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  ‘Treason’: German Synodal Path furious after bishops block document on changing Church teaching
Posted by: Stone - 09-10-2022, 07:22 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - Replies (1)

‘Treason’: German Synodal Path furious after bishops block document on changing Church teaching
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the former head of the German bishops and a member of the Pope's Council of Cardinals, said he was 'very disappointed' by this voting result.

[Image: marx_at_German_synod-810x500.jpg]

Cardinal Reinhard Marx

Sep 9, 2022
FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN, Germany (LifeSiteNews) — Following a setback, progressivists dominating the German Synodal Path are shocked, speak of “disaster” and “treason,” and bemoan that some bishops are “secret blockers” who “do not say openly what they think.”

Yesterday, on the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, the entire Catholic world was surprised when, during the fourth Synodal Path assembly, 21 German bishops voted in a secret ballot against a document that aimed at changing the Church’s moral teaching on homosexuality, contraception, and gender identity. 31 of the 60 bishops present approved of that document, while 21 voted against it. Others abstained. The document needed the vote of two-thirds of the bishops to pass, and thus the minority was able to block it as an official document of the German Synodal Path.

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the former head of the German bishops and a member of the Pope’s Council of Cardinals, said he was “very disappointed” by this voting result.

The German Synodal Path, an association of lay people and bishops, was started in 2019 under Cardinal Marx as the then-head of the German Bishops’ Conference. His successor in that role, Georg Bätzing, was shocked by yesterday’s vote, but insisted that the text be sent anyway to Rome at the upcoming ad-limina visit of the German bishops with the Pope and submitted to the upcoming Synod on Synodality in Rome. Most importantly, he announced that, from now on, voting will take place by a show of hands, which means that every bishop who wishes to defend traditional Church doctrine will be put under public pressure.

Fully eighty percent of the total Synodal Path assembly voted in favor of the revolutionary text that approved homosexuality, contraception, and the claim that people can have a binary identity. From the beginning the conservative wing of the Catholic Church in Germany has been intimidated, something that became obvious after their vote against the liberalizing document on sexuality yesterday. The website of the German Synodal Path posted numerous comments of participants of the assembly expressing their indignation over the resistance of one third of the German bishops who are loyal to the Church’s teachings.

As far as the document is concerned, their fidelity was in vain. Because the leaders of the German bishops in Germany wish to continue their “path of destruction” (in the words of Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer), they decided to make use of this rejected synodal text anyway and to send it to Rome.

This move was remarked upon by Peter Winnemöller, a German Catholic journalist, who wrote on Twitter: “The agenda has long since been set and the synodal Punch and Judy show is just window dressing. It no longer matters who votes and how.”

The German Synodal Path has long been a scandal in the Catholic Church, with 70 bishops rejecting it in public and entire bishops’ conferences raising their voices in alarm. Laity are also concerned. Irme Stetter-Karp, the Vice-President of the Synodal Path, was recently rebuked by German Catholic lay people for endorsing abortion and for demanding “that the medical intervention of an abortion should be made possible across the board.”

The Synodal Path’s heterodox working documents – which included the endorsement of blessings for homosexual couples – provoked two Vatican statements, one rejecting the blessing of homosexual couples, and the other stipulating that the Synodal Way “is not authorized to oblige the bishops and the faithful to adopt new forms of governance and new orientations of doctrine and morals.”

It might have been these statements that encouraged the few faithful bishops in Germany to vote against the proposal to change the Church’s moral teaching. At the same time, however, Pope Francis himself is encouraging such synodal paths around the world, having himself initiated a “Synod on Synodality” that is to take place in 2023 and that has already now provoked more heterodox statements from the world’s bishops. Therefore, Bishop Georg Bätzing argued before the ongoing September 8-10 Synodal Path meeting in Frankfurt that this process is willed by the Pope and that the discussion results will all come together at the Synod on Synodality in 2023.

LifeSite reached out to two German Catholic journalists, Petra Lorleberg and Mathias von Gersdorff, and a German Catholic priest for comment on the surprise event of yesterday at the Synodal Path assembly.

Petra Lorleberg is the editor-in-chief at the German Catholic online newspaper “kath.net,” a theologian, and the  author of the book A Touch of Martyrdom – and the Persecutors are, of All People, Fellow Church Members. In her statement, she thanked the 21 faithful bishops:

Quote:Twenty-one bishops have declared their faith in Catholic doctrine, even though they know that they will be met with the full fury not only of the mainstream press, but also of all those dissenting Catholics who have not only abandoned fidelity to Christian doctrine, but also, in the majority, no longer believe in Jesus Christ, Man and God, Savior and Redeemer. There were also three abstentions. Other bishops apparently simply refused to vote in order to escape the predictable agitation against them, [but] these also contributed to the fact that it was not enough for the required two-thirds majority. THANK YOU to all the bishops who found the courage to remain faithful to their consecration vows. To those 31 bishops who gave their ‘yes’ to the policy document, my question is: why should faithful Catholics actually follow unfaithful shepherds?

Mathias von Gersdorff is an author and a pro-life activist. He noted both that the rejection of the document was “unexpected by many” and also that progressives are seeking away around it by proposing to do away with unity in the Church.

Quote:The rejection of the foundational document, which envisions a new ultra-liberal sexual morality, a new image of marriage and family, and introduces gender ideology into the Magisterium, generated outrage and anger among supporters. Apparently, the rejection was unexpected by many. In the run-up, however, some may have suspected that it would come to this and feared turmoil and a breakdown of the synodal assembly. Since the synodal assembly in February 2022, criticism of the Synodal Path has become louder and louder and the public debate more and more irritated. It is likely that this state of affairs has caused quite a few auxiliary bishops to reflect.

One thing, however, is particularly striking: In the press conference the day after, Bishop Dr. Georg Bätzing, president of the German Bishops’ Conference, quickly conjured up the idea of a Church with “different church images and speeds.” Specifically: each bishop should decide for himself how to deal with the rejected texts. This leads to a destruction of the unity of the Church and to the formation of national churches at the diocesan level.

Father Karl-Heinz Bökelmann, a parish pastor, told LifeSiteNews that he was surprised that the document failed to get the necessary votes, especially given the attempts to intimidate “possible opponents” into going along with it.

Quote:I had not expected that. After the many pro-statements of various bishops, it became clear where the journey was going: Clear vote for the text and all the others! I only wanted to know which really Catholic bishops were left.

Now the pro-side is facing a shambles. They had skilfully tried to intimidate or even silence possible opponents. Bishops, like Voderholzer, were not to be given the right to speak at all. So the other opponents kept silent and then simply voted “no”. Cardinal Wölki also did not say a word yesterday.

The now “disappointed” are the victim of their own machinations. Let us hope that the next votes will also be like this. I fear, however, that the defeated laity and bishops will go their German special way in their dioceses.

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  Trudeau threatens Canadians with fall restrictions if they don’t get COVID boosters
Posted by: Stone - 09-09-2022, 05:01 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Trudeau threatens Canadians with fall restrictions if they don’t get COVID boosters
'If we are able to hit that 80%, 85%, 90% of Canadians up to date in their vaccinations, we’ll have a much better winter with much less need for the kind of restrictions and rules that were so problematic for everyone over the past years.'

Sep 8, 2022
OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – Despite many nations now relegating COVID to the status of the yearly flu, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau threatened Canadians with fall “restrictions and rules” should people refuse to take the COVID booster shots.

“If we are able to hit that 80%, 85%, 90% of Canadians up to date in their vaccinations, we’ll have a much better winter with much less need for the kind of restrictions and rules that were so problematic for everyone over the past years,” Trudeau told reporters last Thursday.

Trudeau claimed that there is a “real risk of a serious wave of COVID”  this fall.

However, the reality is, data shows that uptake for COVID boosters is rather low and is declining. Only 49.55 percent of the population have had the third shot. When it comes to those who have chosen to get more than one booster, with only 12.36 percent of Canadians have done so.

The federal government under Trudeau has been pushing the COVID injections on the Canadian populace and has even used questionable tactics to achieve high vaccination rates.

This is despite COVID vaccine trials having never produced evidence that the shots stop infection or transmission. In fact, evidence suggests that the vaccines no longer even reduce severe symptoms, especially considering the ever-changing viral variants and that they are harming more people than helping.

Autopsy data shows a close association between the COVID mRNA shots and heart inflammation, instead of a link between the COVID virus itself and heart issues.

Also, according to two recent medical studies from Europe, it is blood damage that explains the many harmful impacts of COVID shots.

Young men in particular are more likely to experience heart inflammation brought on by the COVID jabs.

Trudeau also praised the bivalent Moderna Covid-19 booster vaccine, which Health Canada just approved for use.

“Everyone who has been a while since their vaccination,” Trudeau said, “should look at the fact that we have new vaccines coming out this month that are tailored against Omicron.”

Trudeau claimed that the new jabs “will provide better protection and everyone should get out and get vaccinated.”

However, as LifeSiteNews reported, Moderna’s new COVID-19 Omicron subvariant booster was approved without the vaccines undergoing any human trial testing.

Canadian Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos made the rather bizarre claim last week that getting a booster is like recharging your “phone battery.”

“It needs to be recharged from time to time. Recharging our protection after six months is important, otherwise, we are left without the power to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” Duclos said.

Health Canada advisers recently recommended Canadians take a “booster” of the still experimental COVID injections, which are now known to do next to nothing to stop the spread of the virus, every three months.

Trudeau’s popularity among young voters seems to be waning, with most saying they are instead inclined to vote for the NDP.

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  The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 09-08-2022, 07:38 AM - Forum: Our Lady - Replies (38)

The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich



I had a vision of the creation of Mary's most holy soul and of its being united to her most pure body. In the glory by which the Most Holy Trinity is usually represented in my visions I saw a movement like a great shining mountain, and yet also like a human figure; and I saw something rise out of the midst of this figure towards its mouth and go forth from it like a shining brightness. Then I saw this brightness standing separate before the Face of God, turning and shaping itself-- or rather being shaped, for I saw that while this brightness took human form, yet it was by the Will of God that it received a form so unspeakably beautiful. I saw, too, that God showed the beauty of this soul to the angels, and that they had unspeakable joy in its beauty. I am unable to describe in words all that I saw and understood.

When seventeen weeks and five days after the conception of the Blessed Virgin had gone by (that is to say, five days before Anna's pregnancy was half accomplished), I saw the Blessed Virgin's holy mother lying asleep in her bed in her house near Nazareth. Then there came a shining light above her, and a ray from this light fell upon the middle of her side, and the light passed into her in the shape of a little shining human figure. In the same instant I saw the Blessed Virgin's holy mother raise herself on her couch surrounded by light. She was in ecstasy, and had a vision of her womb opening like a tabernacle to enclose a shining little virgin from whom man's whole salvation was to spring. I saw that this was the instant in which for the first time the child moved within her. Anna then rose from her couch, dressed herself, and announced her joy to the holy Joachim. They both thanked God, and I saw them praying under the tree in the garden where the angel had comforted Anna. It was made known to me that the Blessed Virgin's soul was united to her body five days earlier than with other children, and that her birth was twelve days earlier.

Copyright ©1999-2018 e-Catholic2000.com

The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich 
4.2 MARY'S BIRTH.   

Several days before the Blessed Virgin's birth Anna had told Joachim that the time was approaching for her to be delivered. She sent messengers to Sephoris, where her younger sister Maraha lived; to the widow Enue (sister of Elizabeth) in the valley of Zabulon; and to her niece Mary Salome at Bethsaida, asking these three women to come to her. I saw them on their journeys. The widow Enue had a serving lad with her; the other two women were accompanied by their husbands who, however, went back on approaching Nazareth. I saw that on the day before Anna was delivered Joachim sent his many menservants out to the herds, and among Anna's new maidservants he kept in the house only those who were needed. He, too, went out into his nearest pasture. I saw that Anna's firstborn daughter, Mary Heli, looked after the house. She was then about nineteen years old and was married to Cleophas, one of Joachim's chief shepherds, by whom she had a little daughter, Mary Cleophas, now about four years old. After praying, Joachim chose out his finest lambs, kids, and cattle, sending shepherds to take them to the Temple as a thank-offering. He did not return home until nightfall.  I saw the three cousins arriving at Anna's house in the evening. They went to her in her room behind the hearth and embraced her. After Anna had told them that the time was near for her to be delivered, they stood up and sang a hymn together: Praise the Lord God; He has shown mercy to His people, and has redeemed Israel, and has fulfilled the promise which He gave to Adam in Paradise that the seed of the woman should crush the head of the serpent,' and so on. I can no longer recite it all by heart. Anna prayed as though in ecstasy. She introduced into the hymn all the prophetic symbols of Mary. She said: The seed given by God to Abraham has ripened in me.' She spoke of the promise to Sarah of Isaac's birth and said: The blossoming of Aaron's rod is perfected in me.' At that moment I saw her as though suffused with light; I saw the room full of radiance, and Jacob's ladder appearing above it. The women were overcome with astonishment and joy, and I think that they also saw the vision. When the prayer of welcome was over, the travelers were refreshed with a slight meal of bread and fruit, and water mixed with balsam. They ate and drank standing up, and then lay down till midnight to rest from their journey. Anna did not go to bed, but prayed, and at midnight woke the other women to pray with her. They followed her to her praying-place behind a curtain.  Anna opened the doors of a little cupboard in the wall which contained a casket with holy objects. On each side were lights--perhaps lamps, but I am not sure. They had to be pushed up in their holders, and then little bits of shavings put underneath to prevent them from sinking down. After this the lights were lit. There was a cushioned stool at the foot of this sort of little altar. The casket contained some of Sarah's hair (Anna had a great veneration for her), some of Joseph's bones (brought by Moses from Egypt), and something belonging to Tobias, I think a relic of his clothing; also the little shining, white, pear-shaped goblet from which Abraham had drunk when blessed by the angel. (This had been given to Joachim from the Ark of the Covenant when he was blessed in the Temple. I now know that this blessing took the form of wine and bread and was a strengthening and sacramental food.)  Anna knelt before the little cupboard with one of the women on each side and the third behind her. She recited another hymn; I think it mentioned the burning bush of Moses. Then I saw the room filled with supernatural light which became more intense as it wove itself round Anna. The women sank to the ground as though stunned. The light round Anna took the exact form of the burning bush of Moses on Horeb, and I could no longer see her. The whole flame streamed inwards; and then I suddenly saw that Anna received the shining child Mary in her hands, wrapped her in her mantle, pressed her to her heart, and laid her naked on the stool in front of the holy relics, still continuing her prayer. Then I heard the child cry, and saw that Anna brought out wrappings from under the great veil which enveloped her. She wrapped the child first in gray and then in red swaddling bands up to her arms; her breast, arms, and head were bare. The appearance of the burning bush around Anna had now vanished.  The women stood up and received the newborn child in their arms with great astonishment. They shed tears of joy. They all joined in a hymn of praise, and Anna lifted her child up on high as though making an offering. I saw at that moment the room full of light, and beheld several angels singing Gloria and Alleluia. I heard all their words. They announced that on the twentieth day the child was to be called Mary.  Anna now went into her bedroom and lay down on her couch. The women in the meantime unwrapped the child, bathed it, and wrapped it up again, and then laid it beside its mother. There was a little woven wicker basket which could be fastened beside the bed or against the wall or at the foot of the bed, whichever was wanted, so that the child could always have its place near its mother and yet separate.  The women now called Joachim, the father. He came to Anna's couch and knelt down weeping, his tears falling on the child; then he lifted it up in his arms and uttered his song of praise, like Zechariah at John's birth. He spoke in this hymn of the holy seed, implanted by God in Abraham, which had continued amongst God's people by means of the covenant ratified by circumcision, but had now reached its highest blossoming in this child and was, in the flesh, completed. I also heard how this song of praise declared that now was fulfilled the word of the prophet: There shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse.' He said, too, in great humility and devoutness, that he would now gladly die.  It was only then that I noticed that Mary Heli, Anna's elder daughter, did not have sight of the child until later. Although she had become the mother of Mary Cleophas several years before, she was not present at the Blessed Virgin's birth--perhaps because, according to Jewish rules, it was not considered seemly for a daughter to be with her mother at such a time.  Next morning I saw the serving men and maids and many people from nearby gathered round the house. They were allowed to enter in groups, and the child was shown by the women to them all. Many were greatly moved, and some led better lives thereafter. The neighbors had come because they had seen in the night a glowing light above the house, and because the birth of Anna's child after long unfruitfulness was looked upon as a great favor from heaven.          <|CONTENTS| |NEXT|>    | FOOTNOTES|   Copyright ©1999-2018 e-Catholic2000.com

The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I saw much of St. Bridget, and was given much knowledge of what had been revealed to this saint about Mary's conception and birth. I remember that the Blessed Virgin said to her that if women with child celebrated the vigil of her Nativity by fasting and by the pious recitation of nine Ave Marias in honor of her nine-months' sojourn in her Mother's womb; and if they renewed this devotion frequently during their pregnancy and the day before they expected their confinement, at the same time receiving with devotion the Holy Sacrament, she would bring their prayer before God and beg for a happy delivery even in difficult and dangerous conditions.

I myself had today a vision of the Blessed Virgin who came to me and told me, among other things, that whoever recited with love and devotion on the afternoon of this day nine Ave Marias in honor of her nine months' sojourn in her mother's womb and of her birth, continuing this devotion for nine days, would give the angels nine flowers each day for a bouquet which they would receive in heaven and present to the Blessed Trinity, to obtain favor for the suppliant. Later I felt myself transported to a height between heaven and earth. The earth lay below, dark and troubled; above in heaven I saw the Blessed Virgin before the Throne of God, between the choirs of angels and the ordered hosts of the saints. I saw, built for her out of devotions and prayers on earth, two portals, or thrones of honor, which grew at last into palaces like churches, and even into whole cities. It was strange to see how these buildings were made entirely of herbs, flowers, and garlands all intertwined, their different species expressing the different kinds and different merits of the prayers of individual human beings and of whole communities. I saw all being taken by angels or saints from the hands of the suppliants and being carried up to heaven.

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  Ciborium with Eucharist stolen from primatial cathedral of Colombia
Posted by: Stone - 09-08-2022, 06:52 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Ciborium with Eucharist stolen from primatial cathedral of Colombia

CNA | Sep 7, 2022

Father Gonzalo Marín García, a priest of the primatial cathedral of Colombia in Bogotá, said in a statement released Sept. 6 that a ciborium containing the Eucharist that was used for daily Mass has been stolen from the cathedral.

Marín said the Archdiocese of Bogotá wanted to inform the general public “that in recent days a small ciborium where the Eucharist is reserved and is for daily use was stolen.”

The priest explained that the liturgical vessel is “approximately 15 centimeters in height” (about 6 inches) and was “recently manufactured,” so “it was not part of the artistic, religious, and patrimonial collection kept in the cathedral.”

Marín reported that a complaint has already been filed with the authorities, so that a “corresponding investigation” could be conducted.

Elmer Rojas, a councilman from Bogotá, commented on Twitter that this “worrisome theft is in addition to that of two Christian churches in Kennedy (a city district) in recent days. The insecurity in the city affects everyone and the (district’s administration) doesn’t seem to care.”

The primatial cathedral of Colombia has been a witness to the events that have taken place in the country and constitutes an epicenter of faith and a benchmark for culture and art, since its history dates back to the founding of the city on Aug. 6, 1538.

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  Our Lady of Fatima statue stolen from Catholic church in NJ
Posted by: Stone - 09-08-2022, 06:49 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Our Lady of Fatima statue stolen from Catholic church in NJ found, arrest made

[Image: fatima.jpg?w=670&h=447]

The statue of Our Lady of Fatima was returned to St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church in Gibbsboro, N.J.,

CNA | Sept. 7, 2022.

Tears were flowing from the faces of parishioners at St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church in Gibbsboro, New Jersey, when they saw their pastor bring into the adoration chapel on Wednesday the parish’s beloved Our Lady of Fatima statue, which was stolen last week.

“I was just bringing it back in to re-enthrone her for tomorrow,” Msgr. Louis Marucci, the pastor, told CNA Sept. 7. “And I could hear the visible expressions of people in tears, and I turned around and I thought that the faith of people is really just a beautiful experience.”

After the statue was stolen Aug. 30, Marucci said that he was praying that it would be returned before Sept. 8: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the day on which the parish always holds a litany of prayers from sun-up to sun-down in honor of Mary.

However, he said that the short time-frame seemed impossible for the police to find the thief and recover the statue.

Marucci said, however, that on the morning of Sept. 7, a police detective called him and told him: “I want you to know that the statue of the Blessed Mother is coming home.”

“That was the phrase he used,” Marucci said, “and I was just really moved by that.”

Gibbsboro Police announced Sept. 7 that 64-year-old Robert Adelman of Woodbury, about 15 miles from Gibbsboro, has been arrested and charged with the theft and was placed on a summons. Police had no other details about his motives or a future court date.

Marucci praised the police for their efforts in finding the suspect.

He also said that the parish’s security system and cameras were instrumental in capturing footage of the suspect in that act.

Marucci credited a $50,000 grant that was given to the parish by the Department of Homeland Security after Marucci applied for the grant for technology upgrades several years ago.

“I would strongly advise every house of worship … to apply [for the grant],” Marucci said. “Churches are soft targets for terrorist activity.”

Catholic churches have been the target of dozens of attacks across the nation in recent years — but especially in recent months — since news that Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that federally legalized abortion,  would be overturned.

Marucci said that the Our Lady of Fatima statue is from Portugal and is one of four specific replicas in existence. He said the 3.5 foot statue holds immense spiritual and symbolic significance. He said that the crown of the statue includes a replica of the bullet that is placed in the original Our Lady of Fatima statue in Portugal.

Marucci said that police departments that were involved with the investigation will attend the parish’s 8 a.m. Mass Sept. 8. He plans to bless the statue then.

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  New study shows cancer risk higher in children born from frozen embryo transfers
Posted by: Stone - 09-07-2022, 05:36 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

New study shows cancer risk higher in children born from frozen embryo transfers
The study included a warning in its conclusions about the practice of freezing embryos for later use.

[Image: Shutterstock_1045023868-810x500.jpg]

An embryologist pulls out of the dewar with liquid nitrogen straws with frozen embryos and egg cells.

Tue Sep 6, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) — A new study released September 1 declared that babies born after the use of frozen embryo transfers are at a higher risk of childhood cancer than those conceived naturally or through other artificial methods.

Data was collected from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, which included millions of children born between 1984 and 2015 that were all conceived with assisted reproduction technology. The study specifically considered whether babies born “after frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET)” showed a “higher risk of childhood cancer than children born after fresh embryo transfer and spontaneous conception.”

After finding that babies who come from frozen embryos do run a higher risk of cancer, the study included a warning in its conclusions about the practice of freezing embryos for later use.

“The results should be interpreted cautiously based on the small number of children with cancer, but the findings raise concerns considering the increasing use of FET, in particular freeze-all strategies without clear medical indications,” the study states.

The most common types of cancer among the children in the study were leukemia and central nervous system tumors, but the results showed an increase in risk of any type.

“The reason for a possible higher risk of cancer in children born after FET is not known,” the study states. “Each childhood cancer type has its own risk factor profile, but many childhood cancers are thought to derive from embryonic accidents and originate in utero.”

Katy Faust, founder of pro-life organization Them Before Us, reacted to the study in a Twitter post. “It’s as if people aren’t meant to be frozen,” she wrote before citing the study. “Children born after frozen-thawed embryo transfer had a roughly 1.6 to 1.7 times higher risk of cancer than children born after fresh embryo transfer and those born without the help of any fertility treatment.”

The frozen-thawed embryo transfer is a method of in vitro fertilization (IVF) that allows lab-manufactured embryos to be frozen until they are needed to be implanted into a woman’s uterus.

Last year, the UK extended its legal length of time for storing frozen embryos from 10 to 55 years. In the U.S., a baby conceived through IVF was born in 2020, 27 years after her artificial conception.

A 2013 study in the National Library of Medicine indicated that one of the main risks of IVF was the potential for various developmental birth defects in children who are conceived in this method. More recently, in 2020, research at the same institution suggested that IVF increases the risk of cancer among children with birth defects.

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  Canadian health advisers recommend COVID booster shot every three months
Posted by: Stone - 09-07-2022, 05:31 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Canadian health advisers recommend COVID booster shot every three months
Justin Trudeau has threatened more COVID mandates and rules if between 80 percent to 90 percent of Canadians do not take the boosters.

[Image: Shutterstock_2078433682-810x500.jpg]

Tue Sep 6, 2022
OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – Advisers to Health Canada recommend Canadians take a “booster” of the still experimental COVID injections, which are now known to do next to nothing to stop the spread of the virus, every three months.

According to Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) officials, as reported by Blacklock’s Reporter, a “shorter interval of at least three months may be warranted in the context of heightened epidemiological risk as well as operational considerations for the efficient deployment of the Covid-19 vaccination program.”

This recommendation was stated in a September 1 Summary Of National Advisory Committee On Immunization Statement.

“Informed consent should include discussion regarding what is known and unknown about the benefits and risks of providing a booster shot,” the statement noted.

Reaction to health advisers saying a shot should be given every three months came swiftly from those opposed to COVID vaccine mandates.

“If you need to take it every three months, it’s not a vaccine,” People’s Party of Canada (PPC) leader Maxime Bernier tweeted  yesterday.

The federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been pushing the COVID injections on the Canadian populace and has even used questionable tactics to achieve high vaccination rates.

Indeed, last week. Trudeau threatened  more COVID mandates and rules if between 80 percent to 90 percent of Canadians do not take the boosters.

“If we are able to hit that 80%, 85%, 90% of Canadians up-to-date in their vaccinations, we’ll have a much better winter with much less need for the kind of restrictions and rules that were so problematic for everyone over the past years,” Trudeau said.

However, in Canada, data shows that uptake for COVID boosters is rather low and declining, with only 49.55% of the population having had a third jab. Only 12.36% of Canadians have chosen to get more than one booster shot.

The COVID jab trials have never produced evidence that vaccines stop infection or transmission. In fact, evidence suggests that the jabs no longer even reduce severe symptoms, especially considering the ever-changing viral variants, and that they are harming more people than helping.

Recent documents revealed that the Canadian government agency Transport Canada used COVID jab mandates for travel to raise vaccine rates.

The push to promote boosters on the Canadian population by government officials also comes despite the now well-known ill effects attributed to the injections.

Recent autopsy data shows a close association between the COVID mRNA jabs and heart inflammation, instead of a link between the COVID virus itself and heart issues.

According to two recent medical studies from Europe, it is blood damage that explains the many harmful impacts of COVID shots.

Young men in particular are more likely to experience heart inflammation brought on by the COVID jabs.

Indeed, last week Alberta-based doctor and cancer researcher William Makis called on the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) to not “stay silent” regarding the “illegally mandated COVID‐19 vaccines” and their link to the sudden suspicious deaths of countless Canadian doctors.

Health Canada approves new COVID booster shot despite it not being tested on humans

Last week, Health Canada approved for use the bivalent Moderna Covid-19 booster jab, which it claims targets the so-called BA.1 Omicron subvariant.

However, Moderna’s new COVID-19 Omicron subvariant booster was approved without the jabs undergoing any human trial testing.

Canadian Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos, when announcing the approval of the Moderna Covid-19 booster jab last week, made the claim that getting a booster is like recharging your “phone battery.”

“It needs to be recharged from time to time. Recharging our protection after six months is important, otherwise, we are left without the power to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” Duclos said.

Both both Pfizer and Moderna’s new COVID-19 Omicron subvariant booster was given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in the United States at the end of last month.

As it stands now, COVID boosters are only recommended for Canadians over 65 and young people with underlying health issues.

Vaccine Choice Canada recently put out a new video titled “Should I Vaccinate My Child With The Covid-19 Vaccine? The Stats, Facts & Risks Involved.”

The video “explains some of the untold or unknown facts, statistics, and information related to the Covid-19 vaccines.”

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  Dutch city becomes world’s first to ban meat adverts in public
Posted by: Stone - 09-06-2022, 01:48 PM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

Dutch city becomes world’s first to ban meat adverts in public
Haarlem’s move is part of efforts to cut consumption after meat was found to contribute to climate crisis

[Image: 5472.jpg?width=620&quality=45&fit=max&dp...735c9933d3]

Haarlem central square in the Netherlands

The Guardian | Tue 6 Sep 2022

A Dutch city will become the first in the world to ban meat adverts from public spaces in an effort to reduce consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Haarlem, which lies to the west of Amsterdam and has a population of about 160,000, will enact the prohibition from 2024 after meat was added to a list of products deemed to contribute to the climate crisis.

Adverts will not be allowed on Haarlem’s buses, shelters and screens in public spaces, prompting complaints from the meat sector that the municipality is “going too far in telling people what’s best for them”.

Recent studies suggest global food production is responsible for one-third of all planet-heating emissions, with the use of animals for meat accounting for twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods.

Forests that absorb carbon dioxide are felled for the grazing of animals while fertilisers used for growing their feed are rich in nitrogen, which can contribute to air and water pollution, climate change and ozone depletion. Livestock also produces large quantities of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

Ziggy Klazes, a councillor from the GroenLinks party, who drafted the motion banning meat advertising, said she had not known the city would be the world’s first to enforce such a policy when she proposed it.

She told the Haarlem105 radio channel: “We are not about what people are baking and roasting in their own kitchen; if people wanted to continue eating meat, fine … We can’t tell people there’s a climate crisis and encourage them to buy products that are part of the cause.

“Of course, there are a lot of people who find the decision outrageous and patronising, but there are also a lot of people who think it’s fine.

“It is a signal – if it is picked up nationally, that would only be very nice. There are many groups of GroenLinks who think it is a good idea and want to try it.”

The ban also covers holiday flights, fossil fuels and cars that run on fossil fuels. The ban is delayed until 2024 due to existing contracts with companies that sell the products.

here is some opposition within Haarlem’s council to the move, with critics arguing that it restricts freedom of expression.

Sander van den Raadt, the leader of the Trots Haarlem group, said: “It is remarkable that the municipality of Haarlem is holding a large poster campaign that you can be yourself in Haarlem and love whoever you want, but if you like meat instead of soft grass, ‘the partronising brigade’ will come and tell you that you are completely wrong.”

Greenpeace research suggests that to meet the EU target of net zero emissions by 2050, meat consumption must be reduced to 24kg per person per year, compared with the current average of 82kg, or 75.8kg in the Netherlands, which is the EU’s biggest meat exporter.

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  Mass of Luther From A Lecture Given by His Grace ARCHBISHOP MARCEL LEFEBVRE
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 09-05-2022, 08:49 AM - Forum: Uncompromising Fighters for the Faith - No Replies

Mass of Luther

Mass of Luther

An Examination of the Shocking Similarities Between the "New Mass" and Luther's "Mass"

From A Lecture Given by His Grace

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish to speak to you this evening about the evangelical Mass of Martin Luther, and of the striking resemblance between his Liturgical innovations of more than four centuries ago, and the recently promulgated new order of the Mass, the Novus Ordo Missae.

Why are such considerations of significance? Because of the prominent role, according to the President of the Liturgical Commission himself, accorded to the concept of ecumenism in bringing about these reforms. Because, further, if we are able to ascertain that a close relationship does indeed exist between Luther's innovations and the Novus Ordo, then the theological question, that is the question of the faith, must be asked in terms of the well known adage, "lex orandi, lex credendi"; the law of prayer cannot be profoundly changed without changing the law of belief.

It is well, in order to assist our understanding of the present liturgical reforms, to examine carefully actual historical documents on Luther's reforms.

To grasp Luther's goal in bringing forward his reforms we must briefly recall the Church's doctrine with respect to the Priesthood and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The 22nd session of the Council of Trent (1652) teaches that Our Lord Jesus Christ, wishing His Priesthood to continue after His death on the Cross, instituted at the Last Supper a visible Sacrifice destined to apply the salutary effect of His Redemption to the sins of mankind. Christ therefore, instituted Holy Orders, and choosing His Apostles and their successors to be the priests of the New Testament, marked them as such with a sacred and indelible character.

This Sacrifice instituted by Christ is performed on our altars by the sacrificial action of the Redeemer Himself, truly present under the species of bread and wine, offering Himself as a victim to His Father. And by partaking at Communion of this Victim, we unite ourselves to the Body and Blood of Our Lord, and offer ourselves also in union with Him.

Thus, the Church teaches, first, that the Priesthood of the priest is essentially different from that of the faithful, who do not have the Priesthood but who belong to a Church which essentially requires a Priesthood. It is deeply fitting that this Priesthood be celibate, and that its members be differentiated from the faithful by clerical dress.

Secondly, the essential liturgical act performed by this Priesthood is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, different from the Sacrifice of the Cross only in that the latter was a bloody sacrifice, and the former is an unbloody sacrifice. The Sacrifice of the Mass is accomplished by the sacrificial action of reciting the words of the Consecration, and not simply by reciting a narrative, or by a remembrance of the Passion or of the Last Supper.

Thirdly, it is by virtue of this sublime and mysterious act that the effects of the Redemption are applied to the souls of both the faithful on Earth and the souls in Purgatory. This doctrine is most admirably expressed at the Offertory of the Mass.

Fourthly, the Real Presence of the Victim is thus required, and comes to pass through the change of the substance of bread and wine into the substance of the Body and Blood of Our Lord. Accordingly, we are required to adore the Eucharist and reserve for it the very highest respect, whence comes the tradition that priests alone distribute the Holy Eucharist and see to Its custody.

It follows, finally, that although a priest celebrates the Mass and takes Communion alone, yet he performs a public act, a sacrifice equal in value to any other Mass, and of infinite value to both the celebrant and the entire Church. Privately celebrated Masses, accordingly, are highly encouraged by the Church.

The above principles are the basis of the prayers, the music and the ceremonies which have made the Latin Mass of the Council of Trent a veritable liturgical jewel. The Council of Trent's deeply moving doctrine on the Canon, the most precious element of the Mass, states:

"As it is becoming that holy things he administered in a holy manner and of all things this Sacrifice is the most holy, the Catholic Church, to the end that it might be worthily and reverently offered and received, instituted many centuries ago the Holy Canon, which is so free from error that it contains nothing that does not in the highest degree savor of a certain holiness and piety and raise up to God the minds of those who offer. For it consists partly of the very words of the Lord, partly of the traditions of the Apostles, and also of pious regulations of holy Pontiffs." (Acts of the Council of Trent, session 22, chapter IV).

Let us examine the manner in which Luther achieved his reform of the liturgy, that is implemented the "evangelical Mass", as he himself called it. Of particular interest in this effort are the actual words of Luther himself, or of his disciples, with respect to the reforms. It is enlightening to note the liberal tendencies which inspire Luther:

"In first place", he writes "I would kindly and for God's sake request all those who see this order of service or desire to follow it: do not make it a rigid law to bind or entangle anyone's conscience, but use it in Christian liberty as long, when, where, and how you find it to be practical and useful."(T,C. Tappert, ed., Selected Writings of Martin Luther, vol. 3,p. 397). "The cult", he continues, "was formerly meant to render homage to God; henceforth it shall he directed to man in order to console him and enlighten him, Whereas the sacrifice formerly held pride of place, henceforth the most important will be the sermon". (from Léon Christiani, Du luthéranisme au protestantisme (1910), p. 312)

Luther's Thoughts on the Priesthood

In his work on privately celebrated Masses, Luther seeks to demonstrate that the Catholic Priesthood is a creation of Satan. He bases this assertion On the principle, henceforth fundamental to his thinking, that what is not in Holy Scripture is an addition of Satan. Accordingly, for Luther, since Scripture makes no mention of the visible Priest hood, there can be but one priest and one Pontiff, Christ. With Christ we are all called to the Priesthood, thus making the Priesthood at once unique and universal. What folly to seek to limit it to the few. Similarly, all hierarchical distinctions between Christians are worthy of the Antichrist; "Woe therefore, to those who call themselves priests". (Christiani, Ibid., p. 269)

In 1520, Luther wrote "To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Concerning the Reform of the Christian State", in which he attacks the Romanists and urges the convocation of a free council:

"The first wall built by the Romanists is the distinction between the clergy and the laity. It is pure invention that pope, bishop, priests, and monks are called the spiritual estate while prince', lords, artisans and peasants are called the temporal estate. This is indeed a piece of deceit and hypocrisy. All Christians are truly of the spiritual estate, and there is no difference among them except that of office... The pope or bishop anoints, confers the tonsure, ordains, consecrates, and prescribes garb different from that of the laity. He might well make a man into a hypocrite in so doing, but never a Christian or a spiritual man... Whoever comes out of the water of baptism can boast that he is already a consecrated priest, bishop, and pope, although of course it is not seemly that just anybody should exercise such office". (Tappert, Ibid., vol. 1, 2i3-65)

It was from this doctrine that Luther concluded against both clerical garb and celibacy. He and his disciples, in fact, showed the way by marrying.

How many of the reforms of Vatican II reflect Luther's own conclusions? The abandonment of clerical and religious dress, widespread marriages of the religious sanctioned even by the Holy See, the suppression of distinctions between priest and layman. This egalitarianism is further manifested in the sharing of liturgical functions formerly reserved to the Priesthood.

The abolition of the minor orders and the sub-diaconate, and the creation of a married diaconate, have also contributed to the purely administrative conception of the priest, to the detriment of his essentially priestly character, Thus one is ordained primarily to serve the community and no longer for the purpose of offering Christ's Sacrifice which alone is the justification for the Catholic concept of the Priesthood.

Worker priests, priests in labor unions, or in positions remunerated by the State similarly contribute to the blurring of distinctions between Priesthood and laity. In fact, the innovations go much further than those of Luther.

Luther's second grave doctrinal error flows from the first and is founded upon its guiding principle: salvation comes from faith and confidence in God alone, and not from good works. thus negating the value of the sacrificial act which is the Catholic Mass.

For Luther, the Mass is a sacrifice of praise, that is an act of praise, of thanksgiving, but most certainly not an expiatory sacrifice which recreates the Sacrifice of Calvary and applies its merits.

Describing the liturgical "perversions" he observed in some monasteries, he wrote: "The Principal expression of their cult, the Mass, surpasses all impiety and abomination in that they make of it a sacrifice and a good work. Were this the only reason to leave habit and convent and abandon the vows, it would be amply sufficient". (Christiani, p. 258)

For Luther, the Mass, which is meant simply to be a communion, has been subjected to a triple bondage: the laity has been deprived of the use of the chalice, they have been bound as to a dogma to the Thomistic opinion on transubstantiation, and the Mass has been made into a sacrifice.

This is central to Luther's theology:

"It is, therefore, clearly erroneous and impious", he declared, "to offer or apply the merits of the Mass for sins, or the reparation thereof, or for the deceased. Mass is offered by God to man, and not by man to God". (Christiani)

"With respect in the Eucharist, since it ought first and foremost to move one to the Faith, it is fitting that it be celebrated in the vernacular in order that all may comprehend the grandeur of God's promise to man". (Christiani, p. 176)

The logical consequence of this heresy was for Luther to abolish the Offertory of the Mass, which expresses unequivocally the propitiatory and expiatory aims of the Sacrifice. Similarly, he abolished a major part of the Canon, retaining only the essential passages as a narrative of Christ's Last Supper. In order better to emphasize the latter event, he added to the formula of the Consecration of the bread the words "quod pro vobis tradetur" ("which will be given up for you"), and deleted both "mysterium fidei ("the mystery of faith") and "pro multis" ("for many"). He considered that the passages which both immediately precede and follow the actual Consecration of the bread and Wine were essential.

For Luther, the Mass is firstly the Liturgy of the Word, and secondly a Communion. For us that fact that the current liturgical Reforms have adopted precisely these same modifications is nothing short of astounding. Indeed, as we well know, the texts in use by the faithful today no longer make reference to the Sacrifice, but rather to the Liturgy of the Word, to the Lord's Supper and to the breaking of bread, or to the Eucharist. Article vii of the instruction which introduced the new Liturgy reflected a clearly Protestant orientation. A corrected version which followed in the wake of the outraged protests of the faithful remains sadly deficient.

It goes without saying that, added to these substantial alterations, the large number of lesser liturgical modifications have contributed further to the inculcation of Protestant attitudes which seriously threaten Catholic doctrine: the suppression of the altar stone, the use of a single altar cloth, the priest facing the people, the Host remaining on the paten rather than on the corporal, the introduction of ordinary bread, sacred vessels of less noble substances, and numerous other details.

There is nothing more essential to the survival of the Catholic Church than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass', to play it down is to threaten the very foundation of Christ's Church. The whole of Christian life, and the Priesthood, is founded upon the Cross, and upon the re-enactment of the Sacrifice of the Cross, upon the altar.

LUTHER DENIES TRANSUBSTANTIATION AND THE REAL PRESENCE AS TAUGHT BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. For Luther the substance of bread remains. Consequently, in the words of his disciple Melanchton, who strongly opposed the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, "Christ instituted the Eucharist as a memorial of His Passion. To adore It is therefore idolatry".

It follows that Communion is to be taken in the hand and under both species, which reinforces the denial of the presence of Our Lord's Body and Blood; it is thus normal to consider the Eucharist as incomplete under a single species.

Once again we note the strange resemblance between the present renewal and Luther's Reform. Every recent promulgation on the Eucharist tends towards a lessening of respect, a retreat from adoration: Communion in the hand and its distribution by lay men and lay women; the reduced number of genuflections, which many priests have discontinued altogether; the use of ordinary vessels and ordinary bread, all of these innovations have diminished belief in the Real Presence as taught by the Catholic Church.

One cannot but conclude that, principles being inseparable from practice ("lex orandi, lex credendi"), the fact that the Liturgy of the present day imitates Luther's reforms leads inevitably towards the adoption of the very principles propounded by Luther. The experience of the six years which have followed the promulgation of the Novus Ordo is sufficient proof. The consequences, of this so-called ecumenical effort, have been nothing short of catastrophic, primarily in the area of faith, and especially in terms of the perversion of the Priesthood and the serious decline in vocations, in the scandalous divisions created among Catholics the world over, and indeed in the Church's relations with Protestants and Orthodox Christians.

Protestant concepts on the essential questions of the Church, the Priesthood, the Sacrifice and the Eucharist are irrevocably opposed to those of the Catholic Church. It was for no idle purpose that the Council of Trent was convened, and that the Church's Magisterium has spoken so frequently on these very questions for more than four centuries since Trent.

It is impossible in psychological, pastoral and theological terms for Catholics to abandon a Liturgy which has always been the true expression and sustenance of their Faith, and to adopt in its place new rites conceived by heretics without exposing this Faith to the most serious peril. One cannot imitate Protestantism indefinitely without becoming Protestant.

How many of the faithful, how many young priests, how many bishops even have lost their Faith since the adoption of the new liturgical Reforms? One cannot expect to offend both Faith and nature and not expect that these in turn should reap their own vengeance.

In order to grasp the striking analogy between the two Reforms, it is well worth reading contemporary accounts of the early Evangelical Masses. Leon Christiani's descriptions remain vivid:

"During the night of December 24/25 1521, large crowds began arriving at the parish church... The evangelical Mass was about to begin; Karlstadt goes to the pulpit; he is to preach on the Eucharist. He claims that Communion under both species is obligatory and that prior Confession is not required. Faith alone matters. Karlstadt approaches the altar in secular dress, recites the Confiteor, and begins the Mass proper in the usual manner, up to the Gospel. The Offertory and the Elevation, that is those parts which express the idea of the Sacrifice, are omitted. After the Consecration comes the Communion. Many of the congregation have not been to Confession and many have not fasted, not even from alcohol. They approach the Communion table with the others. Karlstadt distributed the hosts and offers the chalice. The communicants receive the consecrated bread in the hand and casually drink from the chalice. A host falls to the ground and Karlstadt beckons to a lay person to pick it up. The layman demurs, and Karlstadt allows it to remain where it is for the time being, cautioning the congregation, however, not to step on it." (Christiani, p. 281-83)

That same Christmas day another priest in the same district gave communion under both species to about fifty persons, of whom only five had gone to Confession. The rest had received a general absolution, their penance being the recommendation to resist sin.

The very next day - December 26 - Karlstadt announced his engagement to Anna de Mochau. Numerous priests followed suit.

In the meantime, Zwilling, having left his monastery, was preaching at Eilenberg. He had discarded the habit and was now bearded. Dressed in lay clothes, he fulminated against privately celebrated Masses. On New Year's Day, he distributed Communion under both species. The hosts were passed from hand to hand. Several were pocketed by the communicants. One lady, while receiving, allowed fragments to drop to the ground. No one appeared to notice. The faithful helped themselves generously to the chalice.

On 29 February 1522, Zwilling married Catherine Falki. By this time there had occurred a rash of marriages of priests and monks. The monasteries were beginning to empty. Those monks who remained removed all altars save one, destroyed statues and images and even the Holy Oils.

Among the clergy, Anarchy reigned. Each priest celebrated Mass in his own fashion. It was resolved finally to prescribe a new Liturgy with a view of restoring order and consolidating the Reforms.

The order of Mass was set to include the Introit, the Gloria, the Epistle, the Gospel and the Sanctus, followed by a sermon. The Offertory and the Canon were both abolished. Henceforth the priest was to simply narrate the institution of the Lord's Supper, reciting aloud in German the words of the Consecration, and distributing Communion under both species. The Agnus Dei, the Communion prayer and the Benedicamus Domino were sung to end the Mass. (Christiani, p 281-85).

One of the preoccupations of Luther at this time was the institution of a repertory of appropriate hymns. With considerable difficulty he was able to enlist the efforts of lyricists. The Saints feast days were abolished. Generally, however, Luther attempted to minimize out-and-out abolitions. He directed his efforts to retaining as many of the ancient ceremonies as possible, seeking rather to orient their significance toward the spirit of his Reforms.

Thus for a time the Mass retained in large measure its external appearances. The churches retained the same decor and the same rites, with modifications but directed towards the faithful, for henceforth much more attention was to be paid to the faithful than formerly, in order that they, might be conscious of a more active role in the Liturgy: thus, they were to participate in the singing and in the prayers of the Mass. And, gradually, Latin gave way definitively to the German vernacular.

Even the Consecration was sung in German, in these words: "Our Lord on the night He was betrayed took bread, rendered thanks, broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying: Take you and eat of this for this is My Body given up for you. Do this, as often as you shall do it, in memory of Me. In like manner, when the supper was done, taking also the chalice saying; Take you and drink of this for this is the chalice of the new covenant, of My Blood which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you shall drink of this chalice, in memory of Me."

Thus were added to the Consecration of the bread the words "which is given up for you", and deleted from the Consecration of the wine, the words "the mystery of faith" and "for many".

Do these considerations on the Evangelical Mass not reflect our very feelings towards the reformed liturgy since the Council?

All of these changes which comprise the new Liturgy of the Mass are truly of perilous consequence, especially for younger priests. Not having been nourished with the doctrines of the Sacrifice, of the Real Presence, of Transubstantiation, these no longer have any significance for young priests who, as a result, soon lose the intention to perform what the Church performs. Consequently, they no longer celebrate valid Masses.

Older priests, on the other hand, even when they celebrate according to the Novus Ordo, may still have the Faith of all time. For years they have celebrated Mass according to the Tridentine rite, and in accordance with the intentions of that rite, we can assume that their Masses are valid. To the degree, however, that these intentions disappear, even their Masses may become invalid.

It was intended that Catholics and Protestants draw closer together, but it is evident that Catholics have become Protestants, rather than the reverse.

When five cardinals and fifteen bishops participated recently in a "Council of Youth" at Taizé in France, how were young people to distinguish between Catholicism and Protestantism? Some received Communion from Catholics, others from Protestants.

Recently Cardinal Willebrands, in his capacity as the Holy See's Envoy to the World Council of Churches at Geneva, declared solemnly that we shall have to rehabilitate Martin Luther!

And what has become of the Sacrament of Penance with the introduction of general absolution? Is it truly a pastoral improvement to teach the faithful that, having been granted general absolution, they may receive Communion provided, should they be in the state of mortal sin, that they take the opportunity to go to Confession within the following six months, or year? Who will suggest that this is indeed a pastoral improvement? What concept of mortal sin are the faithful to retain from this argument?

The Sacrament of Confirmation is in a similar situation. A common rite today is to pronounce simply "I sign you with the Sign of the Cross. Receive the Holy Spirit." In administering Confirmation, the bishop must indicate precisely the special sacramental grace whereby he confers the Holy Ghost. There is no Confirmation if he does not say, "I confirm you in the name of the Father..."

Bishops frequently reproach me, and remind me, that I confer the Sacrament where I am not authorized. To them I answer that I confirm because the faithful fear that their children have not received the grace of Confirmation, because they have a serious doubt as to the validity of the Sacrament conferred in their Churches. Therefore, in order that they might at least be secure in their knowledge of the validity of the sacramental grace, they ask that I confirm their children. And I respond to their plea because it appears to me that I may not refuse those who request that their confirmation be valid, even if it may not be licit. We are clearly at a time when divine natural and supernatural law takes precedence over positive Church law when the latter is opposed to the former, when in reality it should he the channel leading to it.

We are living in an age of extraordinary crisis, and we cannot accept its Reforms. Where are the good fruits of these Reforms, of the Liturgical Reform, the Reform of the seminaries, the Reform of the religious congregations? What have all of these General Chapters yielded; what has become of their congregations? The religious life has all but disappeared: there are no more novices, no more vocations!

Archbishop Bernardin of Cincinnati recognized the problem clearly when he declared to the Synod of Bishops in Rome, "In our countries" - he was speaking for English-speaking countries of the world - "there are no more vocations because the priest has lost his sense of identity," It is essential, therefore, that we remain loyal to Tradition, for without Tradition there is no grace, no continuity in the Church. If we abandon Tradition, we contribute to the destruction of the Church.

I have had occasion to say to the Cardinals, "Do you not see that the Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom is a contradiction? Whereas the Introduction states that the council leaves untouched traditional Catholic doctrine, the body of the document is entirely opposed to Tradition: it is opposed to what has been taught by Popes Gregory XVI, Pius IX, and Leo XIII."

We are now faced with a grave choice: either we agree with the Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom, and thus oppose the teachings of the Popes, or we agree with the teachings of the popes, and thus disagree with Vatican II's Declaration on Religious Freedom. It is impossible to subscribe to both. I have made my choice: I choose Tradition. I cling to Tradition over novelty which is merely an expression of Liberalism, the very Liberalism condemned by the Holy See for a century and a half. Now this Liberalism has penetrated the Church through the Council, and its catchwords remain the same; liberty, equality and fraternity.

The spirit of Liberalism permeates the Church today, though its catchwords are thinly veiled: liberty is religious freedom; fraternity is ecumenism; equality is collegiality. These are the three principles of Liberalism, the legacy of the 18th century philosophers and of the French Revolution.

The Church today is approaching its own destruction because these principles are absolutely contrary to nature and to faith. There is no true equality possible, and Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical on freedom clearly explained why.

And fraternity! If there is no Father where shall we find fraternity? If there is no Father, there is no God, how then shall we be brothers? Are we to embrace the enemies of the Church, the Communists, the Buddhists, the Masons?

And now we have word that there is no excommunication for Catholics who become Freemasons. Freemasonry nearly destroyed Portugal; Freemasonry was with Allende in Chile, and is now in South Vietnam. Freemasons see it as important to destroy Catholic States. Thus it was during the First World War in Austria, thus it was in Hungary and in Poland. Freemasonry seeks to destroy the Catholic nations. What is in store for Spain and Italy and other countries in the near future? Why does the Church feel compelled to open her arms to the enemies of the Church?

Now we are bound to pray, to redouble our prayers! We are witnessing an assault by Satan against the Church, as has never been seen. We must pray to Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, to come to our assistance, for we can have no idea what horrors tomorrow may bring. It is not possible for God to tolerate indefinitely these blasphemies, these sacrileges which are committed against His Glory and Majesty! One need only reflect on the horror of abortion, on rampant divorce, on the ruin of moral law and of truth itself. It is inconceivable that all of this can continue without God punishing the world by some terrible chastisement.

This is why we must beg God's mercy for ourselves and for all mankind, and we must struggle, we must fight. We must fight fearlessly to maintain Tradition, to maintain, above all, the Liturgy of the Holy Mass, because it is the very foundation of the Church, indeed of Christian civilization. Were the true Mass no longer to be celebrated in the Church, the Church would disappear.

We must, therefore, preserve this Liturgy, this Sacrifice. Our churches were built for this Mass and for no other: for the Sacrifice of the Mass, and not for a supper, a meal, a memorial or a Communion. Our ancestors built magnificent cathedrals and churches, not for a meal or a simple memorial, but for the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ which continues upon our altars.

I count on you for your prayers for my seminarians, that they may become true priests, priests who have the faith, in order that they may administer the true Sacraments and celebrate the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Thank you.

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  COVID app that detects virus in your voice 'more accurate than lateral flow tests'
Posted by: Stone - 09-05-2022, 05:52 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

COVID app that detects virus in your voice 'more accurate than lateral flow tests'
Users will be required to give information about their medical history, smoking status and demographics and record some respiratory sounds, such as coughing and reading a short sentence.

[Image: skynews-covid-19-covid-mobile-phone_5888...0905085016]

Sky News | Monday 5 September 2022

A mobile phone app can detect COVID in people's voices with "potentially high precision" using artificial intelligence (AI), according to researchers.

An AI model was said to be 89% accurate and is cheap to use, which means it could be adopted in low-income countries where PCR tests are more expensive.

Results can be provided in less than a minute and are said to be a "significant improvement" on the accuracy of lateral flow tests, scientists said.

Infection normally impacts the upper respiratory tract and the vocal cords and so researchers decided to analyse changes in voices using an AI model to detect COVID.

Wafaa Aljbawi, a researcher at the Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, said: "These promising results suggest that simple voice recordings and fine-tuned AI algorithms can potentially achieve high precision in determining which patients have COVID-19 infection.

"Such tests can be provided at no cost and are simple to interpret. Moreover, they enable remote, virtual testing and have a turnaround time of less than a minute.

"They could be used, for example, at the entry points for large gatherings, enabling rapid screening of the population."

Data was used from the University of Cambridge's crowd-sourcing COVID19 Sounds app. This included 893 audio samples from 4,352 healthy and non-healthy people.

Users need to give information about their medical history, smoking status and demographics and record some respiratory sounds, such as coughing and reading a short sentence.

A voice analysis technique - called Mel-spectrogram - identified different voice features to "decompose the many properties of the participants' voices".

Ms Aljbawi added: "These results show a significant improvement in the accuracy of diagnosing COVID-19 compared to state-of-the-art tests such as the lateral flow test.

"The lateral flow test has a sensitivity of only 56%, but a higher specificity rate of 99.5%. This is important as it signifies that the lateral flow test is misclassifying infected people as COVID-19 negative more often than our test.

"In other words, with the AI LSTM model, we could miss 11 out of 100 cases who would go on to spread the infection, while the lateral flow test would miss 44 out of 100 cases."

The AI model is also being used for an app to predict exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The research is due to be presented to the European Respiratory Society International Congress in Barcelona on Monday.

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  Pope Francis beatifies John Paul I, pope for 33 days
Posted by: Stone - 09-05-2022, 05:48 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis beatifies John Paul I, pope for 33 days
Pope Francis beatified Pope John Paul I in St. Peter’s Square on Sept. 4, 2022.

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CNA Vatican City [adapted] | Sep 4, 2022

Pope Francis beatified John Paul I, who reigned as pope for only 33 days, amid a thunderstorm in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday.

In his homily for the rainy [thunderstorms] beatification Mass on Sept. 4, Pope Francis said that John Paul I “embodied the poverty of a disciple” through his “victory over the temptation to put oneself at the center, to seek one’s own glory.”

Often called “the smiling pope,” John Paul I died unexpectedly on Sept. 28, 1978, a month after the conclave that elected him.

In one of the shortest pontificates in papal history, John Paul I gained a reputation for his humility and his dedication to teaching the faith in an understandable manner.

Cardinals stood in the rain under yellow and white umbrellas as Pope Francis read out the declaration that Pope John Paul I can now be venerated locally on his feast day on Aug. 26.

“With a smile, Pope John Paul I managed to communicate the goodness of the Lord,” Francis said.

“How beautiful is a Church with a happy, serene and smiling face, that never closes doors, never hardens hearts, never complains or harbors resentment, does not grow angry or impatient, does not look dour or suffer nostalgia for the past. Let us pray to him, our father and our brother, and ask him to obtain for us ‘the smile of the soul.’”

During the beatification, a large banner on St. Peter’s Basilica unveiled a portrait of Blessed Pope John Paul I as the pope’s postulator processed through the square with a relic—a handwritten note by the blessed pope on the theological virtues.

John Paul I presided over only four general audiences as pope, offering catecheses on poverty, faith, hope, and charity. Pope Francis quoted these catecheses throughout his homily.

“As Pope John Paul I said, if you want to kiss Jesus crucified, ‘you cannot help bending over the cross and letting yourself be pricked by a few thorns of the crown on the Lord’s head’ (General Audience, 27 September 1978). A love that perseveres to the end, thorns and all: no leaving things half done, no cutting corners, no fleeing difficulties,” Pope Francis said.

John Paul I was the first pope to be born in the 20th century and the most recent pope to be born in Italy. Born Albino Luciani on Oct. 17, 1912, the future John Paul I grew up in relative poverty in Italy's northern Veneto region.

At the age of 22, he was ordained a priest for the Italian diocese of Belluno e Feltre in 1935. He served as the rector of the diocese's seminary for 10 years and taught courses on moral theology, canon law, and sacred art.

He participated in all of the sessions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as the bishop of Vittorio Veneto and he worked to implement the guidelines council in the following decade as the Patriarch of Venice.

As a cardinal, Luciani published a collection of “open letters” to historic figures, saints, famous writers, and fictional characters. The book, Illustrissimi, included letters to Jesus, King David, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, and Christopher Marlowe, as well as Pinocchio and Figaro, the barber of Seville.

He made history in 1978 when he became the first pope to take a double name, after his two immediate predecessors, Popes John XXIII and Paul VI. His episcopal motto was simply: “Humilitas.”

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  Congresswoman blasts Biden Justice Department for silence on anti-Catholic violence
Posted by: Stone - 09-03-2022, 06:55 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Congresswoman blasts Biden Justice Department for silence on anti-Catholic violence
'I’m tired of going to church on Sunday and being surrounded by cop cars at church.'

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Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris laugh during a meeting of the pro-abortion 'Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access' during an event at the White House complex August 3, 2022 in Washington, DC. Win McNamee/Getty Images

Sep 2, 2022
WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) – Republican U.S. Rep. Lisa McClain of Michigan took aim at the history of the Biden Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday over their refusal to take left-wing violence against religious pro-lifers seriously while framing concerned parents protesting school boards as potential terrorists.

“The attorney general and the DOJ have an obligation to uphold the Constitution, and they completely and utterly are not doing that,” McClain said during an appearance on Fox News morning show Fox & Friends. “Instead, this Department of Justice, and Merrick Garland, is focusing on parents at school board meetings. They took an oath to uphold the Constitution, which includes the First Amendment. Over 160 attacks on the Catholic Church. You don’t hear about it, you don’t have any investigations going on about it. What’s going on?

“I’ll tell you what’s going on: It doesn’t fit their narrative,” she continued. “They would prefer to deal with parents going to school board meetings and labeling them as terrorists, then they would deal with the over 160 attacks on the Catholic Church. It’s shameful, it’s disgraceful, and that is why the American people are so frustrated with Merrick Garland.”

“I’m tired of going to church on Sunday and being surrounded by cop cars at church,” the congresswoman lamented.

On August 30, McClain and 19 GOP colleagues sent a letter to Garland pressing him for answers and action.

“Under your leadership, the Department of Justice (DOJ) persecuted Americans for speaking out at school board meetings and harassed peaceful protesters by investigating them for domestic terrorism,” they wrote. “At the same time, the DOJ ignored blatant acts of violence committed by groups such as Antifa, who targeted and destroyed the property of small businesses and government facilities in Portland, Seattle and beyond. Americans are watching in horror as your DOJ fails to respond to the violence threatening religious freedom across the country and wondering why certain criminals seem to always avoid your interest.”

The pro-life group Catholic Vote has identified more than 200 attacks on Catholic Churches in the United States since May 2020. Pro-life crisis pregnancy centers have also been targeted with threats and violence  after June’s overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Last year, Garland and the Biden DOJ alleged a spike in threats to educators driven by opposition to the use of controversial instructional materials based on “critical race theory” (CRT), which asserts that race is a “socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color” through American institutions.

The announcement followed a letter by the leaders of the National School Board Association (NSBA) to President Joe Biden alleging that a smattering of examples of alleged unruly behavior at various school board meetings, all of which (if illegal) fell within the scope of local law enforcement, “could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” Emails later showed that the White House gave feedback on the letter’s contents prior to Garland’s public reaction, and that the administration considered parental disapproval of leftist educators a matter of potential terrorism to be tracked using counter-terror tools.

By contrast, the most the administration has said so far about Roe-related extremism was a bulletin suggesting that “individuals who advocate both for and against abortion” are equally prone to violence.

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  “Smart” thermostat locks customers out, declares “energy emergency”
Posted by: Stone - 09-03-2022, 06:42 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

“Smart” thermostat locks customers out, declares “energy emergency”
One of the problems with centrally controlled "smart" tech.

[Image: xcel-24.jpg]

Reclaim the Net | September 2, 2022

Thousands of Xcel customers in Colorado were locked out of their smart thermostats, meaning they had no control of the temperatures in their homes. The company said the problem was caused by an “energy emergency.”

Tony Talarico explained how he was not able to turn up air conditioning while at his partner’s home in Arvada.

“I mean, it was 90 out, and it was right during the peak period,” Talarico said. “It was hot.”

The thermostat displayed a message saying he could not turn up the cooling because he had been locked out due to an energy emergency.

“Normally, when we see a message like that, we’re able to override it,” Talarico said. “In this case, we weren’t. So, our thermostat was locked in at 78 or 79.”

Social media was filled with thousands of such complaints on Tuesday, some saying they had been locked out of the thermostat at temperatures as high as 88 degrees.

Speaking to Contact Denver7, Xcel confirmed that some customers had been locked out of their thermostats for hours on Tuesday. Vice President of Customer Solutions and Innovation Emmett Romine said that the 22,000 customers who could not control their thermostats had registered for the Colorado AC Rewards program.

“It’s a voluntary program. Let’s remember that this is something that customers choose to be a part of based on the incentives,” he said. For participating in the program, customers received $100 in credit and $25 annually.

According to Romine, by signing up to the program customers agreed to give up some control in order to save money, energy, and make the system more reliable.

“So, it helps everybody for people to participate in these programs. It is a bit uncomfortable for a short period of time, but it’s very, very helpful,” said Romine.

He added that it was the first time in the six years since the program was launched that customers were not able to override their thermostats. He said there was an “energy emergency” caused by hot weather, heavy usage of air conditioners, and an unexpected outage in Pueblo.

But customers like Tolarico did not know that the company had that much control.

“To me, an emergency means there is, you know, life, limb, or, you know, some other danger out there — some, you know, massive wildfires,” Talarico said. “Even if it’s a once-in-a-blue-moon situation, it just doesn’t sit right with us to not be able to control our own thermostat in our house.”

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  Attempts to Make Up Amazon Rite Presented
Posted by: Stone - 09-03-2022, 06:09 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Futile Attempts to Make Up Amazon Rite Presented

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gloria.tv | September 2, 2022

The Amazon Church Conference (CEAMA) has presented the results of first consultations for an "Amazonian Novus Ordo Rite" at Cardinal Roche's decadent Liturgy Dicastery.

According to Repam.net (September 1) a working group of sixteen people studied the pagan traditions and customs of the Amazon people.

The goal is to elaborate a proposal for an "Amazonian rite" that would lead local parishes to celebrate "their faith" [=different religion] according to "autochthonous" expressions.

The challenge is to combine different "mystical forms of expressions" in an "Amazonian liturgy."

The working group has set up four (!) subgroups to deal with different questions - anthropological-sociological, historical-cultural, theological-ecclesiastical and ritual-legal.

The results of the study meetings will be resumed by a drafting group that should produce a first draft of an "Amazon Rite."

However, since rites cannot be produced out of thin air and the Novus Ordo is according to Francis "the only expression of the Roman Rite" any attempt to make up new rites is futile.

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  Some Dutch churches to skip Mass due to energy costs, priest shortage
Posted by: Stone - 09-03-2022, 06:02 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Some Dutch churches to skip Mass due to energy costs, priest shortage

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FILE PHOTO: A deacon drinks a cup of coffee after blessing a dog in the Holy Heart church in Schiedam October 4, 2009. Catholic churches around the world hold ceremonies honouring animals on October 4 every year in commemoration of the death of Saint Francis of Assisi. REUTERS/Jerry Lampen/File Photo reuters_tickers

September 1, 2022
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Rocketing energy bills and a shortage of priests have driven a Dutch Roman Catholic Diocese to cut down on religious services in some churches.

The southern Diocese of Roermond, which oversee roughly 290 churches in the province of Limburg, wrote to its parishes last week to encourage some to periodically skip Mass, spokesman Matheu Bemelmans said on Thursday.

"Finances cannot be a dominant factor, but we cannot ignore them either. If you only have a handful of people each donating a euro ($1), that's not enough to cover the heating bill," Bemelmans said.

Numbers of churchgoers and priests are on the decline in the Netherlands.

"Sometimes it's simply not possible to find a priest to give a service at every church, every weekend," Bemelmans said. "If there are churches with only a few visitors, we are saying: be practical and skip a week and ensure those people can follow Mass at another church."

The measure was expected to initially affect 10-15 churches, he said.

Most Dutch households and companies rely on gas for heating or business operations.

Prices soared 90% year on year in August, driving up inflation to more than 13%, tracking similar sharp increases throughout Europe since Russia invaded Ukraine in February.

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