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  Beatitude: A Commentary On St. Thomas' Theological Summa By Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Posted by: Stone - 09-02-2022, 06:38 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

Beatitude: A Commentary On St. Thomas' Theological Summa By Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange (Part 1 Of 2)

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  Pope Francis on liturgy: Traditionalism is the dead faith of some of the living
Posted by: Stone - 09-02-2022, 05:20 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - Replies (1)

Pope Francis on liturgy: Traditionalism is the dead faith of some of the living

RR | September 1, 2022

Pope Francis met with the Italian Association of Professors and Practitioners of Liturgy.

The Pope explained that the liturgy is a work of Christ and the Church—a living organism and not something static.

Quote:It is not a marble or bronze monument; it is not something in a museum. The liturgy is alive like a plant and must be cultivated with care.

Pope Francis said that the liturgy must be rooted in tradition but the temptation to make tradition an ideology or traditionalism must be avoided.

He added that this way of acting, "even if it is disguised as liturgy and theology," is worldly. The Pope went so far as to say that "traditionalism is the dead faith of some of the living." He recalled that it is something that the Second Vatican Council dealt with at length.

Quote:One of the main contributions of the Second Vatican Council was precisely to try to overcome the divide between theology and pastoral care, between faith and life.

Lastly, Pope Francis recommended that liturgists prioritize prayer in their academic work.

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  Catholic Storyteller: The Hobbit
Posted by: Stone - 09-02-2022, 05:07 AM - Forum: Resources Online - Replies (2)

The Catholic Storyteller presents The Hobbit (Part 1 of 4 - Full Studio Cast)

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  Abp. Viganò to bishops of the world: How can you be silent while Pope Francis undermines marriage?
Posted by: Stone - 09-01-2022, 10:54 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò to bishops of the world: How can you be silent while Pope Francis undermines marriage?
Consider that your silence takes away from the Glory of Heaven the souls entrusted to you by the Supreme Shepherd, to whom even the one who sits in Rome will one day answer.

[Image: vigano-810x500.jpg]

Archbishop Viganò prays the rosary at the 2017 Rome March for Life
Claire Chretien / LifeSiteNews

Sep 1, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) — In the glorious martyrs, Holy Church gives us examples of heroic virtues to imitate, showing us how the Grace of God assists those who love Him even to the point of facing torments and death. And while the wicked rage in vain against the bodies of the Martyrs in order to afflict their immortal souls, the Saints triumph with Christ precisely in witnessing to the primacy of Incarnate Truth over error, and of Immolated Charity over the seductions of the world. The palm of Martyrdom draws it sap from the wood of the Cross, and the crown of the Martyrs shines with the rays of the Redeeming Sacrifice of Our Lord.

Let us consider the example of the Πρόδρομος, the Forerunner, Saint John the Baptist, who preceded his Divine Master not only in announcing His Coming and the Baptism for the remission of sins, but also in facing death at the hand of the Tetrarch of Galilee, Herod Antipas, whom John admonished for the scandal that he gave to the people of Israel by keeping company in public concubinage with the wife of Herod the Great’s brother, Herodias.

These events, documented by historians, are mentioned in the Gospel along with the role played by Salomé in asking her stepfather for the Baptist’s head. Saint Ambrose comments: Ab adulteris justus occiditur, et a reis in judicem capitalis sceleris pœna convertitur. The just man is killed by adulterers, and the death sentence is pronounced by the guilty against their judge. Clauduntur lumina non tam mortis necessitate quam horrore luxuriæ: Baptist’s eyes closed not so much because of death but because of the horror of lust. Os aureum illud exsangue, cujus sententiam ferre non poteras, conticescit, et adhuc timetur: His golden mouth, now bloodless, whose sentence you Herod could not bear, grows silent, but yet you still feared it.

How can your voice be silent, dear brothers, in the face of the legitimization of adultery? Will you choose to make yourselves accomplices of those who bow to the spirit of the world and show obsequious deference to the powerful, going so far as to admit to the Eucharistic Table those who by their conduct violate the Commandments of God, despise the law of the Church and give scandal to the faithful?

How much longer will you allow the sanctity of marriage and the witness of Saint John the Baptist to be trampled underfoot? How much longer will you ignore the words of Saint Ambrose, on whose Cathedra sits today a successor who winks at the concubinaries to make himself acceptable to the guests of the new Herod? (here and here)

The Forerunner was not afraid to raise his voice against Herod, facing death with the serene abandonment of the just to the will of God. Will you be afraid to preach the Word, to insist in season and out of season, to correct, to rebuke, to exhort with all patience and doctrine (2 Tim 4:2), when the errors and deceptions of Amoris Lætitia are inspired by Salomé more than by the Forerunner? When the author of Amoris Lætitia can at worst remove you from your Cathedra because of your fidelity to Christ? And even if you were to be brought before the courts, would you agree to renounce proclaiming Christ, and Christ crucified (1 Cor 2:2), in order to save your earthly life and lose eternal life?

I exhort you, most beloved Brothers, you who are the Successors of the Apostles, Ministers of Christ and dispensers of the Mysteries of God (1 Cor 4:1), to consider your responsibility in supporting the doctrinal and moral deviations of those who abuse their role and authority to sow error, offend the Majesty of God, humiliate the Holy Church and lose souls.

I exhort you, through the Wounds of Christ: awaken from your lethargy that makes you accomplices of a betrayal, for which you will have to give an account to the Just Judge on the day of your death. Consider that your silence takes away from the Glory of Heaven the souls entrusted to you by the Supreme Shepherd, to whom even the one who sits in Rome will one day answer. Do not make the Passion of the Redeemer to have been in vain, for He shed his Most Precious Blood in order to save repentant sinners, not to confirm them in sin.

The Lord asks you to be the guide of the Lord’s flock, using your Crosier to lead the sheep to the pastures of Heaven. Your destiny is to accompany them with Charity to the Eternal Glory for which they were created and redeemed, and not to precede them into the flames of hell.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

August 29, 2022

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  Pope declares mankind is 'experiencing the outbreak of World War Three'
Posted by: Stone - 09-01-2022, 10:46 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope declares mankind is 'experiencing the outbreak of World War Three'

[Image: 61950517-11169327-image-a-29_1662038447997.jpg]

  • Pope Francis told his Vatican audience that we are already experiencing WWIII
  • The pontiff has been criticised for not coming down hard enough on Russia
  • He spoke a day ahead of the anniversary of the outbreak of World War II

DM |  1 September 2022

Pope Francis has declared mankind is experiencing the outbreak of World War Three.

In his address to Polish-speaking pilgrims at the end of his weekly audience in the Vatican yesterday, the pontiff encouraged prayers 'in a special way' for the people of Ukraine.

He said: 'Tomorrow you will remember the anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, which so painfully marked the Polish nation.

'Today we are experiencing the third.

'May the memory of past experiences spur you to cultivate peace in yourselves, in families, and in social and international life.'

In April, Francis said humanity is moving towards WWIII like it is 'unavoidable', and he has frequently warned of imminent global conflict.

It comes as the Vatican moved to defend Francis from allegations that he has not come down hard enough on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.

The church said the pontiff clearly views the war launched by Moscow as 'senseless, repugnant and sacrilegious'.

Last week, Ukraine summoned the top papal diplomat to complain about recent comments by Francis.

At an audience a day earlier at the Vatican, Francis had referred to a national Russian TV commentator who was killed by a car bomb in Moscow as a 'poor girl'.

Francis was speaking about Darya Dugina, the daughter of right-wing Russian political theorist Alexander Dugin, who fiercely backs the war.

Russia has accused Ukrainian intelligence of involvement in the bombing, which Kyiv denies.

In his remarks, Francis also said orphans in Ukraine and Russia were among the 'innocents' victimised by the 'insanity of war'.

Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba summoned the Vatican ambassador to Kyiv last week and told reporters that 'the Ukrainian heart is torn apart by the Pope's words'.

In a statement the Vatican said: 'In recent days, public discussions have arisen about the political significance to attribute' to comments by Francis.

'The words of the Holy Father on this dramatic question should be read as a voice raised in defence of human life and of the values linked to that, and not taken as a political position,' the Vatican said.

'As for the war of wide dimensions in Ukraine, begun by the Russian Federation, the interventions of the Holy Father Francis are clear and unequivocal in condemning it as morally unjust, unacceptable, barbaric, senseless, repugnant and sacrilegious.'

On the day Ukraine condemned the Pope's remarks, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church cancelled a meeting with him planned for September.

Francis has said he wants to go to Ukraine if it could further the cause of peace but logistics have made the trip impossible for the 85-year-old pontiff who has mobility issues.

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  A Good Soul In Need
Posted by: Beth Cline - 08-31-2022, 08:58 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

One of Fr. Hewko's faithful in Tennessee has put out a gofundme for himself https://gofund.me/94cf0660.
It sounds like he's fallen on some hard times.
He's the sole survivor of a certain type of brain surgery when he was 5 years old (this was before laser surgery).
He comes here for Mass with us in Georgia often is how we know him. Many of you may have met him on Fr. Hewko's Ignatian retreats.
Please consider this beautiful opportunity to 'feed Christ when He was hungry'.
Thank you & God bless!

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  Bishop Williamson Continues to Recommend the Novus Ordo and the Conciliar Church
Posted by: Stone - 08-31-2022, 06:09 AM - Forum: True vs. False Resistance - Replies (1)

Taken from The Recusant #58 - September 2022

...Even More Delinquency: Bishop Williamson Continues to Recommend the Novus Ordo and the Conciliar Church

Think we’re exaggerating? Read on. See what you can make of this. In August 2022, just as we thought this issue of The Recusant was finished, there appeared an online interview (here: https://youtu.be/casxXTtQFPs) with Bishop Williamson on the youtube channel calling itself ‘Friends of Aquinas.’

Just as we were beginning to think he’d been awfully quiet of late regarding this particular delinquency - perhaps he’d got bored of it? - comes the following. The entire video is two hours long. The first hour features both Bishop Williamson and the wonderfully eccentric Dr E Michael Jones side-by-side, both being interviewed concurrently in a sort of debate. About an hour in, E Michael Jones has to go and thereafter Bishop Williamson alone is left to talk to the interviewer. And that is where the real nonsense begins.

The interviewer begins by presenting his negative view of the conciliar church and of many other so-called Traditionalists, and asks Bishop Williamson what he thinks he ought to do:

Interviewer: I’m just a young Catholic who wants to live a Catholic life and how am I supposed to do that when there are such glaring contradictions here? … You have Vatican II and suddenly now the Jews did not kill Christ, suddenly now ‘There is no mission to convert the Jews’… then there is this modernism thing, you talked about the abandonment of Thomism. It is a whole new religion, is it not? And how am I as a young Catholic who sees this - I can’t go to the Novus Ordo and I can’t really go to these offshoot Traditionalist priests because half of them are heretics anyway because they believe that outside the Church there is salvation, which I think is the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever said; but, so they believe in the Vatican II –style [idea that] the Catholic Church subsists within the Church of God but [that] outside the Church of God somehow there is some salvific nature, which I completely reject. And so, how am I, as a Traditionallyminded Catholic, to deal with this situation?”

What an encouraging start! This young man, whoever he is, clearly has been given the grace to see through the imposture of the conciliar Church. He is right, it is “a whole new religion.” He is also quite right about there being no salvation outside the Church (see Recusant 43 which deals with this question… in passing, we note that Bishop Williamson says not one word in response to this particular point. Could it be that he too believes there is salvation outside the Church? He has suggested as much in the past, see for instance Recusant 41 p.42 ff.).

Bishop Williamson’s answer ought to surprise no one by now, least of all regular readers of these pages and those who have had the misfortune of being acquainted personally with him; nevertheless it remains scandalous. After recommending fifteen mysteries of the rosary every day, he quickly moves onto a familiar theme:

“Black is not white, white is not black. But all around us in real life are mixtures all the time of white with black and black with white. Now the mixture does not mean that black is white or white is black, but it does mean that in this life, in this poor vale of tears, evil and good are mixed all over the place. So you’ve got, in my opinion, in the Novus Ordo a measure of evil, a measure of black and a measure of white. There are a number of decent priests still operating as decent priests inside the Novus Ordo. And many of my colleagues would disagree with that, they’d be saying I’m too kind to the Novus Ordo.

Interviewer: I would say that as well, for what that’s worth.

Bishop Williamson: OK, fair enough, fair enough. Because you can have had some very nasty experiences, you’ve been dragged through a thorn hedge once and you don’t want to be dragged through it a second time. I completely understand.”

This talk of ‘real life isn’t black and white’ as a way of justifying attendance at the Novus Ordo and involvement with the conciliar church is as unconvincing as it is spurious. Here’s the problem:

• Contrary to his claim, “in real life” things often are black and white;

• For the analogy to work, ‘white’ must equal good and ‘black’ evil; very well. Because only good is good just as only white is white, white with any amount of black mixed-in will no longer be white, just as good with any amount of evil mixed-in is no longer good but becomes evil.

• In the same way, either a religion is the true religion or it is not. Either it is the only ark of salvation, or it is not. Any similarities which a false religion may have to the true religion are irrelevant and do not change the fact that it is false. Thus to point out that there is “some good” or “some truth” in the Novus Ordo or the conciliar religion is utterly irrelevant. It is the same as pointing out that there is some good and some truth in any one of the protestant sects, or any other false religion for that matter.

It is equally true but irrelevant that there are ‘decent priests’ inside the Novus Ordo. True, but so what? I’m sure my local Anglican church has a decent vicar. Who knows, maybe the local imam is also decent. So what? Do they represent the true religion or a false one? As for his “colleagues” disagreeing with him, we know what happens to a priest dependent on Bishop Williamson who dares to express the slightest disagreement.

The sacraments will be refused, both to the priest himself and to the faithful who go to his Mass; his name will be dragged through the dirt both in private and on the internet; he will even risk losing the roof over his head, his bank account, his Mass stipends. By the way, notice that is not “all my colleagues” or even “most of my colleagues,” it is just “many,” implying that there is a sizable number who do not disagree with him. Included in those who don’t disagree with him must surely be Bishops Faure, Tomas Aquinas and Zendejas, all three of whom are on record defending the grace-in-the-new-Mass thesis and all three of whom have played a part in persecuting any Resistance priest not on board with it. And they aren’t alone: the rot is spreading.

We note with a certain degree of satisfaction that the interviewer says he also agrees with these nameless ‘colleagues,’ although what Bishop Williamson is guilty of is not being “too kind” strictly speaking, but of being too much a respecter of persons, of not loving the truth enough and of misleading innocent souls.

“But, you know, that doesn’t mean that everything in the Novus Ordo is black. So when you say, ‘What am I going to do?’ and here again many of my colleagues could say I’m being far too soft on the Novus Ordo. OK, OK, OK, I deny nobody’s right to disagree with what I say.”

Yes you do. You absolutely do. But remember, the question was: “What should I do..?” This was all the build-up - after a few minutes comes the explicit answer:

“I think that for a Catholic like yourself who is looking for the truth, if you look for - I don’t know where you’re living, if you’re living in a big town or a big city - but if you look somewhere in your area, within reach of your car’s petrol tank, your gasoline tank, you will find, somewhere, you will find a decent Novus Ordo priest who is just waiting to hear properly a young man’s confession in order to give him back the state of grace.

"Which is his business as a priest. And he knows it. And I don’t believe that there are no priests in the Novus Ordo, in the Novus Ordo church who understand this. I believe there are some who do understand it and who still want to practice as good priests. Now, they’re forced to celebrate the New Mass. But I think if you look around you enough and long enough and carefully enough, you will even find young Novus Ordo priests saying the old Mass. More and more of them are being tempted by the old Mass, which is why [Pope] Francis is trying to stamp it out; it’s too late, he can’t do it.”

So in summary, what is Bishop Williamson’s advice to a youngster who can see through the Novus Ordo and the conciliar church and who wants to be a Traditional Catholic? Find yourself a “decent” Novus Ordo priest somewhere nearby, even if it is one who is “forced to say the New Mass.” If this particular chap is lucky, he “might even find” a Novus Ordo priest who says the Traditional Mass as well as the New Mass.

Plenty of our readers will have met such “decent” Novus Ordo priests, even the sort who say the Traditional Mass as well as the New Mass. To ask them about their formation in a Novus Ordo seminary is a real eye-opener. Often they are quite open about how bad it was and fulsome in their condemnation of it, and will openly tell you that they were badly formed or had virtually no formation to speak of and spent six years simply trying to keep their heads down and survive.

Anyone not familiar with just how bad Novus Ordo seminaries are and have been for decades will find plenty of truly harrowing first-hand accounts in the book “Goodbye Good Men” by Michael S Rose.

[Image: QSZwaWQ9QXBp]

With such poor formation, how can anyone trust such a priest? Especially when he has not had the courage to break with his more outrageously modernist colleagues in the conciliar church, and when he himself is still
imbibing a daily dose of liberalism by continuing to say Mass according to a schismatic nonCatholic missal which turns people into Protestants? What sort of advice is such a “decent” priest going to give in the confessional? And if a young Catholic were to start going regularly to the church of such a priest in order to go to confession, is it really such a stretch to imagine him eventually staying for Mass?

Remember what Archbishop Lefebvre and the old SSPX used to say about the danger of putting your little finger into the machinery of the conciliar church… Who knows how many young would-be Trads (who happened not to live near Earlsfield or Broadstairs) have asked this delinquent conciliar-friendly bishop for advice and have never been heard from again. The mind palls. These Novus Ordo priests “want to practice as good priests” but in the conciliar church and under modernist superiors and a modernist bishop; they don’t want “to practice as good priests” in the Resistance apostolate with all the uncertainty which that brings with it, not to mention the disreputable appearance in the eyes of the world; nor do they even “want to practice as good priests” in the comparative respectability and financial security of the modern SSPX.

There was a time when a trickle of such priests used to make its way over to the SSPX. They would be given at least some remedial formation and a conditional ordination. Even in the late-1990s and early 2000s it still used to happen, but now those days are long gone. And who can wonder, when even Bishop Williamson, the man whom such priests might naively imagine to be even more ‘hard-line’ than the SSPX seems to think that they’re doing good work where they are and tells people to go to them?

As far back as 2014 we witnessed Bishop Williamson telling former Novus Ordo priests who wanted to be Traditional, who wanted conditional ordination, who wanted to join the Resistance: go back to the Novus Ordo, they’re good people in the Novus Ordo, they need you! I have lost track of the number of people who simply refused to believe that he had done or said such a thing. Perhaps now more people will start to believe it.

But perhaps no one is paying attention. Like the time Bishop Williamson told some Catholics of the Fake Resistance that their grandchildren would keep the Faith by going to the New Mass - there should have been uproar then, but there wasn’t. His cult followers don’t really care what he says, and though they will never honestly and openly admit it, deep down they will follow him wherever he leads, even back to the Novus Ordo.

The final point which we will note in closing is something which is totally absent from Bishop Williamson’s answer. Not once does he refer to Archbishop Lefebvre, or even mention him in passing. Small wonder, when one considers how different the Archbishop’s advice was on exactly the same question. It goes without saying that Archbishop Lefebvre never went about telling people to search out a “decent” Novus Ordo priest nearby, and we must remember that in his day there were still quite a few Novus Ordo priests who had at least received good training in seminary before the Council: now, there are none, they are all dead and gone. Here is what Archbishop Lefebvre actually had to say on this question. Spot the difference.

Quote:“So in such cases [i.e. conservative priests saying the Novus Ordo], it is possible that these Masses are valid. But this is not a reason, and it is very serious to put oneself in this danger, to risk little by little the faith in the Sacrifice of the Mass, and in any case, to make their faithful lose it also. It is unacceptable for a priest, when he realizes this. But little by little, it is a question of habit. One forms one’s conscience and one no longer sees; one becomes blind. This is why I think we must avoid going to these Masses. And even if we must be without Masses for a month, we are without Masses for a month. Parents are explaining to their children why they do not go to Mass and if they make a long journey to go to Mass once a month … You know, in our missions we visited our faithful once every three months. Most of our faithful had Mass once every three months. In South America … [as Superior General of the Holy Ghost Fathers] … in those countries, when I arrived in Lima, they were visited once a year. And when I visited the Amazon where our Fathers had missions as well, some of these villages have only one visit every three years. Obviously it is not ideal, that is clear, but at least those people keep the Faith. They pray. On Sundays, they gather together: there is a catechist or a village chief, a president, who gathers them together … They get together, they pray, they sing, and they make a spiritual communion. They think of the Masses which are celebrated far away from them, but which are celebrated in the world. […] So one can keep the Faith without going to Mass every Sunday, rather than going to a Mass which is more or less poisoned, which makes one risk losing the Faith. But I think, however, since I do not believe, once again, that all these Masses are invalid, that on certain occasions, for the death of a close relative – in such a case, one does not go for the Mass, but one goes by filial piety, for example for one’s parents, one’s father, one’s mother, one’s brother, one’s sister … like one can possibly go to an Orthodox burial, like an Orthodox can come to assist also at our ceremonies, for extraordinary events.”
- Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, 21st March 1978

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  FDA expected to approve Pfizer, Moderna boosters without relying on human trials
Posted by: Stone - 08-31-2022, 05:48 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

FDA expected to approve Pfizer, Moderna boosters without relying on human trials
The agency will instead rely on data from trials on mice and data from previous jabs.

Tue Aug 30, 2022
SILVER SPRING, Maryland (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to approve requests for approval from Pfizer and Moderna for their new COVID boosters after the companies asked the agency for approval last week despite not being tested on humans, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The Journal noted that the FDA would usually look at a study showing that the vaccine in question would be both safe and effective, something that studies have shown the mRNA vaccines are not, and that the agency would instead be relying on data from trials conducted on mice, as well as data from current jabs and previous boosters.

In a Twitter thread released by FDA chair Dr. Robert Califf, he stated that “Real world evidence from the current mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which have been administered to millions of individuals, show us that the vaccines are safe.”

Quote:Bivalent and multivalent vaccines are very common and modifying a vaccine to include different virus strains often does not require a change in other ingredients. FDA has extensive experience with reviewing strain changes in vaccines, as is done with the annual flu vaccine.

— Dr. Robert M. Califf (@DrCaliff_FDA) August 25, 2022

“As we know from prior experience, strain changes can be made without affecting safety,” he said. Califf added that modifying pre-existing jabs to include protection against other strains of the same disease did not require a change in ingredients and is normal practice while producing annual flu vaccines.

Califf also noted that the FDA would not call a meeting to discuss the new boosters as the “agency feels confident in the extensive discussion that was held in June.” He also noted that the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VTBPAC) “voted overwhelmingly to include an Omicron component in COVID-19 boosters,” and that the FDA “has no new questions to warrant committee input.”

Reacting to the potential approval, Dr. Paul Offit, an adviser to the FDA and director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, voiced his concern. Speaking to the Journal, Offit stated that “I’m uncomfortable that we would move forward — that we would give millions or tens of millions of doses to people — based on mouse data.”

In June, Offit and Dr. John P. Moore, a virologist and microbiology and immunology professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, released an op-ed that urged the FDA not to approve vaccines without proper research. “A decision of this magnitude should be based on as much expertise and analysis as is reasonably practical,” they wrote.

Moderna has already begun human trials for its new booster, and Pfizer is expected to at some point this month. However, human trials are not expected to be completed until sometime in the spring. If approved, the new boosters would be available within the next three weeks.

The FDA has approved of COVID boosters without any clinical information in the past. In January, the FDA previously approved COVID boosters without any clinical data, allowing for Pfizer’s jab authorization to be extended to children as young as age 12. The agency authorized boosters for all adults in November.

In June, the FDA authorized use of Pfizer and Moderna’s jabs for children as young as six months old. Days before the agency granted the authorization, an analysis of reports submitted to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) stated that at least 58 infants under age three have suffered life-threatening adverse events after receiving the mRNA coronavirus injections.

The list of FDA-recognized adverse events to the jab includes severe anaphylactic reactions to include fatal thrombotic events, the inflammatory heart condition myocarditis, and neurologically disabling disease like Guillain Barré Syndrome.

In 2021, the FDA added a warning to patient and provider fact sheets for both Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines suggesting an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis — particularly following the second dose and with onset of symptoms within a few days after vaccination. The FDA’s update followed a June 23 meeting that concluded the benefits of receiving a COVID vaccine still outweigh any risks.

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  Project Veritas: CT School Asst. Principal Admits to Discriminating Against Hiring Catholics
Posted by: Stone - 08-31-2022, 05:32 AM - Forum: Against the Children - No Replies

EXPOSED: Greenwich CT Assistant Principal’s Hiring Discrimination Ensures ‘Subtle’ Child Indoctrination
‘You Don’t Hire’ Catholics Because They Are More ‘Conservative’ …
‘Progressive Teachers’ Are ‘Savvy About Delivering a Democratic Message’

Project Veritas | August 30, 2022

  • Jeremy Boland, Assistant Principal of Cos Cob Elementary School: “Believe it or not, the open-minded, more progressive teachers are actually more savvy about delivering a Democratic message without really ever having to mention politics.”
  • Boland: “So, it's subtle. They [teachers I hire] will never say, ‘Oh, this is [a] liberal or a Democratic way of doing this.’ They'll just make that the norm -- and this is how we handle things, it's subtle…That's how you get away with it.”
  • Boland: “The conservative [teacher], who is stuck in her ways. I’ll never be able to fire her, and I’ll never be able to change her. So, I make an impact with the next teacher I hire.”
  • Boland: “Protestants in this area [of Connecticut] are probably the most liberal. But if they’re Catholic -- conservative…You don’t hire them.”
  • Boland: “If someone is raised hardcore Catholic, it’s like, they’re brainwashed -- you can never change their mindset.”
  • Boland: “For one position, I think we had 30 applicants. So out of all those applicants, I don’t think I interviewed anybody over the [age] of 30…the older you get, the more set in your ways -- the more conservative you get.”
  • Connecticut Law, Section 46A-60B1, specifically bars discriminatory employment practices. A violation occurs if anyone refuses to hire or employ people “because of the individual’s race, color, religious creed, age, sex, gender identity or expression.”

[Greenwich, Conn. – Aug. 30, 2022] Project Veritas released the first video in its newly launched Education Series today exposing a senior official at a prominent public school.

Jeremy Boland, who serves as Cos Cob Elementary School’s Assistant Principal, was recorded bragging about how he oversees the hiring of teachers who will disseminate “progressive” political ideas in the classrooms:

Quote:Boland: You’re teaching them [children] how to think. That’s it. It doesn’t matter what they think about. If they think about it in a logical progressive way, that becomes their habit.

Veritas Journalist: So, you kind of like, gear them to think in a more liberal way?

Boland: Mm-hmm. Believe it or not, the open minded, more progressive teachers are actually more savvy about delivering a Democratic message without really ever having to mention politics.

The school administrator noted it is difficult to terminate an employed teacher, so his focus is on who to onboard next:

Quote:Boland: Remember that teacher I was talking about before? The forty-year-old? I’ll never change that teacher.

Veritas Journalist: You’re what?

Boland: I’ll never be able to change that teacher.

Veritas Journalist: Which one?

Boland: The conservative one, who is stuck in her ways. I’ll never be able to fire her, and I’ll never be able to change her. So, I make an impact with the next teacher I hire. So, my instinct for hiring -- I’ve hired maybe four or five people. They’re pretty good.

Veritas Journalist: Okay.

Boland: So, that’s where I make my impact.

He explains to the Veritas journalist how the teachers he hires will advance his political and ideological objectives:

Quote:Boland: So, it's subtle. They [teachers I hire] will never say, “Oh, this is [a] liberal or a Democratic way of doing this.” They'll just make that the norm. And this is how we handle things, it's subtle.

Veritas Journalist: And that's how you get away with it?

Boland: That's how you get away with it.

Veritas Journalist: And how do you make sure the parents don't find out?

Boland: They can find out, so long as you never mention [the] politics of it.

The Assistant Principal is clear about how he judges a prospective teacher who sympathizes, in a hypothetical scenario, with parents during the interview process:

Quote:Veritas Journalist: Okay, so someone sides with the parent, then what?

Boland: You let them explain, and then you move on to the next question.

Veritas Journalist: But then eventually [what is] the outcome of that?

Boland: They don’t get the job.

Transgender ideology in school was also an issue discussed in the video. It has been a controversial topic, especially amongst parents, in recent years.

On this matter, Boland affirms that any teacher who refuses to acknowledge a child’s gender preferences has no place in his Elementary School.

“So, if you have someone [teacher] who is hardcore religious or hardcore conservative, they will probably say something detrimental to the effect, ‘Well, I don’t think kids have enough knowledge to make that decision [gender identity] at this age,’” Boland said.

“You’re out. You’re done,” he concluded.

Boland admitted to the Veritas journalist that he discriminates against potential hires based on their religion:

Quote:Boland: I’m not a huge expert on religion, but Protestants in this area [of Connecticut] are probably the most liberal. But if they’re Catholic -- conservative.

Veritas Journalist: Oh, so then what do you do with the Catholics? If you find out someone is Catholic, then what?

Boland: You don’t hire them.

Veritas Journalist: So, would you ever hire a Catholic then?

Boland: No, I don’t want to…Because if someone is raised hardcore Catholic, it’s like they’re brainwashed. You can never change their mindset. So, when you ask them to consider something new, like a new opportunity, or “you have to think about this differently,” they’re stuck -- just rigid.

The Elementary School administrator goes on to say that he discriminates against older individuals as well.

“I need younger [teachers]. So, because Greenwich pays very well, you get teachers from other districts who have been there for a long time, that want to come to Greenwich. But if they’re older, I’m not allowed to do that -- I can’t tell them, ‘I’m not interviewing you because you’re older.’ I just don’t interview them. So, for one position, I think we had 30 applicants. So out of all those applicants, I don’t think I interviewed anybody over the [age] of 30…Because sometimes the older you get, the more set in your ways, the more conservative you get.”

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  Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-30-2022, 10:30 PM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30


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  Blood damage explains many harmful impacts of COVID ‘vaccines’
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-30-2022, 09:53 PM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Blood damage explains many harmful impacts of COVID ‘vaccines’

Blood damage explains many harmful impacts of COVID ‘vaccines’
Blood damage that has been detailed through sophisticated research methods is the 'missing link' to explain many negative health conditions ranging from heart problems, cancers, reduced immunity, and death
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Joel S. Hirschhorn
Mon Aug 29, 2022 - 11:13 am EDT
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WARNING: If you have had a COVID vaccine/booster shot what this article presents may cause you stress and anxiety.

(Pandemic Blunder) – Two key recent medical research articles, one from Italy and one from Germany, are used to document what may be the most important research finding during the entire COVID pandemic period.

Blood damage that has been detailed through sophisticated research methods is the “missing link” to explain many negative health conditions ranging from heart problems, cancers, reduced immunity, and death. Blood damage is the key biologic explanation for harmful vaccine impacts. Note that I am using the word “vaccine” but fully recognize that COVID vaccines/boosters are not real vaccines, but a form of genetic treatment that, unlike real vaccines, do not actually and truly prevent or cure COVID.

As to deaths, data from Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada on total excess mortality country-wide in 2022 that are greater than in 2020 and 2021 are best explained by widespread COVID vaccine use in 2022 and not COVID infection deaths.

Please understand that ordinary blood testing you may get from your physician laboratory orders is not the same as the research techniques used to document vaccine-induced blood damage. Do not let cognitive dissonance stand in the way of your acceptance of these frightening research results.

In both research publications you must closely examine the many photographs given to prove blood damage; it is infeasible to reproduce them here. It will take time and patience to closely read these two studies. But there is no alternative if you truly want to understand how blood damage has been proven in a compelling way.
Italian study

The title is Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna, published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research.

Here is the abstract:

The use of dark-field microscopic analysis of fresh peripheral blood on a slide was once widespread in medicine, allowing a first and immediate assessment of the state of health of the corpuscular components of the blood. In the present study we analyzed with a dark-field optical microscope the peripheral blood drop from 1,006 symptomatic subjects after inoculation with an mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting from March 2021. There were 948 subjects (94%of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation. In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves. We report 4 clinical cases, chosen as representative of the entire case series. Further studies are needed to define the exact nature of the particles found in the blood and to identify possible solutions to the problems they are evidently causing.

Here are just a few statements from the conclusions:

With the hematological pictures we have presented here it is reasonable to expect reactivation of oncological disease along with blood circulation disorders.

The alterations found after the injection of our patient/cases with mRNA materials (whatever may be in them), we found what we believe is conclusive evidence that the modifications observed, as these persons went from normal blood profiles to very abnormal ones, must be attributed to the proximate mRNA injections.

In conclusion, such abrupt changes as we have documented in the peripheral blood profile of 948 patients have never been observed after inoculation by any vaccines in the past according to our clinical experience. The sudden transition, usually at the time of a second mRNA injection, from a state of perfect normalcy to a pathological one, with accompanying hemolysis, visible packing and stacking of red blood cells in conjunction with the formation of gigantic conglomerate foreign structures, some of them appearing as graphene-family super-structures, is unprecedented. Such phenomena have never been seen before after any “vaccination” of the past. In our collective experience, and in our shared professional opinion, the large quantity of particles in the blood of mRNA injection recipients is incompatible with normal blood flow especially at the level of the capillaries. [That last statement is consistent with the research that has found evidence of micro blood clots found after vaccination and in long covid victims.]

German study

The title is German Researchers Examine Covid “Vaccines” and Vaccinated People’s Blood and Say Stop Vaccinations. It is available on this site. An abstract and a link to the report can be found on Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea’s Substack HERE (English).

“The German Working Group for Covid-19 Vaccine Analysis has made its ‘Summary of Preliminary Findings’ publicly available. In a wide-ranging report dated 6 July, the Group described the toxic substances found in all Covid-19 “vaccine” samples analysed and the marked changes seen in blood samples taken from vaccinated people. The Group also found that the greater the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles, the more frequent the vaccine side effects.”

“In order to avert a direct and imminent danger to human life and public safety, we ask that the Covid-19 vaccination programmes be discontinued immediately,” the Group’s report stated.

The Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis is an interdisciplinary working group that has undertaken the task of analyzing the contents and the effects of the novel COVID-19 “vaccines.” The group is an internationally networked working group with a core team of more than 60 doctors, physicians, pharmacists, scientists, mathematicians, alternative health practitioners, lawyers, and journalists.

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This summary is a preliminary, continuously evolving presentation of our research and findings on the so-called COVID-19 vaccines, as well as the effects we found on the human body and the blood in particular. The summary is intended for the public interest and to encourage further scientific discussion.

The comparison of blood samples from unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals by means of dark-field microscopy showed noticeable changes in the blood of each person who had been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines. This was evident even if those people hadn’t at that point displayed any visible reaction to the vaccinations. Complex structures similar to those in the vaccines were found in the blood samples of the vaccinated. Using artificial intelligence (AI) image analysis, the difference between the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated people was confirmed.

Using a small sample of live blood analyses from both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, they determined that artificial intelligence (AI) can distinguish with 100% reliability between the blood of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. This indicates that the Covid-19 vaccines can effect long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the person vaccinated without that person being aware of these changes.

Crystalline formations were found in all of the blood samples taken from vaccinated people. “We are continuing to analyse these formations,” the authors noted. The Group also observed rouleaux formations of red blood cells in all vaccinated samples and “frequently observed an unusually rapid disintegration of the different types of cells in the vaccinated blood.”
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The stability of the lipid nanoparticle envelope is closely correlated with the incidence of vaccine side effects and injury. The more stable this envelope, the greater the amount of mRNA that penetrates cells, where the production of spike proteins then takes place. These results correspond with the findings of pathologists who have carried out autopsies on people who died due to vaccine injury. Spike proteins were detected in damaged tissue. Researchers suspect that the spike protein is, in itself, toxic.

The following predominantly metallic elements were unexpectedly detected in the doses from AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna:

Alkali metals: caesium (Cs), potassium (K),
Alkaline earth metals: calcium (Ca), barium (Ba),
transition metals: cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti),
Rare earth metals: cerium (Ce), gadolinium (Gd),
Mining group/metal: aluminium (Al),
Carbon group: silicon (Si) (partly support material/slide),
Oxygen group: sulphur (S)


The blood damage caused by COVID “vaccines” is best seen by the public as the key “missing link” that can explain what I and many others have been reporting on for many months. Namely, the multitude of adverse health impacts and deaths from what the medical and public health establishment, the mainstream media and government agencies are still pushing on the public. Eventually, history will show that all the powers forcing COVID “vaccines” on the public do not have the courage and integrity to admit that the “vaccines” were a dangerous and false pandemic solution that ultimately will explain millions of deaths. They can be seen as part of the biowar forced upon humanity – a true crime against humanity.

And the principal force that created the phony vaccine movement was Anthony Fauci, for whom prosecution as a criminal is sorely needed.

Reprinted with permission from Pandemic Blunder Newsletter.
Help Jenny Porter recover from her vaccine injury: LifeFunder


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Bloodblood damageCoronavirus VaccineCovid-19 VaccineModernaPfizer


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  Blood damage explains many harmful impacts of COVID 'vaccines' - LifeSite LifeSite
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-30-2022, 09:43 PM - Forum: Health - No Replies


Blood damage explains many harmful impacts of COVID 'vaccines' - LifeSite
5 - 7 minutes

PETITION UPDATE (5/12/2021) -

It seems that Dr. Anthony Fauci's role in the NIH's funding of so-called "gain-of-function" research may be catching up with him.

In the last couple of days, both U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Fox's Tucker Carlson have laid into Fauci for his alleged promotion of this dangerous research which develops bat-based coronaviruses into more potent variants, capable of infecting humans.

Dr. Fauci denied funding this research.

But, Senator Paul noted that a resident virologist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Dr. Shi Zheng-li and Dr. Ralph Baric, an American virologist funded by Fauci's department in the NIH, "collaborated on gain-of-function research where they enhanced the SARS virus to infect human airway cells and they did it by merging a new spy protein on it. That is gain-of-function. That was joint research between the Wuhan Institute and Dr. Baric. You [Dr. Fauci] can’t deny it."

And, later, Fox News host Tucker Carlson picked up on the discrepancy, noting Fauci’s involvement in the creation and promotion of public health directives on account of COVID-19 while also being allegedly tied to the origin of the virus and its spread throughout the world.

So, the evidence - both in testimony and in the court of public opinion - continues to mount.

Could we ask you to consider SIGNING and SHARING this important petition, which calls for Dr. Fauci to be fired and investigated for any role he played in promoting and funding the dangerous research which may have cost the world dearly in lives and jobs lost.


When concerned scientists warned the US government of the great danger of creating superviruses in the lab, one man publicly defended the risky experiments: that man was the influential head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), none other than "Mr. Science" himself: Dr. Anthony Fauci.

In 2014, the same year the US government called for a moratorium on this insanely dangerous research, Dr. Fauci's NIAID began funding a program to study the transmission of bat coronaviruses to humans.

Not only did his funding go to develop the technology for making bat coronaviruses spread more easily to humans, but much of it went to the lab located in the exact location where the Covid pandemic eventually emerged: Wuhan, China.

Like every person, Dr. Fauci deserves to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

But the evidence is so overwhelming that Fauci gambled with a supervirus and lost (the whole world lost), that, at a minimum, he needs to be fired from his position of public trust and must be investigated for possible violations of US law which mandated a moratorium on this extremely dangerous practice of creating superviruses in the lab.

However Dr. Fauci, far from being held responsible for his dangerous gamble, has been promoted to the point where, currently, he is the highest paid employee in the US Government.

Please SIGN and SHARE this petition if you agree that Dr. Anthony Fauci should instead be immediately fired and investigated for his role in causing the Covid-19 pandemic.

Just like the Wall Street moguls, whose financial negligence precipitated the financial crisis of 2008, received massive bailout bonuses, Dr. Anthony Fauci recklessly pushed for the research that probably caused the deadly pandemic. And now, he, too, has been rewarded with money and power.

As has been carefully and meticulously documented by Steve Hilton of Fox News, the probable origins of the coronavirus point to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Dr. Fauci was one of the greatest proponents of developing superviruses in labs.

Dr. Fauci was responsible for the funding of much of the research through the NIAID.

And, it appears that Dr. Fauci funneled taxpayer funds through an intermediary to allow the research to continue in the unsafe Wuhan Institute of Virology, even after the US government banned the funding of this dangerous research.

Until a thorough investigation into his role of the origins of the current pandemic has taken place, Dr. Fauci should not be in a position of public trust.

Please SIGN and SHARE this petition to demand that Dr. Fauci be fired immediately and investigated fully for his role in the creation of Covid-19 and the ensuing pandemic.

P.S. It should be noted that Dr. Fauci not only has proven to be catastrophic for public health with his advocacy of dangerous research, but he has also been a disastrous public health advisor, advocating measures that have negatively impacted every aspect of our lives, from the economy to our most fundamental liberties.

P.P.S. Dr. Anthony Fauci, recently stated that he is delighted to be pushing Joe Biden's return to US taxpayer funding of abortions abroad. So, evidently, not only does Dr. Fauci have problems with public health, public safety, and economics, but also with basic human rights and embryology.





**Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour

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  Saint Rose of Lima
Posted by: ThyWillBeDone - 08-30-2022, 07:16 PM - Forum: August - No Replies

St. Rose of Lima
16 - 21 minutes

Prayer to St. Rose of Lima
(This prayer may be said for nine consecutive days as a Novena)

Admirable Saint Rose, you were truly a sweet flower blooming on a rugged soil; you were indeed a rose among thorns, bearing with meekness and patience the stings of envious tongues, and preserving perfect purity and modesty amid the alluring blandishments of a deceitful world. To the sufferings inflicted on you by others you added the voluntary tortures of fasting and watching, of the discipline, of the crown of thorns and of the hair shirt, to subdue the flesh and to make yourself like to your heavenly Spouse. By the merits which you have thus gained with your divine Bridegroom, obtain for me the grace to bear my afflictions with patience, to remain pure and modest, to be meek and humble, to be faithful to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, and so to mortify my passions that I may be ever more pleasing and acceptable in the sight of my dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen.

St. Rose of Lima, Virgin
by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876

God gave to the Christians of America, and all over the world, a beautiful example of holiness, at the end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth century, in the Saint whose festival is this day commemorated by the Catholic Church. Her native place was Lima, the capital of Peru. She was named Isabel, but while yet in the cradle, she was called Rose, as her face, in its loveliness, resembled a rose. She took the surname of St. Mary, by order of the Blessed Virgin. Already in her childhood, her conduct was holy. Her intention was to follow the example of St. Catherine of Sienna, whose life she had read, and therefore she entered the third order of St. Dominic. When five years old, she consecrated her virginity to God, and was such a perfect hand-maiden of the Lord, that during her whole life, she never offended Him by a mortal sin, nor even intentionally by one that was venial. Her time was divided between prayer and work. Twelve hours she gave to devout exercises, two or three to sleep, the rest to work.

When grown to womanhood, her hand was sought by several, but she always unhesitatingly gave the answer, that she was already promised to a heavenly spouse. That, however, her parents might no further urge her, she herself cut off her hair, as a sign of her consecration to God. She treated her innocent body with extreme severity. From her childhood she abstained from fruit, which, in Peru, is so delicious. Her fasts and abstinences were more than human; for, when scarcely six years old, her nourishment consisted almost entirely of water and bread. At the age of fifteen, she made a vow never to eat meat, except when obliged by obedience. Not even when sick did she partake of better food. Sometimes for five or eight days, she ate nothing at all, living only on the bread of angels. During the whole of Lent, she took only five citron seeds, daily. Incredible as this may appear to the reader, it is told by unquestionable authority. Her bed was a rough board, or some knotted logs of wood. Her pillow was a bag filled with rushes or stones.

Every night she scourged her body with two small iron chains, in remembrance of the painful scourging of our Saviour, and for the conversion of sinners. When, however, her Confessor forbade her this, she, after the example of St. Catherine of Sienna, bound, three times around her body, a thin chain, which in a few weeks, had cut so deeply into the flesh that it was scarcely to be seen. Fearing that she would be compelled to reveal it, she prayed to God for help, and the chain became loose of itself. Hardly were the wounds healed, when she again wore the chain, until her Confessor, being informed of it, forbade her to do so, She then had a penitential robe made of horse-hair, which reached below her knees, and occasioned her intense suffering. She wore under her veil, in remembrance of our Saviour's crown of thorns, a crown which was studded inside with pins, and which wounded her head most painfully. To attend the better to her prayers, she loved solitude above everything.

To this end, she asked the permission of her parents to build a small cell for herself in the corner of the garden. This cell was only five feet long and four feet wide; but she lived more happily in it than many others do in royal palaces. O, how many graces she obtained from heaven in this place! How many visions she had there of St. Catherine of Sienna, her Guardian Angel, the Blessed Virgin, and even of Christ Himself! She was also frequently favored with visions in other places. The most remarkable of these was one which she had on Palm Sunday, in the chapel of the Holy Rosary, before an image of the Blessed Virgin. Rose, gazing at the picture, perceived that the Virgin Mother, as well as the divine Child, regarded her most graciously, and at last she heard distinctly from the lips of the divine Child, the words: "Rose, you shall be my spouse." Although filled with holy awe, she replied, in the words which the Blessed Virgin had spoken to the Angel: " Behold, I am a handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word." After this, the Virgin Mother said: "May you well appreciate the favor which my Son has accorded to you, dear Rose!"

I leave it to the pious reader to picture to himself the inexpressible joy which this vision gave to Rose. It served her as a most powerful incentive to the practice of all virtues. Among these virtues, surely not the least was the heroic patience which this holy virgin showed, as well in bodily suffering, as in interior, spiritual anguish. The Almighty permitted her, for fifteen years, to be daily tormented, at least, for an hour, by the most hideous imaginations, which were of such a nature, that she sometimes thought that she was in the midst of hell. She could think neither of God nor of the graces He had bestowed upon her; neither did prayer or devout reading give her any comfort. It sometimes seemed as if she had been forsaken by God. In this manner, God wished to prove and purify her virtue, as He had done in regard to many other Saints. Her patience was also most severely tried by painful diseases, as she sometimes had a combination of two or three maladies at the same time, and suffered most intensely.

During the last three years of her life, she was disabled in almost all her limbs; but her resignation to the will of God was too perfect to allow her to utter a word of complaint. All she desired and prayed for was to suffer still more for Christ's sake. She, at the same time, encouraged other sick persons, whom she served with indescribable kindness, as long as she was well. She endeavored to comfort them when it was necessary to prepare them for a happy death; for, her greatest joy was to speak of God and to lead others to Him. One day when she was greatly troubled about her salvation, Christ appeared to her and said: " My daughter, I condemn those only who will not be saved." He assured her at the same time, first, that she would go to heaven; secondly, that she never would lose His grace through mortal sin; thirdly, that divine assistance would never fail her in any emergency. God also revealed to her the day and hour of her death, which took place in her thirty-first year. After the holy sacraments had been administered to her, she begged all present to forgive her faults, and exhorted them to love God. The nearer the hour of her death approached, the greater became her joy.

Shortly before her end, she went into an ecstasy, and after it, she said to her Confessor: " Oh! how much I could tell you of the sweetness of God, and of the blissful heavenly dwelling of the Almighty!" She requested her brother to take away the pillow that had been placed under her head, that she might die on the boards, as Christ had died on the cross. When this was done, she exclaimed three times: "Jesus, Jesus, be with me!" and expired. After death, her face was so beautiful, that all who looked at her were lost in astonishment. Her funeral was most imposing. The Canons first carried the body a part of the way to the church; after them the senate, and finally, the superiors of the different orders, so great was the esteem they all entertained for her holiness. God honored her after her death, by many miracles; and Clement X. canonized her in 1671 and placed her among the number of the holy virgins.

I. Have you been able to read without astonishment the different means that St. Rose employed to give pain to her body, and constantly to mortify herself? What do you think of it? I will tell you what I think. We find in the lives of almost all the Saints, that they abstained from all worldly pleasure, and exercised themselves in voluntary penances. As, however, the people of our day will hear nothing of all this, and will live in comfort, and still think that, by avoiding all mortifications of the flesh, and by enjoying all the pleasures of the world, they will go to the same heaven into which the Saints endeavored to enter by so many voluntary austerities, I must come to the conclusion that either the Saints acted very foolishly in being so severe to themselves, or that the world of our day errs in imagining that it has found an easier way to eternal life. What do you think? Whom will you follow? The world or the Saints? Can you name to me a single one who has followed the world and yet entered the Kingdom of God? Perhaps you hope to be the first. Take care; your hope will deceive you.


St. Rose was assured by God that she would be saved, that she would never lose His grace, and that heavenly assistance would never fail her. Ah ! what great and priceless favors ! The chaste virgin had made herself worthy by her holy life, of these graces, as much as was in her power. Your tepid piety cannot promise you such graces; but it is your duty to pray frequently and earnestly that God may grant them to you. Pray therefore fervently and often to God that He may not condemn you, but grant you life everlasting. Pray to Him humbly, that you may never lose His grace by a mortal sin, and that He may grant you assistance in all your needs. To obtain these graces endeavor to lead a Christian life. Although this does not give you an infallible assurance of your salvation, it gives you reason to hope that you will not go to perdition. Think on Christ's words: "I condemn no one who wishes to be saved." But who is he, you perhaps ask, who will not be saved. According to the words, no one; but according to the works, many, and they are all those who become guilty of mortal sin, who continue in their iniquity, who defer their penance too long. If we voluntarily do what we know will lead us to destruction, it may in truth be said of us, that we wish to be condemned. If we do no penance, after having committed sin, it may again be said, with truth, that we wish to be condemned; because we do not make use of those means by which we may escape hell. Examine yourself and see if you do not perhaps belong to those unfortunate beings who will be condemned. If you do not desire to be one of their number, avoid sin; and if you have committed it, do penance immediately. "As often as a man becomes guilty of a mortal sin, so often does he sentence himself to eternal misery, says St. Chrysostom.

Hymn: Virginis Proles

Son of a virgin, Maker of Thy Mother,
Thou, Rod and Blossom from a Stem unstained,
While we a Virgin's triumphs are rehearsing,
Hear our petition.

Lo, on Thy handmaid fell a twofold blessing,
Who, in her body vanquishing the weakness,
In that same body, grace from heaven obtaining,
Bore the world witness.

Death, nor the rending pains of death appalled her;
Bondage and torment found her undefeated:
So by the shedding of her blood attained she
Heavenly guerdon.

Fountain of mercy, hear the prayer she offers;
Purge our offenses, pardon our transgressions,
So that hereafter we to Thee may render
Praise with thanksgiving.


Litany of St. Rose of Lima

(For private recitation only)

Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, hear us!
Christ, graciously hear us!

God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us!
God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us!
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us!

St. Rose of Lima, pray for us.*
Sweet-scented rose of piety and virtue,*
Servant of God perfectly united with your Master,*
Virgin espoused to God from your fifth year,*
Thorn-crowned spouse of our Divine Redeemer,*
Worthy daughter of St. Dominic,*
Faithful copy of St. Catherine of Siena,*
Lover of prayer and solitude,*
Merciful friend of the poor souls and of hardened sinners,*
Consoler of the sick and help of the needy,*
First among the saints of America,*
Powerful patroness of America,*
That we may love God with our whole heart,*
That we may fear God's chastisements,*
That by true penance, we may avert God's anger,*
That we may know and amend our faults,*
That we may take up our cross,*
That we may cheerfully endure the frailties of our neighbor,*
That we may heartily thank God for all our tribulations,*
That with our sufferings our love may increase,*
That, with contrite hearts and true devotion, we may ever prepare for Holy Communion,*
That we may not die an unprovided death,*
That we may, until death, daily increase in faith, hope, and charity,*

Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us, O Lord!

V. Pray for us, St. Rose.

R. that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:

O dear St. Rose, by the excessive love that inundated your soul when you heard from the lips of Christ the loving words: "Rose of My heart, you shall be My spouse!"--obtain for us and for our children a true love for Jesus Christ and an ardent desire to be united with Him. May our hearts, enclosed in His Heart, seek nothing but the perfection of His virtues, the fullness of His grace, and the imitation of His example! Obtain for us patience in suffering; gentleness under offenses; humility in calumny and abuse; and in all the affairs of life a pure heart and a contented mind. Obtain for us constant and generous renunciation of our willful desires, perfect victory over evil inclination, perseverance in prayer and good works, that we may ever please our God and, in the end, attain to a share in His glory. Amen.

Mother's Prayer to Saint Rose of Lima

Saint Rose of Lima (1586-1617), the first saint of the Americas, took the habit of the Third Order of Saint Dominic and remained in the world, supporting her parents and practicing extraordinary penances. Whenever possible, she retired for prayer to a little grotto which she had built. Our Lord revealed Himself to her frequently.

Saint Rose, devout Virgin, fragrant rose in the garden of God, sweetly blooming amid the thorns of distressing tribulation and severe mortification, white as snow in the immaculate innocence of your heart, glowing in the love of God that consumed you. Your devotedness to your parents was so great that you labored night and day to relieve their poverty, and most tenderly cared for them in their sickness.

Most grateful, most humble daughter, have pity on me and my children. Teach me, by conduct truly Christian, to deserve the warmhearted gratitude of my children. Teach my children to appreciate my love and the numerous sacrifices that I cheerfully make for their sake; teach them to repay the same by filial love and obedience, and chiefly by fervent prayers for me. Bless me and my entire family. May our hearts be intimately united even in adversity. Let us not place our happiness in temporal prosperity, but rather in the hope of a future, eternal blessedness. Pray, likewise, O sainted patroness of America, for all Christian mothers in particular, that Christian life and sentiments may everywhere be awakened among them. May these sentiments spread far and wide, uniting all families into the one great family of God, in which Jesus Christ may live and rule with God the Father and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Prayer to St. Rose as your Patron Saint

Saint Rose, whom I have chosen as my special patron, pray for me that I, too, may one day glorify the Blessed Trinity in heaven. Obtain for me your lively faith, that I may consider all persons, things, and events in the light of almighty God. Pray, that I may be generous in making sacrifices of temporal things to promote my eternal interests, as you so wisely did.Set me on fire with a love for Jesus, that I may thirst for His sacraments and burn with zeal for the spread of His kingdom. By your powerful intercession, help me in the performance of my duties to God, myself and all the world. Win for me the virtue of purity and a great confidence in the Blessed Virgin. Protect me this day, and every day of my life. Keep me from mortal sin. Obtain for me the grace of a happy death. Amen

Catholic Book:

St. Rose of Lima: The Flower of the New World


St. Rose of Lima Ora Pro Nobis

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  Sowing Even More Confusion: Bishop Williamson Promotes Garabandal
Posted by: Stone - 08-30-2022, 01:17 PM - Forum: True vs. False Resistance - No Replies

Taken from The Recusant #58 - September 2022

Sowing Even More Confusion: Bishop Williamson Promotes Garabandal

[Image: aiZwaWQ9QXBp]

Not content with promoting chaos and anarchy (“no organisation, loose pockets only!”) amongst those few still trying to resist the slide into liberalism; not content with overturning the teaching of the Council of Trent on the need for seminaries to form priests; not content with promoting highly dubious alleged Novus Ordo “miracles”; not content with promoting even attendance at the New Mass (remember when he told some of his own followers in America that their grandchildren would only be able to keep the Faith by going to New Mass?); not content with pushing bogus visionary Maria Valtorta and her purported messages from heaven (“The Gospel as Revealed to Me” aka “The Poem of the Man-God”), condemned by the Church and placed on the Index, as being excellent family reading in the home, whilst simultaneously pouring scorn on the 1950s Holy Office of Cardinal Ottaviani and Fr Garrigou Lagrange OP, perhaps the last sane, uninfected part of the Church at that time; not content with punishing any priest who dares to voice a contrary opinion, whether or not he mentioned Bishop Williamson by name, using the sacraments of confirmation and holy orders as a weapon to cow any dissenting
voices amongst the clergy and laity; not content with so many such scandals and many more besides, alas, Bishop Williamson is still at it. Here is his latest.

Almighty God is good, and plans to tell,
Once more, how to avoid our self-made Hell.”

Does He, indeed? And how may that be? The answer is to be found in the very first sentence:

At the risk of laying before a number of readers a matter of which they are already well aware, let these “Comments” present the Warning of Garabandal, because of the high probability that that Warning is authentic...

Because of the high probability that it is authentic..?! So it isn’t certain, then? If only there were a way for the lay Catholic-in-the-street to be certain as to whether this or that supposed private revelation is authentic. Oh, wait, hold on. There is. The local bishop said it wasn’t real.

Case closed.

However, the Church authorities have still to give to the Garabandal apparitions of Our Lady their official approval because of the events’ timing and their content.

This is very misleading. In fact, Garabandal is condemned by the Church. I suppose, in a way, you could just about get away with saying that the Church “has still to give it approval” - in the same way that one might say that St. Pius X still has to give his approval to modernism, or Our Lord has still to give his approval to the Pharisees. And it had nothing to do with timing.

“Vatican II (1962-1965) was a gigantic betrayal of Truth, of the Faith, of the Catholic Church. Garabandal (1961-1965) was a gigantic affirmation of Catholic Truth, of the Faith, of the Church.”

So was Palmar de Troya, which began at roughly the same time (1968). That is no doubt why, in its early stages, some Traditionalists believed it: it told them what they wanted to hear. One would hope, however, that no Traditional Catholics today regard the messages of Palmar de Troya as authentic. No more authentic are the messages of Garabandal.

[In 1965, ‘Our Lady’ warned] that ‘Many cardinals, bishops and priests are on the road to perdition, and they are taking many souls with them.’ Could there be a more accurate summary of what was happening at Vatican II?

Yes. How about some mention of the infiltration of the Church by her enemies? “...on the road to perdition and taking many souls with them” is true as far as it goes, but it leaves out a lot of important information. It makes it sound as though the problem is only clerics leading sinful, worldly lives and not that they are actively promoting heresy and destroying the Church from within. One might think that there was no organised plot. And why is it only “many”..?

How about the New Mass? How about mentioning that the true Mass, the Mass said by St. Gregory the Great, St. Pius V, St. Pius X and virtually every Catholic priest in the world at that time, was about to be replaced by a neo-Protestant schismatic rite?

How about mentioning the Pope in connection with the evils afflicting the Church - is it only the cardinals, bishops and priests who are the problem? Is the Pope somehow a good guy surrounded by bad guys? I remember Novus Ordo conservatives telling me that back in the 1990s: poor old JPII wants to fix the church, but he’s surrounded by all these wicked, evil bishops and Cardinals. And I remember thinking to myself: “Who appointed them..?!” Even Palmar de Troya maintained that Paul VI was a saintly man who was somehow being kept a prisoner in the Vatican. When he died they declared him “Saint Paul VI” - a ludicrous idea, made all the more ludicrous when the conciliar church followed suit in recent years. “Saint Paul VI” - what a joke! It just goes to show, in some ways the conciliar church is as ridiculous as Palmar de Troya! But we digress. La Salette told us that specifically Rome would lose the Faith - Garabandal makes it sound as though the problem is only lower down in the hierarchy.

Why isn’t Vatican II mentioned in connection with this? Given the part played by Vatican II in souls being led to hell and given the coincidence of timing… isn’t it worth a mention? We could go on. There are many, far more accurate ways to describe the crisis in the Church. Saying that “many cardinals bishops and priests” are on the way to hell and taking lots of people with them sounds just about conservative/Traditionalist enough to keep everyone happy whilst being vague enough not to cause trouble in the future or risk offending one faction or another among the message’s eager recipients. It is exactly the sort of thing, in other words, that one would expect a bogus apparition to say. But let’s get to the heart of the matter. Here is how you can know for certain that Garabandal isn’t real.

1. It was condemned by the local bishop.
Garabandal is located in the diocese of Santander. Every Bishop of Santander, from 1961 onwards, has ruled that the apparitions are not real. In 1961, the apostolic administrator of Santander diocese, Mgr. Doroteo Fernandez, decreed that the events were not from heaven and told people not go to Garabandal. When Mgr. Eugenio Beitia Aldazabal became bishop of Santander in January 1962, he reiterated the judgement of his predecessor and again forbade priests or people from gathering there.

This decision was upheld by a third bishop in 1965. In 1967 a fourth Bishop of Santander, Mgr. Vicente Puchol Montiz, issued an official declaration, stating: “There was no apparition either of the Blessed Virgin or of St. Michael the Archangel or of any other celestial personage. There was no message. All the phenomena which occurred have a natural explanation.” (See: The Catholic News Archive) The supporters of Garabandal appealed to Rome. Rome upheld the decisions of four successive ordinaries of Santander diocese.

To be continued below ...

Garabandal: Approved by the Church?

In October 1996, Mgr. Jose Vilaplana the newly-appointed Bishop of Santander diocese issued the following letter.

Quote:“Some people have been coming directly to the Diocese of Santander (Spain) asking about the alleged apparitions of Garabandal and especially for the answer about the position of the hierarchy of the Church concerning these apparitions.

I need to communicate that:

1. All the bishops of the diocese since 1961 through 1970 agreed that there was no supernatural validity for the apparitions.

2. In the month of December of 1977 Bishop Dal Val of Santander, in union with his predecessors, stated that in the six years of being bishop of Santander there were no new phenomena.

3. The same bishop, Dal Val, let a few years go by to allow the confusion or fanaticism to settle down, and then he initiated a commission to examine the apparitions in more depth. The conclusion of the commission agreed with the findings of the previous bishops. That there was no supernatural validity to such apparitions.

4. At the time of the conclusions of the study, in 1991, I was installed bishop in the diocese. So during my visit to Rome, an ad limina visit which happened in the same year, I presented to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith the study and I asked for pastoral direction concerning this case.

5. On Nov. 28, 1992, the Congregation sent me an answer saying that after examining the documentation, there was no need for direct intervention (by the Vatican) to take away the jurisdiction of the ordinary bishop of Santander in this case. Such a right belongs to the ordinary. Previous declarations of the Holy See agree in this finding. In the same letter they suggested that if I find it necessary to publish a declaration, that I reconfirm that there was no supernatural validity in the alleged apparitions, and this will make a unanimous
position with my predecessors.

6. Given that the declarations of my predecessors who studied the case have been clear and unanimous, I don’t find it necessary to have a new public declaration that would raise notoriety about something which happened so long ago. However, I find it necessary to rewrite this report as a direct answer to the people who ask for direction concerning this question, which is now final: I agree with [and] I accept the decision of my predecessors and the direction of the Holy See.

7. In reference to the Eucharistic celebration in Garabandal, following the decision of my predecessors, I ruled that Masses can be celebrated only in the parish church and there will be no references to the alleged apparitions and visiting priests who want to say Mass must have approval from the pastor, who has my authorization. It’s my wish that this information is helpful to you.

My regards in Christ,

Jose Vilaplana
Bishop of Santander
Oct. 11, 1996

1961: The Original Condemnation by the Church

Quote:My Most Beloved Children,

In answer to the constant questions that have been asked us concerning the nature of the events that are occurring in the village of San Sebastián de Garabandal, and with the desire to instruct the faithful in the correct interpretation of these events, we have felt ourselves obligated to study these things closely in order to fulfil our pastoral duty.

With this end, we have named a commission of persons of well-known prudence and knowledge to inform us with complete assurance of objectivity and competency about these events.

In view of the information that they have presented to us, we believe it premature to pronounce any definite decision on the nature of the phenomena in question. Nothing up to the present obliges us to affirm that the events occurring there are supernatural. Considering all this, and withholding a final judgment on the things that may happen in the future, we have to say:

1) It is our wish that the diocesan priests, as well as the priests from other dioceses and religious of both sexes who are not under our jurisdiction, abstain from visiting San Sebastián de Garabandal from now on.

2) We would advise the Christian people not to come to this place until the ecclesiastical authority gives a final statement on the case. By these temporary measures, we are not hindering God's action on souls; on the contrary, by avoiding the spectacular character of these events, the light of truth is greatly facilitated.

Doroteo, Apostolic Administrator of Santander
26th August, 1961

Quote:[…] Concerning the events that have been happening at San Sebastián de Garabandal, a town in our diocese, you should be told that in the fulfilment of our pastoral duty and to avoid the unfounded and bold interpretations of those who venture to give a definitive judgment where the Church does not believe it still prudent to do so, and also to guide souls, we have to come to declare the following:

1. It is clear that the above-mentioned apparitions, visions, locutions and revelations up to now cannot be presented or held to have a serious foundation for truth and authenticity.

2. Priests should absolutely abstain from whatever would contribute to create confusion among the Christian people. Thus they should cautiously avoid, as far as it depends on them, the organization of visits or pilgrimages to the place referred to.

3. Priests should instruct the faithful with wisdom and charity concerning the true feeling of the Church in these matters. They should make them understand that our faith does not require such aids of supposed revelations and miracles to maintain it. […]

Doroteo, Apostolic Administrator of Santander
24th October, 1961

Continued from above... [see original Recusant link at top for accompanying photographic evidence concerning Garabandal- The Catacombs]

In cases such as this, the judgement of the Church is all that matters. By rights, we could close the list here.

Let this point be emphasised: the local bishops, the men who held ordinary jurisdiction in the diocese where these supposed “apparitions” took place, all consistently decided that they were not to be believed and told priests and faithful to stay away. Let us also emphasise that the first two such bishops did so in 1961 and again in early 1962, before Vatican II in other words. We ought therefore to regard this as the judgement of the Church. Everything else is just “extra,” this is the one fact that matters. If anyone still wants more, however, here are some facts of lesser importance, but which also point to Garabandal being at best fraudulent and at worst, well…

2. None of the ‘seers’ pursued a religious vocation.
All four went on to live worldly lives the same as you or I. Three of them married Americans and moved to the United States. Jacinta ended up living in California; Mari Loli in Massachusetts; Conchita in Long Island, New York. Not one of the four ‘seers’ spent her last days doing extraordinary penance, in poverty, etc. Compare with Sr. Lucy, for instance, who ended up in a Carmelite convent, or St. Bernadette who entered the Sisters of Charity and ended her days doing great penance.

3. None of their children became priests or nuns either.
And in a similar vein, what about the other relatives of the ‘visionaries,’ their siblings for instance: are they at least devout Traditional Catholics? Are they even decent people who can be relied on to treat others justly and with charity? At least one or two of our readers know very well the scandalous answer to this question, but we will say no more here.

4. The ‘seers’ exhibited unnatural behaviour and grotesque bodily posture.
For instance: being thrown down violently onto their knees on very rocky ground; bending backwards with neck and back arched, eyes rolling upwards into the back of the head; over falling over backwards or sideways; or being made to walk backwards downhill whilst in a supposed ‘ecstasy’. These are the sort of things one cannot imagine God or His mother making anyone do, but which the devil, who hates human nature and who delights in the grotesque, might very well do. The video footage is, if anything, more disturbing than the pictures.

See: youtu.be/TCA487J39aU
See: youtu.be/VgTrY3yd3KM?t=62

5. The failed prophecy that “there will be three more Popes” after the death of John XXIII.
And no, being a sedevacantist doesn’t really help with that one! Think about it…

6. The failed prophecy that Joey Lomangino would get back his eyesight before he died.
He was supposed to be going to be given back his eyesight so that he could see the Great Miracle (the one which still hasn’t happened yet). He died in June 2014, still blind. The specious and laughable claim that he now has “beatific vision” in heaven just goes to show what a lot of nonsense this prophecy was to begin with. If that was what it meant all along, what’s the point in even making such a prophecy? (Once again, do I detect a similarity with Palmar de Troya…? Wasn’t Clemente Dominguez, aka Pope Gregory the Very Great told in a ‘heavenly prophecy’ that he would regain his eyesight, right before he was to die fighting the antichrist in Jerusalem? Hmm...)

7. The failed prophecy that Pope Paul VI would live to see the Great Miracle.
This ‘prophecy’ spectacularly failed, as did a later one that John Paul II would live to see it. As did the prophecy that Padre Pio would live to see it. (For many of these failed ‘prophecies’ see for instance: “She Went in Haste to the Mountain” III, p.188)

8. The failed prophecy that Fr. Luis Andreu would live to see the Great Miracle.
This priest joined the four children and claimed that he too had seen the visions, making him known to some as the “fifth visionary.” He died shortly thereafter. Following his death, the girls claimed that he had begun appearing to them in visions too, along side the Virgin Mary.

9. The failed prophecy that Fr. Luis Andreu’s body would remain incorrupt.
On 2nd August 1964, Concita wrote to Fr. Luis Andreu’s brother, Fr. Ramon Andreu, telling him that she had had a locution in which it had been revealed to her that his brother’s body would remain incorrupt until the Great Miracle. In 1976 his body was disinterred: it had rotted away and was skeletal.

10. The failed prophecy that Pepe Luis would become a priest.
During an ‘ecstasy,’ one of the girls responded as though the Virgin Mary had told her that her younger cousin would become a priest. He never became a priest. (See “Garabandal: The Village Speaks” p.42)

11. The whole thing began with a sin. For an action to be good, says St. Ignatius in the Spiritual Exercises, it has to be good at the beginning, good in the middle and good at the end. And yet, according to the ‘seers’ themselves, Garabandal began with the children stealing fruit from their neighbour’s tree. The fact that these ‘apparitions’ began with the children, by their own admission, committing a sin, ought to be troubling to anyone who is paying attention.

12. Problems with the apparition’s appearance.
Images of ‘Our Lady of Garabandal’ drawn scrupulously at the dictation of the children consistently show her with her head unveiled and her feet are never visible. St. Michael the Archangel is depicted as a teenage boy.

13. The ‘seers’ admitted faking miracles.
As pointed out by Fr. Mark Higgins (here: 8:55 onwards), two of the other ‘seers,’ Mari Loli and Jacinta were caught planning fake ‘miracles’ one of which would have involved the ‘miraculous’ unearthing of a buried statue (which they were going to secretly bury in advance), and another involving magical levitating powder. Yes, seriously. Concita, too, later admitted:

It’s true that we did many stupid things too … For example, the thing about the powders, the statue of the Virgin that we were going to hide, and some other things.”  (See: “She Went in Haste to the Mountain” II, Ch.8, p.102)

Very revealing is in a report written for the Bishop of Santander by one Fr. Luis Lopez Retenga, shortly after he visited Garabandal in February 1963.

“This is the fourth time that I have visited the mountain village … During my previous visit, in the final months of the past year, I heard of rumours that were circulating with regard to the realization, rather imminent, of a miracle predicted by Loli and Jacinta. It was not possible in those circumstances to check personally on the accuracy of such predictions. But I know that at the beginning of the month of January of the present year, seeing that the hoped-for miracle predicted by the two girls was not crystallizing into
reality, the hopes of many people were seen to fall. Not only the families but also the majority of the villagers felt themselves cheated and humiliated.

Subject to the rough manners and the extreme attitudes that are characteristic of the masses, the people changed the admiration that they felt for the girls into an attitude of rejection and distrust, converting them into a continuous object of their complaints. Such an attitude was directed principally against Conchita, who always has been considered as the most responsible, or culpable of the four. […]

Conchita mentioned to me that on returning one day from Cabezón de la Sal, Loli and Jacinta were speaking of a miracle that had occurred to them and which consisted in burying a statue of the Virgin in order to tell the people later when they were in ecstasy, ‘Dig here and you will find a Virgin.’

Conchita took it for a joke, and continuing in the same line of jesting, she spoke of some magic powders that had the power to suspend whoever took them up in the air ... The three girls then tried the marvellous powders, which were nothing more than dentifrice. [i.e. toothpaste - Ed.] Only Loli, perhaps because of the mixture of the marvellous and ingenuousness in which she had been involved for the preceding year and a half, seemed to take the thing seriously, and tried the powders with the hope of seeing herself suspended in
the air. Conchita assured me that her involvement in this incident was no more than this: a practical joke./i]” (See: “[i]She Went in Haste to the Mountain
” III, p.107)

Also revealing is a letter from Conchita to a friend that same month, February 1963, admitting:
You know what has happened … Well there’s trouble here now. Some of those who believed in the apparitions now believe nothing, due to the problems there have been lately. And furthermore, do you know the cause of this mess? Because of some toothpowder that I gave Loli and Jacinta, telling them it would raise them up in the air…” (Ibid.)

‘[/i]Practical joke’ or not, the villagers and other devotees had been promised a miracle by two of the ‘seers’ which would take place within a specific time, before the end of the year. When the year ended and still nothing had happened, the crowds had begun to get angry with them or stop believing altogether. In desperation those ‘seers’ had then resorted to trickery and deception but had been caught. That is not what a harmless ‘practical joke’ looks like.

14. The suspiciously large number of apparitions.
With the apparitions we know to be genuine, Our Lady appeared only a relatively small number of times. With bogus apparitions such as Medjugorje, it is a huge number of times. That is no doubt because bogus ‘seers’ need to stay relevant and keep their followers from getting bored and wondering off in search of fresh sensational novelties. In a genuine apparition, the Mother of God has a simple message and does not waste time or words in delivering it.

These apparitions happened in more than one location and as many as 2,000 times according to some estimations. Conchita’s mother said that she was aware of “hundreds of them” (“Garabandal: The Village Speaks” p.185). Not very helpfully, Conchita Gonzalez herself was unable to say, when asked by an Irish TV host, how many times the Blessed Mother appeared, replying merely: “I don’t remember, but a lot of times.” Too many to remember, in other words! (See: https://youtu.be/_5ClSXVm1vE 3:16 - 3:27)

What had started off as apparitions every other day or every few days, quickly became every day and before long several times a day: “The visions of the children of Garabandal could not be counted by days. Beginning from July [1961] they began to increase so that they frequently occurred several times each day. The time of the ecstasies varied greatly. Sometimes they occurred at the first ray of dawn, sometimes after dinner. For a long period the usual time for the ecstasies to take place was between seven and nine in the evening. Later they began to occur during the night, ending at times at five o’clock in the morning. (See: “[i]She Went in Haste to the Mountain[/i]” I, Ch.5 p.59).

Some of these “apparitions” only lasted a couple of minutes, so that the ‘Blessed Virgin Mary’ could deliver some tiny message about some relatively trivial day-to-day detail, including when she was going to appear next (so… apparitions about apparitions?); some of the longer ones even had intermissions so that they could rest!

“There also was much variation in the duration of the ecstasies. Sometimes they lasted only a short time, from two to five minutes. This occurred on few occasions, and always with the purpose of some advice or information with regard to the visions themselves, as:

Today I will not come, since they are singing so much, or I will come to see you at such an hour. But ordinarily they lasted a half hour or more. Sometimes (recalling the time when Loli was in ecstasy from nine at night until five in the morning) the ecstasies were interrupted for a time, as a pause for resting between visions. 

And the duration of these Conchita Gonzalez appearing on ‘The Late, Late Show’ with Gay Byrne, Irish TV, 1970s interludes varied, as in the case just mentioned, when there were two intermissions lasting about an hour and a half. ” (Ibid.) The ‘apparitions’ would happen in all sorts of different places, too: in the house, at the pines, in the church, in the streets, at the cemetery. (See: “Garabandal: The Village Speaks” p.187).

15. The apparitions are remarkably chatty.
From the evidence of the main “seer” herself, it seems as though the “Virgin Mary” indulged in idle chit-chat and small talk and took a while to finally get to the point. From the same television interview:

Interviewer: What did you talk about to her?

Conchita: The first time we talked about a lot of things.”  (https://youtu.be/_5ClSXVm1vE)

She told the same story about a chatty Virgin Mary to the housemistress at her boarding school only a couple of years later:

We talked to her about everything, even about our cows . . . She laughed very much. We also played together.” (Interview with Sr. Maria Nieves, 29th October, 1966)

And from Conchita’s diary, July 1961:

That day we talked much with the Virgin, And she talked with us. We told her everything. We told her that we walked to the pastures, that we were tanned, that we took the hay to the barns. And she laughed. We told her about so many things!”  (Quoted in “She Went in Haste to the Mountain” I, Ch.3 p.65)

Are we to believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary came from heaven with an urgent message for all humanity and then spent hours chatting to the girls about their suntan or the local farm economy? In a similar way, even the supposed “Archangel Michael” chats to the girls. As one of them put it, “the Angel was in a mood to speak without restriction too.” (Ibid.) At one point he even compliments them on the whiteness of their teeth!

16. The ‘seers’ themselves admitted that they faked ecstasies.
They did, of course, maintain that some of their ‘ecstasies’ were real, they weren’t all fake! A priest who was himself a believer in the apparitions, Fr. Jose Ramon Garcia de la Riva, recounts how he caught them faking ecstasy and that when he confronted them about it, they turned red and admitted to him that this was not the only time when they had been pretending, but that they had: “only pretended when there were trusted people and residents of the village present.” Concerning this issue of fake ecstasies, Conchita’s diary says that: “We never faked the entire ecstasy.” So that’s alright then! (See: “She Went in Haste to the Mountain” II, Ch.2 p.59).

17. The visionaries retracted their claims more than once.
For instance, in 1961 Conchita signed a sworn statement in the presence of the bishop, that she had not seen the Virgin Mary or received messages from her. She also promised that she would not have any more apparitions or even talk about what she had done. From that moment her ‘apparitions’ and ‘ecstasies,’ which up to that point had been happening multiple times a day and wherever she happened to be, including in one of the main city streets of Santander, suddenly stopped!

Sadly, a little while later, once she returned to Garabandal and the three other girls, she spectacularly went back on her word. (“She Went in Haste to the Mountain” I, Ch.6, p.146 ff.). In 1966 she again signed a statement denying that any of it had really taken place. The other ‘seers’ also retracted their claims, but none of them ever kept to their word for very long.

The girls even went to confession and confessed to having lied and made up the apparitions, although Conchita would later claim that she had been lying in the confessional. One cannot really see a way out of this one: either they lied and made up the apparitions, or they lied in their written sworn statements and in the confessional.

During the month of 1963 … we even denied that we had seen the Virgin. We even went one day to confess it. When we went to confession, it was without thinking about it, without believing that it was a sin. We went because the parish priest told us that we should go to confession. And we, I don't know how it was, well . . . We doubted a little, but a doubt of a type that seems from the devil, who wants us to deny the Virgin. … In my heart, I was surprised to say these things. But my conscience was completely calm about having seen the Most Holy Virgin. ” (Conchita’s diary, quoted in: “She Went in Haste to the Mountain” III, p.110)

18. All four ‘seers’ physically abandoned Garabandal.
According to the “message” which they conveyed to the world, everyone in the world will have to make his own way to Garabandal so as to be physically present there when the time comes. And yet not one of the four ‘seers’ remained in that place herself. Surely the fact that three of the four went to live in the United States wouldn’t make a lot of sense if their message were true? Conchita has her main home in Long Island and is said to own another house in Fatima (By the by, how many of us have the financial means to own a second home in Fatima?! How the other half lives...).

19. There is a suspicious lack of suffering.
This is at first difficult to pinpoint, but it is nonetheless there throughout. Both psychological and physical suffering of the prolonged type one sees in the lives of St. Bernadette or the three children of Fatima are rather conspicuous by their absence. We have already seen how the four girls went on to marry and lead what appear to be comfortable, middle-class lives.

Even psychological suffering caused by the disbelief and ridicule of those around them in their immediate circle, which one might reasonably expect to have happened, is not really evident. Indeed, it is remarkable how quickly and easily the girls’ story was accepted and how little opposition it appears to have encountered. There is some talk of an initial scepticism, but it never reached anything like the violent pitch which the children of Fatima experienced, nor was it anything like as prolonged. On the contrary, almost from the very start everyone around them believes their story and treats them with special consideration as a result. As early as 3rd July 1961, a mere two weeks in, we are told for instance, that not only their own parents but all the other children at school and even their teacher treated them virtually as though they were living Saints:

“And then we went to the school. At the class we met our schoolmistress Serafina Gómez. She began crying and kissed us saying, ‘How lucky you are,’ etc. When we left the classroom everybody was talking about the same thing. All were very impressed and happy. And they believed very much. And our family felt the same way. As for Loli’s family, her father Ceferino said, There’s never been anything like this. It was the same also with her mother Julia. And Maria the mother of Jacinta, believed very much too, and her father Simón even more. If we performed some practical joke, Jacinta’s father would say that the apostles had done the same. And he would begin to explain the things we did; to him it appeared that everything we did was good.” (Conchita’s diary, quoted in: “She Went in Haste to the Mountain” I, Ch.4 p.70)

Doesn’t it sound as though their “visions” and “experiences” had gained the girls a privileged life and even a free pass for bad behaviour in the eyes of their parents? And yet, is it not the case that the friends of God can expect to suffer the more and that a life free of suffering is generally regarded by the Saints as not auguring well for eternity? Does this special treatment not also provide a ready-made motive for fraud, dishonesty and sensationalism? As usual, it is instructive to compare this with the experience of St.  Bernadette of Lourdes or with the three children of Fatima.

20. Reliance of Garabandal’s proponents on half-truths, lies and deceptions.
There are too many to list them all here, but here is just one example. It was claimed that Padre Pio had written a letter to Conchita endorsing her fantastical tales. But Padre Pio was given a clear order by his superiors in 1924 not to write to anyone, an order which he obeyed to the day he died, meaning that this claim cannot possibly be true:

“Letters supposed to have been written by him after 1924 are AUTOMATICALLY SPURIOUS by the very fact that Padre Pio scrupulously and reverently obeyed his superiors who forbade him to write after that year.” (Rev. Fr. Charles Mortimer Carty, “Padre Pio: The Stigmatist”, TAN, 1973)

The point is not merely that the supporters of Garabandal put out this kind of misleading propaganda. The point is why they feel the need to do so. Surely a genuine apparition would never need to rely on such trickery?

* * * * *

We could go on and fill pages with such examples. Any one of these things might be explained away on its own, but taken as a whole can they all be explained away? One is left with the impression that there is always a clever answer on hand to wriggle out of it. Joey Lomangino now has heavenly vision, you know, in heaven. This or that failed prophecy wasn’t part of the official message of Garabandal, it was only what the children said. And so on and so forth.

Very well. Ask yourself this: can you imagine any of these convoluted word games in relation to Fatima? With regard to Lourdes? ‘Oh yes, the Blessed Virgin said there’d be water there, and it turns out there isn’t any water, but maybe it’s somehow just heavenly water which we can’t see…” It is ludicrous. What is the point in prophecies or messages if they require so much effort to explain why they didn’t really fail? Doesn’t that rather defeat the object?

It is also perhaps worth noting in passing that almost all the sources used here are, as far as possible, from the supporters and proponents of Garabandal. Let nobody claim that we have only sought out evidence from the apparitions opponents. “The Village Speaks” contains the words of villagers in the late ’60s or early ’70s who believed in the apparitions. “She Went in Haste to the Mountain” is a big three-volume work by a priest who believed in the apparitions and whose sole object is to promote Garabandal. One website which carries the entire book as a pdf describes it as: “the Bible of Garabandal.” Most of the idiocies, contradictions and other crazy things which we have already noted were found there. Indeed, there are so many insane, crazy, idiotic things in those pages that no critic would ever need to lie about Garabandal!

So what is the verdict? Lies and fakery, or something more sinister from the devil? Who knows. I think one can afford to leave that question open: after all one can often detect that one is being lied to without knowing what the truth of the matter is. And besides, those two options aren’t mutually exclusive - why couldn’t it be both? Why wouldn’t the devil make full use of lies and fakery on that scale? Is it reasonable to expect the average person to dig through all of this and work it out on his own? No. That is why the Church decides, in the person of the local ordinary of the diocese. Let us return to this point and emphasise it one last time. Two successive diocesan bishops before Vatican II condemned this and forbade people from having anything to do with it, two more during the mid-1960s and every bishop since then has repeated the condemnation. In the sixty-one years since this began, there hasn’t been a bishop of Santander who hasn’t condemned in some way or other. That surely is as far as anyone need go. It is a fake apparition which has been condemned by the Church. Case closed.

And yet Bishop Williamson actively promotes it among his followers. The reader will look in vain for any mention of the Church’s condemnation in Eleison Comments - it doesn’t even get a passing mention. Why might that be? To ask such a question is to answer it.

[God] offers an extraordinary event, freeing them from all confusion, before they have to answer at death for how they will have spent their lives. What a grace! And it will be confirmed by the great Miracle, due to take place in Garabandal itself, and exceeding the miracle of the sun spinning, in 1917, at Fatima.

And that surely is another important point: notice that Fatima is almost, as it were, superseded, pushed into the background by the sensationalism of Garabandal. It is no longer current, no longer relevant. Genuine apparitions, genuine messages from heaven are always the main losers wherever false ones appear the winners. How many of us have known otherwise wellmeaning Novus Ordo Catholics who have ended up going to places like Medjugorje or Garabandal instead of going to, say, Lourdes or Fatima? False apparitions will always make gains at the expense of genuine ones. That is one reason why the devil has always trafficked in them. For Bishop Williamson to believe in this nonsense himself is bad enough. For him to continue to promote it publicly is truly delinquent.

* * * * *

“Are we not in these latter times when the devil employs every means to disperse us, to tear us apart, to divide us, so as to reduce the flock to nothing? In these critical moments, we must remain with that which is surest. We must avoid doubtful things.”
(Archbishop Lefebvre, 2nd May 1976)

“It is to my sorrow that I see you overly preoccupied with extraordinary visions. The Holy Father [Pius IX] does not put his trust in the imaginations of women; do likewise. Have confidence in God and live the Faith without becoming passionately fond of revelations. What is more worthy than all the prophecies is the certitude that the Faith gives us, that we are in the hands of God, and that not one hair will fall from our head without His permission. Bearing this always in mind, we remain in peace in the midst of all worldly tribulations.”
(Fr. A. V. Jandel OP, Superior General of the Dominicans)

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  Historic Alberta Catholic church burns to ground in ‘suspicious’ incident
Posted by: Stone - 08-30-2022, 05:30 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Historic Alberta Catholic church burns to ground in ‘suspicious’ incident
A First Nation chief said people should not take their ‘frustration and anger and disappointment on the house of the Lord.’

[Image: Canada-church-fire-810x500.png]

Historic Catholic church burns to the ground in Alberta. Facebook

Aug 29, 2022
FORT CHIPEWYAN, Alberta (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) – One of the oldest standing Catholic churches in the Canadian province of Alberta was terrifyingly reduced to ashes late last week in what police are deeming a “suspicious” incident.

The destruction of yet another historic Catholic church in Canada happened last Thursday in the remote northern Alberta town of Fort Chipewyan. The fire saw the 113-year-old Catholic church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin reduced to nothing but its burned-out foundation. The church was built by the Oblate missionaries in 1909.

Police had been notified of the fire in the early morning hours on Thursday, and officers along with the Fort Chipewyan Fire Department as well as Alberta Forestry helped put the fire out before it spread to nearby buildings.

While officials have stated that the overall cause of the fire is not yet clear, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the inferno is being treated as “suspicious.”

“We do believe it suspicious,” RCMP spokesperson Corporal Troy Savinkoff told the media.

“But we’re still investigating to see what the potential cause of the fire is,” he added.

RCMP have also said that there were no reported threats directed to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Church before the incident. There were no injuries reported and the investigation is ongoing.

Since the spring of 2021, over 100 churches, most of them Catholic, have either been burned or vandalized across Canada. The attacks on the churches came about shortly after the discovery of unmarked graves at now-closed residential schools once run by the Church in parts of Canada in the spring of last year.

Last year, the mainstream media ran with the inflammatory claims that hundreds of children were buried and disregarded by Catholic priests and nuns who ran some of the schools.

This resulted in mass church burnings across Canada.

First Nation Chief: People should not take their ‘frustration and anger and disappointment on the house of the Lord’

Allan Adam, the First Nation Chief for Athabasca Chipewyan, live-streamed the fire on his Facebook page. In the video, Adam could be seen helping firefighters put out the blaze.

A visibly disturbed Adam said with the sound of fire in the background, “Over 100 years in history, gone up in flames.”

“This was uncalled for. This was a beautiful church.”

In a statement sent to APTN News, Adam said that people should not take their “frustration and anger and disappointment on the house of the Lord.”

“A lot of history went through there, a lot of our elders’ memories are in my head will only be there now because every time I walk across there won’t be a church standing there,” Adam noted.

The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) released a statement concerning the church fire.

“ACFN Chief and Council are saddened by the loss of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Roman Catholic Church in Fort Chipewyan,” the statement said.

“The church, built in 1909, has been a part of the community for over one hundred years, and even though the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the Roman Catholic Church is complicated the loss of the church will be deeply felt in the community.”

Canada’s Residential School system was a structure of boarding schools funded by the Canadian government that ran from the late 19th century until the last school closed in 1996.

Some schools were run by Catholic religious orders that had settled in Canada. While there were indeed some Catholics who committed serious abuses against native children, the past wrongs led to anti-Catholic sentiment, which exploded last summer after the discovery of the “unmarked” graves in Kamloops, British Columbia.

When it comes to the reported discovery of unmarked graves at the Kamloops Residential School, recent emerging evidence undermines the mainstream media and government narrative that the Catholic Church was secretly burying children.

In July, Pope Francis made an Apostolic “pilgrimage” to Canada, visiting exclusively first nations peoples in Alberta and Quebec. While in Quebec, he joined a pagan “smudging” ritual before he gave a lengthy speech  where he conveyed “deep shame and sorrow” for the role played by Catholic Church members in government-funded residential school abuses.

The Pope made the apology even though the fact a recent investigation from January 2022 found that despite the allegations of “physical genocide” on the part of the Church, no graves have been found.

Canadian Catholic prelates have continued to comply with media and government pressure to apologize for the church’s roles in the residential school system.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last year waited weeks before acknowledging the church vandalism, and when he did speak, he said it is “understandable” that churches have been burned, also saying it is “unacceptable and wrong.”  He later also demanded that Pope Francis apologize.

The Kamloops school was financed by the Canadian government. Reports from the past show how the Canadian government ignored reports from 1907 that the schools were in “prime conditions” for the “outbreak of epidemics.”

However, the reality of the situation is that the first “unmarked graves” might have only been “depressions and abnormalities in the soil of an apple orchard near the school.”

Also, the death records themselves from the Residential Schools after a government investigation showed that the unmarked graves where burials took place were claimed to have been accounted for and were not exclusively used for only native Canadians.

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