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  Margaret Sanger: The Wickedness of Creating Large Families
Posted by: Stone - 06-28-2022, 07:26 PM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Excerpt of the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger's Woman and the New Race, 1920 [emphasis mine]:

V. The Wickedness of Creating Large Families

THE MOST serious evil of our times is that of encouraging the bringing into the world of large families. The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children. These statements may startle those who have never made a thorough investigation of the problem. They are, nevertheless, well considered, and the truth of them is abundantly borne out by an examination of facts and conditions which are part of everyday experience or observation.  

The immorality of large families lies not only in their injury to the members of those families but in their injury to society. If one were asked offhand to name the greatest evil of the day one might, in the light of one’s education by the newspapers, or by agitators, make any one of a number of replies. One might say prostitution, the oppression of labor, child labor, or war. ... Without the large family, not one of these evils could exist to any considerable extent, much less to the extent that they exist to-day. The large family—especially the family too large to receive adequate care—is the one thing necessary to the perpetuation of these and other evils and is therefore a greater evil than any one of them. ...

The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it. ...

...  let it be remembered that bearing and rearing six or eight children to-day is a far different matter from what it was in the generations just preceding. Physically and nervously, the woman of to-day is not fitted to bear children as frequently as was her mother and her mother’s mother. The high tension of modern life and the complicating of woman’s everyday existence have doubtless contributed to this result.

...  The immorality of bringing into being a large family is a wrong-doing shared by three—the mother, the father and society. Upon all three falls the burden of guilt. It may be said for the mother and father that they are usually ignorant. What shall be said of society? What shall be said of us who permit outworn laws and customs to persist in piling up the appalling sum of public expense, misery and spiritual degradation? The indictment against the large unwanted family is written in human woe. Who in the light of intelligent understanding shall have the brazenness to stand up and defend it?
One thing we know—the woman who has escaped the chains of too great reproductivity will never again wear them. The birth rate of the wealthy and upper classes will never appreciably rise. The woman of these classes is free of her most oppressive bonds. Being free, we have a right to expect much of her. We expect her to give still greater expression to her feminine spirit—we expect her to enrich the intellectual, artistic, moral and spiritual life of the world. We expect her to demolish old systems of morals, a degenerate prudery, Dark-Age religious concepts, laws that enslave women by denying them the knowledge of their bodies, and information as to contraceptives. These must go to the scrapheap of vicious, cast-off things. Hers is the power to send them there. Shall we look to her to strike the first blow which shall wrench her sisters from the grip of the dead hand of the past?

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  Fr. Ruiz: Alternate Video Platforms
Posted by: Stone - 06-28-2022, 06:45 AM - Forum: Rev. Father Hugo Ruiz Vallejo - No Replies

Fr. Ruiz has announced several new video platforms where his sermons can be found:

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@ElCatolicismoDeSiempre:e

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/4bM3UbjJiO1F/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/El-Catolicismo-...__tn__=-UC

Cine Familiar MX YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79hsT4...vbP_rDIT6A

SSPX-MC YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp4zcmO...690MoCJ7Rg

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  Nigerian Governor Orders Mass Issuance Of Gun Permits To Counter Murderous Hordes
Posted by: Stone - 06-28-2022, 06:37 AM - Forum: Global News - Replies (1)

Nigerian Governor Orders Mass Issuance Of Gun Permits To Counter Murderous Hordes

[Image: bandits%20mgs_0.png?itok=aTZ_FJ40]

ZH |  JUN 27, 2022

Gun permits have rarely been issued in Nigeria—but that's about to change.

In the face of rampant violence by huge gangs of heavily armed bandits, one state governor has ordered the mass issuance of gun permits to citizens desperate for a chance to protect themselves.

For over a decade, Nigerians living in the country's northwestern states have endured an endless plague of looting, kidnapping and murder at the hands of gangs and ethnic militias, which Nigerians call bandits. The violence has taken its steepest toll on the states of Zamfara and Kaduna.

[Image: Screen%20Shot%202022-06-27%20at%2012.31....k=d--XccUL] 

A map showing the states of Nigeria, with the northwestern Zamfara and Kaduna states highlighted

The bandits operate from bases in remote forests where terrain makes offensive operations by Nigerian security forces more difficult and dangerous. In addition, "Nigeria's security forces are stretched fighting an Islamist insurgency in the northeast of the country, leaving individual states to rely on vigilante groups to tackle the bandits," reports Reuters.

In addition to the money they gain through robbery and kidnapping, the bandits also control gold mines, giving them additional resources to fund weapons purchases.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton helped give Nigeria's murderous bandits a powerful advantage over citizens and police alike. The collapse of Libya's government after the U.S.-NATO-led regime change war boosted the flow of military weapons throughout West Africa. According to a 2016 OXFAM report, Libya's illicit arms market has enabled online purchase of rifles, heavy machine guns, rocket-launchers, anti-tank guided missiles and grenade launchers.

With government increasingly incapable of stopping the onslaught, the bandits have been emboldened. In early January, some 200 people were killed in Zamfara as bandits used violence on civilians as a form of retaliation for government airstrikes on their base. In a two-day orgy of violence, up to nine villages were attacked, with bandits shooting villagers while looting and burning their homes.

Last week, bandits attacked two churches in the neighboring Kaduna state, killing eight people and kidnapping 38.

And now, Bello Matawalle, the governor of Zamfara state, has decided his citizens deserve at least a fighting chance against formidable foes. Specifically, the governor ordered the police commissioner to issue 500 licenses in each of the state's 19 emirate subdivisions.

"Government is ready to facilitate people, especially our farmers, to secure basic weapons for defending themselves," said Ibrahim Magaji Dosara, Zamfara information commissioner.

Perhaps betraying an affinity for gun control—even in as desperate a situation as that faced by Nigerians—Associated Press couldn't help but strike a skeptical tone: "It was not yet clear how arming citizens would help prevent the attacks; authorities have admitted that even the Nigerian police are sometimes overwhelmed during violent attacks."

The expansion of gun ownership is one of a variety of measures against the marauders. Others include the closure of gas stations in particularly dangerous areas, and a ban of motorcycles, which are integral to the bandits' modus operandi. Upwards of 300 or more motorcyclists descend on villages at once, typically with both an armed rider and an armed passenger.

"Anybody found riding a motorbike within the areas [are] considered bandits and security agencies are thereby directed to shoot such persons at sight," said Dosara.

[Image: Screen%20Shot%202022-06-26%20at%2010.48....k=iFpnfirV]

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  “Suspicious” fires burns Catholic church down to the ground in West Virginia
Posted by: Stone - 06-28-2022, 06:20 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - Replies (1)

Multiple crews respond to “suspicious” church fire in Shady Spring

[Image: 3-2.jpg?resize=756,1008]

WVNSTV.COM | Jun 26, 2022

SHADY SPRING, WV (WVNS) — Multiple crews responded to a structure fire at the Saint Colman Catholic Church in Shady Spring.

According to the Beaver Volunteer Fire Department, the call for a structure fire at the Saint Colman Catholic Church in Shady Spring came in at 10:16 A.M. on Sunday, June 26, 2022. When crews arrived, the church was already burned to the ground and still smoldering.

The Beaver Volunteer Fire Department said given the nature of the fire, it is considered suspicious in nature and is being investigated as arson.

Anyone with any information regarding the fire is asked to contact the WV State Police, Trooper D. Daniels at (304) 256-6700, the WV State Fire Marshal’s Arson Hotline at 1 (800) 233-3473 or Crime Stoppers of Raleigh County at 304-255-STOP or www.crimestopperswv.com

[Image: 5-1.jpg?resize=756,1008]

The Beaver Volunteer Fire Department was assisted by Ghent VFD, Coal City VFD, Ghent EMS, National Park Service and the WV State Police.

[Image: 3-2.jpg?resize=756,1008]

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  In honor of the Sacred Heart
Posted by: Stone - 06-27-2022, 09:21 AM - Forum: In Honor of Our Lord - Replies (2)

[Image: Sacred%20Heart%20Index.jpg]

Hymn for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
"All who do not wish to perish in that deluge of iniquity which inundates the earth, 
should seek in the Heart of Jesus an asylum and a shelter."--St. Bernard.

Isa. xii. 3: "You shall draw waters with joy out of the Saviour's fountain."

Jesu, Creator of the world!
Of all mankind Redeemer blest!
True God of God! in whom we see
The Father's Image clear expressed!

O Jesu! in Thy heart divine
May that same love for ever flow;
For ever mercy to mankind
From that exhaustless fountain flow.

Thee, Saviour, love alone constrained
To make our mortal flesh Thine own;
And as a second Adam come,
For the first Adam to atone.

For this, Thy sacred heart was pierced,
And both with blood and water ran,
To cleanse us from the stains of guilt,
And be the hope and strength of man.

That self-same love, which made the sky
Which made the sea, and stars, and earth,
Took pity on our misery,
And broke the bondage of our birth.

To God the Father and the Son
All praise, and power, and glory be;
With Thee, O holy Comforter,
Henceforth through all eternity. Amen

First Vespers.

V. I came to send fire on earth.
R. And what will I but that it be kindled?

Second Vespers.

V. With joy ye shall draw water.
R. From the fountains of the Saviour.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus, The Object of Our Love in the Blessed Sacrament

"Let us return love for love."

Ps. lxxxv. 12: "I will praise Thee, O Lord, my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify Thy name for ever."

Beneath the outward form of bread
There is a Sacred Heart,
The tenderest Heart that ever bled,
Or felt unkindness' smart.

Chorus: 'Tis ours, blest sacrament, to atone
For wrongs in Thee to Jesus done.

Here then He dwells, and here invites
The gentle and the rude
To make returns of love--but meets
Nought but ingratitude.

Chorus: 'Tis ours, blest sacrament, to atone
For wrongs in Thee to Jesus done.

The Word of God in flesh had clad
Himself in Mary's womb,
The Heart of Jesus now has made
The sacrament its home.

Chorus: 'Tis ours, blest sacrament, to atone
For wrongs in Thee to Jesus done.

Then, brethren of the Sacred Heart,
Be this our single aim,
In Jesus' griefs to have a part,
And sympathise with Him.

Chorus: 'Tis ours, blest sacrament, to atone
For wrongs in Thee to Jesus done.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Hope of Sinners

Ps. xxxiii. 8: "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.

All ye who seek a sure relief
In trouble or distress,
Whatever sorrows vex the mind,
Or guilt the soul oppress;
Our Lord, Who gave Himself for us
Upon the Cross to die,
Unfolds to us His Sacred Heart;
Oh, to that Heart draw nigh.

Chorus: O Jesu, joy of Saints on high;
Thou hope of sinners here,
Attracted by those loving words,
To Thee I lift my prayer.

What meeker than the Saviour's heart
As on the Cross He lay?
It did His murderers forgive,
And for their pardon pray.
Ye hear how kindly He invites,
Ye hear His words so blest:
"All ye that labour come to Me,
And I will give you rest."

Chorus: O Jesu, joy of Saints on high;
Thou hope of sinners here,
Attracted by those loving words,
To Thee I lift my prayer.

Wash Thou my wounds in that dear blood
Which forth from Thee did flow:
New grace, new hope inspire, a new
And better life bestow.
Praise Him who with the Father sits
Enthroned upon the skies;
Whose blood redeems our souls from guilt,
Whose Spirit sanctifies.

Chorus: O Jesu, joy of Saints on high;
Thou hope of sinners here,
Attracted by those loving words,
To Thee I lift my prayer.

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  Another Closure: One of the Largest Chicken Producers in the U.S. Announces Shutodown
Posted by: Stone - 06-27-2022, 08:24 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

ANOTHER CLOSURE: One of the Largest Chicken Producers in the U.S. Announces Tennessee Plant Shutdown

[Image: Screen-Shot-2022-06-26-at-6.30.17-PM.jpg]

GP | June 26, 2022

Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ is not working as planned… Or is it?

One of the top ten largest vertically integrated chicken producers in the US, supplying a broad range of quality poultry products, announced that it will be shutting down one of its plants in Campbell County, Tennessee.

According to WVLT-TV, George’s Inc.: Poultry and Prepared Foods announced it will close one of its food processing plants.

The reason for the closure has not yet been disclosed, even the locals were surprised by the sudden decision.

Campbell County Mayor E.L. Morton told the WVLT-TV that he’s doing his best to keep the plant open.

“I have contacted the Tennessee Economic and Community Development staff to request assistance in keeping the plant open or facilitating a sale to another operator,” Morton said.

The closure of the plant would imperil the livelihoods of nearly 200 of the company’s employees during a time of record-high inflation and the cost of everything is way up, according to Western Journal.

“I have requested Governor Lee’s assistance as well. My primary concern is for the welfare of the dedicated workers who have been the backbone of this operation. Our prayers go out to them as well as our very best efforts to keep them employed in Campbell County,” Morton added.

George’s Inc’s plant closure in Campbell County, Tennessee is another blow to the US food market.

George’s Inc. is a chicken processing company with plants in Arkansas, Missouri, Virginia, and Tennessee. The corporate offices are in Springdale, Arkansas.

Last year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that George’s Inc. plant in Edinburg, Virginia was out of compliance with federal regulations after more than 2,500 chickens were found dead on the plant grounds, The Northern Virginia Daily reported.

“A majority of the dead chickens had been left in trailers overnight on May 6, 2020, at the George’s Inc. plant in Edinburg, according to the reports. Some of the dead chickens were on trailers that arrived at the plant the morning of May 7, the reports state,” the news outlet reported.

Below is the updated list of [100!] U.S. plants that have been destroyed, damaged or impacted by “accidental fires,” disease, or other causes.

1/11/21 A fire that destroyed 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville
4/30/21 A fire ignited inside the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Monmouth, IL
7/25/21 Three-alarm fire at Kellogg plant in Memphis, 170 emergency personnel responded to the call
7/30/21 Firefighters on Friday battled a large fire at Tyson’s River Valley Ingredients plant in Hanceville, Alabama
8/23/21 Fire crews were called to the Patak Meat Production company on Ewing Road in Austell
9/13/21 A fire at the JBS beef plant in Grand Island, Neb., on Sunday night forced a halt to slaughter and fabrication lines
10/13/21 A five-alarm fire ripped through the Darigold butter production plant in Caldwell, ID
11/15/21  A woman is in custody following a fire at the Garrard County Food Pantry
11/29/21  A fire broke out around 5:30 p.m. at the Maid-Rite Steak Company meat processing plant
12/13/21 West Side food processing plant in San Antonio left with smoke damage after a fire
1/7/22 Damage to a poultry processing plant on Hamilton’s Mountain following an overnight fire
1/13/22 Firefighters worked for 12 hours to put a fire out at the Cargill-Nutrena plant in Lecompte, LA
1/31/22 a fertilizer plant with 600 tons of ammonium nitrate inside caught on fire on Cherry Street in Winston-Salem
2/3/22 A massive fire swept through Wisconsin River Meats in Mauston
2/3/22 At least 130 cows were killed in a fire at Percy Farm in Stowe
2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
2/15/22 Nearly a week after the fire destroyed most of the Shearer’s Foods plant in Hermiston
2/16/22 A fire had broken at US largest soybean processing and biodiesel plant in Claypool, Indiana
2/18/22 An early morning fire tore through the milk parlor at Bess View Farm
2/19/22 Three people were injured, and one was hospitalized, after an ammonia leak at Lincoln Premium Poultry in Fremont
2/22/22 The Shearer’s Foods plant in Hermiston caught fire after a propane boiler exploded
2/28/22 A smoldering pile of sulfur quickly became a raging chemical fire at Nutrien Ag Solutions
2/28/22 A man was hurt after a fire broke out at the Shadow Brook Farm and Dutch Girl Creamery
3/4/22 294,800 chickens destroyed at farm in Stoddard, Missouri
3/4/22 644,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
3/8/22 243,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in New Castle, Delaware
3/10/22 663,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, MD
3/10/22 915,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Taylor, IA
3/14/22 The blaze at 244 Meadow Drive was discovered shortly after 5 p.m. by farm owner Wayne Hoover
3/14/22 2,750,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Jefferson, Wisconsin
3/16/22 A fire at a Walmart warehouse distribution center in Plainfield, Indiana has cast a large plume of smoke visible throughout Indianapolis.
3/16/22 Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas
3/17/22 5,347,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Buena Vista, Iowa
3/17/22 147,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Kent, Delaware
3/18/22 315,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
3/22/22 172,000 Turkeys destroyed on farms in South Dakota
3/22/22 570,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
3/24/22 Fire fighters from numerous towns are battling a major fire at the McCrum potato processing facility in Belfast, Maine.
3/24/22 418,500 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
3/25/22 250,300 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Franklin, Iowa
3/26/22 311,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
3/27/22 126,300 Turkeys destroyed in South Dakota
3/28/22 1,460,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Guthrie, Iowa
3/29/22 A massive fire burned 40,000 pounds of food meant to feed people in a food desert near Maricopa
3/31/22 A structure fire caused significant damage to a large portion of key fresh onion packing facilities in south Texas
3/31/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Osceola, Iowa
3/31/22 5,011,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Osceola, Iowa
4/6/22 281,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
4/9/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/9/22 208,900 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/12/22 89,700 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
4/12/22 1,746,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Dixon, Nebraska
4/12/22 259,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Minnesota
4/13/22 Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire
4/13/22 Plane crashes into Gem State Processing, Idaho potato and food processing plant
4/13/22 77,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/14/22 Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.
4/14/22 99,600 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/15/22 1,380,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Lancaster, Minnesota
4/19/22 Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
4/19/22 339,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/19/22 58,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Montrose, Color
4/20/22 2,000,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Minnesota
4/21/22 A small plane crashed in the lot of a General Mills plant in Covington, Georgia
4/22/22 197,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/23/22 200,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
4/25/22 1,501,200 chickens destroyed at egg farm Cache, Utah
4/26/22 307,400 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
4/27/22 2,118,000 chickens destroyed at farm Knox, Nebraska
4/28/22 Egg-laying facility in Iowa kills 5.3 million chickens, fires 200-plus workers
4/28/22 Allen Harim Foods processing plant killed nearly 2M chickens in Delaware
4/2822 110,700 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
4/29/22 5 million honeybees are dead after a flight carrying the pollinator insects from California to Alaska got diverted to Georgia (New)
4/29/22 1,366,200 chickens destroyed at farm Weld Colorado
4/30/22 13,800 chickens destroyed at farm Sequoia Oklahoma
5/3/22 58,000 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Beadle S Dakota
5/3/22 114,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Lyon Minnesota
5/7/22 20,100 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
5/10/22 72,300 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
5/10/22 61,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/10/22 35,100 Turkeys destroyed Muskegon, Michigan
5/13/22 10,500 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
5/14/22 83,400 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/17/22 79,00 chickens destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/18/22 7,200 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/19/22 Train carrying limestone derailed Jensen Beach FL
5/21/22 57,000 Turkeys destroyed on farm in Dakota Minnesota
5/23/22 4,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
5/29/22 A Saturday night fire destroyed a poultry building at Forsman Farms in Howard Lake, Minnesota
5/31/22 3,000,000 chickens destroyed by fire at Forsman facility in Stockholm Township, Minnesota
6/2/22 30,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
6/7/22 A fire occurred Tuesday evening at the JBS meat packing plant in Green Bay, Wisconsin
6/8/22 Firefighters from Tangipahoa Fire District 1 respond to a fire at the Purina Feed Mill in Arcola, Louisiana
6/9/22 Irrigation water was canceled in California (the #1 producer of food in the US) and storage water flushed directly out to the delta.
6/12/22 Largest Pork Company in the US Shuts Down California Plant Due to High Costs
6/13/22 Fire Breaks Out at a Food Processing Plant West of Waupaca County in Wisconsin
6/14/22 Over 10,000 head of cattle have reportedly died in the recent Kansas heat wave
6/23/22 George’s Inc.: Poultry and Prepared Foods announced it will close one of its food processing plants in Campbell County, Tennessee

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  Statement of Archbishop Viganò on Overturning Roe v. Wade
Posted by: Stone - 06-27-2022, 08:07 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - Replies (1)

Statement of Archbishop Viganò on Overturning Roe v. Wade

[Image: Archbishop-Vigano-on-Roe-v-Wade.jpg]

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1a2nrr-statement-of-...-wade.html

PDF can be read here

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  Gregorian Propers for the Third Sunday after Pentecost
Posted by: Stone - 06-26-2022, 07:35 AM - Forum: Pentecost - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Third Sunday after Pentecost

[Image: QSZwaWQ9QXBp]

Third Sunday after Pentecost
Introit • Score • Respice in me
Gradual • Score • Jacta cogitatum tuum
Alleluia • Score • Deus judex justus
Offertory • Score • Sperent in te omnes
Communion • Score • Dico vobis gaudium est

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  Reactivation Of Chickenpox Virus Following COVID-19 Injections On The Rise
Posted by: Stone - 06-25-2022, 09:21 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Reactivation Of Chickenpox Virus Following COVID-19 Injections On The Rise

ZH | JUN 25, 2022
Authored by Meiling Lee via The Epoch Times (emphasis mine),

Doctors and scientists are seeing an increase in the reactivation of the chickenpox virus, known as varicella-zoster virus (VZV), following the COVID-19 injections.

The chickenpox virus is one of the eight herpes viruses known to infect humans. After a person contracts and recovers from chickenpox, the virus never leaves the body but lies dormant in the nervous system years later until it gets reactivated as shingles, or herpes zoster (HZ).

Federal health authorities claim that there’s no correlation between COVID-19 injections and shingles, but studies show that there is a higher incidence of shingles in people who’ve received the vaccine.

Israel was one of the earlier countries to publish a case series of six women (out of 491 participants) with an autoimmune disorder who developed shingles 3 to 14 days after receiving the first or second dose of Pfizer COVID-19 shot. None of the 99 participants in the control group developed shingles. The study was published in the journal Rheumatology in April 2021.

“To our knowledge, there were no reports of varicella-like skin rash or HZ in the mRNA-based vaccines COVID-19 clinical trials and our case series is the first one to report this observation in patients within a relatively young age range: 36–61, average age 49 ± 11 years,” the authors wrote.

They hoped that publishing the case series would “raise awareness to a potential causal link between COVID-19 vaccination as a trigger of HZ reactivation in relatively young patients with stable AIIRD [autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases].”

In a different case study from Taiwan, researchers reported three healthy men ages 71, 46, and 42 who developed shingles two to seven days following the first dose of the Moderna or AstraZeneca COVID-19 injection.

“HZ does not often appear after the administration of other kinds of vaccinations,” the researchers wrote. “But we believed that there might be a link between COVID-19 vaccine and HZ emergence.”

“One of the reasons is the short delay of onset after vaccination. The other reason is that these three patients were immunocompetent,” they added.

The largest study to date, based on real-world data (pdf) of more than two million patients, found that there was a higher incidence of shingles among the vaccinated (who received a COVID-19 shot within 60 days) than in the unvaccinated cohort, who were diagnosed with shingles within 60 days of visiting a healthcare office for any other reason.

According to the researchers, the risk of developing shingles was calculated as 0.20 percent for the vaccinated group and 0.11 percent for the unvaccinated, and the “difference was statistically highly significant.”

Reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus appears to be a potential ADR [adverse drug reaction] to COVID-19 vaccines, at least for mRNA LNP-based formulations,” the authors wrote, adding that “vaccination against COVID-19 seems to potentially raise the risk of precipitating HZ [herpes zoster].”

Dr. Richard Urso, an ophthalmologist, and drug design and treatment specialist, told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program in April 2022 that of the three to five patients he sees a week with long COVID or problems after receiving the COVID-19 shot, “a huge number of them have reactivated Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, CMV.”

Regardless of the rise in reports of shingles after the rollout of the COVID-19 shots, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that it has not detected any safety signal between the two.

“FDA has not seen a safety signal for shingles/herpes zoster following administration of the approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines,” Abby Capobianco, FDA press officer told The Epoch Times via email last month, adding that the agency “will continue to closely monitor the safety of these vaccines.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also alleges that “there is no current connection” between COVID-19 vaccines and the reactivation of the chickenpox virus.

CDC spokesperson Scott Pauley said that any adverse reactions experienced after receiving a COVID-19 shot are temporary and a positive sign that the vaccine is working.

“Some people have side effects from the vaccine, which are normal signs that their body is building protection,” Pauley wrote in an email to The Epoch Times. “These side effects may affect their ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects, and allergic reactions are rare.”

Read more here.

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  Europe’s Dystopian “Ministry of Truth 2022”
Posted by: Stone - 06-25-2022, 08:05 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Europe’s Dystopian “Ministry of Truth 2022”: Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Microsoft, Google 
Enlisted by the E.U. “to Fight Disinformation”
“When the Lie becomes the Truth, there is No Moving Backwards” (Michel Chossudovsky)

[Image: 1984_270x453.jpg]

Global Research [adapted] | June 20, 2022

The EU has released its guidelines for the implementation of online censorship. It’s the roadway to tyranny.  It’s Orwell’s Ministry of Truth 2022.

The unspoken objective is to sustain government propaganda and “fake news” by the mainstream media while systematically curtailing freedom of expression and independent analysis throughout the European Union. It is also an attempt to literally bankrupt independent media (financially) through a process of demonetization.

The EU project is entitled 2022 Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation:

The new Code brings together a more diverse range of stakeholders than ever, empowering them to contribute to wide-ranging improvements by signing up to precise commitments relevant to their field. Such commitments include demonetising the dissemination of disinformation; guaranteeing transparency of political advertising; enhancing cooperation with fact-checkers; and facilitating researchers access to data.

Supporting platforms and industry to meet their commitments under the Code of Practice on Disinformation feeds in to the European Commission’s commitment to a more transparent, safe and trustworthy online environment.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2022-06-20-at-10.18.22.png]

Needless to say, The 2022 Strengthened Code does not address the REAL mainstream media practice of fake news, nor does it question the lies of senior government officials.

Suppressing the Truth

The European Commission’s objective is to suppress the truth regarding Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. In the words of  Věra Jourová, EU Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency (May 2022):

Quote:“Disinformation related to the coronavirus crisis and Russia’s war in Ukraine clearly show that we need stronger tools to fight online disinformation."

Outright lies regarding the deadly impacts of the Covid-19 Vaccine. Amply documented, the Covid-19 Vaccine has triggered from the outset in December 2020 an upward trend in mortality and morbidity. The evidence is overwhelming. National governments Worldwide are Lying to You the People, to the populations they purportedly serve.

What is at stake is a comprehensive totalitarian project with a view to sustaining official lies and fake science on behalf of the financial elites. The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is complicit in suppressing the truth on behalf of Big Pharma. If you have doubts, read the bombshell Secret Report by Pfizer, which is now in the public domain (released under FOI).

“More Transparency” points to the Elimination of Freedom of Expression in Online Publishing

So far the EU Digital Strategy (with a view to tackling alleged online disinformation) has  enlisted Facebook (owned by Meta), Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Twitch, and TikTok.

In this regard, the EU has put forth a detailed Code of Practice which contains 44 commitments and 128 specific measures.


The first objective is  entitled “Demonetisation: cutting financial incentives for purveyors of disinformation”. It’s intent is to prevent the independent online media from raising revenue through advertising and/or donations.

The Real “purveyors of disinformation” and “fake news”, namely the mainstream media conglomerates are not affected. Quite the opposite: The main source of their multibillion dollar online revenue is advertising.

Quote:“The Code will strengthen the measures to reduce manipulative behaviour used to spread disinformation (e.g. fake accounts, bot-driven amplification, impersonation, malicious deep fakes”…They will be also required to periodically review the list of tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) employed by malicious actors”…

Who are those “Malicious Actors”?

Malicious actors are routinely involved to actions which contribute to the destabilization and suppression of the independent media.

It takes on various forms. In the course of the month of April 2022, Global Research was the object of a cyber attack involving a daily average of up to 10 million malicious requests, originating simultaneously from several countries, the objective of which was to paralyze our website.

Other procedures adopted by Facebook and Twitter consist in providing a malicious label to independent media articles:

[Image: Screen-Shot-2022-06-20-at-15.28.55.png]

The EU initiative is to “be better protected from disinformation” to enable online readers “to access authoritative sources”.

The objective is also  “to empower” the so-called “fact-checking community”, which is largely controlled by the corporate media in alliance with Facebook, Google et al in liaison with corrupt government officials.

“Steps ahead”

The EU calls for the rapid implementation of the Code:

Quote:Signatories will have six months to implement the commitments and measures to which they have signed up. …

… The established Task Force, which will meet as necessary and at least every six months, will monitor and adapt the commitments in view of technological, societal, market and legislative developments.

Censorship is Mandatory

It is worth noting that while the 2018’s Code of Practice on Disinformation, is “self regulatory”, the revised version adopted on 16 June 2022 is slated to become  mandatary:

Quote:“the Code aims to become a mitigation measure and a Code of Conduct recognized under the co-regulatory framework of the DSA.”

This insidious project is tantamount to the establishment of a  European ‘Ministry of Truth”

in blatant violation of the constitutional provisions of the EU’s 27 member states. It goes far beyond Hitler’s propaganda apparatus led by Joseph Goebbels.

“Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, 1933-1945, formulated a principle that if a lie is told often enough, it becomes accepted as the truth.” (Brian Willson)

“A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”- Joseph Goebbels

The dystopian premises of Orwell’s 1984 are now embedded in an advanced online digital communications technology.

Repeated media lies 24/7 are part of a fear campaign.

In turn, the methodology of persistent and repetitive lying inserted into an advanced digital environment has a far greater reach than the repulsive propaganda model proposed by Goebbels to Adolph Hitler.

The European Commission will Finance the “Fact Checkers”

The real purveyors of media disinformation namely the corporate media and its “fact checkers” are not only exempt from these provisions, the EU Commission has promised to generously finance the “fact checkers” (at tax payers expense) which operate under the auspices of the multi-billion dollar corporate media conglomerates including Reuters (owned by the Thomson Family):

Quote:“… The Code works towards ensuring fair financial contributions for fact-checkers’ work and better access to fact-checkers to information facilitating their daily work”.

This project of the European Commission must be forcefully rejected.

It is a model of censorship in derogation of fundamental human rights. It’s a criminal undertaking under Nuremberg.

As the Nuremberg prosecutor stated:

“The use made by the Nazi conspirators of psychological warfare is well known. Before each major aggression, with some few exceptions based on expediency, they initiated a press campaign calculated to weaken their victims and to prepare the German people psychologically for the attack…. In the propaganda system of the Hitler State it was the daily press and the radio that were the most important weapons.”  (emphasis added)

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  Pontifical Academy for Life responds to Roe ruling with ‘bizarre’ statement
Posted by: Stone - 06-25-2022, 07:50 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Pontifical Academy for Life responds to Roe ruling with ‘bizarre’ statement calling for ‘non-ideological debate’
The Pontifical Academy for Life's statement has been met with mixed responses, with some suggesting the Academy was displeased at the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

[Image: paglia_enlightened-810x500.jpg]

Abp. Vincenzo Paglia, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

Fri Jun 24, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – The Pontifical Academy for Life has issued a “bizarre” statement following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, calling for a “a non-ideological debate” to determine the place “the protection of life has in a civil society.”

The U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision this morning in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, upholding Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban, overturning Roe v. Wade, and delivering the pro-life cause its most transformative victory since Roe unleashed nationwide abortion-on-demand in 1973.

As pro-life advocates across the world begin to respond to the groundbreaking ruling, the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL) issued its own statement, which has drawn mixed responses.

The PAL echoed the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) statement, quoting from the U.S. bishops to say:

Quote:It is a time for healing wounds and repairing social divisions; it is a time for reasoned reflection and civil dialogue, and for coming together to build a society and economy that supports marriages and families, and where every woman has the support and resources she needs to bring her child into this world in love.

The PAL avoided quoting the line from the USCCB statement which slated Roe as an “unjust law that has permitted some to decide whether others can live or die.”

Instead, the PAL took a distinctly noncommittal stance, and wrote that the Supreme Court’s ruling “shows how the issue of abortion continues to arouse heated debate.”

“The fact that a large country with a long democratic tradition has changed its position on this issue also challenges the whole world,” continued the statement.

The PAL added that “it is not right that the problem is set aside without adequate overall consideration,” saying that “the protection and defense of human life is not an issue that can remain confined to the exercise of individual rights but instead is a matter of broad social significance.”

Avoiding condemning abortion, and only naming it once, the PAL called for a “debate” to discover the “place that the protection of life has in a civil society”:

Quote:After 50 years, it is important to reopen a non-ideological debate on the place that the protection of life has in a civil society to ask ourselves what kind of coexistence and society we want to build.

It is a question of developing political choices that promote conditions of existence in favor of life without falling into a priori ideological positions.

Such a “debate” would involve “ensuring adequate sexual education, guaranteeing health care accessible to all and preparing legislative measures to protect the family and motherhood, overcoming existing inequalities,” added the PAL. The terms of “sexual education” and accessible health care are typically used by pro-abortion advocates to advance contraceptive ideology.

While the PAL did not specify what sort of “sexual education” it desired, the Vatican academy has a history of being pro-abortion ever since Pope Francis gutted it in 2017.

READ: Head of Pontifical Academy for Life says children must get abortion-tainted COVID jabs to ‘protect’ others

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said the overturning of Roe was “a powerful invitation to reflect together on the serious and urgent issue of human generativity and the conditions that make it possible; by choosing life, our responsibility for the future of humanity is at stake.”

The PAL’s statement was met with mixed responses by Catholics, with Catholic News Agency’s Rome Correspondent Hannah Brockhaus calling it “bizarre.”

Meanwhile, Br. Martin of the Oblates of St. Augustine, suggested the statement reflected the PAL’s “disappointment” in the Roe ruling.

The Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) has been described as being permeated by “heretical gnosticism” after it was overhauled by Pope Francis beginning in 2016. The Pope released new statutes for the PAV in November 2016, in which members were no longer required to sign a declaration that they uphold the Church’s pro-life teachings, while also expanding the PAV’s mandate to include a focus on the environment.

Commenting on the reformed PAV in 2017, Lepanto Institute President Michael Hichborn declared, “The retooling of the Pontifical Academy for Life is yet another way the devil is burying the greatest abominations of our age.”

RELATED: Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

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  From Fr. Hewko: To celebrate the overthrow of Roe v. Wade
Posted by: Stone - 06-24-2022, 02:19 PM - Forum: Rev. Father David Hewko - No Replies

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  BREAKING: US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in historic ruling
Posted by: Stone - 06-24-2022, 01:18 PM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

BREAKING: US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in historic ruling
The long-awaited victory for the pro-life movement means that abortion will be effectively banned in more than 20 states immediately.

[Image: Goodbye-Roe-810x500.jpeg]

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 21: Anti-abortion activists protest outside of the U.S. Supreme Court Building on June 21, 2022 in Washington, DC.Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Fri Jun 24, 2022
WASHINGTON (LifeSiteNews) – The United States Supreme Court finally issued its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Monday, upholding Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban, overturning Roe v. Wade, and delivering the pro-life cause its most transformative victory since Roe unleashed nationwide abortion-on-demand in 1973.

Justice Samuel Alito delivered the opinion of the Court, which was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. The ruling declares Roe “egregiously wrong from the start.”

“Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences,” Alito wrote. “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision.”

“It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives,” Alito continued.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote a concurring opinion stating that he would not have overturned Roe but would have left the Mississippi ban in place. The Court’s three Democratic appointees dissented.

The long-awaited ruling was teased in early May when Politico published a leaked draft of Alito’s opinion, which sent shockwaves across the political spectrum, with pro-lifers tentatively rejoicing, pro-abortion politicians and activists lashing out in anger, many speculating that the leak may have been intended to pressure judges to flip their votes (or to incite hatred and threats against them), and all parties wondering if it was the final decision or subject to change.

That the final decision to overturn Roe held firm despite months of left-wing pressure reflects a majority of the justices’ commitment to the principle articulated in May by conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, that “we can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want.”

The ruling holds massive ramifications, both immediate and long-term. More than twenty states currently have laws on the books that would effectively ban abortion within their borders upon Roe’s fall, from pre-Roe abortion bans that went unenforced to “trigger laws” designed not to take effect until a ruling like today’s. In those states, abortion is now illegal.

Another fifteen states plus the District of Columbia have laws on the books legally protecting abortion, three of which explicitly codify the practice as a “right.” For now, abortion will remain legal in those jurisdictions, as well as the remaining states that have not spelled out abortion’s status one way or another, but without Roe state residents now have the power to vote on the issue for themselves, or lobby their elected representatives to change the law in either direction. Pro-lifers in Congress can now pursue a nationwide abortion ban, as well.

Therein lies one of the decision’s biggest long-term ramifications: a newfound sense of urgency for pro-life efforts. Now that abortion policy can be directly decided through the elected branches of government, and politicians can no longer invoke the judiciary as an excuse for inaction, abortion-related legislative and lobbying efforts are certain to increase dramatically across the country, with the issue prioritized even higher by activists and voters alike.

Additionally, the pro-life victory is, for conservatives, the most welcome result yet from former President Donald Trump’s nominees to the Supreme Court, and is all-but guaranteed to become one of his supporters’ most potent talking points should he make another run for the White House in 2024.

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  Undercover footage provides new evidence of notorious DC abortion clinic’s gruesome practices
Posted by: Stone - 06-24-2022, 08:22 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Undercover footage provides new evidence of notorious DC abortion clinic’s gruesome practices
The video evidence suggests ‘a clear violation of the ethics of informed consent and an abuse of power,’
the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising said.

[Image: Undercover-810x500.jpg]

Live Action/YouTube/Screenshot

Thu Jun 23, 2022
WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — A newly-released undercover video obtained by a major pro-life group gives a shocking look into the alleged practices of an infamous Washington, D.C. abortion facility.

Undercover footage obtained by pro-life organization Live Action and released Thursday suggests that abortion workers at The Washington Surgi Abortion Clinic in the nation’s capital may have violated even the most basic standards of the abortion industry.

The clinic, run by by notorious abortionist Cesare Santangelo, is the same location at which pro-lifers discovered the remains of five extremely late-term babies, who may have been killed after being born alive, earlier this year.

Quote:BREAKING: Live Action has just released brand new undercover footage from this year recorded in the abortion facility run by notorious late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo in Washington DC showing serious human rights abuses & ethics violations. https://t.co/Yld9znS7ou

— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) June 23, 2022

In the video recorded in January and released Thursday, a patient asked an abortion nurse for details about the abortion procedures offered by the facility.

The nurse admitted during the conversation that staffers at the clinic do not use a feticide drug to ensure that babies are not born alive during an abortion. In the video, the nurse says that while “a lot of people do the injection through the heart and all that” to kill an unborn baby, “we don’t do that here.”

The nurse nonetheless assured the patient that despite not injecting the child with a feticide drug, the baby would “be alive when you go to sleep, but she will definitely have passed before [the abortionist] does anything.”

The remains of the child would then be disposed of as “medical waste,” the nurse said.

The nurse also told the patient that in order to get further details regarding the actual abortion, she would need to commit to the procedure and take the drug Xanax before speaking with Santangelo, the abortionist.

Santangelo had previously admitted in another undercover video nearly a decade ago he would not save a baby born alive.

According to the nurse in the video, “we have to make sure that it’s [the Xanax is] in your system before you talk to the doctor. He’s not going to be able to speak with you until he is ready to do it.”

READ: Abortionist of retrieved late-term babies once admitted he would leave born-alive children to die

Live Action president and founder Lila Rose described the footage in a press release Thursday, suggesting that the evidence shows the notorious D.C. facility “is forcing mothers to take mind-altering medications before meeting with the abortionist and giving final consent.”

Rose also highlighted the fact that according to the abortion nurse the clinic doesn’t use digoxin, which she described as “a lethal injection given to the infant in utero during an abortion to ensure the baby is not born alive during the procedure.”

“The footage also provides firsthand testimony that the Washington Surgi-Clinic may kill later-term babies without using a feticidal drug, increasing the chance that the babies would be born alive and then brutally and illegally killed,” Rose explained, adding that “[w]hether or not this drug is used, this facility is ending innocent lives through violence.”

“Tragically, this footage also shows the nurse relaying the reality that the patient may be left to deliver her dead child alone in her hotel room,” she added.

In the video, the nurse tells the patient that there’s a possibility the patient could “go into premature labor and deliver the fetus in your hotel.”

The nurse added that in that case, the abortionist “could come and help you take care of it.”

Observing that the apparent procedures undertaken by the Washington clinic violate “basic medical ethics,” Rose noted in the Thursday press release that the patient in the video has subsequently filed a complaint with the Washington, D.C. medical board.

In a press release shared with LifeSiteNews, pro-life group Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) said the evidence in the video suggests “a clear violation of the ethics of informed consent and an abuse of power.”

PAAU, the pro-life group that discovered the remains of five late-term aborted babies outside the Washington Surgi-Clinic earlier this year, noted that the new evidence forms part of an “ongoing international quest for #JusticeForTheFive.”
Quote:‼️‼️BREAKING NEWS: Undercover footage from @LiveAction reveals what it’s like inside Cesare Santangelo’s abortuary. This is a breakthrough towards getting #JusticeForTheFive @PAAUNOW https://t.co/IkC3OPlRiA

— Caroline (@CarolineTayLife) June 23, 2022

To date, despite calls from pro-life groups and Republican lawmakers for a full federal criminal investigation into the deaths of the five babies found in D.C., no action has been undertaken to determine whether the infants were victims of illegal partial-birth abortion or infanticide.

Numerous physicians have suggested that at least some of the babies discovered in D.C. may have been born alive before being killed in violation of federal law.

PAAU told LifeSiteNews in an email Thursday night that ”the D.C. Police have said on the record that they’d consider an autopsy for the babies upon the discovery of new evidence. This footage is new evidence.”

“It clearly shows Santangelo was not using a feticidal injection at the time the babies were killed. This indicates the babies were likely born alive. Failure to provide care to a baby born alive during an abortion is a crime,” PAAU added. “We are demanding that the D.C. Police follow through with their public statements and proceed to investigate the deaths of these babies.”

Like PAAU, Rose ended her Thursday press release by renewing a call for “The government of DC including the Mayor, Medical Examiner, and Chief of Police” to “investigate Santangelo and his facility.”

“They are not only killing children through abortion, but they may be committing illegal infanticide, as well as other federal crimes such as partial-birth abortion,” she said. “We demand justice for these babies, and the closure of DC’s House of Horrors, the Washington Surgi-Clinic.”

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  Pandemic or Epidemic: WHO Monkeypox Announcement Set for Today
Posted by: Stone - 06-23-2022, 07:20 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (2)

Pandemic or Epidemic: WHO Monkeypox Announcement Set for Today

Newsweek | June 23, 2022

The World Health Organization (WHO) is to determine whether monkeypox is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on Thursday.

WHO body the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee will convene experts at the meeting—which will take place at 12 p.m. CEST in Geneva, Switzerland—to discuss the rapidly spreading virus.

The virus, only seen in areas of central and western Africa before now, has not yet caused any deaths in newly affected countries. However, people have died in previous outbreaks.

If the outbreak is declared an emergency of international concern, it will require an internationally coordinated response to stop the spread.

PHEIC status is only ever considered when a disease becomes "serious, sudden, unusual or unexpected."

[Image: tedros-adhanom-ghebreyesus.webp?w=790&f=...6e8180608a]

In this combination image, World Health Organisation (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus delivers a speech on the opening day of 75th World Health Assembly of the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Geneva on May 22, 2022 and an inset of the Monkeypox virus. iStock / Getty Images

Could Monkeypox Be Declared a Pandemic?

Currently, many have drawn their own conclusions that the monkeypox outbreak is at an epidemic level. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an epidemic is an unexpected rise in cases of a disease within a specific geographic area.

However a question on everyone's minds remains: could it become as serious as COVID-19, and be declared a pandemic?

Some experts believe that this current outbreak is already bordering on pandemic level.

Epidemiologist and health economist Eric Feigl-Ding said on Twitter on June 22 that there has been another "world record" of daily cases.

"It is now a clear and present danger as monkeypox is nearing a potential pandemic. This is an emergency," Feigl-Ding wrote.

Read more

The World Health Network also issued a statement on June 22, independently declaring the monkeypox spread a pandemic, "given that there are now 3,417 confirmed monkeypox cases reported across 58 countries and the outbreak is rapidly expanding across multiple continents."

For an outbreak to be declared a pandemic, the WHO must confirm that it is a "worldwide spread" of a disease. The WHO must determine that the monkeypox outbreak is severely affecting a worldwide distribution of people.

Dr. Vincent Hsu, epidemiologist and executive director of infection prevention for AdventHealth, told Newsweek that he believes monkeypox is an emergency, but he does not believe it will rise to a "COVID-19-like pandemic."

However, he said that immediate action is needed.

"Part of the challenges of controlling monkeypox is that early symptoms are non-specific, such as fever, malaise or headache. The characteristic rash usually doesn't appear until later in the disease course, so it may be easy to spread without knowing you have monkeypox. Controlling the spread requires both adequate public health resources in addition to a concerted and visible messaging campaign to health care providers and to the general public, which, in my view, has been woefully inadequate," he said.

"The public must be informed about how the disease is spread from person to person, and the need to seek care and get tested once it is suspected so that public health can do appropriate contact tracing.

"Although the disease will not rise to a COVID-19-like pandemic and the risk to the public currently remains low, if we don't redouble efforts to ensure the messaging and public health resources are in place, monkeypox is likely to remain in our communities. We don't need another infectious disease to worry about."

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