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  Cardinal Cupich is shutting down ICKSP in Chicago?
Posted by: Stone - 07-16-2022, 08:19 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - Replies (6)

From gloria.tv (July 16, 2022):

Chicago: Is the Synodalist Attacking The Roman Mass Again?

Twitter’s ACatholicLife (July 16) has received two reports that the Roman Rite Institute of Christ the King is being expelled from the Chicago Archdiocese by Cardinal Cupich who is a rigid fighter against the Catholic Faith and Catholic Mass.

The shrine, a historic Catholic church built by the Carmelites, is in Woodlawn/Chicago where 98% of the population are black. It declined once the Carmelites started with social activism. The parish was closed in 2002. Two years later, Christ the King revived it with the Roman Rite. It is now the National Headquarters of the Institute’s American Province.

The church has been the site of protests against Cupich's measures against the Mass.[Emphasis mine.]

✠ ✠ ✠

From The Gray Report (July 15, 2022):

  • Blase Cardinal Cupich is Stripping the Institute of Christ the King of their Ability to Celebrate the Holy Mass in his Little Fiefdom, where their US Base is Headquartered – Effective August 1, 2022
  • Full Details to be Announced at Sunday Mass at the Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest on Woodlawn Ave., in Chicago [Emphasis mine.]

✠ ✠ ✠

The Institute's website notes that Chicago is indeed their headquarters:

Shrine of Christ the King, US Provincial Headquarters
The Institute of Christ the King's United States headquarters are located at the Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest in Chicago, where funds are being sought for its restoration.

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  We should worry about price of food more than petrol, warns BlackRock’s Fink
Posted by: Stone - 07-16-2022, 07:51 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

We should worry about price of food more than petrol, warns BlackRock’s Fink

todayuknews | July 16, 2022

The dramatic spikes in oil and mineral prices after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have distracted investors from the long-lasting and more dangerous impact of food inflation, BlackRock founder Larry Fink has warned.

“The one thing I worry about that we don’t talk enough about is food,” he told the Financial Times. “This isn’t just an inflation concern. There are also geopolitical concerns that result from this.”

The prices of energy, petrol and petroleum-based agricultural inputs shot up earlier this year when western nations imposed sanctions on Russia after the invasion. Grain and edible oil costs were also hit hard because Ukraine is a major exporter.

Oil has begun to drop back down this week to pre-invasion levels as traders brace for a sharp drop-off in consumption. But food price inflation remains stubbornly high. The US consumer price index figures for June show that the price of chicken parts and flour are each up close to 20 per cent year on year and margarine has jumped 34 per cent.

“We talk a lot about gasoline prices because that’s what affects Americans but the bigger issue is food,” Fink said. “There has been tremendous destruction of arable land in Ukraine…..Globally the cost of fertiliser is up almost 100 per cent and that additional cost is reducing the amount of fertiliser used in farming. That is harming the quality of the crop worldwide.”

Larry Fink: ‘This isn’t just an inflation concern. There are also geopolitical concerns that result from this’

Although lower oil prices have started to feed through to the price at the pump for motorists, consumer goods companies are continuing to see high input costs. Any drop in fertiliser prices is likely to come too late to boost this year’s food harvests.

The World Bank forecast after the invasion that global food prices would rise 20 per cent this year, far outpacing raw materials.

The impact is particularly grim in Africa, which usually imports grain from Ukraine as well as producing its own food. Fertiliser prices there have risen 300 per cent, and the continent is facing a shortage of 2mn metric tons, according to the African Development Bank. It has approved a $1.5bn programme to help farmers fill the gap but warns that total production could fall by 20 per cent this year.

Janet Yellen, the US Treasury secretary, said on Friday that the world was facing “an extremely difficult time for global food security” and urged the G20 group of leading nations to halt stockpiling and export restrictions on food and provide additional financial assistance to countries and people struggling with food insecurity.

Bill Gates, the philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder, flagged similar concerns this week, saying that the reduction in supplies of wheat, edible oils and other foods caused by the war in Ukraine was “driving up food prices, which will increase malnutrition and instability in low-income countries.” He noted in a blog post that improving agricultural productivity in Africa required “far more investment”.

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  Message from Pope Francis to the Participants of the EU Youth Conference
Posted by: Stone - 07-15-2022, 07:05 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

The Holy See


[PRAGUE, 11-13 JULY 2022]
[Emphasis in the original.]

Dear young people!

I am very happy to address you who are participating in the European Youth Conference. I would like to tell you something that is very close to my heart. Above all, I invite you to transform the “old continent” into a “new continent”, and this is only possible with you. I know that your generation has some good cards to play: you are attentive young people, less ideologized, accustomed to studying in other European countries, open to volunteering and sensitive to environmental issues.

This is why I feel there is hope.

As young Europeans, you have an important mission. If in the past your ancestors went to other continents, not always for noble interests, it is now up to you to present the world with a new face of Europe.

Regarding the origin of the name “Europe”, there are still no certain explanations. Among the various hypotheses, one is particularly suggestive: it goes back to the Greek words eurús ops, meaning “wide eye”, evoking the ability to see ahead and beyond. Europa, a mythological figure who made the gods fall in love with her, was called “the wide-eyed maiden”. So I also think of you, young Europeans, as people with a wide, open gaze, capable of looking ahead and beyond.

Perhaps you have heard of the initiative, launched in September 2019, called the Global Compact on Education. It is an alliance between educators around the world to educate the younger generations in fraternity. Seeing, however, how our world is being led by adults and elders, it seems that perhaps you should be the ones to educate adults in fraternity and peaceful coexistence!

Among the first commitments of the Educational Pact is to listen to children, adolescents and young people. So dear young people, make your voices heard! If they do not listen to you, shout even louder, make noise; you have every right to have your say on what concerns your future. I encourage you to be enterprising, creative and critical. You know that when a teacher has demanding, critical, attentive students in his class, he or she is stimulated to work harder and prepare better lessons.

In this Compact, there are no “givers” and “takers”, but all of us are called to educate ourselves in communion, as the Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire has suggested. So do not be afraid to be demanding. You have a right to receive the best for yourselves just as your educators have the duty to give the best of themselves.

Among the various proposals of the Global Compact on Education, I would like to recall two that I also noted in your Conference.

First, be open to acceptance, and hence to the value of inclusion. Don’t let yourselves be drawn into short-sighted ideologies that want to show others, those who are different from ourselves, as enemies. Others are an asset. The experience of the millions of European students who have taken part in the Erasmus Project testifies to the fact that encounters between people from different peoples help to open eyes, minds and hearts. It is good to have “a broad outlook” in order to be open up to others, and not discriminating against anyone, for any reason. Be in solidarity with everyone, not only with those who look like us, or give off an image of success, but with those who suffer, whatever their nationality or social status. Let us not forget that millions of Europeans in the past have had to emigrate to other continents in search of a future. I myself am the son of Italians who emigrated to Argentina.

The main objective of the Educational Pact is to educate everyone to a more fraternal life, based not on competitiveness but on solidarity. Your greatest aspiration, dear young people, should not be to enter elite educational environments, where only people with lots of money can be accepted. Such institutions often have an interest in maintaining the status quo, in training people to ensure that the system works the way it is. Rather, those schools that combine educational quality with service to others should be valued, since the purpose of education is personal growth directed towards the common good. These experiences of solidarity will change the world, not the “exclusive” (and exclusionary) experiences of elite schools. Excellence yes, but for all, not just for some.

I would encourage you to read my Encyclical Fratelli Tutti (3 October 2020) and the Document on Human Fraternity (4 February 2019), which I signed together with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar. I know that many Muslim universities and schools are reading these texts with interest, and so I hope you too will find them inspiring. Education, then, should have as its goal not only to “know oneself” but also to know others.

The other proposal I would like to mention concerns care for the common home.

Here too I was pleased to note that while previous generations talked a lot and concluded little, you on the other hand have been capable of concrete initiatives. That is why I say that this, more than ever, is the right time.  If you do not succeed in turning this self-destructive trend around, it will be difficult for others to do so in the future. Don’t let yourselves be seduced by the sirens that propose a life of luxury reserved for a small slice of the world. Instead, have that “broad outlook” that can take in all the rest of humanity, which is much bigger than our little continent. May you aspire to a life of dignity and sobriety, without luxury and waste, so that everyone in our world can enjoy a dignified existence. There is an urgent need to reduce the consumption not only of fossil fuels but also of so many superfluous things. In certain areas of the world, too, it would be appropriate to consume less meat: this too can help save the environment.

In this regard, it will do you good – if you have not already done so – to read my Encyclical Laudato Si', in which believers and non-believers alike can find solid motivations for committing themselves to an integral ecology. An education, then, aimed not only at knowing oneself and others, but also creation.

Dear young people, while you are holding your Conference, in Ukraine – which is not in the EU, but is Europe – a senseless war is being fought. Added to the numerous conflicts taking place in different regions of the world, it makes the need for an educational pact that educates everyone to fraternity all the more urgent.

The idea of a united Europe arose from a powerful yearning for peace in the wake of the numerous wars fought on this continent, and it led to a seventy-year period of peace. Now we must all commit ourselves to putting an end to this dreadful war, where, as usual, a few powerful people decide and send thousands of young people to fight and die. In cases like this, it is legitimate to rebel!

Someone has said that, if the world were ruled by women, there would not be so many wars, because those who have the mission of giving life cannot make death choices. In a similar vein, I like to think that if the world were ruled by young people, there would not be so many wars. Those who have their whole life ahead of them do not want to ruin it and throw it away, but to live it to the full.

I would like to invite you to get to know the extraordinary figure of a young objector, a young European with “a broad outlook”, who fought against Nazism during the Second World War. His name was Franz Jägerstätter, and he was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI. Franz was a young Austrian who, because of his Catholic faith, made a conscientious objection to the injunction to swear allegiance to Hitler and go to war. As a boy, he was cheerful, likeable and carefree, but as he matured, thanks also to his wife Franziska, with whom he had three children, he changed his life and developed profound convictions. When called to arms, he refused, because he felt it was unjust to kill innocent lives. His decision triggered harsh reactions towards him from his community, the mayor, and even members of his family. A priest tried to dissuade him for the sake of his family. Everyone was against him, except his wife Franziska, who, despite knowing the price to be paid, always stood by her husband and supported him to the end. Despite cajoling and torture, Franz preferred to be killed than to kill. He considered the war totally unjustified. If all the young men called to arms had done as he did, Hitler would not have been able to carry out his diabolical plans. To triumph, evil needs accomplices.

Franz Jägerstätter was executed in the same prison where his contemporary Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a young German Lutheran theologian and anti-Nazi, was also imprisoned and met the same tragic end.

These two young men of “broad outlook” were killed because they remained faithful to the ideals of their faith to the end. Here we can see a fourth dimension of education: alongside knowledge of oneself, of others and of creation, also knowledge of the beginning and end of all things.

Dear young Europeans, I invite you to look upwards and beyond, to keep seeking the real meaning of your life, where you come from and where you are going, and the Truth, because we cannot live authentically if we do not seek the Truth. Walk with your feet firmly planted on the earth, but with a broad gaze, open to the horizon, open to the sky. Reading my Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit, addressed especially to young people, can help you in this. And I invite all of you to next year’s World Youth Day in Lisbon. There you will be able to share your finest and most beautiful dreams with young people from all over the world.

Let me conclude with a wish. May you be generative! Young people capable of generating new ideas, new visions of the world, of the economy, of politics, of social coexistence, but above all of new paths to be travelled together. And may you also be generous in generating new lives, always and only as the fruit of love! The love of husband and wife, the love of family and children, but also love of Europe, so that it can be for everyone a land of peace, freedom and dignity.

Have a good meeting and a good journey! I send you my warm greeting and my blessing. And I
ask you, please, to pray for me.

Rome, Saint John Lateran, 6 July 2022


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  No Surrender! A Tale Of The Rising in La Vendee
Posted by: Stone - 07-14-2022, 10:53 AM - Forum: Uncompromising Fighters for the Faith - Replies (18)

No Surrender! A Tale Of The Rising in La Vendee

[Image: cy1sNjQwLmpwZw]


Chapter  1: A French Lugger.
Chapter  2: The Beginning Of Troubles.
Chapter  3: The First Successes.
Chapter  4: Cathelineau's Scouts.
Chapter  5: Checking The Enemy.
Chapter  6: The Assault Of Chemille.
Chapter  7: A Short Rest.
Chapter  8: The Capture Of Saumur.
Chapter  9: Bad News.
Chapter 10: Preparations For A Rescue.
Chapter 11: The Attack On Nantes.
Chapter 12: A Series Of Victories.
Chapter 13: Across The Loire.
Chapter 14: Le Mans.
Chapter 15: In Disguise.
Chapter 16: A Friend At Last:
Chapter 17: A Grave Risk.
Chapter 18: Home.

"Follow Me!" he shouted. "Make for the gun!"

At the first volley, the colonel of the dragoons and many of his men fell. A scattered fire broke out from the defenders. Leigh gave the word and, leaping up, they threw themselves on the traitor. He was the bearer of terrible news. Jean seized one of them by the throat. Westermann's cavalry charged into the streets of Dol. For two or three minutes, husband and wife stood together.


In the world's history, there is no more striking example of heroic bravery and firmness than that afforded by the people of the province of Poitou, and more especially of that portion of it known as La Vendee, in the defence of their religion and their rights as free men. At the commencement of the struggle they were almost unarmed, and the subsequent battles were fought by the aid of muskets and cannon wrested from the enemy. With the exception of its forests, La Vendee offered no natural advantages for defence.

It had no mountains, such as those which enabled the Swiss to maintain their independence; no rivers which would bar the advance of an enemy; and although the woods and thickets of the Bocage, as it was called, favoured the action of the irregular troops, these do not seem to have been utilized as they might have been, the principal engagements of the war being fought on open ground. For eighteen months the peasants of La Vendee, in spite of the fact that they had no idea of submitting either to drill or discipline, repulsed the efforts of forces commanded by the best generals France could furnish; and which grew, after every defeat, until at length armies numbering, in all, over two hundred thousand men were collected to crush La Vendee.

The losses on both sides were enormous. La Vendee was almost depopulated; and the Republicans paid dearly, indeed, for their triumph, no fewer than one hundred thousand men having fallen, on their side. La Vendee was crushed, but never surrendered. Had the British government been properly informed, by its agents, of the desperate nature of the struggle that was going on; they might, by throwing twenty thousand troops, with supplies of stores and money into La Vendee, have changed the whole course of events; have crushed the Republic, given France a monarch, and thus spared Europe over twenty years of devastating warfare, the expenditure of enormous sums of money, and the loss of millions of lives.

- G. A. Henty

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  What the Prophecies Foretell: A Possible General Timeline
Posted by: Stone - 07-14-2022, 07:24 AM - Forum: Catholic Prophecy - No Replies

[Image: Dove%2Bof%2Bthe%2BHoly%2BSpirit%2Bover%2...2%2529.png]

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  Emails Confirm Why CDC Changed Definitions Of Vaccine, Vaccinated
Posted by: Stone - 07-14-2022, 07:09 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Emails Confirm Why CDC Changed Definitions Of Vaccine, Vaccinated

ZH | JUL 13, 2022
Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ZH),

Newly obtained emails confirm that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed its definition for both “vaccine” and “vaccinated” because people were pointing out that definitions didn’t seem to apply to the COVID-19 vaccines.

“The definition of vaccine we have posted is problematic and people are using it to claim the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine based on our own definition,” Alycia Downs, a CDC official, wrote in an email on Aug. 25, 2021, to a colleague.

The definition is located on a page titled Immunization Basics.

“Vaccine” was defined since at least 2011 by the CDC as a product that triggers immunity, while “vaccination” was described as an injection that prevents a disease, according to archived versions of the page. However, a flood of inquiries on the definitions was triggered by the fact that the COVID-19 vaccines have been increasingly ineffective against infection by the virus that causes COVID-19, the emails show.

“Our question is how is the CDC and the rest of the world allowed to call the shot a vaccination when it doesn’t even meet your own definition,” one person wrote to the CDC.

Right-wing covid-19 pandemic deniers are using your ‘vaccine’ definition to argue that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines,” another said.

The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are both built on messenger RNA technology. They are two of the three COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States.

Downs and colleagues Allison Michelle Fisher, Cynthia Jorgensen, Valerie Morelli, and Andrew (no last name given) worked on changing the definitions for “vaccine” and “vaccination,” according to the emails.

Original document

The changes were pushed through on Aug. 31, 2021, and Sept. 1, 2021, respectively.

Changing Definitions

“Vaccine” is now defined as “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”

The previous definition was “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”

Read more here...

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  Biden admin sets up Justice Department ‘task force’ to police, challenge pro-life laws
Posted by: Stone - 07-14-2022, 06:59 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Biden admin sets up Justice Department ‘task force’ to police, challenge pro-life laws
'The Justice Department is committed to protecting access to reproductive services,'
Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said in a statement.
[Image: Biden-Garland-810x500.jpg]
U.S. President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Jul 13, 2022
WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The Biden administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday announced the launch of a “reproductive rights task force” to police states’ pro-life laws.

The DOJ task force will monitor states’ abortion restrictions to prevent “overreach,” and consider legal challenges against additional protections for the unborn, including bans on abortion-inducing drugs and laws preventing women from traveling out of state to kill their unborn babies, The Washington Post reported.

Quote:“The Justice Department is committed to protecting access to reproductive services,” Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said in a statement, according to the Post.

From the same DOJ supposedly investigating attacks on pro-life centers across the nation: “Justice Dept. announces task force to fight overreach on abortion bans” https://t.co/6Sdn4elZKX

— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) July 12, 2022

The move to establish a task force for policing state’s pro-life laws comes after the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which reversed 49 years of federal abortion precedent by overturning Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992).

In Dobbs, the Court ruled that Roe had been wrongly decided, and that there is no “constitutional right to abortion.” Instead, the Court decided to return the regulation of abortion to the states, rather than the federal government.

The Biden administration has been unequivocal in its denunciation of the Supreme Court’s monumental decision in Dobbs. U.S. President Joe Biden has characterized the Court as being “out of control,” and vowed to do “everything in my power” to secure abortion “rights” for women throughout the country.

On Friday, Biden signed an executive order directing federal agencies to protect and expand access to “medication abortion” and “convene private pro bono attorneys, bar associations, and public interest organizations” to provide legal counsel for women seeking abortions and doctors committing abortions, LifeSiteNews reported.

The Post reported that Alexis McGill Johnson, president and chief executive of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, has lauded the task force in a July 12 statement.

According to Johnson, the DOJ task force represents “a meaningful step in providing a framework for enforcing federal protection for those helping patients navigate access to abortion, and we look forward to seeing its work quickly take shape.”

Daily Wire reporter Mary Margaret Olohan pointed out that the prior to standing up a “task force” to police pro-life laws, the DOJ said it would investigate attacks on pro-life centers.

The DOJ has drawn fire from Republicans who say federal officials have failed to do enough to to respond to the violence against pro-life organizations and intimidation of pro-life Supreme Court justices by pro-abortion protesters.

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  Fire destroys half of the Chapels of Light at Lourdes shrine
Posted by: Stone - 07-14-2022, 06:50 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Fire destroys half of the Chapels of Light at Lourdes shrine

[Image: incendio-lourdes120722.jpg?w=670&h=447]
A panoramic view of the burned area and an image of Our Lady affected by a fire at the Lourdes shrine in France, July 11, 2022. 

CNA | Jul 12, 2022

Half of the Chapels of Light at Our Lady of Lourdes shrine in France were destroyed by a fire during the night of July 10–11. The fire was quickly brought under control.

“Another hard blow for the Shrine at Lourdes, which didn’t need it,” tweeted Father Olivier Ribadeau Dumas, rector of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, lamenting the destruction.

“But the main thing is that there were no injuries and that pilgrims can continue to pray in the chapels that remain and continue to light candles,” he wrote.

In a statement, the shrine estimated damages to be a little more than $1.5 million.

An internal investigation was opened, but the cause of the fire is thought to be an accident, according to La Croix International, a French Catholic newspaper. Vincent Neymon, director of communications and resources for the Lourdes sanctuary, speculated that the wind caused a candle to ignite the wooden frame of one of the chapels.

Located since 2018 on the bank opposite the place where the shrine’s baths are located, the Chapels of Light are one of the quietest places for recollection, next to the grotto of the apparitions.

The four out of eight chapels that were destroyed are located further down the river that runs through the grounds of the shrine. The last two chapels are the ones that have been used so far to place the heaviest and largest candles.

Also damaged was the statue of Our Lady situated next to the river facing the Chapels of Light. Many pilgrims confidently leave their rosaries in her hands. Each year, 380 metric tons of candles are used in these chapels.

Although the activity of the Lourdes shrine has gradually picked up since the pandemic, it has barely recovered half the number of regular visitors it had before 2020. While diocesan pilgrimages of the sick from all over the world have slowly begun to return to the shrine, they have been smaller in number as a precaution.

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  Archbishop Lefebvre 1978: Our Lord Has Overcome the World
Posted by: Stone - 07-13-2022, 06:50 AM - Forum: Sermons and Conferences - No Replies

The Angelus [Emphasis mine]- March 2012

Our Lord Has Overcome the World
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

Sermon given on Easter Sunday, March 26, 1978, Ecône, Switzerland

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Confidite, nolite timere, ego vinci mundum.” It is Our Lord who leaves us these words before embarking upon the road of His Passion and Death: “Have confidence, fear not, I have overcome the world.” And, in fact, Our Lord has overcome the world, the world such as St. John describes it: “What is the world,” he asks, “but the concupiscentia oculorum, concupiscentia carnis, superbia vitae.” What does that mean? Riches, honors, the delights and pleasures of the flesh—that is what the world is. And Our Lord has overcome the world!

It suffices to contemplate Our Lord attached to His Cross, covered with blood, crowned with thorns, His side opened, to see that Our Lord has truly conquered the world: The world of riches—is anyone poorer than Our Lord upon His Cross? The world of honors—is there anyone more humble than Our Lord dying as one condemned by common law? Finally, the concupiscence of the flesh—is there a better example of sacrifice, of suffering, of sorrow, and of lacerations of the flesh than Our Lord covered with blood upon His Cross? Indeed, Our Lord has overcome the world: what the world loved, Our Lord scorned. And why did Our Lord scorn these things? In order to love! To love His Father, to love God, because one cannot serve two masters; one cannot love the world and love God. And Our Lord upon the Cross died of love: He died of love for His Father, He died of love for God, and His outstretched arms and His opened Heart reveal to us that He died of love for His neighbor as well! There is, therefore, a very great lesson in the victory of Our Lord over the world.

And because He has overcome the world, it had to follow as well that He win the victory over sin. For that which is at the root of this deviation in which our souls are born and which we call the world, all of that comes to us from original sin, and Our Lord by His Cross has won the victory over sin. Until then, man had not been able to attain Heaven; henceforth, by the Royal Way of the Cross, Heaven is opened, souls can now follow Our Lord and go up to Heaven. Sin is overcome! Sin is overcome by the blood and water which flowed from the side of Our Lord, and which are going to take form in all the Sacraments which Our Lord is going to leave to us, and which will give and apply to us His blood. In Baptism, particularly: by all the souls which from now on after the death of Our Lord will be baptized, souls which will be delivered from original sin and will be able to aspire towards Heaven, to follow Our Lord. And Our Lord has not only delivered us from original sin, but he delivers us as well from our personal sins by the Sacrament of Penance, by the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, and by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass—Our Lord truly frees us from our sins!

Freedom from Sin

Nevertheless, are we to think that, delivered from our sins, we may henceforth desist from combat, that there are no more spiritual exercises to realize in our souls? No. Our Lord could have just as well caused that the consequences of original sin vanish from our souls, and consequently removed us from all these false desires, these inordinate desires of the world. Our Lord, however, did not so will it. He willed, as St. Thomas says, that our life be spent in combat, in suffering, in trials, in temptations, in difficulties. Each one of us has his own little drama, his own big drama—the crisis of one’s spiritual life, the crisis of one’s interior life. Where do we stand vis-à-vis God, vis-à-vis Our Lord? Are our souls pure, are they full of grace? Are they loving of Our Lord, of our neighbor? Do we accomplish our duties, our duties of state? Are we obedient to the law of God, who asks us to love both God and our neighbor? Each of us must make it a point to know where he stands, and then fight! In a combat, when there is a truce, the superior officers confer among themselves and ask why a defeat took place in such a location, or they discern where the weak points of the enemy are located, so that when the combat is resumed, the victory may be won. And likewise with us, we must at times during our life recollect ourselves, make retreats, in order to know where we stand, how to battle, how to battle the enemy, and so carry off the victory with Our Lord. It is capital that we win the victory! It is essential that we fight!

For if Our Lord has overcome the world, if He has overcome sin, He has also overcome the devil. And nevertheless, we witness everyday the bad influences of the spirits which surround us, as St. Paul says, in the very air about us, and which seek our perdition. And, assuredly, Our Lord has truly conquered the devil because before His Passion, before His Death, before His Resurrection the devil reigned over souls from their interior. He had a hold over souls, and he still has it when souls are not baptized, as evidenced by the fact that we must pronounce the exorcisms to drive away the devil from souls. But henceforth, thanks to the Passion of Our Lord, thanks to His victory—and Our Lord Himself has affirmed it—nunc eiicietur princeps huius mundi, ”now the prince of this world will be cast out.” Indeed, he is cast out of souls who are baptized, it is true, but he still has an influence in this world. Externally, he can tempt us, he can cause tension in our life by every sort of method—you know it well—by every means which this world puts at his disposition. Yet, nonetheless, his defeat is assured. It is up to us to battle, to keep watch, to keep an
eye open to all the diabolical influences which surround us, in order
to preserve our souls for Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Celebration of the Resurrection

Finally, Our Lord has won the victory over death, for death is the consequence of sin. And, thus, today we celebrate His Resurrection, the consequence of Our Lord’s victory. We are assured that we ourselves will one day have the joy of the resurrection if only we follow Our Lord, if we love Him, as did the Blessed Virgin Mary as she stood at the foot of the Cross. This phrase which I am going to cite for you is located in the Office of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, on the day of the feast: Dilectus meus candidus et rubicundus....totus spirat amorem—“My Beloved, pure and at the same time rosy (by the blood which flows) in His entirety breathes forth love”; caput inclinatum, “His Head inclined”; manus extensae, “His Hands extended”; pectus apertum, “His Heart opened.” Yes, let us contemplate Our Lord Jesus Christ upon His Cross just as the Blessed Virgin Mary did, and let us ask Our Lord to give us this love. But in order to have this love, we must sacrifice, we must struggle. Every aspect of the Cross proves it to us. If we do not battle, if we remain passive, if we fall asleep, then the enemy will be all-powerful and will come once more to gain admission into our souls. And, alas, my dear brethren, today this is the great drama of the Church.

The Drama of the Church Today

This victory which Our Lord has won and which manifests itself today on this feast of the Resurrection comprises necessarily a gigantic combat against the world, against death, against sin. Our Lord has triumphed, but this combat continues, and the entire history of the Church is but the history of the vicissitudes of this combat. And today, are we not in an hour of darkness where the devil reigns once again, where the spirit of the world is everywhere and permeates everywhere? Are we not heading for death, for eternal death? And, alas, in the Church itself they no longer will to fight; one must not talk of combat anymore, no more talking of penance, no more talking of renouncement, no more talking of mortification. Such is the great drama which the Church is undergoing today—they have laid down their arms. Thus the devil finds himself all-powerful, because they do not fight him anymore. The day will soon come when they will say that the devil no longer exists, that the world is not really as bad as one would make it, that this world is full of good intentions! But we know that to be the instrument of the devil to pervert us. If the world has hated Our Lord, as Our Lord Himself said, the world will hate you as well. Thus, if we ourselves happen to love the world, the world will love us, and as a result we will separate ourselves from Our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet today it seems that one is full of complacency for this world—even clerics, even bishops! Yesterday I was reading a declaration made by a cardinal on the “rights of man”—for from now on it is no longer a question of the Decalogue which tells us to love God and our neighbor, it is no longer a question of speaking about our duties to God, Our Lord, and our neighbor—no, it’s only a question of the “rights of man!” And these “rights of man,” which are reputedly necessary for human dignity, what do they amount to? To the sharing of the goods of this world! It is necessary to share the goods of this world—there you have what the “rights of man” amount to.

Is that what Our Lord represents to us upon His Cross? Our Lord requires us precisely to scorn the riches of this world, and here you have it that those who ought to teach men to despise these riches, to love the spirit of poverty even if they be rich, to live as poor, poor in spirit, detached from the goods of this world, behold, those who ought to preach these things and preach Our Lord Jesus Christ think only of the allotment of the goods of this world, and thereby arouse once again envy in the hearts of men. Always more, always more than our neighbor, thus fostering jealousy of those who possess a few goods and implanting in the hearts of men this division, this class struggle, which is precisely what the devil wants in order to destroy the world and destroy souls! And will there not be in Brazil this year a meeting of all the delegates of the episcopal conferences to talk of nothing but the “rights of man?” Where is this human dignity? They talk of the “rights of man for human dignity,” but to what does it refer? Human dignity consists in loving the truth and loving the good. To the degree that we separate ourselves from the Truth, to the degree that we remove ourselves from the Good, we are no longer worthy of dignity, we shall no longer be worthy of Heaven. Would the devils still be worthy of dignity? Such are the profound errors which have actually entered into the minds of even those who should preach the truth and who henceforth are prophets of error.

The Royal Way of Heaven

And therefore we must, my dear brethren, maintain the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, meditate every day the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and put it everywhere: in our rooms, in our homes, at the crossing of our streets. Let the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ reign, and let it be everywhere before our eyes, so that we may have this continual lesson which Our Lord Jesus Christ gives us in such an admirable way! He who is rich because He is the Creator of all things, and all things belong to Him, has willed to live poor and die poor. He who should have had all the honors of the world, at whose feet all humanity should have come and prostrated itself to render Him honor and glory, died as an evildoer! He who possesses everything, and could have offered Himself all the legitimate pleasures which the world can offer, willed to perish bathed in His blood! That is the example which Our Lord Jesus Christ gives us if we desire to live truly as Christians. That is what you, my dear friends, will preach in the future: the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, just as did St. Paul. What does he preach? Jesus, and Jesus crucified. You will preach Jesus crucified for the good of souls. And if you do not, you deceive those to whom you are sent, and you will not lead them to Heaven. And it is for this reason that we must maintain firmly the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and as a consequence His Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is because the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ is no longer honored, and no longer honored in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in particular, that souls are being lost, that souls are disoriented and no longer know where to find the way to Heaven. The road to Heaven is in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; it is in the Sacrifice of Our Lord; it is in the Cross of Our Lord who pours out His blood every day upon our altars. It is by this Cross that we shall go to Heaven; there is no other road, there is no other way of salvation but the Cross of Jesus, who is the Royal Way of Heaven—Via Regalis Crucis et Caeli. That, my dearly beloved brethren, is what we must maintain at all cost.

Let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to teach us the Cross. She will do so; she will tell us what is truly for us the road of Heaven, and likewise will welcome us when the hour of our death arrives if we have followed Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us ask also on this day that minds be enlightened, that the minds of priests, of those who must preach the truth, be enlightened by the Holy Ghost in order that they truly return to this preaching of the Cross, which is the throne of glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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  Fr. Hewko: Men's Ignatian Retreat Conference - July 8, 2022
Posted by: Stone - 07-13-2022, 06:11 AM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

Men's Ignatian Retreat Conference - July 8, 2022 - On the Blood Loss of Christ

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  National Geographic's American Blackout
Posted by: Stone - 07-12-2022, 11:08 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Video by National Geographic highlighting various fictional scenarios that may occur if the American electrical grid went down. 

[Image: ZCZwaWQ9QXBp]

Published in 2013, available here on Vimeo: 

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  Yet another example of how the SSPX is rightly called the 'Conciliar-SSPX'?
Posted by: Stone - 07-12-2022, 08:42 AM - Forum: The New-Conciliar SSPX - Replies (4)

Yet Another Example of how the SSPX is Rightly Called the 'Conciliar' SSPX?
Any traditional Community obeying the local diocesan authority is, either officially or unofficially, in an Indult mentality.

These pictures were forwarded to me. They are supposedly of a notice posted on the front of the Chicago SSPX Chapel, in which the Pastor (Fr. Michael McMahon?) writes plainly of their compliance and submission to the dictates of the ultra-modern Diocesan authority, Cardinal Blase Cupich, in limiting the number of Masses being offered at that Chapel:


There will be no public weekday Holy Masses during the month of July.

There will be private Masses only at the Priory (limited access).

There will be one Mass on Sunday each week.

If there is going to be Masses in August, the schedule will be posted later.

This complies with the wishes of His Eminence Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago and Metropolitan of the Midwest, Blasé J. Cupich, who proposes restricting Public Worship to 2 minimum (130 churches closed) and with the intention of returning to the Pandemic Status of total closure as soon as possible.

Please refer to the (monthly) bulletin for changes.

At this time, there are no plans to close OUI Church permanently.

[Black-bolded emphasis in the original. Red font emphasis mine.]

[Image: signal-2022-07-11-200448-001.jpg]

[Image: signal-2022-07-11-200451-001.jpg]

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Fideliter: But there are traditionalists who have made an agreement with Rome without conceding anything.
Archbishop Lefebvre: "That is false. They have waived their opportunity to oppose Rome. They must remain silent because of the favors that have been granted. Then they start to slip ever so slowly until they end up admitting the errors of Vatican II. It is a very dangerous situation. Such concessions [by] Rome aim only to get the break with the SSPX traditionalists and submit to Rome." (Interview with Fideliter Magazine No. 79, January 1991, shortly before his death in March 1991)

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  Pastor of Catholic church in Bethesda, Maryland, describes arson, desecration of tabernacle
Posted by: Stone - 07-12-2022, 06:58 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Pastor of Catholic church in Bethesda, Maryland, describes arson, desecration of tabernacle

CNA | Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 10, 2022

The pastor of a Catholic parish in Bethesda, Maryland, gave a powerful testimony Sunday hours after his church was set on fire, telling the congregation, "We are the Church. We are the living stones."

St. Jane Frances de Chantal Parish was the most heavily damaged of three Bethesda churches hit by vandalism over the weekend. A video posted on the parish's YouTube channel appears to show flames near the church's tabernacle. Authorities believe the incidents are connected.

A fire at North Bethesda United Methodist Church early Saturday morning caused minor damage and headstones were damaged at nearby Wildwood Baptist Church, the Washington Post reported.

A fire was reported early Sunday morning inside St. Jane Frances de Chantal, located about a mile from the Methodist church, authorities said. Because of the heavy damage, Sunday Masses were moved to the parish school’s gymnasium.

Father Samuel Giese, the pastor, spoke about the attack at the start of the parish’s live-streamed 10 a.m. Sunday Mass.

“Last night our church was vandalized. People broke in. They overturned statues. They tore down the Stations of the Cross. They desecrated the tabernacle, and they tried to set the church on fire,” he said.

“I believe that this is because of the Church's stand on the issue of life — when it begins and that it should be protected — and that this is one of the manifestations of the deep divisions right now within our country, that there are those who believe that we do not have even the right to practice our faith.”

Giese went on to say that the church is more than a building.

“I’m sorry to share this news with you. However, this is the important thing to remember,” he said. “We are the Church. We are the living stones. We are the Body of Christ. We are the ones who have been nourished by God, consecrated by God.

“We are ones called by God to be the light … to the world, and the salt of the earth.” You can watch the pastor’s full statement in the video below. There is footage of the fire in the sanctuary at the beginning of the video.

Giese went on to tell a story about a Bolshevik revolutionary who said to an old Christian woman that her church would be pulled down so there would be nothing left to remind her of her God.

“She said, ‘Really? Can you pull down the stars from the sky, too?’” Giese said.

Giese concluded by reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans:

“What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword?

“As it is written: ‘For your sake we are being slain all the day; we are looked upon as sheep to be slaughtered.’ No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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  Eleven Times The World Economic Forum Proved It Was Sketchy
Posted by: Stone - 07-11-2022, 02:37 PM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

Eleven Times The World Economic Forum Proved It Was Sketchy

Evie Magazine [adapted] | Jul 8th 2022

The World Economic Forum, the masterminds behind the idea that we’ll “own nothing and be happy,” continue to hit it out of the park with the bizarre and downright problematic statements they make.

Founded in the early ‘70s by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has soared in its influence, now consisting of 1,000 powerhouse member companies that meet annually in Davos, Switzerland to discuss their plans for “global redesign.”

Sifting through their lengthy list of partner organizations could probably qualify as a part-time job in itself so here’s my quick summary: nearly every highly influential corporation, company, and institution is a part of the WEF. 

The WEF continually shares spooky and borderline dystopian messaging which promote a “one size fits all” future if we all just conform to their global ideals. Unfortunately, I don’t even like “one size fits all” with my clothing, so I don’t think I’ll be cool adopting that in every aspect of my life.

Well, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. The Forum gives us ample opportunities to see just how sketchy they are in plain sight, so here are some of their “greatest” hits.

1. When They Said We’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy

Plenty of people have broadcast things to the entire internet that they regret. Hindsight is 20/20, as it’s said, especially when there is a great deal of receipts out there to let certain moments in time live forever in infamy. This gem was from the World Economic Forum in 2016, when Ida Auken, a member of Denmark’s parliament said, “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing. I have no privacy, and life has never been better.”

In fact, it was such a notable quote that the WEF stuck it on a little graphic for their followers to retweet! They must have loved this concept so much that the WEF also made a video about it. This video garnered so much roasting online that the WEF eventually deleted it. Lucky for us, we can’t forget such bold statements when receipts are everywhere.

A quick summary of the 2030 prediction: you don’t own products and instead rent “services” which are delivered by drone, you’re dependent on corporations vetted by the WEF for your needs, and you wouldn’t have an ounce of privacy. But never forget, you’ll be happy!

2. When They Promoted Mind Control Technology

Their article, which was part of the “Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils,” was likely intended to be about revolutionary healthcare tech for things like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, but we found it a little bit strange that they wrote, “I can see the day coming where a scientist will be able to control what a person sees in their mind's eye, by sending the right waves to the right place in their brain. My guess is that most objections will be similar to those we hear today about subliminal messages in advertisements, only much more vehement.”

Can’t forget this gem either: “Politicians should remember that if we don’t do it, then somebody somewhere will do it anyway…potentially unregulated.”

Got it, so since scientists are moving full speed ahead on this technology, our best defense against misuse is regulation by the WEF who definitely has our best interests in mind and aren’t just inching us toward a global economy. Even stranger that they decided to delete it, but hey, at least we’ve got the Wayback Machine for things like that.

3. When They Talked about Putting Microchips in Pills

I’ll throw them a bone, this one didn’t originally have to do with any recent vaccines that have been going around since these statements were made. Back in 2018, CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla spoke at the World Economic Forum about “electronic pills” which have digital sensors that were apparently approved by the FDA.

“I think it’s fascinating what’s happening in this field right now. I mean, FDA approved the first electronic pill, if I can call it like that,” he said. “So, it is basically a biological chip that is in the tablet, and once we take the tablet and it dissolves, your stomach sends a signal that you took the tablet. So, imagine the implications of that, the compliance. The insurance companies to know that the medicines that patients should take, they do take them. It is fascinating what happens in this field, but of course, there will be an initial cost that someone needs to invest.”

The technology he was referring to – digital ingestion tracking systems – was initially for things like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression and was not in reference to recent vaccines. Still, this understandably had a lot of people curious about compliance tracking potentially becoming commonplace.

4. When They Claimed Lockdowns Improved Our Cities

Wait, another bold statement from the World Economic Forum deleted? Yep, that’s right! The WEF tried to scrub their video where they essentially celebrated a lack of free market activity, saying that “Earth’s seismic noise has been the lowest in decades due to lockdowns” and that despite how “fewer people used transport” and “factories closed,” apparently the drop won’t be enough to slow climate change.

I fail to see a mention of the fact that lockdowns caused the rise of many mental and physical health complications, shuttered small businesses and in turn created an overreliance on corporations, ruined critical years of education for America’s youth, and barely saved any lives after all.

Then there was this little self-own where they deleted that original tweet but felt the need to virtue-signal even further. I guess that’s what happens when you say the quiet part out loud and then don’t know what to do when you start receiving deserved criticism.

5. When They Gave Us a Peek into Our Reshaped Future

In Summer of 2021, the World Economic Forum highlighted five ways that the global pandemic response could “reshape our lives in the long-term.”

Among another work-from-home push (which we know doesn’t suit every job or individual’s aptitude anyway), they also suggested “neighborhood hubs” which should be “no more than a 15-minute walk from your home” (okay, goodbye to rural living or even most suburban neighborhoods and hello to high-density multi-unit housing), ghost kitchens for takeaway (because we needed more delivery options and fewer affordable groceries to cook our own food, of course), laser technology to identify you based on your heartbeat (since face masks cover your facial features), and even more digital technology creeping in to your children’s education (because Zoom school worked so well the first time).

6. When They Tried To Convince Us To Eat Weeds

Another major World Economic Forum talking point is how treacherous our global greenhouse emissions are thanks to the current practices used by agricultural industries. One of their answers? To become like cattle, of course!

I’ll admit that there are a lot of wild plants which Americans overlook that are commonly eaten in other cultures around the world. Still, it’s a little bit strange to suggest that weeds “can be a reliable food source” when plant-based diets leave people nutritionally deficient.

Imagine my shock when I read that the virtual event that the WEF promoted was titled “Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good.” Always have to bring it back to our bright, new collectivist mindset of serving “the greater good.”

7. When They Told Us To Stop Relying on Meat

Alright, foraging for weeds, check! Shifting to a bug-based diet…check? This year, the World Economic Forum’s annual conference shamed us all once again for eating meat and contributing to carbon emissions.

The communications they released asked people to eat more cactus, seaweed, algae, mushrooms, crickets, lab-grown meat, and more…and definitely had me wondering whether or not the Davos elites were dining on such delicacies. Funny how they limited replies on their original tweet so that only people they follow or mention can reply.

Then there was this gem where they admitted they want alternative proteins to replace one fifth of the protein market, all in the name of climate change and driving profits. Not the profits of the existing ranchers and farmers though, just the profits of WEF partners who are eager to control the food supply.

“How will you adapt your diet for the future?” asked the WEF. I don’t know about you, but I’ll stick to eating animal products as my main source of protein since they actually nourish my body, and will have to apologize to the elites that I’m not working hard enough to "save the world".

8. When They Said Life Doesn’t Have To Be Happy or Meaningful

The WEF, in partnership with Quartz, published a piece on what they’re doing to accelerate action on mental health. Here’s what gets me about this one. No, there’s nothing wrong with having “psychologically varied lives” where you grow from experiences both joyful and uncomfortable. Their example? Oh, world travel, of course.

Where they lose me is de-emphasizing family and close friends in lieu of meeting new people or using their go-to reasoning of “contributing to the greater good.” Another classic example of the WEF downplaying tradition to promote social change on a broad scale. It’s no secret that elites believe that destroying the nuclear family structure is a surefire way to advance and modernize. So let’s all just shake things up and vary our lives psychologically instead of seeking purpose through family, honest work, and heaven forbid… a suburban home!

9. When They Claimed We Need To Rethink Free Speech

You shouldn’t need me to tell you why restricting or rethinking your basic rights like free speech is actually bad for you. We’re guaranteed freedom of speech in America, but other countries aren’t necessarily afforded this luxury.

Here we are once again at the 2022 World Economic Forum Davos conference and an “eSafety commissioner” from Australia named Julie Inman Grant railed against free speech. Australia is famously celebrated for their low regulations, lack of censorship, and praiseworthy amount of freedoms guaranteed to their populace… oh wait.

What eSafety Commissioner Grant does in this clip is conflate “speech” with “violence” and manipulate listeners into thinking that rude, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate comments made online are just as serious an issue as real-life violence. Clearly, the WEF isn’t too shy anymore about promoting censorship.

10. When They Suggested Man Will Merge with Machine

In case you felt that carrying a cell phone was an arduous task, the World Economic Forum has got you covered. At this year’s annual conference, CEO of Nokia Pekka Lundmark boldly stated that smartphones as we know them will soon be obsolete and instead we can expect to have them “implanted directly into the body” as part of the 6G rollout.

Look, I’m getting mixed messages here… where did the consistency go with the cries for “my body my choice?” Some people have asked whether or not transhumanism could save our species, but I’m going to give a hard pass to merging man and machine.

11. When They Overtly Promoted the Great Reset

Now called a conspiracy theory by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), “The Great Reset” is the World Economic Forum’s “new form of capitalism” that “puts people and planet first” to rebuild and redefine our generation through a post-pandemic plan.

The point behind their “Great Reset” is to seize this “unique window of opportunity” to “remodel the global economy,” and as WEF executive chairman Klaus Schwab put it, “solve a fundamental lack of social cohesion.”

The video they released to promote their brave new world placed capitalism on a tombstone, was chock full of subversive messaging like “GLOBAL ELITES PLAN FOR YOUR FUTURE,” as well as borderline newspeak messaging like “and that’s all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time.”

Let’s discuss what their “blueprint for a better world” actually looks like. Rig the system to be compliant with new social and political agendas devised by Davos elites rather than, I don’t know, a constitutional republic where we have checks and balances in place to prevent government overreach and outright tyranny. Forget being an American citizen, you’re a global citizen now!

Reuters even went as far as to give this one a cheeky fact check, saying that “the World Economic Forum does not have a stated goal to have people ‘own nothing and be happy' by 2030. Its Agenda 2030 framework outlines an aim to ensure all people have access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property.”

Feels a bit more like damage control from a WEF partner, but what do I know?

Closing Thoughts

While there are a lot of shocking headlines that may misconstrue whether or not the WEF is taking direct action on certain agendas, it’s worth understanding what’s being discussed when the world’s wealthiest individuals and multinational corporations come together to plan out their vision for our futures. Oftentimes, it feels like the WEF is less concerned with the human rights they claim to fight for and instead care more about global control.

Hurt feelings are justifiable when younger generations face difficulty owning land after it has been snatched up by rich firms just to be rented back to us common folk. People don’t want to be kept poor, kept in their place, or spoon-fed a fantasy which doesn’t even end in happily ever after. Instead of dismissing people’s concerns as “conspiracy theories,” maybe it’s time we examine just how much of a nightmare their vision for globalization would be for us all.

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  NYC Emergency Management Releases Video Today for New Yorkers to Follow if a Nuclear Attack Occurs
Posted by: Stone - 07-11-2022, 02:20 PM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

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