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  Desiderio Desideravi: Desires of a Delusional Tailor
Posted by: Stone - 07-11-2022, 12:09 PM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Archbishop Lefebvre:

“The conciliar popes are unable to use their doctrinal infallibility because the very foundation of infallibility is to believe that a truth must be fixed forever and can no longer change: it must remain as it is.” (Interview for Controverses, 1989)

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Desiderio Desideravi: Desires of a Delusional Tailor

Written by  Robert Morrison, Remnant Columnist | July 8, 2022

Like most of his writings, Bergoglio’s recent apostolic letter, Desiderio Desideravi, is so full of pseudo-Catholic gaslighting that it should be avoided by almost every Catholic wishing to preserve peace of soul. In it, he attempts to convince his “dearest sisters and brothers” that his great love for the Mass prompts him to call all souls to be spiritually nourished through its faithful celebration. One almost forgets that he is writing the letter to justify his vicious persecution of those who actually seek to make the Tridentine Mass the center of their lives.

Setting this aside, though, Bergoglio does provide a great service to faithful Catholics in paragraph 5 (out of 65), in which he casually reveals his delusional view of the Church’s role in the work of salvation:

Quote:“The world still does not know it, but everyone is invited to the supper of the wedding of the Lamb (Re 19:9). To be admitted to the feast all that is required is the wedding garment of faith which comes from the hearing of his Word (cf. Ro 10:17). The Church tailors such a garment to fit each one with the whiteness of a garment bathed in the blood of the Lamb. (Re 7:14).”

So, according to Bergoglio, the Church tailors “the wedding garment of faith” to fit each sinner. Even if apologists for Bergoglio and the Spirit of Vatican II (i.e., sophists) can scavenge a seemingly Catholic interpretation for this notion of the Church “tailoring” the wedding garment to fit each soul, we have witnessed (for nine long years) the decisively anti-Catholic meaning Bergoglio attaches to this concept.

Just as a tailor will adjust the garment to fit the one who wears it, Bergoglio’s church of accompaniment adjusts Catholic teaching to fit the circumstances of the unrepentant sinner. Gone is the idea that we need to change our lives to remain in the state of sanctifying grace by following God’s commandments; now Bergoglio and his accomplices set aside God’s commandments and simply declare that those who want to be clean are clean (although this may not apply to rigid traditional Catholics).

At first glance, we may miss the rationale for including this concept of “tailoring” in a letter about the Mass. But Bergoglio implicitly linked the question of the unrepentant sinner to the Mass with his Amoris Laetitia, as we see from the first question of the still-unanswered 2016 Dubia of Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke, Caffarra, and Meisner:

Quote:“It is asked whether, following the affirmations of ‘Amoris Laetitia,’ it has now become possible to grant absolution in the Sacrament of Penance and thus to admit to Holy Communion a person who, while bound by a valid marital bond, lives together with a different person ‘more uxorio”’ (in a marital way) without fulfilling the conditions provided for by ‘Familiaris Consortio’ . . . ”

Bergoglio never answered the Dubia directly. But we knew from his silence, and continued abuses of the Faith, that he thinks the Church should abandon the “antiquated" notions espoused by the Dubia Cardinals.

With his Desiderio Desideravi, Bergolgio has added delusional eloquence to the various other proofs that he has abandoned the true Faith: in his apostate world, the Church tailors the wedding garment of Faith to fit the unrepentant sinner.

Does Bergoglio sincerely believe that he can compel God to open the doors of Heaven wider to welcome all the souls he and his fellow wolves have led astray? Whether he does or not, we can see that by allowing unrepentant sinners such as Biden and Pelosi to receive Communion, he falsely teaches the world that the Church no longer expects souls to resist the immoral pressures of the New World Order. Thus, by deceiving Catholics, Bergoglio leads souls to hell and paves the way for the globalists, who need weak souls to acquiesce to their diabolical demands.

As such, it is no mere coincidence that Bergoglio and the globalists want to ban the Mass that leads Catholics to consider the gravity of sin and our need to be cleansed from it. The so-called Ottaviani Intervention of 1969 summarized this particular difference between the Tridentine Mass and Novus Ordo as follows:

Quote:“Instead of putting the stress on the remission of sins of the living and the dead, [the Novus Ordo Missae] lays emphasis on the nourishment and sanctification of those present.”

Everything about the Tridentine Mass reinforces the reality that we are sinners in great need of God’s mercy and must receive Holy Communion worthily. As we know concretely from over fifty years of tragic experience, the Novus Ordo is highly deficient in this regard. Indeed, Bergoglio (the most prominent fruit of the Novus Ordo) eradicates the idea of worthiness by asserting a person’s reception of Communion means Jesus desired him or her to receive it: “[E]very reception of communion of the Body and Blood of Christ was already desired by Him in the Last Supper.” (paragraph 6 of Desiderio Desideravi)

The Freemasons and globalists planned this diabolical revolution before Bergoglio was even ordained. They knew from Satan that they cannot destroy the Church completely, so they have attempted to repurpose it to support their designs. Bishop Rudolf Graber wrote of this in his 1974 Athanasius and the Church of Our Time (citing the 1964 work of Yves Marsaudon, a Freemason):

Quote:The goal is no longer the destruction of the Church but rather to make use of it by infiltrating it.

This is precisely what we see today, and those who remain silent about the errors afflicting the Church are the greatest assets of the infiltrators. Their tacit approval of the destruction of the Church testifies powerfully (though falsely) that the Faith has changed into something that contradicts what it once was. The world and Church are on the brink of the abyss because the false shepherds have had almost free rein since Vatican II.

But God is allowing us at least this day — for we are not promised a tomorrow — to fight valiantly for His Church. We need prayer and penance. We need Our Lady, especially devotion to her Immaculate Heart and fervent recitation of the Rosary. And those in positions of influence within the Church — especially faithful bishops — must stand up and fight.

As for Bergoglio, we should pray for his conversion, for he could become a great saint if he fought for God’s truth as hard as he fights for the globalist lies. Until he converts, though, Catholics have a duty to resist him and his demonic allies. If we refuse to do that, we cannot possibly expect God to rescue us from the hell on earth that Satan and his globalists have planned for us.

Our Lady, destroyer of all heresies, pray for us!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!

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“Every Catholic can and must resist anyone in the Church who lays hands on his Faith, the Faith of the Eternal Church, upheld by his childhood catechism. The defense of his Faith is the first duty of every Christian, more especially of every priest and bishop. Wherever an order carries with it the danger of corrupting Faith and morals, “disobedience” becomes a grave duty.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Letter to Friends & Benefactors, no. 9, 1975).

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  Grande Oriente Democratico: John XXIII Was a Mason
Posted by: Stone - 07-10-2022, 08:40 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Grande Oriente Democratico: John XXIII Was a Mason

TIA | July 9, 2022

The website Grande Oriente Democratico is a place for Freemasons of Italy, principally those members of the Grande Oriente d'Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani to express their ideas and opinions.

The text published on this site on October 6, 2019, commemorates the choice of the Archbishop of Bologna, Matteo Zuppi, to be raised to the College of the Cardinals. The website praises Zuppi and adds that he is not a Mason, unlike "Brother" John XXIII who was a Mason.

This simple addition stated in passing while dealing with another subject gives us, for the first time, an "official" Masonic source representing the Italian Masonry affirming without doubt that John XXIII was a Freemason.

The reader may keep this document for future references.

The text that follows below is our translation from Italian of the text that appears in the photocopy reproduced after it.

The original can be read here.

Quote:Matteo Zuppi, newly created Cardinal, significantly quotes Saint John XXIII (Brother Angelo Roncalli) on spiritual paternity and fraternity.

As we renew our congratulations to the new Cardinal Presbyter of Sant’Egidio already expressed here we declare ourselves particularly pleased that the non-Freemason Matteo Zuppi, very recently named a Cardinal, wanted to significantly mention a Saint of the Church such as Pope John XXIII (in the century the Mason Brother Angelo Roncalli) to seal his new pastoral mission, to thank the affectionate closeness of the people of Bologna to his work and to his person and to underline the spiritually inclusive meaning of the recent feast of St. Petronio, patron Saint of Bologna.

As reported here, Matteo Zuppi said:

“I would say that one of the most emotional moments of Friday, in addition to the filled Basilica of St. Petronio and the proximity of the people, was the blessing of the persons who were in the Greater Square (Piazza Maggiore). Fraternity and the paternity together, as John XXIII indicated, are the expression of a community that prays for its brother and this is a very beautiful and a very important thing.”

So then, these words echo the very important Speech to the Moon of October 11, 1962, with which Pope John XXIII inaugurated the Second Vatican Council. A Speech adequately interpreted in its esoteric and exoteric, religious and initiatory, Catholic and Masonic spiritual meanings, in chapter IV of the book "Freemasons. Society of Unlimited Responsibility. The Discovery of the Ur-Lodges," Chiarelettere, on pages 160-162.

All seem to be a good omen for the Roman Catholic Church to take the road – also under the guidance of Princes of the Catholicism such as Matteo Zuppi – toward a Vatican Council III that may give adequate responses to the spiritual expectations of Christians in the Third Millennium.

[Image: 195_J23-s.png]

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  Gregorian Propers for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Posted by: Stone - 07-10-2022, 08:33 AM - Forum: Pentecost - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Taken from here

[Image: UyZwaWQ9QXBp]

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Introit • Score • Exaudi Domine
Gradual • Score • Protector noster
Alleluia • Score • Domine in virtute tua
Offertory • Score • Benedicam Dominum
Communion • Score • Unam petii a Domino

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  Frs. Hewko and Rafael: Table Readings - Ignatian Men's Retreat - July 8, 2022
Posted by: Stone - 07-09-2022, 12:13 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

Frs. Hewko & Raphael: Table Reading - Men's Ignatian Retreat 7/08/22 "Luther & New Mass" (KS)

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  Fr. Hewko: Table Readings - Men's Ignatian Retreat - July 7, 2022
Posted by: Stone - 07-09-2022, 12:11 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

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  Vatican joins Paris Climate Agreement despite inclusion of abortion, population control agendas
Posted by: Stone - 07-09-2022, 07:23 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Vatican joins Paris Climate Agreement despite inclusion of abortion, population control agendas

[Image: Pope-Francis-UN-810x500.jpeg]

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 25: Pope Francis delivers an address to the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 25, 2015 in New York City.

Jul 8, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – The Vatican announced today that it has formally joined the Paris Climate Agreement, known for its underlying abortion and population control agenda. 

A statement issued by the Holy See Press Office said that Archbishop Gabriele Giordano Caccia, Permanent Observer to the U.N., on June 6 deposited before the Secretary-General of the United Nations the Holy See’s Instrument of Accession, the formal document by which the Vatican joined the Paris Climate Agreement.

“The Holy See,” the statement reads, “in the name and on behalf of Vatican City State, intends to contribute and to give its moral support to the efforts of all states to cooperate … in an effective and appropriate response to the challenges posed by climate change to humanity and to our common home.”

The Vatican claims that in joining the Paris Agreement it is expressing its solidarity with the poor and future generations as those most affected by “climate change.” 

As LifeSiteNews has previously reported, however, it has long been noted by pro-life advocates, that the 2015 Agreement includes an underlying agenda to push abortion, contraception, and sterilization as necessary means of controlling the population and minimizing human consumption and use of the earth’s resources. The way such things are imposed on poorer countries is by linking them to desired funds and resources. 

In text of the Agreement, such issues are cloaked in phrases such as “gender equality” and “empowerment of women,” and are joined to the presumed need to address climate change in a “toss in everything” approach. The Agreement states:

Quote:Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to development, as well as gender equality, empowerment of women and intergenerational equity.

Pro-life advocacy group Voice of the Family pointed out in 2015 when the Climate Agreement was first drafted that the U.N.’s “Sustainable Developments Goals use ‘gender equality’ and ’empowerment of women’ to advance abortion and contraception.”

Goal Five of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” includes the following target, to be achieved by 2030: “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.”

As Voice of the Family warns, “The United Nations Population Fund states that ‘sexual and reproductive health’ includes access for all to ‘the safe, effective, affordable and acceptable contraception method of their choice,’ which includes methods of contraception that are, or can be, abortifacient. The Population Fund also supports other methods of abortion, stating: ‘where abortion is legal, national health systems should make it safe and accessible.’”

Other U.N. documents such as the July 23, 2015, report of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) titled “General recommendation on women’s access to justice,” also use the phrases “gender equality” and “empowerment of women” to push for greater expansion of abortion and contraception, calling on nations to “decriminalize behaviours that can only be performed by women such as abortion.” 

In spite of the abortion agenda pushed by the U.N. and included in the Paris Climate Agreement, Pope Francis praised the agreement from its first adoption. In 2015, the pontiff said, “The climate conference has just ended in Paris with an agreement that many describe as historic.”

The Pope then called on all nations to join in fulfilling its goals. “Implementing it,” he said, “will require unanimous commitment and generous involvement by everyone.”

“With the hope that special attention for the most vulnerable populations is guaranteed, I exhort the whole international community to proceed on the path undertaken in the name of an ever more effective solidarity.”

Again in 2020 the Pope said of the agreement, “We need to do everything in our capacity to limit global average temperature rise under the threshold of 1.5°C enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement, for going beyond that will prove catastrophic, especially for poor communities around the world.”

Today’s announcement comes only one day after the European Union adopted a resolution titled “US Supreme Court decision to overturn abortion rights in the United States and the need to safeguard abortion rights and Women’s health in the EU,” in which the E.U. defends abortion as a “fundamental human right” and “calls on the governments of those states which have passed laws and other measures concerning bans and restrictions on abortion to repeal them and to ensure that their legislation is in line with internationally protected women’s human rights.”

Many see the Vatican’s accession to the Paris Climate Agreement today as yet one more step along what Voice of the Family called “the steady reversal of the Holy See’s former vigilance on this issue [of abortion] and the increasing incidence of the Vatican and international anti-life and anti-family forces working together, despite the Holy Father’s public condemnations of abortion.”

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  USCCB office appears to endorse dissident Catholic group promoting ‘priestless parishes’
Posted by: Stone - 07-08-2022, 07:28 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

From highly doubtful Vatican II Novus Ordo Sacraments to no Sacraments at all, the slide into a new Religion continues...

Recall Archbishop Lefebvre aptly recognizing back in 1976 what was unfolding in the name of the Second Vatican Council:

Quote:That Conciliar Church is a schismatic church because it breaks with the Catholic Church that has always been. It has its new dogmas, its new priesthood, its new institutions, its new worship… The Church that affirms such errors is at once schismatic and heretical. This Conciliar Church is, therefore, not Catholic. To whatever extent Pope, Bishops, priests, or the faithful adhere to this new church, they separate themselves from the Catholic Church.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Reflections on his suspension a divinis, July 29, 1976)

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USCCB office appears to endorse dissident Catholic group promoting ‘priestless parishes’
The ardently pro-homosexual Association of U.S. Catholic Priests has proposed 'priest-less parishes' as an answer to the priest shortage, and it proposes that laypersons could step into the role of a pastor, leading parishes in “Eucharistic Services” – not as a Mass, but as a pseudo-replacement for Mass.

[Image: shutterstock_1460613926-810x500.jpg]

Jul 7, 2022 -
(Lepanto Institute) – The Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP) held its annual assembly in Baltimore from June 20–23. The theme of the Assembly was “Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future.

During the assembly, we published a report detailing the pro-homosexual ideologies of the majority of the speakers at the conference, such as Bishop John Stowe, Father Danial Horan, and Sister Mary Novak, the new executive Director of NETWORK. We also profiled the radical homosexual activism engaged in by two of their “John XXIII Award” recipients.

And since 2015, the Lepanto Institute has investigated and revealed the consistent attitudes of the AUSCP that violate Catholic moral and theological teachings, such as:

Over the years, the AUSCP has received support and benefited from the participation of cardinals, archbishops, and bishops who have attended, spoken at, and celebrated Mass for the AUSCP. Such include Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Cardinal Blaise Cupich, Archbishop John Hartmeyer, Archbishop Robert Carlson, Archbishop John Wester, Bishop Richard Pates, Bishop John Stowe, and others.

Archbishop Wester actually serves as the official “episcopal moderator to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).”

For the first time in the 11-year history of the AUSCP, an office of the USCCB paid for a vendor’s table at the AUSCP’s annual assembly, meaning that money collected by the Catholic Bishops of the United States formally supported this morally and theologically degenerate organization.

On page 40 of the AUSCP’s 2020 Assembly Program Book, listed just above the pro-same-sex “marriage” organization New Ways Ministry, is the USCCB Office of Certification for Ecclesial Ministry.

[Image: LI1.jpeg]

C/O:Lepanto Institute

The Lepanto Institute was able to obtain a photo of the USCCB’s booth at the assembly, as well as one of the business cards sitting on the table belonging to Marc J. DelMonico, assistant director for the Certification of Ecclesial Ministry.

[Image: LI2.jpeg]

[Image: LI3.jpeg]

C/O: Lepanto Institute

According to the USCCB’s website for the Office of Certification for Ecclesial Ministry:
  • “We resource bishops, regional and state conferences of bishops, diocesan programs, and professional ministry associations and organizations across the country. We support their efforts to train those who minister in the name of the Church.
  • We review and approve certification standards, competencies, and procedures, primarily for specialized ministry leadership roles in the Church for lay ecclesial ministers, but also for some priests and deacons.
  • We promote these standards and other ministry formation resources, so that bishops, diocesan programs, and organizations we work with are aware of them, use them, and also promote them.
  • We consult on best practice resources and the promotion of lay ecclesial ministry formation and certification, especially with diocesan and academic programs which provide comprehensive ministry formation.”

Dr. DelMonico didn’t just happen to show up to the AUSCP’s assembly. It turns out, he’s an actual member of the AUSCP. In 2020, DelMonico wrote the following on his own website, under the headline “Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP) Virtual National Conference 2020”:

Quote:“I am participating in this virtual gathering of the largest association of U.S. Catholic priests as an associate (non-clergy) member of the AUSCP. Their annual event is focused on the theme of ‘Our Catholic Faith in the Political World.’ Opportunities for an online retreat and keynotes on Church teaching in the context of legislative advocacy, preaching to the political needs of today’s society, practical action during the 2020 election year, and more. Very modest and daily or all-inclusive rates are available and anyone can register for the event. The AUSCP is an organization which is deeply committed to collaborative ministry with lay ecclesial ministry leaders and other lay ministers in today’s Church. Read more and register here.”

In January of 2021, the AUSCP hosted DelMonico as a speaker for a webinar with the title, “God’s Own Vintage: Developments in Lay Ecclesial Ministry 15 Years after Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord.”

[Image: LI4.jpeg]

C/O: Lepanto Institute

It remains to be seen why DelMonico is involved with the AUSCP or why this particular office of the USCCB would purchase table space at the assembly, but his presence is deeply concerning. One possibility has to do with the AUSCP’s promotion of “priest-less parishes,” where pastoral duties would be handed off to lay ministers. The idea is that because of the priest shortage, “lay ministers” could be used to run individual parishes while priests are given the responsibility of multiple parishes, to which they travel from week to week.

The AUSCP’s 2018 document, “Pastoral Care in and Through Priestless Parishes,” says at the top of page 2 that Pastoral Leaders will:

Quote:“[T]ake responsibility for the day to day coordination of parish activities, and take initiative as needed to motivate, to correct, and to affirm persons who work in the parish ministries; and where needed, provide conflict resolution and reconciliation. To be a true pastoral leader he/she must lead worship where appropriate, and likewise break open the Word.  In short, he/she would be in the role of pastor, excepting sacramental ministry, and under the supervision of the canonical pastor.”

The key take-away from this is that the person the AUSCP proposes would be a pastor in all manners except for the provision of the Sacraments. But further down the page, the AUSCP suggests that this model could shape the future of the priesthood, and it specifically includes women in that assessment:

Quote:“These Lay Pastoral Leaders will provide a very important proving ground for the USA Church because we would learn what men and women, married and unmarried, can accomplish as pastoral leaders, and what kind of persons we need. We will gain a great deal of wisdom about what works and what doesn’t work. In a larger framework, it would show how the priesthood of the future might discern proven individuals.”

The last line in that quoted section, “it would show how the priesthood of the future might discern proven individuals,” is the key to understanding the true goal: if lay women are allowed to lead parishes as “Pastoral Leaders,” and if women can be ordained as “deacons,” then a path to discerning the “priesthood of the future” could include them as “proven individuals.”

The references section at the end of the paper lists the USCCB’s document, published by DelMonico’s subcommittee, “Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord.”

[Image: LI5.jpeg]
C/O: Lepanto Institute

Bear in mind that the title of DelMonico’s workshop for the USCCB last January included this: “Developments in Lay Ecclesial Ministry 15 Years after Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord.” This connection between the USCCB’s paper “Co-Workers in the Vinyard of the Lord,” the AUSCP paper on “priest-less parishes” heavy citing of the USCCB document, and DelMonico’s presentation on it to the AUSCP, cannot be a mere coincidence. In the USCCB’s 70-page document, the phrase “lay ecclesial minister” appears 155 times and is defined this way on page 12:

Quote:“The term ‘lay ecclesial minister’ is generic. It is meant to encompass and describe several possible roles. In parish life – to cite only one sphere of involvement – the pastoral associate, parish catechetical leader, youth ministry leader, school principal, and director of liturgy or pastoral music are examples of such roles. Participation in the exercise of the pastoral care of a parish, as described in the Code of Canon Law, canon 517 §2,12 is another example of lay ecclesial ministry, although it differs in kind from the other roles because it exists simply because of the shortage of priests.”

The AUSCP’s notion of priest-less parishes is entirely predicated on the notion of a priest shortage, and it proposes that laypersons could step into the role of a pastor, leading parishes in “Eucharistic Services” – not as a Mass, but as a pseudo-replacement for Mass – while a traveling priest would consecrate a large number of hosts that would sustain the parish until he comes back. And the thing is, if this proposal of the AUSCP’s is accepted, it is the USCCB’s office of Certification for Ecclesial Ministry that would provide the certifications for such ministers. Of course, for the AUSCP, when this is combined with the potential to “ordain” women to the diaconate, this is one step closer for what the AUSCP said “would show how the priesthood of the future might discern proven individuals.”

One of the documents circulated at this year’s AUSCP Assembly is titled, “AUSCP Background Document to a Request to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Urging Full Restoration and Implementation of the Rite of Penance.” The document was originally published on January 15, 2015 “by decision of the leadership group/board of directors,” and calls for “full implementation of the Rite of Penance, including Rite 3, the fully communal celebration with communal confession and absolution.”

Briefly, there are two rites for the Sacrament of Penance, and an emergency use sometimes referred to as the “third rite,” and more appropriately called “General Absolution.” The first is simply one-on-one, where a single penitent meets with the priest to confess his or her sins and receive absolution from the priest. The second is a community reflection with communal prayer, spiritual reading, and sometimes song, ending in individual confession as with the first rite. The third rite pertains to a grave emergency, where there is no time for individual confessions, such as being in the midst of a war zone or on a doomed transport vessel like an airplane or ship.

The AUSCP’s paper requesting the use of “rite 3” of the Sacrament of Penance complains that with Rite 1 “there would not be enough confessors if people were coming to celebrate Rite 1 in the numbers that came for private confession in the 1950s.” It also complains that “[w]hen Rite 2 is celebrated it is generally impossible to gather enough confessors to hear individual confessions properly within an appropriate period of time, not with the personal dialogue the Rite of Penance envisions, and the time limits people expect.”

So, because these priests do not wish to spend long times in the confessional, they pad their argument in favor of “Rite 3” by arguing that it “enables penitents to experience reconciliation in and with the community as indication of their reconciliation with the Church and God.” In short, they want confessions to be a community event, where congregants gather and assist each other in examining their consciences, and then publicly proclaim their confessions, while the priest then grants a general absolution to all present.

While not indicated in this paper, the application of this particular form of “confession” would be advantageous to their proposal for “priest-less parishes.” If a priest is not regularly at one parish, and since he would not have the time to hear the confessions of all congregants in one weekend sitting, the community aspect of hearing one loud confession while granting one general absolution to all present would save time. At least, so the thinking appears to be.

Whatever the case, the development of a relationship between a USCCB office and the AUSCP is deeply distressing. The fact that a USCCB office paid for a vending table at the AUSCP’s annual assembly is bad enough – Catholic funds were sent to this association of dissident priests. Worse is that the associate director of that USCCB office is an actual member of the AUSCP. And still worse is that if the AUSCP’s plan for priest-less parishes is to be realized, it is this office that would be granting certification for “Pastoral Leaders” at those priest-less parishes.

In subsequent articles, we’ll be taking a close look at other vendors at the AUSCP’s assembly, and we’ll be examining the presentations delivered by their speakers. Please contact your bishop and respectfully ask that he publicly condemn the AUSCP and forbid his priests from membership.

Click here for a sample letter you can send.

Click here to find the contact information for your bishop.

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  Fr. Hewko: Table Readings - Men's Ignatian Retreat 2022
Posted by: Stone - 07-08-2022, 06:48 AM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

Table Reading from Archbishop Lefebvre - July 6, 2022

Table Reading - July 7, 2022

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  Pope Francis says two women will serve on Vatican committee tasked with appointing bishops
Posted by: Stone - 07-07-2022, 07:04 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis says two women will serve on Vatican committee tasked with appointing bishops
Liturgy scholar Dr. Peter Kwasniewski described the news as a ‘purely political move’ which won’t help the crisis in the Church.

[Image: Pope_Francis_Oct_8_2020-810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis in an Oct. 8, 2020 video where he prays for there to be more women in leadership roles in the Church. Vatican News / Youtube screen grab

Jul 6, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews [adapted] ) – Pope Francis has revealed that he will allow women to have a say in electing the world’s bishops for the first time, saying “things are opening up a bit.”

The Pontiff made the comments to Reuters on July 2, in an interview which is being released in segments. LifeSiteNews has already reported on the papal comments regarding the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Francis ruling out a possible papal resignation, and his defense of the controversial Vatican-China deal.

Now in the latest part of the interview released July 6, Francis outlined his view for expanding female leadership in the Vatican and in the worldwide Church.

“I am open to giving (women) an opportunity,” he told Reuters. “Two women will be appointed for the first time in the committee to elect bishops in the Congregation for Bishops.”

Vatican News provided a more full quotation from the Pope:
Quote:“I am open for an opportunity to arise. Right now, the Governorate has a deputy governor… Now, two women will be going to the Congregation of Bishops, on the commission to elect bishops. In this way, things open up a little bit.”

Francis did not inform Reuters when the appointments would be made, nor whom he would be appointing.

The Congregation for Bishops is led by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, and members meet twice a month to discuss episcopal candidates. The committee votes on which clergy should be put forward as bishops before the Prefect presents the names to the Pope.

Francis’ comments come in light of his apostolic constitution Praedicate evangelium reforming the Roman Curia, which was released March 19 and was nine years in the making. The constitution opened up positions of governance in the various Curial departments to the laity, either men or women, and removing the traditional hierarchy of the various departments, now all known as Dicasteries.

This is contrary to Pope John Paul II’s Pastor bonus, which ordered that cardinals and bishops, assisted by a secretary, were to lead the various Congregations and Dicasteries, with no mention of permission for the laity to assume leadership roles.

Prominent roles in Vatican currently held by women

Pope Francis has already appointed a number of women to important roles in the Roman Curia. Last year he appointed Sister Raffaella Petrini as secretary-general of the Vatican City state, the second most senior position, and the first women to hold the role.

Another woman also holding a high-ranking role in the Vatican is Sister Nathalie Becquart, appointed by Pope Francis last February to the position of under-secretary of the Synod of Bishops, an office previously only ever held by ordained men. The role gives her the right to vote at upcoming synods, the first time a woman has had the power to do so.

In April, Sister Alessandra Smerilli F.M.A. was confirmed as Secretary of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, having previously been the “ad interim” secretary.

The three nuns are joined in the Vatican’s corridors of power by Dr. Raffaella Vincenti as office head, but not prefect, of the Vatican Apostolic Library and Prof. Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi as a member of the Financial Information Authority board.

Women selecting bishops a ‘purely political move’ which won’t help crisis in the Church

LifeSiteNews spoke to Thomistic theologian and liturgy scholar Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, who highlighted the “problem” with Pope Francis’ decision. Kwasniewski noted first that “there is no reason a woman could not have an opinion worth listening to when it comes to candidates for bishops,” and that “the opinion of a wise and spiritual woman, like a St. Catherine of Siena, would count for much more than a given man’s, no matter how high-ranking.”

“After all, let’s not forget that in the Middle Ages, there were abbesses who ruled over huge domains and sometimes over male monasteries too,” he said.

However, “the problem” with Francis’ decision is that it “is not really about giving women what they deserve to have, since no one has a ‘right’ to sit on any Vatican committee,” said Kwasniewski.

Quote:It is rather a purely political move, motivated by feminism, and likely to exacerbate the trouble by simply adding more of the Pope’s favorite sorts of liberals to the process. I see this as one more example of the Pope trying to play ‘catch up’ with the modern democratic world (or trying to impress the world with his “fairness” and “open-mindedness”), as if the values and assumptions of modernity are obviously true and applicable to the conduct of ecclesiastical affairs.

Referencing the current “selection of bishops” as “a huge problem in the Church, because our episcopacy in general (with a few shining exceptions) seems to be composed of a lot of spineless conformists to the zeitgeist, if not adamant proponents of it, not to mention the scourge of the lavender mafia,” Kwasniewski called for change.

“Adding women is not the solution,” he noted, “rather, having ordained men of orthodox faith selecting the bishops is what is needed.”

Lay head of Dicasteries incoming

Francis also told Reuters that, under the terms of his new constitution, he had identified two departments which could be led by members of the laity in the near future. One was the Apostolic Library, currently led by Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça.

The other was the Dicastery for Catholic Education and Culture, which was born out of Praedicate Evangelium by merging the Congregation for Catholic Education and the Pontifical Council for Culture.

A new head of this Dicastery could be announced imminently with its Head of Office Monsignor Philippe Curbelié moved today to be Undersecretary of the Congregation (now Dicastery) for the Doctrine of the Faith. Both the Cardinal Prefects of the former Congregation for Catholic Education and the Pontifical Council for Culture are approaching retirement age.

The Pope’s comments indicate another move on his part to open up roles to women which were formerly reserved only to ordained men. Already through his January 2021 motu proprio “Spiritus Domini,” Canon Law was changed to allow the liturgical institution of female lectors and acolytes, both of which are minor orders.

This was followed by the May 2021 apostolic letter “Antiquum ministerium,” which further drew on texts from Vatican II to establish the lay ministry of catechist for both men and women. In January 2022, Pope Francis appointed women to the liturgical ministries of catechist and lector for the first time.


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  Abp. Viganò: Declaration regarding the apostolic letter Desiderio Desideravi
Posted by: Stone - 07-07-2022, 06:54 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò: Declaration regarding the apostolic letter Desiderio Desideravi
Deep church and deep state move in parallel and in sync, because what moves them both is hatred for Jesus Christ.

[Image: Abp-Vigano-810x500.jpg]

YouTube screenshot

Wed Jul 6, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) – In an editorial titled “Cancel Culture: The Eternal Gnostic Dream of Starting Over from Zero,” that appeared on June 30, 2022, in the Bulletin of Social Doctrine of the Church of the Cardinal Van Thuân International Observatory (here), Archbishop Giampaolo Crepaldi stigmatized, with great clarity of analysis, the “attitude that favors the new over the old, which makes virtue coincide with adhesion to historical novelties and sin coincide with the preservation of the past,” and which consists in a systematic and ruthless damnatio memoriae of all that is opposed to modernity. The Archbishop of Trieste writes: “Progress wants everything to change except for progress itself, which must remain. Progress must preserve progress as something incontestable and never able to be criticized, never surmountable, never erasable. The same may be said of the revolution: revolutions change everything except for the immutable reality of the revolution, which remains absolute. Likewise, ‘cancellation’ must cancel everything, but cancellation must remain an absolute principle.”

This denunciation highlights the return of anti-Christian gnosis, which not coincidentally is an ally “of the Enlightenment and anti-religious propaganda of the English-speaking Protestant bourgeoisie,” the fruit of “centuries of planned disinformation.” From the Lutheran pseudo-reform onward, the unity of Catholic Europe was broken apart by the heresy of the German monk and the Anglican schism, unequivocally demonstrating how civil revolutions (which we could define as political heresies) find their ideological basis in previous doctrinal and moral errors.

Archbishop Crepaldi’s courageous examination limits itself, at least apparently, to Cancel culture in civil society, while overlooking the no less serious one that has been pursued with tetragonal obstinacy in the very heart of the Catholic Church, beginning with Second Vatican Council. This confirms that the apostasy of the Christian nations, which has systematically eliminated any trace of Christianity from the social body, necessarily had to be preceded by a similar removal of the past from the ecclesial body, to which it was necessary to accompany the imposition of the new as ontologically better and morally superior, regardless of its basis, that is, regardless of the intentions of those who imposed it and above all regardless of any evaluation of its consequences. Saint Pius X defined Modernism as the heresy that derives from this philosophical error. Whatever is new is considered an absolute good simply because it is new. And this despite the evidence of the disastrous effects that the cancellation of the past in the Church would cause – on the doctrinal, moral, liturgical, and disciplinary levels, but also on the cultural, artistic, and popular level as well – as predictably happened.

The Council erected novelty and so-called progress as a norm, but it did not limit itself to this: its architects had to cancel the past, because a simple comparison between novus and vetus repudiates any idea that the new is good and the old is to be condemned, due to the results of each. The liturgical reform itself was “planned disinformation”: first of all because it was imposed on the basis of a specious lie, that is, that the faithful did not understand the celebration of the rites in Latin; and secondly because of the fact that the lex orandi became the expression of a lex credendi that was deliberately unmoored from Catholic orthodoxy, and indeed actively negated it. The principal instrument of the progressivist propaganda and of Cancel culture that was applied in the ecclesial sphere was the reformed liturgy, just as was done by the Lutheran pseudo-reform, which progressively eliminated from the Christian people the inheritance of Faith, traditions, and daily gestures which centuries of lived Catholicism had impregnated into the life of the faithful and of nations.

Cancel culture is inevitable wherever what is new must be accepted uncritically, and where what is ancient – dismissed as being “old” – must be forgotten so that it does not hang over the present as a severe warning. And it is not a coincidence if George Orwell’s novel 1984 foretold the censorship of information ex post, after the fact, making corrections to past news according to its changing utility in the present. On the other hand, the simple presence of a term of comparison, in itself, reveals a difference that stimulates thoughtful judgment, questions the dogma of progress, and reveals treasures of the past that today no one would be capable of replicating, precisely because they were the result of a world that the present rejects a priori.

But if in recent decades the followers of “Catholic progressivism” – an expression that in itself is already an oxymoron – have worked to undermine Tradition and replace it with its antithesis, in these ten years of the Bergoglian “pontificate” cancel culture has taken on the connotations of an ideological fury, ranging from the situation ethics of Amoris Laetitia to the neo-Malthusian ecologism of Laudato Si’ to the masonic ecumenism of Fratelli Tutti, but also manifesting itself in the brazen removal of exterior signs, from liturgical vestments to papal insignia and titles, and even with Traditionis Custodes and Desiderio Desideravi reaching the point of the substantial cancellation of the Apostolic Liturgy, which the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum had given a parenthesis of relative liberty after forty years of ostracism.

And it is Cancel culture in all respects, in terms of the method of realization, the purposes it intends, the ideology that underlies it, and the common denominator that unites those who promote it. A subversive operation, certainly, because it uses the authority of the Church for the purpose of destroying the Church, subverting her proper end, just as the authority of the State is usurped against the interests of the Nation and the common good of its citizens.

“Sometimes bringing some of grandma’s lace is ok, but only sometimes. It’s in order to pay homage to grandma, no?” Bergoglio said [while speaking to a group of priests in June]. And he did so with the same irreverent superficiality that someone who is ignorant would show before a great work of art or a literary masterpiece. Or rather, just like someone who knows its value well, but having only trash and junk to offer as an alternative, can only resort to discrediting and derision. Liquidating the inestimable treasures of doctrine and spirituality of the Apostolic Liturgy with simplifications from social media – “grandmother’s lace” – betrays his awareness that he has no arguments and explains the reason for so much intolerance toward something that a person with good faith would be driven to preserve, guard, and understand.

Those who still persist in individually refuting Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s “acts of magisterium and governance” are refusing to take note of a terrible and painful reality, which significantly finds its counterpart in the Western world. A world which, as has always been the case, takes its example from the Church – in the past drawing inspiration from its goodness and today following it in evil. And thus, it is useless to refute this or that document or declaration, being scandalized by what it may represent with respect to Catholic tradition: Cancel culture – as an expression of Gnostic and revolutionary thought – is ontologically the enemy of reason, even before it is an enemy of Faith. And those who denounce the incalculable damages of this criminal operation of removal and condemnation of the past, even by simply demonstrating the disastrous state into which parishes and religious communities have fallen, do not seem to realize that it is precisely these damages that were knowingly pursued. They fall into the same deception as those who, at the time of the psychopandemic, are surprised that in the presence of serious side effects and “sudden illnesses” obviously caused by the experimental serum, health authorities are not forbidding the distribution of the so-called vaccine, when it is obvious that it was intended to reduce the world’s population by 10-15%, as Mr. Gates has explained to us.

In reality, not wanting to consider the relationship between cause and effect is a consequence of the rejection of the entire Western system of logic and philosophy that is essentially Aristotelian and Thomistic. Because a deviant thought can only be accepted in blind irrationality and servile obedience. Even if, in hindsight, the architects of the revolution have a very lucid and logical plan, which however they cannot declare openly since it is subversive and criminal.

Deep church and deep state move in parallel and in sync, because what moves them both is hatred for Jesus Christ. The antichristic matrix resides in deception, which is the mark of the Liar: a deception that began with making Adam and Eve believe that their disobedience would make them similar to God, when in reality they had been created “in the image and likeness of God” precisely in freely conforming to the divine cosmos impressed by the Creator in creatures and in creation. We find the same deception in making us believe that man can deny God and rebel against his Holy Law without consequences, when Satan first of all, sinning through pride, has damned himself for eternity. The myth of liberty, of which license and libertinism are counterfeits, is a lie. The secular state, which denies the Lordship of Christ the King in society, is a lie. Ecumenism, which places the Truth of God on the same level as error in the name of a peace and fraternity that cannot exist outside the one Church of Christ, the Holy Catholic Church, is a lie. It is a lie to have erected progress as an absolute good, because what it considers a good is in reality an evil that affects individuals and society, both secular society and spiritual society. It is a lie to pass off as a victory of popular demand something that an elite of conspirators has decided to impose on the masses, with the sole intent of dominating them and leading them to perdition.

This is why, in the face of all the Bergoglian nonsense, which celebrates as beyond dispute the successes of Vatican II and the conquests of the post-conciliar church despite the presence of a huge crisis, any comment is superfluous. What is sold to us as the latest discovery of modernity – from gender ideology to neo-Malthusian health ideology – is old ideological rubbish whose only purpose is to distance souls from God, so that the adage “misery loves company” becomes an apt summary of the evil action of the devil, who is envious that creatures endowed with a soul and body have been granted by Providence the Redemption that the angels, as pure spirits, were not granted. A Redemption accomplished by means of the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, perpetuated in its fruits by the Mystical Body of Christ, the Holy Church.

Bergoglio accuses people of Gnosticism and Pelagianism if they cannot accept the idea of a Gnostic and Pelagian pope, for whom the good does not consist in conforming oneself to the model of perfection intended for us by God the Creator and Redeemer, but rather in doing whatever each one of us believes is good. But this is, after all, nothing other than the sin of Lucifer, setting up his Non Serviam as a moral rule.

Archbishop Crepaldi did well to point out the antichristic matrix of the Cancel culture. But this analysis, which is valid and true regarding what is happening in the civil world, must also be courageously extended to the Catholic world, in which the same antichristic matrix has existed uncontested ever since the Second Vatican Council made an idol out of the new and transient, denying two thousand years of Tradition founded on the Word of God and on the teaching of the Apostles and the Roman Pontiffs. The ideological fury of Bergoglio is simply the logical consequence of these premises, and the fact that a massage therapist can design the gay-friendly logo for the 2025 Jubilee (here) is merely the latest dismal confirmation of an ongoing metastasis.

I urge my brothers in the episcopate, the priests and all the faithful to understand this fundamental aspect of the present apostasy, because we will not be able to do any good to convert civil society and restore the royal Crown to Christ as long as that Crown has been usurped by His enemies within the very womb of the Church.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
July 2, 2022

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  The US Is Funding A Massive Virus Hunt That Might Cause Another Pandemic. Great Idea!
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2022, 08:22 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

The US Is Funding A Massive Virus Hunt That Might Cause Another Pandemic. Great Idea!

[Image: 960x0.jpg?format=jpg&width=960]

Field technicians, using a box and long sticks to catch bats beneath a railroad bridge, for an for an arbovirus study, 1974. Image courtesy Centers for Disease Control. (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images) GETTY IMAGES

Steven Salzberg Contributor Forbes | July 5, 2022

I just learned that the US Agency for International Development, USAID, is pouring $125 million into an effort to seek out novel viruses in remote areas of the world. This is pretty much exactly what many scientists, including me, have been warning against for years.

How did I miss this? It was announced last October, along with articles about how excited Washington State University was to lead the project, and how pleased the University of Washington was to go out and hunt down animals that were carrying dangerous new viruses.

In any case, I know about it now, and I’m joining the voices (here and here, for example) that are warning that this is a truly terrible idea.

The USAID’s announcement seems utterly oblivious to the enormous dangers posed by this program. Their own headline says they want to find viruses that could cause pandemics! The program, called DEEP VZN (”deep vision,” get it?) is funding scientists in the US and in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to venture (”deep”) into unpopulated areas of the jungle, and to find animals carrying viruses that might infect humans. They’re particularly interested in viruses that could cause the next pandemic.

What could go wrong? Oh nothing, says USAID and the scientists who are happily taking the $125 million in funding. They’ll be super careful! So we should all be pleased with how the government is preparing for the next pandemic.

Related: White House Mandates Pfizer Vaccines for Millions of Citizens ...Before the FDA Clinical or Safety Reviews Have Been Made Public

Uh, no. As I wrote last year:

Quote:It’s also time to ask, very critically, whether anyone should be venturing out into remote areas to collect animals that are infected with possible pandemic-causing microbes, and bringing those animals [or just the viruses] back to densely populated areas. Rather than preventing pandemics, these activities are more likely to cause them.

The only tiny nod to risk in the USAID announcement is that they will “safely discover and understand new viruses from animals at high risk locations” (emphasis mine). They make no mention of how they will guarantee this is safe–because they simply can’t guarantee any such thing.

Oh wait, isn’t this how some people think the Covid-19 pandemic started? Because humans were collecting bats from remote caves? Oh, but perhaps that was different, because some of those bats were being collected for food, and the people collecting them weren’t careful enough.

Never mind that the debate about whether Covid-19 was caused by a lab leak has never been fully resolved. And never mind that the debate itself has made it clear that lab leaks happen all too often, and that it’s clearly possible that a lab leak could cause a pandemic.

(For more on the risks of lab leaks, see my previous articles, from March 2022, June 2021, October 2021, or January 2015 (when the threat was from influenza), or this New Yorker story from 2021.)

The details of DEEP VZN are even more alarming: they plan to collect over 800,000 samples from animals in the wild, and they hope (!) to discover 8,000 to 12,000 new viruses, any one of which might have the potential to start a worldwide pandemic. They’ll focus especially on coronaviruses (the family that includes the Covid-19 virus), Ebola-like viruses, and a group called paramyxoviruses.

Great, so maybe they’ll cause a novel Ebola outbreak too. I’m feeling very comforted now!

I have to note here that USAID, the funder for DEEP VZN, also funded EcoHealth Alliance to collect coronaviruses from bats in China, and EcoHealth partnered with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in that project. As I and many others have written over the past two years, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is a possible source, through a hypothesized lab leak, of the Covid-19 pandemic. We may never know if WIV was involved, because China shut down all access to the lab early in the pandemic.

But it seems USAID didn’t learn any lessons at all from the many publicly expressed concerns about whether it was wise to go into caves in remote areas of China and collect coronaviruses from bats. On the contrary: with DEEP VZN, they are doubling down.

Why do USAID and the scientists at Washington State and UW think this is a good idea? Well, here the story is very familiar. They are making the same pie-in-the-sky claims we’ve been hearing for years: “The hope is that this improved understanding will lead to prevention of future pandemics,” said a UW scientist in their press release. Or “to make sure the world is better prepared for these infectious disease events, we need to be ready” according to a Washington State scientist.

I and others have pointed out the flaws in these claim before, but it’s worth re-stating a few of them:

First, there’s not a shred of evidence that collecting these viruses will help prevent a pandemic, and we now have evidence providing the opposite. Scientists have been collecting coronaviruses since the first SARS outbreak, in 2003, and that work didn’t prevent the Covid-19 pandemic, even though both outbreaks were caused by coronaviruses.

Second, the act of going into remote areas and looking for viruses is highly likely to bring deadly new viruses back into human cities, creating opportunities for a lab leak that could easily cause a new pandemic. And despite some protests to the contrary, lab leaks can and do happen, even from the most secure facilities.

Third, having viruses in labs, even if they’re secure, will do little to help anyone design vaccines against future pandemic viruses. As expert virologists have pointed out, we simply can’t predict what viruses will cause the next pandemic: there are far too many of them, among other reasons.

There’s one more threat I have to mention. DEEP VZN proudly proclaims that it’s going to make all of its data public, including the genome sequences of the viruses that it collects. This strategy blithely ignores the fact that it’s now possible for hostile actors to use these sequences to create deadly new bioweapons. An MIT engineer estimates that some 30,000 people around the world already have this capability. Even if that is a bit alarmist (and I tend to think it is), it’s not so far-fetched to believe that generating all of these sequences greatly increases the risk that someone will create a rogue virus.

If USAID wants to help prevent the next pandemic, there are far, far better ways to spend $125 million of taxpayer money. Here are a few ideas:

1. Use the money to reduce the consumption of “bushmeat” in countries where this is still practiced. This could be done in many ways, such as training people in better farming methods, or even just providing food directly.

2. Put a halt to the use of wild animals for ineffective “traditional” medicines, which don’t cure anything and which are one of the main incentives for hunting exotic animals. This would have the additional benefit of saving a number of animal species from extinction.

3. Use the money to develop faster ways to produce and deliver vaccines, so we don’t have to wait months or years from the time a pathogen starts spreading until we have a vaccine.

Look, I know that some scientists are very excited about going out and finding new viruses, and some of them truly believe this will help prevent future pandemics. But they’ve been saying this for years, and the evidence is now overwhelming that this is a pipe dream. Sending humans out into the wild to gather viruses that would otherwise never make their way into population centers is just a terribly dangerous plan.

Or let’s put this another way: if you discovered that a research facility in your home town were working with hundreds of deadly viruses, would you have any concerns? Any at all? I know I would.

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  Bartholomeu Holzhauser's Life, Visions, and Commentary on St. John's Revelations [pdf]
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2022, 07:22 AM - Forum: Catholic Prophecy - No Replies

Published in the Dublin Review, 1850

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  Ignatian Retreat Conference 2022 - July 2, 2022
Posted by: Stone - 07-05-2022, 05:43 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

Ignatian Retreat Conference - On the Glorious Resurrection - July 2, 2022 (KS)

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  'Canadians will be required to get a Covid shot every nine months for the foreseeable future'
Posted by: Stone - 07-05-2022, 05:39 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Canada's Health Minister: "You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed"

[Image: 2022-07-05_05-22-49.jpg?itok=f3JrQBQZ]

ZH | JUL 05, 2022
Authored by Mark Jeftovic via BombThrower.com,

This is the new ‘right way’ to think about vaccinations...

Despite increasingly compelling data and peer reviewed studies coming out detailing the harms and side-effects of vaccinations, Canada’s Liberal-Socialist coalition government is doubling down on vaccinations, and appear ready move the goalposts on what constitutes vaccine compliance.

As reported via Blacklocks Reporter (@mindingottawa on Twitter),

Quote:Canadians will be required to get a Covid shot every nine months for the foreseeable future, says Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. Previous definitions of “fully vaccinated” made no sense, he told reporters.

“Nine months is very clear and will help people understand why ‘up to date’ is the right way to think about vaccination now,” said Duclos.

“‘Fully vaccinated’ makes no sense now. It’s about ‘up to date.’  So am I up to date in my vaccination? Have I received a vaccination in the last nine months?”

Duclos previously called for the provinces to make vaccinations mandatory and when asked by reporters if mandates would return this fall, he replied “We must continue to fight against Covid.”

Canada seems to be one of the few countries outside Communist China who is frantically clinging to the COVID narrative, relentlessly pushing largely ineffective  (and arguably dangerous) vaccines on an increasingly fed up population.

The Trudeau regime is increasingly unpopular, a recent Angus Reid poll finding those who “strongly support” the government falling into single digits. The largest single category was “strongly disapprove” at 41%,

Reeling with numerous scandals, corruption and gaffes,  Justin Trudeau holds power solely through the merger of his party with the  Canada’s Socialist NDP, headed by millionaire Jagmeet Singh.

[Image: 2022-07-05_05-24-39.jpg?itok=MN1qVTC2]

The deal ostensibly keeps him in office until 2025. Singh is also on the ropes, frequently being jeered in public even among his base constituency in Brampton, Ontario. His brother lost his seat in the recent Ontario election, and Sing himself was run out of a campaign stop by enraged Sikhs who called him “a sell out”.


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  ‘Going well’: Pope Francis hopes for renewal of Vatican-China deal in October
Posted by: Stone - 07-05-2022, 03:17 PM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

‘Going well’: Pope Francis hopes for renewal of Vatican-China deal in October
AsiaNews wrote in 2018 that ‘underground Catholics bitterly suspect that the Vatican has abandoned them’ since the deal was signed.

[Image: Pope-Francis-reuters-810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis speaking with Reuters July 2, 2022

Tue Jul 5, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis has praised the controversial Vatican deal with China, saying that it “is going well” and that he hopes it will be renewed in October.

Speaking to Reuters on July 2, Pope Francis doubled down on the secretive deal the Vatican has made with China, which is due for its second renewal in October of this year.

“The agreement is moving well, and I hope that in October it can be renewed,” Pope Francis told the news service. Earlier in the interview, Francis had touched on the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade in the U.S. and stamped on circling rumors about his possible resignation.

His latest comments, released on July 5, dealt with the Sino-Vatican deal which has been the subject of much criticism from China experts as well as Catholic clergy in Asia, notably Cardinal Joseph Zen.

First signed in 2018 and later renewed in 2020, the deal’s specific details remain undisclosed with a peculiar air of mystery surrounding them. China expert Stephen Mosher described the deal as an action which was “perhaps the most controversial of a papacy dogged by controversy.”

When speaking to Reuters, Francis defended the deal as being a necessary part of diplomacy and something which echoed the actions of Popes John XXII and Paul VI in their dealings with Communist nations.

“Diplomacy is like that. When you face a blocked situation, you have to find the possible way, not the ideal way, out of it,” he said.

“Diplomacy is the art of the possible and of doing things to make the possible become a reality,” he added.

READ: Pope Francis’ deal with Communist China has led to greater persecution of Catholics

Reportedly, the Vatican-China deal recognizes the state-approved version of the Catholic Church and allows the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to appoint bishops. The Pope apparently maintains a veto power although in practice it is the CCP who has control. It also allegedly allows for the removal and replacement of legitimate bishops by CCP-approved bishops.

In an earlier defense of the deal, Francis described it as forming a “new chapter of the Catholic Church in China.” However, the reality on the ground is marked by a heightened increase in religious persecution since the deal was signed, which the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China described as a direct consequence of the deal. In its 2020 report, the Commission wrote that the persecution witnessed was “of an intensity not seen since the Cultural Revolution.”

A growing number of bishops, priests and lay people have been arrested and held in isolation following the deal, with the Vatican’s official media outlet ignoring these instances and instead praising the appointment of bishops which have taken place since the deal was signed.

READ: China’s communist-run church declares ‘independence’ immediately after deal with Vatican

“It’s a “betrayal of the real Church,” Hong Kong emeritus Cardinal Joseph Zen said of the deal in July 2020 before revealing a startling detail: “It’s not an isolated episode. It’s already a long-standing policy of the Vatican not to offend the Chinese government.”

Yet announcing the deal’s renewal in 2020, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin declared that “we are content. There are still many other problems, but we never expected the accord to resolve all the problems.”

Cardinal Zen, recently arrested by the authorities, has been an outspoken critic of the deal since its inception. His arrest is seen as a key moment testing the Vatican’s commitment either to Chinese Catholics or to Beijing. Cardinal Parolin, however, stated that his arrest “should not be read as ‘a disavowal’ of the agreement between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China on the appointments of bishops.”

A total of six Chinese bishops are now reported to have been consecrated under the terms of the deal, with around 40 bishops still needing to be appointed. 

Speaking to Catholic News Agency last year, Father Bernardo Cervellera, the former editor-in-chief of AsiaNews, said that all the bishops so far appointed under the deal had been “president or secretary of the Patriotic Association [the state-approved church]. So this means that they are very near to the government.”

Cervellera added that priests “above all, they have to praise the glory of the Communist Party.” Clerics are also required by law to sign documents promising to support the CCP.

Pope Francis appeared not to take note of such concerns when speaking with Reuters, commenting that “they (the Chinese) also have their own problems because it is not the same situation in every region of the country. It (the treatment of Catholics) also depends on local leaders.”

The Argentine pontiff described the deal’s slow progress as “‘the Chinese way,’ because the Chinese have that sense of time that nobody can rush them.”

Among the notable critics of the deal is the former senior Vatican official in Hong Kong, Monsignor Javier Herrera-Corona. Over a number of months last year, Mgr. Herrera-Corona told missionaries in Hong Kong to prepare for further religious persecution as restrictions were only going to increase.

He was removed as head of the Holy See Study Mission in Hong Kong in February this year, and appointed as Nuncio in the Republic of the Congo and in Gabon. His sudden reassignment, along with that of the senior Vatican official in Taiwan, prompted speculation that Beijing was exercising influence on the Vatican to remove clerics the authorities took issue with.

With the Vatican now looking to renew the deal, it appears that Chinese Catholics will be subject to continued persecution, as AsiaNews wrote – only hours after the deal was signed in 2018 – saying that “[u]nderground Catholics bitterly suspect that the Vatican has abandoned them.”

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