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  The Recusant: Bishop Williamson - More Novus Ordo Madness!
Posted by: Stone - 05-03-2023, 09:34 AM - Forum: True vs. False Resistance - Replies (5)

The Recusant.com:

Bishop Williamson: More Novus Ordo Madness!

Whereas we thought the issue had been dealt with, within recent weeks Bishop Williamson has released a series of “Eleison Comments” emails defending and elaborating on his novel position regarding the New Mass. Error, and indeed anything liable to harm or weaken the Faith, must be resisted vigorously, no matter from what quarter it emerges. Therefore some comment on this is necessary and unavoidable. We deal with them in reverse order, the most recent first. All the main (unattributed) quotes are from the “Eleison Comments” indicated.
Source:  stmarcelinitiative.com/eleison-comments/back-issue/

1. ‘Eleison Comments’ No.438 (5th December, 2015):
“Catholics, be generous! Recognize God’s goal / To save, outside “Tradition,” many a soul.”

Bp. Williamson:
“However, these [Novus Ordo] miracles – always assuming they are authentic – have lessons also for the Catholics of Tradition who have to some extent or another stood back from the Novus Ordo framework.”

Recusant Comment:
Is it really wise to “assume they are authentic”? (See 2. ‘Eleison Comments’ 437, p.24)

Secondly, “Novus Ordo framework” seems to mean ‘the conciliar church.’ But Archbishop Lefebvre told us not just to “stand back from” it “to some extent or another”, but to have nullam partem, nothing whatever to do with it! What new lessons do Catholics outside the conciliar church need to be taught, and why? And how do these “lessons” differ from what Archbishop Lefebvre taught us? Here is what Archbishop Lefebvre and the old SSPX had to say about the “extent” to which we should “stand back from” the “framework” of the conciliar church:
  • “We are suspended a divinis by the conciliar church, the conciliar church, to which we have no wish to belong! This conciliar church is a schismatic church because it breaks with the Catholic Church that has always been. It has its new dogmas, its new priesthood, its new institutions, its new worship… The church that affirms such errors is at once schismatic and heretical. This conciliar church is, therefore, not Catholic.” (‘Reflections on suspensio a divinis’, 1976)
  • “I should be very happy to be excommunicated from this conciliar church… It is a Church that I do not recognize. I belong to the Catholic Church.” (‘Minute’ interview, 30th July 1976)
  • “We have never wished to belong to this system that calls itself the conciliar church. To be excommunicated by a decree of your eminence…would be the irrefutable proof that we do not. We ask for nothing better than to be declared excommunicated…excluded from impious communion with infidels.”  (‘Open Letter to Card Gantin’, 6th July 1988)

Bp. Williamson:
“Therefore the NOM and the Novus Ordo Church as a whole are dangerous for the Faith, and Catholics are right who have clung to Tradition to avoid the danger. But as they have had to put a distance between themselves and the mainstream Church, so they have exposed themselves to the opposite danger of an isolation leading to a sectarian and even pharisaical spirit, disconnected from reality.”

Recusant Comment:
Why did Archbishop Lefebvre say he was happy about something which is in fact dangerous? Was he really so ignorant and irresponsible? Why did the SSPX superiors in 1988 write to Rome asking for something dangerous?

Or is not this talk about the “danger” of being “isolated” the “mainstream Church” (note - not the ‘conciliar church’) exactly what we have heard in recent years from Fr. Pfluger and Bishop Fellay? Likewise the supposed “danger” of becoming “pharasaical”, “sectarian” and “disconnected from reality” if we are not more open minded towards the conciliar church? Did Bishop Williamson get Fr. Pfluger to write this for him..?!

Bp. Williamson:
“...while since the 1960’s a mass of Catholic sheep have become too worldly to deserve to keep the true rite of Mass, [yet] they have loved the Mass enough not to lose it altogether.”

Recusant Comment:
So: people were too worldly to have the true Mass, but they had some redeeming virtue, so God rewarded them a little bit by letting them have the Novus Ordo? Does this not imply that the Novus Ordo is ‘good but not as good as’ the Traditional Mass? Yet the SSPX always used to say that the Novus Ordo is evil.

If the Novus Ordo is evil, surely those Catholics who lapsed and ended up with no Mass were better off? Does not the experience of the last 40 years bear this out: Catholics who lapsed forty years ago still sound like Catholics when one talks to them, whereas Catholics who have been pickled in the un-Catholic Novus Ordo for the last 40 years have nothing about them which previous generations would recognise as Catholic. Two generations of SSPX priests have witnessed how the former often convert easily back to Tradition, whereas the latter are virtually irretrievable and much harder to convert. How can God use the Novus Ordo, a rite which replaces ones Faith with another religion, as a reward for those who “have loved the Mass enough”..?

Bp. Williamson:
“The NOM [Novus Ordo Mass] may have been allowed by God to make it easier for Catholics to leave the Faith if they wanted to, but not impossible to keep it if they wanted to.”

Recusant Comment:
This seems to confirm our suspicions about the portion quoted above. Last year an SSPX priest told the London congregation that whereas the Traditional Mass gives a waterfall of grace, the New Mass gives only a trickle of grace. This idea that the New Mass is only “not as good as” the Traditional Mass seems to be what Bishop Williamson is advocating too when he says that it “makes it easier for Catholics to leave the Faith … but not impossible to keep it.”

This is very, very different from saying that it actually destroys and is harmful to one’s Faith. Not having Mass, a chapel, the Blessed Sacrament to visit, a priest to confess regularly to, being poorly catechised as a child or ignorance of Catholic doctrine generally, having a non-Catholic spouse - these are all things which make it easier to lose the Faith. To use an analogy: not having enough food or water, shelter or warm clothing in winter makes it easier to die. But if an evildoer puts arsenic in your tea or turns the gas at night on so that you are poisoned to death while you sleep, that is something altogether different. One is a mere defect, the other a positive evil. Once again, here is Archbishop Lefebvre:
  • “Let there be no mistake. It is not a question of a difference between Mgr. Lefebvre and Pope Paul VI. It is a question of the radical incompatibility between the Catholic Church and the Conciliar Church, the Mass of Paul VI being the symbol and the program of the Conciliar Church.” (Note to Agence France Presse, 12th July, 1976)
  • “Well! It is precisely the insistent demands of those sent from Rome that we change our rite which makes us reflect. And we are convinced that this new rite of Mass expresses a new faith, a faith which is not ours, a faith which is not the Catholic Faith. This new Mass is a symbol, an expression, an image of a new faith, a Modernist faith.” (Ordinations sermon at Econe, 29th June 1976)
  • “This Mass is not evil in a merely accidental or extrinsic way. There is something in it that is truly evil. It was based on the model of the Mass according to Cranmer and Taize. As I said in Rome to those who interviewed me: It is a poisoned Mass” (Abp. Lefebvre, 1981, see: ‘Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p.465)

2. ‘Eleison Comments’ No.437 (30th November, 2015):
“The eucharistic miracles are where / God shows that He Himself is truly there.”

Bp. Williamson:
“Facts are stubborn - as long as they are facts. If readers doubt that the eucharistic miracle of 1996 in Buenos Aires is a fact, let them undertake their own research..”

Recusant Comment:
The limited research of this author, given limited time and resources, suggest a couple of concerns, not least that there seem to be several accounts of what took place, particularly how/where/when the host was dropped, and also that at least two of the scientists whose testimony plays a major part in the story are Novus Ordo Catholics.

Bp. Williamson: “But if their research of that case leaves them unconvinced, then let them look up the parallel case of Sokólka in Poland, where a whole centre of pilgrimage has arisen around a eucharistic miracle of 2008. And a little more Internet research would surely discover accounts of more such Novus Ordo miracles, with at least some of them being authentic.”

Recusant Comment:
In other words: “There are lots of miracles! There are so many that at least one of them has to be genuine!” Non sequitur. If one is false, they might just as easily all be false. Like the man who falls for one scam after another and says to himself: “One of them has to be genuine!” If there are bogus Saints and bogus miracles in the Novus Ordo, then all that tells us is that we cannot trust the Novus Ordo to give us genuine Saints and miracles.

Bp. Williamson: "This is because the NOM, like Vatican II which it followed, is ambiguous, favours heresy and has led numberless souls out of the Church…”

Recusant Comment:
The last part, that the New Mass “has led numberless souls out of the Church” is correct. That Vatican II “is ambiguous”, however, is a dangerous lie, one subscribed to for years by many a Novus Ordo conservative, and sold to us more recently by Bishop Fellay and the liberals in the neo-SSPX. There are many things in Vatican II which are not ambiguous, which have only one interpretation, and which are irreconcilable with Tradition (Dignitatis Humanae’s teaching on ‘Religious Liberty’ being perhaps the most infamous).

Bp. Williamson:
“Doctrinally, the NOM [Novus Ordo Mass] is ambiguous, poised between the religion of God and the Conciliar religion of man. Now in matters of faith, ambiguity is deadly, being normally designed to undermine the Faith, as the NOM frequently does. But as ambiguity is precisely open to two interpretations, so the NOM does not absolutely exclude the old religion.”

Recusant Comment:
“Normally” designed to undermine the Faith? Which it “frequently” does?! So not always, then? In other words, it is not intrinsically evil, only sometimes; whereas sometimes it does not undermine the Faith! Likewise, the Novus Ordo is not merely “ambiguous”!

As Archbishop Lefebvre says, “There is something in it that is truly evil”. Since the rest of what Bishop Williamson writes is based on that false premise (that the Novus Ordo is only ambiguous), his conclusion, that the Novus Ordo “does not exclude the old religion” is equally flawed. Again, Archbishop Lefebvre talks about the “radically incompatibility” between the old religion and the new one, epitomised by the New Mass. How can a thing be radically incompatible with something but at the same time not exclude it?

Bp. Williamson:
“That does not make the NOM acceptable as such, because its intrinsic ambiguity still favours the new direction, but it does mean for instance that the Consecration can still be valid, as Archbishop Lefebvre never denied. Moreover, if the eucharistic miracles are genuine, clearly not all Consecrations of Novus Ordo bishops or Ordinations of Novus Ordo priests are invalid either.”

Recusant Comment:
Discussion of validity is surely beside the point altogether. A priest who is a secret Satanist or Freemason, for example, might confect a valid sacrament in order to perform sacrilegious desecration. That it is valid is no consolation whatsoever, and is certainly no indication of whether good can ever come from attending it. Attending a satanic Black Mass would not help you get to heaven, even if it were valid.

Bp. Williamson:
“In brief, the NOM as such is bad as a whole, bad in parts, but not bad in all its parts.”

Recusant Comment:
All evil is only “evil in parts but not all its parts.” There is not such thing as “pure evil”, because the definition of evil is that it is the absence of a due good. A table with only three legs is a bad table. A table missing all its legs and the table-top cannot be so described. Only one part evil makes the whole evil. Therefore, what Bishop Williamson ought to say is simply “The Novus Ordo is evil.” (why ‘bad’?). As it is, what looks like a redeeming qualification is really no more than an rhetorical illusion.

Bp Williamson:
“What specified Vatican II and the NOM was precisely the officialisation of the modernist heresy within the Church. So does it not make sense that in punishment of their modern worldliness these sheep would broadly lose the true rite of Mass, while in reward of their desire for Mass they would not lose every valid Mass?”

Recusant Comment:
No, it does not. Almighty God does not “reward” people by giving them something evil, something poisoned, something radically incompatible with the Catholic Faith. One fares better attending no Mass at all than attending the Novus Ordo. Once again, the idea that the New Mass is somehow not as good as the Traditional Mass but still better than nothing, is novel, untrue, disproved by the experience of the past forty years. In its full implications this idea is also very, very dangerous to the Faith.

3. ‘Eleison Comments’ No.436 (21st November, 2015):
“God has worked miracles with the N.O. Mass? / That’s what the evidence suggests. Alas?”

Bp. Williamson:
“When in June of 1976 Archbishop Lefebvre was on the brink of ordaining the first large batch of SSPX priests despite Rome’s disapproval, a Roman official came to promise him the end of all problems with Rome if only he would celebrate one Novus Ordo Mass. On principle, for doctrinal reasons, he refused. Then how can Almighty God have worked eucharistic miracles with and for this new Mass? Read here next week a suggested answer.”

Recusant Comment:
It should be clear by now that Bishop Williamson’s ideas about the New Mass are at radical variance with those of Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X of old. Archbishop Lefebvre was quite right to refuse to say the New Mass and to prefer suspension in 1976. With his final question (“The how can Almighty God…?”), Bishop Williamson sows doubt into the mind of his reader not only about the orthodoxy of the Novus Ordo Mass, but also about Archbishop Lefebvre and what he stood for. Was the Archbishop perhaps deliberately being difficult towards the Romans, just to make a point, where he could have chosen to be more accommodating and not been any the worse for it? Is it enough to say that he refused “on principle, for doctrinal reasons” and leave it at that? It is true, his refusal was principled, and it was for doctrinal reasons. But I rather suspect that Archbishop Lefebvre would have said that he had no right to say the New Mass, since it was evil and poisoned and was destroying the Faith of countless millions; that he had no option, that to have agreed and said the New Mass would have been a sin.

As to Bishop Williamson’s “suggested answer” to his own question, presented in the two subsequent Eleison Comments, we have already examined it above. In short, his answer is that the Traditional Mass is a reward for fidelity and lack of worldliness, whereas the New Mass is a lesser reward for ‘loving the Mass’. It is not as good as the Traditional Mass, but still good and does not exclude the old religion. If you feel tempted to leave the Faith, the New Mass will be less of an obstacle than the old Mass.

One thing we have avoided touching on is whether the Novus Ordo miracles are really genuine. Well? Are they? The simple truth is I do not know, at least in the scientific sense, but every Catholic instinct in me says no. Three possibilities occur. The first is that they are fakes and frauds. That is not impossible. The world is full of lies now like it never was before. Lies throughout the media, education, banking and finance, everywhere. People generally are more used to the idea that one tells lies to get ahead, they are numb to it. We know that the conciliar church is not above a little dishonesty, now and then, in order to get its way (if they can’t be trusted with the Third Secret of Fatima, why should they suddenly be trusted concerning these ‘miracles’?)

The second possibility is that we are witnessing something like the “signs and prodigies” which Sacred Scripture prophesies will be seen towards the end of times. Certainly, if these ‘miracles’ have the power to lead many Traditional Catholics including some souls with the Resistance and one bishop (who is not, though many think he is) to a softening towards the abominable Novus Ordo, then that might well be an example of “deceiving, if possible, even the elect.” I only suggest it as a possibility - I may be wrong, and I await correction from any priest who would care to put me right.

The third possibility is that they are genuine and are sent as a warning from Almighty God against the sacrilege of the Novus Ordo Mass. There have been cases of miracles warning people off sacrilege. In Belgium, a couple of centuries ago, some Jews stole a host and stabbed it with knives. It bled. They converted. Clearly, desecrating a host by stabbing it with knives is not something God wants us to do, and the miracle does not lend approval to the action which prompted it in any way.

One thing is certain. That Almighty God can be using miracles to give His divine seal of approval to the New Mass is not a possibility. What is worrying is that Bishop Williamson discusses none of the three possibilities mentioned above. Nowhere in three separate ‘Eleison Comments’ does he even entertain the idea that the ‘miracles’ might be fakes or prodigies. Nor does he suggest that they might be a warning against sacrilege. Instead, he begins with the assumption that they are genuine (which in itself is staggering, when you think about it) and talks about “facts” being “stubborn” as though the matter were already proven beyond question. He then proceeds to use that unfounded assumption to push through a novel teaching about the New Mass of his own device, one which is completely at variance with Archbishop Lefebvre. The entire fiasco is summed up neatly in, and hinted ominously by, one word: the last word of the little jangle at the start of the first email. (“Alas?”), its question mark loaded with suggestiveness.

I am not much of a dab hand at silly rhyming couplets, but in an attempt to summarise the whole sorry business, here is my poor offering:

The Bishop thinks the New Mass can be good?
That’s bad enough. What’s worse is why he would!

"Viva Cristo Rey!"

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  The Danger of So-Called “Miracles” in the Conciliar Church
Posted by: Stone - 05-03-2023, 08:46 AM - Forum: True vs. False Resistance - No Replies

Taken from The Recusant.com

Reproduced with kind permission from the December 2015 issue of “Catholic Candle”: catholiccandle.neocities.org

The Danger of So-Called “Miracles” in the Conciliar Church

The following is an effort to correct and counter faith-destroying statements from the author

of the Eleison Comments blog. I will not name the bishop so as not to embarrass him. I suspect that at one time or other you have run across this blog and considered it worth reading. I also have read it from time to time. Catholic Candle even reprinted one issue. However, not all that is published in Eleison is worth reading. In fact, some articles sow doubt and confusion that harm souls.

That harm is the reason for this article.

I will not republish these Eleison Comments (E.C.) articles here because I don’t want to be guilty of spreading further doubt and confusion. I will point out the problems and errors in the articles.

Traditional Catholics have always clearly known to stay far away from the Novus Ordo Missae (N.O.M.) because it subverts one’s Faith and greatly offends our Lord. The E.C.’s author says the opposite, viz., that Catholics should attend the N.O.M. if they perceive that it helps them spiritually.

He has since refused to admit that his advice is evil. In fact, he is doubling down on his ill-advised counsel by claiming there are miracles connected to the Novus Ordo. The devil himself works these “miracles” and, of course, they were not (and could not be) approved by the prudent pre-Vatican II Church.

The devil loves false “apparitions” and “miracles,” for by them he occasionally can undermine the faith of immense crowds, lead them into disobedience to the Church’s hierarchy, or even into schism, and distract them from their duties of state. Archbishop Lefebvre publicly denounced the widespread tendency of today’s credulous Catholics to run after such phenomena of doubtful origin. Angelus, May 1979, article: “Dubious Devotions”. Obviously the Church must, and does, regulate discipline with great care in such a dangerous domain. Canon 1399 §5 (pre-Vatican II code) forbids priests and faithful to publish, read, possess, sell, translate, or distribute any books or other publications (e.g., papers, magazines, pamphlets) which treat of new apparitions or miracles, unapproved by the Church.

Why would this Traditional leader speak so recklessly (i.e., citing supposed “miracles” connected to the Novus Ordo, to imply that Christ approves of people attending the N.O.M.), if this leader wasn’t trying to regain credibility with his confrères, heedless of how many trusting souls might take his advice and lose their souls. This is self-interest, not doing his duty.

Let us pray hard for this bishop. He has worked hard to save souls in the past and we need him very much in the Resistance Movement.

Of course, he must retract his advice about attending the Novus Ordo.

  • The Foolishness of Believing that (Supposed) “Miracles” Show that Some People Should Attend the New Mass

On December 13, 2014, a certain Resistance leader affirmed one of our core Traditional Catholic principles, viz., that no one should ever attend the new mass:

Quote:“Take for instance the Novus Ordo Mass. ... it is as a whole so bad that no priest should use it, nor Catholic attend it. ... if I say that the new Mass must always be avoided, I am telling the truth ....”

- Eleison Comments #387 (emphasis added)

In June 2015, this same leader contradicted himself and publicly stated: “I would not say that every single person must stay away from every single novus ordo mass.”

Over a three-week period in autumn 2015, this leader publicly promoted (supposed) “miracles” which he claimed that God worked in connection with the new mass. In these public statements, this leader stressed his belief that God performed these supposed) “miracles” to show the new mass can be valid. But since Traditional Catholics know that whether the new mass is valid or not, they must completely avoid it, why do Catholics need to know (and why should they care?) if the new mass is sometimes valid? This is like the fact that black (satanic) masses can sometimes be valid. But Catholics don’t need to know this because they must stay far away from black masses, whether they are valid or not.

Because the new conciliar mass, like the black mass, is inherently bad, it is an irreverent treatment of the sacred. In other words, the new mass is inherently a sacrilege. Summa, IIa IIae, Q.99, a.1. If a new mass or black mass were valid, that merely makes it objectively worse - by being a valid (rather than invalid) sacrilege. A valid sacrilege even more strongly calls down the wrath of God because a valid sacrilege compels God Himself (Sacramentally present) to take part in the sacrilege.

So it should be irrelevant to Traditional Catholics whether the new mass is valid. But here is how this Resistance leader ties together these (supposed) “miracles” - which he publicly states that God worked - with his pernicious view that some people should attend the new mass:

Quote:“[O]n the Internet can be found cases of Eucharistic miracles involving the Novus Ordo Mass .... How would this be possible if the Novus Ordo Mass was absolutely to be avoided?”

- Quoted from an email this leader wrote on July 21, 2015.

This present article examines this leader’s rash view that Traditional Catholics should change their position on the new mass because of (supposed) “miracles”.

We begin with our unshakable Traditional Catholic principles that the conciliar church is a new religion and its main liturgical expression is the new mass. Our Lord warned us that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Vatican II is a bad tree and bears only bad fruit—notably the new mass. To believe that the new mass can be good for anyone to attend, is to be deaf to our Lord’s words and to foolishly believe that bad trees can bear good fruit for anyone.

It defies Catholic teaching and Catholic common sense to accept a different religion (viz., the new conciliar religion) or its liturgy (the new mass) based on any theory whatsoever. We should not accept the conciliar (false) faith or its fruit (the new mass) any more than we should accept the satanic (false) faith or its fruit (the black mass).

So when this Resistance leader recently told people, “I would not say that every single person must stay away from every single novus ordo mass”, he was as gravely wrong as if he said (about a different evil mass): “I would not say that every single person must stay away from every single black mass”.

  • We should never change our Traditional Catholic principles based on supposed “miracles”

St. Paul warned his flock to never accept anything un-Catholic, even because of a supposed) miracle or vision: “But though ... an angel from heaven preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.” Galatians, 1:8. St. Paul further explains that this “angel of light” is the devil: “Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light.” II Cor. 11:14.

Our Lord warned, “there shall arise false christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.” St. Matthew, 24:24. The devil uses false “signs and wonders” to lead credulous people away from what they know based on the principles of the Catholic Faith. So whenever there are “signs and wonders” which promote something un-Catholic, we know they must come from the devil (unless they are mere human deceit). Such “signs and wonders” might have no natural explanation (and be from the devil), but they could never be God’s work.

The Catholic principle which our Lord and St. Paul are teaching is that we must never consider that bad might be good because of so-called “miracles”. Only the man of weak Faith or the Traditional Catholic of weak conviction would read about (supposed) “miracles” with openness to the idea that maybe the Faith is wrong about something, or maybe Traditional Catholicism does not appreciate the good in the conciliar church (or the new mass).

So when this Resistance leader recently told people, “I would not say that every single person must stay away from every single novus ordo mass”, and he promoted the false idea that God works “miracles” to promote the new mass in any way, this leader is showing he is a Traditional Catholic of weak conviction.

  • Advising confused Catholics

We sometimes talk with confused people who are diabolically disoriented and who think that evil is good. For example, an abortionist recently declared publicly that her conscience told her to perform abortions. [http://www.lifenews.com/2015/12/09/abort...-tells-me/]

But we must never advise such erring people to do what is evil. We must tell them that what they do is wrong and, if their conscience tells them to do something evil, they must inform their conscience better, through praying, obtaining good advice, studying sound Catholic doctrine, etc.

  • Advising a confused Catholic who believes that he experiences good from doing evil

No one should ever be advised to attend the new mass because he thinks he notices that it does him good. This is similar to the principle that no one should commit adultery, rob a bank or attend a black mass, even if he believes that he notices that such conduct (supposedly) brings him closer to God.

God can use whatever occasion (place, time, event, etc.) He wishes, to give His grace. So, e.g., God could use a (confused) person’s attendance at a new mass as an occasion of some good, such as causing someone to see how empty and man-centered the new mass is. But God never uses evil—like the new mass—as a source of grace. It is obvious, of course, that we should not attend the new mass motivated by the possibility that the new mass could be an occasion of grace, any more than we should attend a black mass or rob a bank, because it could be an occasion of grace. Those sins are not sources of grace but are always evil and offend God.

St. Ignatius of Loyola gives us Rules for the Discernment of Spirits to help us to discern when we are being led by the devil:

Quote:“We ought to note well the course of the thoughts, and if the beginning, middle and end is all good, inclined to all good, it is a sign of the good Angel; but if in the course of the thoughts which he brings, it ends in something bad, ... it is a clear sign that it proceeds from the evil spirit ....”

- Spiritual Exercises, Fifth Rule, Second Week (emphasis added)

Applying this Rule to the example immediately above: while attending the new mass, if a person comes to understand how man-centered the new mass is, and decides to never return, that would be an example of God (or the good angel) using a new mass as an occasion (not a source) of good. In other words, God used the person’s attendance at the new mass as the place and activity during which He showed the person the evil of the new mass.

On the other hand, if that person saw how empty the new mass is and resolved to make it more “meaningful” by becoming a “eucharistic minister”, then plainly that inspiration (which ends in something bad) comes from the devil, because the person’s ties to the new mass are strengthened, instead of being broken (as God demands). This inspiration is demonic however much the person is convinced that it strengthens his faith.

Traditional Catholics must not make decisions based on sentimentality! We must do what is objectively right, and we must not advise another person to do objective evil (like attend the new mass) even if such person “feels” (wrongly, of course) that the evil activity is a source of God’s blessings. Acting on such feelings is the sort of “touchy-feely fiftyism” that this same Resistance leader has correctly fought for decades!

Let us pray hard for this confused Resistance leader! He has done much good in the past and he could also do much good in the future!

Catholic Candle Note - Here is a short schema which visually shows the devil’s plan to use false “miracles” to promote the new mass and ultimately, the new conciliar religion.

[Image: CathCandle%20schema%20new%20mass.png]

Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is the Christ, or there, do not believe him. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect...” St. Matthew 24:23-24

St Ephraim tells us in his sermon for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost that the devil using his Anti-Christ will “blaspheme, declaring: ‘I am the Father and the Son, the first and the last, and there is no other God but me.’... But when the Accursed has come and has worked signs and lying wonders, the people will be assembled together and they will come to see the god, and multitudes will adhere to him and all will deny their God, and all will call upon those who are close to them to praise the son of perdition... and the elect shall fly from his face to the mountaintops and to the hills...”

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  A Reminder: New Resistance Website and YouTube Channel: The Zero Compromise
Posted by: Stone - 05-03-2023, 07:37 AM - Forum: The Catacombs: News - Replies (2)

Dear friends,

As many of you are aware, Frs. Hewko & Ruiz have several times now had their sermons censored on YouTube. The censoring does not affect recent sermons only. Often times, YouTube scans older sermons from a few years ago and if a sermon is found that speaks against official narratives, the sermon is deleted by YouTube and the entire SSPX-MC channel is suspended, each time with a threat to have the channel permanently deleted if similar material is found that violates YouTube's 'guidelines' within a certain time frame.

With much wisdom and prudence, the good folks at SSPX-MC have created an alternate backup website and associated YouTube channel:

These backup options will allow a seamless transition in accessing these good priests' sermons and conferences if YouTube ends up deleting the SSPX-MC channel.  

Please subscribe to this new YouTube channel! A channel can livestream once the number of subscribers reaches 1000. Having a thousand subscribers to the back up channel will provide a smooth transition, particularly in livestreaming if needed. 

Our days are difficult and surely will become only more so but it is our humble honor to be living in them. Ad majorem Dei gloriam!

Thank you and God bless you all!

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  WEF: 14 Million Jobs Will Be Slashed Globally By 2027 Owing To AI And ESG Standards
Posted by: Stone - 05-03-2023, 06:45 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

14 Million Jobs Will Be Slashed Globally By 2027 Owing To AI And ESG Standards: WEF

May 2, 2023
Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis mine)

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has warned that the employment landscape will change drastically over the next five years amid increasingly widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI), the transition to green energy, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, and slower economic growth.

According to WEF’s “The Future of Jobs Report 2023,” roughly 23 percent of jobs are expected to change by 2027, with around 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated, resulting in a decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2 percent of current employment.

The report (pdf) surveyed 803 companies collectively employing more than 11.3 million workers in 27 industry clusters and 45 economies from across the globe, on macro and technology trends and their impact on jobs and skills, as well as the “workforce transformation strategies” that businesses plan to implement between now and 2027.

It found that clerical or secretarial roles, including bank tellers, cashiers and ticket clerks, data entry clerks, postal service clerks, and administrative and executive secretaries will likely see the fastest decline in roles over the next five years relative to their size today, with roughly 26 million fewer jobs by 2027.

Meanwhile, certain tech jobs, including those focused on AI and machine learning, sustainability specialists, business intelligence analysts, information security specialists, and fintech engineers, are expected to see an increase in employment.

Overall, the biggest job growth will likely be seen across the fields of education (10 percent, leading to 3 million additional jobs), agriculture (30 percent, or 3 million additional jobs), and digital commerce and trade (4 million additional jobs), according to the report.

Renewable Energy, ESG Pushing Job Changes

The WEF cites trends such as the transition to renewable energy, ESG standards—which are used by companies in the investment decision-making process to measure sustainable and ethical impacts—advancing technology adoption, and localization of supply chains as the “leading drivers of job growth,” while economic challenges such as ongoing high inflation, slower economic growth, and supply shortages pose “the greatest threat” to job creation.

“The largest job creation and destruction effects come from environmental, technology, and economic trends. Among the macro trends listed, businesses predict the strongest net job-creation effect to be driven by investments that facilitate the green transition of businesses, the broader application of ESG standards, and supply chains becoming more localized, albeit with job growth offset by partial job displacement in each case,” the report states.

U.S. Republican lawmakers have repeatedly warned that companies embracing ESG standards risk slashing investment returns and hampering economic growth, which could have ripple effects across the economy.

“Climate change adaptation and the demographic dividend in developing and emerging economies also rate high as net job creators,” the WEF report adds. “Technological advancement through increased adoption of new and frontier technologies and increased digital access are expected to drive job growth in more than half of surveyed companies, offset by expected job displacement in one-fifth of companies,” it continues.

The report also cites the increasing cost of living for consumers as another factor that will likely pose the greatest threat to the job market in the next five years and will significantly displace jobs.

Firms ‘Need to Be Ready for the Disruptions Ahead’

Elsewhere, the WEF found that the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, increased geopolitical divisions, and demographic dividends in developing and emerging economies ranked lower as drivers of business evolution by respondents.

The latest report comes shortly after Goldman Sachs economists forecast two-thirds of occupations across America could be partially automated by AI, which has exploded in use in recent years, despite concerns over its potential risks to society and humanity.

However, economists also noted that its use in both business and society could lead to an almost $7 trillion increase in global GDP owing to increased productivity and manufacturing, among other factors.

According to the WEF report, nearly 75 percent of companies surveyed plan to adopt AI, big data, and cloud computing within the next five years, which around 50 percent of firms believe will create job growth and 25 percent expect will lead to job losses.

Elsewhere, the report found that organizations estimate roughly 34 percent of all business-related tasks are currently performed by machines, with the remaining 66 percent performed by humans.

“The latest findings in the Future of Jobs Report renew calls for action from all labor market stakeholders,” said Sander van ‘t Noordende, CEO of the human resource consulting firm, Randstad.

“Acceleration in digitalization, AI, and automation are creating tremendous opportunities for the global workforce, but employers, governments, and other organizations need to be ready for the disruptions ahead. By collectively offering greater skilling resources, more efficiently connecting talent to jobs, and advocating for a well-regulated labor market, we can protect and prepare workers for a more specialized and equitable future of work,” he added.

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  Ireland Government's Hate Speech Bill Promotes 'Thought Crime Legislation'
Posted by: Stone - 05-03-2023, 06:40 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Ireland Government's Hate Speech Bill Promotes 'Thought Crime Legislation'

[Image: 2023-05-02_15-55-17.jpg?itok=Zh0l_5vh]

MAY 03, 2023
Authored by Naveen Anthrapully via The Epoch Times [emphasis mine]

Irish authorities are pushing forward a bill that will make it a crime to disseminate and possess content deemed to be hateful—a development Elon Musk warns is a threat to free speech in the country.

The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022 (pdf) seeks to “amend the law relating to the prohibition of incitement to violence or hatred against a person or a group of persons on account of certain characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics) of the person or the group of persons and to provide for an offence of condoning, denying or grossly trivialising genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace.”

It aims at “combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law.”

The bill classifies “race, skin colour, nationality, religion, national or ethnic origin, descent, gender, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, and disability” as protected characteristics.

Gender is “the gender of a person or the gender which a person expresses as the person’s preferred gender or with which the person identifies and includes transgender and a gender other than those of male and female.”

The bill empowers Irish authorities to convict people criminally for alleged hate crimes. According to the bill, a person can be deemed guilty of an offense if the individual “(i) communicates material to the public or a section of the public, or (ii) behaves in a public place in a manner, that is likely to incite violence or hatred against a person or a group of persons on account of their protected characteristics or any of those characteristics.”

“Massive attack on freedom of speech,” Musk said in an April 30 tweet responding to an organization called Free Speech Ireland, which criticized the Irish government for voting against “human rights and quite literally for thought crime legislation.”

An amendment to include the UN Convention on Human Rights protections on free speech into the hate speech bill was defeated. Another amendment to excuse the section allowing for prosecuting individuals possessing offensive material without communicating it was also defeated.

This means that Irish authorities can arrest a person for simply possessing material deemed as potentially inciting hatred if disseminated.

A person deemed guilty of violating the bill’s provisions shall have to pay fines, face imprisonment for up to 12 months, or both.

Burden of Proof

The legislation also shifts the burden of proof onto the accused. During his April 26 speech at the lower house of the Irish legislature, Paul Murphy, an elected member for Dublin South-West, warned that Section 10 of the bill “creates the possibility of someone being criminalized purely for having material which is hateful, without that material being communicated to the public.”

“That’s a problem. That gets to the fundamental problem of this bill. That is the creation of a ‘thought crime.’

“Subsection 3 states that where it is reasonable to assume that the material was not intended for personal use, the onus will be put on the accused to prove their own innocence by showing that the material that they prepared or even just material they possessed was never intended to be publicly communicated,” Murphy stated.

“Within Section 10, you have the creation of a thought crime. And then you have a dangerous reversal of the burden of proof, where the burden is now placed on the accused to overturn the presumption that the material was not intended for personal use. This is extremely problematic.”

Religious Issues

The constitution of Ireland protects freedom of religion, provided it adheres to public order and morality. Some fear that the new hate speech bill might harm religious freedoms.

For instance, priests may hold opinions on subjects like gender and sexual identity that can be seen as violating the new bill’s provisions, thereby putting them under threat of prosecution.

The country’s progressive government has pushed the bill. The legislation is currently in its second stage of the legislative approval process and needs to go through three more steps before being signed into law by the president.

A petition at Change.org run by Free Speech Ireland asking for no hate speech laws in the country warns that the legislation will “patently undermine the fundamental right of speech” in the nation.

“So-called Hate Speech laws are a savage hypocrisy: they would do more to divide communities in Ireland by highlighting that they are different and thus should be treated differently under the law.”

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  The Month of May is Devoted to Our Lady
Posted by: Stone - 05-03-2023, 06:35 AM - Forum: Our Lady - Replies (1)

Gratefully taken from the Our Lady of Fatima Chapel bulletin:

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As the vine I have brought forth a pleasant odor: and my flowers are the fruit of honor and riches. I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope. In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue. Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and be filled with my fruits. For my spirit is sweet above honey, and my inheritance above honey and the honeycomb. My memory is unto everlasting generations. They that eat me, shall yet hunger: and they that drink me, shall yet thirst. He that hearkeneth to me, shall not be confounded: and they that work by me, shall not sin - Eccl. xxiv:23-30

Necessity of Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
Taken from St. Louis de Montfort's Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The conduct which the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity have deigned to pursue in the Incarnation and the first coming of Jesus Christ, They still pursue daily, in an invisible manner, throughout the whole Church; and They still pursue it even to the consummation of ages in the last coming of Jesus Christ.

God the Father made an assemblage of all the waters and He named it the sea [mare]. He made an assemblage of all His graces and called it Mary [Maria]. This great God has a most rich treasury in which He has laid up all that He has of beauty and splendor, of rarity and preciousness, including even His Own Son: and this immense treasury is none other than the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom the Saints have named The Treasure of the Lord, out of whose plenitude all men are made rich.

God the Son has communicated to His Mother all that he acquired by His life and His death; His infinite merits and His admirable virtues; and He has made her the treasurer of all that His Father gave Him for an inheritance. It is by her that He applies His merits to His members, and that He communicates His virtues, and distributes His graces. She is His mysterious canal; she is His aqueduct, through which He makes His mercies flow gently and abundantly.

To Mary, His faithful spouse, God the Holy Ghost has communicated His unspeakable gifts; and He has chosen her to be the dispenser of all He possesses, in such wise that she distributes to whom she wills, as much as she wills, as she wills and when she wills, all His gifts and graces. The Holy Ghost gives no heavenly gift to men which He does not have passed through her virginal hands. Such has been the will of God, Who has willed that we should have everything through Mary; so that she who, impoverished, humbled, and who hid herself even unto the abyss of nothingness by her profound humility her whole life long, should now be enriched and exalted and honored by the Most High. Such are the sentiments of the Church and the holy Fathers. [Cf., among others, St. Bernard and St. Bernardine of Siena.]

If I were speaking to the freethinkers of these times, I would prove what I have said so simply here, drawing it out more at length, and confirming it by the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers, quoting the original passages, and adducing various solid reasons . . . But as I speak particularly to the poor and simple, who being of good will, and having more faith than the common run of scholars, believe more simply and meritoriously, I content myself with stating the truth quite plainly, without stopping to quote the Latin passages . . . Nevertheless, without doing much research, I shall not fail to bring forward some of them from time to time. But now let us go on with our subject.

Inasmuch as grace perfects nature, and glory perfects grace, it is certain that Our Lord is still, in Heaven, as much the Son of Mary as He was on earth; and that, consequently, He has retained the obedience and submission of the most perfect Child to the best of all mothers. But we must take great pains not to conceive this dependence on any abasement or imperfection in Jesus Christ. For Mary is infinitely below her Son, Who is God, and therefore she does not command Him as a mother here below would command her child who is below her. Mary, being altogether transformed into God by grace and by the glory which transforms the Saints into Him, asks nothing, wishes nothing, does nothing contrary to the eternal and immutable will of God. When we read, then, in the writings of Ss. Bernard, Bernardine, Bonaventure and others that in Heaven and on earth everything, even God Himself, is subject to the Blessed Virgin, they mean that the authority which God has been well pleased to give her is so great that it seems as if she had the same power as God; and that her prayers and petitions are so powerful with God that they always pass for commandments with His Majesty, Who never resists the prayer of His dear Mother, because she is always humble and conformed to His will.

If Moses, by the force of his prayer, stayed the anger of God against the Israelites in a manner so powerful that the most high and infinitely merciful Lord, being unable to resist him, told him to let Him alone that He might be angry with and punish that rebellious people, what must we not, with much greater reason, think of the prayer of the humble Mary, that worthy Mother of God, which is more powerful with His Majesty than the prayers and intercessions of all the Angels and Saints both in Heaven and on earth?

In the Heavens, Mary commands the Angels and the blessed. As a recompense for her profound humility, God has empowered her and commissioned her to fill with Saints the empty thrones from which the apostate Angels fell by pride. The will of the Most High, Who exalts the humble [Luke 1:52], is that Heaven, earth and Hell bend, with good will or bad will, to the commandments of the humble Mary [St. Bonaventure, Psalt. majus B.V., Cant. instar, can. Trium puerorum.] whom He has made sovereign of Heaven and earth, general of His armies, treasurer of His treasures, dispenser of His graces, worker of His greatest marvels, restorer of the human race, Mediatrix of men, the exterminator of the enemies of God, and the faithful companion of His grandeurs and triumphs.

God the Father wishes to have children by Mary till the consummation of the world; as He speaks to her these words: "Dwell in Jacob" [Ecclus. 24:13]; that is to say: Make your dwelling and residence in My predestined children, prefigured by Jacob, and not in the reprobate children of the devil, prefigured by Esau.

Just as in the natural and corporal generation of children there are a father and a mother, so in the supernatural and spiritual generation there are a Father, Who is God, and a Mother, who is Mary. All the true children of God, the predestinate, have God for their Father and Mary for their Mother. He who has not Mary for his Mother has not God for his Father. This is the reason why the reprobate, such as heretics, schismatics and others, who hate our Blessed Lady or regard her with contempt and indifference, have not God for their Father, however much they boast of it, simply because they have not Mary for their Mother. For if they had her for their Mother, they would love and honor her as a true child naturally loves and honors the mother who has given him life.

The most infallible and indubitable sign by which we may distinguish a heretic, a man of bad doctrine, a reprobate, from one of the predestinate, is that the heretic and the reprobate have nothing but contempt and indifference for Our Lady, endeavoring by their words and examples to diminish the veneration and love of her, openly or hiddenly, and sometimes by misrepresentation. Alas! God the Father has not told Mary to dwell in them, for they are Esau.

God the Son wishes to form Himself, and so to speak, to incarnate Himself in His members every day, by His dear Mother, and He says to her: "Take Israel for your inheritance." [Ecclus. 24:13] It is as if He had said God the Father has given Me for an inheritance all the nations of the earth, all men, good and bad, predestinate and reprobate. The ones I will lead with a rod of gold and the others with a rod of iron. Of the ones , I will be the Father and the Advocate; of the others, the Just Punisher; and of all, the Judge. But as for you, My dear Mother, you shall have for your heritage and possession only the predestinate, prefigured by Israel; and as their Mother, you shall bring them forth and take care of them; and as their sovereign, you shall conduct them, govern them and defend them.

"This man and that man is born in her" [Ps. 86:5], says the Holy Ghost through the royal Psalmist. According to the explanation of some of the Fathers, [for instance, St. Bonaventure and Origen] the first man that is born in Mary is the Man-God, Jesus Christ; the second is mere man, the child of God and Mary by adoption. If Jesus Christ, the Head of men, is born in her, then the predestinate, who are the members of that Head, ought also to be born in her, by a necessary consequence. One and the same mother does not bring forth into the world the head without the members, or the members without the head; for this would be a monster of nature. So in like manner, in the order of grace, the head and the members are born of one and the same Mother; and if a member of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ (that is to say, one of the predestinate) were born of any other mother than Mary, who has produced the Head, he would not be one of the predestinate, nor a member of Jesus Christ, but simply a monster in the order of grace.

Besides this, Jesus being at present as much as ever the fruit of Mary - as Heaven and earth repeat thousands and thousands of times a day, "and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus" - it is certain that Jesus Christ is, for each man in particular who possesses Him, as truly the fruit and the work of Mary as He is for the whole world in general; so that if any one of the faithful has Jesus Christ formed in his heart, he can say boldly, "All thanks be to Mary! What I possess is her effect and her fruit, and without her I should never have had it." We can apply to her more than St. Paul applied to himself the words: "I am in labor again with all the children of God, until Jesus Christ my Son be formed in them in the fullness of His age." [Cf. Gal. 4:19]

St. Augustine, surpassing himself, and going beyond all I have yet said, affirms that all the predestinate, in order to be conformed to the image of the Son of God, are in this world hidden in the womb of the most holy Virgin, where they are guarded, nourished, brought up and made to grow by that good Mother until she has brought them forth to glory after death, which is properly the day of their birth, as the Church calls the death of the just. O mystery of grace, unknown to the reprobate, and but little known even to the predestinate!

God the Holy Ghost wishes to form elect for Himself in her and by her, and He says to her: "Strike the roots," My Well-beloved and My Spouse, "of all your virtues in My elect" [Ecclus. 24:13], in order that they may grow from virtue to virtue and from grace to grace. I took so much complacence in you when you lived on earth in the practice of the most sublime virtues, that I desire still to find you on earth, without your ceasing to be in Heaven. For this end, reproduce yourself in My elect, that I may behold in them with complacence the roots of your invincible faith, of your profound humility, of your universal mortification, of your sublime prayer, of your ardent charity, of your firm hope and of all your virtues. You are always My spouse, as faithful, as pure and as fruitful as ever. Let your faith give Me My faithful, your purity, My virgins, and your fertility, My temples and My elect.

When Mary has struck her roots in a soul, she produces three marvels of grace, which she alone can produce, because she alone is the fruitful Virgin who never has had, and never will have, her equal in purity and in fruitfulness.

Mary has produced, together with the Holy Ghost, the greatest thing which has ever been or will ever be, a God-Man; and she will consequently produce the greatest Saints that there will be in the end of time. The formation and the education of the great Saints who shall come at the end of the world are reserved for her. For it is only that singular and miraculous Virgin who can produce, in union with the Holy Ghost, singular and extraordinary things.

When the Holy Ghost, her Spouse, has found Mary in a soul, He flies there. He enters there in His fullness; He communicates Himself to that soul abundantly, and to the full extent to which it makes room for His spouse. Nay, one of the greatest reasons why the Holy Ghost does not now do startling wonders in our souls is because He does not find there a sufficiently great union with His faithful and inseparable spouse. I say "inseparable" spouse, because since that Substantial Love of the Father and the Son has espoused Mary, in order to produce Jesus Christ, the Head of the elect, and Jesus Christ in the elect, He has never repudiated her, because she has always been fruitful and faithful.

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Thus are some of the inspired words of the great Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort from his Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary; a classic considered by many to be the greatest single book of Marian spirituality ever written. This book shows a path to holiness that is short, easy, secure, and perfect. In fact, there is no better way to please God, and no better way to guarantee one's present sanctity and eternal salvation than through this practice of true devotion to Mary. Ad Jesum per Mariam - to Jesus through Mary! In reading this book, the soul will gain a better knowledge and understanding of what total consecration to Jesus through Mary is all about and then have a greater ability to decide with certainty if they wish to consecrate themselves.

Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary is not a one time commitment; it is a way of life. The saintly author formulated this as an official consecration to Mary and it is known as the Holy Slavery with the end object of perfect union with Jesus Christ. It consists of a period of thirty-three days in honor of the years Our Lord spent on earth. This “prayerful preparation” consists of prayers taken from Holy Scripture, readings from the “Imitation of Christ” and from the saint’s own writings based on Church teachings. What the novitiate is to religious life, and basic training is to soldiers or athletes, this preparation is towards the total service to Mary. If you spend it well, you will begin to be consumed with the thought of pleasing Our Lord and His Mother in all you do. Out of love for her you will learn to sacrifice whatever is displeasing to her and her Divine Son; and from there you will have a singleness of purpose and earnestly do all through her, with her, in her and for her. This is True Devotion.

To become skillful in any field of endeavor, we go to an expert in that field and ask for advice or, better yet, we place ourselves under the tutelage of that expert. We see this done in the realm of sports all the time, whether it is local competition, professional sports, or the Olympic games. Behind every trainee, there is a coach. So also, must it be in the spiritual realm.

In the great competitive struggle to overcome the enemies of our salvation: the world, the flesh and the Devil, and to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ, we must look for advice from the Church and the writings of the saints – those spiritual giants who have gone before us. Best of all, however, is to place ourselves under the guardianship and guidance of the greatest and holiest creature that God has ever made, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort put his whole heart and soul into the task of finding the best way to place oneself under the patronage of the Mother of God. After extensive research into the writings of the great saints, he found the best method: slavery to Mary. This approach was not new, but at that time little known and not thoroughly formulated. Father Grignion developed and expounded this method, and defended it too, in the beloved, aforementioned book, “True Devotion To Mary.”

The essence of this true devotion is the total offering of one’s self and all one’s goods, both temporal and spiritual, to Our Lady - in as much as the duties of one’s state in life will allow - and then living as completely dependent upon her as a slave to a Queen. The practice of this humble relationship is the source of many unique graces and privileges. This Queen will undoubtedly use us, and all that we give her, to the furthering of the glory of God and His Kingdom on earth.

This slavery, or total servitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a stumbling block to a world obsessed with asserting personal rights. The slaves of Mary, however, willingly place themselves in the service of that most loving Queen with no desire for any payment, reward or termination of service. Our Lady, in turn, uses her servants to achieve their own sanctification, the salvation of countless other souls and the realization of her triumphant reign foretold by God in the Book of Genesis: She shall crush thy head, and repeated in the Fatima message: “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Our Lady asks us all for consecration to her Immaculate Heart. A consecration which, among other things, calls for the devotion of the Five First Saturdays and the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary; all done in reparation to her Immaculate Heart. It involves a striving to fulfill her requests for prayer and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for offenses against the Divine Majesty.

Living that consecration means to imitate Our Lady’s virtues and to place in her hands the flowers of the little sacrifices it takes to fulfill our daily duty; in a spirit of reparation for the salvation of souls, thereby hastening the day of the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. To everyone who makes that consecration and sincerely tries to live it, the words of Our Lady at Fatima to little Lucia fittingly apply: "I will never leave you; my Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God."

See Saint Louis de Montfort’s method of Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary - Here

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Regina Caelorum

Salute to Mary Immaculate
By Blessed Henry Suso, OP

De Maria nunquam satis - Of Mary there is never enough

Heavenly Father, how should a sinful creature dare to approach You, unless You had given him Your own elected Child, Eternal Wisdom for a guide? Yes, Eternal Wisdom, how should a sinful creature dare at all times to discover his uncleanness before such purity, unless he took the Mother of All Compassion for his Protectress? Eternal Wisdom, if You are my Brother, You are also my Lord: if You are truly man, so are You also truly God, and a very severe Judge of all evil deeds.

For this reason, when our poor souls are in the narrow prison-house of fathomless sorrow of heart, and we can neither move here nor there, nothing remains for us except to lift up our miserable eyes to you, O chosen Queen of Heaven. Therefore, O Mirror reflecting the brightness of the Eternal Sun, O hidden Treasure of infinite compassion, this day do I and all penitent hearts salute you! O exalted spirit, O pure souls, stand forth, extol and praise, commend and exult in the ravishing Paradise of all delight, the sublime Queen! For I am not worthy to do so, unless in her goodness she deigns to allow me.

O you chosen Friend of God, you fair golden Crown of Eternal Wisdom, permit me, a poor sinner, even me in my weakness, to speak to you a little in confidence. With a trembling heart, with a countenance of shame, with downcast eyes, my soul falls down before you. O Mother of all, it seems to me, neither my soul, nor any other sinful soul requires permission or a passport to come to you. Are you not the Mediatrix of all sinners? The more sinful a soul is, the more reasonable, it seems that it should have free access to you; the deeper it is in wickedness, the more reason it has to run to you. Therefore, my soul, step joyfully forth!

If your great crimes drive you away, her unfathomable goodness invites you to draw near. O, therefore, only Consolation of sinful hearts, only Refuge of guilty mortals, to whom so many a wet eye, so many a wounded, miserable heart is raised up, be a gracious Mediatrix and Channel of Reconciliation between me and the Eternal Wisdom.

Think, think, O gentle Queen elect! You derive all your merits from us poor sinners! What was it that made you God’s Mother, made you a treasure chest in which the Eternal Wisdom reposed? O Lady, it was the sins of us poor mortals! How could you be called a Mother of Grace and Compassion, except through our wretchedness, which has need of grace and compassion? Our poverty has made you rich, our crimes have ennobled you above all pure creatures. Oh, turn to us the eyes of your compassion, which your gentle heart never turned from a sinner, from a forlorn mortal!

Take me under your protection, for my consolation and confidence are in you. How many a guilty soul, after having bid farewell to God and all the Heavenly Host, by denying God and despairing of Him, and being lamentably separated from Him, has, by still clinging to you, been sweetly detained, till at length, through your intercession, it has again attained to grace. Who is the sinner, no matter how great his crimes, to whom your overflowing goodness has denied assistance?

Lo, when my soul seriously reflects within itself, it seems only right, if it were possible, that while my eyes wept for joy, my heart should leap out of my mouth; so does your name dissolve in my mouth like honey from the comb. You are even called Mother, Queen of Compassion, yes, tender Mother, yes, gentle Mother of Compassion! Oh, what a name! Oh, how unfathomable is the being whose name is so rich in grace! Did ever the melody of song resound as soothingly in an agitated heart as your pure name in our penitent hearts? At this exalted name all heads endowed with reason ought to incline, all knees to bend.

How often have you not put to flight the hostile powers of wicked spirits, how often have you not allayed the angry justice of the severe Judge! How often have you not obtained from Him grace and consolation! Yes, poor sinful mortals that we are, what have we to say to this? How shall we ever acknowledge such great goodness? If all angelic tongues, all pure spirits and souls, if Heaven and earth, and all that is contained in them cannot properly praise her merits, her ravishing beauty, her graciousness and immeasurable dignity, alas! What shall we sinful hearts be able to do? Let us do our best, and express to her our acknowledgement, our thanks; for, indeed, her great kindness does not look at the smallness of the gift, it looks at the purity of the intention.

Ah, sweet Queen, with what justice may not your sex rejoice in your sweet name; for cursed was the first Eve that she ate of the Tree of Knowledge; blessed be the second Eve that she brought us again the sweet Fruit of Heaven! Let no one lament over Paradise; one Paradise we lost, and have won two others. For is she not a Paradise in whom grew the Fruit of the living Tree? In whom all delight and joy are contained together? And is that not also a Paradise in Whom the dead again live, if they only taste His fruit from Whose hands, feet, and side the living fountains which irrigate all the earth flow, the fountains of inexhaustible mercy, fathomless wisdom, overflowing sweetness, ardent love, the fountains of Eternal Life? Truly, Lord, whoever tastes of this Fruit, whoever has drunk of this fountain, knows that these two gardens of Paradise far surpass the earthly Paradise.

O Queen elect, you are the gate of all grace, the door of compassion, that never yet was shut. Heaven and earth may pass away before you will permit anyone who earnestly seeks your assistance to depart from you without obtaining it. Behold, for this very reason you are the first object my soul sees when I awake, the last when I lie down to sleep. How should anything which your pure hands present before God and commend unto Him, how small soever in itself, be rejected? Take, oh take, the smallness of my works and present it, so that, in your hands it may appear something before the eyes of God Almighty. You are the pure vessel of red gold, melted down with graces, inlaid with precious emeralds and sapphires, and all virtues, whose single aspect, in the sight of the heavenly King, surpasses that of all other creatures.

O lovely divine Spouse elect, if King Ahasuerus was captivated by the beauty of Esther, if she was found pleasing in his eyes above all women, if she found favor above them all, so that he did for her whatever she desired, how justly may the King of Heaven be captivated by your spotless purity, your meek humility, by the sweetness of all your virtues and graces! How infinitely pleasing, above all mortals, in His eyes is your delicate and love-inspiring beauty, before which all other beauty fades like a glow-worm before the brightness of the sun. What overflowing grace have you not found before Him for yourself and for us mortals who are without grace! How should, how can, then, the Heavenly King deny you anything? Truly you may say, My Beloved is mine, and I am His. (Canticle of Canticles 2:16) You are God’s and God is yours, and you two have an eternal and unfathomable reciprocation of love which no duality can divide. Think of us poor needy ones, who continue to wander so wretchedly in sorrowful affliction. Yes, exalted Lady of Heaven and earth, arise now and be to us a Mediatrix, and an Obtainer of grace with your tender Child, the Eternal Wisdom.

Ah, Eternal Wisdom, will You deny me anything? Even as I present You before Your heavenly Father, so do I present Your pure, tender Mother before You. Look at her mild eyes which so often looked kindly on You; behold those fair cheeks which she so often affectionately pressed to Your infant face. Oh, look at her sweet mouth which used to kiss You so fondly and tenderly again and again. Look at her pure hands which so often ministered to You. O, Goodness above all goodness, how can You deny anything to her who nursed You so affectionately and carried You in her arms; who laid You to rest, wakened You, and tenderly reared You? O Lord, let me remind You of all the love You ever experienced from her in Your Childhood, when You sat in her motherly lap, and with Your playful eyes, laughed so pleasantly and tenderly in her face with that fathomless love You had for her above all other creatures! Think, too, of the heart-rending anguish which her maternal heart endured with You under the gibbet of Your miserable cross, where she saw You in the agony of death, and when her heart and soul so often died away in sorrow and distress with You. Lord, I entreat You, for her sake, to grant me every means of shaking off my sins, of acquiring Your grace, and never losing it again.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, make my heart more like unto Thine; and teach me how to love, honor and serve Your Holy Mother with the very same sentiments found in Your Divine Heart. O Mary, Mother of Christ, Mother of Holy Love, do thou thyself form my heart according to the Heart of thy Divine Son.

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  Biden admin dropping COVID jab mandate for foreign travelers, federal employees next week
Posted by: Stone - 05-02-2023, 01:31 PM - Forum: COVID Passports - No Replies

Biden admin dropping COVID jab mandate for foreign travelers, federal employees next week

Mon May 1, 2023
WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews - adapted) — The Biden administration will finally scrap its COVID-19 jab mandate for foreigners traveling to the United States on May 11, the day that the federal government is allowing its federal COVID-19 public health emergency to expire. The rollback comes more than three years after the start of the COVID-19 epidemic and follows a February effort by Republican lawmakers to end the rule.

The Biden White House announced the imminent end of the mandate in a May 1 statement, citing declining COVID-related death rates and the “whole-of-government” effort to achieve wide levels of vaccine uptake as reasons for dropping the mandates.

“Today, we are announcing that the Administration will end the COVID-19 vaccine requirements for Federal employees, Federal contractors, and international air travelers at the end of the day on May 11, the same day that the COVID-19 public health emergency ends,” the White House statement read.

Federal employees and contractors will also no longer be required to get the experimental shot.

The statement also referred to announcements by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) indicating those agencies will also “start the process to end their vaccination requirements for Head Start educators, CMS-certified healthcare facilities, and certain noncitizens at the land border.”

The announcement came days after The Daily Mail reported Thursday that, while the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was revising the jab rule for international travelers, it was stopping short of actually doing away with the mandate.

The mandate for foreign travelers to the U.S., which has persisted far longer than many other such mandates, drew increased attention when Serbian Christian tennis pro Novak Djokovic was barred from competing in the U.S. Open because he has steadfastly refused to get the shot.

Monday’s announcement, however, means Djokovic will once again be allowed to compete in U.S. tournaments after being forced to withdraw from the BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells last month due to the jab rule. Prior to being barred from entering the U.S. over his vaccination status, the tennis star was previously  detained in Australia when he traveled to the country amid ongoing COVID mandates to play in the Australian Open, LifeSiteNews reported.

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is anticipated to launch a bid for the presidency this month, previously argued that Djokovic should have been allowed to compete in the U.S., slamming the federal jab rule as “unscientific.”

“The only thing keeping Novak Djokovic from participating in the Miami Open tennis tournament is President Biden’s misguided and unscientific COVID-19 vaccination requirement for foreigner [sic] travelers,” the governor said in a March 7 letter to President Biden.

“In sum, the current ‘travel ban’ as applied to Mr. Djokovic – and presumably millions of other potential unvaccinated foreign visitors – seems completely ungrounded in logic, common sense, or any genuine concern for the health and welfare of the American people,” DeSantis said.

The end of the COVID injection mandates comes as ongoing research indicates that COVID-related mask and jab mandates were ineffective. In addition, the value of the experimental COVID shots has been called into serious question amid the shots’ sliding efficacy, failure to stop transmission, and reports of serious adverse events. Across the country, intrusive public health measures like mask mandates and vaccine requirements have caused lasting societal harm, drawn serious public backlash, and created division among Americans.

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  LFSPN - What is No Longer Taught about Marriage
Posted by: Stone - 05-02-2023, 01:28 PM - Forum: LFSPN - No Replies

What is no longer taught about Marriage - LFSPN London April 2023 Talk

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  Second Largest Bank Failure in US History: First Republic Bank has been seized by US Regulators
Posted by: Stone - 05-01-2023, 06:35 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

First Republic Bank has been seized by U.S. regulators. The bank will be sold to JPMorgan Chase.

This is the second largest bank failure in U.S. history. FDIC estimates a $13 billion loss to the deposit insurance fund.

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  The Centenary of St Thérèse of Lisieux’s Beatification
Posted by: Stone - 04-30-2023, 09:38 AM - Forum: The Saints - No Replies

The Centenary of St Thérèse of Lisieux’s Beatification

NLM | April 28, 2023

Today marks the centenary of the beatification of St Thérèse of Lisieux, who passed into eternal life on September 30, 1897. Pope Benedict XV permitted the opening of her cause in August of 1921, when less than half the traditional waiting period after a proposed Saint’s death (fifty years) had elapsed; Pius XI had the honor of beatifying her, and then of canonizing her just over two years later, in May of 1925.

Here is a video from the archives of the newsreel service British Pathé, which shows the laying of the cornerstone of the basilica built to honor Thérèse at Lisieux, in 1929. The bishop is H.E. Alexis-Armand Cardinal Charost, archbishop of Rennes. We also see her relics carried in procession on a massive palanquin. - Sancta Theresa, ora pro nobis!

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  Open Letter Against Euthanasia Paglia
Posted by: Stone - 04-30-2023, 09:34 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Nice Open Letter Against Euthanasia Paglia

[Image: 0vpgrtpj8qdundtspv9x9v8ahgly2fs8a276o51....ormat=webp]

gloria.tv | April 29, 2023

Pro-lifers Thomas Ward, Christine de Marcellus Vollmer and Steven Mosher have written an open letter in response to Archbishop Paglia's recent promotion of euthanasia (English text below).

They speak of a "scandalous betrayal of vulnerable patients" and note that Paglia has never apologised for his irresponsible statement.

According to them, the remaining pro-life members of the Pontifical Academy against Life "must ask Francis to dismiss Archbishop Paglia and replace him with a president who will courageously and unequivocally proclaim the perennial teachings of the Church".

An Open Letter to His Excellency, The Most Reverend Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia,
President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Members of the Pontifical Academy for Life

Qui tacet consentire videtur.”
“He who is silent is taken to agree.”

-St Thomas More, former Lord Chancellor of England, 1 July 1535

“Personally I would not practice assisted suicide, but I understand that legal mediation can constitute the greatest common good concretely possible in the conditions in which we find ourselves.” Archbishop Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, 19 April 2023 in a speech to the International Festival of Journalism in Perugia, Italy.

1. “I think that law 194 is now a pillar of our social life,” (Law 194/1978 legalised procured abortion in Italy)… in a subsequent question the interviewer asked Archbishop Paglia whether he intended to question this law, he replied: “No, absolutely, absolutely!” [1, 2]

2. “It was an attempt, and certainly not a perfect one, to accept the invitation contained in Veritatis Gaudium (par. 3) for a radical paradigm shift in theological reflection, or rather – dare I say – at “a bold cultural revolution.” Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia in an interview on the book Theological Ethics of Life. Scripture, tradition, practical challenges. [3]

Archbishop Paglia asserts that he understands “that legal mediation [regarding assisted suicide] can constitute the greatest common good concretely possible in the conditions in which we find ourselves.” It can never be in the greatest common good to legalize a mechanism for a doctor to provide a patient with a poison with which to kill himself. There is no moral difference between this and the doctor or the nurse giving someone an overdose of morphine himself or herself. Your Excellency, Thou shalt not kill applies equally to both situations. Moreover so called “legal mediation” of assisted suicide is simply a tactical step in the process of facilitating the legalisation of euthanasia. In practice assisted suicide will be seen by doctors to be the moral hypocrisy that it is and open them to the practice of direct euthanasia.

The Statement published by the press office of the PAV on 24 April 2023 following on the legitimate public outrage at his position is in itself misleading in proclaiming that “The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, in full conformity with the Church’s Magisterium, reaffirms his “No” to euthanasia and assisted suicide” [4] whilst reiterating his support for a “legislative initiative” that would specify the conditions in which the crime is depenalised.

In order to avoid complicity and in the light of the above absence of an unequivocal correction and apology for this scandalous betrayal of vulnerable patients the remaining pro-life members of the PAV must ask Pope Francis to dismiss Archbishop Paglia, replacing him with a President who, with courage, unequivocally proclaims the perennial teachings of the Church and Saint John Paul both on life and on its legal protection.

Failing this these pro-life members should themselves resign from this discredited Vatican institution.

Qui tacet consentire videtur.
“He who is silent is taken to agree.”

Yours Sincerely in Christ,

Dr. Thomas Ward, President
Mrs. Christine de Marcellus Vollmer, Vice- President
Mr. Steven M. Mosher, Treasurer

(1) (Video no longer available) youtube.com/watch?v=psj8fnte-Dw
(2)Pontifical Academy defends Archbishop Paglia's abortion law remarks
(3) Archbishop Paglia on Pope’s teaching on ‘Theological Ethics of Life’ - Vatican News
Interview Question: Is the fact that there is free and open discussion in the book a sign of synodality?
Answer: “Of course. There is no other way, especially when it comes to such fundamental issues as those involving the multiple dimensions of human life. We followed a path of study and reflection that led us to see the issues of bioethics in a new light… It is certainly a process that reflects the synodal breath and climate in which Pope Francis wishes the Church to operate. This synodal process was authoritatively stressed during the workshop, by Cardinals Grech and Semeraro.”
(4) Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (8 December 2017) | Francis
This vast and pressing task requires, on the cultural level of academic training and scientific study, a broad and generous effort at a radical paradigm shift, or rather – dare I say – at “a bold cultural revolution.” Veritatis Gaudium (par. 3)
(5) Paglia end-of-life statement

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  In your charity...
Posted by: Stone - 04-30-2023, 05:31 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...ipo=images]

This couple is trying very hard to adopt a child after many years of hoping to have a child of their own.

But as many of us know, the obstacles to adoption are staggering, particularly the cost. 

In your charity, please consider a contribution towards their adoption expenses: Don and Meg

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  The Solemnity of St Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
Posted by: Stone - 04-29-2023, 07:40 AM - Forum: In Defense of Tradition - No Replies

The Solemnity of St Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church 2023

[Image: saint-joseph-with-the-christ-child-barto...urillo.jpg]

GREGORY DIPIPPO NLM [slightly adapted]| April 26, 2023

Regarding the various graces conferred upon a rational creature, it is the general rule that whenever the divine grace chooses someone for a particular grace, or for a particular exalted state, it also endows that person with all the gifts of grace which are necessary for the person so chosen, and for the duty (to which he is called), and does so in abundance. This is most especially verified in the case of Saint Joseph, the putative father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and true spouse of the Queen of the world, and Lady of Angels. He was chosen by the Eternal Father as the faithful protector and guardian of His chief treasures, namely, His Son, and Joseph’s own Wife. This duty Joseph discharged most faithfully, wherefore the Lord hath said to him: Good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

Remember us, therefore, o blessed Joseph, and by the support of thy prayers, intercede for us with thy supposed Son! And also make gracious to us thy Virgin Spouse, the Mother of Him Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth though all ages. Amen. (From the sermon at Matins, by St Bernardin of Siena.)

The feast of St Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, was originally called “the Patronage of St Joseph,” and fixed to the Third Sunday after Easter. It was kept by a great many dioceses and religious orders, particularly promoted by the Carmelites, before it was extended to the universal Church by Bl. Pope Pius IX in 1847, and later granted an octave. When the custom of fixing feasts to particular Sundays was abolished as part of the Breviary reform of Pope St Pius X, it was anticipated to the previous Wednesday, the day of the week traditionally dedicated to Patron Saints. It was removed from the general Calendar in 1955 and replaced by the feast of St Joseph the Worker, one of the least fortunate aspects of the pre-Conciliar liturgical changes; the new feast itself was then downgraded from the highest of three grades (first class) in the 1962 Missal to the lowest of four (optional memorial) in 1970.

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  Bird flu vaccine testing starts in the US
Posted by: Stone - 04-29-2023, 07:14 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Bird flu vaccine testing starts in the US

PoultryWorld.net [adapted] | April 26, 2023

The United States government has begun testing bird flu vaccines for poultry after a record outbreak, which has seen more than 58 million chickens, turkeys and other birds culled.

Conducted by the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Service, the trials are a first step towards the possible first use of vaccines to protect US poultry from the lethal virus.

The USDA is testing 2 vaccines developed by its Agricultural Research Service, 1 each from Zoetis and another from Merck Animal Health. Zoetis previously supplied its vaccine to a USDA stockpile in 2016 following the huge outbreak in the US a year earlier, but it was never utilised.

Initial data from the animal study with a single dose of the vaccine are expected to be available in May, with researchers hoping to have 2-dose vaccine challenge studies with results in June.

If the trials are successful and USDA elects to continue development, it would take at least 18-24 months for a vaccine that matches the current virus to be commercially available.

Effect on poultry trade

One of the key stumbling blocks against vaccine use in the past has been the potential effect on trading. Reuters reported that Greg Tyler, president of the industry group USA Poultry and Egg Export Council, had said the government needs to ensure vaccinations would not disrupt trading with major buyers.

In a statement following a stakeholder roundtable with poultry industry leaders and state government officials, acting deputy secretary, Kevin Shea, said the situation on the ground was looking brighter: “Thanks to collaborative state and industry partnerships and enhanced national animal disease preparedness and response capabilities, we are successfully controlling this outbreak and mitigating its impact on US poultry production and trade.”

Biosecurity and surveillance

The lessons learned since the last major HPAI outbreak are many and have reinforced the importance of biosecurity, enhanced surveillance and testing, and on-the-ground personnel to quickly respond to cases and prevent the disease’s spread.

The USDA also said it had achieved tremendous cost-savings during the current outbreak – almost 50% over the last outbreak – while also working to secure regionalisation agreements and keeping markets open with key trading partners.

The vaccine announcement follows France’s decision to launch an order for 80 million doses of vaccines to use in ducks in the autumn if trial results are positive. France would be the first EU member states to adopt such a plan.

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  WEF calls on leaders to make “good use” of mass data collection
Posted by: Stone - 04-29-2023, 07:09 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

WEF calls on leaders to make “good use” of mass data collection
Using satellite data, biological data, and citizen-generated data.

ReclaimTheNet | April 28, 2023

One of the recent proposals to come out of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is to develop ways to harvest and monetize satellite data, biological data, and citizen-generated data.

Penned by MIT Media Lab research engineer Minoo Rathnasabapathy and Helen Burdett, who heads WEF’s Technology Strategy, and posted on the group’s website, the proposal calls for putting all this spuriously collected, in the first place, data – “to good use” now.

We’re talking points here, such as “sustainable development” (the supposed advocacy in mainstream media and informal global cabals such as WEF hardly ever goes into any useful detail, and beyond lip service – nothing other than what serves the “grand narrative”).

The idea, apparently, is to harness Earth satellite observation data – and services in a way that would help “sustainable development” in unforeseen ways, outside of “just” the scientific community.

At this point, the bigger the bogus theory, the more people believe it, which must be WEF’s hope. Otherwise, why speak about this as a good thing – a combination with geo-referenced data, and a way that anything good might come out of combining that to tackle social and economic issues?

Be that as it may, here we are again, and media perception seems to be the king: let’s all think, and more importantly, talk about April 22, “Earth Day,” the WEF post suggested earlier in the month.

These days, we are supposed to disregard the real danger of a global war and instead focus on how to best (ab)use all that Earth data apparently just “lying around.”

Well, that’s WEF’s argument, and we love our WEF musings, like this: let’s make use of allegedly over 100 terabytes of satellite imagery data harvested each day by the European Union Agency for the Space Program, for the purpose of combining it with geo-referenced data given access to by experts, and those who are not.

But why, WEF?

It’s about climate change, silly.

“In a world where climate change poses a global threat to Earth’s biodiversity, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report, released in late March 2023, echoes the theme for Earth Day 2023: ‘Invest in our Planet’.”

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