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  Devotion to the Steps of The Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:39 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Devotion to the Steps of The Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by St Alphonsus de Ligouri

+ + +

Steps of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
By St. Alphonsus Liguori

A short devotion to the suffering of Our Saviour
(Taken from St. Alphonsus Prayer-Book (1888), page 169-171)

O Most Sweet Jesus, Who while praying in the Garden, didst sweat blood, wast in agony, and didst suffer a sorrow so great as to suffice to cause Thee death, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, Who was betrayed by Judas with a kiss, and delivered over into the hands of Thine enemies, and then wast taken prisoner by them, and bound in chains and ropes, and abandoned by Thy disciples, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, declared by the council of the Jews guilty of death, and in the house of Caiphas was blindfolded with a piece of cloth, and then punched, buffeted, spit on, and derided, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, led away as a malefactor a criminal before Pilate, and then turned by Herod into ridicule, and treated as a madman, as a fool, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, stripped of Thy garments and bound to the pillar, and so cruelly scourged, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, crowned with thorns, covered with a red mantle, punched, buffeted and in mockery saluted as King of the Jews, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, rejected by the Jews, and placed after Barabbas, and then unjustly condemned by Pilate to die upon a cross, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, laden with the wood of the cross, and as an innocent lamb led away unto death, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, nailed upon the cross placed between two thieves, ridiculed and blasphemed, and for three hours suffering in agony of the most horrible torments, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, dead upon the cross, in sight of Thy most holy Mother, transfixed in Thy side with the spear, from whence there issued forth blood and water, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, taken down from the cross, and place in the bosom of Thine afflicted Mother, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

Most Sweet Jesus, Who, torn with stripes and stamped with Thy five wounds, wast laid in the sepulchre, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.

V. Surely He hath borne our infirmities.
R. And He hath carried our sorrows.

Let us Pray

O God, Who for the redemption of the world, didst will to be born, to be circumcised, rejected by the Jews, betrayed by the traitor Judas with a kiss, bound with cords, led as an innocent lamb to the sacrifice, and with so many insults taken before Annas, Caiphas, Pilate and Herod, accused by false witnesses, beaten with scourges and punches, overwhelmed with ignominies, spit upon, crowned with thorns, struck with the reed, blindfolded, stripped of Thy raiments, Thy clothing, fastened with nails to the cross, lifted up on the cross, numbered amongst thieves, with gall and vinegar, given Thee to drink and wounded with the spear in Thy heart – do Thou, Lord, by these sacred pains which I unworthy venerate, and in by Thy holy cross and death, deliver me from the hell, and vouchsafe to conduct me whither Thou dist conduct the thief that was crucified with Thee: Thou Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost forever and ever. Amen. So do I hope, and so may it be. Amen. - Source

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  Fr. Hewko: On St. Frances of Rome's Visions of Hell
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:33 PM - Forum: Sermons by Date - No Replies

Fr. Hewko: On St. Frances of Rome's Visions of Hell [Feast of St. Timothy - January 24, 2020]

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  Fr. Hewko: On the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Virtuous Antidotes
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:30 PM - Forum: Sermons by Date - No Replies

Sermon of  the Fourth Week of Advent [2019] - On the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Virtuous Antidotes

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  Fr. Hewko: In Defense of Infant Baptism
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:27 PM - Forum: Sermons by Date - No Replies

"In Defense of Infant Baptism" - Ember Friday in Advent [December 20, 2019] - in Massachusetts

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  Fr. Hewko: 'The Grandeur of the Ceremonies of the New Testament!'
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:24 PM - Forum: Sermons by Date - No Replies

Fr. Hewko's "The Grandeur of the Ceremonies of the New Testament!" is a powerful reminder of how the Priesthood and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass were both foreshadowed in the Old Testament and how they were both brought to their perfection in the New Testament. [2019]

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  Catechism for Advent: 'The Three Comings of Our Lord Jesus Christ'
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:20 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Advent Catechism: "The Three Comings of Our Lord Jesus Christ"  - 2019 in Raleigh, NC

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  Catechism for Advent: 'The Three Comings of Our Lord Jesus Christ'
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:20 PM - Forum: Advent - Replies (1)

Advent Catechism: "The Three Comings of Our Lord Jesus Christ"  - 2019 in Raleigh, NC

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  Catechism on Marriage
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:18 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Catechism on Matrimony - October 20, 2019

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  Catechisms on the Proofs of the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ [2016]
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:15 PM - Forum: Catechisms - No Replies

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Brief excerpt from this Catechism - 03:58
"We are in a crazy time but we got to start back to the basics. And I encourage you reading the writings of Archbishop Lefebvre. He is clear cut. The great thing about Archbishop Lefebvre is when you read him you are getting a full dose of all the papacy, all the popes documents, all the Magisterium of the Church, all the Fathers of the Church, of St. Thomas, all in one nutshell." [The Catacombs:Deo gratias for Archbishop Lefebvre! And Deo gratias for those few priests left who truly abide by the wisdom he showed in navigating this swamp of our modern world. For in following the wisdom of the Archbishop, we are simply following the wisdom of our Catholic Church, which he merely echoed, like a good and true Shepherd.]

[color=#71101d]Part V

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  Conference: 2019 'Rome Must Come Back to the Faith!'
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:06 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

Fr. Hewko: "Rome Must Come Back to the Faith!"
Conference in Michigan - July 13, 2019

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  Catechisms for Children
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 05:00 PM - Forum: Catechisms - Replies (1)

Children’s Catechism - May 2019 - England

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  Fr. Hewko: Leading the Litany of the Sacred Heart May 2019
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 04:59 PM - Forum: Fr. Hewko's Sermons, Catechisms, & Conferences - No Replies

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  Fr Hewko: Litany of the Holy Face and Benediction April 2019
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 04:57 PM - Forum: Fr. Hewko's Sermons, Catechisms, & Conferences - No Replies

Litany of the Holy Face and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament Easter Wednesday - April 24, 2019

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  Short Children's Catechism followed by Conference - April 2019
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 04:55 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

Short Children's Catechism followed by Conference for the Adults - April 14, 2019

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  Fr. Hewko: Leading the Rosary in the Home of a Catholic Family
Posted by: Stone - 12-12-2020, 04:50 PM - Forum: Fr. Hewko's Sermons, Catechisms, & Conferences - No Replies

A Family Rosary with Fr. Hewko -  in Wales - May 6, 2019

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