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  St. Alphonsus Liguori: 50 Maxims for Perfection
Posted by: Stone - 12-20-2022, 07:31 AM - Forum: The Saints - No Replies

Saint Alphonsus’ 50 Maxims for Attaining Perfection
Adapted from here.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fnobility.org%2Fwp-conte...ipo=images]

To desire ardently to increase in the love of Jesus Christ.
Often to make acts of love towards Jesus Christ. Immediately on waking, and before going to sleep, to make an act of love, seeking      always to unite your own will to the will of Jesus Christ.
Often to meditate on his Passion.
Always to ask Jesus Christ for his love.
To communicate often, and many times in the day to make spiritual Communions.
Often to visit the Most Holy Sacrament.
Every morning to receive from the hands of Jesus Christ himself your own cross.
To desire Paradise and death, in order to be able to love Jesus Christ perfectly and for all eternity.
Often to speak of the love of Jesus Christ.
To accept contradictions for the sake of Jesus Christ. [especially relevant today]
To rejoice in the happiness of God.
To do that which is most pleasing to Jesus Christ, and not to refuse him anything that is agreeable to him.
To desire and to endeavor that all should love Jesus Christ.
To pray always for sinners and for the souls in purgatory.
To drive from your heart every affection that does not belong to Jesus Christ.
Always to have recourse to the most holy Mary, that she may obtain for us the love of Jesus Christ.
To honor Mary in order to please Jesus Christ.
To seek to please Jesus Christ in all your actions,
To offer yourself to Jesus Christ to suffer any pain for his love.
To be always determined to die rather than commit a willful venial sin.
To suffer crosses patiently, saying, “Thus it pleases Jesus Christ.“
To renounce your own pleasures for the love of Jesus Christ.
To pray as much as possible.
To practice all the mortifications that obedience permits.
To do all your spiritual exercises as if it were for the last time.
To persevere in good works in the time of aridity.
Not to do nor yet to leave undone anything through human respect.
Not to complain in sickness.
To love solitude, to be able to converse alone with Jesus Christ.
To drive away melancholy [i.e. gloom].
Often to recommend yourself to those persons who love Jesus Christ.
In temptation, to have recourse to Jesus crucified, and to Mary in her sorrows.
To trust entirely in the Passion of Jesus Christ.
After committing a fault, not to be discouraged, but to repent and resolve to amend.
To do good to those who do evil.
To speak well of all, and to excuse the intention when you cannot defend the action.
To help your neighbor as much as you can.
Neither to say nor to do anything that might vex him. And if you have been wanting in charity, to ask his pardon and speak kindly to him.
Always to speak with mildness and in a low tone.
To offer to Jesus Christ all the contempt and persecution that you meet with.
To look upon [religious] Superiors as the representatives of Jesus Christ.
To obey without answering and without repugnance, and not to seek your own satisfaction in anything.
To like the lowest employment.
To like the poorest things.
Not to speak either good or evil of yourself.
To humble yourself even towards inferiors.
Not to excuse yourself when you are reproved.
Not to defend yourself when found fault with.
To be silent when you are disquieted [i.e. upset].
Always to renew your determination of becoming a saint, saying, “My Jesus, I desire to be all Yours, and You must be all mine.”

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  Quattour Antiphonae (Final Four Antiphons)
Posted by: Stone - 12-20-2022, 07:12 AM - Forum: In Honor of Our Lady - Replies (3)

Quattour Antiphonae (Final Four Antiphons)
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginal...ipo=images]

These four prayers, aside from the Hail Mary, are perhaps the four most popular Marian prayers. They are used in both private and public devotions and hold a prominent place in the Liturgy of the Hours as the concluding antiphons for Compline. Franciscans were apparently one of the first to introduce these prayers into the Liturgy and St. Bonaventure is credited with being the first to add them to the Office around 1274. From the 14th century on they have been used universally in the Latin Rite as concluding Antiphons for Compline.

Alma Redemptoris Mater
Mother Benign of Our Redeeming Lord

Alma Redemptoris Mater was composed by Herman Contractus (Herman the Cripple) (1013-1054). It is mentioned in The Prioress' Tale in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, which testifies to its popularity in England before Henry VIII. Contractus composed it from phrases taken from the writings of St. Fulgentius, St. Epiphanius, and St. Irenaeus. At one time Alma Redemptoris Mater was briefly used as an antiphon for the hour of Sext for the feast of the Assumption, but since the 13th century it has been a part of Compline. Formerly it was recited only from the first Sunday in Advent until the Feast of the Purification (Feb. 2), but with the revision of the Liturgy of the Hours, it can be recited anytime during the year. The traditional collects, which are not part of the original prayer, are also given below.

ALMA Redemptoris Mater, quae pervia caeli
Porta manes, et stella maris, succurre cadenti,
Surgere qui curat, populo: tu quae genuisti,
Natura mirante, tuum sanctum Genitorem
Virgo prius ac posterius, Gabrielis ab ore
Sumens illud Ave, peccatorum miserere.

Tempus Adventus
V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae.
R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.

Gratiam tuam, quaesumus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde: ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus; per passionem eius et crucem, ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Donec Purificatio
V. Post partum, Virgo, inviolata permansisti.
R. Dei Genetrix, intercede pro nobis.

Deus, qui salutis aeternae, beatae Mariae virginitate fecunda, humano generi praemia praestitisti: tribue, quaesumus; ut ipsam pro nobis intercedere sentiamus, per quam meruimus auctorem vitae suscipere, Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, Filium tuum. Amen.

MOTHER of Christ, hear thou thy people's cry
Star of the deep and Portal of the sky!
Mother of Him who thee made from nothing made.
Sinking we strive and call to thee for aid:
Oh, by what joy which Gabriel brought to thee,
Thou Virgin first and last, let us thy mercy see.

During Advent
V. The Angel of the Lord announced unto Mary.
R. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray.
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts: that as we have known the incarnation of Thy Son Jesus Christ by the message of an Angel, so too by His Cross and passion may we be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Amen.

From Christmas Eve until the Purification
V. After childbirth thou didst remain a virgin.
R. Intercede for us, O Mother of God.

Let us pray.
O God, who, by the fruitful virginity of blessed Mary, hast bestowed upon mankind the reward of eternal salvation: grant, we beseech Thee, that we may experience her intercession, through whom we have been made worthy to receive the author of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

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  Prayers of Saint Ambrose before Mass for each Day of the Week
Posted by: Stone - 12-20-2022, 07:02 AM - Forum: Prayers and Devotionals - No Replies

Prayers of Saint Ambrose before Mass for each Day of the Week

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstmargaretclitherowroch...ipo=images]

This prayer is often ascribed to St. Ambrose (340 - 397), but scholars today ascribe the work to Jean de Fecamp (12th cent.). These prayers have been an important part of priestly private devotions since the Middle Ages and were included in the Missal by Pius V. The form of the prayers below have been modified for use by either the clergy or the laity. Those sections proper to the clergy are given in parentheses and alternates for the laity, if present, follow in brackets.


O SUPREME High Priest and true Pontiff, Jesus Christ, who didst offer Thyself to God the Father as a pure and spotless Victim upon the Altar of the Cross for us miserable sinners, who didst give us Thy Flesh to eat and Thy Blood to drink, and who didst ordain that Mystery in the power of the Holy Spirit saying: "As often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me"; I ask Thee by this same Blood of Thine, the great price of our salvation, and by that wonderful and unspeakable love with which Thou dost love us so much so as to wash us from our sins in Thy Blood, as miserable and unworthy though we are: (teach me, Thy unworthy servant, whom among Thy other gifts, Thou hast deigned to call to the priestly office, not for my own merit but only out of the worthiness of Thy mercy) I beseech Thee teach me through Thy Holy Spirit to handle so great a Mystery with such great reverence and honor, with such fear and devotion, as are due and fitting. Through Thy grace make me always to believe and to understand, to conceive and to firmly hold, and to think and speak of this wondrous Mystery in such a way as it pleases Thee and benefits my own soul. Let Thy good Spirit enter into my heart where He may silently resound and, without clamor of words, speak all truth. For Thy Mysteries are indeed exceedingly deep and covered with a sacred veil. On account of Thy great mercy grant me to (celebrate) [assist] at the Solemnity of the Mass with a clean heart and a pure mind. Free my heart from all unclean, unholy, vain and hurtful thoughts. Defend me with a loving and faithful guard, the mighty protection of Thy blessed Angels, so the enemies of all good may go away ashamed. Through the virtue of this great Mystery and by the hand of Thy holy angel, drive away from me and from all Thy servants the stubborn spirit of pride and vain-glory, of impurity and uncleanness, of doubting and mistrust. May those who persecute us be confounded; may they perish those who make haste to destroy us.


O KING of virgins and lover of chastity and innocence, extinguish in my body by the dew of Thy heavenly blessing whatever may kindle the burning of wanton desire, so purity of body and soul may abide in me. Mortify in my members the incitements of the flesh and all lustful emotions. Also give me true and persevering chastity with Thine other gifts which please Thee in truth, so that I may with chaste body and pure heart offer unto Thee a sacrifice of praise. For with how great a contrition of heart and flowing of tears or a chastity of body and purity of soul should that divine and heavenly Sacrifice be celebrated, wherein Thy Flesh is in truth eaten, wherein Thy Blood in truth is drunk, wherein things lowest and highest, earthly and divine, are united, where the Holy Angels are present, where Thou art in a marvelous and unspeakable manner both Priest and Sacrifice.


WHO can worthily (celebrate) [assist] at this Sacrifice unless Thou, Almighty God, makest one worthy? I know, O Lord, yea, truly do I know and this do I confess to Thy loving-kindness, that I am unworthy to approach so great a Mystery on account of my sins and numberless negligences; but I know, and truly with my whole heart do I believe and with my mouth confess that Thou canst make me worthy, who alone canst make clean one conceived of unclean seed and canst make sinners to be righteous and holy. By this Thine almighty power I beseech Thee, O my God, to grant that I, a sinner, may (celebrate) [assist] at this Sacrifice with fear and trembling, with purity of heart and streams of tears, with spiritual gladness and heavenly joy. May my mind feel the sweetness of Thy most blessed Presence and the guardianship of Thy holy Angels round about me.


O LORD, ever mindful of Thy venerable Passion, I, though a sinner, approach Thine Altar so I might offer Thee that Sacrifice which Thou hast instituted and commanded us to offer in remembrance of Thee for our salvation. Receive it, I beseech Thee, O God Most High, for Thy holy Church and for the people whom Thou hast purchased with Thy Blood. (And since Thou hast willed that I, a sinner, should be in the midst between Thee and Thy people, although Thou perceivest not in me the evidence of good works, at least refuse not the service of the ministry which Thou hast given me; let not the price of their salvation be wasted through my unworthiness, whose saving Victim and redemption Thou didst deign to be.) I also bring before Thee, O Lord, if Thou wilt deign to consider them, the tribulations of the people, the perils of the nations, the groans of prisoners, the misery of orphans, the necessities of strangers, the helplessness of the weak, the depression of the weary, the infirmities of the aged, the aspirations of the young, the vows of virgins, and the lamentations of widows.


O LORD, Thou art merciful unto all and hatest nothing that Thou hast made. Remember what we are made of, for Thou art our Father, Thou art our God. Be not angry with us for ever, nor withhold the multitude of Thy mercies from us; for it is not in our righteousness, but in Thy great compassion that we humbly place our prayers before Thee. Take from us our iniquities and graciously enkindle the fire of Thy Holy Spirit within us. Take from us our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh, which may love Thee, prefer Thee, delight in Thee, follow Thee, and enjoy Thee. O Lord, out of Thy mercy we beg Thee to look favorably upon Thy family awaiting the service of Thy holy Name, May the prayers of none be ineffectual, nor the petitions of any be unfruitful. Do Thou put into our minds such prayers as Thou mayest delight graciously to hear and answer.


O LORD, Holy Father, we beseech Thee on behalf of the souls of the faithful departed that this great Sacrament of Thy love may be for them health, salvation, joy and refreshment. O Lord and my God, may it be a great and abundant feast of Thee, the living Bread, who camest down from heaven and givest life unto the world; a feast of Thy holy and blessed Flesh, of the Lamb without spot, who takest away the sins of the world; the Flesh which was conceived of the Holy Spirit and taken from the holy and glorious womb of the blessed Virgin Mary; the Flesh of Thy most sacred Side pierced by the soldier's spear from which the Fountain of mercy flowed forth; with which after being fed and satisfied, refreshed and comforted, they may rejoice in Thy praise and glory.

O LORD, upon Thy mercy I pray that the fullness of Thy blessing and the sanctification of Thy divinity may descend upon the bread to be offered unto Thee. May the invisible and incomprehensible majesty of Thy Holy Spirit also descend as it came down of old upon the sacrifices of the Fathers; which will both make our oblations Thy Body and Blood, and teach (me Thy unworthy priest) [us, Thy unworthy servants], to treat so great a Mystery with purity of heart and with tears of devotion, with the reverence and trembling, so that Thou mayest graciously and favorably receive this sacrifice (at my hands) for the wellbeing of all, both the living and the departed.


I ENTREAT Thee, O Lord, by this most holy mystery of Thy Body and Blood with which we are daily fed and given to drink, are washed and sanctified in Thy Church, and are made worthy partakers of the one supreme Divinity, grant unto me Thy holy virtues, that filled by them I may draw near to Thine Altar with a good conscience. May these heavenly Sacraments be made unto me salvation and life, for as Thou hast said with Thy holy and blessed mouth, "The bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever."

SWEETEST Bread, heal the palate of my heart that I may taste the pleasant savor of Thy love. Heal it of all infirmities that I may find sweetness in nothing other than Thee. O purest Bread, having all delight and all savor, which ever refreshest us and never failest, let my heart feed on Thee and may my inmost soul be fulfilled with the sweetness of Thy savor. The Angels feed upon Thee fully: let the wayfaring man feed on Thee according to his measure, that, refreshed with such a Viaticum, he may not fall by the way.

HOLY Bread, O living Bread, O pure Bread, who camest down from heaven and givest life unto the world, come into my heart, and cleanse me from all defilement of flesh and spirit. Enter into my soul: heal and cleanse me within and without; be the protection and continual health of my soul and body. Drive far from me all foes that lie in wait; let them flee at the presence of Thy power, so that being guarded without and within by Thee, I may come to Thy kingdom straight away: where, not as now in mysteries, but face to face, we shall behold Thee: when Thou shalt have delivered up the kingdom to God, the Father, and shalt be God, all in all. Then shalt Thou satisfy me with Thyself in wondrous fullness, so that I shall never hunger nor thirst any more. Who with the same God the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.

-Source [Link offers the Latin version as well.]

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  Pascendi exposes Modernist [and False Resistance] tactics
Posted by: Stone - 12-19-2022, 03:39 PM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - Replies (2)

Pascendi exposes Modernist tactics
Pope St. Pius X exposes the tactics used by Modernists to spread their errors.

This article by Fr. Francois Knittel was originally published in the April 2004 issue of The Angelus magazine.

Modernist tactics according Pascendi Gregis

We wish to honor Pope St. Pius X, the first canonized pontiff that the good Lord gave us since St. Pius V, by remembering his teachings. The task is not easy, since the teachings of his 11-year pontificate are abundant: his Catechism;[1] frequent Communion[2] and at an early age;[3] Catholic Action;[4] devotion to Our Lady;[5] the responsibility of those who govern the Church;[6] the Priesthood;[7] the doctrine of St. Thomas of Aquinas[8] and that of many others.

Some of the most interesting of St. Pius X's teachings to recall are those on Modernism. The three documents vital to the subject are Lamentabili Sane (July 3, 1907), Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Sept. 8, 1907), and Sacrorum Antistitum (Sept. 1, 1910). Without any doubt, the most well-known aspect of this teaching on Modernism is the description that St. Pius X gives of the successive faces of the Modernist: the philosopher, believer, theologian, critic, apologist, and reformer. It is a long and arduous text that measures up to the challenge which confronted the Church and its magisterium.

As for us, we will emphasize what St. Pius X wrote on the tactics of the Modernists. The holy Pope was worried not only about the doctrinal aspects of this question, but also about the progress of this error in minds and hearts. How could a doctrine so complex, overwhelming, and contrary to the natural structure of human intelligence have such dissemination? How can we justify all the new measures taken by the Pope—Anti-Modernist Oath, vigilance counsels, exclusion of Modernists from the priesthood and teaching positions, prohibition to publish, control over priestly conventions—knowing that the Church always had to fight against one heresy or other in the course of its history? Why such particular treatment? From the very beginning of his encyclical on Modernism, St. Pius X said:

Quote:Still it must be confessed that the number of the enemies of the Cross of Christ has in this days increased exceedingly, who are striving, by arts, entirely new and full of subtlety, to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and, if they can, to overthrow utterly Christ's kingdom itself."[9]

What are these new arts full of subtlety used by the Modernists unmasked by the Pontiff?

Enemies within

Above all, they are the enemy inside the Church itself. For if we consult our catechism, we will see that those who are outside the Church are the infidels, the heretics, the schismatics, and the apostates. Some were never part of the Church (infidels), some abandoned the Church because of their sins against the Faith (heretics and apostates), or against charity (schismatics), but all, some sooner than others, separated themselves from the Church. That very same separation had the advantage of clarifying the situation and alerting the Catholic faithful against the teachings and actions of these “devouring wolves.”

Nothing of the sort happened with the Modernists whose primary characteristic is to try to stay within the Church at all cost:

Quote:That we make no delay in this matter is rendered necessary especially by the fact that the partisans of error are to be sought not only among the Church's open enemies; they lie hid, a thing to be deeply deplored and feared, in her very bosom and heart, and are the more mischievous, the less conspicuous they appear.[10] [W]e allude... to many who belong to the Catholic laity, nay, and this is far more lamentable, to the ranks of the priesthood itself,... and lost to all sense of modesty, vaunt themselves as reformers of the Church. ...And this policy they follow willingly and wittingly, both because it is part of their system that authority is to be stimulated but not dethroned, and because it is necessary for them to remain within the ranks of the Church in order that they may gradually transform the collective conscience—thus unconsciously avowing that the common conscience is not with them, and that they have no right to claim to be its interpreters."[11]

Thus it is obvious that there is a firm desire not to get out of the visible structure of the Church, so that they can, at their whim, modify it from the inside. These are the wolves mentioned by Our Lord, “in the clothing of sheep” (Mt. 7:15). Their dissimulation is not accidental, but essential to their works; without it they could not do anything.

Destroying the Catholic Faith itself

By remaining within the Church under false pretenses, the Modernists try to modify, and thus destroy, the Catholic Faith. Their attacks are not going to be against an institution or a dogma in particular, but will aim at the very virtue of faith:

Quote:Moreover they lay the axe not to the branches and shoots, but to the very root, that is, to the faith and its deepest fires. And having struck at this root of immortality, they proceed to disseminate poison through the whole tree, so that there is no part of Catholic Truth from which they hold their hand, none that they do not strive to corrupt.[12] Certainly this suffices to show superabundantly by how many roads Modernism leads to the annihilation of all religion. The first step in this direction was taken by Protestantism; the second is made by Modernism; the next will plunge headlong into atheism.[13] And now, can anybody who takes a survey of the whole system be surprised that We should define it as the synthesis of all heresies? Were one to attempt the task of collecting together all the errors that have been broached against the faith and to concentrate the sap and substance of them all into one, he could no better succeed than the Modernists have done."[14]

It is true that any heresy destroys the Catholic Faith by implicitly doubting the authority of God the Revealer. For if we believe in the revealed truths (Trinity, Incarnation, Redemption, Holy Eucharist, etc.) it is not by personal taste, whim, or opinion, nor because said truths are evident. The only true motive that makes us believe without the shadow of a doubt is precisely the authority of God, who cannot lie, who cannot be in error, who cannot be ignorant. But to deny a dogma is the equivalent of denying God, who unveiled His mysteries for us, His inerrancy and infallibility. It is in that sense that willful heresy will result in the loss of the virtue of faith.

Modernism, as St. Pius X teaches, not only will result in the loss of the virtue of faith like any other heresy, but will even make the existence of said virtue impossible. In Modernism, everything is reduced to a natural dimension, everything is enclosed in the subject, everything is borne out of the desires coming from the depth of consciousness. There is no longer any room for supernatural, mysterious, external, and objective realities. The problem is no longer on this or that particular point of doctrine or morals, but it is the very possibility of the act of faith as defined by our catechism which is destroyed.

Hence “there is no part of Catholic truth which they do not strive to destroy.” Hence also the definition of Modernism as “the synthesis of all heresies.” Hence finally, the ultimate consequence of this revolutionary movement is “atheism.”

Smokescreen of confusion in Modernist doctrine

At the service of his will to effect the radical subversion of Catholic doctrine within the Church, the Modernist will use several subterfuges. First, he will mix in his speeches and writings, in a strange and dangerous fashion, Catholicism and Rationalism. What is Rationalism? Pope Pius IX defined it in the Syllabus of Errors (1864) as:

Quote:Human reason, without any reference whatsoever to God, is the sole arbiter of truth and falsehood, and of good and evil; it is law to itself, and suffices, by its natural forces, to secure the welfare of men and nations." (Condemned Propostion No. 3)

Upon reading this definition of Rationalism, we cannot but notice the radical opposition between Rationalism and the Catholic Faith. One of the infallible signs betraying the Modernist character of an author or some writing, is precisely that adulterous union between Catholicism and Rationalism:

Quote:For they double the part of the rationalist and Catholic, and this so craftily that they easily lead the unwary into error.[15] Hence, in their books you find some things that might well be expressed by a Catholic, but in the next page you will find other things which might have been dictated by a rationalist."[16]

This adulterous union between Catholic thought and rationalist thought is the direct result of the Modernist's will to stay within the Church in order to change the Faith from inside. To speak clearly against the Faith would immediately render them visible and mark them in everyone's eyes with the infamous seal of heresy and apostasy! That is why they never speak clearly.

Every Modernist sustains and comprises within himself many personalities which appear and disappear according to the necessities of the cause and the opportunities of the moment. It is this evidence which gave the encyclical Pascendi its particular structure. To reveal the Modernist in hiding, St. Pius X had to explain in detail all the disguises, tricks and feints used by the Modernist to avoid the judgment of the Magisterium:

Quote:It must be first noted that every Modernist sustains and comprises within himself many personalities: he is a philosopher, a believer, a theologian, an historian, a critic, an apologist, a reformer. These roles must be clearly distinguished from one another by all who would accurately know their system and thoroughly comprehend the principles and consequences of their doctrines."[17]

Lastly, the final trait of the Modernist: he gives the impression that his doctrines lack global vision. Thus, in the eyes of an unwary Catholic, the doctrines of the Modernists will appear fluctuating, insecure, indecisive, and even contradictory. Pope Pius X did not share that view as he explained in several instances:

Quote:But since the Modernists... employ a very clever artifice, namely, to present their doctrines without order and systematic arrangement into one whole, scattered and disjointed one from another, so as to appear to be in doubt and uncertainty, while in reality they are firm and steadfast, it will be of ad vantage... to bring their teachings together here into one group, and to point out the connection between them, and thus to pass an examination of the sources of the errors, and to prescribe remedies for averting the evil.[18] In the writing and addresses they seem not infrequently to advocate now one doctrine now another so that one would be disposed to regard them as vague and doubtful. But there is a reason for this, and it is to be found in their ideas as to the mutual separation of science and faith.[19] It may be... that some may think We have dwelt too long on this exposition of the doctrines of the Modernists. But it was necessary, both in order to refute their customary charge that We do not understand their ideas, and to show that their system does not consist in scattered and unconnected theories but in a perfectly organized body, all the parts of which are solidly joined so that it is not possible to admit one without admitting all."[20]

Undoubtedly, one of the benefits of Pascendi Gregis was to show the Modernist doctrine in all its scope and as a coherent system. To stick one's finger into the Modernist machinery is to lose your whole body. To be Modernist in history will lead, little by little, to become so in exegesis and philosophy as well. The adulterous union between Catholic principles and rationalist principles is a fundamental perversion very frequently condemned by the Popes.

Practice of Modernism

After showing us how the Modernists are the enemy within, who endanger the very Faith without ever giving a global overview of their system, Pope Pius X unmasked three practical points that make the Modernists actions particularly dangerous. When in spite of their deceptions, some Modernists are unmasked by the authority, called to public retractation, or even publicly condemned, they usually give the appearance of submission to the measures that affect them:

Quote:But you know how fruitless has been Our action. They bowed their head for a moment but it was soon uplifted more arrogantly than ever.[21] And thus, here again a way must be found to save the full rights of authority on the one hand and of liberty on the other. In the meanwhile the proper course for the Catholic will be to proclaim publicly his profound respect for authority-and continue to follow his own bent.[22] And so they go their own way, reprimands and condemnations notwithstanding, masking an incredible audacity under a mock semblance of humility. While they make a show of bowing their heads, their hands and minds are more intent than ever on carrying out their purposes."[23]

That apparent submission is perfectly coherent with the deliberate decision of the Modernists to stay in the Church. If they rebelled against authority or openly despised the truths of our Faith, they would thus unmask themselves. That apparent submission to the decisions of the authorities, even hard penalties, is a key element of Modernist tactics.

The other side of the coin in that the return of a Modernist to the totality of the Faith is always doubtful. How can one be certain of the sincerity of such a conversion when dissimulation and hypocrisy are at the root of the system? Didn't all these fashionable Modernist theologians of the last 50 years repeatedly swear the Anti-Modernist Oath: Chenu, Rahner, Congar, Küng, Drewerman and Boff, to mention a few? With that apparent submission to the authorities, Modernists frequently lead as well an externally exemplary life:

Quote:To this must be added the fact, which indeed is well calculated to deceive souls, that they lead a life of the greatest activity, of assiduous and ardent application to every branch of learning, and that they possess, as a rule, a reputation for the strictest morality."[24]

Here, too, they could not remain in the Church without apparently keeping the discipline of the Church and its way of life. The apostate or the one who seeks laicization will bring himself to the attention of the Catholic faithful.

In virtue of the necessary connection between what one thinks and what one does, it is legitimate to think that this exemplary life is nothing but external. Let us recall for instance, the weird relations maintained by Teilhard de Chardin, Karl Rahner,[25] or Hans Urs von Balthasar,[26] and of the prince of liberation theologians, the Franciscan Leonardo Boff who recently abandoned the priesthood.[27]

Attracting public opinion

The last Modernist tactic indicated by Pope Pius X is the manipulation of public opinion. This manipulation is done in two phases:

1. It is necessary to silence any serious opponent of Modernism. Any serious debate with said opponent will be avoided, his works opposed to Modernism will not be mentioned, and their publication will even be prevented if possible, and

2. at the same time, every Modernist speech or book will be praised to the sky. The use and multiplication of pen names used by some Modernist authors will give the impression of a wave of opinion, when frequently, in fact, we are dealing with a few authors singing one another's praises.

Quote:...[t]he boundless effrontery of these men. Let one but open his mouth and the others applaud him in chorus, proclaiming that science has made another step forward; let an outsider but hint at a desire to inspect the new discovery with his own eyes, and they are on him in a body; deny it, and you are an ignoramus; embrace and defend it, and there is no praise too warm for you. In this way they win over any who, did they but realize what they are doing, would shrink back with horror.[28] But of all the insults they heap on them, those of ignorance and obstinacy are the favorites. When an adversary rises up against them with an erudition and force that render him redoubtable, they try to make a conspiracy of silence around him to nullify the effects of his attacks, while in flagrant contrast with this policy towards Catholics, they load with constant praise the writers who range themselves on their side.[29] When one of their numbers falls under the condemnation of the Church the rest of them, to the horror of good Catholics, gather round him, heap public praise upon him, venerate him almost as a martyr to truth.[30] Under their own names and under pseudonyms they publish numbers of books, newspapers, reviews, and sometimes one and the same writer adopts a variety of pseudonyms to trap the incautious reader into believing in a whole multitude of Modernist writers."[31]

When truth is no longer the measure of the validity of an argument, then there is no other way than to look for palliatives to cover its intrinsic weakness. In an era of democracy, truth does not count for much, only the majority; neither does honesty, only power and fame. On the contrary, woe to those who do not blow with the prevalent winds of history. Woe to those who do not board the great ship of progress. They will be buried alive in a lead coffin. They will not find publishers for their books, nor a single magazine for their articles, no chair for them to teach, and the faithful will never hear their voice even though it is the voice of the Good Shepherd.

A secret society?

To conclude his analysis of Modernist tactics with practical advice, Pope Pius X called for the unmasking of Modernism. Faced with such hypocritical and deceitful error, only one thing needs to be done: bring it out to the light of day so that all can see its evil.

Quote:We must now break silence, in order to expose before the whole Church in their true colors those men who have assumed this evil disguise."[32]

It is very interesting to compare this order of the Holy Pontiff with that of his predecessor Pope Leo XIII in the encyclical Humanum Genus in condemnation of Freemasonry:

Quote:We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is.[33]

The comparison of these two texts—one on Modernism and the other on Freemasonry—does suggest a similarity between these two revolutionary events. The two Pontiffs seems to suggest a kinship between the Masonic sect and the Modernist sect. Perhaps some will think excessive the use of the expression “Modernist sect.” However, here too, we are only echoing the teachings of Pope St. Pius X:

Quote:We think it is obvious to every bishop that the type of men called Modernists, whose personality was described in the encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, have not stopped agitating in order to disturb the peace of the Church. Nor have they ceased to recruit followers to the extent of forming an underground group. In this way they are injecting the virus of their doctrine into the veins of Christian society, publishing books and articles either unsigned or under false names. A fresh and careful reading of Our said encyclical reveals clearly that this deliberate shrewdness is to be expected from those men We described in it. They are enemies all the more formidable as they are so close. They take advantage of their ministry by offering their poisoned food and catching the unguarded by surprise. They supply a false doctrine which is the compendium of all errors."[34]

Thus, St. Pius X did speak of the Modernists as an “underground group.” Few authors have noticed and examined this detail. In an article of April 1964, Jean Madiran did made the following observations:

Quote:In the encyclical Pascendi, Pope Pius X mentioned several times and in various manners the “occult” action of Modernists. Is it a secret society in the strict sense? The encyclical Pascendi implies it though does not affirm it clearly. Three years later, however, this formal accusation was made by Pope Pius X (Sacrorum Antistitum of Sept. 1, 1910): [the] Modernists, whose personality was described in the encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, have not stopped agitating in order to disturb the peace of the Church. Neither have they ceased to recruit followers to the extent of forming an underground group. ...We have consulted books and magazines that gave the “history” or the “results” of Modernism since World War II: we did not find any mention of this specific aspect of the question. Not only is the secret society is omitted, but the presentation of Modernism made by many authors implicitly denied it ever existed. It is denied by the fact that their presentation of Modernism is incompatible with the existence of the secret society of Modernists. They do mention writers, investigators, editors, and clergymen undoubtedly in error, but guileless souls: certainly true for many, but insufficient to explain the historical phenomenon of Modernism. It does not explain its organized preponderance, nor the concerted campaigns, nor the medley of insults and praises, nor the premeditated tactics, nor the occult activities described in the encyclical Pascendi. Neither does it explain the accusation of “underground group” of the Motu Proprio of Sept. 1, 1910 [Sacrorum Antistitum].

All the stories of the Modernist crisis, these “analyses” of Modernism, and the judgments expressed have been radically corrupted because of the systematic ignorance and dissimulation of such an important element of judgment... By hiding the existence of the secret society, the historians obviously did not shed any light on its disappearance. Nonetheless, this is an unresolved historical question, indeed, an open question, that is, when did the secret society of Modernists cease to exist? We cannot even ask if they were “reconstituted” at a later date, for to be reconstituted it is necessary to have ceased to exist; but we do not know if and when it was dissolved. Not only is no answer given, but the question itself is not even raised. Historians of the crisis think that the encyclical Pascendi in 1907 mortally wounded Modernism and that that was the end of it, and even too brutal and complete of an end. That was not the position of Pope Pius X who, three years later, on Sept. 1, 1910, clearly affirmed: “Nor have they ceased to recruit followers to the extent of forming an underground group.” They had not ceased. But then, when did they cease? Or did they ever cease?"[35]

The Modernist is an apostate and a traitor

In conclusion, we will let Fr. Calmel, O.P., give us a panoramic view of the question of Modernism in its theological, moral, spiritual, and tactical aspects:

Quote:The classic heretic—Arius, Nestorius, Luther—even if he had some wistful desire to remain in the Catholic Church, did everything necessary to be ousted. He fought openly against Divine Revelation, the sacred deposit of which is guarded by the Church. The heretic, or more accurately the Modernist apostate like a Loisy or Teilhard de Chardin, deliberately rejects the whole doctrine of the Church, but desires to remain in the Church and takes the necessary measures to stay in. He dissembles and feigns with the hope of changing the Church in the long run—or, as the Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin wrote, to rectify the Faith — from the inside.

The Modernist has in common with other heretics the rejection of Catholic Revelation. But he differentiates himself from other heretics, because he hides this rejection. We must insist on this: the Modernist is an apostate and a traitor. You may ask, “Since the position of the Modernists is fundamentally disloyal, how can he keep it all his life without destroying his internal mental balance?” Is psychological balance compatible with a perpetually maintained duplicity in the most supreme questions? We must answer that yes it is, as far as the ringleaders are concerned.

With respect to the followers, the question of the psychological imbalance within a never-failing hypocrisy is less acute. When these followers are priests—alas, only too frequently—they usually end up marrying, thus putting an end to the necessity of dissimulation. For once they are married, they will continue to be apostate, but will stop being Modernists. Things become clearer with respect to them. They no longer have to fake the virtues of a Catholic priest.

Concerning the ringleaders, prelates with important charges, if they can practice their Modernism without serious damage, it is with a doubt because they are distracted by accomplices who never get tired of singing their praises. Distracted from looking at themselves, they manage to escape the burning questions of a slowly dying moral conscience. In any case, the blindness of the mind and the hardening of the heart will always be the end of the road, but without necessarily leading to dementia. We are certain that closing oneself in spiritual darkness does not happen at once, but it is prepared slowly by numerous acts of resistance to grace. This divine chastisement is merited by numerous sins. What is more, if any other sinner can recognize himself as such and beg divine mercy, we must admit that a sinner of that type cannot convert if not for a great miracle of grace: a very rare one."


1 Acerbo Nimis (April 15, 1905).
2 Sacra Tridentina Synodus (Dec. 20, 1905).
3 Quam Singulari (Aug. 8, 1910).
4 Il Fermo Proposito (June 11, 1905).
5 Ad Diem Ilium Laetissimum (Feb. 2, 1904).
6 Jucunda Sane (Mar. 12, 1904).
7 Haerent Animo (Aug. 4, 1908).
8 Doctoris Angelicis (June 29, 1914).
9 Pascendi Dominici Gregis, ed. Claudia Carlin (Pierian Press), p. 71.
10 Ibid., col. 2.
11 Ibid., p. 83, col. 2.
12 Ibid., p. 72, col. 1.
13 Ibid., p. 90, col. 1.
14 Ibid., p. 89, col. 1.
15 Ibid., p. 72, col. 1.
16 Ibid., p. 78, cols. 1,2.
17 Ibid., p. 72, col. 2.
18 Ibid., p. 72, col 2.
19 Ibid., p. 78,col. 1.
20 Ibid., p. 88, col. 1.
21 AW., p. 72, col. 1.
22 AW, p. 82, col. 1.
23 AW., p. 83, col. 2.
24 Ibid., p. 72, col. 1.
25 Courrier de Rome, (March 1995), p. 8.
26 Si Si No No, Italian ed., (Dec. 1992), p. 7.
27 Translator's note: He died shortly thereafter.
28 Pascendi, p. 86, col. 2.
29 Ibid., p. 9l, col. 2; p. 92, col 1.
30 Ibid., p.92, col. 1.
31 Ibid., p. 92, col. 1.
32 AW., p. 72, cols. 1, 2.
33 The Papal Encyclicals, vol. 2 (Pierian Press), p. 99, col. 2.
34 Sacrorum Antistitum (Sept. 1, 1910), The Doctrinal Writings of St. Pius X (Manilla, Philippine Islands: Sinag-tala Publishers, 1974).
35 Author's translation of a Spanish translation (for which he could not find a reference) of an article originally in French.

Translated for Angelus Press by Fr. Jaime Pazat de Lys of the Society of St. Pius X. The author, Fr. Francis Knittel, was ordained for the Society of St. Pius X in 1989 and a former District Superior of Mexico.

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  Pope Francis has already signed resignation letter in case of bad health
Posted by: Stone - 12-19-2022, 11:45 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis has already signed resignation letter in case of bad health

[Image: 221218051137-01-pope-francis-121822.jpg?...280,c_fill]

Pope Francis leads a mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Peter's Basilica on December 12, 2022 in Rome, Italy.

CNN | December 18, 2022

Pope Francis has revealed in a new interview that he has already signed his resignation letter to be used in the event of him becoming “impaired.”

Francis made the comment in an interview with Spanish news outlet ABC, published Sunday, when asked what would happen if a pope is suddenly rendered unable to perform his duties due to health issues or an accident.

Francis said he wrote the letter several years ago and gave it to then-Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who resigned in 2013.

“I have already signed my renunciation. The Secretary of State at the time was Tarcisio Bertone. I signed it and said: ‘If I should become impaired for medical reasons or whatever, here is my renunciation,’” Francis was quoted as saying.

“I don’t know who Cardinal Bertone has given that letter to, but I handed it to him when he was the Secretary of State,” Francis said, adding that this was the first time he had spoken publicly about the letter’s existence.

Francis said past pontiffs Paul VI and Pious XII had also drafted their letters of renunciation in the event of a permanent impairment.

Francis, 86, appears to be in good health apart from knee problems. He has often been seen with a walking stick and sometimes uses a wheelchair due to pain in his right knee.

Earlier this year, he canceled a trip to Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan after doctors said he might also have to miss a later trip to Canada unless he agreed to have 20 more days of therapy and rest for his right knee.

Last year, he had surgery to remove part of his colon due to diverticulitis, a common condition.

In 2013, Francis’ immediate predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, made the almost unprecedented decision to resign from his position, citing “advanced age” as the reason and startling the Catholic world.

It marked the first time a pope had stepped down in nearly 600 years. The last pope to step down before his death was Gregory XII, who in 1415 quit to end a civil war within the church in which more than one man claimed to be pope.

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  Colorado is going to start drinking recycled sewage
Posted by: Stone - 12-19-2022, 11:42 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

America’s western water crisis is so bad that Colorado is going to start drinking recycled sewage

[Image: AP22292033366070.jpg?w=1440&q=75]

Eric Seufert, owner and manager of 105 West Brewing Co., poses for a photo at his brewery room Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022, in Castle Rock, Colo. 
He brewed a test batch of beer in 2017 with water from recycled sewage.

Fortune.com | October 21, 2022

When Eric Seufert brewed a test batch of beer in 2017 with water from recycled sewage, he wasn’t too concerned about the outcome. The engineering firm that approached him about the test explained the process, and together they sipped samples of recycled water. Seufert quickly understood it wasn’t too different from how water is normally handled.

“Every stream and river in this country has someone putting in their wastewater after they’ve treated it,” he said.

After tapping the keg and having a taste, the owner of 105 West Brewing Co. in Castle Rock, Colorado proudly served it at his bar.

Brewing beer, cooking food, and refilling water bottles with recycled wastewater could soon become standard practice in a state that’s synonymous with its pristine-tasting snowmelt and mountain springs.

Last week, Colorado’s water quality agency gave unanimous preliminary approval to regulate direct potable reuse — the process of treating sewage and sending it directly to taps without first being dispersed in a larger water body. Pending a final vote in November, the state would become the first to adopt direct potable reuse regulations, according to WateReuse, a national group advocating for the method.

“Having well-developed regulations … helps ensure projects are safe and that project proponents know what will be required of them,” said Laura Belanger, water resources engineer with the non-profit Western Resource Advocates.

As the state’s population explodes and regional water supplies dwindle, recycling water for drinking is a significant opportunity for stretching a limited supply, said Kevin Reidy, conservation specialist for the Colorado Water Conservation Board. And he said it’s a game changer in a place like Castle Rock, a city of 75,000 just south of Denver nestled under its prominent namesake butte, that relies primarily on pumping finite groundwater for drinking.

“I think it’s an important tool for the long term because it gives water providers options to respond to future scarcity of water supplies, whether drought-driven or other reasons,” said Mark Marlowe, director of Castle Rock Water.

The utility already reuses about 14% of its wastewater, sending it to a creek from the treatment plant, and re-drawing it farther downstream. But as climate change leads to more arid conditions in the western U.S., the creek’s flow is becoming less reliable.

With a dry bed, water is “lost” into the ground rather than recaptured and sent back out to taps. Blending highly treated wastewater directly at the facility would eliminate that climate risk, Marlowe said.

The process, which typically entails disinfecting wastewater with ozone gas or ultraviolet light to remove viruses and bacteria, then filtering it through membranes with microscopic pores to remove solids and trace contaminants, is gaining interest as communities grapple with extended droughts. While many U.S. states don’t explicitly prohibit this type of water reuse, developing statewide standards can encourage more rapid adoption, said Reidy of the Colorado conservation board.

There are no specific federal regulations for direct potable reuse. However, projects have to comply with federal health standards for drinking water.

Like many Colorado cities, Castle Rock is still evaluating the cost and urgency of adopting direct potable reuse, but plans to begin testing next year so they can be ready to move quickly if needed. Even so, it could be three to five years before the new source is available.

That’s actually a short timeline for developing a new water supply, much speedier than building a reservoir over 20 to 30 years, said Reidy. “You’re looking at the long-term viewpoint.”

The interest is widely shared among other Colorado Front Range cities, many involved in the rule making process. The region anticipates rapid population growth over the next few decades, and treating sewage for drinking is how that growth will be met, said Greg Baker of Aurora Water.

“It becomes more and more difficult to acquire new water,” Baker said. “The more we can take advantage of water we already have, the better for all of us.”

Treated wastewater from local rivers and creeks often must be returned to the source for downstream users, who are owed minimum flows as required by various laws. But imports, such as Colorado River water pumped over the continental divide and down to the Front Range, can in many cases be completely used up.

Nearly all the water in Aurora can be reused. The city is currently reusing about 10%, filtered through the South Platte River bank, and is well-positioned to accommodate future growth by expanding recycling, Baker said.

Florida, California and Arizona are moving swiftly to adopt regulations as well, and a handful of other states are beginning the process or have existing projects. As conditions continue to decline on the Colorado River, Arizona faces deep mandatory water cuts, while pressure mounts for California to give up more of its share — a strong incentive to find ways to stretch what they have.

Denver and Colorado Springs — the state’s most populous cities — already recycle the majority of their water through downstream exchanges with other cities and for non-drinking uses, such as watering parks. Both expect to someday recycle water for drinking purposes, but officials are concerned their reusable supplies from the stressed Colorado River soon could face mandatory reductions.

“If you’ve built a big direct potable reuse system and you don’t have it even for a few years, that causes some problems,” said Greg Fisher, demand planning manager at Denver Water.

“If we are relying on those reusable (drinking water) supplies to meet our customers’ needs, our ability to meet their needs is put at risk,” Fisher said.

Water recycling projects can carry a large price tag, although federal funding is available. The Environmental Protection Agency offers low-cost loans for water infrastructure projects, including recycling. Through the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s water recycling programs, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law offers over $1 billion over the next five years for non-federal water recycling projects.

As part of the program, $20 million was recently granted to El Paso’s water board to help construct a direct potable reuse facility. The project is expected to save 13,000 acre-feet of water annually — enough to supply about 26,000 households.

Not all projects will meet requirements for federal assistance, so costs could fall to users. But delaying reuse and relying on new water — if it’s available — can be expensive.

“You have to compare it to the cost of new supplies and where you’ll store that,” Reidy said.

Seufert already knows he can make good beer from recycled water. He’s more worried about keeping the cost of business down.

“I’m concerned that the resources will be there for the planned growth in an affordable way for this region,” Seufert said. “But, as of now, I trust that they’re working on it.”

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  Everyone in Europe will now pay for CO2 emissions
Posted by: Stone - 12-19-2022, 11:36 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Computer translated from the Dutch site NosNews December 18, 2022;

Everyone in Europe will pay for CO2 emissions

The bullet went through the church last night after long negotiations: residents of the European Union have to pay for the greenhouse gases they emit. This means that with every refueling and when the heating is switched on, it must be paid because of the harmful substances that are released as a result.

People who insulate their homes well, purchase a heat pump or switch to an electric car can receive a subsidy from a special fund. There will also be money for people who have less to spend, also as a result of inflation. More than 86 billion euros is available in that fund.

CO2 emissions must more than halve

The measures are part of a package of climate laws. CO2 emissions must decrease by 55 percent by 2030. European industry, which already has to do this in part, will have to deal with higher emission costs, and companies from outside Europe will pay at the border for their emissions. The money that is collected with this can be spent on climate plans.

Citizens and companies have to pay for the CO2 from the exhaust and the chimney. This is done via energy companies and pumping stations. They have to pay for emission allowances and then pass on the costs to the customer who comes to refuel or turns on the gas heater.

"I am pleased that a balanced agreement has been reached on the largest climate legislation package in the EU ever," said MEP Esther de Lange ( CDA ). She was one of the negotiators and responsible for coordinating the Green Deal and chief negotiator for the Social Climate Fund.

"With this deal, we are drastically reducing emissions in Europe, but in a socially responsible manner without killing European industry. The introduction of ETS for transport and buildings is necessary to achieve our climate goals. This cannot be done without social measures to help people make this transition. European companies and families are already confronted with exceptionally high energy prices."

In recent days, there has been consultations on three major climate plans that had to be coordinated: CBAM, ETS and the Social Climate Fund.

In Europe, heavy industry companies are only allowed to emit what they have CO2 certificates for . This is called the ETS ( emissions trading system see the image below ). Every year, the EU determines how many of these so-called CO2 certificates may be distributed among industry. The amount of allowances that are distributed decreases every year, so that European emissions decrease.

Companies are allowed to trade with those rights, hence the name of the emissions trading system. If a company produces economically, that company can sell the other certificates to polluting companies that need extra rights. More economical companies are therefore more advantageous and there is a financial incentive to start producing sustainably.

There was a fear that this system would cause companies to leave Europe. Because companies in Europe have to pay extra for their emissions, their products are more expensive than those of companies from outside Europe. This unfair competition would allow companies to choose to settle outside Europe. Therefore, the industry received part of its rights for free and received subsidies, partially nullifying the financial incentive to make sustainability.

The EU has come up with a solution to this: it CBAM ( see image below ). As soon as polluting companies from outside Europe want to sell their stuff in Europe, they pay at the border for their CO2 emissions.

[Image: 1024x576a.jpg]

NOS / Harm Kersten

Figures a few years ago Environment Central that the Dutch are responsible for three times as much CO2 emissions as an average world citizen.

Fossil fuel oil and natural gas are the largest CO2 emitters when burned, especially when they are burned to produce electricity.

The plans will start as it stands in 2027, the Social Climate Fund a year earlier. Citizens are expected to be small amounts. For example, a refueling, says a spokesperson, will on average not be more than 10 euro cents more expensive, it is expected. Plans have been made for the energy crisis.

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  Bill Gates Has Exclusive Rights to Computerize the Human Body
Posted by: Stone - 12-19-2022, 09:32 AM - Forum: General Commentary - Replies (1)

Bill Gates Has Exclusive Rights to Computerize the Human Body

TIA | December 16, 2022

The next phase of humanity’s forced transition to virtual reality involves computerizing the human body and transforming it into a robotic machine that, together with all other computerized human bodies, will eventually comprise a vast global computer network owned in part by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates.

It might sound like some kind of out there science fiction novel, but U.S. Patent 6,754,472, owned by Microsoft, grants Gates and his cronies the “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body for use as a collective of local wireless networks.

The most advanced computer in existence, the human body, is already an electrically charged, vibrating and pulsing network of electrolyte-filled tubes and tunnels that transmit and communicate all sorts of things relevant for survival. Gates’ goal is to exploit and capitalize on this miracle of creation, as well as “enhance” it as part of the globalists’ transhumanist agenda.

[Image: R014_BG.jpg]

Gates wants to control the coming cyborg industry

You will notice that Gates’ plan to transition and transform humanity into a worldwide network of transhumanist cyborgs directly parallels the current transgender or trans agenda – and that is no accident.

They have been telling us all along with all the trans programming what they plan to do next, and that is to strip humanity of its humanity. Covid “vaccines” play a role in that, as does the transgender mutilation of children phenomenon. (Related: Bill Gates is tied to other patents that prove covid is a creation of the U.S. military-industrial complex.)

Entitled “Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body,” U.S. Patent 6,754,472 encompasses the entire human body. It gives Gates and whoever he works with the perceived authority to continue tampering with the human form to transform its image into something foreign or alien.

“Body parts, in this case skin, should not be in any way patentable,” says Jim Thomas of the ETC Group, which monitors these kinds of developments in technology.

“There are big questions here about whether individuals will be able to refuse this technology if it is used in, for example, tracking devices.”

[Image: R014_Har.jpg]

Yuval Noah Harari: ‘The designer of life will no longer be God’

Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s right-hand man, is another globalist who is pursuing similar interests as Gates. Harari has stated on record that the trans-humanity of the future will not have the option to refuse this technology – unless they want to be put to death.

“The designer of life will no longer be God,” Harari stated haughtily and arrogantly. “The WEF (World Economic Forum) are going to be the designers of the future of life.”

Harari would go on during the same speech to explain why Gates’ patent on the human body is critical to his globalist agenda. In short, the goal is to turn humans into cyborgs that no longer bear the image of God and are completely controlled by the globalist control matrix.

According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Gates and his ilk have a “God-like willingness to experiment with the lives of (what they deem as) lesser humans.” Some would go a step further, replacing the words God-like willingness with wicked lust.

“Gates’ strategy of buying WHO (World Health Organization) and purchasing control of U.S. health officials like Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx (allows him to) dictate global health policies affecting seven billion people and to control the most intimate details of our lives.”

“Under his direction, the WHO is conducting global social and medical experimentation applying Gates’ religious faith that he can use technology (vaccines and GMO agriculture) and his deep understanding of computers to make him the savior to all of humanity. We are his guinea pigs.”

This article was published on Robots.News on December 12, 2022, under the title: "Bill Gates owns patent that grants him “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body"

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  Second Traditionis Custodes-type document rumored
Posted by: Stone - 12-19-2022, 08:34 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Gloria.tv reports

Rigidity and Prohibitions: Will Francis Produce Another Traditionis Custodes Enforcement Document?

US bishops have been told that a second Traditionis Custodes enforcement document is coming, perhaps in the spring, Peter Kwasniewski has learned (Facebook.com, 15 December).

Kwasniewski notes that many US bishops are currently busy fighting the Mass.

In La Crosse, Wisconsin - Cardinal Burke's former diocese - three diocesan Masses and all other sacraments have been banned. As of 2023, Mass will only be celebrated at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Previously, local clergy had trusted that this would not happen.

In Missouri, a bishop [Springfield-Cape Bishop Edward Rice] who had assured the faithful that "nothing would change" suddenly announced that their Mass would be moved to a location outside the parish and all other sacraments would be banned.

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  St. Alphonsus Liguori: Daily Meditations for the Fourth Week of Advent
Posted by: Stone - 12-19-2022, 08:27 AM - Forum: Advent - Replies (4)

Monday--Fourth Week of Advent

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Morning Meditation


Consider the great happiness that Religious enjoy in dwelling in the same house with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

If worldlings deem it so great a favour to be invited by kings to dwell in their palaces, how much more favoured should we esteem ourselves who are admitted to dwell continually with the King of Heaven in His own house? O Lord, I thank Thee! How have I deserved this happy lot?

The Venerable Mother Mary of Jesus, Foundress of a convent in Toulouse, said that she esteemed her lot as a Religious very much, and principally for two reasons. The first, that Religious, through the Vow of Obedience, belong entirely to God; and the second, that they have the privilege of dwelling always with Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

In the houses of Religious, Jesus Christ dwells for their sake in the church, so that they can find Him at all hours. Persons of the world can scarcely go to visit Him during the day, and in many places, only in the morning. But Religious find Him in the Tabernacle as often as they wish, in the morning, in the afternoon, and during the night. There they may continually entertain themselves with Our Lord, and there Jesus Christ rejoices to converse familiarly with His beloved servants, whom, for this end, He has called out of Egypt, that He may be their Companion during this life, hidden under the veil of the Most Holy Sacrament, and in the next, unveiled in Paradise. "O solitude," it may be said of every Religious house, "in which God familiarly speaks and converses with His friends!"

Behold me in Thy Presence, O my Jesus! -- hidden in the Sacrament, Thou art the self-same Jesus Who for me didst sacrifice Thyself on the Cross. Thou art He Who lovest me so much, and Who hast therefore confined Thyself in this prison of love. Amongst so many who have offended Thee less than I, and who have loved Thee better than I, Thou hast chosen me, in Thy goodness, to keep Thee company in this house, where, having drawn me from the midst of the world, Thou hast destined me always to live united with Thee, and afterwards to have me nigh to Thee to praise and to love Thee in Thy eternal kingdom. O Lord, I thank Thee. How have I deserved this happy lot? I have chosen to be an abject in the house of my God, than dwell in the tabernacles of sinners (Ps. lxxxiii. 11). Happy, indeed, am I, O my Jesus, to have left the world; and it is my great desire to perform the vilest office in Thy house rather than dwell in the proudest royal palaces of men.

II. Souls that love Jesus Christ much know not how to wish for any other paradise on this earth than to be in the presence of their Lord, Who dwells in this Sacrament for the love of those who seek and visit Him.

Her conversation hath no bitterness, nor her company any tediousness (Wis. viii. 16). He who does not love Jesus Christ finds tediousness in His company. But those who on this earth have given all their love to Jesus Christ find in the Blessed Sacrament their treasure, their rest, their paradise, and therefore the great desire of their hearts is, as often as they can, to visit their God in this Sacrament, to pay their court to Him, offering Him their affections and laying at the foot of the altar their sorrows, their desire of loving Him, of seeing Him face to face, and, in the meantime, of pleasing Him in all things.

Receive me, then, O Lord, to stay with Thee all my life long; do not drive me away, as I deserve. Be pleased to allow that, among the many good Religious who serve Thee in this house, I, though a miserable sinner, may serve Thee also. Many years already have I lived far from Thee. But now that Thou hast enlightened me to know the vanity of the world, and my own foolishness, I will not depart any more from Thy feet, O my Jesus! Thy presence shall animate me to fight when I am tempted. The nearness of Thy abode shall remind me of the obligation I am under to love Thee, and always to have recourse to Thee in my combats against hell. I will always keep near to Thee, that I may unite myself to Thee, and attach myself closer to Thee. I love Thee, O my God, hidden in this Sacrament. Thou, for the love of me, remainest always on this altar. I, for the love of Thee, will remain in Thy presence as much as I shall be able. There enclosed Thou always lovest me, and here enclosed I will always love Thee. Always then, O my Jesus, my Love, my All, shall we remain together -- in time in this House, and during eternity, in Paradise. This is my hope; so may it be. Most holy Mary, obtain for me a greater love for the Most Holy Sacrament.

Spiritual Reading

There are two graces clearly distinct one from the other -- the grace of Vocation and the grace of Perseverance in one's Vocation. Many who have received a Vocation from God have afterwards, through their own fault, rendered themselves unworthy to receive the grace of Perseverance. He is not crowned except he strive lawfully (2 Tim. ii. 5). No one will receive the grace of Perseverance and the crown which God has prepared for him, who does not do what in him lies to fight and conquer his enemies: Hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown (Apoc. iii. 11). My dear young friend, you who, by so special a favour, have been called by Our Lord to follow Him, hear how He exhorts and encourages you: "Be careful, My son, to preserve the grace which you have received from Me, and tremble lest you should lose it and another gain the crown which is prepared for you."

He who enters a Novitiate enters into the service of the King of Heaven, Who tries the fidelity of those whom He accepts for His own, by crosses and temptations, and permits the devil to assail them. Because thou wert acceptable to the Lord, it was necessary that temptation should prove thee (Tob. xii. 13). And the Holy Ghost says to all who leave the world to give themselves to God: My son, when thou comest to the service of God ... prepare thy soul for temptation (Ecclus. ii. 1). So that the novice, on entering the House of God, ought to prepare himself, not for consolations, but for temptations, and for the war which the devil wages against those who give themselves wholly to God. And be well persuaded that the devil would rather tempt a novice to abandon his Vocation than a thousand seculars, especially if he enters an active Order. Yes, for the devil knows that if this novice perseveres and is faithful to God, hell will lose thousands of souls who will obtain salvation through his zeal. Hence, the enemy uses every means to win him and every device to beguile him.

The temptations by which the devil most frequently endeavours to induce novices to abandon their Vocation are the following.


First, he tempts them by tenderness for their parents. To resist this it is necessary to reflect on the declaration of Jesus Christ: He who loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me (Matt. x. 37). And He declares that He came not to send peace, but division. I came not to send peace, but the sword; for I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother (Matt. x. 34, 35). And why this great desire to separate relations from each other? Because Our Lord well knew the injury that comes from such intercourse, and that in the affairs of eternal salvation, especially where there is question of a Religious Vocation, there are no greater enemies than relations; and this Our Lord declared, saying: A man's enemies shall be of his own household (Matt. x. 36). O how many unhappy youths, through affection for their relations, have first lost their Vocations, and then, as so easily happens, their own souls. History is full of such sad instances. I will tell you of some. Father Jerome Piatti relates of a novice who was visited by a relation who said to him: "Listen to me; I only speak because I love you, and I beg you to reflect that your constitution is not fitted to undergo the labours and studies of the Religious life; by remaining in the world you can please God better, especially by giving to the poor a large share of the riches with which He has blessed you. If you persist in your undertaking you will repent of it, for, in the end, with shame, you will be obliged to quit the Community, seeing yourself made porter or cook on account of your little talent and poor health. Therefore it is wiser to do at once that which you will be at last obliged to do." The poor young man, thus perverted, left the monastery, but many days had not elapsed before he fell into all kinds of vices; and in a quarrel with some of his rivals, he, together with the relation who had perverted him, was so severely wounded that within a short time they both died on the same day; and, what is still worse, the unfortunate novice expired without confession, of which he must have stood in so great need. We read in the Life of St. Camillus of Lellis that a young man, who was received into his Community in Naples, was persecuted by his father. At first he resisted with courage. He had to go to Rome on business, and there, in an interview with his father, he yielded to the temptation. On dismissing him the Saint predicted that he would come to an evil end and die by the hand of justice. This was verified. The young man married, and later, in a fit of jealousy, murdered his wife and two servants. He was apprehended and brought to justice, and although his father expended his whole fortune to save the life of his unhappy son, he was beheaded in the market place of Naples, nine years after his departure from the monastery.

Be, therefore, most watchful, my dear brother, should the devil seek by this means to make you lose your Vocation. The Lord, Who, by an especial grace, has called you to quit the world, desires you not only to leave, but also to forget your country and your friends.

Hearken, O daughter, and see and incline thine ear, and forget thy people and thy father's house (Ps. xliv. 11). Hearken then to what God says to you, and know that if you desert Him for the love of your relations, great will be your sorrow and remorse at the hour of death. You will then remember the House of God which you abandoned, and behold around your death-bed brothers and nephews in tears, who, at a time when you need spiritual help, will press you to leave them your goods, and not one will speak to you of God; they will even try to delude you, not to increase your pain by the thought of death; they will hold out vain hopes of recovery, and thus you will die without preparation. Contrast with this the joy and peace you will feel on dying in Religion, where you will have the happiness of seeing around you your brethren, whose prayers will assist you to fix your hopes in Heaven, and who, instead of deceiving you, will aid you to expire in peace and joy. Reflect also, that though it be true that your parents have loved you for many years with some tenderness, God loved you long before, and with far greater love. Your parents have loved for twenty or thirty years or more, but God has loved you from all eternity. I have loved thee with an everlasting love (Jer. xxxi. 3). Your parents have, it is true, been at some expense for your welfare and suffered on your account, but Jesus Christ shed all His Blood and gave His life for you. When, therefore, your tenderness for your parents urges you to be grateful to them and not to displease them, remember that much greater gratitude is due to God, Who has done more for you and loved you more than all others. Say, then, to yourself: "Relations, if I leave you, it is for God, Who merits my love more and loves me better than you." And by such words as these you will vanquish this terrible temptation of your kindred, which has caused the ruin of so many in this world and in the next.

Evening Meditation


I. The Word was made flesh ... and delivered himself for us (Jo. i. 14. Eph. v. 2).

Let us consider the immense love which God shows us in becoming Man in order to procure us eternal life.

Our first parent, Adam, having sinned and rebelled against God, was driven out of Paradise and condemned to everlasting death with all his descendants. But behold the Son of God, Who, seeing man thus lost, in order to deliver him from death offers to take upon Himself human flesh, and to die condemned as a malefactor upon the Cross. But, my Son, we may suppose the Father saying to Him, consider what a life of humiliation and suffering Thou wilt have to lead upon earth. Thou wilt have to be born in a cold cave, and to be laid in a manger for beasts. Thou wilt have to fly as an Infant into Egypt to escape from the hands of Herod. On Thy return from Egypt Thou wilt have to live in a shop as a humble servant, poor and despised. And, finally, worn out by sufferings, Thou wilt have to give up Thy life upon a Cross, insulted and forsaken by all. -- Father, all this matters not, replies the Son; I am content with enduring all, provided man is saved.

O great Son of God, Thou hast become Man in order to make Thyself loved by men; but where is the love that men bear to Thee? Thou hast given Thy Blood and Thy life to save our souls; why, then, are we so unthankful towards Thee, that, instead of loving Thee, we treat Thee with so much ingratitude and contempt? And behold, O Lord, I myself have been one of those who more than others have thus ill-treated Thee. But Thy Passion is my hope. Oh, for the sake of that love which induced Thee to assume human flesh and die for me on the Cross, forgive me all the offences I have committed against Thee.

I love Thee, O Incarnate Word, I love Thee, O my God!

II. What would be said if a prince were to take compassion upon a dead worm, and were to choose to become a worm himself, and to make, as it were, a bath of his own blood, to die in order to restore the worm to life? But the Eternal Word has done even more than this for us; for, being God, He has chosen to become a worm like us, and to die for us, in order to purchase for us the life of divine grace which we had lost. When He saw that all the gifts He had bestowed upon us could not secure to Him our love, what did He do? He became Man, and He gave Himself entirely to us: The Word was made flesh ... and delivered himself for us (Jo. i. 14. Eph. v. 2).

Man, by despising God, says St. Fulgentius, separated himself from God; but God, through His love for man, came from Heaven to seek him. And why did He come? He came in order that man might know how much God loved him, and that thus, out of gratitude at least, he might love Him in return. Even the beasts, when they show us affection, make us love them; and why, then, are we so ungrateful towards a God Who descends from Heaven to earth to make us love Him?

One day, when a priest was saying these words in Mass: Et verbum caro factum est -- And the Word was made flesh -- a man who was present neglected to make an act of reverence; upon which the devil gave him a blow, saying: "Ah, ungrateful man! if God had done as much for me as He has done for thee, I should remain continually prostrate with my face to the ground returning thanks to Him."

O Infinite Goodness, I love Thee, and I repent of all the injuries I have done Thee. Would that I could die of sorrow for them. O my Jesus, give me love. Let me not live any longer ungrateful for the affection Thou hast borne me. I am determined to love Thee always. Give me holy perseverance!

O Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, do thou obtain for me from thy Son the grace to love Him always -- even until death. Amen.

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  Pope Francis laicizes pro-life priest Fr. Frank Pavone
Posted by: Stone - 12-18-2022, 07:33 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis laicizes America’s best loved pro-life priest Fr. Frank Pavone
According to the pope's U.S. representative, the order for dismissal from the priesthood was a result of 'blasphemous communications on social media' and 'persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop,' but Pavone said he had no knowledge of the Vatican's decision.

[Image: fr_p_good_hands-scaled-810x500.jpg]

Fr. Frank Pavone speaking at the 2019 HELP Crisis Pregnancy center fall dinner
Stephen Kokx / LifeSiteNews

December 17, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) — America’s best loved pro-life priest, Fr. Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life as well as the President of the National Pro-Life Religious Council, has apparently been laicized (dismissed from the priesthood) by order of Pope Francis.

Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported that a December 13 letter from the Pope’s representative in America –  Papal Nuncio Archbishop Christophe Pierre – sent to all bishops in America says that Fr. Pavone was laicized for “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop.”

In a separate statement, the papal nuncio wrote that the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy – the head of the Vatican’s department dealing with priests – said that there was “no possibility of appeal” of the decision.

“Father Pavone was given ample opportunity to defend himself in the canonical proceedings, and he was also given multiple opportunities to submit himself to the authority of his diocesan bishop,” explains a separate statement attached to Pierre’s letter. “It was determined that Father Pavone had no reasonable justification for his actions.”

According to CNA, which confirmed the letter with several bishops, the statement calls Fr. Pavone “Mr. Pavone.” “Since Priests for Life, Inc. is not a Catholic organization, Mr. Pavone’s continuing role in it as a lay person would be entirely up to the leadership of that organization,” the statement says.

The statement noted that the decision on the matter by the Dicastery for the Clergy was issued on November 9, but Fr. Pavone had not heard of the decision from the Vatican until CNA called him for comment.


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  Abp. Viganò: The Kingship of Christ is not limited to the Church, but extends to all nations
Posted by: Stone - 12-18-2022, 07:09 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò: The Kingship of Christ is not limited to the Church, but extends to all nations
Similarly, the negation of this principle is the prerogative of heretical thought and Masonic ideology.

[Image: vigano_cic-810x500.jpg]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Dec 17, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) — The doctrine of the kingship of Christ constitutes a discrimen between the Catholic Church and the “conciliar Church;” indeed, it is the point of separation between Catholic orthodoxy and neomodernist heterodoxy, because the followers of laicism and liberal secularism cannot accept that the Lordship of Our Lord extends to the civil sphere, thereby removing it from being subject to the arbitrariness of the powerful or the will of the manipulable populace.

Yet the very idea that authority has its foundation in a transcendent principle was not born with Christianity, but is part of our Greco-Roman heritage. The same Greek word ἱεραρχία indicates on the one hand the “administration of sacred things,” but on the other it also refers to the “sacred power” of authority, where the commitments connected with it significantly constitute a λειτουργία, a public office of which the State takes charge.

Similarly, the negation of this principle is the prerogative of heretical thought and Masonic ideology. The laicity of the State constitutes the main claim of the French Revolution,1 for which Protestantism provided the theological foundations, which then changed into a philosophical error with the advent of liberalism and atheistic materialism.

This vision of an entirely coherent and harmonious whole that spans the passage of time and crosses the boundaries of space, leading humanity to the fullness of Christ’s Revelation, was proper to that Civilization whose removal and cancellation is desired in the name of a dystopia that is inhuman because it is intrinsically impious, since it originated from the inextinguishable hatred of the Adversary, eternally deprived of the supreme Good because of pride and rebellion against the Will of God.

It is not surprising that our contemporaries fail to understand the reasons for the present crisis: they have allowed themselves to be defrauded of the patrimony of wisdom and memory built up over the course of history thanks to the pedagogical intervention of Providence, which has inscribed in the heart of every man the eternal principles that must guide every aspect of their lives. This wonderful παιδεία has allowed peoples far from God and immersed in the darkness of paganism to become predisposed, by natural means, for the bursting forth of the supernatural dimension in history, that is, for the advent of Christ, in Whom everything is recapitulated and shows itself to be part of the divine κόσμος.

When Augustus ordered the publication of the Aeneid – which Virgil had ordered in his will to be destroyed, considering it incomplete – the Pax Romana had just begun throughout the Empire; a pax granted to the world to welcome the Incarnation of the Son of God and snatch humanity from the slavery of Satan. The echoes of that solemn and sacred peace still resound today in the grandiose words of the Roman Martyrology, which we will hear once again on the morning of Christmas Eve:

Quote:Ab urbe Roma condita anno septingentesimo quinquagesimo secundo, anno imperii Octaviani Augusti quadragesimo secundo, toto orbe in pace composito… Jesus Christus æternus Deus æternique patris Filius, mundum volens adventu suo piissimo consecrare, de Spiritu Sancto conceptus, …in Bethlehem Judæ nascitur ex Maria Virgine factus homo.

In the seven hundred fifty-second year from the foundation of the City of Rome, in the forty-second year of the reign of Emperor Octavian Augustus, the whole world being at peace, . . . Jesus Christ the Eternal God and Son of the Eternal Father, desiring to consecrate the world by his most loving presence, was conceived by the Holy Spirit . . . and was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judah, having been made man.

Only forty years before the Birth of the Savior, Virgil had the opportunity to associate with the sons of Herod who had come to study in Rome. It was from them that he came to know the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament and the announcement of the imminent birth of the Puer which is sung in his Fourth Eclogue:

Jam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturna regna,

jam nova progenies cœlo demittitur alto.

Tu modo nascenti Puero, quo ferrea primum

desinet, ac toto surget gens aurea mundo,

casta fave Lucina: tuus jam regnat Apollo.2

And that Dante shows Statius recalling in the Purgatorio (XXII, 70-72):

Secol si rinova;

torna giustizia e primo tempo umano,

e progenie scende da ciel nova.

The age renews itself;

Justice returns, and man’s primeval time,

and a new progeny descends from heaven.

In this anxious expectation of the advent of Christ, Augustus saves Virgil’s poem from destruction, seeing in it that yearning for a world in which peace is in force, after a century of civil wars. He saw in Aeneas the model of those who recognize themselves pius, inasmuch as they are respectful of the divine will and the bonds that derive from it towards their Fatherland [Patria] and family, inserted by Providence in the contingent events of history, participating in the will of God fixed in eternity.

We can easily understand why the soul of an upright and honest person, even if deprived of the Faith, could feel moved to a noble destiny, before which the false and lying gods are silent, the Sibyl remains mute and the Oracle of the Aracœli withdraws. We then see in fate – fas in Latin – the reference to the verb fari, which means “to speak” and refers to the Word of God, to the eternal Word pronounced by the Father. The Christian remains delighted by so much fatherly goodness, by this provident hand that accompanies humanity that wanders in darkness towards the Light of Christ, the Redeemer of the human race.

There is something ineffable in this vision of history and of God’s intervention in it, something that touches souls and spurs them onward to the Good, awakening the hope of heroic acts, of ideals for which to fight and give one’s life.

It was upon this perfect composition of the temporal and the eternal, of nature and Grace, that the world was able to welcome and recognize the promised Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Rex pacificus who is victor over sin and death, the Desideratus cunctis gentibus

From the Upper Room to the catacombs, from the communities of the first Christians to the Roman basilicas that were converted to the worship of the true God, the prayer that the Lord taught the Apostles is raised up: adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua sicut in cœlo et in terra. Thus a pagan empire became the cradle of Christianity, and with its own laws and its own civil and social influence made possible the spread of the Gospel and the conversion of souls to Christ. Simple souls, certainly; but also the souls of erudite people, Roman nobles, imperial officials, diplomats and intellectuals, who managed to see themselves – like pius Æneas – involved in a providential plan, called to give meaning to those civic virtues, to that yearning for justice and peace that without the Redemption would have remained incomplete and sterile.

The ‘providential’ role of the state

The economy of Salvation, in this “medieval” and Christian vision of events, recognizes that individuals have the privilege of being themselves part of this great plan of divine Providence: an actuosa participatio – forgive me for borrowing a phrase dear to the Innovators – of man in God’s intervention in History, in which the freedom of each one is faced with a moral choice which is therefore decisive for his eternal destiny: a choice between Good and Evil, between conforming to the will of God – fiat voluntas tua – and following one’s own will in disobedience to Him – non serviam.

However, precisely in the adherence of individuals to the action of Providence, we understand how earthly society, which is composed of these individuals, in turn assumes a role in God’s plan, allowing the actions of its members to be directed more effectively by the authority of rulers towards the bonum commune that unites them in the pursuit of the same end.

The State, as a perfect society – that is, a society which possesses in itself all the means necessary for the pursuit of the quid unum perficiendum – therefore has a function of its own, principally ordered to the good of citizens, to the protection of their legitimate interests, to the protection of the Fatherland from external and internal enemies, to the maintenance of social order. It goes without saying that, experiencing the attempts and failures of those who preceded us – following the eminently Christian vision of Giambattista Vico – civilized peoples have been able to grasp the importance of the study of history, allowing for real progress and recognizing the validity of Aristotelian-Thomistic thought precisely because it developed on the basis of knowledge of reality and not on the creation of abstract philosophical theories.

We find this vision of good governance symbolically represented in the frescoes by Ambrogio Lorenzetti at the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena, confirming the profound religiosity of medieval society; a religiosity of the institution, certainly, but which was shared and made its own by those who, clad with public functions, considered their role as an expression consistent with the divine order – the κόσμος, precisely – imprinted by the Creator on the social body.

Of this historical role of the Roman Empire we have an example in the Aeneid (VI, 850-853):

Tu regere imperio populos Romane memento

hæ tibi erunt artes, pacisque imponere morem,

parcere subjectis et debellare superbos.

But Rome, ‘tis thine alone, with awful sway,

To rule mankind, and make the world obey,

Disposing peace and war by thy own majestic way;

To tame the proud, the fettered slave to free:

These are imperial arts, and worthy thee.

It was the awareness of this providential mission that made Rome great; it was the betrayal of this task due to the corruption of morals that decreed its fall.

The concept of laicity and the secularization of power

Nor could it have possibly been otherwise, since the concept of “laicity of the state” was completely unthinkable for both the rulers and subjects of the Western nations of any era prior to the Protestant Pseudo-Reformation. Only since the late Renaissance has the theorization of atheism allowed the formulation of a philosophical thought that removed the individual from the duty to recognize and render public worship to the divinity; and, beginning with the Enlightenment, Masonic principles spread through the forced secularization of civil society following the French Revolution, the overthrow of the Monarchies of divine right, and the fierce persecution of the Catholic Church. 

Today the contemporary world considers it a merit to claim its own laicity, while in the Greco-Roman world rebellion against the gods was considered a mark of impiety and a sign of revolt against the State, whose authority was the expression of a power sanctioned and ratified from above. Discite justitiam moniti, et non temnere divos – Learn justice, and take heed not to despise the gods – admonishes Phlegyas, who was thrown into Tartarus and condemned to cry out this warning without respite (Æn., VI, 620). The classical culture that we have inherited as a natural premise for the spread of Christianity, and that the Middle Ages recognized and valued, is therefore based on the duty not to despise the gods, showing how the absence of religio is the cause of the ruin of the Nation, from the betrayal of the Fatherland to the establishment of tyranny, from promulgating or abolishing laws for the sake of economic interest to violating the most sacred precepts of civil life.3

As a demonstration of how well-founded these fears were, we dare to contemplate the ruins of our contemporary society, capable of legitimizing unprecedented horrors such as the killing of innocents in the womb, the corruption of children through gender theory and the sexualization of childhood, and their exploitation in the infernal rituals of the pedophile lobby, whose infamous members hold positions of power and that thus far no one dares to try and condemn. The contemporary world is governed by a sect of servants of the devil who are devoted to evil and death. Those who are silent, closing their eyes to such monstrosities, are guilty accomplices of those horrendous crimes that cry out for vengeance before God.

The sacredness of authority

Until the French Revolution, rulers found their legitimacy in the exercise of authority in the name of God, and at the same time those who were governed saw their rights protected against abuses of power, since the whole social body was hierarchically ordered under the supreme power of the one Lord, who was recognized as Rex tremendæ majestatis precisely because he is the Judge even of Kings and Princes, of Popes and Prelates. Crowns, tiaras, and miters dot the depictions of Hell in the scenes of the Last Judgment painted in our churches. 

This sacredness of authority is not a concept added after the fact to a power that was originally born as neutral. On the contrary, every power has always found its origin in reference to divinity, both in Israel and in the pagan nations, which then acquired in the Western world the fullness of supernatural investiture with the advent of Christianity and its recognition as the State Religion by the Emperor Theodosius. Thus the Emperor of the East was Cæsar in a Court that in Byzantium spoke in Latin; the Czar of the Russias and the Czar of the Bulgarians were equally Caesars, and finally there was the Holy Roman Empire, whose last Sovereign, Blessed Karl von Habsburg, was overthrown by Freemasonry by means of the First World War.

The education of future sovereigns, nobility and clergy was held in the highest esteem, and was not limited to providing intellectual and practical instruction, but necessarily provided for a specific moral and spiritual formation that ensured solid principles, the habit of discipline, the ability to master one’s passions, and the practice of the virtues of government. An entire social system made those who exercised authority aware of their
responsibility before Christ the King, the sole holder of the temporal and spiritual Lordship that His Ministers on earth had to exercise in a strictly vicarious form. For this reason, as happened for example in the case of Frederick II of Swabia, the superiority of the spiritual Authority of the Church over the temporal authority of Sovereigns allowed the Roman Pontiff to release the subjects of a King who abused his power from their bond of obedience.

Secularization extended to any authority

The secularization of civil authority has been more recently followed by the secularization of religious authority, which with the Second Vatican Council was significantly stripped – and not only externally – of its sacredness for the benefit of a profane (and revolutionary) vision in which ecclesiastical power comes from below, by virtue of Baptism alone, and is delegated by the “priestly people” to its representatives, to whom various tasks of “presiding” are conferred, just as in the Calvinist sects.

The paradox is even more evident here, because it brings into the Church – thereby distorting her nature – the dynamics of toleration within a civil society that does not recognize the rights of true religion, and ends up legitimizing them by making them her own. In this perspective, the very serious deviations propagated today by the Synod on Synodality in a democratic and parliamentarian tone are nothing other than the putting into practice of the principles theorized by the Council, for which laicity – that is, the rupture of the link between earthly authority and its supernatural legitimization – should have extended to any human society, and at the same time also excluding any “theocratic” temptation as obsolete and inopportune. 

Inevitably, there was no authority that was beyond the reach of this process, from the paterfamilias to the teacher, from the magistrate to the government official. The duty of those who were subjected to authority to obey it and of those who exercised authority to administer it with wisdom and prudence recalled the divine paternity of God. As such, it had to be delegitimized, for rebellion is primarily against the authority of God the Father. The revolution of “Sixty-Eight” was but an offshoot of the Revolution, in which anything liberalism had preserved for the sake of utilitarianism or convenience in order to guarantee itself a minimum of social order was finally demolished, leading the Western nations to anarchy.

The subversive action of the secret societies

The infamous sect, aware of the power of the alliance between Throne and Altar, plotted in the shadows to corrupt the rulers and attract the nobility into their ranks, starting with the Capetian dynasty. In reality, already in the German Principalities with the Protestant heresy, and then in the England of Henry VIII with the Anglican schism, there were active conventicles of initiates of a gnostic matrix that were opposed to the Papacy and to the legitimate Sovereigns loyal to it. It is however certain and documented that the Revolution constituted the primary instrument by which the secret societies struck the Catholic nations in order to wrest them from the Faith and enslave them to their ideological and economic purposes, and wherever Freemasonry managed to act it always resorted to the same tools and the same propaganda, in order to obtain the secularization of public institutions, the cancellation of the State Religion, the abolition of ecclesiastical privileges and Catholic teaching, the legitimization of divorce, the decriminalization of adultery, and the spread of pornography and other forms of vice. Because that Christian world in every aspect of daily life had to be erased and replaced by an impious, irreligious society dedicated to the satisfaction of the basest pleasures, mocking virtue, honesty, and rectitude: these are the “achievements” of liberal ideology, which the most abject anticlericalism calls “progress” and “freedom.”

The Magisterium’s innumerable condemnations of secret sects were amply justified by the threat to the peace of nations and the eternal salvation of souls. As long as the Church had a valid ally in the civil authority, the action of Freemasonry proceeded slowly and was forced to conceal its criminal intent.

It was only with the corruption of ecclesiastical authority, pursued with the patient work of infiltration and brought to completion at the end of the nineteenth century thanks to Modernism, that Freemasonry could count on the complicity of rebellious and fornicating clerics, led astray in intellect and will, and who were thus easily enslaved and blackmailed. Their ascent in the ranks of the Church, which was stopped by the far-sighted vigilance of St. Pius X, resumed quietly in the last years of the pontificate of a debilitated Pius XII, and experienced a boost under John XXIII, who was himself probably a member of an ecclesiastical Lodge. Once again we see how the corruption of individuals is instrumental in the dissolution of the institution to which they belong.

The civil, social and economic revolution

The Revolution begun in France in 1789 had the same modes of implementation: first the corruption of the aristocracy and the clergy; then the action of secret societies that infiltrated everywhere; then the media propaganda against the Monarchy and the Church, and at the same time the organization and financing of street riots and protests to incite the people, who were impoverished and burdened with taxes due to the speculations of international high finance and the inadequacy of the State’s response to the mutations of the European economic system. Also in that case the main lever that allowed the subversive theory of Freemasonry to translate into a real revolution was represented by the class that had the greatest interest in appropriating the assets of nobles and of the Church, not only in order to sell off a priceless heritage of real estate, furnishings, and works of art, but also in order to radically transform the traditional socio-economic fabric, beginning with the exploitation of large estates, which until then had for the most part been left to produce their crops according to natural rhythms and archaic systems. In fact, after the French Revolution, we had the First Industrial Revolution, which with the invention of the steam engine and the mechanization of production imposed the mass migrations of laborers and peasants from the fields to the metropolis so as to convert them into cheap labor, after having deprived them of the possibility of having autonomous means of livelihood and inducing them to misery with new taxes and duties. The whole nineteenth century is a confirmation that the ideological matrix of the Revolution is based on a doctrinal heresy intrinsically linked to economic profit and financial domination.

The Second Industrial Revolution took place during the period between the Congress of Paris (1856) and the Congress of Berlin (1878), primarily involving Europe, the United States and Japan in new, forced technological advances such as electricity and mass production. The Third Industrial Revolution began in the 1950s and extended to China and India, and mainly concerned technological, IT and telematic innovation, and then expanded to the new economy, the green economy, and information control. This was supposed to create a cultural climate of neopositivist confidence in the possibilities of science and technology to provide for the material well-being of humanity. The action of manipulating the masses gave ample space to the imagination of what society could become, suggesting it through the cinematic theme of science fiction.

Since the year 2011, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has finally begun, which consists in the growing interpenetration between the physical, digital and biological world. It is a combination of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computers and other technologies. The theorizer of this dystopian process is the infamous Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive director of the World Economic Forum.

The secularization of authority as the premise of totalitarianism

Artificially separating the harmony and hierarchical complementarity between spiritual authority and temporal authority was an unfortunate operation that created the premise, as often as it was realized, for either tyranny or anarchy. The reason is all too obvious: Christ is King of both the Church and the Nations, because all authority comes from God (Rom 13:1). Denying that rulers have the duty to submit to the Lordship of Christ is a very serious error, because in the absence of the moral law the State can impose its own will regardless of the will of God, and therefore subvert the divine κόσμος of the Civitas Dei, replacing it with the arbitrariness and the infernal χάος of the civitas diaboli.

Today the Western nations are held hostage to potentates who answer neither to God nor to the people for their decisions, because they do not derive their legitimacy either from above or from below. The coup d’état that has been prepared and carried out by the subversive lobby of the World Economic Forum has effectively ousted governments from their independent status by means of external pressure and robbed states of their sovereignty. But this dissolutory process has now been exposed because of the arrogance with which the satraps of the New World Order – everything is new when it concerns them, and everything is old when it is to be overthrown – have revealed their plans, believing that they are now close to final victory. To the point that even intellectuals certainly not accused of conservatism begin to denounce the intolerable interference of Klaus Schwab and his minions in the government of nations. A few days ago Prof. Franco Cardini declared: “The forces that manage the economy and finance now choose, corrupt and determine the political class, which thus becomes a business committee” (here). And we are well aware that behind this “business committee” there are aims of blind profit being pursued, to the detriment of the economy of the States, but also disturbing projects of detailed control of the population, forced depopulation, and the chronicization of diseases in view of the total privatization of public services. The mentality that presides over this Great Reset is the same that animated the bourgeoisie and usurers of past centuries, who were concerned to exploit the large estates that the nobility and the clergy did not consider as a source of profit.

I hate him for he is a Christian,

But more for that in low simplicity

He lends out money gratis and brings down

The rate of usance here with us in Venice4

For these people, humanity is an annoying hindrance that must be rationalized and instrumentalized in pursuit of their criminal goals, and Christian morality is an odious obstacle to the establishment of a government that is in the hands of finance. If this is possible today, it is because there is no transcendent moral reference that puts a stop to their deliriums, nor a power that escapes this vile enslavement to private interests. And here we understand that the present situation is essentially a crisis of authority, beyond the understanding of individuals about the threat posed by the global coup d’état of the usurious elite.

The Nativity of Christ

The Birth of the Savior represented the breaking through of eternity into time and History, with the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity in the virginal womb of Mary Most Holy. In the person of Our Lord, true God and true man, the authority of God is added to that of the descendant of the royal seed of David, and the Redemption of the human race through the Sacrifice of the Cross restores in the economy of Grace the divine order broken by original sin inspired by the Serpent.

The Infant King, lying in the manger, shows himself for the adoration of the shepherds and the Magi, wrapped in swaddling clothes, as was the prerogative of sovereigns: et hoc vobis signum (Lk 2: 6).5 He moves the stars and is honored by the Angels, yet He chooses the crib as his throne, the poor hut of Bethlehem as his earthly palace, just as on Golgotha – and also in the vision of the Apocalypse – it is the Cross that is the throne of glory. Our Lord receives the homage of the wise men of the East in recognition of his titles of King, Priest and Prophet; but already he must flee from the one who sees in Him a threat to his power. Foolish and cruel Herod, who does not understand that non eripit mortalia, qui regna dat cœlestia – He taketh not away earthly kingdoms, who bestoweth heavenly ones.6 Foolish and cruel are the powerful of today, who in the massacre of millions of innocents – a massacre carried out against their bodies as well as their souls – want to consolidate their tyranny of death, and who in the slavery of peoples renew their rebellion against the King of kings and the Lord of rulers, who has redeemed those souls with His own Blood.

But it is in the humble affirmation of his Lordship that the Child of Bethlehem manifests the divinity of the Son of God in the hypostatic union of the Man-God. A divinity that combines the omnipotence of the Pantocrator with the fragility of the un-weaned baby, the tremendous judgment of the Supreme Judge with the cry of the newborn, the immutable eternity of the Word of God with the silence of the infant, the splendor of the glory of the divine Majesty with the squalor of a shelter for animals in the cold night of Palestine.

In this apparent contradiction that wonderfully unites divinity with humanity, power with weakness, and wealth with poverty, we also find the lesson that all of us, and especially those who are constituted in authority, must draw for our spiritual life and for our very survival.

Even the Sovereign, the Prince, the Pontiff, the Bishop, the magistrate, the teacher, the doctor and the father enjoy a power that draws from the sphere of eternity, from the divine Kingship of the Son of God, because in the exercise of their authority they act in the name of the One who legitimizes it as long as it remains faithful to what it was willed for. Whoever listens to you, listens to Me. And whoever despises Me despises the One who sent Me (Lk 10:16). For this reason, obeying civil and ecclesiastical authority means obeying God, in the hierarchical order that He has decreed. For this reason, disobeying those who abuse their authority is equally necessary, in order to safeguard that order that has its center in God, and not in the earthly power that is its vicar. Otherwise, we end up adoring the one who holds power, paying him the homage to which he is entitled only insofar as he in turn is subject to God. Today, however, homage to those who hold positions of power not only has no bond of due subordination to Christ the King and Pontiff, but rather is His enemy. And also, where the alleged popular sovereignty propagated by the chimera of democracy has proven to be a colossal deception against that people who have no one to appeal to see their rights protected. On the other hand, what “rights” could be claimed by those who have tolerated letting them usurp God? How could we be surprised that power turns into tyranny when we accept that it no longer has any connection with the transcendent, which is the only guarantee of justice for the poor, the exile, the orphan and the widow?

Instaurare omnia in Christo 

The apparent triumph of the wicked – from the criminals of the World Economic Forum to the heretics of the “synodal path” – confronts us with the harsh reality of Evil, destined to final defeat, but also permitted by Providence as an instrument of punishment for wayward humanity. Because poverty, epidemics, misery induced by planned crises, ruthless wars moved by economic interests, the corruption of customs, the massacre of the innocents recognized as a “human right,” the dissolution of the family, the ruin of authority, the dissolution of civilization, the barbarization of culture and art, the annihilation of every impulse towards virtue and the Good – all of these are only necessary consequences of a betrayal carried out gradually but always in the same direction, and they are always only an introduction of the worst that is yet to come: the contempt of God, the wicked challenge of non serviam against the divine Majesty, which grows all the more ruthless and furious in proportion to the growth of the satanic presumption of being able to win a battle from which Satan will emerge eternally defeated.

Sleep, O Child; do not weep;

Sleep, O celestial Child:

The tempests will not dare

To rage about Thy head,

Used over earth of yore

Like battle-steeds before

Thy very face to wing!7

To recapitulate all things in Christ (Eph 1:10), means to recompose the order broken by sin, both in the natural and in the supernatural order, both in the private and in the public sphere, restoring the royal Crown to the King of kings, from Whom in a delirium of ὕβρις the Revolution has taken it; and, even before this, restoring the triple Crown to the Supreme Pontiff, torn off by the ideology of Vatican II and by the apostasy of this “pontificate.”

Popes and Kings, prelates and rulers of nations, the faithful of the Church and citizens of States all must return, in a palingenesis moved by Grace, to Christ, to Christ the King and Pontiff, to the one Avenger of the true rights of His people, to the one Protector of the weak and oppressed, to the one Conqueror of death and sin. And on this journey back to Christ, humility will guide us in knowing how to retrace backwards the easy way of perdition that we have undertaken by abandoning the way to Calvary marked out for us by the Lord. It is a path that He walked first, and on which He accompanies us through the Grace of the Sacraments, which leads to the Cross as the only premise for the glory of the Resurrection.

Whoever believes that by continuing on this path it is possible to change things; that a limit can be placed on the ideology of death and sin of the New World Order; that the wicked can be prevented from spreading the horrors of pedophilia, perversion, the cancellation of the sexes, the killing of children, the weak and the elderly, is deluded. If the world has become hell thanks to the Revolution, it can return to being less evil and deadly only with a counter-revolutionary action. If the Hierarchy has become a receptacle of heretics, the corrupt and fornicators thanks to Vatican II and the Reformed liturgy, it can return to being the image of the heavenly Jerusalem only by returning to what the Apostles, Fathers and Doctors, Saints, Popes and Bishops did until before the Council. Continuing on the path of perdition leads, in fact, to perdition: the difference lies only in the speed of the race towards the abyss.

The sooner each of us is able to strengthen our belonging to Christ, the sooner society will begin its return to its Lord. And this unconditional belonging to a God who became incarnate in order to redeem us must begin with the humble adoration of the Child King, at the foot of the manger, together with the shepherds and the Magi.

Sleep, O Celestial child:

The nations do not know

Who has been born;

But the day will come

When they shall be

Your noble heritage;

You who sleep so humbly,

You who are hidden in dust:

They will know you as King.8

May the blessed moment come for all of us when – touched by Grace and moved by the salutary vision of hell on earth that is being prepared if we stand by inertly while the globalist dystopia is established – we recognize the King. And in which, recognizing Him, we can fight under His holy insignia together with the formidable Overcomer of Satan – the Immaculata – the epochal battle against the Enemy of mankind. It will be a creature – a Woman, a Virgin, a Mother – who crushes the head of the ancient Serpent, and along with it the head of his accursed followers.

And so may it be.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

December 17, 2022

Sabbato Quattuor Temporum Adventus


1 The first article of the French constitution explicitly states that the republic shall be “indivisible, laïque, democratic and social.”

2Now the Virgin returns, the reign of Saturn returns; now a new generation descends from heaven on high. Only do you, pure Lucina, smile on the birth of the Child, under whom the iron brood shall at last cease and a golden race spring up throughout the world: your own Apollo now reigns as king. Virgil, Eclogue IV, 6-10.

3 “Learn righteousness, and dread the avenging deities.” To tyrants others have their country sold, Imposing foreign lords, for foreign gold; Some have old laws repealed, new statutes made, Not as the people pleased, but as they paid; With incest some their daughters’ bed profaned: All dared the worst of ills, and, what they dared, attained. Virgil, The Aeneid, VI, 620–624.

4Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act I, Scene III (words of Shylock).

5 In this regard, see the exegetical study of Msgr. Francesco Spadafora in Dizionario Biblico, Studium, 1963.

6 Crudelis Herodes, hymn for First Vespers of Epiphany.

7 A. Manzoni, Il Natale, verses 99–105.

8 A. Manzoni, Il Natale, verses 106–112.

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  "Global Walkout"- educational site on the globalists agenda
Posted by: Deus Vult - 12-16-2022, 12:55 PM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

A unified pushback against the globalist agenda
ONE STEP AT A TIME, hand in hand, we are walking out from the restrictive globalist society they are trying to enslave us and our children into.
The GLOBAL WALKOUT…has begun.
A new step is announced every Sunday at 8pm GMT+1. Catch up on previous steps
This initiative began in Sept. but the steps can be done anytime.

We are not inviting you to partner with us, we’re inviting you to WORK WITH US.
The global walkout doesn’t want to take over anything. We believe in decentralization. We simply want to CONNECT people so they can collaborate through effective and secure communication. 

We won’t be micro-managing or controlling anything. Once groups are formed, they can do what they want. We will only offer suggestions. The key is bringing the right people together, the rest is up to them.

We have processes in place already that can facilitate strategic communication, help to spread initiatives globally, and offer resources and suggestions when needed.

Organizations won’t be losing their identity, brand, or autonomy. It’s a chance to share resources and push back together.

Every Sunday at 8pm London time, a new step will be announced.
The idea is to gradually strive to disconnect from the globalist agenda. Each step will empower ourselves, and each other, to become more independent, self-sustainable and in control of our own destinies.
ANYONE from ANYWHERE, no matter their lifestyle, can participate in the walkout to whatever extent they feel comfortable with.

What is the point?|
Build enough momentum to create roadblocks in the globalist agenda.
When millions of people worldwide act in unison, we will become an effective force that cannot be ignored.

What COULD this achieve?
With enough numbers, the global walkout family can start to engage in significant actions that would encourage corporations and governments to take notice and consider our perspective.
If our actions can directly affect the back pockets of the globalists, they might have no choice but to listen.

The one thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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  Digital ID awareness documentary- STATE OF CONTROL
Posted by: Deus Vult - 12-16-2022, 12:19 PM - Forum: Global News - Replies (1)

 Trailer for the documentary- 90 seconds long.
The links to both the trailer and full documentary are below.


"State of control", the control society is increasingly becoming a reality.

What is the price of convenience?

The CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and the digital passport can make our lives easier and more efficient. But new international legislation shows that the purpose of these possibilities, has far-reaching implications for our privacy.
In this documentary international experts such as Edward Snowden, Arno Wellens, Catherine Austin Fitts express their serious concerns and criticisms. It compiles the range of facts and opinions, creating a shocking picture about the future of mankind. A crystal-clear narrative that can''t be ignored.

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  California parish requires Catholics to sign waiver before receiving Communion kneeling
Posted by: Stone - 12-16-2022, 08:15 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

California parish requires Catholics to sign waiver before receiving Communion kneeling

[Image: vqr7k26oufq8ury5i32dnnxbgoz3f801qgzvp49....ormat=webp]

Dec 15, 2022
(LifeSiteNews (adapted)) – A Catholic parish in the Diocese of San Bernardino is requiring parishioners to sign waivers before receiving Holy Communion kneeling – a move that may violate Church law.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Community in Beaumont and Banning, California, announced the rule in a bulletin for the week of December 18, 2022.

The bulletin notes that the parish “highly discouraged the receiving of [C]ommunion while kneeling down” due to unspecified “incidents that happened in the past caused by people kneeling down when receiving [C]ommunion.”

The parish church “does not have [C]ommunion rails or kneelers to assist you when you get up and so you will be responsible for any harm that will cause to your body or to the ministers and people around you if you will have an accident,” the bulletin adds. “If you would like to continue receiving [C]ommunion kneeling down, we ask that you sign a waiver that releases our parish for any liability that may arise due to your action.”

“You will also be legally responsible,” it continues, “for any harm that your action may cause to the ministers or the people around you when taking [C]ommunion kneeling down,” which was the standard practice of the Catholic Church for centuries until the 1960s.

The recommendation against receiving the Eucharist while kneeling “is for your safety and the safety of our ministers and the people around you, and also to protect the sanctity of the Body and Blood of Christ,” the bulletin further stated.

The parish failed to note, however, that reception of the Eucharist in the hand inevitably risks particles of the Host falling to the floor and being trampled, a situation decried by Bishop Athanasius Schneider as “one of the grievous phenomenons and evils within the Church.”

The Catholic Church teaches dogmatically that every particle of the Holy Eucharist contains the entire Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha parish’s waiver requirement, moreover, appears to violate Church law.

The Vatican Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum stresses that priests may not deny the Eucharist to Catholics in good standing who wish to receive the Blessed Sacrament kneeling. “Therefore, it is not licit to deny Holy Communion to any of Christ’s faithful solely on the grounds, for example, that the person wishes to receive the Eucharist kneeling or standing.”

The document invokes Canon 843 of the Code of Canon Law, which states, “Sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who seek them at appropriate times, are properly disposed, and are not prohibited by law from receiving them.”

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) also make clear that the faithful may receive Communion kneeling without impediment.

Church leaders known for their orthodoxy have praised reception of the Eucharist kneeling and on the tongue as the most reverent form of taking Communion.

Cardinal Robert Sarah, the former head of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, has said that receiving Communion kneeling and on the tongue “is much more suited to the sacrament itself” and “a further act of adoration and love that each of us can offer to Jesus Christ.” His comments echo those of other previous Vatican liturgy chiefs, including Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera.

Cardinal Sarah has linked reception of the Eucharist standing and in the hand to a “diabolical attack” on the Catholic faith. He noted that Pope John Paul II “forced his broken body to kneel” for Holy Communion even in his advanced age.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha parish lists LGBT ‘ministry’

In addition to announcing the waiver rule, St. Kateri Tekakwitha parish’s December 18 bulletin lists an LGBT-themed “ministry” titled “Ministry with Families & Friends of LGBT,” with a coordinator named Gloria Austin.

The Diocese of San Bernardino has a similarly named “Ministry to Families with Gay and Lesbian Catholics,” which also lists Austin as a contact. The diocesan organization’s website includes links to Outreach, a heterodox LGBT activism group founded by Father James Martin, SJ, and the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT pressure group in the United States and a staunch proponent of “gender transitions” for children.

The bishop of the San Bernardino diocese is Alberto Rojas, one of several U.S. prelates who signed a statement last year organized by the Tyler Clementi Foundation, another pro-LGBT activist group, telling homosexual youth that “God is on your side.” Rojas withdrew the faculties of a priest in his diocese who criticized him for signing the statement.

Rojas, a Mexican national, was a student at the Archdiocese of Chicago’s infamous Casa Jesús program for Hispanic immigrants, which shut down in 2016 amid pedophilia and homosexuality scandals.

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