceased in many churches, and became confined to the choir, which was accompanied later by instruments in accordance with the words of David who calls to the praise of the Lord with trumpets, with timbrels, with pleasant psaltery and harps. (Ps, CL. 3, 4., LXXX. 3. 4.) In many churches, where the faithful still sing in concert, if done with pure hearts and true devotion, it is as St. Basil says, “a heavenly occupation, a spiritual burnt offering; it enlightens the spirit, raises it towards heaven, leads man to communion with God, makes the soul rejoice, ends idle talk, puts away laughter, reminds us of the judgment, reconciles enemies. Where the singing of songs resounds' from the contrite heart there God with the angels is present."

*The choir is usually a gallery in the Church in which the singers are stationed; the place where the clergy sing or recite their office, is also called the choir.

GOSPEL (Matt. XIII. 24-30,) At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to the multitudes: The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that sowed good seed in his field. But while men were asleep, his enemy came, and oversowed cockle among the wheat, and went his way. And when the blade was sprung up, and had brought forth fruit, then appeared also the cockle. And the servants of the good man of the house coming, said to him: Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? whence, then, hath it cockle? And he said to them: An enemy bath done this. And the servants said to him: Wilt thou that we go and gather it up? And he said: No, lest perhaps, gathering up the cockle, you root up the wheat also together with it. Suffer both to grow until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers: Gather up first the cockle, and bind it into bundles to burn, but the wheat gather ye into my barn.

What is understood by the kingdom of heaven ?

The Church of God, or the collection of all orthodox Christians on earth, destined for heaven.

What is meant by the good seed, and by the cockle?

The good seed, as Christ Himself says, (Matt. XIII. 38.) signifies the children of the kingdom, that is, the true Christians, the living members of the Church, who being converted by the word of God sown into their hearts become children of God, and bring forth the fruit of good works. The cockle means the children of iniquity, of the devil, that is, those who do evil; also every wrong, false doctrine which leads men to evil.

Who sows the good seed, and by the cockle?

The good seed is sown by Jesus, the Son of Man not only directly, but through His apostles, and the priests, their successors; the evil seed is sown by the devil, or by wicked men whom he uses as his tools.

Who are the men who were asleep?

Those superiors in the Church; those bishops and pastors who take no care of their flock, and do not warn them against seduction, when the devil comes and by wicked men sows the cockle of erroneous doctrine and of crime; and those men who are careless and neglect to hear the word of God and the sacrifice of the Mass, who neglect to pray, and do not receive the Sacraments. In the souls of such the devil sows the seeds of bad thoughts, evil imaginations and desires, from which spring, later, the cockle of pride, impurity, anger, envy, avarice, etc.

Why does not God allow the cockle, that is, the wicked people, to be rooted out and destroyed?

Because of His patience and long suffering towards the sinner to whom He gives time for repentance, and because of His love for the just from whom He would not, by weeding out the unjust, take away the occasion of practicing virtue and gathering up merits for themselves; for because of the unjust, the just have numerous opportunities to exercise patience, humility, etc.

When is the time of the harvest?

The day of the last judgment when the reapers, that is, the angels, will go out and separate the wicked from the just, and throw the wicked into the fiery furnace; while the just will be taken into everlasting joy. (Matt. XIII. 29.)

PRAYER O faithful Jesus, Thou great lover of our souls, who hast sown the good seed of Thy Divine Word in our hearts, grant that it may be productive, and bear in us fruit for eternal life; protect us from our evil enemy, that he may not sow his erroneous and false doctrine in our hearts, and corrupt the good; preserve us from the sleep of sin, and sloth that we may remain always vigilant and armed against the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, overcome them manfully, and die a happy death. Amen.

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Whence then hath it cockle? (Matt. XIII. 27.)

Whence comes the inclination to evil in man?

It is the sad consequence of original sin, that is, of that sin which our first parents, by their disobedience, committed in paradise, and which we as their descendants have inherited. This inclination to evil remains even in those who have been baptized, although original sin with its guilt and eternal punishment is taken away in baptism, but it is no sin so long as man does not voluntarily yield. (Cat. Rom. Part. II. 2. .43.)

Why, the sin being removed, does the inclination remain?

To humble us that we may know our frailty and misery, and have recourse to God, our best and most powerful Father, as did St. Paul, when he was much annoyed by the devil of the flesh; (II. Cor. XII. 7. 8.) that the glory of God and the power of Christ should be manifested in us, which except for our weakness could not be; that we might have occasion to fight and to conquer. A soldier cannot battle without opposition, nor win victory and the crown without a contest. Nor can we win the heavenly crown, if no occasion is given us, by temptations, for fight and for victory. "That which tries the combatant," says St. Bernard, "crowns the conqueror." Finally, the inclination remains, that we may learn to endure, in all meekness, the faults and infirmities of others and to watch ourselves, lest we fall into the same temptations.

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  The Great Reset Action Item #4: No Meat For You
Posted by: Stone - 11-06-2021, 12:25 PM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

The Great Reset Action Item #4: No Meat For You

ZH | NOV 06, 2021
Authored by Mark Jeftovic via Bombthrower.com,

The most recent edition of the Crypto Capitalist letter had a section about the COP26 summit that was about to commence in Glasgow:

Quote:In 1866 Gideon J. Tucker famously opined “No man’s life liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in session”. The UN’s 26th Climate Change Conference of the Parties is happening this week and I’m bracing myself for the hysteria and generalized idiocy that will emerge from it.

There already experts who  are clucking that conspiracy theorists are promulgating the idea that climate lockdowns are on the way:

“A new report by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a global organisation tackling extremism and polarisation, explains how this conspiracy claims that governments will strip people of their freedoms under the pretext of tackling climate change.”

Although conceding that “It’s important to recognise that fear of government overreach or authoritarianism is not in and of itself extremist” the eggheads at ISD fret that is problematic when “public issues are brought into a conspiratorial framework which implies there are unseen power dynamics at play”.

In the past, when the world’s wealthiest, most influential people, along with the heads-of-state of the most powerful nation states wing into Davos aboard their private jets and then re-emerge chanting “Build Back Better” like zombies, there’s nothing to suspect. Move along.

This week, after over 400 private jets shuttled the world’s movers and shakers into Glasgow for COP26. The big take away coming out of the confab is that it’s all about the methane.

Everybody knew methane is a greenhouse gas, but now it’s a media thing. From here on in it’s going to get political.

When the methane mantra erupted throughout the corporate media this week, seemingly on cue, I didn’t give it too much thought. I was bracing for climate lockdowns, we didn’t get those, at least not yet.

But thanks to my trusty “experts say” news alert filter, it soon became apparent to me what the play is likely going to be next…

[Image: experts-say-beef-e1636077570486.png?itok=7HE3K4WU]

You’ll Own Nothing, and Be Happy….
We’re all familiar the WEF montage depicting eight predictions for life in 2030. Prediction #1 was “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”

[Image: Screen-Shot-2021-11-04-at-10.03.44-PM-e1...k=dqpisRnB]

(Because global Marxism will be running the show…)

And whatever you want, or need, it’ll be delivered to your door (of your rental unit) by drone…

[Image: Screen-Shot-2021-11-04-at-10.05.41-PM-e1...k=ZwSLdM6S]

(Because you’ll be on permanent lockdown)

Goal Prediction number 4, was…

[Image: 2030-goal-4.png?itok=fi3cCYBx]

You’ll eat much less meat…. an occasional treat…. for the environment and your health.

Yes, it says “our health” in the World Economic Forum video, but if the 5-star menu from COP26 or any Davos shindig shows us, soy patties and bugs  aren’t on the menu when globalist elites are busily reimagining your future. The COP26 offerings contained some of the most carbon intense, red-blooded delicacies available: high grade Scottish haggis, venison, sounds yummy.

Quote:‘“According to the WWF, we (you) need to get [the carbon footprint of food] down below 0.5 kg CO2e [per meal] to reach the goals defined in the Paris Agreement,” reads a statement on each page of the online menu.’

You are going to have to ratchet your consumption below 0.5 kg of CO2e  per meal. The Scottish Beef Burger on the COP26 menu clocks in at 3.3kg C02e. By 2030 that’s probably going to be the good behaviour allotment of meat for you and I for like, a whole year.

[Image: meat-is-methane-e1636124440726.jpg?itok=IdFv6xGm]

In The Crypto Capitalist Manifesto we reveal what this relentless push for The Great Reset is really about:

Quote:The messaging coming out of global elites such as the World Economic Forum, The Party at Davos, the International Monetary Fund and even places as disparate as The Vatican and Hollywood are all riffing on the same theme: You, the middle class, the lower class, the masses, are going to have to get used to a lower standard of living.

The real reason behind this isn’t because of climate change or even COVID. It’s because of the debt. The world is finally out of  runway from kicking the can down the road all those times the global economy threatened to backslide into recession, or when previous monetary bubbles imploded. All those decades of collectively living on credit and borrowing against the future have finally hit the wall. This is it. We’re here. The end of the debt super-cycle.

Its no coincidence that the Metaverse is also a new buzzword of the zeitgeist.  If these global elites have their way, then most of the plebeians are going to be shoved into VR tubes in their own apartments, where they can be fed a steady diet of intravenous soy protein. Any sundry maintenance expenses will be paid for by UBI which will, more than anything else, be a CBDC driven social credit system.

They’ll all be effectively Neo-Serfs, locked away from taking up space in the real world, which the elites (the top 1% of the 1%) will more or less own lock stock and barrel.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2021-11-04-at-11.30.26-PM-76...k=KwdTmQbG]

The divergence between the 1% and the 0.01%, and this is using 2015 data.

This all may be aspirational on the part of the Davos crew and terrifying for any of the outsiders who actually notice what is going on.

The truth is we’re in late-stage Globalism

But the reality is that we’re in late stage globalism and the technocratic scaffolding that underpins these machinations is actually in the process of imploding. I’ve outlined why here and here and I’m  doing another piece on it shortly.

There will be no Great Reset, there may be a Great Reject instead. There will be no AI-inspired Singularity, but we may get a proverbial Tower of Babel moment instead. The world will not end because of climate change. Nation States are on the way out, Network States are on the rise. The fiat monetary system is coming to an end, and with it, all linear extrapolations of centralized, top-down governance models will become dysfunctional to the point of irrelevance.

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