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  Guy calls FDA about Vaccine Deaths - Recorded Call
Posted by: Stone - 08-25-2021, 07:09 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

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  August 25th – St. Louis, King of France, Confessor
Posted by: Stone - 08-25-2021, 07:07 AM - Forum: August - Replies (1)

August 25 – St. Louis, King of France, Confessor
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Guéranger  (1841-1875)

[Image: San-Luis-Rey-de-Francia-abrazando-la-Cru...1024&ssl=1]

It was his Christian faith that made Louis IX so great a prince. “You that are the judges of the earth, think of the Lord in goodness, and seek Him in simplicity of heart.” Eternal Wisdom, in giving this precept to kings, rejoiced with divine foreknowledge among the lilies of France, where this great saint was to shine with so bright a luster.

Subject and prince are bound to God by a common law, for all men have one entrance into life, and the like going out. Far from being less responsible to the divine authority than his subjects, the prince is answerable for every one of them as well as for himself. The aim and object of creation is that God be glorified by the return of all creatures to their Author, in the manner and measure that He wills. Therefore, since God has called man to a participation in His own divine life, and has made the earth to be to him but a place of passage, mere natural justice and the present order of things are not sufficient for him. Kings must recognize that the object of their civil sovereignty, not being the last end of all things, is, like themselves, under the direction and absolute rule of that higher end, before which they are but as subjects. Hear therefore, ye kings, and understand: a greater punishment is ready for the more mighty. Thus did the divine goodness give merciful warnings under the ancient Covenant.

But not satisfied with giving repeated admonitions, Wisdom came down from her heavenly throne. Henceforth the world belongs to her by a twofold title. By the right of her divine origin, she held the principality in the brightness of the saints, before the rising of the day star; she now reigns by right of conquest over the redeemed world. Before her coming in the flesh, it was already from her that kings received their power, and that equity which directs its exercise. Jesus, the son of Man, whose Blood paid the ransom of the world, is now, by the contract of the sacred nuptials which united Him to our nature, the only source of power and of all true justice. And now, once more, O ye kings, understand: says the psalmist; receive instruction, you that judge the earth. “It is Christ who speaks:” says St. Augustine. “Now that I am king in the name of God My Father, be not sad, as though you were thereby deprived of some good you possessed; but rather acknowledging that it is good for you to be subject to Him who gives you security in the light, serve this Lord of all with fear, and rejoice unto Him.”

It is the Church that continues, in the name of our ascended Lord, to give to kings this security which comes from the light: the Church who, without trespassing upon the authority of princes, is nevertheless their superior as mother of nations, as judge of consciences, as the only guide of the human race journeying towards its last end. Let us listen to the sovereign Pontiff Leo XIII, speaking with the precision and power which characterize his infallible teaching: “As there are on earth two great societies: the one civil, whose immediate end is to procure the temporal and earthly well-being of the human race; the other religious, whose aim is to lead men to the eternal happiness for which they were created: so also God has divided the government of the world between two powers. Each of these is supreme in its kind; each is bounded by definite limits drawn in conformity with its nature and its peculiar end. Jesus Christ, the founder of the Church, willed that they should be distinct from one another, and that both should be free from trammels in the accomplishment of their respective missions; yet with this provision, that in those matters which appertain to the jurisdiction and judgment of both, though on different grounds, the power which is concerned with temporal interests, must depend, as is fitting, on that power which watches over eternal interests. Finally, both being subject to the eternal and to the natural Law, they must in such a manner mutually agree in what concerns the order and government of each, as to form a relationship comparable to the union of the soul and body in man.’

In the sphere of eternal interests, to which no one may be indifferent, princes are bound to hold not only themselves but their people also in subjection to God and to His Church. For “since men united by the bonds of a common society depend on God no less than individuals, associations whether political or private cannot, without crime, behave as if God did not exist, nor put away religion as something foreign to them, nor dispense themselves from observing, in that religion, the rules according to which God has declared that He wills to be honored. Consequently, the heads of the State are bound, as such, to keep holy the name of God, make it one of their principal duties to protect religion by the authority of the laws, and not command or ordain anything contrary to its integrity.” (q.v. Epist. Encycl. Immortale Dei, & Arcanum divinæ sapientiæ)

Let us now return to St. Augustine’s explanation of the text of the Psalm: “How do kings serve the Lord with fear, except by forbidding and punishing with a religious severity all acts contrary to the commands of the Lord? In his twofold character as man and as prince, the king must serve God: as man, he serves Him by the fidelity of his life; as king, by framing or maintaining laws which command good and forbid evil. He must act like Ezechias and Josias, destroying the temples of the false gods and the high places that had been constructed contrary to the command of the Lord; like the king of Ninive obliging his city to appease the Lord; like Darius giving up the idol to Daniel to be broken, and casting Daniel’s enemies to the lions, like Nabuchodonosor forbidding blasphemy throughout his kingdom by a terrible law. It is thus that kings serve the Lord as kings, viz: when they do in His service these things which only kings can do.”

In all this teaching we are not losing sight of today’s feast; for we may say of Louis IX as an epitome of his life: “He made a covenant before the Lord to walk after Him and keep His commandments; and cause them to be kept by all.” God was his end, faith was his guide: herein lies the whole secretof his government as well as of his sanctity. As a Christian he was a servant of Christ, as a prince he was Christ’s lieutenant; the aspirations of the Christian and those of the prince did not divide his soul; this unity was his strength, as it is nw his glory. He now reigns in heaven with Christ, who alone reigned in him and by him on earth. If then your delight be in thrones and scepters, O ye kings of the people, love wisdom, that you may reign for ever.

Louis was anointed king at Rheims on the first Sunday of Advent 1226; and he laid to heart for his whole life the words of that day’s Introit: “To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in Thee, O my God, I put my trust!” He was only twelve years old; but our Lord had given him the surest safeguard of his youth, in the person of his mother, that noble daughter of Spain, whose coming into France, says William de Nangis, was the arrival of all good things. The premature death of her husband Louis VIII left Blanche of Castille to cope with a most formidable conspiracy. The great vassals, whose power had been reduced during the preceding reigns, promised themselves that they would profit of the minority of the new prince, in order to regain the rights they had enjoyed under the ancient feudal system to the detriment of the unity of government. In order to remove this mother, who stood up single-handed between the weakness of the heir to the throne and their ambition, the barons, everywhere in revolt, joined hands with the Albigensian heretics; and made an alliance with the son of John Lackland, Henry III, who was endeavoring to recover the possessions in France lost by his father in punishment for the murder of prince Arthur. Strong in her son’s right and in the protection of Pope Gregory IX, blance held out; and she, whom the traitors to the country called the foreigner in order to palliate their crime, saved France by her prudence and her brave firmness. After nine years of regency, she handed over the nation to its king, more united and more powerful than ever since the days of Charlemagne.

We cannot here give the history of an entire reign; but, honor to whom honor is due: Louis, in order to become the glory of heaven and earth on this day, had but t walk in the footsteps of Clanche, the son had but to remember the precepts of his mother.

There was a graceful simplicity in our saint’s life, which enhanced its greatness and heroism. One would have said he did not experience the difficulty that others feel, though far removed from the throne, in fulfilling those words of our Lord: Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Yet who was greater than this humble king, making more account of his Baptism at Poissy than of his anointing at Rheims; saying his Hours, fasting, scourging himself like his friends the Friars Preachers and Minors; ever treating with respect those whom he regarded as God’s privileged ones, priests, religious, the suffering and the poor? The great men of our days may smile at him for being more grieved at losing his breviary than at being taken captive by the Saracens. But how have they behaved in the like extremity? Never was the enemy heard to say of any of them: “You are our captive, and one would say we were rather your prisoners.” They did not check the fierce greed and bloodthirstiness of their jailers, nor dictate terms of peace as proudly as if they had been the conquerors. The country, brought into peril by them, has not come out of the trial more glorious. It is peculiar to the admirable reign of St. Louis, that disasters made him not only a hero but a saint; and that France gained for centuries in the east, where her king had been captive, a greater renown than any victory could have won for her.

The humility of holy kings is not forgetfulness of the great office they fulfill in God’s name; their abnegation could not consist in giving up rights which are also duties, any more than charity could cast out justice, or love of peace could oppose the virtues of the warrior. St. Louis, without an army, felt himself superior as a Christian to the victorious infidel, and treated him accordingly; moreover the west discovered very early, and more and more as his sanctity increased with his years, that this king, who spent his nights in prayer, and his days in serving the poor, was not the man to yield to anyone the prerogatives of the crown. “There is but one king in France,” said the judge of Vincennes rescinding a sentence of Charles of Anjou; and the barons at the castle of Bellême, and the English at Taillebourg, were also aware of it; so was Frederick II who, threatening to crush the Church and seeking aid from the French, received this answer: “The kingdom of France is not so weak as to suffer itself to be driven by your spurs.”

Louis’s death was like his life, simple and great. God called him to Himself in the midst of sorrowful and critical circumstances, far from his own country, in that African land where he had before suffered so much; these trials were sanctifying thorns, reminding the prince of his most cherished jewel, the sacred crown of thorns which he had added to the treasures of France. Moved by the hope of converting the king of Tunis to the Christian faith, it was rather as an apostle than a soldier that he had landed on that shore where his last struggle awaited him. “I challenge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of His lieutenant Louis king of France;” such was the sublime provocation hurled against the infidel city, and it was worthy of the close of such a life. Six centuries later, Tunis was to see the sons of those same Franks unwittingly following up the challenge of the saintly king, at the invitation of all the holy ones resting in the now Christian land of ancient Carthage.

The Christian army, victorious in every battle, was decimated by a terrible plague. Surrounded by the dead and dying, and himself attacked with the contagion, Louis called to him his eldest son, who was to succeed him as Philip III, and gave him his last instructions:

“Dear son, the first thing I admonish thee is that thou set thy heart to love God, for without that nothing else is of any worth. Beware of doing what displeases God, that is to say mortal sin; yea rather oughtest thou to suffer all manner of torments. If God send thee adversity, receive it in patience, and give thanks for it to our Lord, and think that thou hast done Him ill service. If He give thee prosperity, thank Him humbly for the same and be not the worse, either by pride or in any other manner, for that very thing that ought to make thee better; for we must not use God’s gifts against Himself. Have a kind and pitiful heart towards the poor and the unfortunate, and comfort and assist them as much as thou canst. Keep up the good customs of thy kingdom, and put down all bad ones. Love all that is good and hate all that is evil of any sort. Suffer no ill word about God or our Lady or the saints to be spoken in thy presence, that thou dost not straightway punish. In the administering of justice be loyal to thy subjects, without turning aside to the right hand or to the left; but help the right, and take the part of the poor until the whole truth be cleared up. Honor and love all ecclesiastical persons, and take care that they be not deprived of the gifts and alms that thy predecessors may have given them. Dear son, I admonish thee that thou be ever devoted to the Church of Rome, and to the sovereign Bishop our father, that is the Pope, and that thou bear him reverence and honor as thou oughtest to do to thy spiritual father. Exert thyself that every vile sin be abolished from thy land; especially to the best of thy power put down all wicked oaths and heresy. Fair son, I give thee all the blessings that a good father can give to a son; may the blessed Trinity and all the saints guard thee and protect thee from all evils; may God give thee grace to do His will always, and may He be honored by thee, and may thou and I after this mortal life be together in His company and praise Him without end.”

“When the good king,” continues Joinville, “had instructed his son my lord Philip, his illness began to increase greatly; he asked for the Sacraments of holy Church, and received them in a sound mind and right understanding, as was quite evident; for when they were anointing him and saying the seven Psalms, he took his own part in reciting. I have heard my lord the Count d’Alençon his son relate, that when he drew nigh to death, he called the saints to aid and succor him, and in particular my lord St. James, saying his prayer which begins: Este Domine; that is to say: O God, be the sanctifier and guardian of thy people. Then he called his aid my lord St. Denis of France, saying his prayer, which is as much as to say: Sire God, grant that we may despise the prosperity of this world, and may fear no adversity! And I heard from my Lord d’Alençon (whom God absolve), that his father next invoked Madame St. Genevieve. After this the holy king had himself laid on a bed strewn with ashes, and placing his hands upon his breast and looking towards heaven, he gave up his soul to his Creator, at the same hour wherein the Son of God died on the cross for the salvation of the world.”

Let us read the short notice consecrated by the Church to her valiant eldest son.

Quote:Louis IX, king of France, having lost his father when he was only twelve years old, was educated in a most holy manner by his mother Blanche. When he had reigned for twenty years he fell ill and it was then he conceived the idea of regaining possession of Jerusalem. On his recovery therefore he received the great standard from the bishop of Paris and crossed the sea with a large army. In a first engagement he repulsed the Saracens; but a great number of his men being struck down by pestilence, he was conquered and made prisoner.

A treaty was then made with the Saracens, and the king and his army were set at liberty. Louis spent five years in the east. He delivered many Christian captives, converted many of the infidels to the faith of Christ, and also rebuilt several Christian towns out of his own resources. Meanwhile his mother died, and on this account he was obliged to return home, where devoted himself entirely to good works.

He built many monasteries and hospitals for the poor; he assisted those in need and frequently visited the sick, supplying all their necessities at his own expense and even serving them with his own hands. He dressed in a simple manner and subdued his body by continual fasting and wearing a hair-cloth. He crossed over to Africa a second time to fight with the Saracens, and had pitched his camp in sight of them when he was struck down by a pestilence and died while saying this prayer: “I will come into thy house; I will worship towards thy holy temple and I will confess to thy name.” His body was afterwards translated to Paris and is honorably preserved in the celebrated church of St. Denis; but the head is in the Sainte-Chapelle. He was celebrated for miracles, and Pope Boniface VIII enrolled his name among the saints.

Jerusalem, the true Sion, at length opens her gates to thee, O Louis, who for her sake didst give up thy treasures and thy life. From the eternal throne whereon the Son of God gives thee to share His own honors and power, ever promote the kingdom of God on earth; be zealous for the faith; be a strong arm to our mother the Church. Thanks to thee, the infidel east, though it adores not Christ, at least respects His adorers, having but one name for Christian and Frank. For this reason our present rulers would remain protectors of Christianity in those lands, while they persecute it at home; a contradiction no less fatal to the country than opposed to its traditions of liberty, and its reputation for honor and honesty. How can they be said to know our traditions and our history, or to understand the national interests, who misunderstood the God of Clovis, of Charlemagne, and of St. Louis? In that Egypt, the scene of thy labors, what has now become of the patrimony of glorious influence which has been held by thy nation for centuries?

Thy descendants are no longer here to defend us against these men who use the country for their own purposes and exile those who have been the makers of it. But how terrible are the judgments of the Lord! Thou thyself hast said: “I would rather a stranger than my own son should rule my people and kingdom, if my son is to rule amiss.” Thirty years after the Crusade of Tunis, an unworthy prince, Philip IV thy second successor, outraged the Vicar of Christ. Straightway he was rejected by heaven, and his direct male line became extinct. The withered bough was replaced by another branch, though still from the same root. But the nation had to suffer for its kings, and to expiate the crime of Anagni: the judgment of God allowed a terrible war to be brought about through the political indiscretion of the same Philip the Fair (by marrying his daughter Isabelle to Edward II of England; which marriage after the death of Philip’s three sons Louis X, Philip V, and Charles IX, without male issue, furnished the plea for Isabella’s son Edward III to pretend to the crown of France), a prince as discreditable to the State as to the Church and to his own family. Then for a hundred years the country seemed to be on the brink of destruction; until by a wonderful protection of God over the land, the Maid of Orleans, blessed Joan of Arc, rescued the lily of France from the clutches of the English leopard.

Other faults alas! were to compromise still further, and then, twice over, to wither up or break the branches of the royal tree. Long did thy personal merits outweigh before God the scandalous immorality, which our princes had made their family mark, their odious privilege: a shame, which was transmitted by the expiring Valois to the Bourbons; which had to be expiated, but not effaced, by the blood of the just Louis XVI; and which so many illustrious exiles are still expiating in lowliness and sorrow in a foreign land. Would that thou couldst at least recognize these thy remaining sons by their imitation of thy virtues! For it is only by striving to win back this spiritual inheritance, that they can hope that God will one day restore them the other.

For God, who commands us to obey at all times the power actually established, is ever the master of nations and the unchangeable disposer of their changeable destinies. Then every one of thy descendants, taught by a sad experience, will be bound to remember, O Louis, thy last recommendation: “Exert thyself that every vile sin be abolished from thy land; especially, to the best of thy power, put down all wicked oaths and heresy.”

[Image: jos%C3%A9-del-castillo-san-luis-rey-de-f...=423&ssl=1]

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  August 24th – St. Bartholomew, Apostle and Martyr
Posted by: Stone - 08-25-2021, 07:03 AM - Forum: August - No Replies

August 24 – St. Bartholomew, Apostle and Martyr
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Guéranger  (1841-1875)

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A witness of the Son of God, one of the princes who announced his glory to the nations, lights up this day with his apostolic flame. While his brethren of the sacred College followed the human race into all the lands whither the migration of nations had led it, Bartholomew appeared as the herald of the Lord, at the very starting point, the mountains of Armenia whence the sons of Noe spread over the earth. There had the figurative Ark rested; humanity, everywhere else a wanderer, was there seated in stillness, remembering the dove with its olive branch, and awaiting the consummation of the alliance signified by the rainbow which had there for the first time glittered in the clouds. Behold, blessed tidings awake in those valleys the echoes of ancient traditions: tidings of peace, making the universal deluge of sin subside before the Wood of salvation. The serenity announced by the dove of old was now far outdone. Love was to take the place of punishment. The ambassador of heaven showed God to the sons of Adam, as the most beautiful of their own brethren. The noble heights whence formerly flowed the rivers of Paradise were about to see the renewal of the covenant annulled in Eden, and the celebration, amid the joy of heaven and earth, of the divine nuptials so long expected, the union of the Word with regenerated humanity.

Personally, what was this Apostle whose ministry borrowed such solemnity from the scene of his apostolic labors? Under the name, or surname of Bartholomew, the only mark of recognition given him by the first three Gospels, are we to see, as many have thought, that Nathaniel, whose presentation to Jesus by Philip forms so sweet a scene of St. John’s Gospel?—a man full of uprightness, innocence and simplicity who was worthy to have had the dove for his precursor, and for whom the Man-God had choice graces and caresses from the very beginning.

Be this as it may, the lot which fell to our Saint among the twelve, points to the special confidence of the divine Heart; the heroism of the terrible martyrdom which sealed his apostolate reveals his fidelity; the dignity preserved by the nation he grated on Christ, in all the countries where it has been transplanted, witnesses to the excellence of the sap first infused into its branches. When, two centuries and a half later, Gregory the Illuminator so successfully cultivated the soil of Armenia, he did but quicken the seed sown by the Apostle, which the trials never wanting to that generous land had retarded for a time but could not stifle.

How strangely sad that evil men, nurtured in this turmoil of endless invasions, should have been able to rouse and perpetuate a mistrust of Rome among a race whom wars and tortures and dispersion could not tear from the love of Christ our Savior! Yet, thanks be to God! the movement towards return, more than once begun and then abandoned, seems now to be steadily advancing; the chosen sons of this illustrious nation are laboring perseveringly for so desirable a union by dispelling the prejudices of her people; by revealing to our lands the treasures of her literature so truly Christian, and the magnificences of her liturgy; and above all by praying and devoting themselves to the monastic state under the standard of the Father of Western Monks. Together with these holders of the true national tradition, let us pray to Bartholomew their Apostle; to the disciple Thaddeus who also shared in the first evangelization; to Ripsima the heroic virgin, who from the Roman territory led her thirty-five companions to the conquest of a new land; and to all the martyrs whose blood cemented the building upon the only foundation set by our Lord. Like these great forerunners, may the leader of the second apostolate, Gregory the Illuminator, who wished to see Peter in the person of St. Sylvester, and receive the blessing of the Roman Pontiff—may the holy kings the patriarchs and doctors of Armenia, become once more her chosen guides, and lead her back entirely and irrevocably to the one Fold of the one Shepherd!

We learn from Eusebius and from St. Jerome that before going to Armenia, his final destination, St. Bartholomew evangelized the Indies, where Pantænus a century later found a copy of St. Matthew’s Gospel in Hebrew characters, left there by him. St. Denis records a profound saying of the glorious Apostle, which he thus quotes and comments: “The blessed Bartholomew says of Theology, that it is at once abundant and succinct; of the Gospel, that it is vast in extent and at the same time concise; thus excellently giving us to understand that the beneficent Cause of all beings reveals or manifests himself by many words or by few, or even without any words at all, as being beyond and above all language or thought. For he is above all by his superior essence; and they alone reach him in his truth, without the veils wherewith he surrounds himself, who, passing beyond matter and spirit and rising above the summit of the holiest heights, leave behind them all reflections and echoes of God, all the language of heaven, to enter into the darkness wherein he dwelleth, as the Scripture says, who is above all.”

The city of Rome celebrates the feast of St. Bartholomew tomorrow, as do also the Greeks who commemorate on the 25th of August a translation of the Apostle’s relics. It is owing, in fact, to the various translations of his holy body and to the difficulty of ascertaining the date of his martyrdom that different days have been adopted for his feast by different churches both in the East and in the West. The 24th of this month, consecrated by the use of most of the Latin churches, is the day assigned in the most ancient martyrologies, including that of St. Jerome. In the 13th century, Innocent III, having been consulted as to the divergence, answered that local custom was to be observed.

The Church gives us the following notice of the Apostle of Armenia.

Quote:The Apostle Bartholomew was a native of Galilee. It fell to his lot to preach the Gospel in hither India; and he announced to those nations the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of St. Matthew. But after converting many souls to Jesus Christ in that province and undergoing much labor and suffering he went into Eastern Armenia.

Here he converted to the Christian faith the king Polymius and his queen and twelve cities. This caused the pagan priests of that nation to be exceedingly jealous of him, and they stirred up Astyages the brother of king Polymius against the Apostle, so that he commanded him to be flayed alive and finally beheaded. In this cruel martyrdom he gave up his soul to God.

His body was buried at Albanapolis, the town of Eastern Armenia where he was martyred; but it was afterwards taken to the island of Lispari, and thence to Beneventum. Finally it was translated to Rome by the Emperor Otho III and placed on the island of Tiber in a Church dedicated to God under his invocation. His feast is kept at Rome on the 8th of the Kalends of September and during the eight following days that Basilica is much frequented by the faithful.

On this day of thy feast, O holy Apostle, the Church prays in her Collect for the Mass, for grace to love what thou didst believe and to preach what thou didst teach. Not that the Bride of the Son of God could ever fail either in faith or love; but she knows only too well that, though her Head is ever in the light, and her heart ever united to the Spouse in the Holy Spirit who sanctifies her, nevertheless her several members, the particular churches of which she is composed, may detach themselves from their center of life and wander away in darkness. O thou who didst choose our West as the place of thy rest; thou whose precious relics Rome glories in possessing, bring back to Peter the nations thou didst evangelize; fulfill the now reviving hopes of universal union; second the efforts made by the Vicar of the Man-God to gather again under the shepherd’s crook those scattered flocks whose pastures have become parched by schism. May thine own Armenia be the first to complete a return which she began long ago: may she trust the Mother-Church and no more follow the sowers of discord. All being reunited, may we together enjoy the treasures of our concordant traditions, and go to God, even at the cost of being despoiled of all things, by the course so grand and yet so simple taught us by thy example and by thy sublime theology.

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  Socialist archbishop inspired architect of the ‘Great Reset’
Posted by: Stone - 08-24-2021, 10:44 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

Socialist archbishop inspired architect of the ‘Great Reset’
‘Great Reset’ leader Klaus Schwab has said that a meeting with Brazilian Archbishop Hélder Câmara was “a crucial moment” in his life.

[Image: schwab12-810x500.jpg]
Klaus Schwab

Mon Aug 23, 2021 
(LifeSiteNews) Editor of The Remnant, Michael Matt, recently brought to light a personal link between the architect of the Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, and a Brazilian archbishop of the Catholic Church.

Schwab is the executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, an organization that focuses on a variety of globalist initiatives, including shaping the “COVID Era,” “shaping the future of consumption,” and “shaping the Future of the New Economic Society.” 

An overarching initiative that encompasses the mission of the WEF is the so-called “Great Reset.” Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote an Open Letter to Donald Trump in October of last year – just before the 2020 election – warning about the goals of the Great Reset. Viganò called the initiative a plan hatched by “a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations.”

Archbishop Viganò added that “the purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt.”

Cardinal Burke also exposed the plans of the Great Reset and linked the advent of the COVID-19 paradigm and the WEF initiative in a homily from December 2020. He said: “Then there is the mysterious Wuhan virus about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information. What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda. These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called ‘Great Reset,’ the ‘new normal,’ which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.”

Michael Matt released a video last year entitled THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump wherein he asserts that everyone from George Soros, to Bill Gates, to Klaus Schwab, to Al Gore and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are eager to use the COVID-19 situation as an opportunity to reset the world economy. 

According the video, this includes population control, global commerce, “climate change” regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder,” “reimagine,” and fundamentally transform every aspect of society.

In his most recent video, Matt outlines intimate connections between Klaus Schwab and Brazilian archbishop Hélder Câmara. Câmara was a Council Father at the Second Vatican Council and was known colloquially as “The Red Bishop” due to his condemnation of the anti-communist stance of the U.S. and his praise of Mao Tse-Tung during the Cultural Revolution, which claimed millions of lives.

In 1967, Câmara said that he was “disgusted with Americans who reduce everything to the problem of birth control” and seemingly left the door open to contraception usage to within his own archdiocese to the “conscience of the individual.”

Câmara was a driving force behind the “Catacombs Pact.” On November 16, 1965 a group of 42 Council Fathers paid a visit to the Catacombs of Domitila on the outskirts of Rome. Bishop Charles-Marie Himmer of Tournai, Belgium celebrated mass for his fellow Council Fathers. Following the Mass, the Fathers composed a text: a set of principles they would agree to adhere to in their ministry. Câmara served as the group’s scribe. 

Among the principles stated by the bishops were a series of controversial statements such as: “We reject being addressed either verbally or in writing by names and titles that express greatness and power (‘Eminence’, ‘Excellency’, ‘My Lord’…).” And, “We shall do everything possible to ensure that the leaders of our governments and public services adopt and put into practice the laws, structures and social institutions that are necessary for justice, equality and the harmonious and complete development of the whole human being and of all human beings and thereby for the coming of a new social order worthy of human children and children of God.”

Câmara was a proponent of Liberation Theology and a key contributor to the Second Vatican Council document Gaudium et Spes. Pope Francis named the self-described socialist a “Servant of God” in 2015.

He also had a strong influence on Great Reset leader Klaus Schwab. 

In Michael Matt’s video, Matt showed footage of Schwab explaining to a panel of interlocutors the importance of his encounter with the Brazilian archbishop. 

Of the encounter, Schwab said: “I give you one example which for me was probably a crucial moment in my life. I traveled for the first time to Brazil, I met a priest who was known at that time as the priest of the poor people, his name was Don Hélder Câmara.”

The chairman of the WEF then explained that Câmara brought him to the slums of Recife, and that he was “so shocked,” and that he had “to invite this Bishop up to Davos to tell the people what poverty is.” Schwab claimed that Câmara was forbidden from speaking in Switzerland because he was “considered to be a communist.” 

He then stated that Câmara’s reputation as an anti-capitalist upset many of the companies involved in the Davos event, but that he saw it as a “test” and that he “had to stand” on his values, even at the risk of giving up the WEF. Schwab claims that Câmara’s 1974 speaking engagement went “very well” and that the “audience in Davos listened to him.” 

At the event, Câmara called for a higher social responsibility, wealth distribution, and a reassessment of “the false values of a ‘waste society’” to achieve prosperity for all people. 

After Dom Hélder Câmara’s participation, Klaus Schwab regularly invited liberal Catholic clerics to Davos. In 1977, Franz Cardinal König, the Archbishop of Vienna, joined the meeting and voiced concerns about mankind’s drive for material wealth, calling for a renewal of society to put faith and love at its core.

This year, Cardinal Peter Turkson addressed the Davos virtual forum. He is the head of the Vatican commission on COVID-19 and has advocated that coronavirus vaccines be made available to all. 

Turkson told the Davos forum: “The human person is central to all of this, not simply as the beneficiary, but is also the crucial actor. He must change his lifestyle, he must change his way of thinking, and develop a heart for the other person to be able to feel for the well-being of the other.”

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  Fauci Dismisses "Freedom" In Call For Vaccine Mandates
Posted by: Stone - 08-24-2021, 08:22 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - Replies (1)

Fauci Says if Majority of Americans Get Vaccinated, Covid Will be Under Control by Spring of 2022 (VIDEO)

[Image: IMG_4453-2.jpg]

GP | August 23, 2021

King Fauci on Monday night told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that if the majority of Americans would just get vaccinated, Covid would be under control by Spring of 2022.

Fauci said the US could return to a degree of normalcy if the majority, or 90%+ Americans get the Covid jab.

Fauci also warned that new variants would spring up because of the unvaccinated people which could really complicate things.

“If we keep lingering without getting those people vaccinated that should be vaccinated, this thing could linger on, leading to the development of another variant which could complicate things.”

Anderson Cooper pressed Fauci: “What percentage of people would need to be vaccinated?”

“We don’t know,” Fauci said. “Could be 85%, could be 90%”

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  Australian Truck Drivers Vow To Block Every Major Highway In Radical Anti-Lockdown Strike
Posted by: Stone - 08-24-2021, 08:15 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - Replies (2)

Australian Truck Drivers Vow To Block Every Major Highway In Radical Anti-Lockdown Strike

ZH | AUG 23, 2021

As Australians take to the streets to protest the country's lockdown measures - most recently clashing with police over the weekend, Aussie truck drivers are planning to shut down every major highway across the country and have advised people to 'stock up on groceries.'

One driver, according to the Daily Mail, declared in a video that truck drivers are 'planning to shut down the country' to 'remove the sh*t government' on August 31 beginning at 9 a.m.

"It's on. The truckies are doing it. The truckies are going to shut down the country," the man says, adding "What that means is you need to go shopping now, get what you can for the next week or two, load your fridge, freezers."

Quote:He said supply chains would soon be interrupted and urged Aussies to stock up on groceries to get them through the next couple of weeks.

A GoFundMe page has since been launched to support the truckies financially as they prepare to strike from 9am on Tuesday August 31, which will involve 'blocking every highway entering into every state at the same time'. -Daily Mail

According to the man, truck drivers have been in discussion with people from around 'the world,' and have been working with war veterans to carry out the protest.

"The truckies are in, the VETS are in, I'm in. I'm willing to go to jail to save my country and children," said the man.

[Image: truck%20drier.PNG?itok=xbSin1Lv]

It is unknown how many truck drivers are involved in the demonstration, however truck drivers from around the globe have been posting advice online on how to impede efforts by authorities to tow their vehicles.

A GoFundMe page which appears to have been taken down had raised nearly $4,000 for the effort.

[Image: 46982167-9917753-A_GoFundMe_page_has_bee...k=NfRM3Alm]

If the protest proceeds, it won't be the first time truckies have blocked roads in protest of pandemic restrictions. Last month, several trucks protested the temporary closure of construction in Sydney by parking their vehicles on the freeway and blaring their horns.

[Image: 46982319-9917753-Pictured_A_convoy_of_tr...k=ZlMW0Lty]
Pictured: A convoy of trucks protests the temporary closure of the construction in Sydney last month

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  Open Letter to America by Dr. Steven Hatfill
Posted by: Stone - 08-24-2021, 08:08 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

For your consideration. Taken from here. Published June 8, 2021

Dear America,

This is the story of possibly the greatest corruption scandal in our country’s history.

This is the story of how petty bureaucrats and drug companies unjustly discredited an inexpensive FDA-approved drug that would have prevented COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths for political spite and financial gain. These perpetrators, who now hold more significant positions in government, need to be held accountable for over 500,000 American deaths and the disruption of our economy.

This is the story of how a few key government officials failed to implement our well-formulated National Pandemic Plan and their weaponization of a dangerously complicit mainstream media.

I tell this story because we, the People, deserve answers – those responsible need to be held accountable for their actions. The COVID-19 pandemic was a proverbial “warning shot across our bow.” Thus, we must forever prioritize pandemic preparedness as critical to our national security.

We deserve better. We deserve the truth. We deserve answers. We deserve JUSTICE.

I hope my words and timeline will help clarify what has happened, who is involved, and what action must be taken to protect our health and freedom.

My name is Dr. Steven Hatfill. I am a specialist physician, recognized Virologist and Bioweapons expert and I worked as an outside advisor to the Executive Office of the President of the United States from February 2020 through the inaugural transition period of 2021. My statements are not speculation because I had a front-row seat from the very beginning of the pandemic. My subsequent published papers and articles have been painstakingly referenced and fact-checked.

Some will tell you this is just another conspiracy theory, so I ask you to read on and judge for yourselves.


2005 – the United States creates its first-ever National Pandemic Plan, outlining the actions to combat a serious respiratory viral disease pandemic. This is based on the previous Biological Weapons Improved Response Plan.

2008 – President Obama closes the White House Global Health Security Office.

2013 – after the SARS and MERS outbreaks, Chinese virologists collect hundreds of samples from bats for study at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Collaborative research begins on the Coronaviruses, including Gain Of Function (GOF) experiments (research which involves increasing the capacity of a pathogen to cause illness) in China and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

2014 – The West Africa Ebola virus outbreak occurs. Dr. Anthony Fauci MD promotes a single layer of gloves for nursing Ebola patients and other inadequate protective measures. His instructions endanger the lives of health care workers, and national guidelines for protection must be urgently updated.

2014 – United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) ban GOF research. The ban was implemented for 2014-2017.

2015 – Chinese virologists and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conduct unauthorized GOF experiments on coronaviruses.

2017 – The 2005 Health and Human Services’ (HHS) National Pandemic Plan is updated. The specific responsibilities of local authorities, states, and the federal government have been clearly stated. The national plan is to use early, outpatient antiviral drug treatment, home quarantine, and case contact tracing to cover the “vaccine gap” (the time needed to develop a vaccine to combat any pathogen).

December 2019 – Chinese authorities report the first outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan. On January 21, the first recognized case of COVID-19 occurs in the United States.

February 2020 – Dr. Steven Hatfill MD, a specialist physician and recognized Virologist, is brought into the White House as an outside medical advisor. Some members of the COVID-19 Task Force are considering the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a safe and effective FDA-approved drug, to control the rapidly spreading pandemic. The drug proves to prevent hospitalization if taken when early symptoms of COVID-19 arise. The drug is cost-effective at 60 cents per tablet with COVID-19 treatment consisting of 11 tablets taken over five days. The FDA considers HCQ to be a safer drug than Tylenol.

March 23, 2020 – The Director of BARDA, (Biological Advanced Research Development Authority) Rick Bright Ph.D., is instructed by his superiors to work with the FDA to establish an Investigational New Drug (IND) authorization for HCQ. The next day, the Director of Drug Evaluation and Research at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr. Janet Woodcock MD, contacts Rick Bright at BARDA.

March 24, 2020 – Dr. Woodcock wrongly advises Bright that HCQ is a dangerous drug requiring a EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). Its use should be limited to hospitalized patients. Bright and Dr. Woodcock promote this course of action, despite the early clinical data showing HCQ was the most effective in outpatients if given early during the initial infection, effectively eliminating hospitalization.

The FDA issues a EUA for HCQ – for hospital use only.

  • In a legal document, Rick Bright makes a blatant admission of insubordination to multiple layers of leadership, including the White House, HHS Secretary Azar, and Dr. Robert Kadlec, MD, the Assistant HHS Secretary for Preparedness and Readiness.
  • Bright states the following in his Whistleblower Complaint: “…instead of a Nationwide Expanded Access IND protocol. Implementing the EUA was a compromise position, to rein in HHS leadership’s initial campaign to make the drugs available to the public outside of a hospital setting“.
  • Question: When is it EVER acceptable to “compromise” public health during a rampaging pandemic?

April 4, 2020 – Dr. Anthony Fauci MD, the member of the COVID-19 Task Force responsible for informing the President of the best course of action for pandemic control, appears to be unaware of the National Pandemic Plan. In a heated White House Situation Room meeting, Dr. Fauci refused to consider the use of HCQ for COVID-19 treatment. He dismisses the ever-accumulating HCQ efficacy reports from China, South Korea, and France as simply “anecdotal.”

April 22, 2020 – Rick Bright is fired as BARDA Director for his insubordination. Before his dismissal, he falsely informed the press that HCQ is a dangerous drug.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID, who is not a virologist, disregards the National Pandemic Plan, which included outreach programs with physicians using HCQ for outpatient treatment and prevention to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control.

Dr. Fauci brushes off the accumulating evidence and diverts millions of federal funds into a program to test and manufacture an experimental drug named Remdesivir. Remdesivir must be administered via IV and can only in the hospital. Instead of early community treatment, as prescribed in the original pandemic plan. Dr. Fauci changes the plan to promote “Societal Lockdowns” and push the development of highly experimental mRNA vaccines by multinational pharmaceutical corporations.

NOTE: Members of Fauci’s Covid-19 treatment panel have ties to Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Foster City, CA), the company that holds the patent for Remdesivir.

May 16, 2020 – In Phase 1 clinical trials conducted by Gilead Sciences in cooperation with China and Japan, Remdesivir FAILED: “no statistically clinical effect, with severe adverse reactions.”
NOTE: On October 16, 2020, the WHO concludes that Remdesivir is an ineffective drug and does not recommend its use to treat COVID-19.

May 20, 2020 – Shortly after becoming Senior Medical Advisor to the FDA Commissioner, Dr. Woodcock recused herself over future decisions concerning vaccines, citing a conflict of interest.

June 15, 2020 – Dr. Fauci ignores the data that HCQ works if the drug is administered during the first five days of infection. Its EUA is revoked, despite the overwhelming evidence of its effectiveness. The FDA claims that HCQ is causing fatal heart rhythms in hospitalized patients when the COVID-19 virus itself is the cause.

June 29, 2020 – Dr. Fauci recommends a 1.6-billion-dollar purchase of Remdesivir despite the drug’s Phase 1 failure in China.
Question: Why did Dr. Fauci discredit HCQ, leaving us defenceless, and order 1.6 billion dollars of an ineffective and toxic drug?

NOTE: Dr. Fauci’s actions pave the way for the fast-track development of experimental mRNA vaccines (and their subsequent patents), which can only receive a EUA if no other approved & effective medicines, like outpatient HCQ.

After widespread lockdowns and millions of global deaths, the experimental mRNA vaccines are granted a EUA and released to the public. As of the date of this letter, the pandemic still prevails, and there is no FDA approved outpatient treatment for COVID-19.


The actions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Janet Woodcock, and Rick Bright, Ph.D., must be independently investigated, and they must be held accountable.
  • All conflicts of interest and the interactions between government officials and pharmaceutical companies, including the publication of faulty research papers in respected medical journals, must be investigated, and they must be held accountable.
  • Immediately reinstate HCQ as an FDA-approved drug for COVID-19.
  • The U.S. Pandemic Plan must be immediately reinstated as initially crafted.
  • Establish an outside independent United States Pandemic Response Department, with board powers including oversight.

On June 2, 2021, the distribution of my content was canceled by PR NEWSWIRE, and I have been banned from further distribution. Their action is a brazen attempt to censor and block the true story and silence our voice as citizens.


Contact your local, state, and federal representatives and demand answers. They would have you believe that you serve them, but you employ them. Hold them accountable.
Cancel biased media subscriptions. Your money fuels their disinformation campaigns.
Read the attached references and the complete, uncensored, and referenced articles at www.drstevenhatfill.com.
Please ACT NOW, and together we can create a better future for America and the world.

Dr. Steven J. Hatfill


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Gilead Sciences (August 6, 2020) “GILEAD SCIENCES UPDATE ON VEKLURY® (REMDESIVIR) MANUFACTURING NETWORK” https://www.gilead.com/news-and-press/co...ng-network
Andrew Hill J.Wang, J.Levi (April 2020) “MINIMUM COSTS TO MANUFACTURE NEW TREATMENTS FOR COVID-19” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...4020300182
Catherine Thorbecke (June 29, 2020) “CORONAVIRUS DRUG REMDESIVIR TO COST $3,120 PER PATIENT WITH PRIVATE INSURANCE, IRKING CRITICS” https://abcnews.go.com/US/covid-19-drug-...d=71509977
FDA (November 20, 2020) “EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION FOR VACCINES EXPLAINED” https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biolo...-explained
Rick Bright Whistleblower Complaint Page https://www.kmblegal.com/sites/default/f...dacted.pdf
China Remdesivir Study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32423584/
WHO defends conclusion that Remdesivir is ineffective against COVID-19 | News | DW | 16.10.2020
Woodcock recusal 2 FDA officials recuse themselves from COVID-19 vaccine approvals (beckershospitalreview.com) HCQ EUA Revocation. https://www.fda.gov/media/138945/download
Hydroxy chloroquine effective in 248 trials involving 3972 scientists and 378,812 patients with 66% improvement in 26 early treatment trials and a 75% decrease in mortality in 11 early treatment trials https://c19hcq.com/
Fauci orders 1.6 billion for an ineffective drug http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/55314.htm
Vaccine EUA regulations https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biolo...-explained

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  Rumors Swirling: Pope Francis may resign in December?
Posted by: Stone - 08-24-2021, 07:47 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

“A Conclave is in the Air”: Francis Rumored to Resign in December and Regulate Role of ‘Pope Emeritus’

NWO [adapted] | August 23, 2021

Today the Italian newspaper Libero has an explosive headline on its front page: “Francis ready to resign ‘due to health, not age’. Whispers in the Vatican: ‘There’s a conclave in the air’.”

It is the title to an article written by Vaticanist Antonio Socci. The full text has not yet been published in professional English translation; however, it can be found online in the original Italian at the Libero site as well as at Socci’s own blog, which can easily be translated using tools such as deepl.com.

At first, one might quickly dismiss this as yet another attempt to sell papers and garner clicks by means of a sensational headline. It wouldn’t be the first time, after all: Jorge Bergoglio’s resignation has been rumored many times in the past, and he himself has gone on record saying that he might one day resign rather than serve for life.

This time, however, there seems to be a bit more to it than mere speculation.

For one thing, Socci is a credible journalist and author of numerous books. Although the mainstream has tried to dismiss him as a crank, on more than one occasion Socci has proven himself to be astute, well-informed, and a serious and capable researcher. For instance, his 2007 book The Fourth Secret of Fatima was so compelling that it forced Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to go on Italian television to “prove” that the Vatican had indeed released the true Third Secret of Fatima in full — an episode in which Bertone unwittingly ended up demonstrating the opposite, thus vindicating Socci (as documented in the 2008 book The Secret Still Hidden by Christopher Ferrara).

Similarly, it was Antonio Socci who predicted in Libero as far back as 2011 that Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) would soon resign his pontificate — a thing that seemed absurd at the time and earned Socci plenty of mockery. Curiously, it was on Feb. 10, 2012 — exactly one year and one day before his public declaration of resignation — that the Italian Il Fatto Quotidiano predicted that Benedict XVI would die within 12 months. Obviously, neither publication got it completely right, but it would be silly to simply relegate all this to the status of sensationalist coincidence.

[Image: bergresign-e1629733338334-768x616.jpg]

The front page of Libero on Aug. 23, 2021

“In the Vatican there is ever more persistent talk of a new conclave”, Socci begins his Aug. 23 article in Libero. Allegedly, Francis has made known his desire to resign on or about his 85th birthday, which would be Dec. 17 of this year.

It is a good idea to recall, as Socci also does, that the credible pro-Bergoglio blog Il Sismografo reported last month that Francis’ health was much poorer than the Vatican public relations machine was letting on: “The disease that has struck Pope Francis is severe and degenerative”, editor Luis Badilla Morales wrote. Some have suggested that instead of a mere case of diverticulitis, the “Pope” is actually afflicted with colon cancer.

Socci mentions that the first to speak of a conclave being “in the air” was veteran Vaticanist Sandro Magister, in his July 13 post “Conclave in view, everyone backing away from Francis”.

According to the Italian tabloid publication Dagospia (which we won’t link to, as it contains lewd images), Francis’ successor will definitely be an Italian, and the contest will be decided between Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the current Secretary of State, and Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, both of them born in 1955 and both Francis appointees. Predictions like this aren’t worth much, of course, but it is interesting that these two characters should be considered papabile (“Pope-able”).

Now, one must ask, of course: Is it reasonable to believe that Bergoglio would ever want to give up his power? Over the last 8+ years, it has become painfully evident that the oh-so humble Pope Francis the media likes to portray is in fact the same ruthless, narcissistic, and power-hungry dictator that he was as Archbishop of Buenos Aires (1998-2013):
  • Book The Dictator Pope exposes the true Jorge Bergoglio
  • Omar Bello: Francis Plays Both Sides
  • Novus Ordo Cardinals slam Francis as “Cold-Blooded, Cunning Machiavellian [who] Lies”, Heretic

On the face of it, therefore, it would seem highly unlikely that someone like Bergoglio would ever voluntarily cede power.

However, there is at least one conceivable scenario under which he might do so: If in exchange for relinquishing power, he will (at least covertly) get to direct who his successor shall be, thus more or less ensuring that his agenda will live on. Depending on how compromised at least some of the conclave participants are, having Bergoglio present in Vatican City looking over the shoulders of the electors, as it were, breathing down their necks while the conclave is in session, would surely influence a vote or two.

Can it be ruled out? Certainly not.

What makes matters more interesting is that in addition to the rumors about Francis stepping down in December, there is word that the same “Pope” will soon establish canonical norms for papal resignations and regulate (or abolish altogether) the putative office of “Pope Emeritus”, which is really a fantasy dreamed up in the mind of Ratzinger.

An article by Vaticanist Maria Antonietta Calabrò appeared, also today (curious timing!), in the Italian edition of the Huffington Post. Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican provides a full translation of the article in his e-mail Letter #92, which has not yet been published online.

Calabrò writes:
Quote:Pope Francis could soon promulgate a new law (in the form of an Apostolic Constitution) to regulate the resignation of the Pope, and especially the status following the resignation of a Pontiff.

This is also to avoid a whole series of misleading interpretations on the existence of two Popes, on their cohabitation, on the thesis of “an enlarged papacy” and on other issues which, although not having touched the vast majority of the faithful, have fed the underground poisons of the so-called “Pope-vacantists,” [=“Resignationists”] who have come to hypothesize that the only true Pope is Ratzinger.

In short, it is not even excluded, although it would be sensational, that for the new law there has been no Pope Emeritus at all.

(Maria Antonietta Calabrò, “Francesco potrebbe promulgare una norma sullo status di ‘Papa emerito'”, Huffington Post, Aug. 23, 2021; translation by Robert Moynihan.)

The report of Francis possibly issuing canonical guidelines for the whole “Pope Emeritus” circus lends great weight to the rumor that he intends to resign in December.

With Benedict XVI still alive, a resignation by Francis could add some hilarity to the already absurd clown show in the Vatican: Then there would be two “Popes emeriti” in the 0.19-square-mile territory, and after the conclave there would be three men dressed as Pope! (Unless, of course, Bergoglio abolishes the thing altogether.)

Is such a charade inconceivable?

No, it is not — not after all that has transpired in the Vatican since 2013, including the Pachamama circus, the Muslim prayers of “victory over the infidels”, the cocaine-fueled sodomite orgy, the happy encounter with abortionist Emma Bonino, the public showers in the colonnades, the Sistine Chapel being rented to Porsche, the exhortation Amoris Laetitia, and heaps more.

In fact, one might just shrug and echo the words of an unsavory character of American politics: What difference, at this point, would it make?

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  Pfizer Jab Receives Full Approval From FDA - Pentagon Mandates Vaccinations For All Troops
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2021, 02:01 PM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

Pfizer Jab Receives Full Approval From FDA, Pentagon Mandates Vaccinations For All Troops

ZH | AUG 23, 2021

Update (1100ET): The Pentagon's press secretary has just confirmed that - as expected - the DoD will now require all troops across the armed services to get the vaccine.

Troops who refuse the vaccine could face "disciplinary" measures, including being dragged in front of a military tribunal that would mete out punishment. Commanders have several options for dealing with troops who refuse mandatory COVID-19 vaccines including issuing them a letter of reprimand or taking other administrative action; using nonjudicial punishment to push them to get vaccinated; referring troops to an administrative separation board for failure to obey an order, or even referring service members to courts-martial, which has already happened in the past when some troops refused to get vaccinated for Anthrax.

Quote:"We have every expectation that once the vaccines are made mandatory the troops are going to do the right thing," Kirby told reporters at a Pentagon news conference a few weeks ago. "But, without speaking to the future, it’s treated, certainly, like any lawful order, and there could be administrative and disciplinary repercussions for failing to obey that order."

The DoD also make sure that service members who have reservations about getting a COVID-19 vaccine are "properly counseled" about the risks to their personal health and their unit’s readiness that could arise from them refusing the jab, and that commanders have a "range of tools" to pressure troops to comply.

Quote:"Commanders have a range of tools, short of using the UCMJ [Uniform Code of Military Justice] available to them to try to help individuals make the right decisions," Kirby added.

Similar mandates are expected in the private sector as well, with companies like Wal-Mart, along with thousands of smaller businesses, expected to require proof of vaccination for all workers.

* * *

Roughly 8 months after the Pfizer-BioNTech jab was first approved for public use after receiving an unprecedented emergency authorization, the jab has officially become the first to receive full approval by the FDA on Monday, the Washington Post reports.

The news, which was telegraphed days in advance, sent shares of Pfizer and BioNTech surging shortly after the open on Monday.

As the mainstream media immediately pointed out, the approval might prompt some skeptical adults to take the vaccine, while giving businesses the last piece of ammunition they needed to require workers to get the jab, or be fired. According to the CDC, 204MM Pfizer jabs (which will henceforth be known as Comirnaty, the official brand name of the jab) have been doled out since the emergency authorization was first handed down last December.

The vaccine is officially approved for Americans over the age of 16, while the emergency authorization remains in effect for patients between 12 and 15. Notably, the FDA is requiring Pfizer to conduct more research on the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and other potential side effects. Pfizer will also develop a registry to help monitor outcomes for infants after vaccinated women give birth.

CNBC reports that a survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation found 3 in 10 unvaccinated adults said they would be more likely to get vaccinated if one of the vaccines receives full approval. Full approval is "more psychological than anything else,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a voting member of the agency’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. "I mean you already have more than 320MM doses administered. The vaccines already have an enormous safety and efficacy profile."

"The FDA will do what it thinks it needs to do to make sure that the American public is safe," he said.

Initially, full authorization was expected to arrive in September, but the Biden Administration has ramped up the pressure in recent days. Full approval opens the door to several activities that were barred under the emergency authorization: Pfizer can now advertise the jab, and it can now continue to vaccinate people even after the COVID "emergency" is deemed over. Pfizer can also now raise the price of the vaccine. They have already raised the price of the jab in the EU.

Pfizer and BioNTech have both said they intend to generate billions of dollars in revenues (and likely profits) from sales of the jab.

As vaccine proponents celebrate the news, Alex Berenson, a prominent skeptic, has a question: how can a vaccine be fully approved when we don't even know the optimal number of doses?

Here's the full press release from the FDA:

Quote:Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

"The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. While this and other vaccines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “While millions of people have already safely received COVID-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval of a vaccine may now instill additional confidence to get vaccinated. Today’s milestone puts us one step closer to altering the course of this pandemic in the U.S."

Since Dec. 11, 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has been available under EUA in individuals 16 years of age and older, and the authorization was expanded to include those 12 through 15 years of age on May 10, 2021. EUAs can be used by the FDA during public health emergencies to provide access to medical products that may be effective in preventing, diagnosing, or treating a disease, provided that the FDA determines that the known and potential benefits of a product, when used to prevent, diagnose, or treat the disease, outweigh the known and potential risks of the product.

FDA-approved vaccines undergo the agency’s standard process for reviewing the quality, safety and effectiveness of medical products. For all vaccines, the FDA evaluates data and information included in the manufacturer’s submission of a biologics license application (BLA). A BLA is a comprehensive document that is submitted to the agency providing very specific requirements. For Comirnaty, the BLA builds on the extensive data and information previously submitted that supported the EUA, such as preclinical and clinical data and information, as well as details of the manufacturing process, vaccine testing results to ensure vaccine quality, and inspections of the sites where the vaccine is made. The agency conducts its own analyses of the information in the BLA to make sure the vaccine is safe and effective and meets the FDA’s standards for approval.

Comirnaty contains messenger RNA (mRNA), a kind of genetic material. The mRNA is used by the body to make a mimic of one of the proteins in the virus that causes COVID-19. The result of a person receiving this vaccine is that their immune system will ultimately react defensively to the virus that causes COVID-19. The mRNA in Comirnaty is only present in the body for a short time and is not incorporated into - nor does it alter - an individual’s genetic material. Comirnaty has the same formulation as the EUA vaccine and is administered as a series of two doses, three weeks apart.

"Our scientific and medical experts conducted an incredibly thorough and thoughtful evaluation of this vaccine. We evaluated scientific data and information included in hundreds of thousands of pages, conducted our own analyses of Comirnaty’s safety and effectiveness, and performed a detailed assessment of the manufacturing processes, including inspections of the manufacturing facilities,” said Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. "We have not lost sight that the COVID-19 public health crisis continues in the U.S. and that the public is counting on safe and effective vaccines. The public and medical community can be confident that although we approved this vaccine expeditiously, it was fully in keeping with our existing high standards for vaccines in the U.S."

* * *

While this is definitely a 'win' for Pfizer, BioNTech and their shareholders, it's not the end of the road as far as the approval process is concerned: The FDA is now expected to weigh approval of a booster dose, which the Biden Administration is pushing for before Sept. 20, when it expects to start doling out jabs to the most vulnerable patients.

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  Christians: Pay Attention To What Is Happening To Nick Fuentes, Because You’re Next
Posted by: SAguide - 08-23-2021, 10:46 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Christians: Pay Attention To What Is Happening
To Nick Fuentes, Because You’re Next
By Andrew Torba

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FG2Mc...f=1&nofb=1]
You have to ask yourself: why is this happening to Nick and
what are they so afraid of a 22 year old young man for?

You may have heard that CPAC, the establishment right’s cool kids club conference for “conservatives,” was going on in Texas this weekend. President Donald Trump was there among many Republican members of Congress and the familiar faces of Paul Ryan’s controlled opposition network Fox News.

The most powerful speech wasn’t delivered at CPAC, not even by President Trump. Instead it was delivered from a hotel across the street by a 22 year old college drop out who was banned from Twitter and thrown out of the “Uncanceled” CPAC event.

I encourage you to watch his speech in full before your rush to any judgement and see what the “most dangerous man in America” has to say for himself.

Is Nick Fuentes what the talking heads on Fox News and the controlled opposition at Breitbart said he is, or is he perhaps saying something compelling that very powerful people, on both the left and the right, don’t want you to hear?

Nick Fuentes is the civil rights hero of our time.

In an age where young, straight, White, Christian men who hold Biblical values are being treated as second class citizens for their political and religious beliefs, Nick Fuentes is a voice of reason.

In an age where Christians of every race are being silenced and censored by Big Tech oligarchs, Nick Fuentes is a shining example of where things are going for us all if we dare to simply say “no” and crack a few jokes about the American Regime.
Nick is banned from flying in airplanes, banned from all of Big Tech platforms and payment processors, he had his money seized by the feds, he is defamed by special interest groups and media outlets with billions in assets, and worst of all he is attacked by fake “conservatives” and swiftly judged by fellow “Christians” who conserve absolutely nothing and serve as mere pawns of the Satanic elites.

You have to ask yourself: why is this happening to Nick and what are they so afraid of a 22 year old young man for?

Nick has never advocated for violence. He has millions of fans and followers from around the world from every race and creed. He advocates for putting our country and its people–all of its people, first in our political policy, and for proclaiming his faith in Jesus Christ as King. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nick is making Christianity cool again.

Nick is a Christian young man who openly proclaims Jesus Christ as King in front of millions of young people. At a time when it seems like the youth have all but abandoned Christ, Christians should be rejoicing that a bright and talented young man is speaking God’s Truth to the wicked and demonic powers of this world-and bringing souls to Christ in the process.
You may not like his style and he certainly makes mistakes as we all do, but the Holy Spirit sometimes uses people we least expect in ways we least expect to do magnificent things for the Kingdom of God.

Nick is a young guy who is having fun, making jokes, and capturing the attention of millions of his peers in a new cohort of voters and political activists.

More importantly: Nick is building a new generation of young Christians who are undoing 100+ years of false and deceptive theology in American Christianity, blatantly wrong and purely fictional false eschatology, and the fundamental lack of Biblical understanding and Christian leadership in every branch of the faith.

I believe that these two things are what make the Satanic Elites so angry. Nick is a young kid in the prime of his youth having fun, glorifying and bringing young people to Christ, while running intellectual and rhetorical circles around people twice his age and making fools out of trillion dollar multi-national corporations and spineless politicians.

You may not like it, but Nick Fuentes and the millions of young Christian men and women like him are the future. Get used to it. We’re not going anywhere and we grow stronger by the day. America First Christian Nationalism is inevitable.
[Image: dc1cf476acc1958b.png]

Nick is single handedly shifting the Overton Window further to the right than any “conservative” thinker in the past 100 years with a live stream show from his childhood bedroom. Only in America is this possible. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit is it happening.

In a just and civil Christian society, we do not judge individuals based on what other much more powerful people say about them. We take the time to listen to what it is they have to say with an open mind and an open heart.

Regardless of what you may have heard from your “trusted sources” of information and news about Nick Fuentes, you need to pause and reflect on what is happening to him, who is doing it, and why.

If you are a Christian, the things that have happened to Nick will most certainly be happening to you very soon.
I know this because they have happened to me. As a Christian technology entrepreneur I’ve faced tremendous challenges from the Enemy over the past five years. I’ve been banned from payment processors, app stores, hosting providers, email services, multiple banks, and even VISA. I’ve been defamed and smeared by media outlets all over the world.

Why? Because I built a website that allows people, including Nick, to speak freely on the internet. Because I openly proclaim that Jesus Christ is King as the public CEO of a social network that is used by tens of millions of people every month.

What is happening to Nick, and what has happened to me, will eventually happen to you. Now is the time to start caring about what is going on here.
The Enemy wants to gaslight us into violence. They want to paint us all as “violent extremists,” “racists” and “anti-semites.” In reality we are just normal Christian people with families who are fed up. This is a peaceful movement and Gab is a peaceful community.

We are builders, reformers, men and women of God. We do not destroy things. We build civilizations. We build roads, bridges, airplanes, space ships, and the internet. We explore the world and the stars. We spread the Gospel to every nation.

God is righteously judging our county, but do not be tempted by The Enemy’s deception and lies, including about Nick Fuentes and Gab. We are going to sit back and watch as the woke American Regime consumes itself. While this happens we are going to peacefully rebuild and we’re going to have fun and glorify God doing it.
We are building new channels of communication. New sources of information. New marketplaces. New economies. New cities. We will rebuild it all, just as we’ve done many times before.

Get out of the cities, get your kids out of woke schools, stop watching controlled opposition media, stop using Big Tech services, stop buying products from brands who hate you, shop local, start a small business, get involved in your local community, and sit tight.
God is in control, and Logos is rising.

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab.com
Jesus is King
July 11th, 2021

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  Fr DePauw, "The Ecumaniacs"
Posted by: SAguide - 08-23-2021, 10:26 AM - Forum: Fr. Gommar de Pauw - No Replies

"The Ecumaniacs"

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  August 23rd – St Philip Benizi, Confessor
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2021, 07:36 AM - Forum: August - No Replies

August 23 – St Philip Benizi, Confessor
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Guéranger  (1841-1875)

[Image: vision.jpg?w=468&ssl=1]

Our Lady is now reigning in heaven. Her triumph over death cost her no labor; and yet it was through suffering that she like Jesus entered into her glory. We too cannot attain eternal happiness otherwise than did the Son and the Mother. Let us keep in mind the sweet joys we have been tasting during the past week; but let us not forget that our own journey to heaven is not yet completed. “Why stand ye looking up into heaven!” said the Angels to the disciples on Ascension day, in the name of the Lord who had gone up in a cloud; for the disciples, who had for an instant beheld the threshold of heaven, could not resign themselves to turn their eyes once more down to this valley of exile. Mary, in her turn, sends us a message today from the bright land whither we are to follow her, and where we shall surround her, after having in the sorrows of exile merited to form her court: without distracting us from her, the Apostle of her dolors, Philip Benizi, reminds us of our true condition as strangers and pilgrims upon earth.

Combats without fears within: such for the most part was Philip’s life, as it was also the history of his native city Florence, of Italy too, and indeed of the whole Christian world, in the 13th century. At the time of his birth, the city of flowers seemed a new Eden for the blossoms of sanctity that flourished there; nevertheless it was a prey to bloody factions, to the assaults of heresy, and to the extremity of every misery. Never is hell so near us as when heaven manifests itself with greatest intensity; this was clearly seen in that age, when the serpent’s head came in closest contact with the heel of the Woman. The old enemy, by creating new sects had shaken the faith in the very center of the provinces surrounding the eternal city. While in the east Islam was driving back the last crusaders, in the West the Papacy was struggling with the empire, which Frederick II had made as a fief of Satan. Throughout Christendom social union was undone, faith had grown weak, and love cold; but the old enemy was soon to discover the power of the reaction heaven was preparing for the relief of the aged world. Then it was that our Lady presented to her angered Son Dominic and Francis, that, by uniting science with self-abnegation, they might counterbalance the ignorance and luxury of the world, then too, Philip Benizi, the Servite of the Mother of God, received form her the mission of preaching through Italy, France, and Germany the unspeakable sufferings whereby she became the co-redemptress of the human race.

Quote:Philip was born at Florence of the noble family of the Benizi, and from his very cradle gave signs of his future sanctity. When he was scarcely five months old he received the power of speech by a miracle, and exhorted his mother to bestow an alms on the Servants of the Mother of God. As a youth, he pursued his studies at Paris, where he was remarkable for his ardent piety, and enkindled in many hearts a longing for our heavenly fatherland. After his return home he had a wonderful vision in which he was called by the Blessed Virgin to join the newly-founded Order of the Servites. He therefore retired into a cave on Mount Senario, and there led an austere and penitential life, sweetened by meditation on the sufferings of our Lord. Afterwards he travelled over nearly all Europe and great part of Asia, preaching the Gospel and instituting everywhere the Sodality of the Seven Dolors of the Mother of God, while he propagated his Order by the wonderful example of his virtues.

He was consumed with love of God and zeal for the propagation of the Catholic faith. In spite of his refusals and resistance he was chosen General of his Order. He sent some of his brethren to preach the Gospel in Scythia, while he himself journeyed from city to city of Italy repressing civil dissensions, and recalling many to the obedience of the Roman Pontiff. His unremitting zeal for the salvation of souls won the most abandoned sinners from the depths of vice to a life of penance and to the true love of Jesus Christ. He was very much given to prayer and was often seen rapt in ecstasy. He loved and honored holy virginity, and preserved it unspotted to the end of his life by means of the greatest voluntary austerities.

He was remarkable for his love and pity for the poor. On one occasion when a poor leper begged an alms of him, at Camegliano, a village near Sienna, he gave him his own garment, which the beggar had no sooner put on than his leprosy was cleansed. The fame of this miracle having spread far and wide, some of the Cardinals who were assembled at Viterbo for the election of a successor to Clement IV, then lately dead, thought of choosing Philip as they were aware of his heavenly prudence. On learning this, the man of God, fearing lest he should be forced to take upon himself the pastoral office, hid himself at Montamiata until after the election of Pope Gregory X. By his prayers he obtained for the baths of that place, which still bears his name, the virtue of healing the sick. At length, in the year 1285, he died a most holy death at Todi, while in the act of kissing the image of his crucified Lord, which he used to call his book. The blind and lame were healed at his tomb, and the dead were brought back to life. His name having become illustrious by these and many other miracles, Pope Clement X enrolled him among the Saints.

Philip, draw near, and join thyself to this chariot. When the world was smiling on thy youth and offering thee renown and pleasures, thou didst receive this invitation from Mary. She was seated in a golden chariot which signified the religious life; a mourning mantle wrapped her round; a dove was fluttering about her head; a lion and a lamb were drawing her chariot over precipices from whose depths were heard the groans of hell. It was a prophetic vision: thou wast to traverse the earth accompanied by the Mother of sorrows, and this world which hell had already everywhere undermined, was to have no danger for thee; for gentleness and strength were to be thy guides, and simplicity thy inspirer: Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the land.

But this gentle virtue was to avail thee chiefly against heaven itself; heaven, which wrestles with the mighty, and which had in store for thee the terrible trial of an utter abandonment, such as had made even the God-Man tremble. After years of prayer and labor and heroic devotedness, for thy reward thou wast apparently rejected by God and disowned by the Church, while imminent ruin threatened all those whom Mary had confided to thee. In spite of her promises, the existence of thy sons the Servites was assailed by no less an authority than that of two General Councils, whose resolutions the Vicar of Christ had determined to confirm. Our Lady gave thee to drink of the chalice of her sufferings. Thou didst not live to see the triumph of a cause which was hers as well as thine; but as the ancient patriarchs saluted from afar the accomplishment of the promises, so death could not shake thy calm and resigned confidence. Thou didst leave thy daughter Juliana Falconieri to obtain by her prayers before the face of the Lord, what thou couldst not gain from the powers of this world.

The highest power on earth was once all but laid at thy feet; the Church, remembering the humility wherewith thou didst flee from the tiara, begs thee in the Collect for today to obtain for us, that we may despise the prosperity of this world and seek heavenly goods alone; deign to hear her prayer. But the Faithful have not forgotten that thou wert a physician of the body before becoming a healer of souls; they have great confidence in the water and bread blessed by thy sons on this feast, in memory of the miraculous favors granted to their father: graciously regard the faith of the people, and reward the special honor paid to thee by Christian physicians. Now that the mysterious chariot, shown thee at the beginning, has become the triumphal car whereon thou accompaniest our Lady in her entrance into heaven, teach us so to condole, like thee, with her sorrows, that we may deserve to be partakers with thee in her eternal glory.

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  Archdiocese of Manila to train priests to other fields of specialization
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2021, 07:18 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Spiritual] - No Replies

Archdiocese of Manila to train priests to other fields of specialization

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Archdiocese of Manila website | August 19, 2021

With the hope to enhance the skills of the clergy and be able to respond in times of crisis, Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula plans to send priests for other fields of specialization to help the faithful, especially now that the country is currently facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his on-air pastoral visit via Radio Veritas’ “Barangay Simbayanan” on August 16, Cardinal Advincula said that he wanted the priests to be able to respond to the people’s conditions as a result of the social and economic repercussions brought by the coronavirus.

“Kailangan din natin ng mga kaparian who will dedicate themselves especially sa mga areas of psychology, counselling, mga interventions na ito especially nitong pandemic na ito. Nakita natin na kailangan talaga, may mga pari rin tayo sa different areas of specialization,” he said.

While the archdiocese is addressing its scarcity of priests and the lack of those who want to enter to seminaries, the Archbishop of Manila expressed his intention to send priests to more advanced education to expand their knowledge and skills in other fields of specialization.

“Alam ko na compared to the population of Manila, talagang maliit ang ratio ng ating mga kaparian. In fact, I still need to have an inventory of our priests here at hindi lang itong mga kaparian sa parokya because we also have to prepare our priests para mag-specialize on some areas so they will be also sent for further studies,” Cardinal Advincula stressed.

He also expressed his gratitude to the service of all religious orders and congregations who are filling the gaps made by the shortage of archdiocesan clergy.

Despite the limited movement created by quarantine restrictions within the National Capital Region, Cardinal Advincula is reaching out to all the workers of the Archdiocese of Manila and different sectors as he entered his third month as the 33rd Archbishop of the country’s premier metropolitan see. (Lem Leal Santiago/SOCOM-Binondo Church | File Photo of RCAM-AOC)

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  Audiobook series: The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2021, 06:51 AM - Forum: Resources Online - Replies (7)

Begins approx. 3:50 minute mark

The Secret of the Rosary

by St Louis De Montfort

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  Audiobook: The Great Biblical Commentary Of Cornelius À Lapide: Gospel According To Saint Matthew
Posted by: Stone - 08-23-2021, 06:42 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

The Great Biblical Commentary Of Cornelius À Lapide: The Gospel According To Saint Matthew (I - IV)

Cornelius Cornelii a Lapide was born in Belgium. He became a priest in 1595 and taught philosophy, and Hebrew, while also preaching and administering the Sacraments. In 1616 he was moved to Rome in the same capacity. Towards the end of his life, he devoted himself exclusively to completing and correcting his commentaries, which covered almost every part of the Bible.

The commentaries show a mastery of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Syriac and Arabic, in addition to a familiarity with the church fathers. His Latin commentaries stretched over 30 volumes and were the standard Catholic texts for understanding any part of scripture, until more modern times.

Cornelius Cornelii a Lapide SJ (né Cornelis Cornelissen van den Steen; 18 December 1567 – 12 March 1637) was a Flemish Catholic priest. He was a Jesuit and exegete of Sacred Scripture.

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