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  Italian priest performs nation’s first same-sex ‘blessing’ in diocese of Francis-appointed cardinal
Posted by: Stone - 06-18-2022, 06:14 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - Replies (1)

Italian priest performs nation’s first same-sex ‘blessing’ in diocese of Francis-appointed cardinal
The priest said that he personally informed his archbishop, liberal Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, about the event.
[Image: Screen-Shot-2022-06-17-at-4.20.28-PM-810x500.png]
Cardinal Matteo ZuppifscireTV/YouTube

Fri Jun 17, 2022
BOLOGNA (LifeSiteNews) – Italian priest Fr. Gabriele Davalli publicly “blessed” a homosexual couple in a Catholic church in Bologna, the archdiocese of Francis-appointed liberal Cardinal Archbishop Matteo Zuppi.

“First, the civil union at the registry office, then the blessing in church. It’s the first time a gay couple has been blessed in public in an Italian church,” reported the Daily Compass on Friday. 

“What’s more, it took place in Bologna which is the diocese of Cardinal Zuppi, the president of the Italian Bishops’ Conference. An act which is in open violation of the Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which forbids such blessings,” lamented the outlet.

According to the report, the heretical event took place on June 11, the same day the homosexual couple was “united” in a civil ceremony. 

After the civil union, the “couple” went across the street to the Catholic church of San Lorenzo where Fr. Davalli celebrated a so-called “Mass of thanksgiving” for the men. 

When pressed by the Daily Compass about how a Catholic priest can offer a “Mass of thanksgiving” for a homosexual couple who lives in direct defiance of Church teaching, Davalli responded, “Because every Mass is a thanksgiving.”

“If you’re referring to the two young men, Giacomo and Pietro, who contracted their civil union, they participated just like all the other people who were in the church,” added the priest. 

When asked if Cardinal Zuppi was aware of what occurred in his diocese, Davalli told the outlet, “Yes, I informed him myself.”

The blessing of homosexual couples has never been permitted in the Catholic Church, and the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith reiterated this point as recently as March of 2021, as the number of heretical prelates who attempt to perform such blessings has been on the rise, particularly in Europe. 

The apparent endorsement of homosexual relations among high-ranking prelates such as Cardinal Zuppi has become a pattern during Francis’ pontificate. 

Earlier this month, Francis promoted pro-LGBT San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy a Cardinal, while promoting the equally pro-LGBT auxiliary bishop of San Diego, John P. Dolan, to be the Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona.

Reacting to this trend and in particular the recent event in Bologna, the Daily Compass writes: 

Quote:It is here that all the pharisaical hypocrisy of certain pastors emerges, who are then quick to accuse others of pharisaical formalism. What people do not want to see is the objective disorder of these unions and the sinful nature of homosexual acts. And the shepherd, instead of calling the sheep back, proudly leads them on the road to perdition.

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  Abp. Viganò: Freemasonry is using the WHO and the ‘Bergoglian church’ to advance its global coup
Posted by: Stone - 06-18-2022, 06:06 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò: Freemasonry is using the WHO and the ‘Bergoglian church’ to advance its global coup
‘We are being governed by members of a global lobby of criminal conspirators who tell us directly that their plan is to eliminate us, and the whole time we are sitting here wondering why we have to wear masks on buses and not in restaurants.’

[Image: vigano-2-810x500.jpg]

Archbishop Viganò speaking to Armando Manocchia from Byoblu TVScreenshot

Fri Jun 17, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) – Editor’s note: The following is the transcript of a video interview Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò gave to Armando Manocchia from Byoblu TV. The video is in Italian and can be found in two parts, here and here.

Armando Manocchia: Your Excellency, [Here in Italy] we are now in economic and financial bankruptcy, where the public debt is now over 2.7 billion euros. In my opinion the problem is the moral and ethical bankruptcy not only of the ruling class but also of a significant part of the population. What can we do to reconstruct a social fabric that includes an ethical and moral sense?

Archbishop Viganò: Bankruptcy is the inevitable result of multiple factors. The first is the transfer of the monetary sovereignty of individual nations to a supranational body such as the European Union. The European Central Bank is a private bank, lending money at interest rates to member states, forcing them into perpetual indebtedness. I recall, en passant, that the European Central Bank is officially owned by the Central Banks of the nations that are part of it; therefore, since the Central Banks are controlled by private companies, the ECB itself is essentially a private company, and acts as such.

The second factor is seigniorage, that is, the income that the Central Bank derives from the issuance of money on behalf of the state, which borrows with it not for the material cost of printing banknotes, but for their nominal value: a theft to the detriment of the community, because the money belongs to the citizens and not to a private subject composed of private banks.

The third factor lies in the economic and financial policy of the European Union, which imposes loans at interest by granting the funds that individual nations have previously paid. Italy, which is a net contributor, thus finds itself having to anticipate billions on which it not only does not receive interest, but which are returned to it for usury as if they were not its own.

The fourth factor is due to the wretched fiscal policies of recent [Italian] administrations, on the peremptory order of the Troika, namely the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, which are official creditors of the member countries. The substantial tax exemption of large financial and business groups and the harassment of small businesses are the basis of the progressive impoverishment of the country and the failure of many activities, with the consequent increase in unemployment and the creation of cheap labor. And let’s not forget that it is always the European Union that imposes the so-called reforms, based on a false narrative – think of global warming or overpopulation – with the blackmail of the loans it has made to member countries: gender equality and other horrors have been introduced into national legislations without any consultation of citizens, indeed knowing full well that they were against it.

Finally, the subversive action of the U.N. Agenda 2030 – that is, the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum – has as its declared purpose the transfer of the wealth of nations and individuals to large investment funds managed by the globalist mafia. This subversive operation must be denounced and prosecuted by the magistrates, because it constitutes a true silent coup against the community.

I would, however, like to point out that the economic aspect is only one means of achieving far more worrying goals, such as total control of the world’s population and its enslavement: if citizens are deprived of home ownership; if they are prevented from having freedom of enterprise; if endemic unemployment is caused and increased by uncontrolled immigration and health emergencies, reducing labor costs; if Italians are harassed with exorbitant taxes; if the traditional family is penalized by making it practically impossible for two young people to marry and have children; if education is destroyed beginning in elementary school and the cultural vacuum is created by frustrating the talent of individuals; if the history of our native land is cancelled and the glorious heritage that made Italy great is denied in the name of inclusiveness and the renunciation of our national identity, what can one expect, if not a society without a future, without hopes, without the desire to fight and engage?

In order to rebuild the social fabric, it is essential first of all to have awareness of the coup d’état that is currently in progress, carried out with the complicity of those who rule and the entire political class. Understanding that we have been robbed of our inalienable rights by an international criminal organization is the first, indispensable step to take. Once this is understood, especially by the healthy side of the institutions and the judiciary, it will be possible to try the traitors who made this silent coup possible, banishing them forever from the political scene. Obviously, Italy will have to regain its sovereignty, first of all by leaving the European Union.

A Manocchia: In this work of reconstruction, in which the Anti-Globalist Alliance you have initiated will play a decisive role, what will be the first initiatives to be launched?

Archbishop Viganò: It will be necessary to implement a far-sighted and wide-ranging project, which has as its purpose the intellectual, scientific, cultural, political and even religious formation of the future ruling class, endowing it with the capacity for critical judgment and firm moral references. Schools and foundations will have to be set up from which will emerge a ruling class of righteous citizens, honest rulers, and entrepreneurs who know how to reconcile the legitimate demands of profit with workers’ rights and consumer protection.

Those who hold public office, like every honest citizen, must be aware that they have responsibility before God for what they do, and that they must put the common good before personal interest, if they want to sanctify themselves in the role that the Lord has assigned to them and deserve paradise. We must educate children and young people in honesty, in a sense of duty and discipline, in the practice of the cardinal virtues as a coherent consequence of the theological virtues; in the responsibility of knowing that good and evil exist, and that our freedom consists in moving in the sphere of what is Good, because this is what God has willed for us. You are my friends, if you do what I command you, Our Lord said (Jn 15:14). And this also applies to public affairs, where morality has been replaced with corruption, seeking personal gain, the abuse of laws, the betrayal of citizens and cowardly enslavement to hostile powers. Let’s take an example from the allegory of good government, depicted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti in the halls of the Palazzo Comunale in Siena: we will find that simplicity of principles which inspired and guided the public authorities in the Italian municipalities [Comuni] of the fifteenth century.

A Manocchia: In Italy, the non-political culture of the last 50 years produced a corrupt ruling class, and now, perhaps precisely because of this, we have a totalitarian regime. Our beloved and wonderful country is undergoing the most negative effects in its history. It no longer seems to be a part of Europe or the West. The citizens, the individual people, no longer count for anything. Politicians first of all, then governments, and now entire nations are subservient to the diktats of the Globalist Agenda of the New World Order. In addition to the corruption mentioned above, is there any correlation with the fact that Italy was historically the cradle of Christianity and the center of the Catholic Church?

Archbishop Viganò: But it’s obvious! The globalist fury is especially impacting in a ruthless and cruel way the Catholic nations, against which it has continued to rage for centuries to erase their Faith, identity, culture and traditions. It is precisely the Catholic countries – Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland – that have suffered the most from the attack of the Masonic elite, which on the other hand favors the Protestant nations in which Freemasonry has ruled unchallenged for centuries. With the French Revolution the Capetian Monarchy was destroyed; with the First World War the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also Catholic, was destroyed, as well as the Orthodox Russian Empire. With the Second World War the Savoy Monarchy was destroyed, which was first an accomplice of the so-called Risorgimento and then its victim. Regime change is not a recent innovation; quite the contrary!

There are countries that do not tolerate Catholic nations being prosperous and competitive, independent and at peace, because this would be proof that it is possible to be good Christians, to have good and just laws, fair taxes, pro-family policies, prosperity and peace. There must be no term of comparison. This is why they want not only the misery of the population, but also its corruption, the ugliness of vices, the cynical selfishness of profit, the enslavement to the lowest passions. A people healthy in soul and body, free, independent and proud of its identity is fearsome, because it does not easily renounce what it is and does not allow itself to be subdued without reacting. A people who honor Christ as their King know that their rulers see themselves as His vicars, and not as despots obedient to those who enrich them or empower them.

Let us not forget that the French Revolution wrested the royal crown from Jesus Christ, setting up the alleged “rights of man and of the citizen” against the sovereign rights of God. Rights that, freed from respect for the natural moral law, now include abortion, euthanasia (even of the poor, as is the case today in Canada), marriage with people of the same sex, marriage with animals, and even marriage with inanimate things (you got it right: there are proposals for laws approving these things made by the 5 Stelle [Italian political party]), gender theory, LGBTQ ideology and all the worst that a society without principles and without faith can claim. The secularism of the state is not a conquest of civilization, but rather a deliberate choice of barbarization of the social body, on which the supposed neutrality of the government with regard to religion is imposed, which in fact is a religious choice of militant and anti-Catholic atheism. And where the manipulation of the masses fails to force them to make certain “reforms,” the blackmail of EU funds takes over, given only to those who obey EU diktats. In essence, they first destroy the economy and take away national monetary sovereignty and decision-making autonomy in fiscal and economic matters, and then tie aid to the acceptance of a corrupt and selfish model of society in which no honest person would want to live. “Europe asks us to do it!” – that is, a lobby of technocrats not elected by anyone and which is inspired by principles totally irreconcilable with the natural law and with the Catholic Faith.

But if the deep state has moved to erase the Catholic religion from the public life of nations and from the private life of citizens, we ought to recognize that the deep church has also made its own contribution to this secularization, ever since the Second Vatican Council, to the point of endorsing secularism even though it was condemned by Blessed Pius IX and relegating the doctrine of the social Kingship of Christ to a symbolic and eschatological dimension. After sixty years of dialogue with the mentality of the world, Jesus Christ is no longer King even of the Catholic Church, while Bergoglio also renounces the title of His Vicar and prefers to pass his time playing with the Pachamama in St. Peter’s.

A Manocchia: The artfully created psycho-pandemic has produced psychosis, panic, terror, and physical and mental suffering that has left an indelible mark, severe social unrest, something that has never before occurred in such a way in human history. They have reduced man to a zombie. What is the message that can be conveyed in the face of this imposed conforming and formatting of the population?

Archbishop Viganò: You rightly used the term “formatting,” which in a certain sense recalls precisely the Great Reset inaugurated by the psycho-pandemia and which today continues with the war and energy emergency. We must ask ourselves what may have led entire nations to apostatize their Faith, to erase their identity without remorse, to forget their traditions, allowing themselves to be shaped on the model of the Anglo-Saxon idea of the melting pot. This question applies especially to our beloved Italy, disfigured by decades of ideological subordination on the one hand to the French left or Soviet Communism, and on the other to “Neo-Con” American Liberalism. Today we see that Chinese communism and globalist liberalism have merged together in the Davos World Economic Forum, threatening the whole world and our country in particular.

Of course, the Second World War created the conditions for the colonization of Italy, according to a consolidated model that we see still adopted today by NATO: destroy, bomb, and raze to the ground real or presumed dictatorships, in order to replace them with puppet regimes at the service of foreign interests. Rediscovering the pride of affirming one’s identity and sovereignty is an essential step for the redemption of Italy and the reconstruction of all that has been destroyed. That is why I consider that the model of multipolarity is an interesting prospect to combat the globalist Leviathan that today threatens us in all aspects of everyday life.

The defeat of the deep state by the healthy forces within the United States of America will be the premise for a peaceful coexistence of nations, without there being one nation that considers itself superior and legitimized to subjugate the others. This is why Donald Trump was ousted by electoral fraud from the Presidency of the United States, replacing him – yet another regime change – with a character so corrupt that he is unable to govern without being maneuvered.

A Manocchia: Can it be said that the West is in crisis because it rejects God and the natural law, and above all because it underestimates the value of life and has made a huge mistake from a moral, economic, and social point of view that has led to the current ethical drift and to moral decline?

Archbishop Viganò: I do not think we can speak of a “mistake;” it is rather a fraud, a betrayal carried out by those who, in positions of power, have guiltily decided to transform Italy into a colony partly of Germany (as far as economy), partly of France (as far as culture), partly of the United States (as far as international politics), and partly of the entire European Union (as far as fiscal policy and so-called reforms). We are always subservient to someone, despite the fact that our country has shown many times in history – in times that were much more difficult and troubled – that it can compete very well with great foreign powers.

The basic problem is that the governments we have had – since the Savoy Monarchy – have been completely manoeuvred by Freemasonry, deciding on reforms, declaring wars, drawing borders and stipulating treaties always and only on the orders of the Lodges. Notoriously Masonic parliamentarians, Freemason ministers, Masonic university professors, primary Freemasons, senior Masonic officers, Freemason publishers and Freemason bishops have obeyed the oath of allegiance to the Grand Lodge and betrayed the interests of the Italian Nation. Today Freemasonry avails itself of its “secular arm,” the Davos Forum, which sets the agenda for the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the European Union, the various “philanthropic” foundations, the political parties and the Bergoglian church.

But the fact that this coup d’état is so vast and branched does not imply that it is less real; indeed, the present situation is very serious precisely because it involves hundreds of nations that are in fact governed by a single elite group of criminal conspirators. On the other hand, there is no need to talk of “conspiracy theories”: just listen to what the main architect of the Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, said on May 23 while speaking at the Davos Forum: “The future is not built by itself: it is we [of the World Economic Forum] who will build the future. We have the means to impose the world we want. And we can do this by acting as a ‘stakeholder’ in the communities and collaborating with each other” (here and here).

The Ukrainian crisis is also part of this plan: “With the right narrative we will use the war to make you green.” Schwab’s advisor, Yuval Noah Harari – who sums up all the “talents” of the woke intellectual as an Israeli, homosexual, vegan animal rights activist, who is anti-Putin and anti-Russian, as well as fiercely against Trump – went so far as to state shamelessly: “In ten years, everyone will have a brain implant and eternal life in the digital realm… Google and Microsoft will decide which book we should read, who to marry, where to work and who to vote for…” (here). Harari is the author of various essays, including Sapiens. Da animali a dèi. Breve storia dell’umanità. [Sapiens. From Animals to Gods. A Brief History of Humanity] (2011) and of Homo Deus. Breve storia del futuro. [Homo Deus. A Brief History of the Future] (2015). It is the nonsensical raving of the transhuman man who thinks he can defeat death and make himself a god.

The fraud carried out against the Italian people was that of making them believe, beginning in the nineteenth century, that it was their will to free themselves from the yoke of the tyranny of the various pre-unification Italian states, under the aegis of the Piemontesi rulers who were obedient to Freemasonry; that it was their will to rebel against the authority of the legitimate Sovereigns in the name of “freedom,” without understanding that they would be subjected to much worse corrupt individuals; that it was their will to get rid of the Savoy Monarchy in the immediate post-war period in order to set up the Italian Republic in its place; that it was their will to join the European Union with the mirage of the Eldorado [that it would lead to wealth and prosperity], and then find out what deception all this represented. And who was behind these demands for freedom, democracy, progress? Always and only Freemasonry, with its servants infiltrated everywhere.

Perhaps the time has come for Italians to begin to decide their own future without it being dictated by full-blown traitors, and for traitors to be judged for what they are – criminal conspirators – ousting them forever from politics and from any possibility of interfering with the life of the country. Let the magistrates and the police remember that very soon those who supported this dictatorial regime will be considered a collaborator and condemned as such. A jolt of dignity and honor on their part right now would still be credible.

A Manocchia: Why does the West, so rich in history and culture, not consider the effects of this attitude which contradicts and denies the natural law? How is it possible for rational man to deny it?

Archbishop Viganò: Man is rational, yes. But he is also subject to the passions, to concupiscence, to the seductions of the world. Only in the life of supernatural grace is man helped by God to preserve himself in friendship with God and able to act in the good. But what has the much-celebrated movement of Romanticism taught us, if not that reason must yield to feeling and that the will cannot govern the passions, that “the heart is not commanded,” while in fact the opposite is true? Here too we see how, with operations of manipulation of the relatively banal masses – starting with Giuseppe Verdi, all opera and novels – the perception of moral duty in the people and in the bourgeoisie has been erased, replacing it with enslavement to irrationality and momentary passion, with all the damage that has followed.

At the origin of the denial of the natural law there is relativism, considering all ideas acceptable and legitimate, denying the existence of a transcendent principle inscribed in man by the Creator. History, culture, and art then become phenomena to be analyzed in a sociological or psychological key and are no longer what constitutes a civilization. But be careful: those who deny God as Creator and Redeemer do so not to allow those who are not Christians to practice their religion, but rather in order to prevent those who are Christians from shaping society according to the principles of social doctrine and the common good. Behind all this are people who hate Our Lord.

The question you ask me, Dr. Manocchia, should then be: “Why should Satan’s servants stop detesting everything that even remotely resembles Christ, since they have always done so?” To think that we can have a dialogue with an enemy who wants to destroy us is either irresponsible or criminal: there are enemies who must be defeated without any scruple since they are devoted to evil.

The fault of the West is to have believed the lies of the Revolution, – which was also a Great Reset – to have allowed itself to be dragged into a whirlpool of rebellion and apostasy, of violence and death. But isn’t that ultimately what happened to Adam and Eve when they let themselves be tempted by the Serpent? Even then Satan’s promise was patently false and mendacious, but Adam and Eve succumbed to the tempter’s words – You will be like gods! – and they discovered that they had been deceived.

What did we Westerners think we could achieve by cutting off the heads of kings, nobles and prelates? What did we think could improve, with characters like Fouchet, Danton, Robespierre and the whole jumble of corrupt assassins that was supposed to replace those who were guillotined? Did any of us really think that allowing divorce was progress? Or that giving the mother the right to kill the child she carries in her womb was a conquest of freedom? Or that poisoning the elderly in their sleep or the sick or the poor is a sign of civilization? Is there anyone who is honestly convinced that the ostentation of the most abominable vices is a fundamental right, or that a person can change his sex, grotesquely modifying what Nature has already decided? Those who accept these horrors do so only because these horrors are imposed as a model of “civilization” and “progress,” and those who accept them want to follow the masses without standing out.

The problem is that contemporary man is the son of the Revolution, unconsciously indoctrinated into “political correctness,” to relativism, to the idea that there is no objective truth and that all ideas are equally acceptable. This disease of thought is the first cause of the success of the adversaries, because many people ally themselves with accepting their principles without understanding that it is precisely those ideas that have made it possible to transform our society [in such a destructive way].

Enslavement to the European Union – and its infernal ideology – was just one of the last steps by which Italy was given the coup de grace. That is why, when I hear praise for the Revolution, the declaration of human rights, the Enlightenment, the Risorgimento and the Expedition of the Thousand [a legendary patriotic moment in the history of Italian reunification in 1860], I shudder: globalism is the metastasis of all modern errors, which only the Church – from her very beginning – has known how to condemn with foresight. And in fact, if globalism has experienced an acceleration, we owe it precisely to the fact that since Vatican II the hierarchy has been transformed from being a sworn enemy of the Masonic conspiracy into its zealous ally.

A Manocchia: The West is undergoing a constant and unstoppable demographic decline, with all of the consequences that this entails. The current “Vulgate” maintains that it is a worrying phenomenon for humanity because it will cause greater poverty. Could demographic decline be the main cause of economic decline? This phenomenon does not seem to concern the governments of Western countries. Why is this so, in your opinion?

Archbishop Viganò: We know, by the explicit admission of the globalists, that their main purpose is to drastically reduce the world’s population. Italian Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani – who coincidentally comes from the Leonardo [aerospace, defense and security] company – claims that the planet is “designed” for no more than three billion people. He should graciously explain to us how he proposes to eliminate the difference, and above all who has ever authorized him – along with his government, the European Union, the U.N., the WHO and the whole globalist mafia – to decide motu proprio to proceed in this direction with abortion, euthanasia, pandemics, experimental serums, wars, famines, and mass homosexuality. Who appointed them “horsemen of the Apocalypse”? Who approved their project by popular vote, assuming that such a project could ever be proposed for approval by a nation’s citizens?

It does not surprise me, therefore, that Western leaders are not concerned about the falling birth rate, the data of which for our country is largely offset by the presence of many non-EU citizens, who are much more prolific than Italians. The decrease in population is the result of the premises that have been set precisely for this purpose, just as the lockdowns served to destroy the economy that had already been lain prostrate by competition from multinational corporations and unfair taxation. In short: we are being governed by members of a global lobby of criminal conspirators who tell us directly that their plan is to eliminate us, and the whole time we are sitting here wondering why we have to wear masks on buses and not in restaurants.

A Manocchia: Do those who do not accept nihilistic and neo-Malthusian theories, perhaps because they are faithful to the principles of Christianity, risk being removed from positions of power?

Archbishop Viganò: But it is obvious: those who do not support the psychopandemic narrative, gender theory, LGBTQ ideology, the collectivist liberalism of the WEF, the New World Order, and the great universal religion are ostracized, delegitimized, and passed off as crazy or criminal. Any dissenting voice is uncomfortable when power is based on psychological violence and mass manipulation. It happens to the doctor who does not accept the Speranza [Italian health’s minister] protocols, to the teacher who does not discriminate against the unvaccinated, to the journalist who reports the truth about Ukrainian neo-Nazis, to the parish priest who does not want to undergo inoculation, and to the cardinal who denounces the enslavement of the Vatican to the Chinese dictatorship.

A Manocchia: Speaking of life and the natural law also means talking about the backbone of society, the family. Apart from the declining birth rate, what are the consequences of the economic crisis on the family?

Archbishop Viganò: The family is certainly at the center of the globalists’ attack. Family means tradition, identity, faith, mutual help and support, and the transmission of principles and values. Family means father and mother, each with their own specific role, irreplaceable and not interchangeable, both in the mutual relationship between the spouses and also in the education of children, as well as towards the community. Family means lived religion, religion that is communicated through small gestures, good habits, the formation of conscience and moral sense.

You can well understand that striking at the family leads indefectibly to the dissolution of the social body, which by nature is incapable of replacing the role of the family. And so we have the following: divorce, abortion, same-sex marriage, adoption of children by single people or irregular couples, the deprivation of parental authority for ideological reasons, the elimination of grandparents and relatives from domestic life, working conditions for mothers that do not allow them to perform family tasks, penalization of women who are married or who have children when they seek employment, indoctrination of children beginning in elementary school. In this field too, courageous and determined action is needed for the defense of the natural family and for the protection of the rights of parents in the education of their children, who are not the property of the state.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

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  Germany considering a general mask rule from October to Easter
Posted by: Stone - 06-17-2022, 07:46 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

It's never going to die....

[Germany's] Federal government is considering a general mask requirement from October

WELT | June 17, 2022

The "O-to-O rule" has so far mainly been known to motorists with regard to the winter tire regulation - that could change in the future. From autumn, the obligation to wear mouth and nose protection could be required by law until Easter.

[Rest of article here]

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  'Vatican II promoted a ‘new liturgy’ so Latin Mass must be regulated'
Posted by: Stone - 06-17-2022, 07:36 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Church’s head of divine worship says Vatican II promoted a ‘new liturgy’ so Latin Mass must be regulated
‘All that is taking place is the regulation of the former liturgy of 1962 Missal
by stopping the promotion of that,’ Archbishop Arthur Roche opined.

[Image: arthur-roce-810x500.jpg]

Cardinal-elect Arthur RocheYouTube screenshot

Thu Jun 16, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) – Cardinal-elect Arthur Roche, the Vatican’s liturgy chief, praised the recent restrictions on the Latin Mass, saying they provided a “regulation of the former liturgy” that was necessary because Vatican II put “forward a new liturgy for the vital life of the Church.”

In an interview conducted with Vatican News, Roche, Prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, supported Pope Francis’ restrictions on the Latin Mass as contained in Traditionis Custodes, and subsequently extended by Roche himself in his Responsa ad dubia.

“There’s never been a controversy about the liturgy in the way that we’re experiencing it today,”  Roche said, “partly because there has never before been two versions of the Roman Missal – the Roman Missal from 1962, and then the Roman Missal from 1970.”

The cardinal-elect lamented the “so-called ‘battles’ over liturgy,” saying “the reform of the liturgy” as presented after the Second Vatican Council “is really a very important matter today and also not something to be taken as an option.”

Doubling down on his joint “attack” with Pope Francis upon the traditional liturgy of the Church, Roche stated:

Quote:All that is taking place is the regulation of the former liturgy of 1962 Missal by stopping the promotion of that, because it was clear that the Council, the Bishops of the Council, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, were putting forward a new liturgy for the vital life of the Church, for its vitality.

This task is “really very important,” he said, before adding “and to resist that is, is something that is really quite serious, too.”

The Yorkshire-born archbishop stated that “the celebration of the Mass is not something to be a matter of personal choice,” a statement that devotees of the Latin Mass have also consistently proposed.

“We celebrate as a community, as the entire Church,” he added, “and the Church throughout the centuries, has always regulated the form of liturgy that it has come to believe is more pertinent for a particular age.”
Did Vatican II propose a ‘new liturgy?’ [...]

Role of Fr. Jungmann in current Vatican liturgy ‘battle’

Roche appealed to 20th century liturgical scholar Father Josef Jungmann, whose monumental 1948 history of the Mass Missarum Sollemnia was hailed by traditionalists but who later became a key proponent of the liturgical upheaval that emerged from the Council, spearheaded by Archbishop Annibale Bugnini.

Jungmann “showed how over the centuries the Mass has been changed in this way in order to fit the needs of the day,” Roche said. Any “resistance to this is quite a serious matter, which the Pope has pointed out in his document on the liturgy, Traditionis Custodes,” Roche added. [...]

Critiquing Jungmann’s liturgical writing and influence, Dr. Carol Byrne wrote that “Jungmann’s theological thinking turned out to be remarkably similar to that of the 16th-century Protestants, nothing less than a rejection of the doctrine of the Mass as the Catholic Church has always understood it.”

However, Archbishop Roche’s comments regarding his desired cessation of the traditional Mass are not without precedent. After Traditionis Custodes was released, he hailed the restrictions placed on the Mass, the provision of which he called an “experiment” that “has not entirely been successful.”

“It’s clear that Traditionis Custodes is saying ‘okay, this experiment has not entirely been successful,’ and so let us go back to what the [Second Vatican] Council required of the Church,” the archbishop continued.

In February, Roche repeated his sentiments, calling the remaining provisions of the Latin Mass “a pastoral concession,” and that the growth of the Latin Mass “couldn’t be tolerated because the Council had changed the way in which we’re going forward. That’s just a simple matter.”

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  "We Are Teetering On The Edge": Food Shortage Worries Mount As PA Farms "Crushed" By Record Diesel $
Posted by: Stone - 06-16-2022, 08:37 AM - Forum: General Commentary - Replies (1)

"We Are Teetering On The Edge": Food Shortage Worries Mount As PA Farms "Crushed" By Record Diesel Prices

ZH | Jun 16, 2022

There's nothing like the sweet smell of Building Back Better...

Pennsylvania farmers are being "crushed" by the record cost of diesel - so much so, that questions about a food crisis are starting to loom, the Morning Call reported.

One farmer in Lehigh County is quoted as saying: “I’ve got a tractor hooked up to my corn planter out here, no diesel fuel, and I can’t afford to get any.”

That farmer was airing his gripes to Kyle Kotzmoyer, a legislative affairs specialist for the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau. Kotzmoyer then turned around and testified to state lawmakers: “We have reached that point to where it is very close to being a sinking ship. We are teetering on the edge right now.”

The situation looks as though it will continue to push food prices higher, after the government reported that food prices in May were 10.1% higher than last year.

Kotzmoyer lamented the possibility of a food shortage: “One, if they can’t afford to put it in the ground. Or, two, if they can’t afford to take it out.”

The PA average for diesel is now $6.19 per gallon, up about 75% from a year ago, the report notes. It is a “huge, huge expense” for farmers, Kotzmoyer told state legislators.

One farmer who works on about 3,500 acres burns through about 2,000 gallons of diesel per month, he said. “If the farmers cannot get crops out of the ground, then there is not food on the shelves.”

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  Earth Deity Enters Irish Cobh Cathedral
Posted by: Stone - 06-16-2022, 07:43 AM - Forum: General Commentary - Replies (1)

Earth Deity Enters Cobh Cathedral

[Image: bmwt5s2t3mp9vrqj18s1owyzvuzvtr5reh8wdjf....ormat=webp]

gloria.tv | June 15, 2022

The beautiful Edward Pugin (+1875) designed St Colman Cathedral in Cobh, Ireland, has installed a “Gaia Exhibition” in the nave.

Realised by Anne and Garry Wilson, it shows a scale replica of the earth and is part of the Cork Midsummer Festival (June 15-26).

Named for Gaia - a personification of the Earth in Greek mythology, corresponding to the South American Pachamama - the piece measures seven metres in diameter and is covered in high-resolution imagery of the Earth’s surface, provided by NASA.

On social media, Catholics wonder when prayers will be directing to Gaia, "Pugin would have set his cathedral on fire if it were the only way to rid it of that monstrous atrocity."

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  FDA panel recommends authorizing Moderna, Pfizer shots for youngest kids
Posted by: Stone - 06-15-2022, 04:34 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

FDA panel recommends authorizing Moderna, Pfizer shots for youngest kids

ABC News | June 15, 2022

Parents with young kids are one step closer to getting them vaccinated following a grueling wait for the last remaining group to be authorized for a vaccine.

The process for authorization and recommendation from the regulatory agencies kicked off Wednesday with a meeting of the Food and Drug Administration's committee of independent experts.

The committee voted to recommend the Moderna vaccine for kids under 6, which is a two-dose vaccine, and the Pfizer vaccine for kids under 5, which is a three-dose vaccine. Both votes were unanimous.
MORE: As China seeks 'zero COVID,' Shanghai delays reopenings and orders mass testing

Though kids have generally had less-severe cases of COVID-19 than older adults, there have still been nearly 500 deaths in kids under 5 and over 30,000 hospitalizations in the U.S.

"We are dealing with an issue where I think we have to be careful that we don't become numb to the number of pediatric deaths because of the overwhelming number of older deaths here. Every life is important. And vaccine-preventable deaths are ones that we would like to try to do something about," said Dr. Peter Marks, who runs the vaccine division at the FDA.

"Granted, it's a population that has been much less affected than the older populations, particularly the oldest population, but one nonetheless that has also been affected. And I think for those who have lost children to COVID-19, our hearts go out to them, because these are -- each child that's lost essentially fractures a family," Marks told the committee on Wednesday.

Officials from Pfizer and Moderna stressed Wednesday that their vaccines are safe and effective at protecting young children against COVID-19.

Both companies reported mild reactions to the shots. Among young children, fevers and pain at the injection site were the most common symptoms reported following the shot, with most post-vaccination symptoms resolving in a matter of days.

"These pediatric groups represent a more vulnerable population, so it is particularly important to minimize reactions, including fever, while achieving an immune response likely to provide protection against COVID-19," said Dr. William Gruber, senior vice president of vaccine clinical research and development at Pfizer.
MORE: Study on child hepatitis cases points to prior COVID infection, but experts say too soon to know

Neither Moderna nor Pfizer reported any cases of myocarditis among the youngest children.

And the impact spans wider than the statistics. Parents with kids too young to be vaccinated have dealt with constant child care interruptions from COVID-19 scares and two years of mitigation strategies even after most people in the country dropped their masks.

Once the FDA committee votes on Wednesday, the process moves to FDA leadership to officially authorize the vaccines. If that happens, the administration can start shipping out vaccines to states.

Then, on Friday and Saturday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's advisers will meet to review the data on both vaccines.

The final step in the process is a recommendation from CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, after which shots can be administered in doctors' offices, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies and other locations.

Vaccines are expected to be available as early as the week of June 21, if the review processes find the vaccines safe and effective.

The Biden administration estimates that 85% of children under the age of 5 live within 5 miles of a potential vaccination site, an administration official said.

But it will be an uphill battle to convince parents to vaccinate their young kids, if polling is any indication. A recent survey from KFF found that just 1 in 5 parents are eager to vaccinate their kids right away.

Federal officials said they plan to lean into existing networks to get vaccine information out to families, like the American Academy of Pediatrics, mom blogs and PTAs, as well as groups specific to communities of color, like the League of United Latin American Citizens.

"We have learned from our previous campaigns, and one of the most important lessons that we've learned is that we know who people listen to when making decisions, and there are trusted people in their lives," a senior administration official said.

What we know about the differences between the two vaccines

Pfizer's vaccine is one-tenth the size of the adult dose, given as a three-shot series.

The company's early data showed it was 80% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19. But that protection largely didn't kick in until the third shot -- the data showed very minimal protection after doses one and two.

There was a lot of concern among the members of Wednesday's FDA committee that Pfizer's high efficacy headline would lead parents to think it was more protective than it is, and sooner.

As Dr. Paul Offit, a director at Philadelphia Children's Hospital and member of the panel, warned, "I do support this but I do worry that parents aren't necessarily going to know that after two doses, they may not be protected at all and engage in the kind of activity that would put their child at risk."

Other members expressed concern that kids would not return for the third dose, which would render them unprotected.

"We know it's a struggle to get people in for two, we've already seen with the boosters for adults," said Dr. Jeanette Lee, professor of biostatistics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. "And so my concern is that you have to get the three doses to really get what you need on this."
MORE: If you’re still waiting for herd immunity for COVID-19, it's time to move on: Experts

As for Moderna, its vaccine for young kids is one-quarter of the size of the adult dose, given as only two shots.

Early data showed it was about 40% to 50% effective at preventing mild infections after two shots.

But representatives for Moderna said they expected a third shot, or booster, would be available to kids in the coming months -- either the current vaccine, or the omicron-specific vaccine the company is developing for the fall -- which could increase efficacy.

And overall, experts heavily cautioned that all of the efficacy numbers for both vaccines are based on small samples and could vary greatly as the companies continue to follow the studies for longer.

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  Pope restricts new traditional groups by ordering Vatican approval for associations of the faithful
Posted by: Stone - 06-15-2022, 04:28 PM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope restricts new traditional groups by ordering Vatican approval for associations of the faithful
The directive appears to be a move to ‘prevent traditional Catholic Religious communities, such as new Franciscan or Augustinian communities, from acquiring juridic personality...Rome has sent the bishops a very clear message.'

[Image: Braz-de-Aviz-810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis & Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic LifeShutterstock/Vatican News

Wed Jun 15, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) – Pope Francis has issued a directive limiting the powers of diocesan bishops by ordering them to seek the Vatican’s permission before establishing any groups of the faithful looking to become religious institutes or societies, in a move which has been described as an attempt to prevent any new traditional communities from being formed.

Pope Francis’s directive, or Rescript, was issued June 15, but signed February 7 during an audience he gave to Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, and Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo, the Prefect and Archbishop Secretary respectively of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

The Rescript reads:

Quote:The diocesan bishop, before erecting – by decree – a public association of the faithful with a view to becoming an Institute of Consecrated Life or Society of Apostolic Life of diocesan right, must obtain the written license of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

The Rescript, issued in Italian, is to be “promulgated by publication in L’Osservatore Romano, entering into force immediately, and then published in the official commentary of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis,” which contains the official documents and actions of the Holy See.

As noted by Vatican journalist Diane Montagna, the Pope’s Rescript thus necessitates a change in Canon Law 312 §1, although the Rescript made no mention of such a change having taken place or being about to occur, suggesting that Cardinal Braz de Aviz might not have realized the contradiction the directive places upon existing Canon Law.

Canon 312 §1 currently defends the right of local bishops to erect public associations of the faithful, stipulating:
Quote:The authority competent to erect public associations is:

1/ the Holy See for universal and international associations;

2/ the conference of bishops in its own territory for national associations, that is, those which from their founding are directed toward activity throughout the whole nation;

3/ the diocesan bishop in his own territory, but not a diocesan administrator, for diocesan associations, except, however, for those associations whose right of erection has been reserved to others by apostolic privilege.

The new restrictions placed upon diocesan bishops will have the practical effect of stifling the growth of new communities or orders, particularly traditional ones, should they not meet with the approval of the staunchly anti-traditionalist Braz de Aviz.

When combined with Traditionis Custodes, Cardinal-elect Arthur Roche’s Responsa ad dubia, and the 2018 document Cor Orans – described as a “cruel and merciless” assault against contemplative orders, motivated by “hatred” – the new Rescript adds to the recent string of stringent Vatican actions attempting to curtail the future of the Traditional Latin Mass and groups who are devoted to it.

Speaking to LifeSiteNews, Brother Martin of the Oblates of St. Augustine – which is itself a de facto association – warned that “the immediate intent of this change in the Code of Canon Law appears to be to prevent traditional Catholic Religious communities, such as new Franciscan or Augustinian communities, from acquiring juridic personality.”

“Although it appears that these communities may still obtain the status of a Private Association with approved statutes, Rome has sent the bishops a very clear message,” said Martin.

He added that while local bishops “have the duty to prevent the erection of communities duplicating charisms of already existing Religious Institutes or Societies of Apostolic Life, many traditional priests and Religious who are members of already existing communities find that they are forbidden by their community to practice the traditional Catholic faith and pray using the Church’s ancient Rite.”

Such priests and religious, after “encountering unchristian behavior and persecution behind the scenes,” end up leaving their communities “to begin an Association of the Faithful, borrowing much of their original charism, but including a specific difference to meet the requirements to obtain juridic personality,” said Martin.

The religious brother added how such a move had been employed by some seminarians from the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, who left to “form a new community to circumvent persecution.”

Traditional and contemplative religious communities have been under increasing pressure from the Vatican, particularly since the publication of Cor Orans and the 2016 document Vultum Dei quaerere. Father Maximilian Mary Dean, a former Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate and the chaplain to the discalced Carmelite nuns of Fairfield, Pennsylvania, warned that under Cardinal Braz de Aviz, the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life was “just going to destroy the vocations and the way of life.”

Commenting on the new Rescript, Mike Parrott, host of the Restoring the Faith Media podcast, wrote that “if Cor Orans was a frontal attack on contemplative cloisters, this is the accompanying assault on all other would-be traditional communities or monasteries.”

Speaking to LifeSiteNews, Parrott said that the Pope’s Rescript, “which comes on the heels of Francis’ cynical comment that we ‘still have 40 more years’ to convince everyone that this disastrous New Springtime really is the way forward, reinforces the perceived contempt this pope has for the ‘rigid restorationists’ he weekly mocks.” 

“Notwithstanding the unending and out of touch personal attacks on grandmothers wearing lace, the move contradicts Francis’ stated goal of decentralizing a new ‘Synodal Church,’ in which German Bishops are, for example, free to redefine Catholic Dogma on marriage and sexuality,” added Parrott.

In the Pope’s December 2021 address to the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, he urged those present to “develop collaboration with the diocesan bishops” regarding the formation of new communities. Such “mutual listening” would prevent “the inappropriate creation of institutes without sufficient motivation or adequate vigour perhaps with good will, but with something missing,” said Francis.

However, with “mutual listening” now being replaced by a curtailment of the diocesan bishops’ right to erect associations, Parrott stated that the Rescript “further deprives bishops of their natural governance powers in the same way Traditionis Custodes and Cor Orans have done, ensuring Rome has both the last word, but also the first word too, on restricting the growth of [traditional] Catholicism.”

Contact information for respectful communication:

Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Cardinal Prefect Joao Braz di Aviz: civcsva.pref@ccscrlife.va,
Archbishop Secretary José Rodríguez Carballo: civcsva.segr@ccscrlife.va,
General email form can be found here.

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  Canada declares "fully vaccinated" now means 3 injections, stating "two doses don’t work anymore."
Posted by: Stone - 06-15-2022, 07:00 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies


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  Pope Francis: Traditional Catholicism is Restorationism
Posted by: Stone - 06-14-2022, 10:43 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - Replies (1)

Pope Francis: There are many ‘restorers’ in the US who do not accept Vatican II

[Image: sf05062022102412-00377.jpg?w=670&h=447]

Pope Francis sat at the front of the congregation in St. Peter's Basilica on the Solemnity of Pentecost on June 5, 2022. Pope Francis sat at the front of the congregation in St. Peter's Basilica on the Solemnity of Pentecost on June 5, 2022. | Vatican Media

(CNA) Vatican City, Jun 14, 2022
There are many “restorers” in the United States who do not accept the Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis said in an interview published on Tuesday.

Speaking to the editors of Jesuit journals, he criticized what he called “restorationism” in the Church, which he defined as the failure to accept Vatican II, the ecumenical council held from 1962 to 1965.

He said: “Restorationism has come to gag the Council. The number of groups of ‘restorers’ — for example, in the United States there are many — is significant.”

“An Argentine bishop told me that he had been asked to administer a diocese that had fallen into the hands of these ‘restorers.’ They had never accepted the Council. There are ideas, behaviors that arise from a restorationism that basically did not accept the Council.”

“The problem is precisely this: in some contexts, the Council has not yet been accepted. It is also true that it takes a century for a Council to take root. We still have 40 years to make it take root, then!”

Pope Francis cited opposition to Vatican II when he issued the motu proprio Traditionis custodes in July 2021, limiting celebrations of the Traditional Latin Mass.

In a letter to the world’s bishops, he said he was saddened that the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass was “often characterized by a rejection not only of the liturgical reform, but of the Vatican Council II itself.”

To doubt the Council, he said, is “in the final analysis, to doubt the Holy Spirit himself who guides the Church.”

The pope’s conversation with editors, which also touched on the war in Ukraine and the German “Synodal Way,” was published in La Civiltà Cattolica on June 14 but was conducted on May 19.

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  China uses its vast COVID surveillance infrastructure to stifle protests
Posted by: Stone - 06-14-2022, 10:31 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

China bank protest stopped by health codes turning red, depositors say

SHANGHAI, June 14 (Reuters) - A protest planned by hundreds of bank depositors in central China seeking access to their frozen funds has been thwarted because the authorities have turned their health code apps red, several depositors told Reuters.

The depositors were planning to travel to the central province of Henan this week from across China to protest against an almost two-month block on accessing at least $178 million of deposits, which has left companies unable to pay workers and individuals unable to access savings. read more

Rights groups have warned China could use its vast COVID surveillance infrastructure to stifle dissent. Without a green code on their smartphone app, citizens lose access to public transport and spaces such as restaurants and malls, as well as the right to travel across the country.

"They are putting digital handcuffs on us," said a depositor from Sichuan province surnamed Chen, who declined to use his full name for fear of government retribution.

The Henan provincial government, the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Public Security did not respond to requests for comment.

After recent COVID outbreaks, some regions in China have asked travellers to register their plans online.

A man surnamed Liu, who lives in Hubei province, found that his health code turned red on the morning of June 12 after he registered the day before to travel to Henan.

Liu had planned to travel to a protest planned for Monday in the Henan provincial capital Zhengzhou, where he had hoped to get his money back. The protest would have been the latest among numerous such demonstrations in Henan in recent months.

More than 200 depositors were similarly blocked when their health codes turned red, according to members of a WeChat group.

It could not be ascertained if the change in code was intended to block the protesters or for another reason, but three depositors told Reuters they knew people who had registered to travel to Henan, who were not connected to the frozen funds, whose codes did not turn red.

Yu Zhou Xin Min Sheng Village Bank, Shangcai Huimin Country Bank and Zhecheng Huanghuai Community Bank froze deposits on April 18, with all three telling customers they were upgrading internal systems. read more

Liu, who declined to give his full name for fear of government repercussions, said his child may not be able to go to school if his code does not soon revert to green.

"I can't do anything, I can't go anywhere. You're treated as though you're a criminal. It infringes on my human rights," said Liu.

Wang Qiong, who lives in the central city of Wuhan, found her health code had turned red after she registered to travel to Henan on June 11.

"The police had my identity details from the last time I went to protest in April," said Wang, who said she has lost access to 2.3 million yuan ($341,550).

Other depositors told Reuters they were able to arrive in Zhengzhou by train and car but their codes turned red as soon as they scanned city health codes.

($1 = 6.7340 Chinese yuan renminbi)

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  US Seeks To Expand Monkeypox Testing As Narrative Keeps On Rolling
Posted by: Stone - 06-14-2022, 06:14 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

US Seeks To Expand Monkeypox Testing As Narrative Keeps On Rolling

ZH | Jun 13, 2022

The Biden administration is working to expand monkeypox testing capabilities beyond a narrow group of public health labs, as infectious disease experts are now suggesting that testing for the virus needs to become part of routine care.

As the Epoch Times notes, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a conference call on Friday that her agency is working with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to expand testing capacity to include commercial laboratories.

At present, monkeypox testing is done through a network of 69 public health laboratories, which send results to the CDC for confirmation.

So far, there have been 50 confirmed cases in the US across 16 states, while roughly 300 monkeypox tests have been administered.

"There is not enough testing going on now for monkeypox in the United States," said Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. "The commercial labs are used to working with healthcare providers from across the country, moving samples around quickly, reporting results quickly in a way that providers understand and expect."

Meanwhile, as Off-Guardian notes, Monkeypox hysteria continues - with The Atlantic publishing a recent piece suggesting that Monkeypox "Could be nothing," or "Could Be the Next Syphilis."

Nature asks, "can the global outbreaks be contained?"

That said, there has been some pushback to the 'dire' sounding headlines - with the CDC declaring that it was "very unlikely" Monkeypox is airborne (in response to a NYT article claiming it can become so), and the Washington Post noting that "Number of monkeypox cases grows, but U.S. officials say overall risk is low."

And despite monkeypox's relatively low transmission rate, as we noted on Sunday, the Biden administration has ordered 500,000 more doses of monkeypox vaccine.

Denmark-based biotech group Bavarian Nordic, the manufacturer of the vaccines, said that the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has placed the order, to be delivered later this year.

“With the previous order from BARDA for 1.4 million doses of liquid-frozen JYNNEOS, awarded in 2020, this order will bring the total U.S. inventory of the vaccine to nearly 2 million doses,” the company announced on Friday. Many of the 1.9 million doses are being held by the company until the U.S. government requests them.

The 500,000 vaccine doses will be manufactured using bulk materials that are owned by the United States under previous contracts with BARDA, and are currently stored with the company.

“The majority of this bulk, however, will be converted to approximately 13 million freeze-dried doses of JYNNEOS during 2023-2025,” Barvarian Nordic said.

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  Canada’s top doctor claims pandemic ‘not over,’ urges preparation for ‘seventh’ COVID wave
Posted by: Stone - 06-14-2022, 06:08 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Canada’s top doctor claims pandemic ‘not over,’ urges preparation for ‘seventh’ COVID wave
'I think the pandemic is not over, and ... given the continuous evolution of the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus,
we think that it’s very likely that we will get some more viral activity in the future,' said Dr. Theresa Tam.

[Image: theresa_tam_canada-810x500.jpg]

Theresa Tam, chief public health officer of Canada.CTV News / YouTube

Mon Jun 13, 2022
OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – Canada’s chief public health officer has said that people should “prepare” for a possible seventh wave of COVID come the fall.

“I think the pandemic is not over, and … given the continuous evolution of the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus we think that it’s very likely that we will get some more viral activity in the future,” said Dr. Theresa Tam while speaking before a House of Commons Standing Committee on Health last week. Tam was responding to a question about a possible “seventh” wave of COVID from NDP MP Don Davies.

“We can’t predict exactly how big the next wave is, but I think we need to prepare, we need to prepare for the fall and winter season.”

Quote:Canada’s top doctor Theresa Tam warns of a possible seventh COVID-19 wave in the future. She added that “we need to prepare for the fall and winter season.” Tam also said the pandemic is not over. pic.twitter.com/PsdEa6LRVx

— Élie Cantin-Nantel (@elie_mcn) June 9, 2022

Tam also said that she and her team are “watching out for some very different variants” of COVID mutations, including different sub-variants of omicron.

Tam declared that the COVID injections, when given in three doses, offer a 60 percent protection against omicron, while admitting that two doses of the jab offers only 20 percent protection.

“Omicron was a game-changer, is a game-changer,” said Tam.

“Prior to that, two doses of a vaccine for example, had very high efficacy against infection as well as severe outcomes.”

She then claimed that, as the COVID jabs themselves do not along stop COVID transmission, a layered approach including the use of masks needs to be considered.

The COVID jab trials have never generated evidence that the injections stop infection or transmission of the virus. There is also very strong evidence that those with the COVID jabs are just as likely to carry and transmit the virus as the unvaccinated.

For months both the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau along with provincial governments encouraged Canadians to take the injections, often through coercive means such as threatening to take away their jobs. Those who refused were shown contempt.

Indeed, last year Trudeau called the vaccine-free “extremists who don’t believe in science” who are  “often misogynists” and “often racists.”

The Trudeau government still has in place a mandate that all federal employees, even those who work from home, must be “fully vaccinated” with the COVID jabs.

Also in place is a mandate that in effect bans those who have chosen not to get the COVID vaccines from traveling by air, rail, or sea. This measure bans Canadians from flying within Canada as well as out of the country. Very few exceptions are given.

However, cracks in the prime minister’s strategy are showing as just last week a report surfaced that the “massive” majority of MPs within Trudeau’s own party want the COVID travel mandates gone.

Trudeau just today announced he had tested positive for COVID, which is the second time in less than six months.

A recent international study has found that COVID jab mandates have done far more harm than good.

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  Biden administration orders half million more doses of monkeypox vaccine
Posted by: Stone - 06-13-2022, 11:40 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Biden administration orders half million more doses of monkeypox vaccine
U.S. stocks up on vaccines for disease that primarily spreads through homosexual activities.

Mon Jun 13, 2022
WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews [adapted]) — The Biden administration announced on Friday that it had ordered an additional 500,000 doses of the monkeypox vaccine to add to the 372,000 already purchased by federal officials.

“As of Friday, the U.S. had identified 45 cases in 15 states and the District of Columbia,” the Associated Press reported. “More than 1,300 cases have been found in about 30 other countries outside the areas of Africa where the virus is endemic.”

The disease is primarily spread through close contact, often between homosexual men although the AP downplayed that risk in its reporting.

“Last month, cases began emerging in Europe and the United States,” the AP reported. “Many — but not all — of those who contracted the virus had traveled internationally. Most were men who have sex with men, but health officials stress that anyone can get monkeypox.”

The new fear of monkeypox has raised questions about what public health officials knew about the disease before it became public. For example, on April 21 Canadian health officials ordered  500,000 doses of a smallpox vaccine, which reportedly can be used against monkeypox. However, the first monkeypox cases were not announced until May 13.

Attorney Michael Senger wrote an article for the Brownstone Institute in which he noted that the “world’s first-ever global outbreak of Monkeypox” is occurring “just one year after an international biosecurity conference in Munich held a simulation of a ‘global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox’ beginning in mid-May 2022.”

“The global Monkeypox outbreak — occurring on the exact timeline predicted by a biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak a year prior — bears a striking resemblance to the outbreak of COVID-19 just months after Event 201, a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic almost exactly like COVID-19,” Senger wrote.

Meanwhile, a historian of infectious diseases says that homosexual men like himself need to be warned about the risk of monkeypox.

“I worry that public-health leaders are not doing enough to directly alert men who have sex with men about monkeypox,” Professor Jim Downs at Gettysburg College wrote on May 28. “Gay men are not the only people at risk, but they do need to know that, right now, the condition appears to be spreading most actively within their community.”

He argued in The Atlantic, a left-leaning magazine,  that “public-health agencies should also press gay social-media apps and other online platforms to tell their users that men who have sex with men have been disproportionately infected by the virus.”

“[M[onkeypox doesn’t require sexual contact but is prone to spread in situations where people with exposed skin are together in close quarters,” he wrote.

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  "This is where the ‘Great Reset’ comes in..."
Posted by: Stone - 06-13-2022, 11:31 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

US Is "Beyond Bankrupt" - Kim Dotcom Fears "Controlled Demolition" Enabling A "New Dystopian Future"

[Image: America_Hell.jpg?itok=6fPJXIxL]

ZH | Jun 11, 2022

Authored by Alexandra Bruce via ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net,

New Zealand tech CEO, Kim Dotcom did the math on the United States’ sovereign debt and he tweeted a thread about it, saying it may the most important thread that he may ever make.

Kim explains that US spending and debt have spiraled out of control and the Government can only raise the money it needs by printing more of it, which means that hyperinflation is guaranteed.

He says this has been going on for decades and there’s no way to fix it and that the US got away with this for so long, because US dollar is the world’s reserve currency.

When the US Government prints trillions, it is thereby robbing Americans and the entire world in what he calls the biggest theft in history.

He says the total US debt is at $90 trillion, which together with $169 trillion in US unfunded liabilities totals $259 trillion, which is $778,000 per US citizen or $2,067,000 per US Taxpayer.

Now, the value of all US assets combined: every piece of land, real estate, all savings, all companies, everything that all citizens, businesses, entities and the state own is worth $193 trillion.

Our total debt, $259 trillion minus our total net worth, $193 trillion equals negative $66 trillion of debt and liabilities after every asset in the US has been sold off.

So even if the US could sell all assets at the current value, which is impossible, it would still be broke.

This is where the ‘Great Reset’ comes in and he asks, “Is it a controlled demolition of the global markets, economies and the world as we know it? A shift into a new dystopian future where the elites are the masters of the slaves without the cosmetics of democracy?”

He notes how the world has changed so much in recent years and how nothing seems to make sense anymore.

He sees the blatant corruption and the obvious gaslighting propaganda media and the erosion of our rights but he doesn’t know where it’s all going and he finishes the thread asking, “What’s the end game?”

As Harrison Smith from the American Journal says, “It’s a pyramid scheme. The people perpetrating the pyramid scheme are in charge of everything…they’re going to sacrifice humanity in order to maintain their system…

“The world economy is being collapsed, the food supply system is being destroyed, the energy that we rely on to maintain civilization is being curtailed and eliminated and we’ll be forced into the Great Reset where we will own nothing.”

Former BlackRock stockpicker, Ed Dowd believes that the entire COVID sham was created as a cover for the financial collapse and that new lockdowns are coming, to try mitigate the inevitable violence and chaos that we can expect to be witnessing in the streets.

We also saw how Dr Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP also believes that COVID and the death shot are an elaborate hoax to engineer a collapse of sovereign currencies to bring in the Great Reset and the introduction of programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), for a wholly-controlled population, in which people will not be able to buy food, etc. unless the algorithms permit and the undesirables can basically be starved to death via artificial intelligence.

Rumble video: Kim Dotcom Breaks Down the Scale of Government Debt

Kim Dotcom June 5, 2022 Thread (emphasis ours)

Quote:This may be the most important thread I ever make. Big picture stuff about the major global collapse that is coming.

I will try to help you understand why the future is not what we’re hoping for. It’s worse than most can imagine.

Our leaders know.
But what are they planning?

The United States did not have a surplus or a balanced budget since 2001. In the last 50 years the US only had 4 years of profit. In fact all the profit the US had would not be enough to pay for 6 months of the current yearly deficit. So how did the US pay for things?

US spending and debt have spiraled out of control and the Govt can only raise the money it needs by printing it. That causes inflation. It’s like taxing you extra because you pay more for the things you need and all your assets decline in value.

See the US money printing frenzy:

The reason why the US got away with it for so long is because USD is the worlds reserve currency. Nations everywhere hold USD as a secure asset. So when the US Govt prints trillions it’s robbing Americans and the entire world. The biggest theft in history.

Quote:The reason why the US got away with it for so long is because USD is the worlds reserve currency. Nations everywhere hold USD as a secure asset. So when the US Govt prints trillions it's robbing Americans and the entire world. The biggest theft in history. pic.twitter.com/K1UKC7tWf0
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) June 5, 2022

The problem is that this has been going for decades and there’s now no way to fix it. The reality is that the US has been bankrupt for some time and what’s coming is a nightmare: Mass poverty and a new system of control. Let me explain why this isn’t just doom and gloom talk.

Total US debt is at $90 trillion. US unfunded liabilities are at $169 trillion. Combined that’s $778,000 per US citizen or $2,067,000 per US tax payer 

Remember, the only way the US Government can operate now is by printing more money. Which means hyperinflation is inevitable.

The total value of ALL companies listed on the US stock market is $53 trillion. The real value is much lower because the US has been printing trillions to provide interest free loans to investment banks to pump up the stock market. It’s a scam.

Most of the $53 trillion is air.

The value of all US assets combined, every piece of land, real estate, all savings, all companies, everything that all citizens, businesses, entities and the state own is worth $193 trillion.

That number is also full of air just like the US stock market.

US total debt: $90 trillion

US unfunded liabilities: $169 trillion

Total: $259 trillion

Minus all US assets: $193 trillion

Balance: – $66 trillion

That’s $66 trillion of debt and liabilities after every asset in the US has been sold off.

Do you understand?

So even if the US could sell all assets at the current value, which is impossible, it would still be broke.

The US is beyond bankrupt.
This patient is already dead.
This patient is now a zombie.

You probably wonder why are things still going? Why didn’t everything collapse yet.

It’s all perception, denial and dependency.

The perception is that the US has the largest economy and the strongest military in the world. But in reality the US is broke and can’t afford its army.

The denial is that all nations depend on a strong USD or global markets collapse.

The reason why the US zombie keeps going is because the end of the US is the end of western prosperity and an admission that the current system failed as a model for the world. It doesn’t change the reality. The collapse is inevitable and coming.

What are our leaders planning?

You may have heard about the ‘great reset’ or the ‘new world order’. Is it a controlled demolition of the global markets, economies and the world as we know it?

A shift into a new dystopian future where the elites are the masters of the slaves without the cosmetics of democracy?

Without a controlled demolition the world will collapse for all, including the elites. The world has changed so much and nothing seems to make sense anymore, the blatant corruption is out in the open, the obvious propaganda media, the erosion of our rights.

What’s the end game?

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