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  Gregorian Propers for Corpus Christi
Posted by: Stone - 06-13-2022, 11:05 AM - Forum: Pentecost - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for Corpus Christi
Taken from here

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fnobility.org%2Fwp-conten...f=1&nofb=1]

The Feast of Corpus Christi

Introit • Score • Cibavit eos
Gradual • Score • Oculi omnium
Alleluia • Score • Caro mea vere
Sequence • Score • Lauda Sion Salvatorem
Offertory • Score • Sacerdotes Domini
Communion • Score • Quotiescumque manducabitis

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  Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Posted by: Stone - 06-12-2022, 10:11 AM - Forum: Novenas - No Replies

Efficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

[This powerful prayer was recited every day by Padre Pio for all those who asked for his prayers.
It brought about thousands of miracles and it was Padre Pio’s favorite prayer.]

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

I. O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of…… (here name your request)

Our Father….Hail Mary….Glory Be to the Father….Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

II. O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.” Behold, in your name, I ask the Father for the grace of…….(here name your request)

Our Father…Hail Mary….Glory Be To the Father….Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

III. O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away.” Encouraged by your infallible words I now ask for the grace of…..(here name your request)

Our Father….Hail Mary….Glory Be to the Father…Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of you, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us.

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  The Athanasian Creed
Posted by: Stone - 06-12-2022, 08:29 AM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - No Replies

Excerpt from Dom Prosper Guéranger's The Liturgical Year - Trinity Sunday

For this end, we will unite with holy Church, who in her Office of Prime, recites on this Solemnity, as also on every Sunday not taken up by a Feast, the magnificent Symbol known as the Athanasian Creed. It gives us, in a summary of much majesty and precision, the doctrine of the holy Doctor, Saint Athanasius, regarding the mysteries of the Trinity and Incarnation.

It is a psalm or hymn of praise, of confession, and of profound, self-prostrating homage, parallel to the Canticles of the elect in heaven. It appeals to the imagination quite as much as to the intellect. It is the war-song of faith, with which we warn first ourselves, then each other, and then all those who are within its hearing, and the hearing of the Truth, who our God is, and how we must worship Him, and how vast our responsibility will be if we know what to believe, and yet believe not.

The Athanasian Creed

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-hwC...f=1&nofb=1]

Quicumque vult salvus esse, ante omnia opus est ut teneat Catholicam fidem.
Whosoever would be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold that Catholic faith.

Quam nisi quisque integram inviolatamque servaverit, absque dubio inæternum peribit.
Which faith, except every one doth keep entire, and unviolated, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.

Fides autem Catholica hæc est, ut unum Deum in Trinitate, et Trinitatem in Unitate veneremur;
Now the Catholic Faith is this: that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity;

Neque confundentes personas, neque substantiam separantes.
Neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance.

Alia est enim persona Patria, alia Filii, alia Spiritus sancti.
For one is the person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost.

Sed Patris, et Filii, et spiritus sancti una est divinitas, æqualis gloria, coæterna majestas.
But the Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one, the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal.

Qualis Pater, talis Filius, talis Spiritus sanctus.
Such as the Father is, such is the Son, such is the Holy Ghost.

Increatus Pater, increatus Filius, increatus spiritus sanctus.
The Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, the Holy Ghost is uncreated.

Immensus Pater, immensus Filius, immensus Spiritus sanctus.
The Father is incomprehensible, the Son is incomprehensible, the Holy Ghost is incomprehensible.

Æternus Pater, æternus Filius, æternus Spiritus sanctus.
The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, the Holy Ghost is eternal.

Et tamen non tres æterni, sed unus æternus.
And yet they are not three eternals, but one eternal.

Sicut non tres increati, nec tres immensi, sed unus increatus, et unus immensus.
And also they are not three uncreateds, but one uncreated, and one incomprehensible.

Similiter omnipotens Pater, omnipotens Filius, omnipotens Spiritus sanctus.
In like manner the Father is almighty, the Son is almighty, the Holy Ghost is almighty.

Et tamen non tres omnipotentes, sed unus omnipotens.
And yet they are not three almighties, but one almighty.

Ita Deus Pater, Deus Filius, Deus Spiritus sanctus.
So, the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Ghost is God.

Et tamen non tres Dii, sed unus est Deus.
And yet they are not three Gods, but one God.

Ita Dominus Pater, Dominus Filius, Dominus Spiritus sanctus.
So, the Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, the Holy Ghost is Lord.

Et tamen non tres Domini, sed unus est Dominus.
And yet they are not three Lord, but one Lord.

Quia sicut singillatim unamquamque personam Deum ac Dominum confiteri Christiana veritate compellimur: ita tres Deos aut Dominos dicere, Catholica religione prohibemur.
For, as we are compelled, by the Christian truth, to acknowledge each person, by himself, to be God and Lord: so, are we forbidden, by the Catholic religion, to say there are three Gods, or three Lords.

Pater a nullo est factus, nec creatus, nec genitus.
The Father is made of no one, neither created, nor begotten.

Filius a Patre solo est: non factus, nec creatus, sed genitus.
The Son is from the Father alone; not made, nor created, but begotten.

Spiritus sanctus a Patre et Filio, non factus, nec creatus, nec genitus, sed procedens.
The Holy Ghost is from the Father and the Son; not made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding.

Unus ergo Pater, non tres Patres; unus Filius, non tres Filii: unus Spiritus sanctus, non tres Spiritus sancti.
There is, then, one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts.

Et in hac Trinitate nihil prius aut posterius, nohil majus aut minus: sed totæ tres personæ coæternæ sibi sunt, et coæquales.
And in this Trinity, there is nothing before or after, nothing greater or less; but the whole three Persons are co-eternal to one another, and co-equal.

Ita ut per omnia, sicut jam supra dictum est, et Unitas in Trinitate, et Trinitas in Unitate veneranda sit.
So that, in all things, as hath been already said above, the Unity is to be worshipped in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity.

Qui vult ergo salvus esse: ita de Trinitate sentiat.
He, therefore, that would be saved, must thus think of the Trinity.

Sed necessarium est ad æternam salutem: ut Incarnationem quoque Domini nostri Jesu Christi fideliter credat.
Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation, that he also believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Est ergo fides recta, ut credamus et confiteamur: quia Dominus noster Jesus Christus Dei Filius, Deus et homo est.
Now the right faith is, that we believe and confess, that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is both God and Man.

Deus est ex substantia Patris ante sæcula genitus: et homo est ex substantia matris in sæculo natus.
He is God, of the substance of his Father, begotten before the world; and he is Man, of the substance of his Mother, born in the world.

Perfectus Deus, perfectus homo: ex anima rationali, et humana carne subsistens.
Perfect god, perfect Man: subsisting of a rational soul, and human flesh.

Æqualis Patri secundum divinitatem: minor Patre secundum humanitatem.
Equal to the Father according to his Godhead: lesser than the Father, according to his Manhood.

Qui licet Deus sit, et homo: non duo tamen, sed unus Christus.
Who although he be both God and Man, yet he is not two, but one, Christ.

Unus autem non conversione divinitatis in carnem, sed assumptione humanitatis in Deum.
One, not by the conversion of the Godhead into flesh, but by the taking of the Manhood unto God.

Unus omnino, non confusione substantiæ, sed unitate personæ.
One altogether, not by confusion of substance, but by unity of person.

Nam sicut anima rationalis et caro unus est homo, ita Deus et homo unus est Christus.
For, as the rational soul and the flesh is one man, so, God and Man is one Christ.

Qui passus est pro salute nostra, descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis.
Who suffered for our salvation; descended into hell; rose again, the third day, from the dead.

Ascendit ad cœlos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis: inde venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos.
He ascendeth into heaven; he sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead.

Ad cujus adventum omnes homines resurgere habent cum corporibus suis, et reddituri sunt de factis propriis rationem.
At whose coming, all men shall rise again, with their bodies; and shall give an account of their own works.

Et qui bona egerunt, ibunt in vitam æternam; qui vero mala, in ignem æternum.
And they that have done good, shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire.

Hæc est fides Catholica: quam nisi quisque fideliter, firmiterque crediderit, salvus ese non poterit.
This is the Catholic faith: which except every man believe faithfully and steadfastly, he cannot be saved.

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  Gregorian Propers for Trinity Sunday
Posted by: Stone - 06-12-2022, 08:09 AM - Forum: Pentecost - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for Trinity Sunday
Taken from here

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

Trinity Sunday

Introit • Score • Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas
Gradual • Score • Benedictus es (GRADUAL)
Alleluia • Score • Benedictus es (ALLELUIA)
Offertory • Score • Benedictus sit Deus Pater
Communion • Score • Benedicimus Deum caeli

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  St. Ignatius of Loyola: God Rewards Those Who Show Zeal for His Glory
Posted by: Stone - 06-12-2022, 07:47 AM - Forum: The Saints - No Replies

God Rewards Those Who Show Zeal for His Glory
From L'Apostolat de la priere, p. 38, in The Catechism in Examples, by Rev. D. Chisholm, 1919, vol. 5, p. 397

St. Ignatius was so much imbued with charity toward his neighbor that he was accustomed to say: "If I were at the point of death, and the assurance were given me that I would immediately enter into the possession of the eternal happiness of Heaven, and if God should ask me to remain on earth for a few years longer at the risk of my salvation in order that I might gain souls to Him, I would most willingly consent to remain."

On hearing these words one day, a pious critic remarked to him that he considered it to be a most imprudent thing to expose himself to lose his own soul for the sake of saving the souls of others. "For," he added, "in such an important affair, charity to ourselves requires of us to look to our own eternal interests in the first place before those of our neighbor."

The Saint, inspired by his great zeal for the salvation of souls and filled with confidence in God, answered: "Is God perchance a tyrant, or is He so indifferent to the welfare of one whom He sees placing himself in danger for the promotion of His glory by endeavoring to save souls for whom His Divine Son died, that He would condemn such a one to hellfire? Oh, no! Such a thought would be repugnant to the goodness and mercy of God."

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  We Are Warned - Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny
Posted by: Stone - 06-10-2022, 08:32 AM - Forum: Catholic Prophecy - Replies (20)

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  Quebec has vaccinated over 1,500 people against monkeypox
Posted by: Stone - 06-10-2022, 07:13 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Quebec has vaccinated over 1,500 people against monkeypox
Public health officials warn the 'entire population is susceptible' to the virus despite a low number of cases in the province.

Thu Jun 9, 2022
MONTREAL (LifeSiteNews) — Quebec’s Health Department said Thursday that 1,622 people have already been vaccinated against monkeypox since the first cases were discovered in the province in late May.

The relatively large number of monkeypox vaccinations given to Quebecers comes after various public health officials in the nation warned that the entire population was at risk for contracting the rare virus despite the World Health Organization saying the illness only spreads through prolonged close contact “mainly but not exclusively” between “men who have sex with men.”

As of right now, a total of 98 cases have been reported in the province.

While monkeypox does not have a specific vaccine available for use in Canada, Theresa Tam, the country’s chief public health officer, told reporters in late May that smallpox vaccines can be used as they have been proven to be effective against the milder monkeypox virus.

Despite the WHO not being made aware of the viral outbreak until May 13, LifeSiteNews noted that Public Services and Procurement Canada put out a tender for 500,000 smallpox vaccines doses on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada nearly a month earlier.

Since the so-called outbreak of monkeypox in mid-May, many have begun to question the mainstream narrative surrounding the virus drawing parallels between the origin of monkeypox and the origin of COVID-19.

In an article for the Brownstone Institute, U.S. attorney Michael Senger pointed out that the “world’s first-ever global outbreak of Monkeypox” is occurring “just one year after an international biosecurity conference in Munich held a simulation of a ‘global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox’ beginning in mid-May 2022.”

“The global Monkeypox outbreak — occurring on the exact timeline predicted by a biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak a year prior — bears a striking resemblance to the outbreak of COVID-19 just months after Event 201, a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic almost exactly like COVID-19,” Senger wrote in the piece.

“Event 201 was hosted in October 2019 — just two months before the coronavirus was first revealed in Wuhan — by the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg, and Johns Hopkins. As with the Event 201, the participants at the Monkeypox simulation have thus far been stone silent as to their having participated in a pandemic simulation the facts of which happened to come true in real life just months later,” the lawyer added.

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  Cdl. Müller addresses controversies surrounding two pontiffs, says Francis is pope
Posted by: Stone - 06-10-2022, 07:09 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Cdl. Müller addresses controversies surrounding two pontiffs, says Francis is pope
The current pope's actions have led some Catholics to question the validity of his ascent to the chair of St. Peter.

[Image: Francis-Benedict-810x500.jpg]

Thu Jun 9, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, recently addressed the questions and controversies raised by the resignation of Benedict XVI and the last nine years of the pontificate of Pope Francis in a presentation of the book “Benedetto XVI nove anni di papato-ombra” (Benedict XVI nine years of shadow-papacy) by Massimo Franco (Milano 2022).

Müller firmly threw his weight behind the legitimacy of Francis’ pontificate. “Against all contrived theories and swollen aversions,” he declared, “the statement is impeccable and irrefutable: There is legitimately only one pope and his name is Francis. Whoever was pope, living or dead, is no more, even if he is entitled to all gratitude and personal veneration.”

The cardinal then delved into the confusions caused among the faithful by Benedict’s resignation. “The resignation of Pope Benedict in 2013,” he said, “has introduced a tension into the Petrine principle of the unity of the faith and the communion of the Church that has no parallel historically and has not yet been dogmatically addressed. The norms of canon law are by no means sufficient here, and the tricks of diplomacy even less so.”

Acknowledging the freedom of the Pope to resign from his office according to ecclesiastical law, Müller pointed out that “the pope is never merely the president of their [the bishops’] assembly, appointed by the bishops, who could or should retire into well-deserved retirement at the end of a term of office or at his own discretion,” but is rather called to witness to the crucified Christ even to the point of death.

“It is true that according to purely ecclesiastical law the Pope of Rome can freely declare his resignation, but this is counterbalanced by the fact that according to divine law he is personally appointed by Christ, the invisible but true head of the Church, as Peter’s successor and as his deputy in the universal pastoral office, and that as the visible head of the whole Church he has all spiritual authority to lead the house of the living God in communion with the other bishops. Therefore, the pope is never merely the president of their assembly, appointed by the bishops, who could or should retire into well-deserved retirement at the end of a term of office or at his own discretion. This is already forbidden by the mission and authority to bear witness to Christ in the word of proclamation, even to the death of martyrdom, following the suffering and crucified Jesus.”

The cardinal also argued that the resignation of the Roman Pontiff must remain an extremely rare exception in the Church and cannot become an ordinary standard or permanent practice. “Even those who pragmatically accept the facts and grant them normative force,” he said, “can by no means — this is the conclusion drawn from the nine years of coexistence of a single pope and his predecessor as papa emeritus — declare the resignation of a pope for reasons of age and health to be the normal case. It must remain the strictest exception and must then be contemplated only for the good of the Church. The bonum ecclesiae, however, is not to be interpreted with the categories of worldly professions, but in view of the witness to Christ entrusted to the apostles and their successors until death.”

The issue of Benedict XVI’s resignation has raised questions from the beginning of Francis’ pontificate due the frequency of heterodox statements and continuous scandals. From Amoris Laetitia to the changing of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the death penalty, from the Pachamama idolatry to financial scandals, from the McCarrick abuse to countless other cover-ups of episcopal crimes, from the harsh persecution of the those who love the Traditional Latin Mass to the recent appointment of pro-LGBTQ cardinals, the scandals of the current pontificate have left many faithful Catholics confused, wondering how to reconcile these things with their faith in the Church.

The question of the legitimacy of the current papacy and Benedict’s resignation has increasingly received attention among theologians and Catholic commentators. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano recently called for an investigation by the bishops into the matter. Layman Patrick Coffin has argued that Benedict XVI did not in fact lay aside the papal office and that Francis is therefore not Pope. Edward Feser has argued against this claim. Just today, Bishop Athanasius Schneider laid out his position that Francis is indeed the legitimate Pope, even if there were irregularities in either Benedict’s resignation or Francis’ election. He argued that to hold otherwise defies the tradition of the Church.

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  Bishop Schneider: Theory that Benedict XVI is pope and not Francis defies ‘tradition of the Church’
Posted by: Stone - 06-09-2022, 03:43 PM - Forum: General Commentary - Replies (1)

Bishop Schneider: Theory that Benedict XVI is pope and not Francis defies ‘tradition of the Church’
The ‘hypothesis of Benedict XVI’s invalid renunciation, and therefore of the invalidity of the papacy of Francis,
properly presents itself as a dead end, a cul-de-sac,’ said Bishop Schneider.

Thu Jun 9, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) – Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the well known auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazahkstan, has spoken out against the theory that Benedict XVI is the only valid pope, saying that the argument would contradict the “proven and reasonable practice of the great tradition of the Church.”

In a newly recorded video message (full transcript found below), Bishop Schneider outlined the Catholic Church’s teaching and history regarding contested papal elections. Drawing from examples in the Church’s history, notably the cases of Popes Gregory VI and Urban VI, the bishop stated:

Quote:The safest guiding principle in the crucial question for the life of the Church regarding the validity of the papacy of Pope Francis, should be the prevailing practice in the history of the Church, with which were resolved cases of presumably invalid papal renunciations or elections. In this prevailing practice was shown the sensus perennis ecclesiae.

In recent months, arguments suggesting that the Pope is actually Benedict XVI, not Francis – motivated perhaps by the growing scandals emanating from the Vatican – have gained increasing prominence, notably though Catholic podcaster Patrick Coffin.

The Church must have a visible ‘Supreme Shepherd’

Schneider wrote that a fundamental principle with which to address the question was that “human law that regulates the assumption of the papal office or the dismissal from the papal office must be subordinated to the greater good of the whole Church, which in this case is the real existence of the visible head of the Church and the certainty of this existence for all the body of the Church, clergy and faithful.”

READ: Bp. Schneider: There’s a ‘basic error’ in Vatican documents on ‘material cooperation’ with abortion-tainted vaccines

The Church, by nature a visible entity, “cannot exist for a considerable time without a visible Supreme Shepherd,” he said, “since the vital activity of the universal Church depends on its visible head, such as the appointment of diocesan bishops and cardinals, appointments that require the existence of a valid pope.”

Schneider added that “the spiritual good of the faithful depends on a valid appointment of a bishop,” which in turn relies upon a valid and clearly visible Pope.

Should a bishop be invalidly appointed, his priests “would lack pastoral jurisdiction (confession, marriage),” said Schneider.

To apply, in this case, the “principle of supplying of jurisdiction would undermine the characteristic of the Church’s visibility and would be substantially the position of the sedevacantist theory,” he warned.

The auxiliary bishop of Astana made clear that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), did not fall under this category of undermining the Church, since while he “applied the principle of supplying jurisdiction, he applied it only to specific cases and not to the entire pontifical jurisdiction. He always mentioned the pope in the Canon of the Mass.”

Guided ultimately by the “spiritual good and eternal salvation of the faithful,” the Church supplies the principle of “sanatio in radice (healing at the root),” said Bishop Schneider – meaning that “in the case of doubts about a renunciation or a pontifical election” the matter is resolved by the “peaceful and morally universal acceptance of the new Pontiff by the episcopate and the Catholic people.”

Lessons from Church history

Bishop Schneider cited the example of “invalid pontifical elections” from the Middle Ages, noting how Pope Gregory VI invalidly bought the papacy, yet was still considered by the Roman Church as a “valid pope,” despite the “illegitimate manner by which Gregory VI became pope.”

Questions were also raised about the legitimacy of Pope Urban VI, who “had been elected under enormous pressure and threats from the Roman people,” added Bishop Schneider.

While “all the cardinal electors paid him homage and recognized him as pope during the first months of his pontificate,” doubts were raised about the “validity of the election” after a few months, noted Schneider.

When a new pope was elected by the cardinals because of this doubt, “he and his successors were considered by the Roman Church always as anti-popes,” said Schneider. “The Roman Church has always recognized Urban VI as a valid pope, despite the probably invalidating factors of his election,” he added.

Similarly with the case of Pope Celestine V who resigned “in circumstances of pressure and insinuations by the powerful Cardinal Benedetto Gaetani, who succeeded him as Pope Boniface VIII in the year 1294,” said the bishop.

Such circumstances meant that part of the laity and the clergy “never recognized Boniface VIII as a valid Pope,” yet “the Roman Church considered Boniface VIII as a legitimate pope, because the acceptance of Boniface VIII by the overwhelming part of the episcopate and the faithful healed ‘at the root’ the possible invalidating circumstances of both the renunciation of Celestine V and the election of Boniface VIII.”
For Francis to not be pope would have ‘paralyzed’ the Church

Bishop Schneider also presented a series of hypothetical scenarios regarding the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, but stated that “the hypothesis of Benedict XVI’s invalid renunciation, and therefore of the invalidity of the papacy of Francis, properly presents itself as a dead end, a cul-de-sac.”

For the Apostolic See to be “de facto vacant” would thus mean that “the universal Church would be paralyzed in its visible aspect,” he said. “Such an assumption would amount in practice to the attitude of sedevacantism.”

To argue that Benedict XVI is still pope “contradicts not only the proven and reasonable practice of the great tradition of the Church, but also simply common sense,” Bishop Schneider said.

Instead of explaining the crisis in the Church by arguing that Pope Francis is not the Pope, Bishop Schneider added that “the rudder of the boat of the Church holds Our Lord Jesus Christ in his hands even in situations of heaviest storms, such as it can be in a time of a doctrinally ambiguous pope.”

He referenced “a time of calm, doctrinal security, liturgical sacredness and holiness of the priests, bishops and popes” which would come when, “in the midst of the confusion and the storm within the life of the Church of our day, Our Lord will rise and rebuke the winds and the sea.”

See below the full transcript of Bishop Schneider’s video.

Reflections on the question of the validity of the papacy of Pope Francis

The safest guiding principle in the crucial question for the life of the Church regarding the validity of the papacy of Pope Francis, should be the prevailing practice in the history of the Church, with which were resolved cases of presumably invalid papal renunciations or elections. In this prevailing practice was shown the sensus perennis ecclesiae.

The principle of legality applied ad litteram (to the letter) or that of juridical positivism was not considered in the great practice of the Church an absolute principle, since the legislation of the papal election is only a human (positive) law, and not a Divine (revealed) law.

The human law that regulates the assumption of the papal office or the dismissal from the papal office must be subordinated to the greater good of the whole Church, which in this case is the real existence of the visible head of the Church and the certainty of this existence for all the body of the Church, clergy and faithful.

This visible existence of the head and the certainty about it are required by the very nature of the Church. The universal Church cannot exist for a considerable time without a visible Supreme Shepherd, without the successor of Peter, since the vital activity of the universal Church depends on its visible head, such as e.g. the appointment of diocesan bishops and cardinals, appointments that require the existence of a valid pope.

In turn, the spiritual good of the faithful depends on a valid appointment of a bishop, since in the case of an invalid episcopal appointment (due to a presumably invalid pope), priests would lack pastoral jurisdiction (confession, marriage). From this also depend those dispensations that only the Roman Pontiff can grant, and also indulgences, all this for the spiritual good and eternal salvation of souls.

Applying in this case the principle of supplying of jurisdiction would undermine the characteristic of the Church’s visibility and would be substantially the position of the sedevacantist theory. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, when consecrating bishops without the Pope’s mandate, also applied the principle of supplying of jurisdiction, but he applied it only to specific cases and not to the entire pontifical jurisdiction. He always mentioned the pope in the Canon of the Mass.

The acceptance of the possibility of a prolonged time of a vacancy of the Holy See (sedisvacantia papalis) easily leads to the spirit of sedevacantism, which ultimately constitutes a kind of a sectarian and quasi-heretical phenomenon that has appeared in the past sixty years due to the problems with Vatican II and the conciliar and post-conciliar popes.

The spiritual good and eternal salvation of the faithful is the supreme law in the normative system of the Church. For this reason, there is the principle of supplet ecclesia or of sanatio in radice (“healing at the root”), that is, the Church completes what was against the human positive law, in the case of the sacraments, which demand jurisdictional faculties, e.g. confession, marriage, confirmation, the burdens of the intentions of the Masses.

Guided by this truly pastoral principle, the instinct of the Church has also applied the supplet ecclesia or the sanatio in radice in the case of doubts about a renunciation or a pontifical election. Concretely, the sanatio in radice of an invalid pontifical election was expressed in the peaceful and morally universal acceptance of the new Pontiff by the episcopate and the Catholic people, for the same fact that this elected (presumably invalid) Pontiff was nominated in the Canon of the Mass practically by the entire Catholic clergy.

The history of the Church is a sure teacher in this matter. The longest vacancy of the Apostolic See lasted two years and nine months (from 29 November 1268 until 1 September 1271). It was also the time in which lived St. Thomas Aquinas. There were evidently invalid pontifical elections, i.e. assumptions of the papal office invalidly, e.g. Pope Gregory VI became pope by buying the papacy with a large sum of money from his predecessor Pope Benedict IX in the year 1045. However, the Roman Church has always considered Gregory VI as a valid pope and even Hildebrand, who later became Pope St. Gregory VII, considered Gregory VI to be a legitimate pope, notwithstanding the illegitimate manner by which Gregory VI became pope. Pope Urban VI had been elected under enormous pressure and threats from the Roman people. Some cardinal electors feared even for their lives, such was the atmosphere of the election of Urban VI in the year 1378. During the coronation of the new pope all the cardinal electors paid him homage and recognized him as pope during the first months of his pontificate.

After a few months, however, some cardinals, especially the French cardinals, began to doubt the validity of the election because of the threatening circumstances and the moral pressure they had to suffer during the election. For this reason, these cardinals elected a new pope, who was called Clement VII, a Frenchman, who chose Avignon as his residence. He and his successors were considered by the Roman Church always as anti-popes (see the editions of the Annuario Pontificio). Thus began one of the most disastrous crises in the history of the Church, the Great Western Schism, which lasted almost forty years, tearing apart the unity of the Church and damaging the spiritual good of souls so much. The Roman Church has always recognized Urban VI as a valid pope, despite the probably invalidating factors of his election. The fact that even a saint, as for example St. Vincent Ferrer during a time, recognized the anti-pope Clement VII as the only valid pope, is not a convincing argument, since saints are not infallible in all their opinions. The same St. Vincent Ferrer later abandoned the Avignon anti-pope Clement VII and recognized the pope in Rome.

Pope St. Celestine V made his renunciation in circumstances of pressure and insinuations by the powerful Cardinal Benedetto Gaetani, who succeeded him as Pope Boniface VIII in the year 1294. Because of these circumstances, a part of the faithful and clergy of that time never recognized Boniface VIII as a valid Pope. However, the Roman Church considered Boniface VIII as a legitimate pope, because the acceptance of Boniface VIII by the overwhelming part of the episcopate and the faithful healed “at the root” the possible invalidating circumstances of both the renunciation of Celestine V and the election of Boniface VIII.

The following explanation of Professor Roberto de Mattei demonstrates convincingly the inconsistency of the theories of an invalid papacy of Pope Francis:

Quote:“It has mattered naught that Monsignor Georg Gänswein, in a declaration to LifeSiteNews on February 14, 2019, reaffirmed the validity of Benedict XVI’s renunciation of the Petrine Office, by stating that “there is only one Pope legitimately elected – and it is Francis.” By then the idea of a possible redefinition of the Papal ministry had been launched. Some people say that pope Benedict’s intention was that of maintaining the papacy, assuming the office capable of bifurcating in two; but this is a substantial error, since the monarchal and unitary nature of the Papacy is of divine right.

God alone judges intentions, whereas Canon Law merely limits itself in evaluating the outward behavior of the baptized. A well-known sentence of canon law affirms that «De internis non iudicat praetor»; a judge does not judge interior things. On the other hand, Canon 1526, § 1 of the new Code of Canon Law points out that: «Onus probandi incumbit ei qui asserit» (the onus of providing the proofs falls to the one alleging). There is a difference between a clue and a proof. The clue suggests the possibility of a fact, the proof demonstrates the certainty. Agatha Christie’s rule whereby three clues are a proof, is fine in literature but not in civil or ecclesiastical courts. Furthermore, if Pope Benedict is the legitimate Pope, what would happen if from one day to the next he should die, or instead, before he died, Pope Francis should pass away? Given the fact that many current cardinals were created by Pope Francis and none of the cardinal electors consider him an Anti-Pope, the apostolic succession would be interrupted, jeopardizing the visibility of the Church. The paradox is that to prove the invalidity of Benedict’s renunciation juridical sophisms are employed, but then to resolve the problem of Benedict’s or Francis’s succession, extra-canonical solutions ought to be used.” (The Unknowns at the End of a Pontificate, originally in Corrispondenza Romana, July 1, 2020)

The hypothesis of Benedict XVI’s invalid renunciation, and therefore of the invalidity of the papacy of Francis, properly presents itself as a dead end, a cul-de-sac. For nine years the Apostolic See would have been de facto vacant, since Benedict XVI did not make any act of government, no episcopal or cardinal appointment, no act of dispensation, of indulgences, etc. For this reason, the universal Church would be paralyzed in its visible aspect. Such an assumption would amount in practice to the attitude of sedevacantism.

In the past nine years all the appointments of Apostolic Nuncios, diocesan bishops and Cardinals, all the Pontifical dispensations, the indulgences granted and used by the faithful would be null and void, with all the harmful consequences for the spiritual good of souls (illegitimate bishops, invalid episcopal jurisdictions, etc.). All the cardinals nominated by Pope Francis would be invalid, that is, there are non-cardinals, and this would apply to the most of the current college of cardinals.

Another purely theoretical hypothesis: if Benedict XVI would have been an extremely liberal and almost heretical pope and would have renounced in 2013 in circumstances similar to those that actually occurred in 2013 (therefore having possible elements of invalidity) and then would be elected a new pope with an absolutely traditional spirit. And this new pope – presumably elected invalidly because of the invalid renunciation of his predecessor and because of the violation of some norms of the conclave – would begin to reform the Church in the true Catholic sense, appoint good bishops and cardinals, issue professions of faith or ex cathedra pronouncements to defend the Catholic faith against the current errors within the Church, certainly no good cardinal, bishop and faithful Catholic would consider this new hundred percent Catholic pope an illegitimate pope, asking for his renunciation and for the old liberal pontiff to return to rule.

Another hypothesis: The person who was Pope Benedict XVI could still live for several years, and in the meantime all the cardinals nominated by John Paul II and Benedict XVI would die, therefore the college of cardinals would be composed only of cardinals appointed by Pope Francis, therefore they would be non-cardinals according to the theory of the invalid pontificate of Francis, therefore there would no longer be a college of cardinals, and therefore there would be no valid electors, who could proceed to a new pontifical election. The law that says that the cardinals are the only valid electors of the pope has been in force since the eleventh century and was sanctioned by the Roman Pontiffs, therefore only a Roman Pontiff is competent to change the law of the pontifical election and to sanction a rule that would allow to have other electors except the cardinals. If one would follow the theory of the invalid pontificate of Francis, in the hypothetical case, when all the cardinals appointed before Pope Francis would die and also the former Pope Benedict XVI would die, it would not be possible to validly elect a new Pontiff. The Church would be in a dead end, a cul-de-sac.

The hypothesis that says that Benedict XVI is still the only valid pope, and therefore Pope Francis would be an invalid pope, contradicts not only the proven and reasonable practice of the great tradition of the Church, but also simply common sense. Furthermore, in this case one absolutizes the aspect of legality, that is, in our case of the human norms of renunciation and pontifical election, to the detriment of the good of souls, since there is created the situation of uncertainty on the validity of acts of government of the Church and this undermines the visible nature of the Church, and one approaches the mentality of sedevacantism. The surer way (via tutior) and the example of the constant practice of the great tradition of the Church must be followed also in our present case.

The rudder of the boat of the Church holds Our Lord Jesus Christ in his hands even in situations of heaviest storms, such as it can be in a time of a doctrinally ambiguous pope. Such storms are relatively short compared to other great crises during the two thousand years of the existence of the militant Church.

In the midst of the confusion and the storm within the life of the Church of our day, Our Lord will rise and rebuke the winds and the sea (see Mt. 8:24), and there will be again given a time of calm, doctrinal security, liturgical sacredness and holiness of the priests, bishops, and popes. We have to renew in the midst of a situation which humanly spoken appears helpless, our unshakeable faith in the Divine truth that the gates of hell will never prevail against the Catholic Church.

+ Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana.

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  St. Louis de Montfort: After the Mass, No Greater Devotion than the Rosary
Posted by: Stone - 06-09-2022, 09:50 AM - Forum: Our Lady - Replies (1)

After the Mass, No Greater Devotion than the Rosary
by St. Louis de Montfort, The Secret of the Rosary, TAN Books, 1993, book II, chap. 5

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St. Augustine assures us that there is no spiritual exercise more fruitful or more useful than the frequent reflection on the sufferings of Our Lord. Blessed Albert the Great, who had St. Thomas Aquinas as his student, learned in a revelation that by simply thinking of or meditating on the Passion of Jesus Christ, a Catholic gains more merit than if he had fasted on bread and water every Friday for a year, or had beaten himself with the discipline once a week until blood flowed, or had recited the whole Book of Psalms every day.

If this is so, then how great must be the merit we can gain from the Rosary, which commemorates the whole Life and Passion of Our Lord?

Our Lady one day revealed to Blessed Alan de la Roche that, after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the first and most living memorial of Our Lord’s Passion, there was indeed no more excellent devotion or one of greater merit than that of the Rosary, which is like a second memorial and representation of the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Dorland relates that in 1481 Our Lady appeared to the Venerable Dominic, a Carthusian devoted to the holy Rosary, who lived at Treves, and said to him:

Whenever one of the faithful, in a state of grace, says the Rosary while meditating on the mysteries of the Life and Passion of Christ, he obtains full and entire remission of all his sins.

She also said to Blessed Alan: “I want you to know that, although there are numerous indulgences already attached to the recitation of my Rosary, I shall add many more to every five decades for those, who free from serious sin, say them with devotion, on their knees. And whosoever shall persevere in the devotion of the holy Rosary, with its prayers and meditations, shall be rewarded for it. I shall obtain for him full remission of the penalty and the guilt of all his sins at the end of his life.

“And let this not seem incredible to you; it is easy for me because I am the Mother of the King of Heaven, and He calls me full of grace. And being filled with grace, I am able to dispense it freely to my dear children.

St. Dominic was so convinced of the efficacy of the Rosary and its great value, that when he heard confessions, he hardly ever gave any other penance, as we have seen in the story I told you of the lady in Rome to whom he gave only a single Rosary.

St. Dominic was a great saint and other confessors also ought to walk in his footsteps by asking their penitents to say the Rosary with meditation on the Sacred Mysteries, rather than giving them other penances that are less meritorious and less pleasing to God, less likely to help them avoid sin. Moreover, while saying the Rosary, people gain numerous indulgences that are not attached to many other devotions.

As Abbot Blosius says: “The Rosary, with meditation on the Life and Passion of Christ, is certainly most pleasing to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother and is a very successful means of obtaining all graces. We can say it for ourselves as well as for those who have been recommended to our prayers and for the whole Church."

Let us turn, then, to the holy Rosary in all our needs, and we shall infallibly obtain the graces we ask for from God to attain our salvation.

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  By Subverting Traditional Ceremonies, a Pope Falls into Schism
Posted by: Stone - 06-09-2022, 07:35 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - Replies (5)

Archbishop Lefebvre repeatedly said that the Conciliar Church was schismatic, specifically because of it's new rites, laws, worship, institutions, etc:

  • “What could be clearer? We must henceforth obey and be faithful to the Conciliar Church, no longer to the Catholic Church. Right there is our whole problem: we are suspended a divinis by the Conciliar Church, the Conciliar Church, to which we have no wish to belong! That Conciliar Church is a schismatic church because it breaks with the Catholic Church that has always been. It has its new dogmas, its new priesthood, its new institutions, its new worship… The Church that affirms such errors is at once schismatic and heretical. This Conciliar Church is, therefore, not Catholic. To whatever extent Pope, Bishops, priests, or the faithful adhere to this new church, they separate themselves from the Catholic Church.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Reflections on his suspension a divinis, July 29, 1976)
  • "It is not we who are in schism but the Conciliar Church." (Homily preached at Lille, August 29, 1976)
  • “It is impossible for Rome to remain indefinitely outside Tradition. It’s impossible… For the moment they are in rupture with their predecessors. This is impossible. They are no longer in the Catholic Church.” (Retreat Conference, September 4, 1987, Ecône)
  • “The magisterium of today is not sufficient by itself to be called Catholic unless it is the transmission of the Deposit of Faith, that is, of Tradition. A new magisterium without roots in the past, and all the more if it is opposed to the magisterium of all times, can only be schismatic and heretical. The permanent will to annihilate Tradition is a suicidal will, which justifies, by its very existence, true and faithful Catholics when they make the decision necessary for the survival of the Church and the salvation of souls. Our Lady of Fatima, I am sure, blesses this final appeal in this 70th anniversary of her apparitions and messages. May you not be for a second time deaf to her appeal.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, July 8, 1987, Excerpt from the Letter of Archbishop Lefebvre to Cardinal Ratzinger)
  • “Well, we are not of this religion. We do not accept this new religion. We are of the religion of all time; we are of the Catholic religion. We are not of this 'universal religion' as they call it today-this is not the Catholic religion any more. We are not of this Liberal, Modernist religion which has its own worship, its own priests, its own faith, its own catechisms, its own Bible, the 'ecumenical Bible' - these things we do not accept.” (Sermon, July 29, 1976)

The following three articles are from a short series offered by Tradition in Action that highlight that Popes embracing deviations from Traditional worship may be considered schismatic according to the opinions of several highly-regarded theologians of the past. It is also important to note that, as Archbishop Lefebvre insisted (unless the Church decides otherwise in the future), this conclusion of schism does not mean these popes have automatically lost their office of the Papacy.

NB: While The Catacombs does not embrace every position of Tradition in Action, wherever they repeat the teachings of the traditional Faith, we are happy to reproduce them here.

By Departing from Traditional Worship, a Pope Falls into Schism

TIA | August 2021

With Traditionis custodes, Pope Francis intended to ban the Perpetual Mass of the Church, codified by St. Pius V in the 16th century according to the canons of the Council of Trent. This Mass, however, was created neither by that Pontiff nor that Council. They merely codified the same Mass that had been said since the time of the Apostles. This Mass, consequently, has been identified with the Catholic Church for her entire History. It is her Perpetual Mass.

In 1969, Pope Paul VI created a New Mass, which he de facto enforced on the Church, while he theoretically admitted a right for the Perpetual Mass to be said. Now, Pope Francis abolished de jure the Perpetual Mass of the Church.

This new decision raises the question of whether a Pope has the right to abolish the multi-secular Mass of the Catholic Church. Great theologians of the past discussed this possibility and concluded that a Pope who separates himself from the traditional ecclesiastical cult of the Church becomes schismatic, although without ipso facto losing the office of the Papacy.

Today, TIA begins to post the opinions of some of these theologians to help our readers better understand the complex situation in which we live.

Card. John of Torquemada (1388-1468)

To demonstrate that a Pope can separate himself illegitimately from the unity of the Church and from obedience to the Head of the Church and, therefore, fall into schism, Cardinal Torquemada uses three arguments:

“1. (…) by disobedience, the Pope can separate himself from Christ, who is the principal Head of the Church and in relation to Whom the unity of the Church is primarily constituted. He can do this by disobeying the law of Christ (1) or by ordering something which is contrary to natural or divine law. In this way he would separate himself from the body of the Church, while it is subject to Christ by obedience. Thus, the Pope would be able without doubt to fall into schism.

2. The Pope can separate himself without any reasonable cause, just by pure self will, from the body of the Church and the college of priests. He will do this if he does not observe that which the Church Universal observes on the basis of the Tradition of the Apostles according to the chapter Ecclesiasticarum, dil. 11, or if he did not observe that which was universally ordained by the universal Councils or by the authority of the Apostolic See, above all in relation to Divine Worship: For example, not wishing to observe personally something from the universal customs of the Church, or the universal rite of the ecclesiastical cult.

This would take place should he not wish to celebrate with the sacred vestments, or in consecrated places, or with candles, or should he not wish to make “The Sign of the Cross” like the other priests make it, or other similar things which have been decreed in a general way for perpetual useage, according to the canons Quae ad perpetuam, Violatores, Sunt quidam and Contra statuta (25, q. 1).

Departing in such a way, and with pertinacity, from the universal observance of the Church, the Pope would be able to fall into schism. The consequence is good; and the antecedent is not doubtful, for the Pope, just as he could fall into heresy, could also disobey and pertinaciously cease to observe that which was established as the common order in the Church. For this reason, Innocent says (c. De Consue.), that one ought to obey the Pope in everything as long as he does not turn against the universal order of the Church, for in such a case the Pope must not be followed, unless there be reasonable cause for this.

3. Let us suppose that more than one person considers himself Pope, and that one of them is the true Pope, but is considered by some to be seemingly dubious. And let us suppose that this true Pope comported himself with such negligence and obstinacy in the pursuit of unity in the Church that he did not wish to do everything he could for the reestablishment of unity. In this hypothesis, the Pope would be considered as a fomenter of schism, according to what many have argued, even in our days, regarding Benedict XIII and Gregory XII” (2)

1. As is obvious, the sin of schism is not committed in any act of disobedience whatsoever, but only in that in which one denies the actual principle of authority in the Church, thus breaking the ecclesiastical unity (see St. Thomas, Summa Theologiae, II-II. 39, I; M. J. Congar, Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, article “Schisme”, col. 1304). This conception is presupposed by Torquemada in the text cited. We make this observation because it might possibly appear to the reader that the passage transcribed above grossly confounds “disobedience to the law of Christ” with schism – which would have the absurd consequence that for any sin whatsoever the Pope would become schismatic. Torquemada is, moreover, one of the greatest defenders of the principle that a scandalous and immoral, but not heretical or schismatic, Pope conserves the Pontificate (see Summa de Ecclesia., lib. II, cap. 101).
2. Cardinal Torquemada, Summa de Ecclesia, pars I, lib. IV, cap. 11, p. 369 ff.

(Arnaldo V.X. Silveira, The Theological Hypothesis of a Heretic Pope, available here, p. 181)

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  Doctors baffled by Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) in healthy young people
Posted by: Stone - 06-09-2022, 06:50 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (1)

Doctors baffled by Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) in healthy young people

Euro Weekly News | 08 June 2022

Doctors baffled by increase in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). Image: Claire Smith/Unsplash
DOCTORS in Australia are developing the country’s first SADS registry after recent incidents of healthy young people dying from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, or Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS), is an “umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people” and this ‘mysterious’ syndrome is said to have left doctors in Australia searching for more answers.

This has led doctors at Melbourne’s Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute to create the country’s SADS registry which they hope to roll out across the country in order to gain more information about this sudden death phenomenon.

“In our registry, there are approximately 750 cases per year of people aged under 50 in Victoria suddenly having their heart stop (a cardiac arrest),” a spokeswoman said.

“Of these, approximately 100 young people per year will have no cause found even after extensive investigations such as a full autopsy (the SADS phenomenon).”

According to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), SADS usually occurs in healthy adults under 40 and the term is used when a post-mortem can find no obvious cause of death.

As reported by news.com.au, cardiologist and researcher Dr Elizabeth Paratz said Melbourne’s Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute registry: “[allows you to see] people who have had the cardiac arrest with no cause was found on the back end.”

Dr Paratz said that “the majority of these SADS events, 90 per cent, occur outside the hospital – the person doesn’t make it – so it’s actually ambulance staff and forensics caring for the bulk of these patients.”

She added: “I think even doctors underestimate [SADS]. We only see the 10 per cent who survive and make it to hospital. We only see the tip of the iceberg ourselves.”

“If someone has a heart attack and you do an autopsy you might see a big clot, that’s a positive finding, but when someone’s had one of these SADS events, the heart is pristine,” she said.

“It’s really hard to know what to do.”

SADS Foundation, a US-based patient and family support program for those dealing with genetic conditions that cause sudden cardiac death in the young or who have lost a loved one to sudden unexplained death, said that “SADS conditions occur because the electrical system of the heart is not working properly, so that the heart beats with an abnormal rhythm.”

However, “these conditions can be treated and deaths can be prevented,” the foundation said.

The foundation added that SADS deaths in children, teens or young adults could be because of a family history of a SADS diagnosis or sudden unexplained death of a family member, fainting or seizure during exercise, or when excited or startled.

They also said that over half of the 4,000 annual SADS deaths in the country, within the aforementioned age ranges, have followed one of these warning signs.

As noted by the foundation, SADS events are not just confined to Australia or to adults, with Euro Weekly News reporting some of the following incidents which may have been related to Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome:

On Monday, May 30, Aidan Kaminska, a star lacrosse player at the University of Massachusetts, died suddenly at the age of 19.

On May 28, Piata Tauwhare, a newlywed bride, 30, originally from New Zealand, was found dead in a tanning cubicle, in Swansea, South Wales.

On Sunday, May 15, former Swansea defender Mark Davies died suddenly aged 49 after collapsing on the pitch during a Wales Veterans’ Cup final.

On Thursday, May 5, a man died suddenly on a Jet2 flight from Spain’s Malaga to Glasgow. The flight had to be diverted to Nantes Atlantique Airport in France due to the customer requiring urgent medical attention, however, it was later revealed that the man had died.

On Tuesday, May 3, popular businessman Lorenzo Ortego, director of the Vital Suites – Residence, Health & Spa, from Gran Canaria died unexpectedly.

In the UK on Tuesday, May 3, a sailor during Finn Masters Race at Keyhaven Yacht Club in Milford on Sea, Lymington died suddenly leading to a police investigation.

On March 9, Commonwealth Games cyclist John Paul – who represented Scotland at Glasgow 2014 – died suddenly aged 28.

On Sunday, April 3, a 13-year-old footballer from Cadiz in Spain’s Andalucia died suddenly.

Prior to that, on March 28, another 13-year-old passed away on the Costa del Sol.
The young teenage boy was playing in the playground with the rest of his classmates at the Sierra de Mijas Secondary Education Institute, located in the province of Malaga when he allegedly fainted without prior warning and died at the scene.

Dr Paratz stated that scientists were still unable to determine “what genes cause [SADS]” and urged people to get checked, even if they are fit and healthy.

“The best advice would be, if you yourself have had a first-degree relative – a parent, sibling, child – who’s had an unexplained death, it’s extremely recommended you see a cardiologist,” she said.

“Anyone else, (see a cardiologist) if you have cardiac symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or you can’t keep up with friends exercising or walking.”

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  Audio Recording from 1968: Pope John Paul I called for the use of contraception?
Posted by: Stone - 06-08-2022, 06:42 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Short Sided Patron Saint for Contraception

gloria.tv | June 8, 2022

John Paul I (+1978) is scheduled to be “beatified” by Francis in September. Already John Paul II made him a “servant of God.”

In an audio document recorded in a parish church in 1968, then Bishop of Vittorio Veneto Albino Luciani, pronounce the wish that Paul VI might “allow” the use of the contraceptive pill.

FaroDiRoma.it (June 4 - articles follows below) calls this immoral and short sided request a “great moral and doctrinal openness” which makes him “a forerunner of Francis.”

After Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical Humanae vitae, Luciani simply went along with the party line, an example how truth was turned into a victim of command and counter-command.

Since the introduction of contraception, Italy’s fertility rate dropped from 2,5 (1968) to currently 1,3. The replacement rate is at 2,1 children. Accordingly, young people have almost totally disappeared in the pews of Italian churches.


Original article:

Tornielli also in the field to make known Pope Luciani, who as a bishop wanted to say yes to the pill

[Image: cq5dam.thumbnail.cropped.500.281-4.jpeg?...x_tr_hl=en]

Farodi Roma [machine translated] | 04/06/2022

Thanks to an exceptional audio document, recorded in a parish in 1968, it will be possible to hear the voice of the future John Paul I, then the bishop of Vittorio Veneto Albino Luciani, express the hope that Paul VI could take a liberalizing decision about the use of the birth control pill. As is known after the publication of the encyclical "Humanae vitae" which closed that window by removing a multitude of young couples from the Church, Luciani defended the document by making the Pope's reasons his own. But this does not detract from his great moral and doctrinal openness which in some way makes him a precursor of Francis.

After the secretary of state Pietro Parolin personally committed himself to presiding over the Pontifical Foundation in charge of studying and making Pope Luciani known, which did not happen, for example, with Paul VI, who left quite another amount of documents in the 15 years of his pontificate The editorial director of the Dicastery for Communication, Andrea Tornielli, also came directly into the field, signing a podcast of Vatican Radio in four episodes, dedicated to Pope Luciani and produced with the technical and creative collaboration of Adriano Vitali and Patrizio Ciprari. The first episode can be listened to on Monday 6 June, in the podcast section of the Vatican News portal.

The opening episode will be dedicated to the origins of the Pontiff from Belluno, to his family and to his education. Albino Luciani owes his baptismal name to the choice of his father Giovanni, a socialist worker, who chose to name his eldest son in this way in memory of a young Bergamo comrade who died in a work accident in a blast furnace. In the opening episode also the curious episode of the "slingshot" of Father Remigio, a Capuchin friar who came to carry out a mission in Canale d'Agordo when Albino Luciani - the future pope who will be proclaimed blessed on 4 September - was still a little boy. He fascinated the altar boys of the town with his tales of him and then, during a walk towards the little church of Garés, he amazed them with his ability to shoot with a sling. And when he asked those boys who wanted to follow him to the convent, Albino immediately said "Me, me!". He really wanted to leave. The parish priest and the family kept him ...

In the second episode, which can be listened to from Monday 13 June, we will talk about the appointment of Luciani as bishop of Vittorio Veneto and then about the years he spent in Venice. Also in this case, it will be the Pope's own voice to underline the crucial passages. Thanks to an exceptional audio document, recorded in a parish in 1968, we will hear from the voice of Bishop Luciani his wish that Paul VI could make a liberalizing decision about the use of the contraceptive pill. After the publication of the encyclical Humanae vitae, Luciani will defend the document by making the Pope's reasons his own.

"Five weeks, a pontificate" is the title of the third episode, available from Monday 20 June, which will tell the conclave of August 1978, the rapid election after just one day of voting and those 34 days of pontificate. We will listen to the salient passages of the audiences and of the Angelus of John Paul I, some particularly touching, such as the one in which the Pontiff tells of having suffered hunger as a child, hoping that this experience will help him understand the problems of the poor of the world. Finally, the fourth episode, available from Monday 27 June, will be entirely dedicated to the sudden death of the Pope. Fundamental will be the voice of Sister Margherita Marin who that morning of September 29, 1978, together with her older sister Sister Vincenza, entered the bedroom of Luciani finding him dead. Sister Margherita,

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  Biden administration issues 69 citations to hospitals for defying COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Posted by: Stone - 06-08-2022, 06:28 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Biden administration issues 69 citations to hospitals for defying COVID-19 vaccine mandate
The system is being held 'accountable' for a challenging situation imposed on it by the federal government.

Tue Jun 7, 2022
BALTIMORE (LifeSiteNews) – The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it cited 69 American hospitals for failing to comply with the Biden administration’s mandate that federally-funded healthcare facilities require their employees to submit to COVID-19 vaccination.

Last September, President Joe Biden directed the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) to draft a vaccine mandate for around 17 million healthcare workers at medical facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, without an option for workers to submit to regular COVID testing instead.

In January, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked one of the administration’s other mandates, which applied to private employers with 100 or more workers, but allowed the health facility mandate to stand.

“Since the implementation of the COVID-19 healthcare worker vaccine rule, hundreds of surveys of hospitals have taken place, and the majority of hospitals are in compliance with the vaccine requirement,” a CMS spokesperson said, Becker’s Hospital Review reported. “In total, surveyors have made 69 citations of hospitals since the rollout of the requirement, and surveys are still underway. As a reminder, hospitals are one of the 17 provider types included in the rule.”

“CMS’ goal is to bring healthcare facilities into compliance,” the spokesperson continued. “Termination would generally occur only after providing a facility with an opportunity to make corrections and come into compliance.”

“We are holding the health system accountable,” CMS principal deputy administrator and chief operating officer Jon Blum declared.

In this case, however, the system is being held “accountable” for a challenging situation imposed on it by the federal government.

Across the United States, mandates for doctors, nurses, and other staffers to receive the relatively-new COVID shots have contributed to staffing shortages that have put a strain on medical services, to the point that some hospitals put COVID-positive staffers back on active duty just to avoid using unvaccinated workers.

Millions of Americans remain hesitant to take the COVID-19 shots, which were developed and tested in a fraction of the time vaccines usually take under former President Donald Trump’s “Operation: Warp Speed” initiative, due to a growing body of evidence about the negative effects many patients have seen from them.

In late February, during a COVID vaccine hearing held by Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin in the United States, attorney Thomas Renz presented medical billing data from the Pentagon’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database showing that 2021 saw drastic spikes in a variety of diagnoses for serious medical issues over the previous five-year average, including hypertension (2,181%), neurological disorders (1,048%), multiple sclerosis (680%), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551%), breast cancer, (487%), female infertility (472%), pulmonary embolism (468%), migraines (452%), ovarian dysfunction (437%), testicular cancer (369%), and tachycardia (302%).

The Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division spokesperson Peter Graves confirmed the existence of the records but claimed that a conveniently-timed “data corruption” glitch made the pre-2021 numbers appear far lower than the actual numbers of cases for those years, a claim the media has been largely uninterested in investigating further.

In March, it was found that 11,289 cases of pericarditis/myocarditis after COVID vaccination were reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database between January 1 and February 25 of this year, which is already 47% of the 24,177 reports for the same submitted in all of 2021. COVID shot defenders claim that VAERS offers an exaggerated view of a vaccine’s potential risks, as anyone can submit a report without vetting it, but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention researchers have acknowledged “high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination,” leading to the conclusion that “under-reporting is more likely” than over-reporting.

In April, a peer-reviewed study of more than 23 million people in the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden published in the Journal of the American Medical Association also found that the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna come with a higher likelihood of myocarditis.

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  Pope to attend ‘interfaith’ gathering of religious leaders in Muslim-majority Kazakhstan
Posted by: Stone - 06-07-2022, 08:08 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope to attend ‘interfaith’ gathering of religious leaders in Muslim-majority Kazakhstan
The Holy See has confirmed the Pope's attendance at the Congress of Leader of World and Traditional Religions in September where he will be joined by representatives of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Orthodox Christians and Protestants for discussions centered on 'inter-religious dialogue.'

[Image: GettyImages-1093763404-810x500.jpg]
Ahmad el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al Azhar Al Sharif and Pope Francis, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesPhoto by Francois Nel/Getty Images

Mon Jun 6, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – The Holy See has confirmed that Pope Francis will attend the seventh World Religions Congress in Kazakhstan this September.

The pontiff is throwing his support behind the international “interfaith” meeting aimed at the “development of humanity” following the worldwide COVID-19 response.

According to a joint communiqué released by the Holy See Press Office on May 31 and signed by both Archbishop Paul Gallagher on behalf of the Holy See and Kazakhstani Deputy Prime Minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi, Pope Francis will travel to Kazakhstan’s capital Nur-Sultan for the seventh Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions from September 14–15.

Before now, the pontiff had only signalled his desire to join the interreligious meeting without confirming his attendance, stating in a video address on April 11 his support for Kazakhstan’s “diverse and united” country as “a basis for stability” despite the nation being overwhelmingly Muslim.

Catholics represent just 1 percent of Kazakhstan’s population of 20 million.

Gallagher and Tileuberdi wrote that “a culture of dialogue must be one of the basic values of the contemporary world. The continuation of peaceful coexistence in the face of contemporary challenges is achievable only through an inclusive and comprehensive dialogue.”

“Therefore,” the joint statement continued, “Kazakhstan welcomes the decision of Pope Francis to attend the VII Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, to be held in Nur-Sultan in September 2022, as agreed during the high-level talks between the President of Kazakhstan H.E. Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and the Pope on April 11, 2022.”

World religious leaders meet every three years in the Asiatic region to discuss different international matters, usually revolving around humanist and Masonic ideals such as syncretism and opposing religions being the origin of human confrontations. The expressed mission of the congress is the “[s]earch for universal reference points in world and traditional forms of religions” while facilitating the “functioning of the permanent international Institute for the implementation of inter-religious dialogue and concerted action.”

“Promoting global dialogue between civilizations, cultures and religions,” “deepening and strengthening mutual understanding and respect between religious communities,” and the “development of a culture of tolerance and mutual respect as a counterbalance to the ideology of hatred and extremism” all form part of the congress’ objectives.

The theme of the 2022 meeting is to be “The Role of Leaders of World and Traditional Faiths in the Socio-Spiritual Development of Humanity after the Pandemic.”

Part of the discussions will be around “gender equality” and the “contribution of women to the well-being and sustainable development of society and the role of religious communities in support of her social status.”

A roundtable was held March 30 to prepare this section of the congress under the sign of “progressive strategy.” During the meeting, one participant spoke of the “harmony of Islamic civilization and the Kazakh worldview.”

The congress website noted that promoting “gender equality in the world” might expand “the role of women in religion and building interreligious and intercultural dialogue.”

Pope Francis has already faced sharp criticism for his open support of religious syncretism, particularly in relation to Islam and his 2019 signing of the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” with Ahmad el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Egypt’s al-Azhar Mosque, in which the men agreed that a “pluralism and diversity” of religions is “willed by God.”

The document on human fraternity invites “all persons who have faith in God and faith in human fraternity to unite and work together so that it may serve as a guide for future generations to advance a culture of mutual respect in the awareness of the great divine grace that makes all human beings brothers and sisters.”

Further outrage was sparked upon the release of Francis’ 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti, in which the Popes call for a “new world” reminiscent more of that willed by freemasonry than of the Gospel. Francis references his collaboration with El-Tayeb, addressing the encyclical not to the faithful, but more broadly “all people of good will.”

The scope of Fratelli Tutti is almost entirely worldly, which is to say, it concentrates on this earthly life, directing its readers’ gaze towards eternity only in the final chapter. There, although also affirming the Christian faith in the Gospel, the pontiff speaks in solidarity with people of other religions about “the Father of all” as the basis for human dignity.

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