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  Attorney Reiner Füllmich interview with Abp. Viganò [May 27, 2022]
Posted by: Stone - 06-01-2022, 08:17 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò outlines COVID, Ukraine war as a ‘premeditated criminal action of a global mafia’
'We are well beyond a global coup: this is the greatest, most sensational, unprecedented attack on the human person – on man’s freedom conscience, and will.'

Mon May 30, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) –  Below is an interview with Attorney Reiner Füllmich of the “Corona Investigative Committee.

First part – May 27th, 2022

1. Your Excellency, many people know and appreciate you very much for having been a sincere man in an often insincere environment even during your service at the Vatican. You have served as a top diplomat, specifically as the Vatican Nuncio in the United States, representing the Pope to the local churches in the United States.

It is our great honor and pleasure to speak with you today. But before we move on to substance and ask you about your assessment of the world political situation, especially with regard to the so-called Corona crisis, please tell us a little bit about your personal history so that viewers who don’t yet know you will realize who you are.

First of all, I would like to express to you, lawyer Reiner Füllmich, and to all your collaborators and colleagues, my most cordial greetings and my appreciation for having conceived the idea of the Corona Commission. Your research for the truth into the management of the Covid-19 emergency and mass experimentation greatly contributes to collecting evidence in order to bring to justice and punish those who are responsible. This constitutes an important contribution in view of the creation of an Anti-Globalist Alliance, because the authors of the pandemic farce are the same people who today would like to push the world towards a total war and a permanent energy crisis.

As far as my “career,” I don’t think there is much to say: I am a Catholic Archbishop who has held various roles of responsibility in the Vatican, both in the Secretariat of State of the Holy See as well as in the Governorate of Vatican City State, and as Apostolic Nuncio, to Nigeria, and finally to the United States according to the will of Benedict XVI. My notoriety – which is completely unwanted – is a result of my stance regarding sexual scandal of former American cardinal Theodore McCarrick and other no less serious cases involving senior members of the Hierarchy. As a Successor of the Apostles, I could not keep silent in the face of the attempts to cover up those shameful facts by the so-called lavender mafia, which enjoys the support and protection of Bergoglio.

2. You have an impressive resume – but if one searches your name in the old (mainstream) media, one finds defamatory articles that accuse you, among other things, of spreading Kremlin propaganda and making confused statements. On closer inspection, this does not seem to us to be the case at all, quite the contrary; rather, you remain true to your reputation of being a sincere man even in insincere environments, even if it is to your personal disadvantage. Where do you identify the “caesura” or “break” in your resume, where this virtue was reinterpreted by the old media as a flaw? What red line did you cross; on what issue did your candor become a danger to the public narrative?

False accusations are one of the means used by those who want to eliminate an adversary whom they fear and cannot fight fairly. In this case, I am considered inconvenient both by the exponents of the deep church and the Bergoglian cabal, whose scandals and cover-ups I have denounced since the time of the McCarrick case. And I am equally inconvenient for the deep state, which has been able to count on the complicity of the Holy See as well as almost the entirety of the global Episcopate in the events of the last few years. The dissonant voice of a Bishop, especially when he formulates reasoned complaints based on irrefutable facts, risks putting the official narrative into question, both on the alleged renewal of the Church under this “pontificate” as well as on the pandemic farce and mass “vaccination.” Even the recent Russian-Ukrainian crisis significantly finds the globalist elite, NATO, the American deep state, the European Union, the World Economic Forum, the entire media machine, and the Vatican all aligned on the same side. Putin’s intervention in Ukraine is considered a threat to the New World Order that must be neutralized even at the cost of a global conflict.

Thus, if I must identify a “breaking point” on the ecclesial front, it definitely coincided with my denunciation of the network of complicity and the scandals of corrupt clergy and Prelates which Bergoglio has deliberately and obstinately sought to cover up. On the civil front, it seems to me that the red line was crossed with my Appeal for the Church and the World, launched two years ago in May 2020 by which I denounced the threat represented by the silent coup carried out by means of the health emergency. The energy and food emergency, in addition to the war emergency, are always part of the disturbing “scenarios” that the World Economic Forum and the United Nations have described in great detail well in advance. When, one day not too far in the future, a tribunal judges these criminals and their accomplices in the institutions of almost all of the Western nations, these documents will constitute the proof of the premeditation of the greatest coup d’état of all time. And the same thing will happen with regard to ecclesial affairs, demonstrating that the doctrinal and moral drift that originated with the Second Vatican Council created the necessary premises for the doctrinal and moral corruption of the clergy and the simultaneous delegitimization of the authority of the Shepherds. Let us not forget that the revolutionary processes have always relied on the vices and weaknesses of its representatives, both to destroy the State and to weaken the Church.

3. Your Excellency, the Corona and Measures crisis is now entering its third year; in the meantime, warfare in the East, and especially massive political and media warmongering, has been added to the mix. How do you assess this development?

Let’s clarify a fundamental point: the Ukrainian crisis was deliberately provoked by the deep state in order to force the world to carry out the Great Reset reforms, in particular the so-called “technological transition” and the “green shift.” It is the second stage of the globalist technocrat coup, after the pandemic farce.

The psycho-pandemic marked the first level of a true and proper attack initiated to seize control of governments. In reality, today they are only trying to bypass political power, which until now served only as a mere executor of orders. Under the pretext of the pandemic they have imposed systems of detailed population control, including systems for tracing individual citizens who have been inoculated together with the experimental gene serum.

[In 2018] at the Davos Forum the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla said: “Imagine a biological chip that is included in a pill, that when it is swallowed goes into the stomach and emits a signal. […] Imagine the applications, the possibility of making people obey. […] What is happening in this field is fascinating” (here). And Albert Bourla says “what is happening” because he is talking about existing technologies, not imaginary projects. The presence of graphene and self-assembling nano-circuits is now admitted even by those who a year ago called those who were sounding the alarm “conspiracy theorists.” The populations of the nations adhering to the Agenda 2030 are now mostly “vaccinated,” or rather they have been genetically modified and their immune systems have now been compromised in an irreversible way. And perhaps – as some lawyers are now denouncing – it will be discovered that along with the genetic serum they have injected chips that are capable of controlling even people’s reactions, interfering with their behavior, and making them docile if there are riots, or violent if it is necessary to have a pretext for military interventions. We are well beyond a global coup: this is the greatest, most sensational, unprecedented attack on the human person – on man’s freedom conscience, and will.

You can well imagine the risk deriving from giving the WHO sovereign control over the health systems of various nations in the case of an emergency pandemic, when those who must decide about vaccine campaigns and treatments, on containment measures and lockdowns, are all financed by the big pharmaceutical companies and by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which theorizes about the perpetual pandemic and the perpetual booster vaccine. Even the resolution that was planned to be voted at the WHO – and which at least for now has been avoided – went in the direction of total control by the globalist synarchy. We should therefore not be surprised if, in the pitiful attempt to hide the adverse effects of the experimental gene serum, the WHO is now sounding alarms about the alleged monkeypox, whose symptomology is curiously similar to some of the side effects of the mRNA “vaccine” (here). Both the WHO and the European Medicines Agency (75% of which is financed by Big Pharma) have shown themselves to be in a clear conflict of interest and totally dependent on the pharmaceutical industry.

Regarding the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, what should have been an operation of peace to put an end to the ethnic persecution of the Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine by neo-Nazi extremists, has been deliberately and culpably transformed into a war. The repeated appeals of president Putin to the international community for the Minsk Protocol to be respected have fallen on deaf ears.

Why? For the simple reason that it was an excellent opportunity.

First, it was an opportunity to improvisorily create a global energy crisis with which to force the transition to alternative energy sources, along with all the business this represents. Without a crisis, how could the increase in the price of gas and petrol be imposed as an instrument to force companies and individuals to make the famous “ecological transition” that no one has ever voted for and that has been imposed by bureaucrats who are enslaved by the elite?

Second, in order to destroy in a controlled and ruthless way all of the companies considered useless or harmful to the global economy of the multinational corporations. Millions of artisan companies, small businesses that make the nations of Europe unique, and Italy in particular, were forced to close because, after the disasters caused by the lockdowns and the rules of the psycho-pandemic, an increase in gas and oil prices was provoked, with criminal speculation by the “market” and without the Russian Federation getting an extra penny. All of this was desired by the European Union, taking orders from NATO, by means of sanctions that have repercussions on those who have imposed them. The cancellation of the traditional economy is not an unfortunate consequence of an unexpected conflict, but rather the premeditated criminal action of a global mafia, compared to which the traditional mafia seems like a beneficial partnership. The advantage of this subversive operation benefits the multinational corporations that can acquire companies and real estate at bankruptcy prices, and also the financial companies that profit from loans to millions of new poor people. Here too, the ideological – and infernal – purposes of the elite make use of the complicity of economic potentates whose aims are merely to make profit. With the war, the military industry and the no less flourishing industry of information technologies and mercenaries now have the opportunity to conclude lucrative deals, with which they generously reward the politicians who have voted to send arms and support to Ukraine.

Third, one purpose of the war in Ukraine was to allow for the cover-up of the scandal of Hunter Biden, who was involved with the Metabiota society in financing biolaboratories in which bacteriological weapons of mass destruction are produced. The siege of the Azovstal steel plant was motivated precisely by the need to hide both the members of foreign NATO forces along with the neo-nazis of Azov and Pravij Sektor, as well as the biolabs banned by international conventions which were intended to be used to carry out experiments on the local population.

Fourth, because the psycho-pandemic narrative, despite the complicity of the mainstream media, did not prevent the truth from getting out and gradually spreading to ever-wider sectors of public opinion. The crisis in Ukraine was intended to have been a well-run operation of mass distraction, in order to avoid visibility of the increasingly uncontrollable news about the lethal effects of the experimental serum and the disastrous consequences of the measures taken by nations during the emergency pandemic. The falsification of data is now overt; the deliberate concealment of the results of the first phase of the experiment is admitted by the pharmaceutical companies themselves; awareness of the uselessness of masks and lockdowns has been certified by multiple studies; the damage done to the psycho-physical balance of the population and in particular to children and the elderly is incalculable, just as there has also been incalculable damage to students as a result of distance learning. Keeping people glued to their televisions or to social media with anti-Russian propaganda in order to prevent them from beginning to understand what has been done to them is the least these crazy criminals can do, criminals who are just as responsible for the pandemic as they are for the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

If we take the script of this screenplay planned out by the globalist elite, we find that beyond the scenario of the pandemic there are other planned scenes that are no less disturbing, which we have already seen anticipated by the media since last year. The energy crisis, which is not an unfortunate consequence of an unforeseeable crisis in Ukraine, but rather a means by which on the one hand to impose the “green economy” motivated by a non-existent climate emergency, and on the other hand to destroy national economies, making companies fail for the advantage of multinational corporations, causing unemployment and thus creating underpaid labor, forcing nations to go into debt because they have been deprived of their fiscal sovereignty, or in any case to go into perpetual debt because of seigniorage.

The food emergency is also in Klaus Schwab’s script. It has begun for certain products in the United States and Europe, and more generally for grain and cereal products in many nations of Africa and Asia. Then we discover that Bill Gates is the largest landowner in the United States just when there is a shortage of grain and agricultural products; and that Bill Gates is the head of a start-up that produces “artificial human milk” just when there is a shortage in the United States of powdered milk for babies. And let’s not forget that the multinational agricultural companies are succeeding in imposing the use of their sterile seeds – which must be re-purchased every year – and banning the use of traditional seeds, which would allow poor countries not to depend on them.

Whoever designed the series of present crises, whose roots were laid down at the beginning of the 1990s with the privatization of state-owned companies, also made sure to place people trained by the World Economic Forum for this purpose in governments, institutions, and international agencies, at the head of central banks and large strategic assets, in the media, and in the main world religions. Look at the Prime Ministers of the principal European countries, of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand: they were all recruited from the “Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow” group, and the fact that they are at the highest levels of leadership of these nations, of the UN, and of the World Bank ought to be more than sufficient to put them on trial for subversion and high treason. Those who have sworn to apply the laws in the interests of their own nations commit perjury at the moment in which they have to answer for their own actions not to the citizens of their nations but to faceless technocrats whom no one has elected.

It is easy to make the accusation that all this is a “conspiracy theory,” but such a dismissal no longer holds water, just like the accusation of “collaborationism” no longer works against anyone who expresses perplexity about the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and its management at the international level.

Those who do not want to understand the plot because they are afraid of what they might discover persist in denying that there is a script and a director, that there are actors and extras, sets and costumes. But can we really believe that the richest and most powerful people in the world would have agreed to launch such an attack on humanity in order to realize their delusional globalist dream, deploying an enormous amount of energy and resources, without having first planned everything in great detail and just leaving it all to chance? If people who intend to purchase a house or start a business carefully plan it all out, why should it be a “conspiracy theory” to recognize that in order to obtain unconfessable and criminal results, the elite must resort to lies and deception?

If you will allow me to make an analogy, I would say that our attitude towards the present facts is similar to someone who finds himself having to put together a puzzle composed of thousands of pieces but without having the final completed picture in front of him. Those who have constructed the globalist “puzzle” have done so with the intent of making the final picture of what they wish to obtain unrecognizable. However, anyone who sees the entire picture, or even only one significant part, starts to recognize how the pieces fit together. And anyone who has seen the final picture also knows how to interpret the silences and connivances of government officials and even of the opposition parties, how to explain the complicity of doctors and paramedics in crimes committed in hospitals that went against all of the scientific evidence, and the complicity of bishops and priests who even reached the point of denying the Sacraments to those who are not vaccinated. Once large areas of the puzzle become visible – and this is exactly what is happening now – it will be much easier to put the remaining pieces into place. And by that point Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, the other conspirators, and those who, remaining hidden, preside over this criminal, global conspiration, will be on the run to avoid being lynched.

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  World Economic Forum announces ‘leadership role’ in governing the Metaverse
Posted by: Stone - 06-01-2022, 08:06 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

World Economic Forum announces ‘leadership role’ in governing the Metaverse
The World Economic Forum’s Cathy Li, who is responsible for the Metaverse initiative,
has already suggested that speech censorship will be a necessary part of governing the Metaverse.

[Image: shutterstock_1993785767-scaled-810x500.jpg]

Tue May 31, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) – The globalist, pro-“transhumanist” World Economic Forum (WEF) announced last week that it will create governance guidelines for the Metaverse, a virtual reality platform linked to the internet and operated by Meta (formerly Facebook).

During its annual meeting in Davos 2022, the WEF, which collectively predicts and endorses the merging of man with machine, launched its new initiative “Defining and Building the Metaverse,” which it says is “the world’s foremost multi-stakeholder initiative to develop and share actionable strategies for creating and governing the metaverse.”

The metaverse, which was introduced last year by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has been described by the WEF’s Cathy Li as a kind of virtual world that is believed will become “so commonplace” that it will “become an extension of reality itself.”

Zuckerberg anticipates that the Metaverse will be integrated into everyday work, social, and leisure activities. It will enable, for example, the presence of three-dimensional holograms of work colleagues during meetings, or the experience of total sensory immersion in a party across the world via virtual reality headset.

Activities performed “in” the Metaverse could be monitored by the platform’s administrators, which would have the potential of drastically diminishing privacy for all platform users. Integration of all aspects of one’s life with the Metaverse would dovetail with the WEF’s vision of a future without privacy.

The assimilation of such everyday activities into the World Wide Web via the Metaverse also raises the question of whether any speech performed while “plugged in” to the Metaverse can be regulated by its administrators. Such unprecedented regulatory power would resemble that of a global government, which is an explicit goal of the World Economic Forum.

Meta president of global affairs and former British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg confirmed the WEF’s leadership role on Wednesday, sharing on Twitter that the WEF “will play a leadership role” in “inform[ing] best practices and governance principles.”

The WEF has explained that its initiative will also “focus” on “economic and societal value creation” in the metaverse, which involves its own parallel economy of virtual goods and services. Such an economy could take on greater importance if the WEF’s vision of the abolishment of private property is realized.

The WEF’s role in establishing such governance and economic frameworks is so weighty that it considers all of its Metaverse initiative members to play “a vital role” in no less than “defining and building the metaverse.”

More than several commentators have noted that the WEF has a tyrannical bent, considering, for example, the group’s endorsement of tight COVID-19 societal controls, such as through track-and-trace apps that help “isolate infected persons from the uninfected.” Australian Liberal senator Alex Antic described the WEF as “steeped in authoritarianism and Marxist ideology.”

WEF’s own stated vision for the rule of the Metaverse is somewhat vague and ill-defined. The group says its governance role aims at “safe and inclusive metaverse ecosystems” that strike a balance between “regulation and innovation.

In addressing the question of just who exactly will govern the Metaverse, the WEF has touched on what it calls the “dilemma of distributed governance,” that is, the proposal to give “users, rather than executives,” economic and governance rights within virtual worlds.

The WEF’s Cathy Li appeared to spurn the possibility of such decentralized power, writing, “While the theory is appealing, distributed governance does not provide an obvious recourse apparatus for when governance challenges get out of hand.”

To elaborate on what she meant by such “governance challenges,” Li linked to a Twitter thread by former Reddit CEO Yishan Wong, in which he endorsed online censorship, claiming it has nothing to do with politics or topics, and everything to do with “behavior” and civility.

He cited the censorship of the Wuhan COVID-19 lab leak theory as an example, claiming that it was censored because its discussion involved “massive amounts of horrible behavior, spam-level posting, and abuse that spilled over into the real world,” and because it was not discussed in a “rational, evidence-based manner” by scientists on Twitter.

He further asserted that “ideas” “can be dangerous,” that to allow “debate” of “bad ideas” is “naive.” If WEF governance policies for the Metaverse resemble such a belief, which justifies the censorship of tech giants like Twitter over the past few years, then speech rights during everyday activities could be heavily bridled.

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  NY Church Vandalized: Sacred Hosts Trampled, $2M Tabernacle Stolen, Angels Decapitated
Posted by: Stone - 06-01-2022, 06:21 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

$2M relic stolen, angel statue beheaded at Brooklyn church

[Image: WireAP_36a4610385964ce8a094299cabfdfafc_16x9_992.jpg]

This image provided by the New York City Police Department shows a missing tabernacle and damaged angel statue in St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood in New York, which was stolen between Thursday, May 26, 2022

AP | May 30, 2022

NEW YORK -- Police say someone busted into the altar at a New York City church, stole a $2 million gold relic and removed the head from a statue of an angel at some point late last week.

The incident happened between 6:30 p.m. Thursday and 4 p.m. Saturday at St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church, known as the “Notre Dame” of Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood.

The church was closed for construction at the time. Camera recordings from the church’s security system were also stolen, the church’s pastor said.

The Diocese of Brooklyn called it “a brazen crime of disrespect and hate.”

The diocese said the thief or thieves cut through a metal protective casing and made off with a tabernacle dating to the church’s opening in the 1890s.

The tabernacle, a box containing Holy Communion items, was made of 18-carat gold and decorated with jewels, police and the diocese said. It’s valued at $2 million.

The diocese said it is irreplaceable because of its historical and artistic value.

According to a guidebook posted on the church’s website, the tabernacle was built in 1895 and restored in 1952 and 2000.

It’s described as a “masterpiece and one of the most expensive tabernacles in the country, guarded by its own security system,” which involves an “electronically operated burglar-proof safe” and one-inch thick steel plates that “completely enclose the tabernacle.

Angel statues flanking the tabernacle were decapitated and destroyed, the diocese said. A safe in the sacristy, where priests prepare for Mass, was also cut open but nothing was inside.

Holy Eucharist, bread consecrated as the body of Christ, was taken from the tabernacle and thrown on the altar.

“This is devastating, as the Tabernacle is the central focus of our church outside of worship, holding the Body of Christ, the Eucharist, which is delivered to the sick and homebound,” Rev. Frank Tumino, the pastor of St. Augustine said in a statement issued by the diocese.

“To know that a burglar entered the most sacred space of our beautiful Church and took great pains to cut into a security system is a heinous act of disrespect,” Tumino said.

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  St. George Converts the Provost’s Wife
Posted by: Stone - 05-30-2022, 07:40 AM - Forum: The Saints - No Replies

St. George Converts the Provost’s Wife
by Jacobus de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, 1275
Taken from here.

Now, this was the time after St. George had slain the Devil in the city of Silene in the province of Libya.

[Image: H231_dra.jpg]
After St. George slayed the dragon, he challenged the pagans

At this time Diocletian and Maximian were Emperors, and under them there was such great persecution of Christians that within a month 22,000 were martyred. For this reason, some were so afraid that they denied God and sacrificed to the idols.

Seeing this, St. George abandoned his knight's raiment, sold all that he had, gave it to the poor and put on the raiment of a Christian brother. He went into the midst of the pagans and began to cry, "The gods of the pagans and gentiles are devils. My God made the heavens and is the only God."

Then the provost, whose name was Dacian, said to him: "How can you say that our gods are devils? Tell us who you are."

He answered: "I am named George. I am a gentleman, a knight of Cappadocia, and I have left all in order to serve the God of Heaven."

The provost attempted with words to bring St. George to his faith, and failing to do so, had St. George beaten with iron rods until his body was broken in pieces, then sent to prison. Our Lord appeared to him that same night and comforted him sweetly.

Seeing that St. George would not surrender to his torments, the provost had his sorcerer prepare a powerful poison mixed with wine, which they gave to St. George. He took it, made the Sign of the Cross on it, and drank it. It did him no harm.

The sorcerer then made an even more powerful poison. St. George drank this as well, and it did him no harm. The sorcerer then knelt before St. George and begged him to make him a Christian. When the provost saw that his own sorcerer had converted to Christianity, he became furious ordered that his head be cut off.

The provost then commanded that St. George be taken and placed between two wheels mounted with swords; but the wheels broke, and St George remained unharmed. Then the provost had him thrown into a caldron filled with molten lead, but St. George sat there comfortably, as if he were in a warm bath.

At last the provost said to St. George: "Our gods are patient and forgiving. Abandon your folly and make sacrifices to our gods, and great honor will come to you."

St. George replied: "Why did you not say so earlier? I am ready to do as you request."

So the provost called all the people together to witness the conversion of his prisoner. St. George fell to his knees, but instead of worshipping the pagan gods, he called upon the Lord God of Heaven to destroy their temple and their idols.

[Image: H231_Lif.jpg]
Scenes of St. George’s martyrdom

Immediately fire descended from Heaven, burning the temple, the idols and their priests. Then the earth opened and swallowed all the cinders and ashes that were left. Then the provost was so angry that he said to his wife: "I shall die of anger if I cannot overcome this man."

She replied: "Evil and cruel tyrant! Do you not see the great virtue of the Christian people? I told you that you should not do them any harm, for their God fights for them. Know well that I will become Christian."

Much abashed, the provost said to her: "You will be a Christian?" Then taking her by the hair, he beat her cruelly.

Then she asked St. George: "What will become of me? I have not yet been baptized."

He answered: "Doubt not, fair daughter, for you shall be baptized in your own blood."

She began to worship Our Lord Jesus Christ, then died and went to Heaven.

The next morning the provost had St. George beheaded. This was about the year of Our Lord 287. As the provost was returning homeward from the place where St. George was beheaded, fire fell down from heaven, consuming him and all his servants.

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  Initiation of Helder Camara's Process of "Beatification"
Posted by: Stone - 05-30-2022, 07:35 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Initiation of Helder Camara's process of beatification

[Image: 988-Hel-1.jpg]

TIA | May 29, 2022

Msgr. Luciano Brito, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, informs on his Instagram account that he travelled to Rome on May 27, 2022. He went to deliver to the Congregation for the Cause of the Saints, in the Vatican, copies of all the writtings of the late Archbishop Helder Camara added to the transcripts of his radio messages in order to be included in process of beatification of the Archbishop of Olinda and Recife.

Helder Camara earned the nickname of the "Red Archbishop" for his known communist ideas. Challenging this famous title, Msgr. Brito ordered the packages of the documents to be wrapped in red plastic, as a way to say: "Yes, he was the Red Archbishop and now he will be a saint."

On the ideas of Camara we transcribe two excerpts of an interview to a Italian journalist in 1970:

Quote:Oriana Fallaci: Let us turn to that nickname of Red Archbishop. What are your political ideas today? Are you a socialist like people say or not?

Helder Camara: It is clear that I am! God created man in his image and likeness because he [man] was His co-creator and not because he was a slave. How can we allow that the majority of men be exploited and live as slave? I don't see any solution in Capitalism. But I do not see [any solution] either in the socialist examples that are offered to us today, because they are based upon dictatorships and you don't reach Socialism through dictatorships. ... My Socialism is special; it is a Socialism that respects the human person and goes back to the Gospel. My Socialism is justice. ...

O. Fallaci: Did you read Marx?

H. Camara: Obviously I did! I do not agree with his conclusions, but I agree with his analysis of the Capitalist Society. Which does not give anyone the right to call me an honorary Marxist. The fact is that Marx should have been interpreted under the light of a reality that changed, that is changing. I always tell the youth that it is a mistake to assimilate Marx literally: he should be used without forgetting that his analysis was made one century ago.

Today, for example, Marx would never say that religion is an alienation or an alienating force. Religion earned this qualification, but it is no longer valid. See what happens with the priests in Latin America and in every other place. Many communists know that. Persons like the French Garaudy knows it (...) they exist and they think, they incarnate what Marx would say in our times.

Below first row left, Camara with Marxist governor of his Pernambuco State Miguel Arraes; center, with communist Brazilian President João Goulart; right, with communist Fr. Joseph Comblin.

Second row left, holding a book on the Revolution of Development; center, with Card. Evaristo Arns founder of the Basic Christian Communities and principal force of Liberation Theology in Brazil, he was responsible for the election of Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff as presidents of Brazil; right, with Card. Leo Suenens, important piece of the Conciliar Revolution and founder of the Charismatic Movement.

Fourth row, with the Conciliar Popes; Paul VI used to call Helder Camara "my Red Archbishop." Fifth and sixth rows, some shots of his demagogic gestures that characterized his way of speaking.

[Image: 988-Hel-4.jpg]
[Image: 988-Hel-2.jpg]

If we are Catholics, it is quite difficult to imagine that Archbishop Helder Camara was a saint. But given the general apostasy of the Conciliar Church, it is very likely that we will be another of these fake saints that abound after Vatican II.

May God intervene soon and bring the Chastisement to prepared the ground for the Reign of Mary.

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  Card. Ratzinger: The Church Must Raze Her Bastions and Never Again Return to the Syllabus
Posted by: Stone - 05-30-2022, 07:17 AM - Forum: The Architects of Vatican II - No Replies

Card. Ratzinger: The Church Must Raze Her Bastions and Never Again Return to the Syllabus

TIA [emphasis mine] | November 13, 2005

In his book Principles of Catholic Theology, first published in 1982, Card. Joseph Ratzinger pictured the crisis inside the Church as a consequence of Vatican II. Then he asked: Should the Council be revoked?

In his answer, he categorically affirmed that the Church cannot return to the principles of the Syllabus of Pius IX. He also stated that razing the bastions of the Church, as Fr. von Balthasar had proposed, was an urgent duty of Catholics.

[Image: A_029_RatzingerRazeBastions01.jpg]
[This] is a picture of the book's cover

Below are photocopies of the French text, followed by our translation.

[Image: A_029_RatzingerRazeBastions02.jpg]

[Image: A_029_RatzingerRazeBastions03.jpg]

Quote:Does this mean that the Council itself should be revoked? Absolutely not. It only signifies that the real reception of the Council has not yet begun. What has devastated the Church in the last decade is not the Council, but a refusal to receive it: this became evident thanks to analysis of the influence of Gaudium et spes. What has been presented as the Council was in large measure an attitude that could find no justification in the affirmations of the text itself, but rather were [just] tendencies in its elaboration and some of its formulations.

The duty is, therefore, not to suppress the Council, but to discover the real Council and delve deep into what it truly wants with regard to what has happened since then.

This implies that there is no possible return to the Syllabus, which could well have been a first step in the combat against Liberalism and the nascent Marxism, but which cannot be the last word. Neither embraces nor the ghetto can resolve the problem of [relations with] the modern world for the Christian. Hence, the 'razing of the bastions' that Hans Urs von Balthasar called for already in 1952 was in effect an urgent duty ....

It was necessary for her [the Church] to raze the old bastions and confide only in the protection of the faith, the power of the word that is her unique, true, and permanent strength. But to raze the bastions cannot signify that she no longer has anything to protect, or that she can live owing to different forces than those that engendered her: the water and the blood that poured from the open side of her crucified Lord.

(Les Principes de la Theologie Catholique - Esquisse et Materiaux, Paris: Tequi, 1982, pp. 437-438).

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  Pope Francis once again visits with Buddist Monks, as did Paul VI, JPII, and BXVI
Posted by: Stone - 05-30-2022, 06:34 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - Replies (2)

Remember that these popes are following and implementing the tenets of Vatican II... they are truly Conciliar Popes.

Quote:The Vatican II Council document "Unitatis Redintegratio" heretically teaches that "…the Holy Spirit does not refuse to make use of other religions as a means of salvation."

John Paul II's document "Catechesi Tradendae" repeats the same heresy.

+ + +

Francis: “Be Disciples Of Buddha”

[Image: ysicply7p8rqpi1tmwd5o58dlhe1lvguze4qvtm....ormat=webp]

gloria.tv | May 29, 2022

Francis welcomed on May 28 a Buddhist delegation from Mongolia on a first official visit to the Vatican. He lied to them claiming that Christ “rejected every form of violence.” However, recently Francis was unsure about arming Kiev since the Ukrainians have "to defend themselves."

Christ was not a proponent of [hypocritical] non-violence which favours those in power. He made a whip out of cords to force the dealers out of the temple (John 2). Francis went on putting Christ on the same level with Buddha, the founder of a false religion when he said that “Jesus and Buddha were peacemakers and promotors of nonviolence.”

Francis added that all of us should "be 'disciples' of the 'Masters' of non-violence."

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  Fr Hewko, Conference On Present Crisis, 5/29/22
Posted by: Deus Vult - 05-29-2022, 11:07 PM - Forum: Conferences - No Replies

Conference On Present Crisis, 5/29/22  (KS)

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  Gregorian Propers for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension
Posted by: Stone - 05-29-2022, 07:59 AM - Forum: Easter - No Replies

Gregorian Propers for the Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-DGa...f=1&nofb=1]

Sunday after the Ascension
Introit • Score • Exaudi Domine vocem meam
1st Alleluia • Score • Regnavit Dominus
2nd Alleluia • Score • Non vos relinquam
Offertory • Score • Ascendit Deus
Communion • Score • Pater cum essem cum eis

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  Cardinal Angelo Sodano, one of the most powerful men in the Vatican, has died
Posted by: Stone - 05-28-2022, 12:15 PM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Power Broker, Has Died

[Image: sodano-810x500.jpg]

gloria.tv | May 28, 2022

Cardinal Angelo Sodano, 94, has died in Rome on May 27. Born in November 1927 in Isola d'Asti, Italy, he has been in poor health from various ailments and suffered a recent Covid19 infection.

He was appointed as Vatican Secretary of State by John Paul II in 1991. Benedict XVI accepted his resignation in 2006.

A skilled diplomat and mediator, he brought the papal diplomacy to an unsound importance. One of the key figures of John Paul II’s pontificate, he accompanied him on 54 international trips.

Sodano faced criticism for his handling of sex abuse cases. Twice he oppose Cardinal Ratzinger who wanted to punish Father Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legion of Christ, for homosexual crimes. Vienna Cardinal Schönborn accused Sodano of covering up the investigation against Vienna Cardinal Groër (+2003) who was never put on trial although a dozen (mostly former) priests witnessed against him.

See also: Cardinal Sodano, Vatican ‘Godfather’ alleged to have covered up clerical abuse, dies aged 94

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  Viganò Claims: Ratzinger's Secretary For Two Decades Was A Practicing Homosexual
Posted by: Stone - 05-28-2022, 07:04 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Recall that it was Archbishop Viganò who said that " “these three elements – heresy, sodomy, and corruption – are so recurrent that they are almost a trademark of the deep state and of the deep church.”...

Viganò Claims: Ratzinger's Secretary For Two Decades Was A Practicing Homosexual

[Image: 1ee6vvsuqdhy9ek1tmg55y6rlcmpbjjfiya459x....ormat=webp]
Picture: Msgr. Josef Clemens

gloria.tv | May 25, 2022

Archbishop Carlo Viganò accuses the German born retired Curia Bishop Josef Clemens, 74, of being an active homosexual (LifeSiteNews.com, May 25).

Between 1984-2003, Clemens was Cardinal Ratzinger's personal secretary who then appointed him Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity and consecrated him a bishop in 2004.

Before the consecration, Viganò - then the delegate for Pontifical Representations - asked Berlin Nuncio Giovanni Lajolo routinely for information about Clemens. Lajolo replied that there were strong suspicions that Clemens was an active homosexual and it was advised against making him a bishop.

Viganò says that Ratzinger wanted the promotion despite knowing about this. When Ratzinger exchanged Clemens with Gänswein in 2003, there was “quite a fight" between the two, Viganò recalls.

LifeSiteNews.com refers to "anonymous sources" stating that Ratzinger turned to Cologne Cardinal Meisner (+2017) asking him to take Clemens into his diocese but Meisner allegedly answered, "No, because of homo[sexuality]." Supposedly, Meisner wanted to offer Clemens a therapy who declined.

Other anonymous sources told LifeSiteNews.com that the fact that Clemens "was and is an active homosexual is well known among us here in Rome,” and that he is “well known for his tendencies among German-speaking colleagues in Rome who at times make jokes about his earlier profession as a hairdresser.”

Clemens denied to LifeSiteNews.com saying that this claim “is an untruth.” Questioned about the immorality of homosexual acts of a priest he explained that “this is known to a moral theologian who wrote his doctoral thesis in moral theology.”

The context of LifeSiteNews.com’s accusation is Clemens' visitation at the very wealthy Augustinian Abbey Klosterneuburg near Vienna (2020-2022) where he was sent as Papal Delegate to investigate allegations of homosex abuse.

LifeSiteNews articles here: Vatican sent bishop suspected of homosexuality to investigate abuse-ridden monastery and here: Abp. Viganò confirms Cdl. Ratzinger’s former secretary for 19 years was homosexual

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  Vatican official at Davos says the Church is implementing the WEF agenda
Posted by: Stone - 05-27-2022, 08:28 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

Vatican official at Davos says the Church is implementing the World Economic Forum agenda
The Catholic Church intends to 'implement policies and programs to put into practice the issues considered by the forum,'
said Father Leonir Chiarello, the Superior General of the Scalabrinian order.

Thu May 26, 2022
DAVOS, Switzerland (LifeSiteNews) – A Vatican cleric attending the 2022 Davos Summit, a conference hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) which advances a punishing “green” agenda, open borders, and “future pandemic” management, has said that the Catholic Church is “committed to the various issues considered at the forum.”

Speaking with Vatican News, Father Leonir Chiarello, Superior General of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles (Scalabrinians), said that the Church leads the way in implementing many of the WEF’s globalist ideals.

Chiarello, whom Pope Francis appointed as a member of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, explained that there are eight “fundamental themes” which the Davos forum is considering at its annual meeting, including “climate and nature, fairer economics …  health and healthcare, global cooperation, and society and equity.”

The superior general commended the forum on its commitment to “working together” under the umbrella of “co-responsibility and international co-operation … to proceed in the achievement of outcomes of these main topics we discuss in the forum.”

Many “challenges” that the forum wishes to address, according to the cleric, include the coronavirus crisis and wars around the world. Principally, Chiarello said the Church must work with secular organizations to “build consensus and a common agenda to address the issues of caring for nature, the economy, labor, technology, business, healthcare, social equity, and the other issues considered by the forum.”

Additionally, Chiarello said the Church is committed to “implement policies and programs to put into practice the issues considered by the forum” and “to establish mechanisms for international co-operation and co-responsibility aimed at achieving concrete results” from the goals set at the Swiss resort.

“The Catholic Church is already committed to the various issues considered at the forum, both globally and locally,” he confirmed.

The priest referenced “the perspective proposed by Pope Francis on the care of nature and the promotion of a more inclusive economy in Laudato Sí and Fratelli Tutti” as examples of the Church putting the WEF agenda into practice, but suggested that the “Catholic Church can do more by engaging with other initiatives already in place and involving other social and political actors’ initiatives developing on the local and global level.”

Grave concerns have already been raised by groups within the Catholic Church regarding the Pope’s support of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), part of the wider WEF-endorsed Agenda 2030 which calls for “universal access” to “sexual and reproductive health” and “reproductive rights.”

The UN defined these terms at its 1994 Cairo conference to denote providing women with “modern contraception” for “family planning” and with “safe abortion” anywhere the procedure is legal.

The perception that the Vatican has been aligning itself with the UN and WEF goals was strengthened after Pope Francis expressed his gratitude for the passage of the SDGs at a 2016 pontifical conference attended by notorious abortion and population control advocate Jeffrey Sachs.

Sachs, one of the world’s most prominent supporters of the SDGs and a frequent visitor to the Vatican, also said the pope’s encyclical Laudato Sí – lauded by Chiarello as implementing the Davos agenda – “made possible” the passage of the SDGs.

[Image: nuova-direzione-generale-scalabriniani-e...691239.jpg]

Administrators of the Scalabriani order (elected til 2024) - from left: father Mariano Cisco (second councilor), father Mario Geremia (third councilor), father Leonir Chiarello (superior general), father Gianni Borin (vicar general and treasurer), father Graziano Battistella (fourth councilor), father Luigi Sabbarese (procurator general) Taken from here.

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  Canada ordered thousands of smallpox vaccines weeks before monkeypox ‘outbreak’
Posted by: Stone - 05-26-2022, 10:49 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

Canada ordered thousands of smallpox vaccines weeks before monkeypox ‘outbreak’
Public Health Agency of Canada 'is procuring a stockpile of the vaccine' should 'a risk ever arise where smallpox is intentionally or unintentionally released,' the tender reads.

Wed May 25, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) — Public Services and Procurement Canada put out a tender for 500,000 smallpox vaccines doses that can be used against monkeypox weeks before the first cases were reported.

A report from Public Services and Procurement Canada shows that 500,000 doses of “a third generation” smallpox vaccine called Imvamune were ordered “on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)” on April 21, weeks before the first cases of monkeypox were reported to the World Health Organization on May 13.

“Although smallpox disease is currently considered to be eradicated, PHAC is procuring a stockpile of the vaccine to immunize Canadians against smallpox disease should a risk ever arise where smallpox is intentionally or unintentionally released,” the April 21 tender reads.

In the “Evaluation Criteria,” the contract states that “prior to contract award, the vaccine must have Health Canada regulatory approval for active immunization against smallpox, monkeypox and related orthopoxvirus infection and disease in adults 18 years of age and older determined to be at high risk for exposure.”

The “Term of Contract” is listed for April 1, 2023 to March 21, 2028.

The order for the shots comes despite Canada stopping the routine administration of smallpox vaccines in 1972 after the disease was considered “eradicated,” but just in time for the sudden onset of monkeypox, a disease from the same family in which the April tender indicates can be treated with the same Imvamune vaccine.

After five cases of monkeypox were “confirmed” in the province of Quebec last Friday, Canadian public health chief Dr. Theresa Tam said that the nation is looking at using smallpox vaccine doses as a means of preventing the spread of the rare disease.

While admitting that the disease only transmits through “prolonged close contact,” is much milder than smallpox, and with the WHO saying the disease has been “mainly but not exclusively” found in “men who have sex with men,” Tam and her deputy, Dr. Howard Njoo, warn that because Canadians have not been widely vaccinated against smallpox for the past 50 years, “the entire population is susceptible to monkeypox.”

Since the so-called outbreak of monkeypox in mid-May, many have begun to question the mainstream narrative surrounding the virus drawing parallels between the origin of monkeypox and the origin of COVID-19.

In an article for the Brownstone Institute, U.S. attorney Michael Senger pointed out that the “world’s first-ever global outbreak of Monkeypox” is occurring “just one year after an international biosecurity conference in Munich held a simulation of a ‘global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox’ beginning in mid-May 2022.”

“The global Monkeypox outbreak — occurring on the exact timeline predicted by a biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak a year prior — bears a striking resemblance to the outbreak of COVID-19 just months after Event 201, a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic almost exactly like COVID-19,” Senger wrote in the piece.

“Event 201 was hosted in October 2019 — just two months before the coronavirus was first revealed in Wuhan — by the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg, and Johns Hopkins. As with the Event 201, the participants at the Monkeypox simulation have thus far been stone silent as to their having participated in a pandemic simulation the facts of which happened to come true in real life just months later,” the lawyer added.

Like Canada, the United States recently placed a large $ 119 million order for 13 million “freeze-dried” smallpox vaccines that will be converted to monkeypox shots amid the outbreak.

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  The NHS Just Edited Their Monkeypox Page... To Make It Scarier
Posted by: Stone - 05-26-2022, 06:42 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

The NHS Just Edited Their Monkeypox Page... To Make It Scarier

ZH |  May 26, 2022 - 03:30 AM

Via Off-Guardian.org,

A few days ago the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) edited their Monkeypox page to alter the narrative in a few key ways.

Firstly, they removed a paragraph from the “How do you get Monkeypox?” section.

Up until a few days ago, according to archived links, the Monkeypox page said this, regarding person-to-person tranmission [emphasis added]:
Quote:It’s very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people.

…this has now been totally removed.

Secondly, they’ve removed this paragraph, which was present up until at least November of 2021 (and maybe much more recently, there are no archives between November and May) [emphasis added]:
Quote:[Monkeypox] is usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment. Some people can develop more serious symptoms, so patients with monkeypox in the UK are cared for in specialist hospitals.

The new “treatment” paragraph reads [again, emphasis added]…
Quote:Treatment for monkeypox aims to relieve symptoms. The illness is usually mild and most people recover in 2 to 4 weeks […] You may need to stay in a specialist hospital, so your symptoms can be treated and to prevent the infection spreading to other people.

So, they remove that it will “get better on its own”, and again reinforce the idea of spreading the disease despite this being described as “very uncommon” as recently as last week.

They even add a line about self-isolating, which was never mentioned before:
Quote:as monkeypox can spread if there is close contact, you will need to be isolated if you’re diagnosed with it.

Finally, they now include a warning you can get Monkeypox by eating undercooked meat, which will doubtless feed into the anti-meat narrative too (oh, wait, it already is).

To sum up, history is being re-written a little here.

Before, monkeypox “did not spread easily between people”. Now it does.

Before, monkeypox would “get better on its own without treatment”. Now it won’t.

It’s early days to say that Monkeypox is going to be the “new Covid”, and maybe this rollout will stall and be forgotten in a couple of weeks, but there’s no doubt they are taking some tips from the Covid playbook so far.

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  Gregorian Propers for Ascension Thursday
Posted by: Stone - 05-26-2022, 06:06 AM - Forum: Easter - Replies (1)

Gregorian Propers for Ascension Thursday
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginal...f=1&nofb=1]

Ascension of Our Lord
Introit • Score • Viri Galilaei
1st Alleluia • Score • Ascendit Deus
2nd Alleluia • Score • Dominus in Sina
Offertory • Score • Ascendit Deus
Communion • Score • Psallite Domino

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