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  Vatican warning: Germany's ‘Synodal Way’ poses ‘threat to the unity of the Church’
Posted by: Stone - 07-21-2022, 02:53 PM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Vatican warning: Germany's ‘Synodal Way’ poses ‘threat to the unity of the Church’

NCR [adapted] | Jul 21, 2022

The Vatican has issued another warning of a new schism from Germany coming out of the “Synodal Way."

“The ‘Synodal Way’ in Germany does not have the power to compel bishops and the faithful to adopt new forms of governance and new orientations of doctrine and morals,” the Vatican said in an official statement published in Italian and German on Thursday.

The Holy See said it seemed “necessary to clarify” this, in order to “safeguard the freedom of the People of God and the exercise of the episcopal ministry."

The Vatican warned: “It would not be permissible to introduce new official structures or doctrines in dioceses before an agreement had been reached at the level of the universal Church, which would constitute a violation of ecclesial communion and a threat to the unity of the Church.”

The “Synodal Way” — Synodaler Weg in German, sometimes translated as “Synodal Path” — is a controversial process initiated by Cardinal Reinhard Marx. Organized by the German Bishops' Conference together with the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), its aim is to discuss four main topics: the way power is exercised in the Church; the priesthood; the role of women, and sexual morality.

Writing about the process, Pope Francis warned of disunity in his letter to German Catholics in 2019.

Cardinal Walter Kasper, a German theologian considered close to Pope Francis, in June 2022 warned that the German process is at risk of “breaking its own neck” if it does not heed the objections raised by a growing number of bishops around the world.

In April, more than 100 cardinals and bishops from around the world released a "fraternal open letter" to Germany's bishops, warning that sweeping changes to Church teaching advocated by the process may lead to schism.

In March, an open letter from the Nordic bishops expressed alarm at the German process, and in February, a strongly-worded letter from the president of Poland’s Catholic bishops' conference raised serious concerns.

The president of the German bishops' conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg, has repeatedly rejected any and all concerns, instead expressing disappointment in Pope Francis in May 2022.

More recently, another organizer of the German process said the “Synodal Way” wanted to change the Church’s teaching on homosexuality by proposing “a conscious statement against the current Catholic catechism."

He pointed to a text which not only contained comments about changing views on homosexuality but also about masturbation, marriage, sexual lust, and other related topics pertinent to Catholic doctrine.

In the statement published Thursday, the Vatican repeated a passage from the pope’s letter published in 2019, wherein Francis had warned — in German — of particular Churches being “separated from the universal Church," adding that in such instances “they would weaken, perish and die.”

The Holy See said proposals from Germany should rather “flow into the synodal process of the universal Church, in order to contribute to mutual enrichment and to give witness to the unity with which the Body of the Church manifests its fidelity to Christ the Lord.”

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  Pope defends participation in Paris Climate Agreement, says ‘mother earth’ is at ‘breaking point’
Posted by: Stone - 07-21-2022, 02:48 PM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope defends participation in Paris Climate Agreement, says ‘mother earth’ is at ‘breaking point’
The Pope doubled down on his authorization of the Vatican’s joining of the pro-abortion Paris Agreement, 
saying ‘it is necessary for all of us to act decisively.’

[Image: GettyImages-619459418-810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis

Jul 21, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis released a message Thursday for the upcoming “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation,” warning that the planet is “reaching ‘a breaking point’” while describing the prayer event as “an opportunity to cultivate our ecological conversion.”

Notably, the Pope’s message also included a call for the implementation of the pro-abortion, pro-contraception Paris Climate Agreement as he defended his authorisation of the Vatican’s recent joining of the Agreement.

‘Mother Earth’ is issuing a ‘chorus of cries’

Published Thursday, Francis’ message centers on listening to “the voice of creation,” which he said has turned from a “sweet song in praise of our beloved Creator” to “an anguished plea, lamenting our mistreatment of this our common home.”

Describing the international prayer event, which runs from September 1 to October 4 (concluding on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi), the Pontiff said it is “a special time for all Christians to pray and work together to care for our common home,” placing heavy emphasis on the painful “chorus of cries” exclaimed by “our sister, mother earth.”

“Prey to our consumerist excesses, she [‘mother earth’] weeps and implores us to put an end to our abuses and to her destruction,” Francis lamented, personifying the created world in paganistic terms. He also mourned an apparent “tyrannical anthropocentrism” – quoting from his own 2015 ecology-centred encyclical Laudato si’ – by which “predatory economic interests” and the supposed invasion of ancestral lands have wrought the “climate crisis.”

“Listening to these anguished cries, we must repent and modify our lifestyles and destructive systems,” the Pope exhorted, imploring Catholics as “persons of faith” to “the ecological conversion needed to bring about lasting change,” again quoting himself.

The Pope’s message follows comments delivered on July 6, wherein he warned of the “urgent need to reduce the consumption not only of fossil fuels but also of so many superfluous things,” encouraging young people to eat less meat to “help save the environment.” [...]

Defending Vatican’s joining of the Paris Agreement

Later in his message, the Pope turned his attention to his recent formal authorization of the Vatican to join the Paris Climate Agreement, an international contract purportedly aimed at reducing global average temperatures, but which includes as part of its goals the expansion of abortion and contraception, among other population control measures.

READ: Vatican joins Paris Climate Agreement despite inclusion of abortion, population control agendas

Despite the myriad anti-Catholic principles of the Agreement, Francis said that the forthcoming COP27 summit on climate change in Egypt “represents the next opportunity for all to join in promoting the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.”

“It is necessary for all of us to act decisively. For we are reaching “a breaking point,’” Francis claimed.

Indeed, the Holy Father defended his signing of the Agreement as the Holy See “having generously shouldered its grave responsibilities” regarding the “care of creation.” He suggested that “a covenant between human beings and the environment” should underpin the pro-abortion Agreement.

The text of the Agreement also pays lip service to issues relating to “human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations” together with its climate agenda.

In addition, one of the Sustainable Development Goals sets out to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” including the following target, to be achieved by 2030: “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.” [...]

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  WEF proposes ‘space bubbles’ to block sun’s ‘rays’ in fight against ‘global warming’
Posted by: Stone - 07-21-2022, 05:11 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

World Economic Forum proposes ‘space bubbles’ to block sun’s ‘rays’ in fight against ‘global warming’
'By reflecting the sun’s heat away from earth, scientists say cutting out just 1.8% of the sun’s rays would fully reverse global warming,' according to the World Economic Forum's bizarre new video.

[Image: video-810x500.png]

Wed Jul 20, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) — The World Economic Forum posted a video to social media saying scientists are considering launching a “Brazil-sized” raft into space to reflect some of the sun’s rays to counteract so-called global warming.

“MIT scientists say ‘space bubbles’ could help reverse climate change,” opens the recently uploaded video titled “Could a Brazil-sized space raft help reverse global warming?”

“By reflecting the sun’s heat away from earth, scientists say cutting out just 1.8% of the sun’s rays would fully reverse global warming,” continues the video, adding that it may still be “several years before space bubbles might be put to use, making the task of decarbonizing life on Earth no less urgent.”

Explaining how the scientists would blot out the sun’s rays, the video claims that the “bubbles would be manufactured in space by robots” and would “form a ‘raft’ about the size of Brazil.”

“This [raft] would be placed at a Lagrange point, that is, a point in space where the sun and earth’s gravity balance each other out,” the video outlines.

“This would keep the raft fixed in position. This kind of large-scale solution to climate change is called geoengineering,” the globalist group adds.

According to the WEF, several “geoengineering” ideas have already been “proposed” by scientists, including “spraying aerosols into the upper atmosphere” for “churning up tiny bubbles on the ocean’s surface,” all with “the aim of reflecting solar radiation back into space.”

As reported by LifeSiteNews, the WEF is not alone in thinking blocking out the sun is a feasible or wise strategy for tackling so-called climate change.

Tech billionaire Bill Gates has also floated the idea in the past, as well as other radical ideas such as reducing “greenhouse gas emissions” to “zero,” drastically reducing the human consumption of meat, and even using remote-controlled microchip contraceptives.

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  Fr. Hewko answers a 'frequently asked question' on the issue of Grace and the New Mass
Posted by: Stone - 07-20-2022, 11:20 AM - Forum: Rev. Father David Hewko - Replies (1)

Fr. Hewko answers a 'frequently asked question' on the issue of Grace and the New Mass

Fr. Hewko has been asked many times over the years to clarify his position warning the faithful and other priests against Bp. Williamson's false teaching that the New Mass gives grace and that it does not necessarily have to be avoided [see here and here for Bp. Williamson's own words on the subject].

As many of you know, this new teaching stirred up quite a bit of confusion, contradicting both what Bp. Williamson himself used to say on the subject and what the SSPX always taught, namely, that the New Mass was "objectively sacrilegious." 

While Father Hewko has spoken of this topic many times in sermons and writings since Bp. Williamson began preaching this error in 2015, he understands that over time things are forgotten. Father has asked that his recent response to this issue be published as a help to this often-asked question. 

So in an effort to clear the mists of confusion which endangers souls, here is some clarity:

Quote:Firstly, Fr. [...] is wrong in saying I condemned Bp. Williamson and called him a heretic. This never happened. What is true, is I have called his opinions on the New Mass erroneous and dangerous to the Faith, both to priests and faithful.

In no place, that I am aware of, did Abp. Lefebvre ever say "the New Mass nourishes your faith" and "gives grace," as Bp. Williamson did numerous times. I do hold that the theological position of Bp. Williamson is a wrong opinion and I completely submit my opinion to the Church's decision on these matters, when God grants us a good Pope. But until then, I side with Abp. Lefebvre who never hesitated to call the New Mass a "Messe batarde" an "illegitimate Mass" and one that erodes the Faith rather than nourishes it!

Does the New Mass gives grace? Abp. Lefebvre said it is sterile and doesn't pass the grace. A sacrament is defined in the traditional catechism as "an external sign, instituted by Christ, that gives grace." This is presupposing the "sign" is a Catholic sign, and not tampered and modified to give a Protestant and Modernist expression. The New Mass expresses a sign that is no longer Catholic, but Modernist. This is because the New Mass incorporates some Catholic elements, some Protestant elements and some Modernist elements, all combined into one liturgical action. So, taken as a whole, the sign expressed in the New Mass is a Modernist sign, a Modernist Liturgy, one that no longer expressing the Catholic Faith!

Consequently, it can be debated at the theological level if this New Mass, expressing a non-Catholic sign, actually confers grace, even if it be valid at times. It appears Abp. Lefebvre never thought it did. Bp. Williamson holds that if it is valid then it automatically gives grace. Perhaps, one could argue that POTENTIALLY it could give grace (if it's valid), but ACTUALLY it doesn't, in many cases, because of the lack of dispositions necessary. This, because the priest and many attending the New Mass, have a non-Catholic understanding of the Mass, and if it's merely a "symbol of the faith of the community," as is taught by Modernists, then their lack of Faith and proper dispositions, blocks the transfer of grace in their souls. In this case, for many souls, the New Mass doesn't give grace.

As I said, perhaps there's room to debate at the theological level, but at the practical level, it is extremely dangerous for clergy to promote the erroneous opinion that "the New Mass gives grace" because uninformed souls will take this as a green light to attend it and put their Faith in grave danger! Even Abp. Lefebvre said that he believed the New Mass doesn't fulfill the Sunday obligation, precisely because it expresses a different Faith from Tradition. "Lex orandi, lex credendi," as the axiom from St. Vincent Lerins says, "as we pray, so we believe." If we pray as Catholics, we will believe as Catholics; if we pray as Protestants and Modernists, we will believe as Protestants and Modernists!

I have never condemned Bp. Williamson, who I respect and honor as a seminary professor and the bishop of my ordination, but yes, I have publicly warned souls against the erroneous opinions that he promotes because it is contrary to Abp. Lefebvre's position and for the obvious danger such a message presents. As Fr. Carl Pulvermacher, O.F.M. used to put it, "Do you need proof the New Mass doesn't give grace? Look at the catastrophic fruits! There's your proof! As Christ said, 'By their fruits you will know them.'"

After all is said and done, it is ultimately Mother Church who will authoritatively decide on these matters, when she returns to Tradition, and on this point, I'm sure we all agree and eagerly await. What will Mother Church decide when that day comes? How will she judge the New Mass and New sacraments? We shall see. But it is my humble opinion, that it will be a close repetition of her decision on the Anglican orders, which were all declared invalid (and therefore not grace-giving) by Pope Leo XIII in "Apostolicae Curae" in 1896. Why? Because the Anglican adaptations to the Mass and sacrament of Holy Orders expressed a faith different from the Catholic Faith. This alone sufficed to make them invalid. Do not the New Mass changes do the same?

Tribute to Fr. [...] who did publicly oppose Bp. Williamson's opinion on this point, and warned of the great dangers of the New Mass and Indult Masses, and continues heroically taking care of the scattered souls everywhere, in the aftermath of Vatican II.

Tribute to Bishop Williamson, who in spite of promoting some erroneous opinions and signing the petition to remove the "excommunication" that never was, did at least consecrate bishops for Tradition, which the Conciliar-SSPX bishops will never do. Pray they ALL return to the unwavering stand of Abp. Marcel Lefebvre!

The time of the Church's return to Tradition will come. Until then, Abp. Lefebvre was proven right on many other things, I'll take his side on this point as well. "In doctrinal matters defined by the Church, full consent; in matters of custom, respect; in debatable matters of opinion, always charity."

In Christ the King,

Fr. David Hewko

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  Fr. Hesse: Cardinal Stickler says Protestants 'created' the New Mass
Posted by: Stone - 07-20-2022, 06:35 AM - Forum: Add'nl Clergy - No Replies

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  Pope Francis to participate in ‘purification’ ritual with Indigenous people during visit to Canada
Posted by: Stone - 07-19-2022, 07:10 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis to participate in ‘purification’ ritual with Indigenous people during visit to Canada
A priest of the Archdiocese of Calgary defended the planned 'smudging' as ‘a ritual of purification’ to make the space 'more hospitable' and compared it to the use of sacramentals.

[Image: pope-in-slovakia-810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis in Slovakia

Jul 18, 2022 (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) – During his July visit to Canada, Pope Francis is scheduled to partake in pagan ceremonies with Indigenous peoples.

According to Crux, Father Cristino Bouvette of the Archdiocese of Calgary plans for Pope Francis to participate in a pagan “smudging” ceremony and pray facing all four directions, according to Indigenous traditions.

During the Pope’s visit to Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples, an elder will process into the church holding a bowl of smoldering cedar, sage, sweetgrass, and tobacco to reportedly purify the church.

“The smudge that is being proposed at Sacred Heart holds a two-fold purpose:

1) To show recognition of the ritual in an observable/public way; and
2) As a ritual of purification in the space itself as a gesture of making the space ‘more hospitable’ to welcome the Holy Father as he arrives,” Bouvette wrote in an email to Crux.

Bouvette acknowledged that “smudging” is not a Catholic tradition but maintained that it is “certainly not contrary to it.”

“For Indigenous Catholics to see the Holy Father welcomed to some place like Sacred Heart Church by having smudged the space first, or facing the four directions to offer his blessing — as simple as those gestures may seem — clearly demonstrates a sensitivity on his part to their traditions which, though outside of any particular Catholic expression of faith, are certainly not contrary to it,” he wrote to Crux.

“Certain ‘pagan’ practices would be ‘sacrilegious’ because they either make a mockery of our faith or dangerously open one up to the spiritual order where one has no control over what enters or attaches,” he admitted. “There are a variety of Indigenous rituals such as this which I have intentionally left off the table from the beginning.”

“In a Catholic context, we could see the ritual of smudging as being akin to the use of certain of our sacramentals which are borne for personal, spiritual purposes, such as wearing the scapular or anointing with the oil of St. Joseph’s Oratory,” he added.

The cedar, sage, sweetgrass, and tobacco are “gifts of the Creator and therefore returned back to the Creator,” he claimed.

“Personal purification or the purification of the space where the smudge is happening are the exclusive purposes of the ritual,” he said, without explaining what people were being purified from or how burning herbs could spiritually purify a person.

“Usually, the person doing the smudging would use a feather or branch to direct the smoke toward participants who use their hands to welcome it as a sign of their desire to cleanse their minds and hearts. However, Bouvette said, at Sacred Heart the elder will smudge the church itself but will not direct the smoke toward the pope,” Crux reported.

In addition to being an Indigenous tradition, the “smudging” ceremony is practiced in witchcraft and wicca.

According to Bouvette, Pope Francis might also pray facing all four directions, which is another Indigenous practice.

“We do not pray ‘to’ the four directions — we pray only to God, the creator,” he clarified, arguing the movement is “similar to the ancient Christian appreciation of directional orientation — like facing East at the altar as we await the second coming of Christ or facing north to proclaim the Gospel in the direction of darkness where the light of the sun does not pass.”

However, the Indigenous tradition is not to pray facing all four directions but rather to pray to each direction, honoring them as deities or gods in themselves.

Bouvette further justified his claim with comments that have no history as Catholic tradition, saying that praying in all directions “serves as a reminder of the omnipresence of the Creator and that all creation belongs to him.”

“Each direction is also aligned with the stages of human life: infants and children to the east; adolescents and young adults to the south; parents and middle-aged to the west; and our elders to the north,” he added.

“In addition to recognizing the dignity of all human life, it also demonstrates a humble submission to the passage of time, following the direction of the sun in the sky, to which we all must submit ourselves if we seek to live in harmony and peace,” Bouvette claimed.

Pachamama scandal

This is not the first time that Francis will have partaken in pagan practices. During the 2019 Amazonian Synod, the pope participated in a ceremony in which Pachamama statues were venerated. Pachamama, whose name literally means “Mother Earth,” is the pagan goddess of fertility who demands child sacrifice. Her cult is still practiced within the Andes of South America,

The idolatry took place in the Vatican Gardens in the presence of Pope Francis during a tree-planting ceremony, in which pagan shamans led participants in a dance around a Pachamama statue, then offered incense, knelt, and bowed down to the ground in homage.

The statue was subsequently carried in procession during a public prayer of the Stations of the Cross in Rome, was given a place of prominence in the official conference hall for the Synod Fathers, and copies were placed on the altars of Santa Maria in Transpontina.

Additionally, in Laudato Si, Francis purported a new environmental paganism by introducing a new category of “sins against the earth” to be introduced into moral theology.

Such “sins” in turn give rise to an apparent need for “environmental conversion” and “reparation to the earth.” Critics say these at best are pious euphemisms for accepting the climate-change propaganda of globalists who include in their abortion and population control agenda; at worst they are an outright pagan divinization of nature.

Pope Francis said in his interview with Télam that Laudato Si was planned to be written for the Paris climate conference, claiming “nature is paying us back” for “slapping” it.   

Controversy over upcoming papal visit to Canada

The Pope has described his upcoming visit to Canada as a “penitential pilgrimage.” His recent meetings with Indigenous leaders have been focused primarily around the Church’s involvement in Canada’s nation-wide residential school system in the 19th and 20th centuries, which saw indigenous children unjustly removed from their families, and taken to the schools for the supposed purpose of education and assimilation into the non-indigenous culture.

The schools were largely run by the Catholic Church, although by no means were they exclusively under Catholic care only, as other Christian denominations also ran some of the schools.

The seized children were prevented from speaking their native tongue or from engaging in their cultural practices from home.

Once attendance at the schools became mandatory in the 1920s, children were forcibly removed from their families and parents threatened with prison if they did not comply. Upon arrival at the school, children rarely saw their families, with many disappearing or never seeing their families again.

Catholic author Michael O’Brien, who attended residential schools and presented testimony to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, previously told LifeSiteNews that the chief underlying issue in the residential school saga was the institutional abuse of children by removing them from their families by the state authorities and then taken to the schools, noting the “long-term psychological and social effects of this.”

Furthermore, residential schools were severely underfunded, meaning that children did not receive sufficient medical care. These children often suffered from excessively high rates of tuberculosis. From 1910 through 1920, child mortality rates were consistently high. Additionally, the Department of Indian Affairs often refused to ship home the bodies of children who died at the government-mandated schools, meaning they were frequently buried on site.

In May 2021, media outlets began publishing stories about the alleged discovery of unmarked graves at the former schools. However, more recent investigations in January 2022 found that despite the allegations of “physical genocide” on the part of the Church, no graves have actually been found.

Accusations of murder and genocide have been levied against the Church over its role in the residential schools, particularly since start of the May 2021 media coverage of the alleged unmarked graves. A series of church burnings began across Canada in an apparent attack of retaliation on the Catholic Church. At least five of the vandalized or burned churches were Catholic churches that specifically belong to First Nations communities.

Pope Francis plans to “meet individually with delegations of Canadian indigenous peoples, accompanied by their Bishops, to listen to their testimonies.”

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  Message by Archbishop Viganò to the Participants of the Procession of Reparation in Reggio Emilia
Posted by: Stone - 07-19-2022, 06:11 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Procession of Reparation in Reggio Emilia: Message and Video by Archbishop Viganò
4 Luglio 2022 Pubblicato da Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, we receive and gladly publish Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s message to the participants in procession of reparation in Reggio Emilia. Enjoy reading and good listening.


MESSAGE to the participants in the procession of reparation of the Blessed Giovanna Scopelli Association

Reggio Emilia -2 July 2022

Dear Faithful, Laudetur lesus Christus – Praised be Jesus Christ!

For those who are participating in this evening’s procession of reparation, and especially for the participants who are less young, it seems almost incredible that in the course of a few decades Italy could have been transformed in such a radical way, cancelling the legacy of Catholicism that made her great and prosperous among nations. We are witnessing a process -apparently irreversible – of apostasy of the Faith; a process which is the opposite of what St. Leo the Great described in celebrating the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, in which he praised the providential role of the Alma Urbe, the beloved City of Rome: having been a teacher of error, Rome became a disciple of the Truth, wrote the great Pontiff. Today we could say, with the dismay of children betrayed by their father, that the Rome of the Martyrs and Saints having been a teacher of Truth, has become a disciple of error. Because the present apostasy, which involves civil and religious authority in a rebellion against God the Creator and Redeemer, did not start from below, but from the top.

Those who govern public affairs as well as the Pastors of the Church show that they are obedient to the anti-gospel of the world, and while refusing to pay due respect to Christ the King and obedience to His holy Will, they bend their knees before the new idols of political correctness and burn incense before the simulacrum of a humanity brutalized by vice and sin. Those who today lead the people in temporal and spiritual things have as their purpose not the common good of citizens and the salvation of the souls of the faithful, but their corruption, their damnation. And the masses, having abandoned the way of honesty, righteousness and holiness, abandon themselves to deception, corruption and infernal revolt against God.

It is not surprising to see the obscene manifestations of “Pride” along the streets of the cities: the public space that the aberrant have conquered in recent decades had been abandoned well before by Catholics, whose clergy considered processions in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, the Blessed Virgin, and Patron Saints as ostentations of “post-Tridentine triumphalism.”

It is not surprising to see the legalization of divorce, abortion, euthanasia, sodomitic unions and all the worst that a deviant and insane humanity is capable: if this has happened, it is because Catholics were told that they could not impose their own vision of the world and of society, and that they would have to coexist, in the name of democracy and freedom, with the enemies of Christ. And it was a deception, because the tolerance that they demanded of the Christian majority of the country is no longer allowed, and everyone must submit to the dictatorship of aligned thought, gender ideology, and LGBTQ doctrine. Don’t you remember? Marriage was not questioned, but we were asked to accept civil unions. And once the interest groups had been given legitimacy, the door was opened to same-sex marriage, adoptions for same-sex couples, surrogate motherhood, postnatal abortion, and euthanasia imposed in some nations even on young people and the poor.

Scelesta turba clamitat: Regnare Christum nolumus, we sing in the hymn Te Saeculorum Principem for the feast of Christ the King. The delirious rabble shouts: We do not want Christ to reign. That infernal cry, inspired by Satan, is perhaps the only honest thing they can say. And it is true: in the social Kingdom of Christ there is no place for vice; there can be no legitimacy for sin nor tolerance for the corruption of young people. Our adversaries know well that the Civitas Dei and the civitas diaboli are enemies, and that any coexistence is not only impossible but unthinkable and absurd, since Christian society is antithetical and irreconcilable with “secular” society.

You have gathered to give public witness to the Faith, with the intention of making reparation for the sacrileges and blasphemies of the scelesta turba against Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother. Because in the face of the cruel and obscene hatred of these rebellious souls we must follow the example of the Lord, outraged by His executioners at the same moment that He sacrificed Himself on the Cross for their salvation. It is in fact Christ himself, with His Incarnation, Passion and Death, who first made reparation for the infinite sins of men towards the eternal Father. For only a God could atone for disobedience to God, and only a Man could offer this reparation in the name of mankind. And we too, who are living members of the Mystical Body of Christ which is the Holy Church, can and must make reparation for the offenses and sins of our fellow human beings with the same spirit, the same obedience, and the same trusting abandonment to the Father.

And while we look with sorrow at the multitude of sins erected as a model to be imitated by a society that is against man precisely because it is against God, the duty of Charity requires us to pray for those who have allowed themselves to be seduced by the deception of the Serpent, so that they may convert and repent. The inclusive world they promised you; the supposed freedom to be and do what you want regardless of the Law of the Lord; the license and vice that is celebrated and the virtue that is mocked and discredited – these are all lies, just as the promise, “You will be like gods,” that Satan made to our first parents in the earthly paradise was also a lie.

I address myself to those who are taking part in these manifestations of so-called “gay pride.” No: you will not be like gods; you will be like beasts. You will not have happiness; you will have pain, illness, and death – eternal death. You will not have peace; you will have discord and quarrels and wars. You will not have prosperity; you will have poverty. You will not be free; you will be slaves. And this will happen indefectibly, because the Liar is a murderer from the beginning, and he wants your death, erasing in your eyes the image of God, stealing from you that blessed eternity that he first lost with his own rebellion. Because the first to sin by pride was Lucifer, with his Non serviam – I will not bend; I will not bow to God; I will not recognize Him as my Lord and Creator. How can you hope that he who hates the Author of life can love you who are His creatures? How can you believe that the one who has been condemned to eternal damnation could be capable of promising you that eternal bliss of which he was the first to be forever deprived?

This procession must not be an occasion for confrontation, but rather an opportunity to show the many people deceived by the Evil One that there exists a people who are animated by sentiments of Faith and Charity, a people which with generosity and with a supernatural gaze offers its prayers, fasts, and sacrifices to implore forgiveness for the sins of their brothers. Charity, founded on the immutable Truth of God, is a tremendous weapon against Satan and an infallible instrument to convert the world and bring many souls back to the Lord. Bring them back to the One who shed his blood even for them, out of love – an infinite, irrevocable love, a love that conquers the world, a love that moves mountains, a love that gives meaning to our life and does not frustrate our existence.

When we see the image of the Savior nailed to the Cross and think of the torments he suffered to ransom and redeem us, we cannot remain insensitive, just as the pagans, idolaters, and sinners of past centuries have not remained insensitive. Societies corrupt in intellect and will, given over to the worst vices, and ensnared by false religions have been conquered by that love – indeed: by that Charity – which led the Martyrs, even children, women and the elderly not to react against their executioners, so as not to fail in God’s love. How many have been converted by seeing Christians die with dignity as they are persecuted for their faith! How many have been baptized after witnessing the example of Christians and the simple Truth of the Gospel!

And so let us carry out this reparation. Let us do it with a supernatural spirit, convinced that precisely in the humble following of Christ on the way to Calvary we will be able to lead many souls to Him who today are so far away. And the more we see the unleashing of the powers of Evil, let us persevere all the more in the Good and in the certainty of the victory of Christ, the true and only Light of the world, over the darkness of sin and death.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit with filial trust to infuse His holy Grace into sinners, to touch their hearts, enlighten their minds, and encourage their will. So that those who have hitherto been teachers of error and examples of sin may, through the help and mercy of God and through the intercession of His Most Holy Mother and our Mother, be disciples of truth and an example of virtue. And so may it be.

+ Carlo Maria Vigano, Archbishop

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  Archbishop Lefebvre and the Vatican by Fr. François Laisney [1988]
Posted by: Stone - 07-18-2022, 06:03 PM - Forum: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre - Replies (68)

From the archives of the 'traditional' SSPX before it became the 'Conciliar' SSPX:

Archbishop Lefebvre and the Vatican
by Fr. François Laisney

Preface to the First Edition

Much has been written by many people on the subject of the consecrations of bishops performed by their Excellencies Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer on June 30, 1988. Many documents were not available in English at that time, which made it difficult for some to understand the reasons for this “Operation Survival” of Tradition.

We have made a great effort to collect all the relevant documents. We present the most complete dossier now available. A few documents have already been published in our special issue of The Angelus in July 19882, but are reprinted here for the sake of continuity in the events. We refer the reader to this issue for other excellent documents such as the Declaration of Bishop de Castro Mayer [included in the second edition], the canonical study of Fr. Rudolf Kaschewsky.

In Part II of this volume we have added a few other documents surrounding the relations between Archbishop Lefebvre and the Vatican. Unfortunately too many conservative Catholics do not want to face reality, or they dream of a better world than the one we live in. They may be conscious of the errors taught by the bishops in America, but do not want to see their source in Vatican II and their support in Rome. These documents may help them to realize the gravity of the crisis of the Church, and how this crisis is just the application of the false principles of Religious Liberty, Ecumenism and Collegiality introduced at the Second Vatican Council. They will also realize that, unfortunately, in Rome there is the will to abide with these false principles, and to impose them on Dom Gérard and those who want to go with the May 5th Protocol, thus introducing the poison into the apple.

My comments, boldfaced and in a different typestyle, have been added either before or after the text of the documents.

The first impression one receives in reading these documents, other newspapers, commentaries, declarations and private letters, is that the Vatican and Archbishop Lefebvre are not on the same wavelength. Right from the beginning Archbishop Lefebvre takes his stand on Faith: he wants the continuation of the transmission of the Deposit of Faith, in all its entirety and purity; he wants the continuation of the most perfect expression of the Catholic Faith which is in the traditional liturgy, most apt to give the graces needed by the faithful for the salvation of their souls; he did not blind himself, refusing to see the crisis of the Faith in so many souls poisoned by the conciliar reforms. He was convinced that the best service he could render to the Church and to the Pope himself was to fulfil his mission as a successor of the Apostles, transmitting the Faith to the next generation, without giving up under the pressures of the modernists who have infiltrated even the Roman Curia. This is why he asked to provide shepherds, successors of the Apostles, for the continuation of this mission; no request was more legitimate. The faithful could see this at the level of Faith; one wrote to me: “My Catholic sense tells me that Archbishop Lefebvre has done what had to be done in these strange and most serious times in the Church, and that he is not opposed to the Pope, but rather is more united to him than many others; his orthodoxy in doctrine and Liturgy is impeccable, his break is with Modernism...” This was a reaction of the sensus fidei.

On the other hand, many of those who have criticized him based themselves on Church politics. “Could he not have trusted God a little more and tested the agreement at least for a time? Then, if Rome did all the dire things that were predicted, it would have been time enough to risk excommunication.”3

This was not a reaction of Faith, but of Church politics. If there had been a risk of valid excommunication, Archbishop Lefebvre would never have done it; it is only because he was convinced that such an action was necessary from a motive of Faith, for a real necessity for the good of the Church, and therefore legitimate, that he did it. Convinced it was good, he did it publicly, not hiding as others who conferred episcopal consecrations in a completely different context. Those in the Roman Curia who wanted to please both Archbishop Lefebvre and the local bishops were at that level too.

Others, even after more than 20 years of being deceived “in the name of obedience,” still do not realize that “Satan’s masterstroke is to have succeeded in sowing disobedience to all Tradition through obedience.” They have not yet learned by experience what St. Peter, the first Pope, said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.” St. Thomas teaches that obedience is a moral virtue, thus in between a default (disobedience) and an excess (servility); in two simple questions of his Summa Theologica, he masterfully exposes the solution to the dilemma of these souls: IIa IIæ Q.104, A.4: “Should we obey God in everything? Yes.” A.5:

Should the subjects obey their superiors in everything? Sed contra is what is said in the Acts of the Apostles, “we ought to obey God rather than man.” But sometimes the precepts of the prelates (sic) are against God. Therefore one must not obey the prelates in everything….Therefore, one can distinguish three kinds of obedience: one sufficient to salvation, by which one obeys in the things he is obliged to; a second one which is perfect, by which one obeys in all lawful things; a third one that is indiscreet (therefore sinful), by which one obeys even in the unlawful things.

He also teaches that there are many other virtues more important than obedience, such as faith, hope, charity, religion...Some have come to realize that obedience to the local bishop is not a theological virtue, but they still consider that obedience to the pope is a theological virtue (one against which there cannot be an excess). The history of the Church and the lives of the saints show that this is not true. Since the supreme authority has been given by Our Lord to Peter in order to transmit the deposit of Faith, the best obedience to the pope is to do what is necessary for the transmission of the Faith, especially when so many strive to distort this Faith.

I hope that this book will help the reader to strengthen his Faith and fight the good fight as St. Paul, who said at the end of his life:

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the Faith. As to the rest there is laid up for me a crown of justice which the Lord, the Just Judge, will render me in that day: and not only to me, but to them also that love His coming (II Tim. 4:7‑8).

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Guardian of the Faith, “terrible as an army in array,” lead us in this good fight, knowing that “he who shall persevere until the end, this one shall be saved” (Mt. 24:13).

Fr. François Laisney

December 8, 1988

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

2. Available from Angelus Press, 2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64109.
3. The Remnant, Aug. 15, 1988, p.7.

✠ ✠ ✠

Preface to the Second Edition

The fact that the first edition of this book was quickly exhausted manifests the demand for the full documentation regarding one of the most important moments of the 20th century for the Roman Catholic Church, the episcopal consecrations of four Bishops by Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer on June 30, 1988.

This second edition adds in the first part some important documents not available at the time of the first edition, though none of these documents are essential. I mainly added the missing documents up to June 30, mostly letters between the Vatican and Archbishop Lefebvre. However I added some comments to the letter of May 6, and to the motu proprio Ecclesia Dei.

I restricted myself to add only two more documents after the Consecrations. First, the article of Fr. Paul Crane; being not in favor of the Consecrations, he cannot be accused of partiality, yet he points out very well one core element of the decision of Archbishop Lefebvre: Courage! Fortitude! Second, a letter from Fr. Bisig showing how the Society of St. Peter positively encourages people to go to the New Mass.

Many more documents could have been added concerning the implementation of the motu proprio Ecclesia Dei, but I think this should be the subject of a whole book. That would be beyond the scope of this one. Suffice to say here that those who had at first questioned the prudence of Archbishop Lefebvre’s decision have now come to see the wisdom of his decision.

It is easier to destroy than to build. Archbishop Lefebvre had been a builder when so many others were either destroying or letting destroy. He could not let the future of the spiritual edifice of so many souls who had kept Tradition or returned to it, in the hands of those destroyers. He had been a good shepherd who took care of the abandoned and wounded souls when so many bad shepherds were either mercenaries or wolves in shepherds’ clothes. He could not let the sheep in the care of these mercenaries or wolves. As a successor of the Apostles, his duty was to provide some good builders, some good shepherds for them; he asked for the Pope’s approval which was given to him theoretically on May 5, 1988, but with no date and no definite candidate to consecrate. When he asked for a concrete date, conciliar Rome screamed that he was breaking the negotiations. Conscious of his duty towards God and towards these souls, he provided these good shepherds. By their fruits you shall know them.

May their work be fruitful through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls.

Fr. François Laisney

June 9, 1994

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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  The Abomination of Desolation in Machabees and in the Present
Posted by: Stone - 07-18-2022, 04:25 PM - Forum: Articles by Catholic authors - No Replies

The Abomination of Desolation in Machabees and in the Present

Catholics often talk about the "end of the world". This has been so since the very time of Christ on earth. The disciples of Jesus once asked Him, "What shall be the sign of Thy coming and of the consummation (that is, the end) of the world?" (Matt 24:3) Every year in the Liturgy at the end of November, we hear readings at Mass about the end of the world, and the final coming of Christ.

So you see, our talking about the end of the world, although it may be frightening or mysterious, still it is not something unimportant or mistaken or superstitious. Notice that the disciples asked Jesus, not when will be the end, but what sign shall there be of Thy coming, and of the end of the world? For we know from Jesus that the day or the hour of the end is God's secret. But as for the signs of it, Jesus does speak abundantly, especially in the end-of-the-world discourse in the Matthew, Mark and Luke Gospels. We call this discourse eschatology, which means the study of the eschata, which is Greek for the Last Things. These are, in tradition, four things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.

[Image: F007_AntiochEntersSanctuaryr001.jpg]

Above, the pagan King Antiochus boldly enters the sanctuary. Below, an unfaithful Jew comes to sacrifices to pagan gods at an altar

[Image: F007_AdoringIdols003.jpg]

One of the most significant signs of the end of the world will be the so-called abomination of desolation. Jesus himself says this in Matthew 24:15. He says that Prophet Daniel predicted the abomination of desolation and he adds, "He that readeth, let him understand."

This means that some of us must read Prophet Daniel, and also books I and 2 of the Machabees at the end of the Old Testament because these books also speak of the abomination actually happening, for example in I Machabees 6, verse 7.

There we read that the conquering faithful Jewish army had re-taken Jerusalem, and they had "thrown down the abomination from the altar" in the temple. These words indicate the abomination was some kind of pagan statue that the pagans and the pagan-minded, unfaithful Jews had set up on the holy Temple altar.

It also suggests what other Bible evidence shows, that the abomination or evil sacrilegious thing is the abolition, the doing away with, of the daily, holy sacrifice on the Temple altar, and the substitution of a false-god statue with some false sacrifice or worship, on the holy altar.

This would be a most grave mortal sin against the First Commandment, which says, "I am the Lord, thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me." In I Machabees, we read that the cruel pagan King Antiochus invaded Jerusalem, entered the holy Temple, stole or destroyed all the holy vessels for worship, and forbade the Jews to offer their usual sacrifices, holocausts and atonements. He also killed many of the Jews. So we read in I Mac 1:30 to 60.

Sacrificing upon the altar of the idol

King Antiochus, it is written further, and I quote verse 57, "set up the abominable idol of desolation upon the altar of God, and his soldiers built more such altars all around Judea." They also burned the holy books of the law of God, and any Jew found keeping such scriptural books was put to death. Then the writer tells us that "on the 25th day of the month, they sacrificed upon the altar of the idol that was over against the altar of God." (I Mac. 1:62).

I ask you to take note of those expressions: upon the altar and over against the altar. They suggest a practice in most Catholic churches since the 1960's where they still had retained the old high altar for the traditional Latin Mass. They constructed a new altar, usually table-like, and placed it in front of the old one, in the open sanctuary space. Looking at this new altar from the nave, we could say that it is over against the old altar, and is intended, not for the old Latin, Tridentine Mass, but for the new rite, or Novus Ordo Mass in English.

[Image: F007_NationalCathedral.jpg]

The first step was to place a table-altar in front of the old high altar. Later, there would be only the table - often modern and extravagent, below

[Image: F007_Immaculate_Conception_Bloomfield_Interior.jpg]

This arrangement is still the case in some major churches where the old high altar is a historic work of art, and must not be removed or changed. We see from these remarks the meaning of abomination. It is an evil pagan ceremony or statue or practice that disgracefully replaces the true and holy symbols and ceremonies of the true God. It is sacrilegious, that is, violating a sacred place or thing or person. It is also blasphemous, that is, offensive and contemptuous to God Himself.

The Meaning of Desolation

What then, does desolation mean? We read in 1 Mac 1:39 "(The enemy) defiled the holy place, the (faithful) inhabitants of Jerusalem fled away, and the (Temple) sanctuary was desolate like a wilderness." There we have it: desolation means being desolate, being abandoned by good people, and worse, being abandoned by God and by His grace. In the time of the Machabees, the Jewish people were tiring of their old religion; they were dabbling in paganism, and being attracted or deceived or forced into real apostasy, that is, the rejection of their religious Judaic Faith. They became idolaters, that is, worshippers of idols or false gods.

I hope my reader is patiently attending to all I say, to all these perhaps tedious details. Why pay attention? Because disasters and temptations similar to these which afflicted the Jews in the second century B.C. [Before Christ], could also afflict us Christians in a later period. Are such evils of apostasy and sacrilege affecting the Catholic world today? Does what I tell you of 2nd century B.C. Jerusalem make you think of late 20th century Catholicism?

Are we Catholics under severe political and popular cultural pressure to abandon the good traditional Catholic habits of up to the 1950's under Pope Pius XII? Is all this talk and promotion of ecumenism causing us to water down our Catholic firmness? Do we look benignly on the false and diabolical pagan religions? Do we smile at Islamism, which is so ambivalent and often cruel towards Christians? Do we favor Judaism, which stubbornly refuses, even after 2,000 years of holy Christian evidence, to recognize Jesus as Messiah? Do we encourage those Jewish leaders who keep suggesting the epithet anti-Semitic against Christians? Are the Jews doing this to distract public attention from their own stance, which may be truly anti-Christian?

We must also mention the secular leaders and spokesmen who strive to ban all talk of God from the public scene. They scoff at religious truth as being subjective and irrelevant in the public affairs of peoples. They make some mythical "Man" the be-all and the end-all of real life. They privately laugh at talk of Heaven and Hell, and life after death. All these foregoing pressures, policies and plans in the world around us are a real possible corruption and corrosion to our Catholic Faith. We, and especially our children, are likely to fall into various sins because of them, even if not outright apostasy.

Well, huge numbers of Jews at the time of the Machabees were doing just that. They discarded the laws of God; they took up idolatry and sacrilege in the then-current frenzy of ecumenism toward pagan ways. They were aiding and abetting the abomination of desolation in their midst, though possibly unawares. But it had been foretold by Prophet Daniel around 580 BC. We saw that Jesus credits Daniel for that prophecy.

[Image: F007_Angel.jpg]

A angel weeps for the Church: Today we face an abomination of desolation on the altar and in the Church

But Jesus also shows that there will be another abomination of desolation in the end times of the world. There may also have been partial abominations in the past Church History, such as the grievous Arian heresy in the fourth century, or the Protestant revolt in the 16th century. Some scholars think the Jews had a second abomination of desolation in the time of the revolt, 66 to 73 AD. This is not recorded in Scripture. But the abomination at the end times is indeed predicted in Scripture by Jesus Christ Himself, not to mention by St. Paul.

One thing that St. Paul does tell us is that Old Testament disasters and punishments upon the ancient Israelites or Jews were a sign and a lesson not only to them, but also to us Catholics of this new and present age. He writes to the Corinthian Christians about the sins and sufferings of the Israelites in their passage through the Red Sea and the Sinai desert toward the Promised Land. And he adds this comment for us:
"These (marvelous and grievous) things were done (to the Israelites) in a figure of us, that we should not covet evil things as they also coveted ... all these things happened to them in figure: and they are written for our correction, upon whom the end of the world (that is, the last times) are come. Wherefore, he that thinketh himself to stand, let him take heed lest he fall ... fly from the service of idols." (1 Cor 10: 6-14).

Fulfillment of the Abomination of Desolation in Our Times

The point for us to remember is the real correlation between Old and New Testaments in God's saving actions. One writer says it thus:
Quote:"Christ is saying, look for a hidden fulfillment or replication of the Old Testament abomination of desolation in these New Testament times. The end-time abomination will not replicate exactly the former one in every respect, but will so substantially resemble the former as to be recognizable to those who are looking with eyes of faith" (E. DeStafinis p. 2).

There is a particular point of resemblance between the Machabees abomination and a similar phenomenon in our own time. I underlined it earlier to you. It is the placing of a new altar upon the old altar of God or sanctuary, and placing it over against the old altar. This was common practice with us Catholics in the 1970's and 1980's. Since then the old altar has been demolished and removed in the great majority of Churches.

Now you know that some theologians maintain that the new Roman Catholic order of Mass is clearly invalid, or may well be so, because of changes in the words of the Consecration of the chalice.

Lesser reasons for concerns are the watering down of the Collect Prayers, the removal of dozens of signs of reverence for the sacramental Body and Blood of the Victim Christ, the near-abolition of the Roman Canon with its rich and emphatic doctrine of Sacrifice, the loss of most of the Offertory prayers, the banishment of Gregorian Chant, and the orientation of the priest toward the people and away from God. Such a diminished and gutted liturgy could well point toward an abomination prompted by some demon sent to misguide the reform committee.

St. Bridget of Sweden, who lived till 1373 and founded the Bridgettine Sisters, was famed for her heavenly messages and prophecies. She predicted in these words, "In the year 1980 the wicked will prevail. They will sacrilegiously profane and defile the churches by erecting in them altars to idols and to anti-Christ whom they will worship and attempt to force others to do the same."

St. Bridget says this will occur in 1980. Now it was December 1, 1974 when Pope Paul made the Novus Ordo Mass mandatory in its final form. But Jesus was probably born in 6 BC according to the best calculations. This would make 1974 become 1980. St Bridget seems to have been right on target.

Another significant point is that the Jews never allowed women to officiate in the Jewish liturgy, and especially not in the Temple. The exception is the second century BC abomination, when, as one major Catholic commentator writes (on 2 Mac 6:4), "Then, they were all over the altar." Just as they are today in most Novus Ordo, progressivist parishes.

High Priests & Popes
[Opinion of Fr. Somerville regarding the Conciliar Popes - what would he say about Popes Benedict XVI and Francis?!]]

There is one final and disturbing correlation between the Machabees abomination and the present. It concerns the High Priests of the Temple.

The last valid high priest at the time of the apostasy was Onias III. He was succeeded invalidly through fraud and bribery by his brother Jason. It is Jason who launched the policy of syncretism, that is, uniting Jewish and Gentile religions. We would today call it ecumenism.

One Catholic commentary says Jason was known as "King Johnny," and wore a "broad brimmed hat". II Macabees says Jason was "an impious wretch and no priest." These points are strikingly echoed in the Catholic high priest after Pope Pius XII, that is, Pope John XXIII.

The next Jewish high priest was Menelaus, also seated by fraud. (2 Mac 4:23-25). Menalaus introduces the obligatory new "sacrifices" (6:7), and under him, Jews are "obliged to sacrifice" (v. 8). In this he resembles the next Pope, Paul VI, who introduced the new obligatory Mass.

The following High Priest is Lysimachus, also brother to Menelaus, and partaker in "many sacrileges" (4:39), the "sacrilegious fellow" being finally killed "beside the treasury", by his enemies. The next Pope, John Paul I, is also said to have been killed, but secretly, because of Vatican financial dealings.

The fourth and last in our series of high priests, is Alcimus, more clever and devious than the rest, who had, it is written, "willfully defiled himself...mingling with the heathens" (2 Mac 14:3). The Douai-Rheims Catholic Bible commentator writes, "For his apostasy here mentioned he was incapable of the High Priesthood." Alcimus was also known as the "the pious one." We reflect that the fourth Pope, John Paul II, has broken all records in fraternizing with pagans and other non-Christians, he is an accomplished actor, and is known as "Mary's Pope."

So ends the comparison between four ancient Jewish High Priests and four modern Catholic Popes. I have tried to do it in a restrained and documented way. If I have spoken falsely of any one, I regret it sincerely, and would welcome a clarification.

This comparison between high-priest and Pope is part of the comparison between the Machabees and present day Church, under the theme of abomination of desolation. Jesus himself predicts this final or end-time abomination, and he says, "He that readeth, let him understand.”

I have been reading much, and striving to understand. I hope that you have all learned to understand a little better this mystery of the final abomination from these present reflections.

All of us traditional Catholics see that the last four Popes, after Pope Pius XII, have to share serious responsibility for the grave troubles afflicting the Catholic Church today. Although many of the 260-plus Popes have become canonized saints for their holiness and heroism, there have been throughout Catholic History a considerable number of truly bad Popes. The last four of these are not the first four.

Holy Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

(This piece is based extensively on the article of Edward DiStafinis, “The False Worship and the False Popes of the Conciliar Church as prefigured in Machabees”)

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  True Mass vs. New Mass: Prophets foreshadow the True Mass; Heretics foreshadow the New Mass
Posted by: Stone - 07-18-2022, 03:45 PM - Forum: New Rite Sacraments - No Replies

NB: This YouTube Channel will sometimes post sermons of Fr. Hewko's, as was done here. However, the channel also promotes sedevacantist material so please note and avoid that if perusing their content. This is Fr. Hewko's sermon for Easter Monday, 2021.

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  Is Pope Francis denying a physical Hell as did Pope John Paul II?
Posted by: Stone - 07-18-2022, 02:41 PM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Some may remember Pope John Paul II (in)famously denying the existence of a physical Hell in a July 28, 1999 General Audience. 
It appears that Pope Francis has echoed the same opinion - perhaps for the second time:

About that Pope Francis ‘interview’ where he denied the existence of Hell
Pope Francis' fourth article with famed atheist Eugenio Scalfari was again 'reconstructed ... from memory,' the Vatican tells LifeSiteNews.

[Image: shutterstock_185212376-810x500-810x500.jpg]

Tue Mar 24, 2015
ROME, March 24, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) — Eugenio Scalfari, the famed atheist, has published a fourth article on a new interview with Pope Francis.  The controversial anti-Catholic’s previous ‘interviews’ with Pope Francis were published also on the Vatican’s website and listed as official interviews with the pope.

However, an October 2013 interview created a firestorm after which the Vatican pulled the interview from their site and Scalfari admitted that his writings are reconstructions from memory, as he does not use a recorder or take notes.  That interview had Pope Francis saying that the “most serious” evils are “youth unemployment and the loneliness of the old.”

Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi said at the time: “One may consider the interview to be reliable in a general sense but not word for word. This is not an official text of the Holy Father.”

The most recent interview, published March 15, is no exception.  In it Scalfari has the pope denying hell.  The article says: “What happens to that lost soul? Will it be punished? And how? The response of Francis is distinct and clear: there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul.  All the others will participate in the beatitude of living in the presence of the Father. The souls that are annihilated will not take part in that banquet; with the death of the body their journey is finished.”

The text does not have quotation marks around any of the statements attributed to the Holy Father. Moreover, the Vatican has not published this latest interview on their website.

Fr. Thomas Rosica, English-language assistant to the Holy See Press Office, told LifeSiteNews, “All official, final texts of the Holy Father are found on the Vatican website,” and since they were never published by the Holy See Press Office they “should not be considered official texts.” They were, said Fr. Rosica, “private discussions that took place and were never recorded by the journalist.”

“Mr. Scalfari reconstructed the interviews from memory,” Father Rosica added.

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  Catholic Story-Tellers
Posted by: Stone - 07-17-2022, 12:25 PM - Forum: Resources Online - Replies (85)

Commentary on this Story...

The Monkey under the Bed

Many were the legends of Mary of the Middle Ages. They were one avenue through which the people developed a childlike confidence in the Mother of God. For the fundamental object of all these incidents was one: to depict the great mercy of Christ’s Blessed Mother and to show the power of her intercession for the soul gone astray or the repentant sinner. Better than some doctrinal tract, they acted forcibly to teach the universally accepted truth that all God’s graces come to us through the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Charming are the legends of Mary in the literature of Church chronicles. For legend at that time did not mean some tale or fable. It signified a real event or occurrence, res legendae in Latin, a thing to be read. A story to be written down and told and believed. Great men of learning of the Church, like St. Alphonsus de Liguori and St. Francis de Sales, believed in these res legendae. They utilized them as a catechetical form of instruction, and wrote them in their books so that they could instruct the faithful and be read for all times.

To the dubious, St. Alphonsus directed these words:
Quote:“When an opinion tends in any way to the honor of the most Blessed Virgin, when it has some foundation, and is not repugnant to the faith nor to the decrees of the Church, nor to truth, the refusal to hold it or to oppose it because the reverse may be true shows little devotion to the Mother of God. Of the number of such as these I do not choose to be, nor do I wish my reader to be so, but rather of the number of those who fully and firmly believe all that can without error be believed of the greatness of Mary.” (The Glories of Mary)

I am a disciple of St. Alphonsus. So let me tell you a legend of Mary, and do not follow the path of the modern skeptic and dismiss it as a tale for children. Rather, let us ask Our Lady to restore to us that childlike confidence and sweet intimacy that fosters the virtue of hope and spirit of confidence, so much needed in our days, parched by the harsh and arid atmosphere of progressivism.

In the city of Naples in the early fifteenth century, a certain distinguished gentleman began to entertain the modern notions of the day critical of the Catholic Church. Soon he had abandoned the practice of the Faith and was causing great scandal among the faithful for his open ridicule of those who frequented the Sacraments and practiced popular pious devotions.

Nonetheless, his affairs prospered, as so often happens among the men of this world. He became famous for the marvelous feasts and parties that he frequently hosted in his palatial residence. Of particular interest to all was an unusual little steward who would serve the astonished guests. Dressed in a charming red velvet and gold braid vest and hat, serving plates with perfect propriety, and then offering charming displays of acrobatics, was none other than a grinning little monkey!

It was the talk of the city, and many the ladies who pleaded with their husbands to accept the invitations to a feast put on by the avowed agnostic so that they might witness the marvelous sight! Before too long, the gossip about the strange steward reached the ears of a parish priest renowned for his holiness and virtue. But instead of dismissing the talk or issuing warning about attending the parties of one so opposed to the Holy Church, the priest asked to receive an invitation to the next gala event to see for himself the truth of this talk.

The host at first desisted – none of those foolish, sour-faced clerics would set foot on his premises! But in the end, his spirit of pride conquered: he wanted to flaunt the feats and antics of his devoted little four-footed servant to the credulous priest. The invitation was issued. The evening arrived, and the priest rang at the bronze gates of the palace some time after the festivities had begun.

“A priest begging leave to enter my hall,” his jovial host remarked at his entrance. “Will wonders never cease! But, indeed, this is a house of wonders.”

“Yes, so I have heard,” the priest calmly replied. “And truly I must say I am interested to see this amazing sight of a monkey who serves a man.”

The host immediately rang his special silver bell that called his peculiar steward to his presence. But the monkey, who only moments before had been charming a group of ladies with his antics, did not appear. The baffled host shook his head in amazement. This was the first time it had failed to respond to his call. The priest insisted: he had come expressly to see this strange sight and would not be deprived of the pleasure. The host called again. No reply. The monkey seemed to have disappeared. A search of the house was made, and finally the creature was discovered, shaking in his velvet suit under the bed of the host. It was dragged out from under the bed, the little creature trembling and struggling to escape the presence of the priest.

“Now,” the priest demanded, “I command you in the name of the Almighty God, Three in One, to tell your master who you are and what is your purpose in this house.” Forced to obey, the furious, still trembling monkey spat out these words to his shocked master: “I am no ordinary beast. I am a demon from hell who has taken on the form of a monkey who attends to your every bid and call. And so I do, but I await under your bed every night for the first night that you might leave off that abominable custom taught to you by your mother of saying three Hail Marys before you retire. For then, and only then, do I have permission to strangle you in your sleep and drag your soul to the eternal fires.”

With these words spoken, the writhing monkey disappeared. The arrogance and mocking manner of the host faded with the wretched creature. Ashen faced and shaken, he turned to the priest. “Ah, my fortunate man,” the holy man said. “For fortunate indeed you have been to have retained this small devotion to the Mother of Mercies, who never abandons even the most wretched who have recourse to her.” He heard the confession of the man, who became a model of faith in the city and was especially renowned for his tender devotion to the Virgin Mary.


How many of us in our journey through life have felt the presence of a monkey under our beds? And how many of us have experienced the goodness and mercy of Mary, who until the end of the world will never cease relieving the miseries of man and flying to their aid to return them to the path of truth, the Holy Catholic Church? The Mother of Mercy, she stays the hand of justice of her divine Son for all who invoke her, even for three Hail Marys.

This story is proof of the words of St. Bernardine de Bustis: “This great Lady is more desirous to grant us graces than we are desirous to receive them.”

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  Gregorian Propers for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Posted by: Stone - 07-17-2022, 08:32 AM - Forum: Pentecost - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

[Image: bHRpdHVkZS5qcGc]

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Introit • Score • Dominus fortitudo plebis suae
Gradual • Score • Convertere Domine aliquantulum
Alleluia • Score • In te Domine speravi
Offertory • Score • Perfice gressus meos
Communion • Score • Circuibo et immolabo

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  Savannah Bishop announces end of Latin Masses, cowardly blaming the Vatican
Posted by: Stone - 07-17-2022, 08:02 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Savannah Bishop announces end of Latin Masses, cowardly blaming the Vatican

Rorate Caeli | July 16, 2022


"The Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Savannah was the first Cathedral in the US to have a TLM starting in December of 2007. After almost 15 years we are being moved out of Cathedral and all of the Masses in the diocese (three monthly Masses in addition to the weekly Savannah Mass) will be shuttered as of May 2023, as per the orders of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments."


July 15, 2022

Memorial of St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Dear Friends in Christ,

Glória in excélsis Deo.
Et in terra pax homínibus bonæ voluntátis.

Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
LUKE 2:14

As the birth of the Messiah was announced to the shepherds in the fields outside Bethlehem, the angels proclaimed these words with great joy. In answer to this heavenly invitation, the shepherds went in haste to the place of Christ’s birth and were overcome with emotion as they encountered the living God. Kneeling in reverence and adoration, they were drawn into the mystery of a relationship with this newborn child, and departed from Him with the gift of hope. Witnessing their response to her son as she shared Him with the world for the first time, Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart (Luke 2:19).

At every Mass, we encounter the living God in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. At every Mass, we are invited into an intimate relationship with Christ through the proclamation of the Word of God and the beauty of the mystery of transubstantiation. At every Mass, we are given the opportunity to be drawn into the incredible mystery of our Catholic faith, to adore the Lord with reverence, and to be filled with hope…to celebrate that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Every encounter with Him is an opportunity to respond like the shepherds: to be transformed by His love and sacrifice, and to celebrate our oneness with the universal Church.

One year ago, Pope Francis issued a motu proprio entitled Traditionis custodes, which offered guidelines for the celebration of the Eucharist according to the Missale Romanum of 1962. My initial response to these guidelines was shared in a letter to the faithful on November 4, 2021. The following month, the Vatican asked that Bishops wishing to continue the celebration of the Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 in their diocese request permission to do so.

After prayer and discernment, I wrote to the Congregation for Divine Worship (now the Dicastery for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments) in mid-April to request permissions for specific parish churches in our diocese. In late May, I received a response from Rome containing the following:

The Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 may be celebrated at the parish of Sacred Heart (*) in Savannah on a weekly basis until May 20, 2023.

The Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 may be celebrated at the parishes of Most Holy Trinity in Augusta, St. Joseph in Macon and St. Anthony of Padua in Ray City on a monthly basis until May 20, 2023.

* In implementing the permissions granted by the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, please note that the Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 will no longer be celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist as of Sunday, August 7, 2022. As of that date, the Mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart parish (1707 Bull Street, Savannah) at 1pm on Sundays. I am confident that Sacred Heart parish provides an appropriate and intimate place for worship and the parish leadership will be attentive to the pastoral needs of those who attend the 1pm Mass there.

I am grateful to the Dicastery for granting the above permissions so that Masses according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 may continue to be celebrated for another year. Since my appointment as your Bishop, I have been present at Masses celebrated with this Missal, and I recognize the reverence and beauty of these liturgies. I am also aware that the eventual cessation of these Masses will be difficult for many of the faithful in our Diocese. Please know of my pastoral concern for you. Along with Fr. Allan McDonald (Bishop’s Delegate for Mass in the Extraordinary Form), the Priests who celebrate these Masses will accompany the attendees in the coming months as the transition is made to Mass in conformity with the decrees of the Second Vatican Council.

The shepherds were led in awe and wonder to the manger. With the same reverent spirit, we are invited to an intimate encounter with Christ at every Eucharistic celebration, when we become “one body and one spirit” with Him. Our unified worship as the Body of Christ gives glory to God, strengthens our faith, and ultimately prepares us for the life to come. Let us pray for the maternal help of the Blessed Mother as our Diocesan family walks as one to implement the directives of the Holy See. As we, like her, reflect in our hearts, may we be filled with the gifts of peace and hope for the future, open to union with God and fellowship with one another.

Be assured of my prayers for you, your loved ones and your intentions. Thank you for whispering my name to God as well. May we meet in our prayers and Rejoice in the Lord always.

In Christ,

Most Reverend Stephen D. Parkes
Bishop of Savannah

[Rorate note: What a bunch of sugary nonsense. What condescending syrup of piffle! Here's hoping faithful priests will display bravery in the same proportion as this unfaithful bishop shows cowardliness by renouncing his powers of ordinary and delegating it all to the Vatican, as if he were some kind of impotent regional amanuensis. Honestly, lack of character hidden behind worthless cotton candy words is worse than plain brutality. Simply pathetic, Bishop Parkes.]

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  Australian meat and dairy could vanish if outbreak of foot and mouth disease occurs
Posted by: Stone - 07-16-2022, 08:47 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (1)

Foot and mouth disease Australia: Australian meat and dairy could vanish if outbreak occurs
Australians have been warned of essential items vanishing from supermarket shelves as the nation is on a knife’s edge over a worrying virus.

news.au.com [adapted] | July 16, 2022

As farmers wait on a knife’s edge to see if efforts to stop foot and mouth disease (FMD) from entering the country are successful, Australians have warned of the devastating havoc the disease could wreak if it gets here.

CEO of independent farming systems group, Riverine Plains, Catherine Marriott, says the looming threat has farmers and producers in a panic and that an outbreak could change the way Australian households shop and eat.

“You won’t be able to get milk, butter, cheese, yoghurt – all of that goes,” she told news.com.au.

“You wouldn’t be able to buy it and prices would go through the roof. If people think meat and dairy is expensive now … brace yourself.”

While FMD is relatively harmless to humans, it can have devastating effects on livestock and cloven-hoofed animals including cattle, pigs, buffalo, sheep, goats and deer. The highly contagious condition results in blisters that rots off the mouths and feet of infected animals.

While politicians say an FMD outbreak could cause a $80 billion hit to Australia’s economy, domestically, it would also cause “very, very real” supply chain issues, says Ms Marriott. Depending on the extent of the FMD outbreak, Australia would need to look at importing our beef, lamb and dairy products.

“Where do you fill that hole from? You just can’t,” says Ms Marriott.

“It’s a multifaceted challenge. People won’t be able to get meat, you’ve got an animal welfare nightmare and there’s not enough trained vets in Australia to deal with it.

“Australian families, eating and enjoying safe healthy Australian meat could be challenged significantly.”

[Image: 416ed0476d0280d9f9eb2a557091e87d]

Should Australia experience a FMD outbreak, supermarket meat sections could be left empty. Picture: Tony Gough

Dairy produced using Australian cows will also likely disappear from supermarkets.

This comes as both Coles and Woolworths announced have increased their prices on their homebranded milk offerings. From Friday, the major supermarkets will charged $1.60 for a litre of homebranded milk, $3.10 for two litres and $4.50 for a family-sized three litre. This marks an increase of 25c on the one litre, 50c for two litres and a 60c jump on three-litre bottles.

In a statement, Coles said they had to pass on the cost rises due to “agreed significant increases to wholesale prices”.

The price increase also comes as seasonal conditions in NSW have led to 30 to 40 per cent drops in milk yields, with natural disasters and skyrocketing input costs further impacting farmer profit margins.

A devastating knock-on effect

While the potential $80 billion economic impact will be horrific, Ms Marriott says the sheer scale of devastation is hard to envisage. Should a large-scale outbreak occur, she believes the“knock-on effect” could see countless businesses and producers go bankrupt.

“If it got out properly, you’re talking about people who have five generations of genetics and breeding,” she said.

“Because it’s so quickly to spread, they just euthanise all the animals when they find an outbreak, whether they’re showing symptoms or not.

“That was what was so devastating in Britain. They were shooting perfectly healthy stock because they just couldn’t afford for that disease to go rampant throughout the country.”

In order for cattle farmers to rebolster their herds, Ms Marriott says the price of replacement livestock will “go through the roof”.

She also stresses the emotional toll that farmers and producers will face, should they be forced to euthanise their herds. In some cases, this will decimate farmers who have placed generations into breeding and caring for their livestock.

“I’m walking down the street with a half-semi parked on my chest and I don’t even have livestock but I do work in that sector,” she said.

“It is so distressing to have to go around and put live stock down, to shoot the herds and see piles of burning livestock because the virus is just so virulent.

“That’s what’s stressing me and it’s going to send families and rural communities to the wall.”

Although vaccines offer some protection, there is no cure, with euthanasia the primary method of controlling an endemic. Feral pigs, goats and deer can also become FMD superspreaders, with isolation efforts near impossible, says Ms Marriott.

“We can all of out biosecurity plans in place and make sure that everyone washes when they come in, but the reality of it is that you get a bloody feral grunter come through and it just spreads it willy nilly,” she said.

$14m invested to stop the spread

In order to curb the spread, the government has invested $14 million in order to ensure FMD, and another virus called lumpy skin disease, doesn’t reach Australian shores and is able to be contained in Indonesia.

More than a third of the package is comprised of $5 million in immediate support to Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. $9 million has also been invested into strengthening Australia’s biosecurity measures, including more officers, in airports and mail centres.

“The highest-risk way of foot-and-mouth disease coming back in our country is actually through animal products, meat products and dairy products, being brought in, whether by postage or freight or any other means,” said Agricultural Minister Murray Watt.

“It is important we ramp up our staffing at mail centres as well as at airports.”

“We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to our farmers, and we owe it to all Australians to take this disease seriously.”

[Image: 7d44d212d37105030417c5fa70419188]

Biosecurity measures have been upgraded at Australian airports in order to stop FMD from entering the country. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gaye Gerard

However, Ms Marriott is hopeful that Australians will heed the call to arms. On Sunday, she shared a plea for Australians returning to Bali to take extra precautions in order to stop the spread of the “extremely cruel” disease.

“My ask is to please wash everything that you bring back. Better still, leave your clothes and shoes over there,” she said in the video she shared on Twitter.

“Support the local economy. Buy clothes over there and leave them over there. It’s how we’re going to keep you capacity to eat beautiful Australian meat safe for future generations.”

“I believe Australian people are genuinely good. I think so often people don’t actually understand the implications, and I (wanted my video) to help educate people,” she said.

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