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  UK gov’t says over 240 people in Britain died shortly after receiving COVID jab
Posted by: Stone - 02-12-2021, 06:29 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

UK gov’t says over 240 people in Britain died shortly after receiving COVID jab
The report included in its ancillary material the information that a total of 8 miscarriages have been reported

LONDON, England, February 11, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A U.K. government vaccine safety review has revealed that 244 people, including 8 unborn babies, have died in Britain shortly after receiving one of two coronavirus vaccines. The government has said that it does not believe the inoculations are responsible.

An extensive report produced by the U.K. government today has detailed all the suspected side effects, including death, reported by medical staff or the people who received at least one Covid-19 vaccine between early December 2020 and January 31, 2021. The two vaccines currently in use in the U.K. are the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Oxford University/AstraZeneca. They were authorized by the country’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

According to the report:

Quote:The MHRA has received 143 UK reports of suspected ADRs to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 90 reports for the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine and 3 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified. The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness. Review of individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest the vaccine played a role in the death.

The report included in its ancillary material the information that 5 miscarriages were reported after the use of the Pfizer vaccine and 3 after the Oxford vaccine. 

The MHRA monitors the safety of the vaccines as they are used on the public, and to this end they introduced a “Yellow Card Scheme” to collect reports of any suspected side effects. 20,319 Yellow Card reports, including a total of 59,614 suspected adverse reactions, were made regarding the Pfizer vaccine. 11,748 were made regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine, which was rolled out only on January 4, 2021. 72 Yellow Card reports did not specify which vaccine was used.

The government’s report states that there were 3 - 4 Yellow Card reports per 1,000 doses, and stressed that the vast majority of inoculations have not been reported as having side effects. By January 31, it says, an estimated 6.6 million first doses of the Pfizer vaccine and an estimated 3 million first doses of the Oxford vaccine had been administered. In addition, half a million second doses, mostly of the Pfizer vaccine, had been used.

The report also explains that the number of Yellow Cards submitted was not unusual for a new vaccine which the public and medical professionals have been encouraged to review. It also says that there have not been as many Yellow Cards for the public use of the vaccine as there were reports of adverse reactions during the clinical trials.  For both the Pfizer and the Oxford vaccines, there were more than 1 in 10. Interestingly, the side effects for both vaccines are said to be “milder” and “less frequent” in people aged over 75.

The British roll-out has so far affected mostly the British elderly over 75, medical professionals and co-workers. The Yellow Card report says that the “overwhelming majority” of side effects happen soon after the vaccination and do not lead to complications:

Quote:For both vaccines, the overwhelming majority of reports relate to injection-site reactions (sore arm for example) and generalised symptoms such as ‘flu-like’ illness, headache, chills, fatigue (tiredness), nausea (feeling sick), fever, dizziness, weakness, aching muscles, and rapid heartbeat. Generally, these happen shortly after the vaccination and are not associated with more serious or lasting illness.

However, there have been reports of more serious damage associated with the vaccine, notably anaphylaxis and Bell’s Palsy. Now 130 “spontaneous adverse reactions associated with anaphylaxis or anaphylactoid reactions” in Britain have been reported for the Pfizer vaccine, and 30 have been reported for the Oxford vaccine. Bell’s Palsy, which involves facial paralysis or weakening of the facial muscles, has been reported 99 times for the Pfizer vaccine and 15 times for the Oxford vaccine. The MHRA says that because this ailment “can also occur naturally, an association with the vaccine in not yet confirmed.”

The report says that a “range” of “isolated or series of reports” of other serious suspected adverse reactions have been reported. It also said, however, that there were “currently no indications of specific patterns or rates of reporting” suggesting that the vaccines have been responsible for them. But its links to specific reports attached to each vaccine do show a clear picture of hundreds, or even thousands, of particular reactions that would be unpleasant to experience. 

Suspected adverse reactions after receiving Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine

A total of 59,614 suspected side effects were recorded after use of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

The link to the Pfizer vaccine analysis shows clearly that 1,437 blood disorders have been reported after inoculation, 1,204 of them being lymphadenopathy (enlarged or swollen lymph nodes). 712 cardiac disorders were reported, notably palpitations (303) and a speeding heart rate (230). 445 ear disorders were reported, including vertigo (146), ear pain (122), and varying amounts of hearing loss (31).

There were 823 references to eye disorders, including 145 reports of eye pain, 126 of blurred vision, and 5 of blindness. 6,605 gastrointestinal orders were reported, among them 2,889 cases of nausea, 924 cases of diarrhea, 775 cases of vomiting, and 283 cases of upper abdominal pain. Of the 19,354 “general disorders” reported, 4,007 were cases of fatigue, 3,665 were fevers, 2,310 were chills, 773 referred to vaccination site pain, 491 were “influenza-like illnesses.” There were 308 immune system disorders, mostly hypersensitivity (146) and anaphylactic reactions (116).

Ironically, there were 1,186 reported infections, including 308 cases (including “suspected cases”) of Covid-19 itself, 231 cases of influenza, and 154 upper respiratory tract infections. 

There were 224 injuries reported, and 357 metabolic disorders, of which 252 were decreased appetite. 8,129 muscle and tissue disorders were mentioned, of which 2,690 were muscle pain and 1,704 were joint pain. 11,160 nervous disorders were reported, including 5,506 headaches, 1,546 cases of dizziness, 45 seizures, 15 cases of paralysis, and 1 case of locked-in syndrome. There were 5 miscarriages reported.

Of the 830 psychiatric disorders reported, 162 were insomnia, 112 cases of being in a confused state, and 73 bouts of anxiety. Of the 120 renal & urinary disorders, 35 were renal pain and 12 were urinary incontinence. There were 187 reproductive and breast disorders mentioned, of which 31 were breast pain and 22 menorrhagia (heavy periods).

There were 2,397 respiratory disorders reported, including 520 cases of difficulty in breathing, 483 sore throats, and 426 cases of coughing. 3,947 skin disorders were reported, including at least 796 rashes and 776 cases of itchiness.  The 676 vascular disorders on record included 182 hot flushes.

Suspected adverse reactions after receiving Oxford University/AstraZeneca

A total of 42,649 suspected side effects were recorded after the use of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine.

The link to the Oxford vaccine analysis indicates that 202 blood disorders have been reported after inoculation, 171 of them cases of changed lymph nodes. 406 cardiac disorders were reported, notably palpitations (214) and a speeding heart rate (141). 203 ear disorders were reported, including ear pain (88), vertigo (41), and varying amounts of hearing loss (31).

There were 456 references to eye disorders, including 191 reports of eye pain, 53 accounts of blurred vision, and 8 of blindness. 4,693 gastrointestinal [dis]orders were reported, among them 2,320 cases of nausea, 479 cases of diarrhea, 862 cases of vomiting, and 235 cases of abdominal pain. Of the 15,644 “general disorders” reported, 2658 were fatigue, 4562 were fevers, 2971 were chills, 100 were vaccination site pain, 579 were “influenza-like illnesses.” There were 90 immune system disorders, again mostly hypersensitivity (39) and anaphylactic reactions (28).

With the Oxford vaccine there were 695 reported infections, including 42 cases (including 2 “suspected cases”) of Covid-19 itself, 358 cases of influenza, and 74 upper respiratory tract infections. 

112 injuries were reported, and 491 metabolic disorders, of which 430 were decreased appetite. There were 5,427 muscle and tissue disorders, including 1,983 cases of muscle pain and 1,281 of joint pain. 9,328 nervous disorders were reported, including 5,112 headaches, 1,207 cases of dizziness, 40 seizures and 5 cases of paralysis.

There were 3 miscarriages.

748 psychiatric disorders were reported, including insomnia (195), confused state (92), and hallucinations (64). 112 renal & urinary disorders were reported, including renal pain (48) and frequent urination (22). There were 83 reproductive and breast disorders reported.

Of the 1,030 respiratory disorders reported, 282 were cases of difficulty in breathing, 209 were sore throats, and 169 were cases of coughing. 2,052 skin disorders were reported, especially excessive sweating (615), rashes (271) and itchiness (224. The 337 vascular disorders on record included 121 hot flushes.

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  April 1st - St. Hugh
Posted by: Elizabeth - 02-11-2021, 11:45 PM - Forum: April - No Replies

[Image: Apr+1+Hugh+of+Grenoble+1.jpg]
Saint Hugh
Bishop of Grenoble

It was the good fortune of Saint Hugh to receive, from his cradle, strong impressions of piety through the example and solicitude of his illustrious and holy parents. He was born at Chateauneuf in Dauphiné, France, in 1053. His father, Odilo, who served his country in an honorable post in the army, labored by all means in his power to make his soldiers faithful servants of their Creator, and by severe punishments, to restrain vice. By the advice of his son, Saint Hugh, in his later years he became a Carthusian monk, and died at the age of one hundred, having received Extreme Unction and Viaticum from the hands of his son. Under his direction, his mother had served God in her own house for many years by prayer, fasting, and abundant almsgiving; and Saint Hugh also assisted her in her last hours.

Hugh, from the cradle, appeared to be a child of benediction; in his youth he was recognized as such through his exceptional success in his studies. Having chosen to serve God in the ecclesiastical state, he accepted a canonry in the cathedral of Valence. His great sanctity and learning rendered him an ornament of that church, and at the age of twenty-seven he was chosen Bishop of Grenoble. Pope Gregory VII consecrated him in Rome, and inspired in him an ardent zeal for the Church's liberty and the sanctification of the clergy. He at once undertook to reprove vice and reform abuses, at that time rampant in his diocese, but found his efforts without fruit. He resolved therefore, after two years, to resign his charge, and retired to the austere abbey of Casa Dei, or Chaise-Dieu, in Auvergne.

There Saint Hugh lived for a year, a perfect model of all virtues in a monastery filled with saints, until Pope Gregory commanded him, in the name of holy obedience, to resume his pastoral charge, saying: Go to your flock; they need you. This time his sanctity effected great good in souls. His forceful preaching moved crowds and touched hearts; in the confessional he wept with his penitents, and aroused in them a deeper contrition. After a few years the face of his diocese had changed. His charity for the poor led him to sell even his episcopal ring and his chalice to assist them. During his episcopate the young Saint Bruno came to him for counsel, and it was Saint Hugh who assisted him in the foundation of the Carthusian Monastery in the mountains of the diocese of Grenoble, whose renown after a thousand years has not diminished.

Always filled with a profound sense of his own unworthiness, he earnestly solicited three Popes for leave to resign his bishopric, that he might die in solitude, but was never able to obtain his request. God was pleased to purify his soul by a lingering illness before He called him to Himself. He closed his penitential course on the 1st of April in 1132, two months before completing his eightieth year. Miracles attested the sanctity of his death, and he was canonized only two years afterwards, by Pope Innocent II.

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  Miracles of Lourdes
Posted by: Hildegard of Bingen - 02-11-2021, 02:58 PM - Forum: In Honor of Our Lady - No Replies

April, the month dedicated to the Holy Eucharist J.M.J. (from a Our Lady of the Rosary Library)



In 1858 in the grotto of Massabielle, near Lourdes, France, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous, a 14 year old peasant girl. She identified herself as The Immaculate Conception. She gave Bernadette a message for all: "Pray and do penance for the conversion of the world." The Church investigated Bernadette's claims for four years before approving devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes. Lourdes has since become one of the most famous shrines, attracting more than a million pilgrims each year. There have been thousands of miraculous cures at this shrine.

A Medical Bureau was established in 1882 to test the authenticity of the cures. The doctors include unbelievers as well as believers and any doctor is welcome to take part in the examination of the alleged cures. As many as 500 medical men of all faiths or no faith have taken advantage of the invitation each year. Many books and movies tell the story of Lourdes. Even Hollywood made a movie of this remarkable event in the 1940's entitled "The Song of Bernadette" which won six academy awards.

No one leaves Lourdes without a gain in faith. Moral and spiritual cures are more marvelous than physical cures. Some go to Lourdes with lifetime prejudices, yet their minds are cleared in a sudden manner. Frequently skepticism gives way to faith; coldness and antagonism become whole hearted love of God. Again and again those who are not cured of bodily pain receive an increase of faith and resignation -- true peace of soul. The story of one of the outstanding miracles that occurred at Lourdes is told below.


The case of Gabriel Gargam is probably one of the best known of all the thousands of cures at Lourdes, partly because he was so well known at the Shrine for half a century, partly because it was a twofold healing, spiritual and physical. Born in
1870 of good Catholic parents, he gave early promise of being a clever student and a fervent Catholic. The promise was not fulfilled in the most important respect for, at
15 years of age, he had already lost his faith. He obtained a position in the postal service and was carrying out his duties as a sorter in December of 1899, when the train on which he was traveling from Bordeaux to Paris collided with another train, running at 50 miles per hour, Gargam was thrown fifty two feet from the train. He lay in the snow, badly injured and unconscious for seven hours. He was paralyzed from the waist down. He was barely alive when lifted onto a stretcher. Taken to a hospital, his existence for some time was a living death. After eight months he had wasted away to a mere skeleton, weighing but seventy-eight pounds, although normally a big man.
His feet became gangrenous. He could take no solid food and was obliged to take nourishment by a tube. Only once in twenty-four hours could he be fed even that way.
He brought suit for damages against the railroad. The Appellate Court confirmed the verdict of the former courts and granted him 6,000 francs annually, and besides, an indemnity of 60,000 francs.

Gargam's condition was pitiable in the extreme. He could not help himself even in the most trifling needs. Two trained nurses were needed day and night to assist him. That was Gabriel Gargam as he was after the accident, and as he would continue to be until death relieved him. About his desperate condition there could be no doubt. The railroad fought the case on every point. There was no room for deception or hearsay.
Two courts attested to his condition, and the final payment of the railroad left the case a matter of record. Doctors testified that the man was a hopeless cripple for life, and their testimony was not disputed.

Previous to the accident Gargam had not been to Church for fifteen years. His aunt, who was a nun of the Order of the Sacred Heart, begged him to go to Lourdes. He refused. She continued her appeals to him to place himself in the hands of Our Lady of Lourdes. He was deaf to all her prayers. After continuous pleading of his mother he consented to go to Lourdes. It was now two years since the accident, and not for a moment had he left his bed all that time. He was carried on a stretcher to the train.

The exertion caused him to faint, and for a full hour he was unconscious. They were on the point of abandoning the pilgrimage, as it looked as if he would die on the way, but the mother insisted, and the journey was made.

Arrived at Lourdes, he went to confession and received Holy Communion. There was no change in his condition. Later he was carried to the miraculous pool and tenderly placed in its waters -- no effect. Rather a bad effect resulted, for the exertion threw him into a swoon and he lay apparently dead. After a time, as he did not revive, they thought him dead. Sorrowfully they wheeled the carriage back to the hotel. On the way back they saw the procession of the Blessed Sacrament approaching.

They stood aside to let it pass, having placed a cloth over the face of the man whom they supposed to be dead.

As the priest passed carrying the Sacred Host, he pronounced Benediction over the sorrowful group around the covered body. Soon there was a movement from under the covering. To the amazement of the bystanders, the body raised itself to a sitting posture. While the family was looking on dumbfounded and the spectators gazed in amazement, Gargam said in a full, strong voice that he wanted to get up. They thought that it was a delirium before death, and tried to soothe him, but he was not to be restrained. He got up and stood erect, walked a few paces and said that he was cured.

The multitude looked in wonder, and then fell on their knees and thanked God for this new sign of His power at the Shrine of His Blessed Mother. As Gargam had on him only invalid's clothes, he returned to the carriage and was wheeled back to the hotel.

There he was soon dressed, and proceeded to walk about as if nothing had ever ailed him. For two years hardly any food had passed his lips but now he sat down to the table and ate a hearty meal.

On August 20th, 1901, sixty prominent doctors examined Gargam. Without stating the nature of the cure, they pronounced him entirely cured. Gargam, out of gratitude to God in the Holy Eucharist and His Blessed Mother, consecrated himself to the service of the invalids at Lourdes.

He set up a small business and married a pious lady who aided him in his apostolate for the greater knowledge of Mary Immaculate. For over fifty years he returned annually to Lourdes and worked as a brancardier. The Golden Jubilee of his cure was the occasion of a remarkable celebration during the French National Pilgrimage in 1951. Mr. Gargam sat in a chair in the Rosary Square, surrounded by 1,500 sick and
50,000 other pilgrims while a description of his twofold healing was given by the celebrated apologist, Canon Belleney. His last visit to the Shrine was in August 1952: he died the following March, at the age of eighty-three years.

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  Spanish Freemasons praise Pope Francis, laud ‘International Fraternity Day’
Posted by: Stone - 02-11-2021, 02:04 PM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Spanish Freemasons praise Pope Francis, laud ‘International Fraternity Day’
The Spanish Grand Lodge has taken it unto itself publicly to endorse Pope Francis.

[Image: freemason_wax_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg]

February 10, 2021 (LifeSitenews) — For the second time in less than five months, the Gran Logia de España, Spain’s main masonic lodge, has expressed its profound satisfaction at Pope Francis’s involvement in the “Human Fraternity” initiative launched in Abu Dhabi on February 4, 2019. This time, the Spanish Freemasons published a long message welcoming the first ever International Day of Human Fraternity a few days ago, again on February 4, during which Pope Francis, together with Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayyeb, bestowed an award for peace and fraternity on U.N. secretary general António Guterres in an online ceremony.

That the Spanish Grand Lodge should have taken it unto itself thus publicly to endorse Pope Francis is not just a local reality: its grand master, Óscar de Alfonso, was elected to the post of executive secretary of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges in November 2019, making him the master Mason at the head of the Coordination of World Masonry — some four million people.

Back to Guterres. A self-proclaimed Catholic from Portugal, a former president of the Socialist International, and a proponent of “LGBT” rights, he used to be known for his previous personal rejection of legal abortion. But as U.N. secretary general, he promotes “sexual and reproductive health,” and he did so most energetically during the COVID-19 crisis, when his report was used by European States to ask for the ongoing availability of “safe and legal abortion,” following a demand from a “Human Rights Committee” of the United Nations.

Alongside “Fraternity,” which is one of the keywords of Freemasonry, access to contraception and abortion — as well as other aspects of the culture of death —– is a self-avowed goal of the Masons. A gynecologist and former grand master of the Grande Loge of France, Pierre Simon, wrote about the Freemasonry’s and his own personal involvement in making contraception and abortion legal in France in the 1960s and 1970s in an autobiographical book called De la vie avant toute chose (Of Life before Everything, 1979).

The U.N.’s support for the avoiding and killing of babies could only encourage the Freemasons to commend the Pope and the imam’s commitment to “human fraternity” despite its obvious one-sidedness, which allows so many millions of the unborn to be deliberately eliminated every year.

The Italian daily Il Messaggero published a story this Tuesday underscoring the Spanish Grand Lodge’s “enthusiasm” about the first worldwide implementation of the Abu Dhabi Document on Human Fraternity — a document that obeys another principle of Freemasonry in that it presents the diversity of religions as “willed by God.” One of the main tenets of the Masons is the rejection of any kind of “dogma” — that is, a belief that must be accepted because it is held to be true.

Quoting the Grand Lodge of Spain’s public statement, Il Messaggero noted that it pointed at the difficulties that had existed until now to have a full and meaningful dialogue for the construction of a common future. It did so with grandiloquence:

Quote:Is it possible that in the 21st century we can at last aspire to full Human Fraternity, to the mutual tolerance of our profound differences? Will we be able, among all of us, to build this dream? Universal Freemasonry holds its breath before the giant step taken by Humanity on February 4th, when, for the first time in its History, the world celebrated the International Day of Human Fraternity. In these dark days, what happened on February 4th is a ray of hope, the first stone to transform the world into a temple of fraternal love that can accommodate us all.

Later on in the day, the Grand Logia of Spain’s Twitter account published a long message similar to the above statement, which is now accessible in full here, together with ample quotes from Pope Francis’s words on the February 4 virtual meeting with al-Tayyeb, his co-signatory of the Abu Dhabi Document.

“Today fraternity is humanity’s new frontier,” said Pope Francis, and that was the phrase with which the Spanish freemasons opened their emphatic statement.

It went on to say:

Quote:Certainly, no television news programs opened with this news, dedicated as they are to this pandemic that is filling the narrative.

But the leaders of the two great religions of the planet, Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Ahmad el-Tayyeb, met once again, this time virtually, and they called each other “brother” again, to the scandal of those who still do not understand that fundamentalism is the path of hatred; they wanted to ask the world to listen to the call for #UniversalFraternity among all human beings to build together a common future.

“The Grand Imam of al-Azhar, the highest religious authority for 90 percent of Muslims, explained that the implementation of Human Fraternity will require “goodwill” and “determination in the solid and firm belief that we are all brothers and it is our right to live in #Peace, recognizing that the differences between us are the will of #God in His creation.”

Therefore, he called to “preach a message of #Peace, carry it around the world to all #Humanity, call for fraternity, cooperation and the end of wars and promote #Tolerance, harmony and the rejection of intolerance, hatred, power politics and arrogance,” in the hope that, from now on, every fourth of February will “Represent a bell-call, an appeal for the world to wake up, alert its leaders and call their attention to the need to consolidate the principles of #Peace.”

These words were followed by a series of tweets quoting extensively from Pope Francis’s video message for the International Day of Human Fraternity, available here, in particular this phrase: “We are brothers and sisters, born of one and the same Father. With different cultures and traditions, but brothers and sisters all. And it is in respect of our different cultures and traditions, of our different citizenships, that this fraternity needs to be built. Not by negotiating it. It is the moment for listening. It is the moment for sincere acceptance. It is the moment for certainty that a world without brothers and sisters is a world of enemies.”

Some days before the February 4 meeting, the Grand Provincial Lodge of Canarias, Spain had already voiced its approval of the event, typically illustrating its comments on its own website with a photoshopped picture of Pope Francis “kissing” Imam al-Tayyeb on the mouth (after another photoshopped picture, the one showing Pope Benedict XVI “kissing” an imam, used as publicity by the Italian fashion house Benetton in 2011 before confessing to the fraudulent editing of the image).

The Grand Lodge of Canarias made clear why the Freemasons are so happy with the Abu Dhabi initiative and all its ramifications, including the proclamation of the International Day of Human Fraternity:

The capital principle of Freemasonry, the universal fraternity of our heterogeneous Humanity, has been elevated to an international day by the United Nations. Its General Assembly has proclaimed February 4 as the International Day of Human Fraternity in memory of the joint declaration in favor of fraternity signed in Abu Dhabi two years ago by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad al-Tayyeb. The UN statement stresses “the importance of greater awareness of different cultures and religions or beliefs and of education in the promotion of tolerance, which implies acceptance of and respect for religious and cultural diversity.”

“Tolerance, pluralistic tradition, mutual respect and diversity of religions and beliefs promote human fraternity,” the General Assembly affirms. The celebration of Human Fraternity will be an expression of the “deep concern regarding acts that advocate religious hatred” undermining “the spirit of tolerance and respect for diversity.” In the face of the fundamentalism that different religions have shown throughout their history, February 4 should open us to a new way of understanding our own spirituality, “recognizing the valuable contribution of people of all religions, or beliefs, to humanity and the contribution that dialogue among all religious groups can make towards an improved awareness and understanding of the common values shared by all humankind.”

Note that the Freemasons see this as a call to understand their own “spirituality.” Behind the diversity of religions, there is in fact a new, overarching religion, a new spirituality, full of (false) dogmas that the freemasons are apparently so eager to reject — the very rejection of truth is one of them, together with the priority given to “universal fraternity” without its justification, which is the being of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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  CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot
Posted by: Stone - 02-11-2021, 12:27 PM - Forum: Health - Replies (1)

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

Breaking News - CA | February 10, 2021 

The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).  The CDC quickly took down the page, along with Google, but the site was luckily cached and saved to symbolize this grand admission.

[Image: CDC_Polio.png]

To further confirm this unbelievable admission, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago Dr. Michele Carbone has been able to independently verify the presence of the SV40 virus in tissue and bone samples from patients who died during that era. He found that 33% of the samples with osteosarcoma bone cancers, 40% of other bone cancers, and 60% of the mesothelioma’s lung cancers all contained this obscure virus. This leaves the postulation that upwards of 10–30 million actually contracted and were adversely affected by this virus, to be deadly accurate.

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  YouTube completely bans LifeSiteNews, removes all videos
Posted by: Stone - 02-11-2021, 08:27 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - Replies (1)

YouTube completely bans LifeSiteNews, removes all videos

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

Conservative News Daily | February 10, 2021 

In another act of Big Tech censorship, YouTube has banned the popular pro-life website LifeSiteNews from its platform and completely removed all of the videos posted on its channel.

“YouTube just completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel. This isn’t a temporary ban; every single one of our videos is completely gone,” LifeSiteNews reported Wednesday.

“Thankfully, we have backups of all our videos, but this means hundreds of thousands of people have lost access to our truth-telling content,” staff writers said in an article describing what happened.

The article directs users to watch LifeSiteNews videos on Rumble, a YouTube competitor favored by conservatives concerned about censorship from other social media platforms.

According to LifeSiteNews, the website lost access to “more than 300,000 followers” after being removed from YouTube.

Previously, YouTube suspended LifeSite’s channel for one week last November after allegations of “medical misinformation” were made against a video featuring comments from a medical doctor. The comments were made by Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, CEO and medical director of Western Medical Assessments, who said there was “utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians” about the coronavirus. He went on to say that the media reaction to and the politics of the coronavirus were “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” He also said that masks were “utterly useless.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people wear masks in public settings, at events, and gatherings, or anywhere else they are around people to limit the potential spread of the coronavirus.

On Nov. 18, YouTube also flagged another LifeSite video, titled “Catholic Christmas traditions to instill faith in your kids.” According to LifeSiteNews, that video also received a “medical misinformation” label before YouTube removed the video.

In a statement made to the Media Research Center, LifeSiteNews editor in chief and co-founder John-Henry Westen said the website remains undaunted by YouTube’s censorship.

“The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the Lord! With just over 314,000 subscribers and an average of 50K+ views on each episode of our flagship show, with some of our shows reaching over 2 million views, YouTube de-platformed LifeSiteNews, the world’s #1 pro-life news website,” Westen said.

LifeSite’s video content can still be accessed directly at LifeSiteNews.com, of course. We will continue to speak the truth of Christ and will not give in to the threats of Big Tech and the censors who wish to remove Biblical truths [from] the public square. God’s Word will spread over the whole earth whether Google likes it or not. We are taking legal steps too, of course, so we would appreciate your prayers and any support that you feel called to give.”

YouTube has previously come under fire from conservatives for taking action to suppress content it deems misleading to viewers.

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  CDC Study Finds Two Masks Are Better Than One
Posted by: Stone - 02-11-2021, 08:17 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Here We Go: CDC Study Finds Two Masks Are Better Than One – Just One Week After Fauci Backtracks on Wearing Multiple Face Masks

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Gateway Pundit | February 10, 2021 

A new CDC study found wearing two face masks are better than one in slowing the spread of Covid-19.

This new government study on double masking was released one week after Dr. Fauci backtracked on the insane idea of wearing multiple masks.

ABC News reported:
Quote:U.S. government researchers found that wearing two masks are better than one in slowing coronavirus spread, but health officials stopped short of recommending that everyone double up.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday reported the results of a lab experiment that spaced two artificial heads 6 feet from each other and checked to see how many coronavirus-sized particles spewed by one were inhaled by the other.

The researchers found that wearing one mask — surgical or cloth — blocked around 40% of the particles coming toward the head that was breathing in. When a cloth mask was worn on top of a surgical mask, about 80% were blocked.

When both the exhaling and inhaling heads were double-masked, more than 95% of the particles were blocked, said the CDC’s Dr. John Brooks.

Here’s a brief history on mask recommendations given by Fauci and the CDC in the last several months:

On March, 8 2020 — Dr. Anthony Fauci advised healthy Americans against wearing face masks.

In April 2020 — The CDC said Americans should be wearing face masks for the COVID.

In May 2020 — Dr. Anthony Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine have admitted that masks are little more than symbols. Virtue signaling.

On January 25, 2021 — Dr. Fauci told healthy Americans to wear two masks instead of one.

On January 31, 2021 —Last weekend Dr. Fauci backtracked on that insane idea of wearing multiple masks.

Here we are just over a week later and the CDC is claiming two masks are better than one.

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  Prayers in Honor of Our Lady of Lourdes
Posted by: Stone - 02-11-2021, 08:06 AM - Forum: In Honor of Our Lady - No Replies

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Litany of Our Lady of Lourdes

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.

Exalted model of all mothers,
Pray for us.*
Mother who didst suffer so much,*
Mother poor and without shelter,*
Mother who didst bear along forgotten roads the fruit of thy womb,*
Who didst find no other shelter for thy Son and thy God than a wild cave, and no other cradle than a manger,*
Who didst declare: "I am the Immaculate Conception,*
Who didst appear to an humble peasant girl in order to teach us humility,*
Who wast clad in a white robe to remind us of purity,*
Who didst wear a girdle of blue to remind us of Heaven,*
Who didst tread on a rose bush to remind us of the sufferings we must endure in order to merit Heaven,*
Who didst carry the Rosary to induce us to pray,*
Who hadst thy hands joined and thy eyes raised to Heaven to draw us to penance,*
Who art the Star of Hope,*
Who dost pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for us,*
Who dost give strength to the clergy,*
Who dost heal the sick,*
Who art the health of the weak,*
Refuge of sinners,*
Comforter of the afflicted,*

Our Lady of Lourdes, conceived without sin:
Pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Spare its, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us,

V. Pray for us, Our Lady of Lourdes, Holy Mother of God:
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:

O God, Who by the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin didst prepare a worthy habitation for Thy Son: we humbly beseech Thee, that we who celebrate the feast of the Apparition of the same holy Virgin, may obtain health both of soul and body. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

Indulgenced Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

O Holy Mary, Mother of God, who to reanimate the faith of the world and draw men to thy divine Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, didst deign to appear at Lourdes; thou who, in order to render more manifest thy maternal tenderness, and to inspire our hearts with greater confidence, didst choose a simple little child as the confidant of thy mercy; thou who didst say: "I am the Immaculate Conception" to make us understand the priceless value of that innocence which is the pledge of the friendship of God; thou who by eighteen successive apparitions didst not cease by thy actions and words to urge men to prayer and penance, which alone can appease Heaven and ward off the blows of divine justice; thou who, by a moving appeal to the world, hast reunited before the miraculous grotto an innumerable multitude of thy children; behold us, Our Lady of Lourdes, prostrate at thy feet, and confident of obtaining blessings and graces from God by thy most powerful intercession. Those who love thee, O Mother of Jesus Christ, Mother of men, desire above everything to serve God faithfully in this world, so as to have the happiness of loving Him eternally in Heaven. Listen to the prayers which we this day address to thee; defend us against the enemies of our salvation, and against our own infirmities; together with the pardon of our sins, obtain for us perseverance in the determination never to fall away again. We implore thee also to take under thy protection our friends and benefactors, and of these in a very special manner those who have abandoned the practice of their christian duties. May they be converted and become thy faithful servants. Amen.

(Indulgence 300 day, Pope Leo XIII)

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  Lourdes: A History of It's Apparition and Cures
Posted by: Stone - 02-11-2021, 07:58 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

A copy of the book, "Lourdes: A History of Its Apparitions and Cures," can be downloaded HERE.

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  Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes - February 11th
Posted by: Stone - 02-11-2021, 07:54 AM - Forum: Our Lady - Replies (5)

February 11 – Our Lady of Lourdes
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger (1841-1875)

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“My bow shall appear in the clouds and I will remember My covenant with you.”

The lessons at Matins on February 11th, 1854 (Thursday in Sexagesima week) recalled these words, and the world soon learned that on this very day Mary had appeared, more fair than the sign of hope which typified her at the time of the deluge.

Portents, the realization of which we see in these days, were being multiplied. Mankind had grown old, and seemed about to perish in a deluge more dreadful than the former one. “I am the Immaculate Conception,” said the Mother of divine grace to the humble child whom she chose at such a time to hear her message to the captain of the Ark of salvation. She pierced the gathering darkness with the light of that sublime privilege which the supreme pilot, to his eternal glory, had declared three years before to be dogma.

Indeed, if, as the beloved disciple says, it is our faith to which victory on earth is promised, and if faith is nourished by light—what individual dogma is there which so presupposes and recalls all other dogmatic truths, and at the same time throws such light upon them? It is a royal crown on the brow of the victorious queen, resplendent like the rainbow which breaks through the clouds with all the glories of heaven.

But perchance it was still necessary to open the eyes of the blind to these splendours, to inspire courage into hearts saddened by hell’s denials, and to infuse strength to make an act of faith into so many understandings weakened by the education of these days. The Immaculate Virgin summoned the multitudes to the scene of her blessed visit, and both sweetly and strongly succoured the weakness of souls by healing bodies. She smiled upon publicity, welcomed investigation, and confirmed by the authority of miracles her own words and the definition of the Vicar of Christ.

The Psalmist said that the works of God tell His praises in all tongues, and St. Paul taxes with folly and impiety those who will not accept this testimony. So too, we may say that the men of these times have no excuse if they do not recognize the blessed Virgin in her works. May she extend the field of her beneficence and take pity on that worst of diseases—that weakness of soul which refuses to see out of a secret fear of the conclusions to be drawn from the evidence, and struggles against the truth until the mind is filled with contradictions and the heart with darkness, so that it seems as though the reason itself were given over to that reprobate sense which St. Paul describes as striking the pagans in their flesh.

The things that take place at Lourdes are as famous as any events of contemporary history. 

Let us listen to the short account which the Church has enshrined in the Liturgy:

Quote:In the fourth year after the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, the blessed Virgin vouchsafed to appear on several occasions to a poor but pious and innocent child named Bernadette, in a rocky cavern overlooking the grotto of Massabielle on the banks of the Gave near the town of Lourdes in the diocese of Tarbes in France. She showed herself as a young and gracious figure, robed in white, with a white veil and blue girdle, and golden roses on her bare feet. At the first apparition on February 11, 1858, she taught the child to make the sign of the Cross correctly and devoutly, and, taking a chaplet from her own arm, encouraged her by example to say her rosary. This was repeated at subsequent apparitions. On the second day, Bernadette, who feared an illusion of the devil, in all simplicity cast holy water at the apparition, who smiled more graciously than before. At the third apparition Bernadette was invited to repeat her visits to the grotto for fifteen days, during which the blessed Virgin conversed with her, exhorted her to pray for sinners, kiss the ground and do penance, and finally commanded her to tell the priests that a chapel was to be built in the place and processions held. She was also bidden drink and wash in the water, and a spring, until then invisible, gushed out of the ground. On the feast of the Annunciation, the child earnestly begged the Lady who had so often visited her to reveal her name, and the blessed Virgin, joining her hands and raising her eyes to heaven, said: “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

Rumors of favors received at the holy grotto spread rapidly, and the crows of devout visitors increased daily, so that the Bishop of Tarbes, who had been impressed by the candor of Bernadette, found it advisable to hold a judicial enquiry into the facts. In the course of the fourth year he gave sentence, recognizing the supernatural character of the apparition, and permitting devotions to our Lady under the title of the Immaculate Conception to be held in the grotto. A chapel was soon built, and since then every year has witnessed innumerable pilgrimages from France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and all parts of Europe and America. The name of Our Lady of Lourdes has become famous all over the world, and cures are obtained everywhere by use of the water. Lourdes has been enriched by a grateful world with splendidly decorated churches, where countless banners bear witness to the favors received and to the desire of peoples and cities to adorn the house of the blessed Virgin, who is honored there as in her own palace. The days are filled with prayers, hymns and solemn ceremonies, and the nights are sanctified by the pious supplications of countless people who walk in procession carrying torches, and singing the praises of the blessed Virgin Mary.

All men know how, in spite of the coldness of the world, these pilgrimages have revived faith, restored the observance of the Christian religion, and increased devotion to the Immaculate Virgin. The Faithful are led by their priests in this marvellous development of faith and devotion. The Bishops make frequent visits to the holy spot, lead pilgrimages, and take part in the ceremonies, and the Cardinals of Holy Church are often seen in the humble quality of pilgrims. The Roman Pontiffs have shown their devotion to our Lady of Lourdes, and have bestowed remarkable favors on her sanctuary. Pius IX enriched it with indulgences, gave it the privilege of an Archconfraternity and the title of minor basilica, and delegated the Apostolic Nuncio in France to crown in his name the statue of the Mother of God. Leo XIII also granted many favors, including the jubilee of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Apparition. He encouraged pilgrimages, and ordained that the consecration of the Rosary Church should be performed in his name. Moreover, he crowned all these favors by conceding, at the request of many bishops, the celebration of a solemn feast under the title of the Apparition of Our Lady Immaculate, with a proper Office and Mass. Finally, Pius X, out of devotion to the Mother of God, granted the petition of many prelates that this feast should be extended to the Universal Church.
“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!” Thou didst teach us this prayer in 1830 as a safeguard against the dangers of the future. In 1846 the two shepherds of La Salette reminded us of thy tears and exhortations: “Pray for poor sinners, pray for the world which is so disturbed.” Today the little seer of the grotto of Massabielle brings us thy message: “Penitence! Penitence! Penitence!”

We desire to obey thee, O blessed Virgin, to combat in ourselves and all around us that enemy of mankind who is our only real enemy, and sin, that supreme evil which is the source of all others. Praise be to the Almighty, who saved thee from all stain of sin, and thus inaugurated in thee the full restoration of our fallen race. Praise be to thee, who, having no debts of thy own, didst pay our debts with the Blood of thy Son and the tears of His Mother, thus reconciling heaven and earth and crushing the head of the serpent.

Prayer, expiation—the Church from apostolic times has ever urged these thoughts upon us during the days which immediately precede Lent. Dear Mother in heaven, we bless thee for having thus united thy voice to that of our Mother on earth. The world no longer desired, no longer understood, the infallible but indispensible remedy offered by the justice and mercy of God to the misery of man. Men seem to have forgotten the words: “Except you do penance, you shall all perish.” Thy pity wakes us from this fatal stupor, O Mary. Thou knowest our weakness, and hast mingled sweetness in the bitter draught. Thou lavishest temporal favors upon man in order that he may ask of thee eternal blessings. We will not be like those children who welcome their mother’s caresses, but neglect her admonitions and the corrections which her tenderness sought to make acceptable. We will pray and suffer in union with Jesus and thee. By thine assistance during this Lent we will be converted and do penance.

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  March 31st - St. Nicholas of Flue
Posted by: Elizabeth - 02-11-2021, 12:18 AM - Forum: March - Replies (1)

[Image: Saint-Nicholas-of-Flue.jpg]
Saint Nicholas of Flue

Saint Nicholas of Flue was born in Switzerland of pious parents. One day, when he saw an arrow launched on a neighboring mountain, he was filled with a desire for Heaven and with love for solitude. He married, to obey the formal will of his parents; he and his wife Dorothy became the parents of ten children. His merit and virtue caused him to be chosen by his fellow citizens to exercise very honorable public functions.

He was fifty years old when an interior voice said to him: Leave everything you love, and God will take care of you. He had to undergo a distressing combat, but decided finally to leave everything — wife, children, house, lands — to serve God. He left, barefooted, clothed in a long robe of coarse fabric, in his hand a rosary, without money or provisions, casting a final tender and prolonged gaze on his loved ones. His habitual prayer was this: My Lord and my God, remove from me all that can prevent me from going to You. My Lord and my God, give me all that can draw me to You.

One night God penetrated the hermit with a brilliant light, and from that time on he never again experienced hunger, thirst or cold. Having found a wild and solitary place, he dwelt there for a time in a hut of leaves, later in a cabin built with stones. The news of his presence, when it spread, brought him a great influx of visitors. Distinguished persons came to him for counsel in matters of great importance. It may seem incredible that the holy hermit lived for nineteen years only by the Holy Eucharist; the civil and ecclesiastical authorities, startled by this fact, had his cabin surveyed and verified this fact as being beyond question.

When Switzerland for a moment was divided and threatened with civil war in 1480, Saint Nicholas of Flue, venerated by all, was chosen as arbiter, to prevent the shedding of blood. He spoke so wisely that a union was reached, to the joy of all concerned, and the nation was saved. Bells were set ringing all over the country, and the concerted jubilation echoed across the lakes, mountains and valleys, from the most humble cottage to the largest cities.

At the age of 70, Saint Nicholas fell ill with a very painful sickness which tormented him for eight days and nights without overcoming his patience. He was beatified in 1669 by Pope Clement IX, canonized in 1947, by Pope Pius XII.

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  March 30th - St. John Climacus
Posted by: Elizabeth - 02-11-2021, 12:16 AM - Forum: March - Replies (1)

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Saint John Climacus

Saint John, whose national origin remains unknown, was called Climacus because of a treatise he wrote called The Ladder (Climax) of Paradise. He made such progress in learning as a disciple of Saint Gregory Nazianzen that while still young, he was called the Scholastic. At the age of sixteen he turned from the brilliant future which lay before him, and retired to Mount Sinai, where he was placed under the direction of a holy monk named Martyrius. Once that religious journeyed to Antioch and took the young John with him; they visited Saint Anastasius, a future Patriarch of Antioch, and the Saint asked Martyrius who it was who had given the habit to this novice? Hearing that it was Martyrius himself, he replied, And who would have said that you gave the habit to an Abbot of Mount Sinai? Another religious, a solitary, made the same prediction on a similar visit, and washed the feet of the one who would some day be Abbot of Mount Sinai.

Never was there a novice more fervent, more unrelenting in his efforts for self-mastery. On the death of his director, when John was about thirty-five years old, he withdrew into a deeper solitude, where he studied the lives and writings of the Saints and was raised to an unusual height of contemplation. There he remained for forty years, making, however, a visit to the solitaries of Egypt for his instruction and inspiration. The fame of his holiness and practical wisdom drew crowds around him for advice and consolation.

In the year 600, when he had reached the age of seventy-five, he was chosen as Abbot of Mount Sinai by a unanimous vote of the Sinai religious, who said they had placed the light upon its lampstand. On the day of his installation, six hundred pilgrims came to Saint Catherine's Monastery, and he performed all the offices of an excellent hotel-master; but at the hour of dinner, he could not be found to share the meal with them. For four years, said his biographer, a monk of the monastery of Raithe, he dwelt on the mountain of God, and drew from the splendid treasure of his heart priceless riches of doctrine which he poured forth with wondrous abundance and benediction. He was induced by a brother abbot to write the rules by which he had guided his life; and the book which he had already begun, The Ladder, detailing thirty degrees of advancement in the pursuit of perfection, has been prized in all ages for its wisdom, clearness, and unction.

At the end of that time, he retired again to his solitude, where he died the following year, as he had foretold.

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  March 29th - Sts. Jonas and Barachisius and their Companions
Posted by: Elizabeth - 02-11-2021, 12:15 AM - Forum: March - Replies (1)

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Saints Jonas and Barachisius
and their Companions
(† 327)

King Sapor of Persia, in the year 327, the eighteenth of his reign, raised a bloody persecution against the Christians and laid waste their churches and monasteries. Jonas and Barachisius, two brothers of the city Beth-Asa, hearing that several Christians were under sentence of death at Hubaham, went there to encourage and serve them. Fear not, brothers, but let us combat for the name of Jesus crucified, and like our predecessors we shall obtain the glorious crown promised to valiant soldiers of the Faith. Fortified by these words, nine of that number received the crown of martyrdom.

After their execution, Jonas and Barachisius were apprehended for having exhorted the martyrs to die. The president entreated the two brothers to obey the king of Persia, and to worship the sun, the moon, fire, and water. They answered that it was more reasonable to obey the immortal King of heaven and earth than a mortal prince. Saint Jonas was beaten with knotty clubs and with rods until his ribs were visible, but he blessed God. Then he was chained by one foot and dragged to a frozen pond to spend the night there.

Saint Barachisius had two red-hot iron plates and two red-hot hammers applied under each arm, and melted lead dropped into his nostrils and eyes; after which he was carried to prison, and there hung up by one foot. Despite these cruel tortures, the two brothers survived and remained steadfast in the Faith. New and more horrible torments were then devised; both finally expired under a terrible press. They yielded up their heroic lives, praying for their enemies, while their pure souls winged their flight to heaven, there to gain the martyr's crown which they had so faithfully won.

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  Holy Rule of Saint Benedict
Posted by: Stone - 02-10-2021, 11:27 AM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - Replies (69)

Holy Rule Of Saint Benedict
Translated by Rev. Boniface Verheyen, OSB of St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, Kansas

[Image: stbendct.jpg]

Table Of Contents

Chapter I Of the Kinds or the Life of Monks
Chapter II What Kind of Man the Abbot Ought to Be
Chapter III Of Calling the Brethren for Counsel
Chapter IV The Instruments of Good Works
Chapter V Of Obedience
Chapter VI Of Silence
Chapter VII Of Humility
Chapter VIII Of the Divine Office during the Night
Chapter IX How Many Psalms Are to Be Said at the Night Office
Chapter X How the Office Is to Be Said during the Summer Season
Chapter XI How the Night Office Is to Be Said on Sundays
Chapter XII How Lauds Are to Be Said
Chapter XIII How Lauds Are to Be Said on Week Days
Chapter XIV How the Night Office Is to Be Said on the Feasts of the Saints
Chapter XV At What Times the Alleluia Is to Be Said
Chapter XVI How the Work of God Is to Be Performed during the Day
Chapter XVII How Many Psalms Are to Be Sung at These Hours
Chapter XVIII In What Order the Psalms Are to Be Said
Chapter XIX Of the Manner of Reciting the Psalter
Chapter XX Of Reverence at Prayer
Chapter XXI Of the Deans of the Monastery
Chapter XXII How the Monks Are to Sleep
Chapter XXIII Of Excommunication for Faults
Chapter XXIV What the Manner of Excommunication Should Be
Chapter XXV Of Graver Faults
Chapter XXVI Of Those Who without the Command of the Abbot Associate with the Excommunicated
Chapter XXVII How Concerned the Abbot Should Be about the Excommunicated
Chapter XXVIII Of Those Who Having Often Been Corrected Do Not Amend
Chapter XXIX Whether Brethren Who Leave the Monastery Ought to Be Received Again
Chapter XXX How Young Boys Are to Be Corrected
Chapter XXXI The Kind of Man the Cellarer of the Monastery Ought to Be
Chapter XXXII Of the Tools and Goods of the Monastery
Chapter XXXIII Whether Monks Ought to Have Anything of Their Own
Chapter XXXIV Whether All Should Receive in Equal Measure What Is Necessary
Chapter XXXV Of the Weekly Servers in the Kitchen
Chapter XXXVI Of the Sick Brethren
Chapter XXXVII Of the Aged and Children
Chapter XXXVIII Of the Weekly Reader
Chapter XXXIX Of the Quantity of Food
Chapter XL Of the Quantity of Drink
Chapter XLI At What Times the Brethren Should Take Their Refection
Chapter XLII That No One Speak after Complin
Chapter XLIII Of Those Who Are Tardy in Coming to the Work of God or to Table
Chapter XLIV Of Those Who Are Excommunicated - How They Make Satisfaction
Chapter XLV Of Those Who Commit a Fault in the Oratory
Chapter XLVI Of Those Who Fail in Any Other Matters
Chapter XLVII Of Giving the Signal for the Time of the Work of God
Chapter XLVIII Of the Daily Work
Chapter XLIX On the Keeping of Lent
Chapter L Of Brethren Who Work a Long Distance from the Oratory or Are on a Journey
Chapter LI Of the Brethren Who Do Not Go Very Far Away
Chapter LII Of the Oratory of the Monastery
Chapter LIII Of the Reception of Guests
Chapter LIV Whether a Monk Should Receive Letters or Anything Else
Chapter LV Of the Clothing and the Footgear of the Brethren
Chapter LVI Of the Abbot's Table
Chapter LVII Of the Artists of the Monastery
Chapter LVIII Of the Manner of Admitting Brethren
Chapter LIX Of the Children of the Noble and of the Poor Who Are Offered
Chapter LX Of Priests Who May Wish to Live in the Monastery
Chapter LXI How Stranger Monks Are to Be Received
Chapter LXII Of the Priests of the Monastery
Chapter LXIII Of the Order in the Monastery
Chapter LXIV Of the Election of the Abbot
Chapter LXV Of the Prior of the Monastery
Chapter LXVI Of the Porter of the Monastery
Chapter LXVII Of the Brethren Who Are Sent on a Journey
Chapter LXVIII If a Brother Is Commanded to Do Impossible Things
Chapter LXIX That in the Monastery No One Presume to Defend Another
Chapter LXX That No One Presume to Strike Another
Chapter LXXI That the Brethren Be Obedient to One Another
Chapter LXXII Of the Virtuous Zeal Which the Monks Ought to Have
Chapter LXXIII Of This, that Not the Whole Observance of Righteousness Is Laid Down in this Rule
Index of Scripture References

✠ ✠ ✠


Listen, O my son, to the precepts of thy master, and incline the ear of thy heart, and cheerfully receive and faithfully execute the admonitions of thy loving Father, that by the toil of obedience thou mayest return to Him from whom by the sloth of disobedience thou hast gone away.

To thee, therefore, my speech is now directed, who, giving up thine own will, takest up the strong and most excellent arms of obedience, to do battle for Christ the Lord, the true King.

In the first place, beg of Him by most earnest prayer, that He perfect whatever good thou dost begin, in order that He who hath been pleased to count us in the number of His children, need never be grieved at our evil deeds. For we ought at all times so to serve Him with the good things which He hath given us, that He may not, like an angry father, disinherit his children, nor, like a dread lord, enraged at our evil deeds, hand us over to everlasting punishment as most wicked servants, who would not follow Him to glory.

Let us then rise at length, since the Scripture arouseth us, saying: "It is now the hour for us to rise from sleep" (Rom 13:11); and having opened our eyes to the deifying light, let us hear with awestruck ears what the divine voice, crying out daily, doth admonish us, saying: "Today, if you shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts" (Ps 94[95]:8). And again: "He that hath ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches" (Rev 2:7). And what doth He say?--"Come, children, hearken unto me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord" (Ps 33[34]:12). "Run whilst you have the light of life, that the darkness of death overtake you not" (Jn 12:35).

And the Lord seeking His workman in the multitude of the people, to whom He proclaimeth these words, saith again: "Who is the man that desireth life and loveth to see good days" (Ps 33[34]:13)? If hearing this thou answerest, "I am he," God saith to thee: "If thou wilt have true and everlasting life, keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile; turn away from evil and do good; seek after peace and pursue it" (Ps 33[34]:14-15). And when you shall have done these things, my eyes shall be upon you, and my ears unto your prayers. And before you shall call upon me I will say: "Behold, I am here" (Is 58:9).

What, dearest brethren, can be sweeter to us than this voice of the Lord inviting us? See, in His loving kindness, the Lord showeth us the way of life. Therefore, having our loins girt with faith and the performance of good works, let us walk His ways under the guidance of the Gospel, that we may be found worthy of seeing Him who hath called us to His kingdom (cf 1 Thes 2:12).

If we desire to dwell in the tabernacle of His kingdom, we cannot reach it in any way, unless we run thither by good works. But let us ask the Lord with the Prophet, saying to Him: "Lord, who shall dwell in Thy tabernacle, or who shall rest in Thy holy hill" (Ps 14[15]:1)?

After this question, brethren, let us listen to the Lord answering and showing us the way to this tabernacle, saying: "He that walketh without blemish and worketh justice; he that speaketh truth in his heart; who hath not used deceit in his tongue, nor hath done evil to his neighbor, nor hath taken up a reproach against his neighbor" (Ps 14[15]:2-3), who hath brought to naught the foul demon tempting him, casting him out of his heart with his temptation, and hath taken his evil thoughts whilst they were yet weak and hath dashed them against Christ (cf Ps 14[15]:4; Ps 136[137]:9); who fearing the Lord are not puffed up by their goodness of life, but holding that the actual good which is in them cannot be done by themselves, but by the Lord, they praise the Lord working in them (cf Ps 14[15]:4), saying with the Prophet: "Not to us, O Lord, not to us; by to Thy name give glory" (Ps 113[115:1]:9). Thus also the Apostle Paul hath not taken to himself any credit for his preaching, saying: "By the grace of God, I am what I am" (1 Cor 15:10). And again he saith: "He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord" (2 Cor 10:17).

Hence, the Lord also saith in the Gospel: "He that heareth these my words and doeth them, shall be likened to a wise man who built his house upon a rock; the floods came, the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded on a rock" (Mt 7:24-25). The Lord fulfilling these words waiteth for us from day to day, that we respond to His holy admonitions by our works. Therefore, our days are lengthened to a truce for the amendment of the misdeeds of our present life; as the Apostle saith: "Knowest thou not that the patience of God leadeth thee to penance" (Rom 2:4)? For the good Lord saith: "I will not the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live" (Ezek 33:11).

Now, brethren, that we have asked the Lord who it is that shall dwell in His tabernacle, we have heard the conditions for dwelling there; and if we fulfil the duties of tenants, we shall be heirs of the kingdom of heaven. Our hearts and our bodies must, therefore, be ready to do battle under the biddings of holy obedience; and let us ask the Lord that He supply by the help of His grace what is impossible to us by nature. And if, flying from the pains of hell, we desire to reach life everlasting, then, while there is yet time, and we are still in the flesh, and are able during the present life to fulfil all these things, we must make haste to do now what will profit us forever.

We are, therefore, about to found a school of the Lord's service, in which we hope to introduce nothing harsh or burdensome. But even if, to correct vices or to preserve charity, sound reason dictateth anything that turneth out somewhat stringent, do not at once fly in dismay from the way of salvation, the beginning of which cannot but be narrow. But as we advance in the religious life and faith, we shall run the way of God's commandments with expanded hearts and unspeakable sweetness of love; so that never departing from His guidance and persevering in the monastery in His doctrine till death, we may by patience share in the sufferings of Christ, and be found worthy to be coheirs with Him of His kingdom.

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  IMF Wants to Use “digital footprint of customers’ … online activities” to Assess Creditworthiness
Posted by: Stone - 02-10-2021, 10:05 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

IMF Wants to Use “digital footprint of customers’ … online activities” to Assess Creditworthiness

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

The Organic Prepper | February 8, 2021

For years, researchers have warned of a system in which the government controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives. Every citizen would have to rely entirely on the government to survive in this system. This system has been openly discussed for many years by the “ruling class.” Aka: those who have been allotted social credit (or not) and power based upon their views and opinions. 

The system has already begun in China and is now spreading globally

In a recent post, “What is Really New In Fintech,” on the IMF blog (International Monetary Fund), authors Arnoud Boot, Peter Hoffmann, Luc Laeven, and Lev Ratnovski suggest “rapid technological change” in the financial industry. Many social media and other online platforms are now creating and accepting payments. This revolutionary change in the banking world could change the face of finance forever.

As a result of this rapid change, the authors bring up the following questions:
  • What are the transformative aspects of recent financial innovation that can uproot finance as we know it?
  • Which new policy challenges will the transformation of finance bring?
To answer these questions, the authors wrote: 
Quote:Recent IMF and ECB staff research distinguishes two areas of financial innovation. One is information: new tools to collect and analyse data on customers, for example for determining creditworthiness. Another is communication: new approaches to customer relationships and the distribution of financial products. We argue that each dimension contains some transformative components.

The authors mention the importance and functionality of “determining creditworthiness.” The method they want to use to do so can be found in the section labeled “New Types Of Information,” where they write (emphasis ours):

Quote:The most transformative information innovation is the increase in use of new types of data coming from the digital footprint of customers’ various online activities—mainly for creditworthiness analysis.

Credit scoring using so-called hard information (income, employment time, assets, and debts) is nothing new. Typically, the more data is available, the more accurate is the assessment. But this method has two problems. First, hard information tends to be “procyclical”: it boosts credit expansion in good times but exacerbates contraction during downturns.

The second and most complex problem is that certain kinds of people, like new entrepreneurs, innovators, and many informal workers, might not have enough hard data available. Even a well-paid expatriate moving to the United States can be caught in the conundrum of not getting a credit card for lack of credit record, and not having a credit record for lack of credit cards.

Fintech resolves the dilemma by tapping various nonfinancial data: the type of browser and hardware used to access the internet, the history of online searches, and purchases. Recent research documents that, once powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, these alternative data sources are often superior than traditional credit assessment methods, and can advance financial inclusion, by, for example, enabling more credit to informal workers and households, and firms in rural areas.

The type of browser used could potentially indicate a different ranking for browsers that heavily track users, like Chrome, vs. browsers that emphasize privacy, like Brave.

So what does this all mean for our financial future?

It means the IMF authors suggest the global banking network begin using a history of online searches and purchases to determine “creditworthiness.” In other words, do you read CNN and purchase sports memorabilia? You’re approved! Do you read The Organic Prepper and buy “conspiracy” or “prepping” material? We’re sorry, you can not be approved at this time based on your credit score.

In Brandon Turbeville’s 2019 article Social Media, Universal Basic Income, and Cashless Society: How China’s Social Credit System Is Coming To America he wrote:

Quote:“Unbeknownst to most people, there appears to be a real attempt to create a system in which all citizens are rationed their “wages” digitally each month in place of a paycheck or ability to gain or lose money. This system would see any form of dissent resulting in the cut off of those credits and the ability to work, eat, or even exist in society. It would not only be the end of dissent but of any semblance of real individuality.”

Turbeville outlines a plan to create a Universal Basic Income (UBI). The scheme, tied to a social credit system, will essentially cut off the financial lifeline to anyone who does not entirely tow the establishment line. I encourage you to take a look at the article and see for yourself how this scheme is coming together. For more information, here’s an article that compares UBI to modern feudalism.

With Biden’s new administration that is openly more “global” in its outlook, the IMF has already stated that it will seek to reset its relationship with the United States and that Biden’s “commitment to multilateral institutions and his pledge to re-enter the Paris climate agreement should help the IMF advance its own targets.”

And you thought it was challenging to gain approval before…

The pairing of online history with credit scores is bad enough. Doing so has prevented many otherwise creditworthy citizens from accessing what they need to start businesses, buy homes, rent apartments, or buy cars. Some states have suggested laws that use your search history and social media when being assessed for your worthiness to purchase a firearm, and the Bank of America has made it incredibly clear just this past week that your purchases and financial records are by no means private.

However, pairing both of those with the Universal Basic Income is even worse. We are fast approaching a time where even the slightest difference of opinion from the norm (i.e., the ruling class) can result in a complete freeze out of the “offender” from the entire society.

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